There are enough knobs and twiddles on a hadoop installation to fully stock the cockpit of a 747. Many of them interact surprisingly, and many settings improve some types of jobs while impeding others. This chapter will help you determin
Baseline constraints of system components: CPU, disk, memory, network
Baseline constraints of Atomic operations: stream, join, sort, filter
Baseline constraints of each stage: setup, read, mapper, spill/combine, midflight, shuffle, reducer, write, replicate, commit.
Hadoop is designed to put its limiting resource at full utilization.
best-case scenario:
all-local mapper tasks
mapper throughput at baseline rate
low mapper setup overhead
one mapper spill per record
low variance in mapper finish time
shuffle is largely complete when last merge segments come in
reducer throughput at baseline rate
low replication overhead
Raw ingredients:
nullify —
identity —
faker — generates address records deterministically.
should have a partition key we can make dance (see below)
should have a total-ordered line number
zeros — 512 zero-byte files
oneline — 512 files, each with only its index
fakered — faker.rb-generated 64-GB dataset as 1 64-GB file, 8 8-GB, 64 1-GB, 512 128-MB files. Re-running faker script will recreate fakered dataset. -
free-shuf -- set up reduce-slotted-only workers, with max-sized shuffle buffers, no shuffle flush (i.e as close as we can get to zero shuffle)
baseline — large output block size, replication factor 1
zeros -- mapper-only -- swallow
oneline -- mapred -- identity
fakered-128 -- mapper-only -- emit nothing
fakered-128 -- mapper-only -- split fields, regexp, but don’t emit
fakered-128 -- mapper-only -- split fields, regexp, emit
oneline -- mapper-only -- faker
fakered-128 -- mapred -- identity
oneline -- mapred -- faker
xx -- free-shuffle -- swallow
shuffle; with various sizes of data per reducer
fakered -- lo-skew -- swallow
fakered -- hi-skew -- swallow
fakered -- mapred -- identity -- identity -- replication factor 1
oneline -- mapred -- identity -- faker -- replication factor 1
fakered -- mapred -- identity -- split fields, regexp, but don’t emit -- replication factor 1
fakered -- mapred -- identity -- split fields, regexp, emit -- replication factor 1
oneline -- mapred -- identity -- faker
oneline -- mapred -- identity -- faker -- replication factor 1
oneline -- mapred -- identity -- faker -- replication factor 2
oneline -- mapred -- identity -- faker -- replication factor 3
oneline -- mapred -- identity -- faker -- replication factor 5
oneline -- mapred -- identity -- identity
oneline -- mapred -- identity -- swallow
mapper-only performance
disk-cpu-disk only
FILTER on a numeric column only
MATCH only
decompose region into tiles
When tuning, you should engage in active benchmarking. Passive benchmarking would be to start a large job run, time it on the wall clock (plus some other global measures) and call that a number. Active benchmarking means that while that job is running you watch the fine-grained metrics (following the [use_method]) — validate that the limiting resource is what you believe it to be, and understand how the parameters you are varying drive tradeoffs among other resources.