diff --git a/src/txt/readme.txt b/src/txt/readme.txt index a4fb33cd..776a58d6 100644 --- a/src/txt/readme.txt +++ b/src/txt/readme.txt @@ -1,37 +1,42 @@ -=== skautIS integrace === +=== SkautIS integration === Contributors: skaut, davidulus, marekdedic, kalich5 -Tags: skaut, multisite, shortcode, skautIS, registrace +Tags: SkautIS, login, registration, skaut Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.7 Requires PHP: 7.4 Stable tag: 1.1.30 License: GPLv3 or later -License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html +License URI: https://github.com/skaut/skautis-integration/blob/master/LICENSE -Implementace přihlašování, registrace a dalších služeb z informačního systému skautIS do WordPressu. +Login, registration, user management and other features connecting SkautIS to WordPress. == Description == -

Minimální požadavky

-- WordPress 4.9.6 a vyšší -- PHP 7.4 a vyšší +Login, registration, user management and other features connecting SkautIS to WordPress. -Implementace přihlašování, registrace a dalších služeb z informačního systému skautIS do WordPressu. +=== Features === +* Login to WordPress with a SkautIS account +* Manage SkautIS account connections and import users to your site +* Enable registration of users to your site based on their SkautIS functions, memberships or other criteria -Plugin po aktivaci bude vyžadovat APP ID, bez toho nebude plugin vůbec fungovat. Návod jak nastavit plugin a zístat APP ID najdete v [nápovědě](https://napoveda.skaut.cz/skautis/skautis-integration) +=== Minimal requirements === +- WordPress 4.9.6 or higher +- PHP 7.4 or higher -**Jsme na GitHubu** -[https://github.com/skaut/skautis-integration/](https://github.com/skaut/skautis-integration/) +=== GitHub === +All the sources for the plugin and the build process are detailed in our [Github repo](https://github.com/skaut/skautis-integration/). == Installation == -1. Stáhnout si plugin a aktivovat -2. V levém menu se objeví položka skautIS -3. Musíte si zažádat o APP ID návod je v [nápovědě](https://napoveda.skaut.cz/skautis/skautis-integration) -4. Zadáte APP ID a plugin se plně aktivuje +1. Download and install the plugin from the WordPress plugin directory or from [GitHub](https://github.com/skaut/skaut-google-drive-gallery/releases) +2. Activate the plugin +3. Request an APP ID for SkautIS by following the [docs](https://napoveda.skaut.cz/skautis/skautis-integration) (only in Czech). +3. In the admin interface, open the plugin settings, enter the providded APP ID and register the plugin. +4. The plugin is now fully functional. == Frequently Asked Questions == -**Jak plugin správně nastavit?** -[Nápověda](https://napoveda.skaut.cz/skautis/skautis-integration) + += How to configure this plugin? = +See our [documentation](https://napoveda.skaut.cz/skautis/skautis-integration) (only in Czech). == Screenshots ==