diff --git a/behat.yml b/behat.yml
index 0cc5f068..f772c879 100644
--- a/behat.yml
+++ b/behat.yml
@@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ default:
- SilverStripe\BehatExtension\Context\EmailContext
- SilverStripe\CMS\Tests\Behaviour\LoginContext
- SilverStripe\CMS\Tests\Behaviour\ThemeContext
- - SilverStripe\CMS\Tests\Behaviour\FixtureContext:
+ # Using asset-admin for fixture context to get iAttachTheFileToDropzone()
+ - SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Tests\Behat\Context\FixtureContext:
# Note: double indent for args is intentional
- - '%paths.modules.subsites%/tests/behat/features/files/'
+ - '%paths.modules.subsites%/tests/behat/files/'
diff --git a/tests/behat/features/operate-subsites.feature b/tests/behat/features/operate-subsites.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd2eaf5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/behat/features/operate-subsites.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Feature: Create and select a subsite
+ As a CMS user
+ I want to be able to select a subsite
+ So that I can edit content for a specific subsite
+ Background:
+ # There's a bug where you need CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain rather than CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain permissions to
+ # use subsites as expected
+ # Given the "group" "EDITOR group" has permissions "CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain" and "FILE_EDIT_ALL"
+ Given the "group" "EDITOR group" has permissions "CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain" and "CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin" and "FILE_EDIT_ALL"
+ And a "page" "My page" with "URLSegment"="my-page", "Content"="My page content"
+ And an "image" "file1.jpg"
+ And an "image" "file2.jpg"
+ Scenario: I can operate subsites
+ # Create subsite as Admin
+ Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
+ Then I go to "admin/subsites"
+ # Add subsites button is not a regular button, so click using css selector
+ And I click on the ".btn-toolbar .btn__title" element
+ And I fill in "Subsite Name" with "My subsite"
+ And I press "Create"
+ # Add a file to the main site
+ When I go to "admin/assets"
+ And I press the "Add folder" button
+ And I select "Main site" from "SubsitesSelect"
+ # Using a short folder name so that it doesn't get truncated on the frontend
+ And I fill in "Folder name" with "mfol"
+ And I press the "Create" button
+ When I go to "admin/assets"
+ And I click on the file named "mfol" in the gallery
+ And I attach the file "file1.jpg" to dropzone "gallery-container"
+ # Change to Editor user
+ When I go to "/Security/login"
+ And I press the "Log in as someone else" button
+ When I am logged in with "EDITOR" permissions
+ And I go to "admin/pages"
+ # Can see main site page on main site
+ When I go to "admin/pages"
+ Then I should see "My page" in the tree
+ # Cannot see main site page on subsite
+ When I select "My subsite" from "SubsitesSelect"
+ And I go to "admin/pages"
+ Then I should not see "My page" in the tree
+ # Create a page on the subsite
+ When I press the "Add new" button
+ And I select the "Page" radio button
+ And I press the "Create" button
+ When I fill in "Page name" with "My subsite page"
+ And I press the "Publish" button
+ Then I should see "My subsite page"
+ # Can see main site folders/files from subsite
+ When I go to "admin/assets"
+ Then I should see "mfol"
+ When I click on the file named "mfol" in the gallery
+ Then I should see "file1"
+ # Add a file to the subsite
+ When I go to "admin/assets"
+ And I select "My subsite" from "SubsitesSelect"
+ And I press the "Add folder" button
+ And I fill in "Folder name" with "sfol"
+ And I press the "Create" button
+ When I go to "admin/assets"
+ And I click on the file named "sfol" in the gallery
+ And I attach the file "file2.jpg" to dropzone "gallery-container"
+ # Change back to main subsite - cannot see subsite folders/files
+ When I go to "admin/assets"
+ And I select "Main site" from "SubsitesSelect"
+ Then I should see "mfol"
+ Then I should not see "My subsite page"
diff --git a/tests/behat/features/preview-navigation.feature b/tests/behat/features/preview-navigation.feature
index 81492ac1..fa2c2a86 100644
--- a/tests/behat/features/preview-navigation.feature
+++ b/tests/behat/features/preview-navigation.feature
@@ -4,18 +4,19 @@ Feature: Preview navigation
In order to preview my content
- Given a "subsite" "My subsite"
- And a "page" "My page" with "URLSegment"="my-page", "Content"="My page content anameahref" and "Subsite"="=>SilverStripe\Subsites\Model\Subsite.My subsite"
- And a "page" "Other page" with "URLSegment"="other-page", "Content"="Other page content Goto my page>" and "Subsite"="=>SilverStripe\Subsites\Model\Subsite.My subsite"
- Given a "member" "Joe" belonging to "Admin Group" with "Email"="joe@test.com" and "Password"="Password1"
- And the "group" "Admin Group" has permissions "Full administrative rights"
- And I log in with "joe@test.com" and "Password1"
+ Given a "subsite" "MySubsite"
+ And a "page" "My page" with "URLSegment"="my-page", "Content"="My page content aname ahref" and "SubsiteID"="1"
+ And a "page" "Other page" with "URLSegment"="other-page", "Content"="Other page content Goto my page" and "SubsiteID"="1"
Scenario: I can navigate the subsite preview
- When I go to "admin"
- And I select "My subsite" from "SubsitesSelect"
- And I go to "admin/pages"
+ Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
+ When I go to "/admin/pages"
+ And I select "MySubsite" from "SubsitesSelect"
+ And I click on "My page" in the tree
+ And I press the "Publish" button
+ And I click on "Other page" in the tree
+ And I press the "Publish" button
And I click on "My page" in the tree
And I set the CMS mode to "Preview mode"
And I follow "ahref" in preview
diff --git a/tests/behat/features/select-a-subsite.feature b/tests/behat/features/select-a-subsite.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b183d1b..00000000
--- a/tests/behat/features/select-a-subsite.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Feature: Select a subsite
- As a CMS user
- I want to be able to select a subsite
- So that I can edit content for a specific subsite
- Background:
- Given a "subsite" "Subsite B"
- And a "page" "My page" with "URLSegment"="my-page", "Content"="My page content"
- And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
- Then I go to "admin/pages"
- Scenario: Default site contains default pages
- When I select "Main site" from "SubsitesSelect"
- And I go to "admin/pages"
- Then I should see "My page" in the tree
- Scenario: I can switch to another subsite
- When I select "Subsite B" from "SubsitesSelect"
- And I go to "admin/pages"
- Then I should not see "My page" in the tree
diff --git a/tests/behat/files/file1.jpg b/tests/behat/files/file1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..beb5a91b
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/behat/files/file1.jpg differ
diff --git a/tests/behat/files/file2.jpg b/tests/behat/files/file2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc834a45
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/behat/files/file2.jpg differ