- Run local_actions only once
Alvaro Aleman (1):
Anja Siek (1):
- add variable to default play roles-directory (WORKAROUND)
Alvaro Aleman (2):
- Allow skipping the distribution specific vars inclusion
- Allow skipping version-specific variable inclusion
Anja Siek (1):
- add depricated parameter to be backward compatible
Mark Kusch (2):
- Update get_url to use the ansible 2.1 checksum syntax
- Fix reference to sha256sum argument in documentation
Mark Kusch (3):
- ansible-generator
- Fixup roles path issues when including from third-party roles
Anja Siek (1):
- fix random vars loading
Mark Kusch (20):
- Enforce usage of directories from persistency paradigm when downloading and uploading assets
- Add documentation
- Add role metadata
- Add include for check mode detection
- Add tasks for data persistency and asset management
- Add tasks for creating local facts
- Add tasks to configure os specific configuration
- Add tasks to configure version specific configuration
- Add markdown anchors in documentation
- Attempt to fix markdown anchor links
- Another attempt on Markdown anchor links
- Spare headline level and add lib vars documentation
- Fix fact deployment target file extension
- Allow adding no_log to get_url tasks
- Add documentation for local facts management
- Proper Englisch for localfacts documentation
- Enforce namespace when deploying local facts
- Remove empty/unnecessary handlers
- Initial commit