Setting up your system:
Assuming you have the following tools already set up in your system:
Publish the Sample Task to GitHub:
Use the GitHub UI to publish your sample task to a GitHub repository.
Create a virtual environment:
Run the following command in your Ubuntu terminal to create a virtual environment named
with your preferred name):python3 -m venv <yours_virtual_environment_name>
Activate the virtual environment:
Activate the virtual environment by running the following command in your terminal (replace
with your preferred name):source <yours_virtual_environment_name>/bin/activate
Install required libraries:
Download and install the required Python libraries listed in a requirements.txt file. Ensure you are within the activated virtual environment when you run this command. Use the following command to install the libraries: (The below command will install all the necessary Python packages specified in the requirements.txt file.)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Organize Files:
Create a folder on your Ubuntu system and place the following files inside it:
- config.json
- master.py
- .env
- requirements.txt
Configure config.json:
Open config.json and replace the placeholder "folder_path" with the actual path where master.py is located in your Ubuntu folder.
Execute the Job:
Run the following command to execute the job: (please make sure to replace the published project name and task name for the below command)
python3 master.py -p <project name> -t <task name>
Additional Information:
For more details and options, you can type the following command:
python3 master.py --help