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Vincent Lee edited this page Mar 30, 2015 · 22 revisions

Welcome to the ProjectE wiki!

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Welcome to ProjectE

Congratulations on embarking on your new journey, Minecrafter! Perhaps you are weary of performing the same grindy tasks over and over every day in your world, or you simply desire more power for...purposes, or you'd simply like the utility and art of magic at your disposal. Whatever it is, alchemy is sure to fit your needs.

The art of alchemy has been known since ancient times. It was discovered by a man by the name of x3n0ph0b3, and refined through multiple iterations. After x3n0ph0b3's retirement, a new apprentice, Pahimar, took up the development of the art.

Our story grows more complex after this. The people of the country began speaking out, shaming alchemists for their work, calling them "lazy cheaters". The art of alchemy itself was deemed too powerful ("OP") by the people. In response to this, Pahimar abandoned his developments and began research anew, preferring investigation of other means of alchemy, while other alchemists were driven into hiding or gave up on alchemy altogether.


Though many in the world above believe that the true art of alchemy, the knowledge of x3n0ph0b3 himself, has been lost, we gladly beg to differ. A wanderer, MozeIntel, happened upon a piece of lore from the distant past and attempted to reproduce it in its entirety. Following clues and joined by SinkillerJ, they eventually happened upon the abode of old x3n0ph0b3! With his blessing, they set to work rewriting, setting into new stone, the knowledge of ages past.

Now we step into the light. The eyes of the world are upon us once more. How will the alchemists be accepted this time?... With our hardest work, our team:

  • SinkillerJ
  • Blubberblub
  • Kolatra
  • Williewillus
  • Moze_Intel do impart upon you, fellow crafter, our most extensive knowledge of the alchemical arts and the magical powers associated with their use.

We present....

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