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Stack structure used to manage subgraph storage and access for recursive graph algorithms. Manages a stack of undirected graphs (the member list) {G_0, ..., G_l} such that G_i is a subgraph of G_{i-1} for each 0 < i < l+i. Each graph on the stack can be accessed and implements the graph access interface (head(v,k), mate(v,k), deg(v), order()). The graphs on the stack are not the actual subgraph, but isomorph to the subgraph. I.e. from the view of the user each subgraph G_i(V_i, E_i) has sets V_i={1,...,n_i} and the equivalent set E_i. The structure provides various translation operations to translate from a graph G_i to some other graph G_j on the stack.


  • push(B_V,B_A) pushes a new subgraph G_{l+1} on the stack. B_V is a bitset of length n_l with bits set to 1 at an index v if G_{l+1} contains the vertex v \in V_l. B_A is a bitset of length 2m_l with bits set to 1 at an index a and a' if G_{l+1} contains the edge represented by the arcs a and a' of G_l.

  • push(B_A) pushes a new subgraph with the bitset B_V induced by B_A, i.e. the subgraph contains all vertices connected by the arcs in B_A.

  • pop removes the top subgraph on the stack.

  • order(i=l) returns the order of G_i

  • degree(i=l, u) returns the degree of vertex u in G_i

  • head(i=l, u, k) returns the head of u's k-th outgoing arc in G_i

  • mate(i=l, u, k) returns the pair that represents the mate of u's k-th outgoing arc in G_i

  • gMax(i=l) returns the number of arcs the subgraph G_i has

  • g(i=l, u, k) returns the arc number of the k'th outgoing arc in vertex u in G_i. The arc number is defined as:

  • gInv(i=l, r) returns the (vertex, arc) pair belonging to the r'th arc in G_i. I.e. the inverse of the arc numbering function

  • phi(i=l, j=0, u) translation of the u'th vertex in in G_i to the isomorpth vertex in G_j

  • psi(i=l, j=0, a) translation of the a'th arc in G_i to the isomorph arc in G_j

  • size() returns l=the size of the stack

  • SubGraphStack(G) initialized a new subgraph-stack for the undirectd graph G


  • All access and translation functions take O(1) time
  • Pushing a new subgraph takes O(n+m) time.
  • Space: The entire subgraphstack occupies O(n+m) bits space.


Creates a new subgraph stack for some randomly generated undirected graph bg. Pushes 10 new subgraphs on the stack, with each new subgraph containing 3/4 of the arcs of its parent graph. With the size of each subgraph shrinking according to this rule the size of the entire subgraph will be O(n+m) bits.

#include <sealib/collection/subgrpahstack.h>
#include <sealib/graph/graphcreator.h>

void main() {
	std::shared_ptr<Sealib::Graph> bg = ;
		Sealib::GraphCreator::randomBipartite(1000, 1000, 0.1, 1);

	Sealib::SubgraphStack stack(bg);
	for(uint64_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		Sealib::Bitset<uint8_t> a(stack.gMax(u), (uint_8) - 1);
		for (uint64_t j = 0; j < a.size(); j++) {
			if (j % 4 == 0) {
			std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t> gInv = stack.gInv(j + 1);
			std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t> mate 
			    = stack.mate(std::get<0>(gInv), std::get<1>(gInv));
			    uint64_t mateArc = stack.g(std::get<0>(mate), std::get<1>(mate));
			a[j] = 0;
			a[mateArc - 1] = 0;