The Lightweight CMP RA 1.0 was tested for interoperability with the implementations mentioned below:
- OpenSSL 3.0 is the next major version of OpenSSL. It contains a mature CMP library implementation in C.
- The CMPforOpenSSL open-source software project provides a CMP library in C and a CLI based on OpenSSL, implementing most of RFC 4210, RFC 4211, and RFC 6712. This software component was developed initially by Nokia to support the CMP functionality needed for LTE backbone components and is in productive use for many years already.
- Provides a high-level API on top of the detailed CMP (and CRMF) API of CMPforOpenSSL and and OpenSSL since version 3.0. The library supports developing CMP clients that follow the Lightweight Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) Profile, which is geared towards simple and interoperable industrial use. The software also provides a command-line interface (CLI) that is handy for interactive exploration of using CMP in a PKI.
- The embeddedCMP project has has been developed and published as a proof-of-concept implementation for demonstration and standardization purposes to show that CMP can be implemented and used even on a device that does not have the capacity to include OpenSSL nor a proper operating system.
- The EJBCA is a Open Source Certificate Authority.
The PKI management operations below have been tested with other implementations:
- Requesting a certificate from a new PKI with signature-based protection
- Updating an existing certificate with signature-based protection
- Responding to a certificate request
- Responding to a confirmation message
- Forwarding messages - not changing protection
- Adding protection to a request message
- Requesting a certificate from a PKI with MAC-based protection
- Revoking a certificate
- Responding to a revocation request
- Acting on behalf of other PKI entities - revoking a certificate
- Requesting an additional certificate with signature-based protection
- Handling delayed enrollment
- Forwarding messages - replacing protection, not changing any included proof-of-possession
- Forwarding messages - replacing protection, breaking proof-of-possession
- Initiating delayed enrollment
- HTTP transport
- Offline transport
The folder messsageflows contains some message flows for reference purposes. Each subfolder contains all messages related to one transaction. Each file in the subfolder contains exactly one message. Every message is stored in 3 different formats (DER, PEM, ASN.1). For message files the naming convention below is used:
e.g. downstream_CERT_CONFIRM.pem
The interfacename describes the RA interface used to send or receive the message. The interface towards the End Entity is usually as downstream.
The messagetype describes the abbreviated type of the PKI Message Body. It could be for example INIT_REQ, REVOCATION_REP or CERT_CONFIRM.
The messageformat file extension describes the data format used to store the message:
- The PKI file extension is used, if the file holds a binary DER encoded message.
- The pem file extension is used, if the file holds a PEM encoded message.
- The txt file extension is used, if the file holds a readable ASN.1 dump of the message.
The folder IrWithMacProtection contains a message flow implementing:
- Requesting a certificate from a PKI with MAC-based protection
- Forwarding messages - replacing protection, not changing any included proof-of-possession
- Responding to a certificate request
- Responding to a confirmation message
The folder CrWithSignatureProtection contains a message flow implementing:
- Requesting an additional certificate with signature-based protection
- Forwarding messages - replacing protection, not changing any included proof-of-possession
- Requesting a certificate from a new PKI with signature-based protection
- Responding to a certificate request
- Responding to a confirmation message
The folder Kur contains a message flow implementing:
- Updating an existing certificate with signature-based protection
- Responding to a certificate request
- Responding to a confirmation message
- Forwarding messages - not changing protection
The folder CrDelayed contains a message flow implementing:
- Requesting a certificate from a new PKI with signature-based protection
- Initiating delayed enrollment
- Handling delayed enrollment
- Responding to a certificate request
- Responding to a confirmation message
- Forwarding messages - replacing protection, not changing any included proof-of-possession
The folder Rr contains a message flow implementing:
- Revoking a certificate
- Responding to a revocation request