Important! No Pull Requests submitted after 11:59 on Tuesday Aug 29 will be considered.
If you submit a PR at 11:59 and your PR needs work, the PR will be rejected and you
will not be able to re-submit
This is the first assignment of the course! There are two parts of this assignment.
First create a static website hosted in Amazon using S3. You can look at the tutorial to get started with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and S3 in particular.
Your website should serve a file called
. Assuming your domain is
, the url
should be available. The file should only contain your netid ONLY, no html tags whatsoever.Checkout this for an example.
Add your name, netid, and the url for your
page to the course Github repo. Do this by editing the page and submitting a pull request. Add your name in the appropriate place (please keep names in alpha order by last name) and using this formatting exactly:[Your Name](people/ - yn444 - [](
Make sure the names are in alphabetical order. (It's a good exercise to get conflict and resolving it.)
This is the grading script that will be used to grade the assignment. You can run it yourself to verify you will receive credit for the assignment:
$ bash <netid>
Your pull request might conflict with others. So, either make sure your branch is uptodate with
, or fix the conflict on GitHub. Please don't delete changes made by someone else in the process of merging, or your pull request (PR) will surely be rejected. -
The script is returning error while your url in browser runs fine. Ping us in Slack.