diff --git a/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-2359.yml b/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-2359.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d3d5d529348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-2359.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+author: RKz, Jacquerel
+delete-after: true
+  - rscadd: New foodtype, GORE. Split from GROSS, GORE foodtype will be replacing
+      it where the food in particular resembles a corpse or organ. GROSS should only
+      apply to inedible or rotting foods. (baseball burgers)
+  - balance: All butchered player species are considered to be gore, only preferred
+      by Lizards, Arachnids, Kepori, Slimepeople and Flies. If you like the taste
+      of your fellow(or rival) crew, prepare accordingly.
+  - balance: Moved food preferences around to make more sense with the current system.
+      Nothing drastic, but species liked foods should be much more immersive in general.