A biconnected component (BCC) is a subgraph of G=(V,E) that is biconnected: at least 2 vertices must be removed from it to disconnect the component. That means that a biconnected graph can never contain a cut vertex.
To find the BCCs in a graph, the edges are classified into tree, back and cross/forward edges using a DFS. Another DFS finds the edge markings for all the tree edges of G. It is then possible to supply a start vertex u0 and get all the nodes and edges that belong to the same BCC as u0.
This space-efficient variant
- uses the O(n+m)-Bit DFS to identify and mark edges
- uses a static-space allocation to hold the edge markings
- has the following method:
- traverse(u0, onVertex, onEdge): traverses the entire BCC of u0, calls onVertex(u) for each vertex u belonging to the BCC and onEdge(u,v) for each edge {u,v} belonging to the BCC
- Time: O(n+m)
- Space: O(n+m) bits
#include <cstdio>
#include "sealib/iterator/bcciterator.h"
#include "sealib/graph/graphcreator.h"
int main() {
Sealib::UndirectedGraph g = Sealib::GraphCreator::windmill(3,4);
Sealib::BCCOutput b(g);
[](uint64_t u){
printf("found vertex: %lu\n", u);
[](uint64_t u, uint64_t v) {
printf("found edge: %lu,%lu\n", u, v);
An iterative version of the above algorithm.
- init(u,v): iterate over the BCC belonging to edge {u,v}
- more(): returns true if there are more vertices/edges in the BCC
- next() returns a pair holding the next element: either (u,INVALID) for vertex u, or (u,v) for edge {u,v}