This is an exploration into how best to create a REST API using Python (version 2.7) and the excellent micro-web framework Flask. It aims to be a pedagogical blueprint rather than a library or utility. A more prosaic and honest statement of the goal is to provide a clean exposition with code of my current (but evolving) tastes in the design and structure of a REST API built with Python and Flask.
The scope includes automatic testing, documentation, authentication, capability switching, data formats, mime types, and unicode. As the focus is on REST API structure and expression, the scope does not include things like ORM's and templating engines.
See the Wiki for discussion and explanation. Otherwise the repository code is authoritative.
Note that this is not a library so much as an approach to be read and copied. However there are clearly parts which are usefully referenced (e.g. the BDD steps or the lib). This is possible by installing as a package and importing. It is available on pypi/rest-api-blueprint and can be installed with:
pip install rest-api-blueprint
Reasonably complete now. See open issues.
Start the example app server:
~/code/rest-api-blueprint$ python * Running on * Restarting with reloader ...
Add person details with the example app:
~/code/rest-api-blueprint$ curl -X PUT localhost:5000/v1/people/fred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"email": "a@b.c"}' { "status": "ok" }
Retrieve person details with the example app:
~/code/rest-api-blueprint$ curl -X GET localhost:5000/v1/people/fred -H 'Accept: application/json' { "status": "ok", "result": { "comment": null, "name": "fred", "email": "a@b.c" } }
Run the BDD tests (BDD details):
~/code/rest-api-blueprint/restapiblueprint$ behave Feature: Delete a person # features/delete_person.feature:1 As an API client I want to be able to remove a person Background: Reset and have a valid user # features/delete_person.feature:5 Scenario: Cannot delete a person before they exist # features/delete_person.feature:11 Given I am using version "v1" # features/steps/ And I have an empty database # features/steps/ And I am a valid API user # features/steps/ And I use an Accept header of "application/json" # features/steps/ When I send a DELETE request to "people/fred" # features/steps/ Then the response status should be "404" # features/steps/ And the JSON at path "status" should be "error" # features/steps/ And the JSON at path "message" should be "Person does not exist" # features/steps/ Scenario: Delete a person # features/delete_person.feature:17 Given I am using version "v1" # features/steps/ ...
Make the API docs (Doc details):
~/code/rest-api-blueprint$ ./ Making output directory... Running Sphinx v1.1.3 loading pickled environment... not yet created building [html]: targets for 2 source files that are out of date updating environment: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 removed reading sources... [100%] people looking for now-outdated files... none found pickling environment... done checking consistency... done preparing documents... done writing output... [100%] people writing additional files... search copying static files... done dumping search index... done dumping object inventory... done build succeeded. Copying ansi stylesheet... done
Be redirected to the on-line docs:
~/code/rest-api-blueprint$ curl -X GET localhost:5000/v1/people/fred <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <title>Redirecting...</title> <h1>Redirecting...</h1> <p>You should be redirected automatically to target URL: <a href="static/apidocs/people.html">static/apidocs/people.html</a>. If not click the link.
Interacting using Slumber:
>>>import slumber >>>api=slumber.API('http://localhost:5000/v1/', append_slash=False) >>>api.people.tim.put({"email": "a@b.c"}) True >>>api.people.tim.get() {u'result': {u'comment': None, u'email': u'a@b.c', u'name': u'tim'}, u'status': u'ok'}
To provide a template packaged structure, everything is packaged using distribute.
To run the tests:
python nosetests
To build a package for distribution and installation with pip etc:
python sdist
The package is in the dist/
directory, and can be installed with
pip install rest-api-blueprint-0.1.tar.gz
To install during development:
python develop
pip install -e .
(which will also install any dependent packages.)
Intrigued? Read the Wiki and check out the code.
Please send me feedback, raise bugs or requests using the bitbucket Issue Tracker, or clone and improve (ideally with create pull requests) as per the permissive BSD 2-Clause license.