An easy way to query the database is to use the Pandas read_sql command, which queries data and returns a Pandas dataframe. The commands below imports the Pandas and ngl_db packages, creates a connection object to ngl_db called cnx, creates a string called sql that queries all information from the SITE table, and creates a Pandas dataframe called df that contains the results of the query.
import pandas as pd
import ngl_db
cnx = ngl_db.connect()
df = pd.read_sql(sql,cnx)
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The output from the command is illustrated in the figure below. When this query was written, there were a total of 333 sites in the NGL database. The SITE_ID field is not contiguous because sites are sometimes deleted from the database, and the SITE_ID field is never re-used. The Pandas dataframe is broken between SITE_ID 151 and 677 for ease of displaying information in the output window. Many rows of data are not displayed in Figure 2 as a result.