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Chapter 3. List, Search and Show Views Configuration

This chapter explains how to customize the read-only views: list, search and show. You'll learn all their configuration options and how to override or tweak their templates.

List, Search and Show Views

The List View displays the items that match the given criteria and provides automatic pagination and column sorting:

List view interface

The Search View displays the results of any query performed by the user. It reuses most of the design and features of the list view to ensure a consistent user experience:

Search view interface

The Show View displays the contents of a given entity:

Show view interface

General Configuration

In order to make examples more concise, this section only shows the configuration for the list view, but you can apply the exact same options to the other search and show views.

Customize the Title of the Page

This option refers both to the value of the <title> element and to the visible title displayed at the top of the page. By default the title is just the name of the entity. Define the title option to set a custom page title:

# app/config/config.yml
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
            label: 'Customers'
                title: "Most recent customers"
        # ...

The title value can include the following special variables:

  • %entity_label%, resolves to the value defined in the label option of the entity. If you haven't defined it, this value will be equal to the entity name. In the example above, this value would be Customers.
  • %entity_name%, resolves to the entity name, which is the YAML key used to configure the entity in the backend configuration file. In the example above, this value would be Customer.
  • %entity_id%, it's only available for the show view and it resolves to the value of the primary key of the entity being showed. Even if the option is called entity_id, it also works for primary keys with names different from id.


In Symfony applications, YAML values enclosed with % and % have a special meaning (they are considered container parameters). Escape these values doubling the % characters:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
            label: 'Customers'
                title: '%%entity_name%% listing'
        # ...

Customize the Number of Rows Displayed

By default, listings in the list and search display a maximum of 15 rows. Define the max_results option under the global list key to change this value:

# app/config/config.yml
        max_results: 30
    # ...

Customize the Properties Displayed

By default, the show view displays all the entity properties and the list and search views make some "smart guesses" to decide which columns to display to make listings look good.

Use the fields option to explicitly set the properties to display:

# app/config/config.yml
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'phone', 'email']
    # ...

This option is also useful to reorder the properties, because by default they are displayed in the same order as defined in the related Doctrine entity.

In the case of the search view, this fields option defines the properties included in the search query. Otherwise, the query is performed on all entity properties except those with special data types, such as binary, blob, object, etc.

Customize the Properties Appearance

When entity properties are not configured explicitly, the backend displays them with the most appropriate appearance according to their data types. If you prefer to control their appearance, start by using the extended field configuration:

# app/config/config.yml
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'name', { property: 'email', label: 'Contact' }]
    # ...

Instead of using a string to define the property (e.g. 'email') you have to define a hash with the name of the property ({ property: 'email' }) and the options you want to define for it ({ ..., label: 'Contact' }).

If your entity contains lots of properties, consider using the alternative YAML sequence syntax to improve the legibility of your backend configuration. The following example is equivalent to the above example:

# app/config/config.yml
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                    - id
                    - name
                    - { property: 'email', label: 'Contact' }
    # ...

These are the options that you can define for each field:

  • property (mandatory): the name of the property to be displayed. This is the only mandatory option when using the extended field configuration format.
  • label (optional): the title displayed for the field (as the column name in the list and search views and as the <label> element in the show view). The default title is the "humanized" version of the property name (e.g. published is displayed as Published and dateOfBirth as Date of birth).
  • css_class (optional): the CSS class applied to the parent HTML element that encloses the field contents. In the list and search views, this class is also applied to the <th> header of the column associated with this field.
  • template (optional): the name of the custom template used to render the contents of the field. This option is fully explained later in this chapter.
  • type (optional): the type of data stored in the property, which affects how the contents are displayed. The allowed values are:
    • Any of the Doctrine types: array, association, bigint, blob, boolean, date, datetime, datetimetz, decimal, float, guid, integer, json_array, object, simple_array, smallint, string, text, time.
    • Any of the custom EasyAdmin types: email, image, raw, tel, toggle, url (they are explained later in this chapter).

The fields of the list and search views define another option:

  • sortable (optional): if true the backend allows to sort results by this property; set it to false to disable sorting. All properties are sortable by default except virtual properties (explained later in this chapter) and those related with Doctrine associations of any type.

The fields of the show view define another option:

  • help (optional): the help message displayed below the field contents.


In addition to these options defined by EasyAdmin, you can define any custom option for the fields. This way you can create very powerful backend customizations, as explained in the How to Define Custom Options for Entity Properties tutorial.

Formatting Dates and Numbers

Customizing Date and Time Properties

By default, these are the formats applied to date and time properties (read the date configuration options in the PHP manual if you don't understand the meaning of these formats):

  • date: Y-m-d
  • time: H:i:s
  • datetime: F j, Y H:i

These default formats can be overridden in two ways: globally for all entities and locally for each entity property. The global formats option sets the formats for all entities and their properties:

        date:     'd/m/Y'
        time:     'H:i'
        datetime: 'd/m/Y H:i:s'
        # ...

The values of the date, time and datetime options are passed to the format() method of the DateTime class, so you can use any of the date configuration options defined by PHP.

Date/time formatting can also be defined in each property configuration using the format option. This local option always overrides the global format:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                    - { property: 'dateOfBirth', format: 'j/n/Y' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Customizing Numeric Properties

Numeric properties (bigint, integer, smallint, decimal, float) are formatted by default according to the locale of your Symfony application. This formatting can be overridden globally for all entities or locally for each property.

The global formats option applies the same formatting for all entities:

        # ...
        number: '%.2f'
        # ...

In this case, the value of the number option is passed to the sprintf() function, so you can use any of the PHP format specifiers.

Numeric properties can also define their formatting using the format option. This local option always overrides the global format:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'serialNumber', format: '%010s' }
                    - { property: 'margin', format: '%01.2f' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Virtual Properties

Sometimes, it's useful to display values which are not entity properties. For example, if your Customer entity defines the firstName and lastName properties, you may want to display a column called Name with both values merged. These are called virtual properties because they don't really exist as Doctrine entity properties.

First add the virtual property to the entity configuration as any other property:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                # 'name' doesn't exist as a Doctrine entity property
                fields: ['id', 'name', 'phone', 'email']
    # ...

Now, if you reload the backend, you'll see that the virtual property only displays Inaccessible as its value. The reason is that name does not match any of the entity's properties. To fix this issue, add a new public method in your entity called getXxx() or xxx(), where xxx is the name of the virtual property (in this case the property is called name, so the method must be called getName() or name()):

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

/** @ORM\Entity */
class Customer
    // ...

    public function getName()
        return $this->getFirstName().' '.$this->getLastName();

That's it. Reload your backend and now you'll see the value of this virtual property. By default, virtual properties are displayed as text contents. If your virtual property is a boolean value or a date, use the type option to set a more appropriate data type:

# in this example, the virtual properties 'is_eligible' and 'last_contact' define
# their 'type' option to avoid displaying them as regular text contents
            class: AppBundle\Entity\Customer
                    - 'id'
                    - { property: 'is_eligible',  type: 'boolean' }
                    - { property: 'last_contact', type: 'datetime' }
    # ...

The main limitation of virtual properties is that you cannot sort listings using these fields.

Property Types Defined by EasyAdmin

In addition to the Doctrine data types, properties can use any of the following data types defined by EasyAdmin.

Email Data Type

It displays the contents of the property as a clickable mailto: link:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\User
                    - { property: 'contact', type: 'email' }
                    # ...
    # ...

URL Data Type

It displays the contents of the property as a clickable link which opens in a new browser tab:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\User
                    - { property: 'blogUrl', type: 'url' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Telephone Data Type

It displays the contents of the property as a clickable telephone number. Beware that some browsers don't support these links:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\User
                    - { property: 'workPhoneNumber', type: 'tel' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Toogle and Boolean Data Types

If an entity is editable, the list view applies the type: 'toggle' option to all its boolean properties. This data type makes these properties be rendered as "flip switches" that allow to toggle their values very easily:

Advanced boolean fields

When you change the value of any boolean property, an Ajax request is made to actually change that value in the database. If something goes wrong, the switch automatically returns to its original value and it disables itself until the page is refreshed to avoid further issues:

Boolean field behavior when an error happens

In you prefer to disable these "toggles", define the type of the property explicitly as boolean:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'hasStock', type: 'boolean' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Now the boolean value is rendered as a simple label and its value cannot be modified from the list view:

Boolean field displayed as a label

Image Data Type

If any of your properties stores the URL or path of an image, this type allows you to display the actual image instead of its path. In most cases, you just need to set the type property to image:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'photo', type: 'image' }
                    # ...
    # ...

In the above example, the photo property is displayed as a <img> HTML element whose src attribute is the value stored in the property.

If the property stores relative paths, define the base_path option to set the path to be prefixed to the image path:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'photo', type: 'image', base_path: '/img/' }
                    # ...
    # ...

The value of the base_path can be a relative or absolute URL and even a Symfony parameter:

# relative path
- { property: 'photo', type: 'image', base_path: '/img/products/' }

# absolute path pointing to an external host
- { property: 'photo', type: 'image', base_path: '' }

# Symfony container parameter
- { property: 'photo', type: 'image', base_path: '%vich_uploader.mappings.product_image%' }

The image base path can also be set in the entity, to avoid repeating its value for different properties or different views:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
            image_base_path: ''
                    - { property: 'photo', type: 'image' }
                    # ...
    # ...

The base paths defined for a property always have priority over the one defined globally for the entity.

Raw Data Type

All the string-based data types are escaped before displaying them. For that reason, if the property stores HTML content, you'll see the HTML tags instead of the rendered HTML content. In case you want to display the contents unescaped, define the type option with a raw value:

            class: AppBundle\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'features', type: 'raw' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Advanced Design Configuration

This section explains how to completely customize the design of the list, search and show views overriding the default templates and fragments used to render them.

Default Templates

EasyAdmin defines seven Twig templates to create its interface. These are the four templates related to list, search and show views:

  • layout, the common layout that decorates the rest of the main templates;
  • show, renders the contents stored by a given entity;
  • list, renders the entity listings and the search results page;
  • paginator, renders the paginator of the list view.

Depending on your needs you can override these templates in different ways:

  • Override the templates via configuration, when you want to decide where to store the custom templates;
  • Override the templates via convention, which is faster to set up because you store the custom templates in a specific directory defined by EasyAdmin.

Selecting the Template to Render

Before selecting a template to render some contents, EasyAdmin looks for these configuration options and directory locations to check if your backend has overridden it (the first template which exists is used):

  1. easy_admin.entities.<EntityName>.templates.<TemplateName> configuration option.
  2.<TemplateName> configuration option.
  3. app/Resources/views/easy_admin/<EntityName>/<TemplateName>.html.twig
  4. app/Resources/views/easy_admin/<TemplateName>.html.twig
  5. @EasyAdmin/default/<TemplateName>.html.twig

The last one is the path of the built-in templates and they are always available. The following sections explain the first four ways to customize the templates used by the backend.


Regardless of how you override the default templates, it's convenient to check first the variables provided by the backend to those templates. The easiest way to do this is to include an empty {{ dump() }} call in your templates.

Overriding the Default Templates By Configuration

If you prefer to decide where to store your custom templates, use the templates option globally or for some specific entities.

For example, to override the paginator template just for the Customer entity, create the paginator.html.twig template somewhere in your application and then, configure its location with the templates option:

            # ...
                # Twig namespace template syntax
                paginator: '@App/Default/fragments/_paginator.html.twig'
                # legacy template syntax works too:
                # paginator: 'AppBundle:Default:fragments/_paginator.html.twig'

Similarly, to override some template for all entities, define the templates option under the global design option:

            # Twig namespace template syntax
            paginator: '@App/Default/fragments/_paginator.html.twig'
            # legacy template syntax works too:
            paginator: 'AppBundle:Default:fragments/_paginator.html.twig'
        # ...

Overriding the Default Templates By Convention

If you don't mind the location of your custom templates, consider creating them in the app/Resources/views/easy_admin/ directory. When the templates option is not defined, EasyAdmin looks into this directory before falling back to the default templates.

For example, to override the paginator template just for the Customer entity, you only need to create this template in this exact location (there is no need to define the templates configuration option):

├─ app/
│  ├─ ...
│  └─ Resources/
│     └─ views/
│        └─ easy_admin/
│           └─ Customer/
│              └─ paginator.html.twig
├─ src/
├─ vendor/
└─ web/

In case you want to override the template for all entities, define the new template right under the easy_admin/ directory:

├─ app/
│  ├─ ...
│  └─ Resources/
│     └─ views/
│        └─ easy_admin/
│           └─ paginator.html.twig
├─ src/
├─ vendor/
└─ web/

Tweaking the Design of the Default Templates

Most often than not, customizing the design of the backend is a matter of just tweaking some element of the default templates instead of overriding them completely. The easiest way to do that is to create a new template that extends from the default one and override just the specific Twig block you want to customize.

Suppose you want to change the search form of the list view. First, create a new list.html.twig template as explained in the previous sections. Then, make your template extend from the default list.html.twig template:

{% extends '@EasyAdmin/default/list.html.twig' %}

{# ... #}

Lastly, override the search_action block to just change that template fragment:

{% extends '@EasyAdmin/default/list.html.twig' %}

{% block search_action %}
    {# ... #}
{% endblock %}

Customizing the Template Used to Render Each Property Type

In the list, search and show views, the value of each property is rendered with a different template according to its type. For example, properties of type string are rendered with the field_string.html.twig template.

These are all the available templates for each property type:

  • field_array.html.twig
  • field_association.html.twig, renders properties that store Doctrine associations.
  • field_bigint.html.twig
  • field_boolean.html.twig
  • field_date.html.twig
  • field_datetime.html.twig
  • field_datetimetz.html.twig
  • field_decimal.html.twig
  • field_email.html.twig, related to the special email data type defined by EasyAdmin.
  • field_float.html.twig
  • field_id.html.twig, special template to render any property called id. This avoids formatting the value of the primary key as a numeric value, with decimals and thousand separators.
  • field_image.html.twig, related to the special image data type defined by EasyAdmin.
  • field_integer.html.twig
  • field_raw.html.twig, related to the special raw data type defined by EasyAdmin.
  • field_simple_array.html.twig
  • field_smallint.html.twig
  • field_string.html.twig
  • field_tel.html.twig, related to the special tel data type defined by EasyAdmin.
  • field_text.html.twig
  • field_time.html.twig
  • field_toggle.html.twig, related to the special toggle data type defined by EasyAdmin for boolean properties.
  • field_url.html.twig, related to the special url data type defined by EasyAdmin.

In addition, there are other templates defined to render special labels:

  • label_empty.html.twig, used when the property to render is empty (it's used for arrays, collections, associations, images, etc.)
  • label_inaccessible.html.twig, used when is not possible to access the value of the property because there is no getter or public property.
  • label_null.html.twig, used when the value of the property is null.
  • label_undefined.html.twig, used when any kind of error or exception happens when trying to access the value of the property.

The same template overriding mechanism explained in the previous sections can be applied to customize the templates used to render each property. Therefore, you can override these templates globally or for each entity and you can do that defining the template configuration option or storing the templates in the app/Resources/views/easy_admin/ directory.

Before customizing these templates, it's recommended to check out the default field_*.html.twig and label_*.html.twig templates to learn about their features. Inside these templates you have access to the following variables:

  • field_options, an array with the options configured for this field in the backend configuration file.
  • item, an object with the current entity instance.
  • value, the content of the property being rendered, which can be a variable of any type (string, numeric, boolean, array, etc.)
  • view, a string with the name of the view where the field is being rendered (show or list).

Rendering Entity Properties with Custom Templates

The templates property explained in the previous section is an "all or nothing" option. If you override for example the field_integer.html.twig template, the changes are applied to all the properties of type integer for that entity or the entire backend.

However, when your backend is very complex, it may be useful to use a custom template just to render a single property of some entity. To do so, define the path of the custom template in the template option of the property:

    # ...
                    - { property: 'total', template: 'invoice_total.html.twig' }

The value of the total property is now rendered with invoice_total.html.twig template instead of the default field_float.html.twig template. As usual, EasyAdmin first looks for custom templates in the following locations (the first existing template is used):

  1. app/Resources/views/easy_admin/<EntityName>/<TemplateOptionValue>
  2. app/Resources/views/easy_admin/<TemplateOptionValue>

If none of these templates exist, the value of the template option is considered a Symfony template path, so you can use any of the valid template syntaxes:

    # ...
                    - { property: 'total', template: 'AppBundle:Invoice:total.html.twig' }
                    - { property: 'price', template: '@App/Invoice/unit_price.html.twig' }

Custom templates receive the same parameters as built-in templates (field_options, item, value and view).

Chapter 2. Design Configuration | Chapter 4. Edit and New Views Configuration