##1. define a type (common)
"name" : string,
"base-type" : string or array,
"description" : string,
- "name" and "base-type" are mandatory meta-data for all types.
- "description" is optional to understand what this property means.
- the value of "base-type" should be "boolean", "number", "string", "data", "date", "array", "object", "any" or a name of custom base-type.
##2. define string type
"name" : "myString",
"base-type" : "string",
"description" : string,
"regex" : regular expression string,
"maxLength" : positive integer or zero,
"minLength" : positive integer or zero
- "regex", "maxLength" and "minLength" are optional, to validate this type.
- "maxLength" should be always same or bigger than "minLength".
You can also use just one of those ("minLength" or "maxLength").
##3. define number type
"name" : "myNumber",
"base-type" : "number",
"description" : string,
"maxValue" : real number,
"minValue" : real number
- "minValue" and "maxValue" are optional, to validate this type.
- "maxValue" should be always same or bigger than "minValue".
You can also use just one of those ("minValue" or "maxValue").
##4. define date type
"name" : "myDate",
"base-type" : "date",
"subType" : "ms",
"description" : string
"minValue" : UTC time interval since 1970
"maxValue" : UTC time interval since 1970
"name" : "myISO8601Date",
"base-type" : "date",
"subType" : "iso8601",
"description" : string
"minValue" : UTC time interval since 1970
"maxValue" : UTC time interval since 1970
- The value of myDate should be always UTC time interval since 1970.
- "subType" is optional, to specify wheather it's millisecond based timestamp, a second based timestamp or an ISO 8601 timestamp.
- If "subType" is specified as "ms", "minValue" and "maxValue" should be used like "1382455623.098"
- "minValue" and "maxValue" are optional, to validate this type.
- "maxValue" should be always same or later than "minValue".
You can also use just one of those ("minValue" or "maxValue").
##5. define boolean type
"name" : "myBoolean",
"base-type" : "boolean",
"description" : string
##6. define data type
"name" : "myData",
"base-type" : "data",
"description" : string,
"maxLength" : positive integer or zero,
"minLength" : positive integer or zero
- "maxLength" and "minLength" are optional, to validate this type.
- "maxLength" should be always same or bigger than "minLength".
##7. define array type
"name" : "myArray",
"base-type" : "array",
"description" : string,
"subType" : string,
"maxCount" : positive integer or zero,
"minCount" : positive integer or zero
- "maxCount" and "minCount" are optional, to validate this type.
- "maxCount" should be always same or bigger than "minCount".
- "subType" should be boolean, number, string, data, date, array, object and any or a name of custom base-type.
##8. define custom type
"name" : "myCustom",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : "description-value",
"property" : [
"name" : "property1"
"base-type" : "string",
"required" : "boolean",
"name" : "property2"
"base-type" : "number",
"required" : "boolean",
To define custom type, you should write "property" (mandatory). Property can have many different kind of types (boolean, number, string, data, date, array, object, any and/or custom object) but "property" must have 1 or more types.
##9. define child type from custom type
"name" : "myChild",
"base-type" : "myCustom",
"description" : string,
"property" : [
"name" : "property3"
"base-type" : "myString",
"required" : boolean,
If you want to define child type from other custom type, you just need to write parent type's name in "base-type" field. And you can also define other additional properties, or override existing properties. In this case, "property" is not mandatory.
##10. define multi-type
"name" : "myMultiType",
"base-type" : ["string", "number", "typeA", …],
"required" : boolean,
"description" : string
And when the base-type is json-array type, code generator has to implement method which is looked like
(JSONObject *)myMultiType;
(JSONString *)myMultiTypeAsString;
(JSONNumber *)myMultiTypeAsNumber;
(TypeA *)myMultiTypeAsTypeA;
And if subType is "any", the code generator will make just a method which will return the original JSON subtree (ex : Objective-c method can return any basic JSON type).
(JSONObject *) myMultiType;
##11. define multi-type array type
"name" : "mtArray",
"base-type" : "array",
"description" : string,
"sub-type" : ["string", "number", "typeB", …],
Code generator has to implement method which is looked like
(JSONObject *)mtArrayObjectIndexAt:(NSUInteger)index;
(JSONString *)mtArrayObjectAsStringIndexAt:(NSUInteger)index;
(JSONNumber *)myArrayObjectAsNumberIndexAt:(NSUInteger)index;
(TypeB *)mtArrayObjectAsTypeBIndexAt:(NSUInteger)index;
And if subType is "any", the code generator will make just a method which will return the original JSON subtree (ex : Objective-c method can return any basic JSON type).
(JSONObject *)mtArrayObjectIndexAt:(NSUInteger)index;
##12. several ways to define type and use
Top-level Meta-JSON is an array where each element is one of "string", "array", "number", "boolean", ..., "object" and child type of custom type.
###12.1. basic definition and usage
"name" : "sessionString",
"base-type" : "string",
"description" : "session string after login",
"maxLength" : 50,
"minLength" : 20
"name" : "sessionExpirationDate",
"base-type" : "date",
"description" : "Expire date of session",
"maxValue" : 183759284
"name" : "mySession",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : "session has session id and session expire date.",
"property" :
"name" : "sessionID",
"base-type" : "sessionString",
"required" : 1
"name" : "expirationDate",
"base-type" : "sessionExpirationDate",
"required" : 1
"name" : "user",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : "test description of user type.",
"property" :
"name" : "session",
"base-type" : "mySession",
"required" : 1
"name" : "userName",
"base-type" : "string",
"required" : 1
###12.2. define type in "base-type"
- the type named "person" is always accessible and reusable in other types.
- in this case, "user" type is a child type from "person" type.
"name" : "sessionString",
"base-type" : "string",
"description" : "session string after login",
"maxLength" : 50,
"minLength" : 20
"name" : "sessionExpirationDate",
"base-type" : "date",
"description" : "Expire date of session",
"maxValue" : 183759284
"name" : "mySession",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : "session has session id and session expire date.",
"property" :
"name" : "sessionID",
"base-type" : "sessionString",
"required" : 1
"name" : "expirationDate",
"base-type" : "sessionExpirationDate",
"required" : 1
"name" : "user",
"base-type" :
"name" : "person",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : ".",
"property" :
"name" : "email",
"base-type" : "string",
"required" : 1
"name" : "birthday",
"base-type" : "date",
"required" : 1
"description" : "test description of user type.",
"property" :
"name" : "userName",
"base-type" : "string",
"required" : 1
"name" : "userSession",
"base-type" : "mySession",
"required" : 1
###12.3. define type in "property"
"name" : "sessionString",
"base-type" : "string",
"description" : "session string after login",
"maxLength" : 50,
"minLength" : 20,
"name" : "sessionExpirationDate",
"base-type" : "date",
"description" : "Expire date of session"
"maxValue" : 183759284
"name" : "user",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : "test description of user type.",
"property" :
"name" : "session"
"base-type" : {
"name" : "mySession",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : "session has session id and session expire date.",
"property" :
"name" : "sessionID"
"base-type" : "sessionString",
"required" : 1,
"name" : "expirationDate"
"base-type" : "sessionExpirationDate",
"required" : 1,
"required" : 1,
"name" : "userName"
"base-type" : "string",
"required" : 1,
###12.4. define type in "subType" of array
- "userSession" property can have "sessionID" type and "expirationDate".
- (it's not a good example……)
"name" : "sessionString",
"base-type" : "string",
"description" : "session string after login",
"maxLength" : 50,
"minLength" : 20,
"name" : "sessionExpirationDate",
"base-type" : "date",
"description" : "Expire date of session"
"maxValue" : 183759284
"name" : "mySession",
"base-type" : "array",
"description" : "session has session-ids and session expire dates.",
"subType" :
"name" : "sessionID"
"base-type" : "string",
"description" : "session string after login",
"maxLength" : 50,
"minLength" : 20,
"name" : "expirationDate",
"base-type" : "date",
"description" : "Expire date of session"
"maxValue" : 183759284
"name" : "user",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : "test description of user type.",
"property" :
"name" : "userName"
"base-type" : "string",
"required" : 1,
"name" : "userSession"
"base-type" : "mySession",
"required" : 1,
###12.5. override the value of predefined keys in predefine type.
- I just overrides the maxLength value of "sessionString".
"name" : "sessionString",
"base-type" : "string",
"description" : "session string after login",
"maxLength" : 50,
"minLength" : 20,
"name" : "mySession",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : "session has session id and session expire date.",
"property" :
"name" : "sessionID",
"base-type" : "sessionString",
"description" : "session string after login",
"maxLength" : 30,
"name" : "expirationDate"
"base-type" : "sessionExpirationDate",
"required" : 1,
"name" : "user",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : "test description of user type.",
"property" :
"name" : "session"
"base-type" : "mySession",
"required" : 1,
"name" : "userName"
"base-type" : "string",
"required" : 1,
###12.6. override the properties of predefined types.
- user type is a child type of person.
- redefine the property named "email" with new "regex" key.
"name" : "sessionString",
"base-type" : "string",
"description" : "session string after login",
"maxLength" : 50,
"minLength" : 20,
"name" : "sessionExpirationDate",
"base-type" : "date",
"description" : "Expire date of session"
"maxValue" : 183759284
"name" : "mySession",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : "session has session id and session expire date.",
"property" :
"name" : "sessionID"
"base-type" : "sessionString",
"required" : 1,
"name" : "expirationDate"
"base-type" : "sessionExpirationDate",
"required" : 1,
"name" : "person",
"base-type" : "object",
"description" : ".",
"property" :
"name" : "email"
"base-type" : "string",
"required" : 1,
"name" : "birthday"
"base-type" : "date",
"required" : 1,
"name" : "user",
"base-type" : "person"
"description" : "test description of user type.",
"property" :
"name" : "email"
"base-type" : "string",
"regex" : "[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,4}"
"required" : 1,
"name" : "session"
"base-type" : "mySession",
"required" : 1,
"name" : "userName"
"base-type" : "string",
"required" : 1,