- Chat-Gpt-Discord-Bot
- Eduhelper
- Edgelock-X
- Gui Based Taskmanager
- Navibot-Voice-Assistant
- Plagiarism-Checker
- Telegram Bot
- Arrays
- Binarysearchtree
- Design And Analysis Of Algorithms
- All Pair Shortest Path Problems
- Backtracking
- Branch And Bound
- Divide And Conquer
- Dynammic Programming
- Graph Traversing
- Greedy Techniques
- Maximum Flow
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Single Source Shortest Path Problems
- Dijkstra
- Dynamic-Programming-Series
- Basic-Dp-Problems
- Best-Time-To-Buy-And-Sell-Stock
- Climbing-Stairs
- Fibonacci-Seq
- House-Robber
- Medium-Dp-Problems
- Basic-Dp-Problems
- Heapsort
- Linked List
- Clone A List With Random Pointers
- Detect Cycle In List
- Menu Driven Code For Circular Doubly Linkedlist
- Menu Driven Code For Circular Linkedlist
- Menu Driven Code For Doubly Linkedlist
- Menu Driven Code For Dynamic Linear Queue Using Linkedlist
- Menu Driven Code For Dynamic Stack Using Linkedlist
- Menu Driven Code For Linear Linkedlist
- Pattern Search
- Queue
- Recurssion
- Searchingalgorithms
- Stack
- Strings
- Timecomplexity Analyzer
- Trees
- Menu Driven Code For Redblack Tree
- Menu Driven Code For Avl Tree
- Menu Driven Code For Bfs
- Menu Driven Code For Binary Search Tree
- Menu Driven Code For Binary Tree
- Menu Driven Code For Dfs
- Menu Driven Code For Lowest Common Ancestor
- Menu Driven Code For Prefix Tree
- Menu Driven Code For Tree Traversals
- Sum Tree
- Avl Tree Visualizer
- Bellman Ford
- Closest Pair Of Points
- Graham Scan
- Queue Visualizer
- Sorting Algorithms
- Visualizer
- Autofill Personal Info Using Aadhar Card Image
- Ocr Adhaar Api
- Extract Aadhar Details
- Image-Tool
- Playlist-Downloader
- Web Scrapping
- Webscrapping
- Linkedin Scraper
- Linkedin Scraper
- Linkedin Scraper
- Items
- Middlewares
- Pipelines
- Settings
- Spiders
- Linkedin Scraper
- Linkedin Scraper
- Whatsapp Tool
- Api Dev
- Anime Manga Tracker
- Bmi Calculator
- Bar-Code-Generator
- Budget-Tracker
- Calculator App
- Chat App
- Coach
- Currency Convertor
- Digital Clock
- Egg Catcher Game
- Email Automation
- Excel To Csv
- File Sorter
- Financial Ai Assistant
- Morse Code Translator With Gui
- Number Guessing Game
- Pdf Quering
- Password-Generator
- Positive News Digest
- Pycham Face Reco
- Qr Generator
- Quick Notes Application
- Recipe Finder
- Research-Snap
- Skillsync
- Spell Checker
- Stock App
- Sudoku Solver
- Task-Tracker
- Tasker
- Temperature
- Turtle
- Turtle-Art
- Rainbow Spiral
- Turtle
- Turtle Spiral
- Url Shortener
- Voice Assistant
- Weather App
- Web Scraper
- Background-Remover
- Chess Game
- Labbot
- Pomodoro Clock
- Basic Python Blockchain Implementation
- Flask-Blockchain-App
- Blockchain
- Client
- Ball-Tracking
- Drowsiness Detection System
- Volume Control Using Hand Gesture
- Arp Spoofing Detection Tool
- Cli-Based Port Scanner
- Encryption Decryption App
- File Integrity Checker
- File Encryption Tool
- Ids Ips Tool
- Keylogger
- Netwrok Packet Analyzer
- Pdf Malware Detection
- Packet-Sniffer
- Password Strength Checker
- Phishing Detection Tool
- Pixel Decoder
- Vidforensicstool
- Web Application Firewall
- Bruteforce Password Cracking
- Network Scanner
- Phishing Detection
- Ai Virtual Painter
- Analysis Of Mortality Rate
- Datavizlearnig
- Dataviz Snippets
- Movie Data Visualization
- Diabetes Analysis
- Eda
- Model
- Google Search Analysis With Python
- Hotel Demand Eda And Forecasting Using Arima Model
- Ipl Analysis
- Lead Conversion Case Study
- Unemployment Analysis Due To Covid
- Whatsapp Chat Analyzer
- Analysis Covid Trends
- Customer Segmentation
- Stock Prediction
- Time Series Visualization
- Traffic Vs Zombie Game
- Anomaly Detection In Time Series
- Bacteria Classification
- Banknifty Index Price Prediction Lstm
- Bird Species Classification
- Black And White Images Into Colour
- Brain Tumor Detection
- Model
- Deep-Learning-For-Animal-Identification
- Detect Bad Posture Media Pipe
- Digital Image Tampering Detection
- Dog Species Classification
- Models
- Esrgan-Model For Enhanced Upscaling Of Image
- Face Mask Detection
- File-Locking-Mechanism
- Face Recognition Script
- Gan-Based Art Generator Using Deep Learning
- Image Caption Generation With Audio Output
- Mnist Digit Classification Using Neural Networks
- Medical Diagnoser
- Nn From Scratch
- Object Detection
- Model
- Paddy Disease Classification
- Models
- Plant Disease Detection
- Srgan For Upscaling Image Resolutions
- Sentimental Analysis Navie
- Spam Vs Ham Mail Classification [With Streamlit Gui]
- Model
- Spoken Language Translator
- Spotify Recommendation
- Sugarcane Disease Prediction
- Models
- Terrain Classification
- Traffic Accident Prediction Model Using Deep Learning
- Yolo-Drowsiness-Detection-Main
- Smart Attendance System
- Toxicity Insult Analyser
- Explainable Ai Research Methods
- Xai On Cancer Dataset
- 2D Platformer
- Bubble Shoot
- Card Quest
- Catch The Fruit
- Crossword Game
- Dice Rolling Simulator
- Fidget Spinner
- Flappy Bird
- Hangman-Main
- Kbc
- Map Game
- Mastermind
- Math Wizard Game
- Maze
- Memory Typing Game
- Number Guessing Game
- Pig Dice Game
- Pingpong
- Rock-Paper-Scissors
- Snake Game
- Space Quiz.Py
- Text-Based Adventure
- Tic Tac Toe
- Trivia
- Turtle Collection Game
- Visual Novel Code
- Word Games With Lives
- Word Ladder Puzzle Game
- Space Invaders
- Lane Line Detection [Open Cv]
- Mask-Detection
- Number Plate Detection
- Number Plate
- Ocr-Notebook
- Opticalcharacterrecognition(Ocr)
- Photospectroscope
- Analyser
- Scripts
- Tcd1304 ( Liner Ccd )
- Main
- Normaliser
- Script
- Scource
- Theme
- Analyser
- Real-Time-Feature-Detection-And-Matching
- Covid Face Mask
- Ai Language Learning Assistant
- Absent Time Prediction Using Hyperparameter Tuning
- Model
- Air Quality Prediction
- Analying Ml Model Using Maang
- Anomaly Based Ids
- Automobile Sales Data Analysis And Prediction
- Bitcoin Price Prediction
- Book Recommendation System
- Credit Card Fraud Detection
- Creditcardfrauddetection
- Customer Clust - Customer Segmentation Tool
- Data Summarizer Nlp
- Decision Tree Classifier
- Diabetes-Prediction
- Earthquake-Prediction-Using-Machine-Learning-Models
- Economic Regime Detection Project
- Email Spam Classifier
- Fake News Detection
- Model
- Flight Delay Prediction
- Gradient Descent
- Hand Game Controller
- Handwritten Text Recognition Model
- Intrusion Detection System
- Iris Classification Using Knn
- Landmark Detection
- Leaf Disease Analyzer Using Ml
- Linear Regression Using Gradient Decent
- Lungcancerdetection
- Notebooks
- Src
- Movie Classification
- Multivitamine Prediction
- Next-Gen Traffic Management System
- Poker Hand Prediction
- Predicting Exam Score Using Linear Regression
- Red Wine Quality Detection
- Sonar Rock Mine Prediction
- Svm
- Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Learning
- Signature Verification Portal
- Style Transfer With Neural Network
- Translator App
- Twitter Sentiment Analysis
- Wecare
- Web Page Phishing Detection
- Zomato Restaurant Clustering And Sentiment Analysis
- Pokemon-Data-Analysis-And-Legendary-Classification-Main
- Smartphone Rate Prediction
- Online Video Editor
- Fastapi Control Panel
- Movie Recommendation
- Test Sumarrization Nlp
- Chatbot
- Interactive-Code-Playground