- Giphy: GIFs galore!
- Google Hangouts: Build and integrate your ideas into Google Hangouts
- YouTube: Upload videos, modify video data, and otherwise manipulate the place we spend all our time
- Twilio: Programmatically make/receive phone calls and send/receive text messages
- Foursquare: Location data for restaurants, shops, and any other physical venues
- Rotten Tomatoes: Everything and anything about movies (posters, reviews, cast and crew, etc.)
- Spotify: Billions of data points about music
- Apigee: Browse APIs and test in their sandbox
- Mashery
- MashApe
- Open Data Network
- ProgrammableWeb
- NYC OpenData: Amazing collection of NYC related data sets
- MailChimp: Automates standalone and responsive email services
- Kimono Labs: Turn any website into an API, through automatics site scrubbing
- Squarespace: A very easy way to get a site up for your app
- Heroku: The fastest way to get your app online
- Parse: Store data without setting up a database
- IFTTT: (If This Then That) Creates a chain of automated events with no code
- Octoblu: Like IFTTT, but more expansive and controllable
- Orchestrate: A database as a service (DBaaS) tool
- DigitalOcean
- Firebase
- Syncano
- RequestBin: HTTP Request Inspector
- Javascriptoo: Research tool for finding javascript libraries
- ngrok
- JSFiddle
- Hackathon Starter Kit
- Passport: User authentication