We provide various metrics about memory, disk, and important procedures. These metrics could help identify performance issue or monitor Celeborn cluster.
Enable Celeborn metrics. Set configuration
to true (true by default). -
Configure Celeborn metrics properties.
cp metrics.properties.template metrics.properties
The default values of the Celeborn metrics configuration are as follows:
- Install Prometheus (https://prometheus.io/). We provide an example for Prometheus config file:
# Prometheus example config
scrape_interval: 15s
evaluation_interval: 15s
- job_name: "Celeborn"
metrics_path: /metrics/prometheus
scrape_interval: 15s
- targets: [ "master-ip:9098","worker1-ip:9096","worker2-ip:9096","worker3-ip:9096","worker4-ip:9096" ]
Install Grafana server (https://grafana.com/grafana/download).
Import Celeborn dashboard into Grafana.
You can find the Celeborn dashboard templates under the assets/grafana
displays Celeborn internal metrics and celeborn-jvm-dashboard.json
displays Celeborn JVM related metrics.
We recommend you to install node exporter (https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter) on every host, and configure Prometheus to scrape information about the host. Grafana will need a dashboard (dashboard id:8919) to display host details.
scrape_interval: 15s
evaluation_interval: 15s
- job_name: "Celeborn"
metrics_path: /metrics/prometheus
scrape_interval: 15s
- targets: [ "master-ip:9098","worker1-ip:9096","worker2-ip:9096","worker3-ip:9096","worker4-ip:9096" ]
- job_name: "node"
- targets: [ "master-ip:9100","worker1-ip:9100","worker2-ip:9100","worker3-ip:9100","worker4-ip:9100" ]
Here is an example of Grafana dashboard importing.
MetricName | Scope | Description |
WorkerCount | master | The count of active workers. |
ExcludedWorkerCount | master | The count of workers in excluded list. |
RunningApplicationCount | master | The count of running applications in the cluster. |
OfferSlotsTime | master | The time of offer slots. |
PartitionSize | master | The estimated partition size of last 20 flush window whose length is 15 seconds by defaults. |
PartitionWritten | master | The active shuffle size. |
PartitionFileCount | master | The active shuffle partition count. |
diskFileCount | master and worker | The count of disk files consumption by each user. |
diskBytesWritten | master and worker | The amount of disk files consumption by each user. |
hdfsFileCount | master and worker | The count of hdfs files consumption by each user. |
hdfsBytesWritten | master and worker | The amount of hdfs files consumption by each user. |
RegisteredShuffleCount | master and worker | The value means count of registered shuffle. |
CommitFilesTime | worker | CommitFiles means flush and close a shuffle partition file. |
ReserveSlotsTime | worker | ReserveSlots means acquire a disk buffer and record partition location. |
FlushDataTime | worker | FlushData means flush a disk buffer to disk. |
OpenStreamTime | worker | OpenStream means read a shuffle file and send client about chunks size and stream index. |
FetchChunkTime | worker | FetchChunk means read a chunk from a shuffle file and send to client. |
PrimaryPushDataTime | worker | PrimaryPushData means handle pushdata of primary partition location. |
ReplicaPushDataTime | worker | ReplicaPushData means handle pushdata of replica partition location. |
WriteDataFailCount | worker | The count of writing PushData or PushMergedData failed in current worker. |
ReplicateDataFailCount | worker | The count of replicating PushData or PushMergedData failed in current worker. |
ReplicateDataWriteFailCount | worker | The count of replicating PushData or PushMergedData failed caused by write failure in peer worker. |
ReplicateDataCreateConnectionFailCount | worker | The count of replicating PushData or PushMergedData failed caused by creating connection failed in peer worker. |
ReplicateDataConnectionExceptionCount | worker | The count of replicating PushData or PushMergedData failed caused by connection exception in peer worker. |
ReplicateDataTimeoutCount | worker | The count of replicating PushData or PushMergedData failed caused by push timeout in peer worker. |
TakeBufferTime | worker | TakeBuffer means get a disk buffer from disk flusher. |
SlotsAllocated | worker | Slots allocated in last hour |
NettyMemory | worker | The value measures all kinds of transport memory used by netty. |
SortTime | worker | SortTime measures the time used by sorting a shuffle file. |
SortMemory | worker | SortMemory means total reserved memory for sorting shuffle files . |
SortingFiles | worker | This value means the count of sorting shuffle files. |
SortedFiles | worker | This value means the count of sorted shuffle files. |
SortedFileSize | worker | This value means the count of sorted shuffle files 's total size. |
DiskBuffer | worker | Disk buffers are part of netty used memory, means data need to write to disk but haven't been written to disk. |
PausePushData | worker | PausePushData means the count of worker stopped receiving data from client. |
PausePushDataAndReplicate | worker | PausePushDataAndReplicate means the count of worker stopped receiving data from client and other workers. |
ActiveShuffleSize | worker | The active shuffle size of a worker including master replica and slave replica. |
ActiveShuffleFileCount | worker | The active shuffle file count of a worker including master replica and slave replica. |
jvm_gc_count | JVM | The GC count of each garbage collector. |
jvm_gc_time | JVM | The GC cost time of each garbage collector. |
jvm_memory_heap_init | JVM | The amount of heap init memory. |
jvm_memory_heap_max | JVM | The amount of heap max memory. |
jvm_memory_heap_used | JVM | The amount of heap used memory. |
jvm_memory_heap_committed | JVM | The amount of heap committed memory. |
jvm_memory_heap_usage | JVM | The percentage of heap memory usage. |
jvm_memory_non_heap_init | JVM | The amount of non-heap init memory. |
jvm_memory_non_heap_max | JVM | The amount of non-heap max memory. |
jvm_memory_non_heap_used | JVM | The amount of non-heap uesd memory. |
jvm_memory_non_heap_committed | JVM | The amount of non-heap committed memory. |
jvm_memory_non_heap_usage | JVM | The percentage of non-heap memory usage. |
jvm_memory_pools_init | JVM | The amount of each memory pool's init memory. |
jvm_memory_pools_max | JVM | The amount of each memory pool's max memory. |
jvm_memory_pools_used | JVM | The amount of each memory pool's used memory. |
jvm_memory_pools_committed | JVM | The amount of each memory pool's committed memory. |
jvm_memory_pools_used_after_gc | JVM | The amount of each memory pool's used memory after GC. |
jvm_memory_pools_usage | JVM | The percentage of each memory pool's memory usage. |
jvm_memory_total_init | JVM | The amount of total init memory. |
jvm_memory_total_max | JVM | The amount of total max memory. |
jvm_memory_total_used | JVM | The amount of total used memory. |
jvm_memory_total_committed | JVM | The amount of each memory pool's committed memory. |
jvm_direct_capacity | JVM | An estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool |
jvm_direct_count | JVM | An estimate of the number of buffers in the pool |
jvm_direct_used | JVM | An estimate of the memory that JVM is using for this buffer pool |
jvm_mapped_capacity | JVM | An estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool |
jvm_mapped_count | JVM | An estimate of the number of buffers in the pool |
jvm_mapped_used | JVM | An estimate of the memory that JVM is using for this buffer pool |
jvm_thread_count | JVM | The current number of threads. |
jvm_thread_daemon_count | JVM | The current number of daemon threads. |
jvm_thread_blocked_count | JVM | The current number of threads having blocked state. |
jvm_thread_deadlock_count | JVM | The current number of threads having deadlock state. |
jvm_thread_new_count | JVM | The current number of threads having new state. |
jvm_thread_runnable_count | JVM | The current number of threads having runnable state. |
jvm_thread_terminated_count | JVM | The current number of threads having terminated state. |
jvm_thread_timed_waiting_count | JVM | The current number of threads having timed_waiting state. |
jvm_thread_waiting_count | JVM | The current number of threads having waiting state. |
JVMCPUTime | system | The JVM costs cpu time. |
AvailableProcessors | system | The amount of system available processors. |
LastMinuteSystemLoad | system | The last minute load of system. |
Celeborn master metrics : org/apache/celeborn/service/deploy/master/MasterSource.scala
Celeborn worker metrics : org/apache/celeborn/service/deploy/worker/WorkerSource.scala
Other common metrics are implemented in org.apache.celeborn.common.metrics.source
The dashboard Celeborn-dashboard was generated by Grafana of version 10.0.3.
Here are some snapshots: