Large-Scale Discovery is a solution for discovering assets, services and contents and metadata within large IT/OT networks. It relies on a few basic well-known open-source tools (Nmap , SSlyze) and is extended with additional scan logic and several custom scan modules.
Results are collected in a structured repository of things visible and accessible. Data can be searched, filtered, combined, post-processed and visualized as desired via a common database browsers, custom scripts or third party BI software.
- Discover or identify assets and contents unknown before
- Discover implicit IT security issues by analyzing result data
- Get insight into an invisible situation
Related services or solutions are Shodan, respectively, IVRE and Natlas. In contrast, Large-Scale Discovery is going deeper into common communication protocols (HTTP, SMB,...) to discover contents and includes user and access management.
- Web interface for scan configuration and control
- Multiple scan scopes, groups and users possible
- Continuous scans to keep data updated
- Scan agents can be put into dedicated network zones
- Randomization of scan targets for load distribution
- Restriction of scan times to local working hours (e.g. during office times or outside)
- Scalable configuration and parallelization
- Discovery of potential hostnames from different sources
- Data expansion with information from remote repositories, e.g., Active Directory
- Versatile scan module configuration
- Lowest possible dependency stack
- ...
- Asset and service discovery
- Banner grabbing
- SMB crawling
- NFS crawling
- Web crawling
- Web enumeration
- SSH enumeration
- SSL enumeration
The solution comprises several software components. Some of them are optional, and they can be hosted individually and in parallel to scale:
Scope manager (
): (Sensitive) central component managing existing scan scopes, respective storage databases, views, access rights and credentials. -
Broker (
): Intermediary component, linking scan agents to assigned scan scopes, deciding and distributing scan tasks across connected scan agents. -
Scan agent (
): Executing component containing scan logic and taking care of the execution of actual network scans, as instructed by the broker. -
Web Interface (
): Control component allowing users to configure scan scopes, scan settings, manage result access rights and to monitor scan progress. Alternatively, you may configure scan scopes manually or write your own scripts. -
Importer (
): Optional utility component to sync scan scope inputs with external sources. This component is not necessary for custom scan scopes, which are directly populated from the user input via the web interface. The importer can be deployed to import scan inputs from external sources, e.g. a network or asset repository.
This project intends to keep the initial effort to get rolling as little as possible. Things should work out of the box. Just click 'compile', and you will notice only a few dependencies that need to be prepared manually ( see Preparation). If you compile with build tag 'prod', all development settings and code will be hardened, respectively, stripped.
If you plan to submit code, please setup your GIT, e.g.:
git config --global "Name Surname"
git config --global "[email protected]"
- Install a local PostgreSQL with the following configuration for development:
Host: localhost (do NOT enable listening on the external interface!)
Port: 5432
User: postgres (administrative user required to manage databases)
Pass: test123!$LSD (do NOT use in production!)
- Edit
and replace the dummy e-mail address. - To avoid accidental commits, move
to a custom/new Changelist (in GoLand, otherwise use a similar technique) as GIT is not designed to ignore tracked files. - Download and install Nmap ( and SSLyze ( to
. You can install them anywhere, but then you'll need to update the paths inagent.conf
later on. - Configure the working directory in your build configurations to
(we've prepared some necessary files there).
- Launch manager, it will generate a default
file. - Launch broker, it will generate a default
file. - Launch agent, it will generate a default
file. - Launch agent again with
argument to prepare the operating system. - Launch manager again, it will prepare a development scan scope and some dummy data
- Launch broker again, it will connect to the scope database (PostgreSQL) on localhost and initialize necessary database tables.
- Insert sample scan targets from
(or better, your own) into the scan scope's respective input tablet_discovery
All components are pre-configured and should directly start interacting with each other after launching in development mode. Similarly, in production mode, but with hardened configuration.
- Launch manager, it holds available databases and knows/manages existing scan scopes (tables, views, access rights,...). It will create/migrate database tables if necessary. It provides an RPC API for other components to query and alter scopes and attributes.
- Launch broker, it will query known scopes, and their database connection details from the manager and wait for _ agent_ connections. It provides an RPC API for scan agents to request scan tasks and send scan results.
- Launch agent, it will connect to the broker and request scan targets.
- It will tell the broker which tasks are currently running. The broker will return scan tasks based on the associated scope's configuration.
- The agent tells the broker how many scan jobs of which kind are currently running. The broker will decide which
and how many more scan tasks shall be started additionally.
- Main scan targets are taken from the scan scope's database table
. Thescan_started
attribute is set to indicate an active process. - Main scan results will be written back to the database tables
. - Submodule scan targets are extracted from the main scan results and kept in the broker's cache (persistent SQLite DB).
- Submodule scan targets are taken from the broker's cache. The
attribute is set to indicate an active process. - Submodule scan results will be written back to the respective scan scope database table, e.g.
and associated ones (t_ssl_certificates
,...). - You can open the cache
with an SQLite browser and watch submodule targets being created and getting processed.
- Main scan targets are taken from the scan scope's database table
- Scan scopes are managed via the web frontend (see below), which is connected to the web backend, which is connected to the manager.
- Install node.js (v10 or v11), which is used for dependency management and generating an optimized deployment version of the application later.
- Download dependencies. Most of them are only required to support development, some of them are actively used within
the web application. See package.json for details. Open command line in
and run:
npm install
- Launch the web backend
. Beside serving the REST API called by the web frontend, the web backend does also serve the web frontend application files (HTML) from the./web_frontend/src/
folder ( or./web_frontend/dist
in production mode). - Depending on the browser you might need to disable HTTP caching to avoid JavaScript files being taken from cache. In Firefox CTRL+F5 does not suffice, but you can disable HTTP caching in the developer toolbar for the time it's open ( You could also use a private tab, but reloading would also discard the authentication token.
- Access the web frontend at https://localhost/
- You do not need to "build" the web application during development. Building is just an optimization step before
deployment. It generates an optimized production-ready version of the web application. E.g., it combines all JS and
CSS files into one, minifies them, moves necessary files into a common structure, updates paths, etc... (according to
the rules described in
). The output is put into the./dist
sub folder, where it is taken from by the web backend in production mode. - Make sure that
on Windows) is accessible via your PATH environment variable(s). Then open command line in./web_frontend
and run:
gulp build
- Root folder of the web application./src
- Source files of the web application/app
- Main app folder with configuration files and initializers for the Knockout JavaScript framework./components
- Application modules/elements which can be integrated and reused everywhere via HTML tags. ** Each component needs to be initially registered in./app/main.js
and added in thegulpfile.js
file for building.**/pages
- The html/js code for the available pages which are loaded by their specific routes. Each page needs to be initially registered in./app/main.js
, assigned to a route in./app/router.js
and added in thegulpfile.js
file for building.
- Release folder, where "gulp" is putting the optimized production ready web application../node_modules
- Packages and their dependencies maintained by npm. Note that most packages are used only for the "gulp" build process../gulpfile.js
- Gulp build script for building a production-ready version of the web application../package.json
- Npm list of packages required for the web application or throughout the development process.
Go to ./_bin
and execute build_prod_win.bat
to create production builds. Production builds will:
- exclude development code (by applying build tag 'prod')
- apply more secure/realistic production setting
- strip debug symbols
Go to ./_bin
and execute
to create production builds. Production builds will:
- exclude development code (by applying build tag 'prod')
- apply more secure/realistic production setting
- strip debug symbols
It's easiest to not bother cross-compiling and just use a Linux machine (e.g. VM) to build for Linux.
You can deploy the single components on a single machine or install them on dedicated machines.
It is strongly recommended to deploy the manager
component on a dedicated isolated machine as it holds some sensitive
access credentials.
Before the system is ready to run, you'll also need to:
Generate production keys / certificates and put them into the respective component's
folder.- manager.key -> manager ONLY!
- manager.crt -> manager + broker
- broker.key -> broker ONLY!
- broker.crt -> broker + agent
- backend.key -> backend ONLY!
- backend.crt -> backend ONLY!
Configure the storage database. Open
and create an entry in thedb_servers