- Add support for DRF 3.14 and python 3.11 (#89) [Serkan Hosca]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#87) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#86) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- Add dj41 to build matrix (#85) [Serkan Hosca]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#84) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#83) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#82) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#81) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#80) [Serkan Hosca, pre-commit- ci[bot], pre-commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#79) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#76) [Serkan Hosca, pre-commit- ci[bot], pre-commit-ci[bot]]
- Multi python dockerfile for local dev (#78) [Serkan Hosca]
- Add django 4 to tox matrix (#77) [Serkan Hosca]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#75) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#74) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#73) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#72) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate (#71) [pre-commit-ci[bot], pre- commit-ci[bot]]
- Sourcery fixes (#70) [Serkan Hosca]
- Use suppress from contextlib (#69) [Serkan Hosca]
- Add sqlalchemy 1.4 support (#65) [Serkan Hosca]
- Github actions build badge (#64) [Serkan Hosca]
- Adding github actions (#57) [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix build link. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add dj3.1 and drf3.11 to matrix (#62) [Serkan Hosca]
- Pre-commit imporanize pyupgrade and docformat (#61) [Serkan Hosca]
- Add django3 to build matrix (#58) [Serkan Hosca]
- Add drf 3.10 on build matrix (#56) [Serkan Hosca]
- Checking manifest with pre-commit (#55) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Accounting for all expandable fields (#54) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Expandable serializer uses selectinload for *tomany (#53) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Drop py2 support (#51) [Serkan Hosca]
- Pytest and black configs (#49) [Serkan Hosca]
- Add SearchFilter (#47) [Serkan Hosca]
- Use python/black (#46) [Serkan Hosca]
- Drop enumfield and update importanize config (#45) [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix module test runner target (#44) [Serkan Hosca]
- Switching to tox-travis and tox matrix (#43) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Run tests with pg (#42) [Serkan Hosca]
- Update pre-commit (#41) [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix Unicode type column mapping (#40) [Serkan Hosca]
- Allowing to overwrite fields and exclude on serializer init (#38) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Grab composite meta info from parent model (#37) [Serkan Hosca]
- Coersion fixes from django-sorcery (#36) [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix enum field custom kwargs (#35) [Serkan Hosca]
- Pop widget from args (#34) [Serkan Hosca]
- Stop using deprecated functions (#33) [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix enum field and make it more generic (#32) [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix composite source (#31) [Serkan Hosca]
- Remove pipenv (#30) [Serkan Hosca]
- Handling ValidationError in update on set attribute (#28) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Bump pre-commit check versions (#27) [Serkan Hosca]
- Fixing typo referencing session which does not exist (#26) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Adding query_model hook (#24) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Remove url default field from ModelSerializer (#25) [Serkan Hosca]
- Update lock. [Serkan Hosca]
- Hook for how model is created (#22) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Fix serializer tests (#23) [Serkan Hosca]
- Relock (#20) [Serkan Hosca]
- Drop py3.5 build. [Serkan Hosca]
- Partial by pk (#19) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Allowing to overwrite extra_kwargs in Serializer.__init__ (#18) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- ExpandableModelSerializer (#17) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Fixing saving serializer with source=* (#16) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Correctly removing composite when validated data is None (#15) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Fixing enum field choices (#14) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Fixing updating model when field.field_name != field.source (#13) [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Add nested update test (#12) [Serkan Hosca]
- Merge pull request #10 from shosca/composite-labels. [Serkan Hosca]
- Fixing uri field for multiple pk models. fixed tests. [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Honoring lookup_field iin querying model in generics.py when single pk. [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Normalizing django validation errors in apis. [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Fixing composite serializer field labels to use compose fields vs column names. [Miroslav Shubernetskiy]
- Merge pull request #11 from shosca/relation-null-set. [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix many-to-one or one-to-one relation null set. [Serkan Hosca]
- Merge pull request #9 from shosca/use-sorcery. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add sorcery as dependency. [Serkan Hosca]
- Merge pull request #8 from shosca/packaging. [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix packaging. [Serkan Hosca]
- Adjust build_nested_field signature. [Serkan Hosca]
- Version 0.6.1. [Serkan Hosca]
- Merge pull request #7 from shosca/relation-info. [Serkan Hosca]
- Version 0.6.0. [Serkan Hosca]
- Merge pull request #5 from shosca/build-field-signature. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add model_class to build_field. [Serkan Hosca]
- Merge pull request #3 from nickswiss/enum-mapping. [Serkan Hosca]
- Adding enums to field mapping dict. [Nick Arnold]
- Declared fields. [Serkan Hosca]
- 0.5.5. [Serkan Hosca]
- Merge pull request #2 from shosca/fix-declared-fields. [Serkan Hosca]
- Super for py2. [Serkan Hosca]
- Separate out session flush. [Serkan Hosca]
- Deepcopy composite and model serializers. [Serkan Hosca]
- Handle session passing around. [Serkan Hosca]
- Merge pull request #1 from shosca/session-distribution. [Serkan Hosca]
- Make enums use values instead of names. [Serkan Hosca]
- Use relationship mapper to get target model class. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add LICENSE. [Serkan Hosca]
- Pipfile lock. [Serkan Hosca]
- Allow_null is not allowed in boolean fields. [Serkan Hosca]
- Handle composite pks when one pk is None. [Serkan Hosca]
- Nested model primary key field generation. [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix readme. [Serkan Hosca]
- Field label generation. [Serkan Hosca]
- Lots of minor pylint and pycharm linter fixes. [Serkan Hosca]
- Update gitchangelog.rc. [Serkan Hosca]
- Increase coverage. [Serkan Hosca]
- Dedup update attribute logic. [Serkan Hosca]
- Run pre-commit as part of build. [Serkan Hosca]
- Better route name handling and nullable boolean field tests. [Serkan Hosca]
- Update gitchangelog config. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add pipenv for setup. [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix versioning. [Serkan Hosca]
- Stop passing around is_nested and fix autoincrement value check. [Serkan Hosca]
- Delete tests and coverall config. [Serkan Hosca]
- Nested list serializer flags. [Serkan Hosca]
- Generic destroy with sqlalchemy. [Serkan Hosca]
- Handle autoincrement and nested update with existing instance. [Serkan Hosca]
- Model_info changes and added docstrings. [Serkan Hosca]
- Initial doc setup. [Serkan Hosca]
- Initial doc setup. [Serkan Hosca]
- Refactor field mapping and object fetching and more tests. [Serkan Hosca]
- Respect allow_null. [Serkan Hosca]
- Mark all columns read only when allow_nested_updates is false. [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix composite serializer. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add more tests and generic api fixes. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add missing dep and add pypi badge. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add more tests for composite routes. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add route tests. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add pre-commit. [Serkan Hosca]
- Move GenericAPIView. [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix Readme. [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix setup publish and make clean. [Serkan Hosca]
- Added viewsets and version bump. [Serkan Hosca]
- Update readme. [Serkan Hosca]
- Fix readme. [Serkan Hosca]
- Added initial readme. [Serkan Hosca]
- Add travis. [Serkan Hosca]
- Initial commit. [Serkan Hosca]