use a BBC Microbit as a visual indicator that you are in a meeting. Works on MacOS.
how to use this:
compile the watcher client:
gcc -o micstatus micstatus.c -framework CoreAudio
upload to your microbit
run the executable:
By default it will try to find your microbit's serial port and autoconnect. If you run into issues with that you can specify the port and baud rate manually like so: ./micstatus /dev/tty.usbmodem12402 9600
The microbit will now light up any time your microphone is active (even when you're muted). Hurray!
P.S.: I included an STL file for a clip designed to allow you to easily hang the microbit off the backside of your Macbook lid, the nubs fit into the holes and it hangs upside down because it's awkward to have the USB port on the top.