This file contains test cases that should be manually executed.
The following HTML-runners must be manually tested:
Still manual, because jsdom does not support modules yet jsdom/jsdom#2475.
$ sbt
> set scalaJSLinkerConfig in testingExample.v2_12 ~= (_.withModuleSplitStyle(ModuleSplitStyle.SmallestModules).withModuleKind(ModuleKind.ESModule))
> testingExample2_12/testHtml
> set scalaJSLinkerConfig in testSuite.v2_12 ~= (_.withModuleKind(ModuleKind.ESModule))
> testSuite2_12/testHtml
> exit
$ python3 -m http.server
// Open http://localhost:8000/examples/testing/.2.12/target/scala-2.12/testing-fastopt-test-html/index.html
// Open http://localhost:8000/test-suite/js/.2.12/target/scala-2.12/scalajs-test-suite-fastopt-test-html/index.html
WebAssembly requires modules, so this is manual as well.
This test currently requires Chrome (or another V8-based browser) with --wasm-experimental-exnref
That option can be configured as "Experimental WebAssembly" at chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-webassembly-features.
$ sbt
> set Global/enableWasmEverywhere := true
> testingExample2_12/testHtml
> testSuite2_12/testHtml
> exit
$ python3 -m http.server
// Open http://localhost:8000/examples/testing/.2.12/target/scala-2.12/testing-fastopt-test-html/index.html
// Open http://localhost:8000/test-suite/js/.2.12/target/scala-2.12/scalajs-test-suite-fastopt-test-html/index.html
To test source maps, do the following on:
- Open the respective file in Google Chrome
- Set a break-point in the HTML launcher on the
new Reversi
statement - Step over calls to jQuery into constructor
- Step into the call to
and verify that source maps to Scala standard library sources work (should point to GitHub) - Single step through constructor, until you reach
- Step into
Once all tests pass, tag the revision and verify that source maps to Scala.js sources work correctly (should point to GitHub), following the steps described in the section Sourcemaps.