diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Legend.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Legend.pm
index 09c595c0d..75f2691d5 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Legend.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Legend.pm
@@ -1160,6 +1160,13 @@ sub set_text_marks_for_labels {
+sub set_log_mode {
+ croak "boolean arg not passed"
+ if @_ < 2;
+ my ($self, $bool) = @_;
+ return $self->{log_mode} = $bool ? 1 : 0;
sub set_log_mode_on {
my ($self) = @_;
@@ -1225,7 +1232,7 @@ sub set_colour_mode_from_list_and_index {
$self->{categorical}{labels} = $labels;
foreach my $key (keys %$colours) {
my $colour = $colours->{$key};
- $colours->{$key} => Gtk2::Gdk::Color->parse($colour);
+ $colours->{$key} = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->parse($colour);
$self->{categorical}{colours} = $colours;
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Tabs/Spatial.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Tabs/Spatial.pm
index 2c4f4e3ff..0b1b0f92c 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Tabs/Spatial.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Tabs/Spatial.pm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
package Biodiverse::GUI::Tabs::Spatial;
-use 5.010;
+use 5.014;
use strict;
use warnings;
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw /blessed looks_like_number refaddr weaken/;
use List::Util qw /max/;
use Time::HiRes;
-use Sort::Key::Natural qw /natsort/;
+use Sort::Key::Natural qw /natsort natkeysort/;
use Ref::Util qw /is_ref is_hashref is_arrayref/;
use Biodiverse::GUI::GUIManager;
@@ -491,22 +491,19 @@ sub init_dendrogram {
$self->{dendrogram}->set_num_clusters (1);
$self->{no_dendro_legend_for} = {
- 'Turnover' => 1,
+ 'Turnover' => 1,
'Branches in nbr set 1' => 1,
+ 'Turnover' => 1,
+ 'Branches in nbr set 1' => 1,
- $self->init_branch_colouring_combo;
+ $self->init_branch_colouring_menu;
return 1;
-sub update_branch_colouring_combo {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->init_branch_colouring_combo (refresh => 1);
-sub init_branch_colouring_combo {
+sub init_branch_colouring_menu {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
@@ -515,93 +512,210 @@ sub init_branch_colouring_combo {
my $xml_page = $self->{xmlPage};
my $bottom_hbox = $xml_page->get_object('hbox_spatial_tab_bottom');
- my $combo = $self->{branch_colouring_combobox};
- my $have_combo = !!$combo;
- if ($args{refresh} || !$combo) {
- # clean up pre-existing
- if ($have_combo) {
- foreach my $widget (
- $combo,
- @{$self->{branch_colouring_extra_widgets} // []}
- ) {
- $widget->destroy;
+ my $menubar = $self->{branch_colouring_menu};
+ my $have_menu = !!$menubar;
+ return 1 if !($args{refresh} || !$menubar);
+ # clean up pre-existing
+ if ($have_menu) {
+ $_->destroy
+ foreach @{$self->{branch_colouring_extra_widgets} // []};
+ $menubar->destroy if $menubar;
+ }
+ my $label = Gtk2::Label->new('Branch colouring: ');
+ my $checkbox_show_legend
+ = $self->{xmlPage}->get_object('menuitem_spatial_tree_show_legend');
+ $menubar = Gtk2::MenuBar->new;
+ my $menu = Gtk2::Menu->new;
+ my $menuitem = Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label('Branch colouring: ');
+ $menuitem->set_submenu ($menu);
+ $menubar->append($menuitem);
+ my $menu_action = sub {
+ my $args = shift;
+ my ($self, $listname, $output_ref) = @$args;
+ if ($checkbox_show_legend->get_active) {
+ $self->{dendrogram}->update_legend; # need dendrogram to pass on coords
+ $self->{dendrogram}->get_legend->show;
+ }
+ $self->{current_branch_colouring_source} = [$output_ref, $listname];
+ my $output_name = $output_ref->get_name;
+ $label->set_markup ("$listname (source: $output_name)");
+ };
+ # need to keep in synch with $self->{no_dendro_legend_for}
+ my $default_text
+ = $self->{output_ref}->get_spatial_conditions_count > 1
+ ? 'Turnover'
+ : 'Branches in nbr set 1';
+ $label->set_markup ($default_text);
+ my $default_text_sans_markup = $default_text =~ s/<.?i>//gr;
+ my $sel_group = [];
+ my $menu_item_label = Gtk2::Label->new($default_text);
+ my $menu_item
+ = Gtk2::RadioMenuItem->new_with_label($sel_group, $default_text_sans_markup);
+ push @$sel_group, $menu_item;
+ $menu_item->set_use_underline(0);
+ # $menu_item->set_label($menu_item_label);
+ $menu->append($menu_item);
+ $menu_item->signal_connect_swapped(
+ activate => sub {
+ $self->{dendrogram}->get_legend->hide;
+ $self->{current_branch_colouring_source} = undef;
+ $label->set_markup ($default_text);
+ },
+ );
+ $menu->append(Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new);
+ $menu->append(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label('Lists in this output:'));
+ state $re_skip_list = qr/(^RECYCLED_SET$)|(SPATIAL_RESULTS|CANAPE>>)$/;
+ my $output_ref = $self->{output_ref};
+ my $list_names
+ = $output_ref->get_hash_lists_across_elements;
+ foreach my $list_name (natsort @$list_names) {
+ next if $list_name =~ /$re_skip_list/;
+ my $menu_item = Gtk2::RadioMenuItem->new($sel_group, $list_name);
+ push @$sel_group, $menu_item; # first one is default
+ $menu_item->set_use_underline(0);
+ $menu->append($menu_item);
+ $menu_item->signal_connect_swapped(
+ activate => $menu_action, [$self, $list_name, $output_ref],
+ );
+ }
+ $menu->append(Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new);
+ $menu->append(Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label('Lists across project basedatas:'));
+ # now add the lists from other spatial outputs in the project,
+ # organised by their parent basedatas
+ my $own_bd = $output_ref->get_basedata_ref;
+ my @project_basedatas
+ = @{$self->{project}->get_base_data_list};
+ foreach my $bd (@project_basedatas) {
+ my @output_refs
+ = grep {$_ ne $output_ref}
+ $bd->get_spatial_output_refs;
+ next if !@output_refs;
+ my $bd_name = $bd->get_name;
+ my $bd_submenu = Gtk2::Menu->new;
+ my $bd_submenu_item = Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label($bd_name);
+ $bd_submenu_item->set_use_underline(0);
+ my $item_count;
+ foreach my $ref (natkeysort {$_->get_name} @output_refs) {
+ my @list_names
+ = natsort
+ grep {$_ !~ /$re_skip_list/}
+ $ref->get_hash_lists_across_elements;
+ next if !@list_names;
+ $item_count++;
+ my $output_name = $ref->get_name;
+ my $sp_submenu = Gtk2::Menu->new;
+ my $sp_submenu_item = Gtk2::MenuItem->new_with_label($output_name);
+ $sp_submenu_item->set_use_underline(0);
+ $sp_submenu_item->set_submenu($sp_submenu);
+ foreach my $list_name (@list_names) {
+ my $menu_item = Gtk2::RadioMenuItem->new($sel_group, $list_name);
+ push @$sel_group, $menu_item;
+ $menu_item->set_use_underline(0);
+ $menu_item->signal_connect_swapped(
+ activate => $menu_action, [$self, $list_name, $ref],
+ );
+ $sp_submenu->append($menu_item);
+ $bd_submenu->append($sp_submenu_item);
- my $model = Gtk2::ListStore->new('Glib::String');
- $combo = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_with_model ($model);
- $self->{branch_colouring_combobox} = $combo;
- my $label = Gtk2::Label->new('Branch colouring: ');
- my $renderer = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new();
- $combo->pack_start($renderer, 1);
- $combo->add_attribute($renderer, markup => 0);
- # need to keep in synch with $self->{no_dendro_legend_for}
- my $combo_text
- = $self->{output_ref}->get_spatial_conditions_count > 1
- ? 'Turnover'
- : 'Branches in nbr set 1';
- my $iter = $model->append();
- $model->set ( $iter, 0, $combo_text );
- $combo->set_active(0);
- my $list_names
- = $self->{output_ref}->get_hash_lists_across_elements;
- foreach my $list_name (natsort @$list_names) {
- next if $list_name =~ /SPATIAL_RESULTS$/;
- next if $list_name =~ /CANAPE>>$/;
- next if $list_name eq 'RECYCLED_SET';
- my $iter = $model->append();
- $model->set ( $iter, 0, $list_name );
+ if ($item_count) {
+ $bd_submenu_item->set_submenu($bd_submenu);
+ $menu->append($bd_submenu_item);
- my $separator = Gtk2::SeparatorToolItem->new;
- $bottom_hbox->pack_start ($separator, 0, 0, 0);
- $bottom_hbox->pack_start ($label, 0, 0, 0);
- $bottom_hbox->pack_start ($combo, 0, 0, 0);
- $separator->show;
- $label->show;
- $self->{branch_colouring_extra_widgets}
- = [$separator, $label];
- # add callback
- $combo->signal_connect_swapped(
- changed => sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = $self->{branch_colouring_combobox}->get_active_text;
- $self->{dendrogram}->get_legend->hide
- if $self->{no_dendro_legend_for}{$key};
- },
- $self,
- );
- $combo->show;
+ my $separator = Gtk2::SeparatorToolItem->new;
+ foreach my $widget ($separator, $menubar, $label) {
+ $bottom_hbox->pack_start ($widget, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ $bottom_hbox->show_all;
+ $menu->set_sensitive(1);
+ $menubar->set_has_tooltip(1);
+ $menubar->set_tooltip_text ($self->_get_branch_colouring_menu_tooltip);
+ $label->set_has_tooltip(1);
+ $label->set_tooltip_text ($self->_get_branch_colouring_label_tooltip);
+ $self->{branch_colouring_menu} = $menubar;
+ $self->{branch_colouring_extra_widgets}
+ = [$separator, $label];
return 1;
+sub _get_branch_colouring_label_tooltip {
+ state $text = <<'EOT'
+The current list and source used to colour the tree branches.
+This can be changed using the 'Branch colouring' menu to the
+immediate left of this label.
+ ;
+ return $text;
+sub _get_branch_colouring_menu_tooltip {
+ state $text = <<'EOT'
+Select the list to visualise as colours on the tree
+when hovering over the grid.
+The first (default) option shows the paths connecting
+the labels in the neighbour sets used for the analysis.
+When there is one such set all branches are coloured blue.
+When there are two such sets blue denotes branches only
+in the first set, red denotes those only in the second set,
+and black denotes those in both. From these one can see
+the turnover of branches between the groups (cells) in
+each neighbour set.
+The next set of menu options are list indices in the spatial
+output that belongs to this tab. The remainder are lists
+across other spatial outputs in the project, organised by their
+basedata objects. These are in the same order as in the
+Outputs tab. Basedatas and outputs with no list indices are
+not shown.
+If a branch is not in the list then it is highlighted
+using a default colour (usually black). If the selected
+output has no labels that are also on the tree then no
+highlighting is done (all branches remain black).
+Right clicking on a group (cell) fixes the highlighting
+in place, stopping changes to the branch colouring as
+the mouse is hovered over other groups. This allows
+the tree to be exported with the current colouring.
+ ;
+ return $text;
sub init_dendrogram_legend {
my $self = shift;
my $legend = $self->{dendrogram}->get_legend;
return if !$legend;
- my $combo = $self->{branch_colouring_combobox};
- return if !$combo;
- my $selected_text = $combo->get_active_text;
- if (!$self->{no_dendro_legend_for}{$selected_text}) {
- $legend->show;
- }
- else {
- $legend->hide;
- }
+ # we used to do more here
+ return;
sub init_grid {
@@ -682,7 +796,7 @@ sub update_display_list_combos {
my @methods = qw /
- update_branch_colouring_combo
+ init_branch_colouring_menu
$self->SUPER::update_display_list_combos (
@@ -1381,7 +1495,7 @@ sub on_run {
#$self->setup_dendrogram; # completely refresh the dendrogram
$self->on_selected_phylogeny_changed; # update the tree plot
- $self->update_branch_colouring_combo;
+ $self->init_branch_colouring_menu (refresh => 1);
# make sure the grid is sensitive again
@@ -1506,15 +1620,14 @@ my @dendro_highlight_branch_colours
sub highlight_paths_on_dendrogram {
my ($self, $hashrefs, $group) = @_;
- if (my $combo = $self->{branch_colouring_combobox}) {
- my $selected_text = $combo->get_active_text;
- if (!$self->{no_dendro_legend_for}{$selected_text}) {
- $self->colour_branches_on_dendrogram (
- list_name => $selected_text,
- group => $group,
- );
- return;
- }
+ if (my $sources = $self->{current_branch_colouring_source}) {
+ my ($ref, $listname) = @$sources;
+ $self->colour_branches_on_dendrogram (
+ list_name => $listname,
+ output_ref => $ref,
+ group => $group,
+ );
+ return;
@@ -1565,13 +1678,15 @@ sub colour_branches_on_dendrogram {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
- my $tree = $self->get_current_tree;
+ my $tree = $self->get_current_tree;
return if !$tree;
my $list_name = $args{list_name};
my $dendrogram = $self->{dendrogram};
- my $output_ref = $self->{output_ref};
+ my $output_ref = $args{output_ref};
+ $list_name =~ s{\s+.+$}{};
my $legend = $dendrogram->get_legend;
$legend->set_colour_mode_from_list_and_index (
@@ -1580,12 +1695,7 @@ sub colour_branches_on_dendrogram {
my $log_check_box = $self->{xmlPage}->get_object('menuitem_spatial_tree_log_scale');
- if ($log_check_box->get_active) {
- $legend->set_log_mode_on;
- }
- else {
- $legend->set_log_mode_off;
- }
+ $legend->set_log_mode($log_check_box->get_active);
my $flip_check_box = $self->{xmlPage}->get_object('menuitem_spatial_tree_colour_stretch_flip_mode');
$legend->set_invert_colours ($flip_check_box->get_active);
@@ -1596,7 +1706,7 @@ sub colour_branches_on_dendrogram {
my $minmax
- = $self->get_index_min_max_values_across_full_list ($list_name);
+ = $self->get_index_min_max_values_across_full_list ($list_name, $output_ref);
my ($min, $max) = @$minmax; # should not need to pass this
$legend->set_min_max ($min, $max);
@@ -1878,12 +1988,12 @@ sub on_active_index_changed {
# bad name - we want all values across all lists of name $listname across all elements
sub get_index_min_max_values_across_full_list {
- my ($self, $list_name) = @_;
+ my ($self, $list_name, $output_ref) = @_;
- my $output_ref = $self->{output_ref};
+ $output_ref //= $self->{output_ref};
use List::MoreUtils qw /minmax/;
- my $stats = $self->{list_minmax_across_all_elements}{$list_name};
+ my $stats = $self->{list_minmax_across_all_elements}{$output_ref}{$list_name};
return $stats if $stats;
@@ -1902,7 +2012,8 @@ sub get_index_min_max_values_across_full_list {
$stats = \@minmax;
- $self->{list_minmax_across_all_elements}{$list_name} = $stats; # store it
+ # store it
+ $self->{list_minmax_across_all_elements}{$output_ref}{$list_name} = $stats;
return $stats;
@@ -2325,12 +2436,15 @@ sub on_show_tree_legend_changed {
my $check = $menu_item->get_active;
- my $combo = $self->{branch_colouring_combobox};
- return if !$combo;
+ my $menu = $self->{branch_colouring_menu};
+ return if !$menu;
- # no legend for turnover
- my $selected_text = $combo->get_active_text;
- $check &&= !$self->{no_dendro_legend_for}{$selected_text};
+ # no legend for turnover
+ my $aref = $self->{current_branch_colouring_source};
+ if (!defined $aref) {
+ $check = 0;
+ }
+ $check &&= !$self->{no_dendro_legend_for}{$aref->[0] // ''};
if ($check) {
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Tabs/Tab.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Tabs/Tab.pm
index 4b7deb280..f9387f0ac 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Tabs/Tab.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Tabs/Tab.pm
@@ -1139,6 +1139,7 @@ sub update_display_list_combos {
my $methods = $args{methods} // [];
foreach my $method (@$methods) {
+ next if !$self->can($method);