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Johannes Lichtenberger edited this page Dec 24, 2018 · 2 revisions


This API is asynchronous at it's very core. We use Vert.x which is a toolkit, built on top of Netty. It is heavily inspired by Node.js but for the JVM. As such it uses event loop(s), that is thread(s), which never should by blocked by long running CPU tasks or disk bound I/O. We are using Kotlin with coroutines to keep the code simple.

Our routes are very simple.

PUT https://localhost:9443/database/resource creates a database and a resource (content being the body of the request -- as of now XML, but we'll implement JSON resources in the very near future).

GET https://localhost:9443/database/resource simply serializes the internal binary tree representation back to XML. Optional URL-parameters are

  • revision or revision-timestamp (the former being a simple long number, the latter being an ISO formatted datetime string as the parameter, for instance 2019-01-01T05:05:01), to open a specific revision. In case of the revision-timestampparameter either the exact revision is going to be selected via binary search, or the closest revision to the given point in time.
  • start-revision and end-revision or start-revision-timestamp and end-revision-timestamp for a specific timespan.
  • Furthermore a nodeId-parameter can be specified to retrieve a specific node in a revision.
  • The query-parameter can be used to specify a full blown XQuery-string. Here for instance also temporal axis can be used to analyze how a specific node or subtree changed over time or to display which nodes are new in a specific revision. There's also a diff-function which outputs an XQuery Update script to update the first revision to the second. Other formats as output to another diff-function are for sure have to be evaluated.

Omitting the resource in the URL (GET https://localhost:9443/database) lists all resources of the database. GET https://localhost:9443/ lists all databases.

POST https://localhost:9443/database/resource for adding content from the request-body. Supported URL-parameters are

  • nodeId, to select the context-Node.
  • insert with the possible values, asFirstChild, asLeftSibling, asRightSibling, replace, to determine where to insert the XML-fragment.

If both parameters are omitted the root-node (and its subtree) is going to be replaced by the new XML fragment. As such an error is thrown if the HTTP request body doesn't start with a start-tag.

Using a POST HTTP-request to https://localhost:9443 can be used to send a longer XQuery-expression in the body.

DELETE https://localhost:9443/database/resource removes the resource from the database. Omitting the resource in the URL, the whole database is going to be deleted. The optional parameter once again is nodeId to remove a node or in case the nodeId references an element node to remove the whole subtree and the element node itself.

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