In order to prevent the user from accidentally touching the back button and causing the APP to exit, in many APPs, the user's click on the back button is blocked, and then some anti-error judgments are made. For example, when the user clicks twice in a certain period of time, it will Think that the user wants to log out (not touch by mistake). Flutter can be WillPopScope
used to achieve the return button interception, let's take a look at WillPopScope
the default constructor:
const WillPopScope({
@required WillPopCallback onWillPop,
@required Widget child
It is a callback function that is called when the user clicks the return button (including the navigation return button and the Android physical return button). The callback needs to return an Future
object. If the Future
final value returned is false
time, the current route will not pop out of the stack (no return); true
when the final value is time, the current route will exit the stack. We need to provide this callback to decide whether to exit.
In order to prevent the user from accidentally touching the return key to exit, we intercept the return event. When the user clicks the return button twice within 1 second, it will exit; if the interval exceeds 1 second, it will not exit and the time will be recorded again. code show as below:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class WillPopScopeTestRoute extends StatefulWidget {
WillPopScopeTestRouteState createState() {
return new WillPopScopeTestRouteState();
class WillPopScopeTestRouteState extends State<WillPopScopeTestRoute> {
DateTime _lastPressedAt; //上次点击时间
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new WillPopScope(
onWillPop: () async {
if (_lastPressedAt == null || > Duration(seconds: 1)) {
_lastPressedAt =;
return false;
return true;
child: Container(
child: Text("1秒内连续按两次返回键退出"),
Readers can run the example to see the effect.