Summary: This milestone's focus is to ship a version of js-ipfs that can be embed in browser applications, creating an IPFS node inside a browser web application.
- files API
- js-ipfs-unixfs
- fixed size chunker
- unixfs layout
- jsipfs files add
- jsipfs files get
- jsipfs swarm
- listen on WebSockets + TCP
- spdy support
- identify protocol
- multistream
- connect
- interop with go-ipfs
- block API
- object API
- js-ipfs-merkle-dag
- repo API
- bitswap
- js-libp2p
- js-libp2p-swarm
- js-libp2p-tcp
- js-libp2p-websockets
- js-libp2p-spdy
- js-multiaddr
- js-multistream
- js-peer-id
- js-peer-info
- js-webcrypto
- This release won't
support WebRTC, the communication between browser and machine nodes will happen through WebSockets+SPDY- support DHT (Kademlia Routing and Record Store)
- For Milestone 1, we also added:
- WebRTC transport with libp2p-webrtc-star
- secio
Name | Spec | Disc |
data importing | ipfs/specs#57 | ipfs#41 |
repo | | ipfs#51 |
network layer | | |
bitswap | ipfs#51 | ipfs#51 |
pin | ipfs#59 | |
files | ipfs#60 | |
daemon | ipfs#57 | |
object | ipfs#58 | |
block | ipfs#50 | |
bootstrap | ipfs#46 | |
init | ipfs#42 |
- core
- version
- daemon
- id
- block
- get
- put
- stat
- object - Basic manipulation of the DAG
- data
- get
- links
- new
- patch
- put
- stat
- refs - Listing of references. (alking around the graph)
- local
- repo
- init
- stat
- gc
- pin
- add
- ls
- rm
- log
- level
- tail
- extensions
- name (IPNS)
- publish
- resolve
- dns
- resolve
- tar
- add
- cat
- tour
- list
- next
- restart
- files
- add
- cat
- get
- stat - Statistics about everything
- bw
- mount
- bootstrap
- add
- list
- rm
- bitswap
- stat
- unwant
- wantlist
- name (IPNS)
- tooling
- commands
- update
- init - sugar on top of ipfs repo init
- config
- edit
- replace
- show
- network (bubbles up from libp2p)
- ping
- dht
- findpeer
- findprovs
- get
- put
- query
- swarm
- addrs
- connect
- disconnect
- filters
- peers
- records (IPRS)
- put
- get