After you have established a secure connection with Compass, you can fetch the configuration details and renew the client certificate before it expires. To renew the client certificate, follow the steps in this tutorial.
- OpenSSL toolkit to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), keys, and certificates which meet high security standards
- Compass (version 1.8 or higher)
- Registered Application
- Runtime connected to Compass
- Established secure connection with Compass
Get the CSR information with the configuration details.
To fetch the configuration, make a call to the Certificate-Secured Connector URL using the client certificate. The Certificate-Secured Connector URL is the
obtained when establishing a secure connection with Compass. Send this query with the call:query { result: configuration { certificateSigningRequestInfo { subject keyAlgorithm } managementPlaneInfo { directorURL } } }
A successful call returns the requested configuration details.
Generate a key and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
Generate a CSR with this command using the certificate subject data obtained with the CSR information:
export KEY_LENGTH=4096 openssl genrsa -out compass-app.key $KEY_LENGTH openssl req -new -sha256 -out compass-app.csr -key compass-app.key -subj "{SUBJECT}"
NOTE: The key length is configurable, however, 4096 is the recommended value.
Sign the CSR and renew the client certificate.
Encode the obtained CSR with base64:
openssl base64 -in compass-app.csr
Send the following GraphQL mutation with the encoded CSR to the Certificate-Secured Connector URL:
mutation { result: signCertificateSigningRequest(csr: "{BASE64_ENCODED_CSR}") { certificateChain caCertificate clientCertificate } }
The response contains a renewed client certificate signed by the Kyma Certificate Authority (CA), certificate chain, and the CA certificate.
Decode the certificate chain.
The returned certificates and the certificate chain are base64-encoded and need to be decoded before use. To decode the certificate chain, run:
NOTE: To learn how to revoke a client certificate, read this document.