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indirect github.com/go-logr/stdr v1.2.2 // indirect github.com/go-openapi/analysis v0.21.2 // indirect github.com/go-openapi/errors v0.20.2 // indirect @@ -63,7 +65,6 @@ require ( github.com/josharian/intern v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/jpillora/backoff v1.0.0 // indirect github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter v1.3.0 // indirect - github.com/klauspost/compress v1.17.3 // indirect github.com/lomik/stop v0.0.0-20161127103810-188e98d969bd // indirect github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7 // indirect github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.2-0.20181231171920-c182affec369 // indirect @@ -82,20 +83,19 @@ require ( github.com/shurcooL/httpfs v0.0.0-20190707220628-8d4bc4ba7749 // indirect github.com/stretchr/objx v0.5.0 // indirect go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver v1.10.2 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.36.4 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.11.1 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v0.33.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.11.1 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.44.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.18.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.18.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.18.0 // indirect go.uber.org/atomic v1.10.0 // indirect go.uber.org/goleak v1.2.0 // indirect go.uber.org/multierr v1.8.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/crypto v0.14.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/crypto v0.17.0 // indirect golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20221031165847-c99f073a8326 // indirect golang.org/x/net v0.17.0 // indirect golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.1.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/sync v0.1.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/sys v0.13.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/text v0.13.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/sys v0.15.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 // indirect golang.org/x/time v0.1.0 // indirect google.golang.org/appengine v1.6.7 // indirect google.golang.org/protobuf v1.28.1 // indirect diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index b315dbd92..dd83e4dbe 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt v0.5.0/go.mod h1:wCYkCAKZfumFQihp8CzCvQ3paCTfi41vtzG github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt v0.5.1 h1:otpy5pqBCBZ1ng9RQ0dPu4PN7ba75Y/aA+UpowDyNVA= github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt v0.5.1/go.mod h1:WYhtIu8zTZfxdn5+rREduYbwxfcBr/Vr6KEVveWlfTs= github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.2/go.mod h1:jdQByPbusPIv2/zmleS9BjJVeZ6kBagPoEUsqbVz/1A= -github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.3 h1:2DntVwHkVopvECVRSlL5PSo9eG+cAkDCuckLubN+rq0= -github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.3/go.mod h1:jdQByPbusPIv2/zmleS9BjJVeZ6kBagPoEUsqbVz/1A= +github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.4 h1:g01GSCwiDw2xSZfjJ2/T9M+S6pFdcNtFYsp+Y43HYDQ= +github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.4/go.mod h1:jdQByPbusPIv2/zmleS9BjJVeZ6kBagPoEUsqbVz/1A= github.com/go-logr/stdr v1.2.2 h1:hSWxHoqTgW2S2qGc0LTAI563KZ5YKYRhT3MFKZMbjag= github.com/go-logr/stdr v1.2.2/go.mod h1:mMo/vtBO5dYbehREoey6XUKy/eSumjCCveDpRre4VKE= github.com/go-openapi/analysis v0.21.2 h1:hXFrOYFHUAMQdu6zwAiKKJHJQ8kqZs1ux/ru1P1wLJU= @@ -719,8 +719,8 @@ github.com/stretchr/testify v1.6.1/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/ github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.0/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg= github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.1/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg= github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.0/go.mod h1:yNjHg4UonilssWZ8iaSj1OCr/vHnekPRkoO+kdMU+MU= -github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.2 h1:+h33VjcLVPDHtOdpUCuF+7gSuG3yGIftsP1YvFihtJ8= -github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.2/go.mod h1:w2LPCIKwWwSfY2zedu0+kehJoqGctiVI29o6fzry7u4= +github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 h1:CcVxjf3Q8PM0mHUKJCdn+eZZtm5yQwehR5yeSVQQcUk= +github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4/go.mod h1:sz/lmYIOXD/1dqDmKjjqLyZ2RngseejIcXlSw2iwfAo= github.com/subosito/gotenv v1.3.0/go.mod h1:YzJjq/33h7nrwdY+iHMhEOEEbW0ovIz0tB6t6PwAXzs= github.com/subosito/gotenv v1.4.0/go.mod h1:mZd6rFysKEcUhUHXJk0C/08wAgyDBFuwEYL7vWWGaGo= github.com/tevino/abool v1.2.0/go.mod h1:qc66Pna1RiIsPa7O4Egxxs9OqkuxDX55zznh9K07Tzg= @@ -765,14 +765,14 @@ go.opencensus.io v0.22.3/go.mod h1:yxeiOL68Rb0Xd1ddK5vPZ/oVn4vY4Ynel7k9FzqtOIw= go.opencensus.io v0.22.4/go.mod h1:yxeiOL68Rb0Xd1ddK5vPZ/oVn4vY4Ynel7k9FzqtOIw= go.opencensus.io v0.22.5/go.mod h1:5pWMHQbX5EPX2/62yrJeAkowc+lfs/XD7Uxpq3pI6kk= go.opencensus.io v0.23.0/go.mod h1:XItmlyltB5F7CS4xOC1DcqMoFqwtC6OG2xF7mCv7P7E= -go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.36.4 h1:aUEBEdCa6iamGzg6fuYxDA8ThxvOG240mAvWDU+XLio= -go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.36.4/go.mod h1:l2MdsbKTocpPS5nQZscqTR9jd8u96VYZdcpF8Sye7mA= -go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.11.1 h1:4WLLAmcfkmDk2ukNXJyq3/kiz/3UzCaYq6PskJsaou4= -go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.11.1/go.mod h1:1nNhXBbWSD0nsL38H6btgnFN2k4i0sNLHNNMZMSbUGE= -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v0.33.0 h1:xQAyl7uGEYvrLAiV/09iTJlp1pZnQ9Wl793qbVvED1E= -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v0.33.0/go.mod h1:QlTYc+EnYNq/M2mNk1qDDMRLpqCOj2f/r5c7Fd5FYaI= -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.11.1 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h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.6/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ= golang.org/x/text v0.3.7/go.mod h1:u+2+/6zg+i71rQMx5EYifcz6MCKuco9NR6JIITiCfzQ= -golang.org/x/text v0.13.0 h1:ablQoSUd0tRdKxZewP80B+BaqeKJuVhuRxj/dkrun3k= -golang.org/x/text v0.13.0/go.mod h1:TvPlkZtksWOMsz7fbANvkp4WM8x/WCo/om8BMLbz+aE= +golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 h1:ScX5w1eTa3QqT8oi6+ziP7dTV1S2+ALU0bI+0zXKWiQ= +golang.org/x/text v0.14.0/go.mod h1:18ZOQIKpY8NJVqYksKHtTdi31H5itFRjB5/qKTNYzSU= golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20181108054448-85acf8d2951c/go.mod h1:tRJNPiyCQ0inRvYxbN9jk5I+vvW/OXSQhTDSoE431IQ= golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20190308202827-9d24e82272b4/go.mod h1:tRJNPiyCQ0inRvYxbN9jk5I+vvW/OXSQhTDSoE431IQ= golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20191024005414-555d28b269f0/go.mod h1:tRJNPiyCQ0inRvYxbN9jk5I+vvW/OXSQhTDSoE431IQ= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/.golangci.yaml b/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/.golangci.yaml index 94ff801df..0cffafa7b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/.golangci.yaml +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/.golangci.yaml @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ linters: disable-all: true enable: - asciicheck - - deadcode - errcheck - forcetypeassert - gocritic @@ -18,10 +17,8 @@ linters: - misspell - revive - staticcheck - - structcheck - typecheck - unused - - varcheck issues: exclude-use-default: false diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/discard.go b/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/discard.go index 9d92a38f1..99fe8be93 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/discard.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/discard.go @@ -20,35 +20,5 @@ package logr // used whenever the caller is not interested in the logs. Logger instances // produced by this function always compare as equal. func Discard() Logger { - return Logger{ - level: 0, - sink: discardLogSink{}, - } -} - -// discardLogSink is a LogSink that discards all messages. -type discardLogSink struct{} - -// Verify that it actually implements the interface -var _ LogSink = discardLogSink{} - -func (l discardLogSink) Init(RuntimeInfo) { -} - -func (l discardLogSink) Enabled(int) bool { - return false -} - -func (l discardLogSink) Info(int, string, ...interface{}) { -} - -func (l discardLogSink) Error(error, string, ...interface{}) { -} - -func (l discardLogSink) WithValues(...interface{}) LogSink { - return l -} - -func (l discardLogSink) WithName(string) LogSink { - return l + return New(nil) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/funcr/funcr.go b/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/funcr/funcr.go index 7accdb0c4..e52f0cd01 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/funcr/funcr.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/funcr/funcr.go @@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ limitations under the License. // github.com/go-logr/logr.LogSink with output through an arbitrary // "write" function. See New and NewJSON for details. // -// Custom LogSinks +// # Custom LogSinks // // For users who need more control, a funcr.Formatter can be embedded inside // your own custom LogSink implementation. This is useful when the LogSink // needs to implement additional methods, for example. // -// Formatting +// # Formatting // // This will respect logr.Marshaler, fmt.Stringer, and error interfaces for // values which are being logged. When rendering a struct, funcr will use Go's @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ package funcr import ( "bytes" "encoding" + "encoding/json" "fmt" "path/filepath" "reflect" @@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ func newFormatter(opts Options, outfmt outputFormat) Formatter { prefix: "", values: nil, depth: 0, - opts: opts, + opts: &opts, } return f } @@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ type Formatter struct { values []interface{} valuesStr string depth int - opts Options + opts *Options } // outputFormat indicates which outputFormat to use. @@ -447,6 +448,7 @@ func (f Formatter) prettyWithFlags(value interface{}, flags uint32, depth int) s if flags&flagRawStruct == 0 { buf.WriteByte('{') } + printComma := false // testing i>0 is not enough because of JSON omitted fields for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { fld := t.Field(i) if fld.PkgPath != "" { @@ -478,9 +480,10 @@ func (f Formatter) prettyWithFlags(value interface{}, flags uint32, depth int) s if omitempty && isEmpty(v.Field(i)) { continue } - if i > 0 { + if printComma { buf.WriteByte(',') } + printComma = true // if we got here, we are rendering a field if fld.Anonymous && fld.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct && name == "" { buf.WriteString(f.prettyWithFlags(v.Field(i).Interface(), flags|flagRawStruct, depth+1)) continue @@ -500,6 +503,20 @@ func (f Formatter) prettyWithFlags(value interface{}, flags uint32, depth int) s } return buf.String() case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: + // If this is outputing as JSON make sure this isn't really a json.RawMessage. + // If so just emit "as-is" and don't pretty it as that will just print + // it as [X,Y,Z,...] which isn't terribly useful vs the string form you really want. + if f.outputFormat == outputJSON { + if rm, ok := value.(json.RawMessage); ok { + // If it's empty make sure we emit an empty value as the array style would below. + if len(rm) > 0 { + buf.Write(rm) + } else { + buf.WriteString("null") + } + return buf.String() + } + } buf.WriteByte('[') for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ { if i > 0 { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/logr.go b/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/logr.go index c3b56b3d2..e027aea3f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/logr.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-logr/logr/logr.go @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ limitations under the License. // to back that API. Packages in the Go ecosystem can depend on this package, // while callers can implement logging with whatever backend is appropriate. // -// Usage +// # Usage // // Logging is done using a Logger instance. Logger is a concrete type with // methods, which defers the actual logging to a LogSink interface. The main @@ -30,16 +30,20 @@ limitations under the License. // "structured logging". // // With Go's standard log package, we might write: -// log.Printf("setting target value %s", targetValue) +// +// log.Printf("setting target value %s", targetValue) // // With logr's structured logging, we'd write: -// logger.Info("setting target", "value", targetValue) +// +// logger.Info("setting target", "value", targetValue) // // Errors are much the same. Instead of: -// log.Printf("failed to open the pod bay door for user %s: %v", user, err) +// +// log.Printf("failed to open the pod bay door for user %s: %v", user, err) // // We'd write: -// logger.Error(err, "failed to open the pod bay door", "user", user) +// +// logger.Error(err, "failed to open the pod bay door", "user", user) // // Info() and Error() are very similar, but they are separate methods so that // LogSink implementations can choose to do things like attach additional @@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ limitations under the License. // always logged, regardless of the current verbosity. If there is no error // instance available, passing nil is valid. // -// Verbosity +// # Verbosity // // Often we want to log information only when the application in "verbose // mode". To write log lines that are more verbose, Logger has a V() method. @@ -58,20 +62,22 @@ limitations under the License. // Error messages do not have a verbosity level and are always logged. // // Where we might have written: -// if flVerbose >= 2 { -// log.Printf("an unusual thing happened") -// } +// +// if flVerbose >= 2 { +// log.Printf("an unusual thing happened") +// } // // We can write: -// logger.V(2).Info("an unusual thing happened") // -// Logger Names +// logger.V(2).Info("an unusual thing happened") +// +// # Logger Names // // Logger instances can have name strings so that all messages logged through // that instance have additional context. For example, you might want to add // a subsystem name: // -// logger.WithName("compactor").Info("started", "time", time.Now()) +// logger.WithName("compactor").Info("started", "time", time.Now()) // // The WithName() method returns a new Logger, which can be passed to // constructors or other functions for further use. Repeated use of WithName() @@ -82,25 +88,27 @@ limitations under the License. // joining operation (e.g. whitespace, commas, periods, slashes, brackets, // quotes, etc). // -// Saved Values +// # Saved Values // // Logger instances can store any number of key/value pairs, which will be // logged alongside all messages logged through that instance. For example, // you might want to create a Logger instance per managed object: // // With the standard log package, we might write: -// log.Printf("decided to set field foo to value %q for object %s/%s", -// targetValue, object.Namespace, object.Name) +// +// log.Printf("decided to set field foo to value %q for object %s/%s", +// targetValue, object.Namespace, object.Name) // // With logr we'd write: -// // Elsewhere: set up the logger to log the object name. -// obj.logger = mainLogger.WithValues( -// "name", obj.name, "namespace", obj.namespace) // -// // later on... -// obj.logger.Info("setting foo", "value", targetValue) +// // Elsewhere: set up the logger to log the object name. +// obj.logger = mainLogger.WithValues( +// "name", obj.name, "namespace", obj.namespace) +// +// // later on... +// obj.logger.Info("setting foo", "value", targetValue) // -// Best Practices +// # Best Practices // // Logger has very few hard rules, with the goal that LogSink implementations // might have a lot of freedom to differentiate. There are, however, some @@ -124,15 +132,15 @@ limitations under the License. // around. For cases where passing a logger is optional, a pointer to Logger // should be used. // -// Key Naming Conventions +// # Key Naming Conventions // // Keys are not strictly required to conform to any specification or regex, but // it is recommended that they: -// * be human-readable and meaningful (not auto-generated or simple ordinals) -// * be constant (not dependent on input data) -// * contain only printable characters -// * not contain whitespace or punctuation -// * use lower case for simple keys and lowerCamelCase for more complex ones +// - be human-readable and meaningful (not auto-generated or simple ordinals) +// - be constant (not dependent on input data) +// - contain only printable characters +// - not contain whitespace or punctuation +// - use lower case for simple keys and lowerCamelCase for more complex ones // // These guidelines help ensure that log data is processed properly regardless // of the log implementation. For example, log implementations will try to @@ -141,51 +149,54 @@ limitations under the License. // While users are generally free to use key names of their choice, it's // generally best to avoid using the following keys, as they're frequently used // by implementations: -// * "caller": the calling information (file/line) of a particular log line -// * "error": the underlying error value in the `Error` method -// * "level": the log level -// * "logger": the name of the associated logger -// * "msg": the log message -// * "stacktrace": the stack trace associated with a particular log line or -// error (often from the `Error` message) -// * "ts": the timestamp for a log line +// - "caller": the calling information (file/line) of a particular log line +// - "error": the underlying error value in the `Error` method +// - "level": the log level +// - "logger": the name of the associated logger +// - "msg": the log message +// - "stacktrace": the stack trace associated with a particular log line or +// error (often from the `Error` message) +// - "ts": the timestamp for a log line // // Implementations are encouraged to make use of these keys to represent the // above concepts, when necessary (for example, in a pure-JSON output form, it // would be necessary to represent at least message and timestamp as ordinary // named values). // -// Break Glass +// # Break Glass // // Implementations may choose to give callers access to the underlying // logging implementation. The recommended pattern for this is: -// // Underlier exposes access to the underlying logging implementation. -// // Since callers only have a logr.Logger, they have to know which -// // implementation is in use, so this interface is less of an abstraction -// // and more of way to test type conversion. -// type Underlier interface { -// GetUnderlying() -// } +// +// // Underlier exposes access to the underlying logging implementation. +// // Since callers only have a logr.Logger, they have to know which +// // implementation is in use, so this interface is less of an abstraction +// // and more of way to test type conversion. +// type Underlier interface { +// GetUnderlying() +// } // // Logger grants access to the sink to enable type assertions like this: -// func DoSomethingWithImpl(log logr.Logger) { -// if underlier, ok := log.GetSink()(impl.Underlier) { -// implLogger := underlier.GetUnderlying() -// ... -// } -// } +// +// func DoSomethingWithImpl(log logr.Logger) { +// if underlier, ok := log.GetSink().(impl.Underlier); ok { +// implLogger := underlier.GetUnderlying() +// ... +// } +// } // // Custom `With*` functions can be implemented by copying the complete // Logger struct and replacing the sink in the copy: -// // WithFooBar changes the foobar parameter in the log sink and returns a -// // new logger with that modified sink. It does nothing for loggers where -// // the sink doesn't support that parameter. -// func WithFoobar(log logr.Logger, foobar int) logr.Logger { -// if foobarLogSink, ok := log.GetSink()(FoobarSink); ok { -// log = log.WithSink(foobarLogSink.WithFooBar(foobar)) -// } -// return log -// } +// +// // WithFooBar changes the foobar parameter in the log sink and returns a +// // new logger with that modified sink. It does nothing for loggers where +// // the sink doesn't support that parameter. +// func WithFoobar(log logr.Logger, foobar int) logr.Logger { +// if foobarLogSink, ok := log.GetSink().(FoobarSink); ok { +// log = log.WithSink(foobarLogSink.WithFooBar(foobar)) +// } +// return log +// } // // Don't use New to construct a new Logger with a LogSink retrieved from an // existing Logger. Source code attribution might not work correctly and @@ -201,11 +212,14 @@ import ( ) // New returns a new Logger instance. This is primarily used by libraries -// implementing LogSink, rather than end users. +// implementing LogSink, rather than end users. Passing a nil sink will create +// a Logger which discards all log lines. func New(sink LogSink) Logger { logger := Logger{} logger.setSink(sink) - sink.Init(runtimeInfo) + if sink != nil { + sink.Init(runtimeInfo) + } return logger } @@ -244,7 +258,7 @@ type Logger struct { // Enabled tests whether this Logger is enabled. For example, commandline // flags might be used to set the logging verbosity and disable some info logs. func (l Logger) Enabled() bool { - return l.sink.Enabled(l.level) + return l.sink != nil && l.sink.Enabled(l.level) } // Info logs a non-error message with the given key/value pairs as context. @@ -254,6 +268,9 @@ func (l Logger) Enabled() bool { // information. The key/value pairs must alternate string keys and arbitrary // values. func (l Logger) Info(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { + if l.sink == nil { + return + } if l.Enabled() { if withHelper, ok := l.sink.(CallStackHelperLogSink); ok { withHelper.GetCallStackHelper()() @@ -273,6 +290,9 @@ func (l Logger) Info(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { // triggered this log line, if present. The err parameter is optional // and nil may be passed instead of an error instance. func (l Logger) Error(err error, msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { + if l.sink == nil { + return + } if withHelper, ok := l.sink.(CallStackHelperLogSink); ok { withHelper.GetCallStackHelper()() } @@ -284,6 +304,9 @@ func (l Logger) Error(err error, msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { // level means a log message is less important. Negative V-levels are treated // as 0. func (l Logger) V(level int) Logger { + if l.sink == nil { + return l + } if level < 0 { level = 0 } @@ -294,6 +317,9 @@ func (l Logger) V(level int) Logger { // WithValues returns a new Logger instance with additional key/value pairs. // See Info for documentation on how key/value pairs work. func (l Logger) WithValues(keysAndValues ...interface{}) Logger { + if l.sink == nil { + return l + } l.setSink(l.sink.WithValues(keysAndValues...)) return l } @@ -304,6 +330,9 @@ func (l Logger) WithValues(keysAndValues ...interface{}) Logger { // contain only letters, digits, and hyphens (see the package documentation for // more information). func (l Logger) WithName(name string) Logger { + if l.sink == nil { + return l + } l.setSink(l.sink.WithName(name)) return l } @@ -324,6 +353,9 @@ func (l Logger) WithName(name string) Logger { // WithCallDepth(1) because it works with implementions that support the // CallDepthLogSink and/or CallStackHelperLogSink interfaces. func (l Logger) WithCallDepth(depth int) Logger { + if l.sink == nil { + return l + } if withCallDepth, ok := l.sink.(CallDepthLogSink); ok { l.setSink(withCallDepth.WithCallDepth(depth)) } @@ -345,6 +377,9 @@ func (l Logger) WithCallDepth(depth int) Logger { // implementation does not support either of these, the original Logger will be // returned. func (l Logger) WithCallStackHelper() (func(), Logger) { + if l.sink == nil { + return func() {}, l + } var helper func() if withCallDepth, ok := l.sink.(CallDepthLogSink); ok { l.setSink(withCallDepth.WithCallDepth(1)) @@ -357,6 +392,11 @@ func (l Logger) WithCallStackHelper() (func(), Logger) { return helper, l } +// IsZero returns true if this logger is an uninitialized zero value +func (l Logger) IsZero() bool { + return l.sink == nil +} + // contextKey is how we find Loggers in a context.Context. type contextKey struct{} @@ -442,7 +482,7 @@ type LogSink interface { WithName(name string) LogSink } -// CallDepthLogSink represents a Logger that knows how to climb the call stack +// CallDepthLogSink represents a LogSink that knows how to climb the call stack // to identify the original call site and can offset the depth by a specified // number of frames. This is useful for users who have helper functions // between the "real" call site and the actual calls to Logger methods. @@ -467,7 +507,7 @@ type CallDepthLogSink interface { WithCallDepth(depth int) LogSink } -// CallStackHelperLogSink represents a Logger that knows how to climb +// CallStackHelperLogSink represents a LogSink that knows how to climb // the call stack to identify the original call site and can skip // intermediate helper functions if they mark themselves as // helper. Go's testing package uses that approach. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/prometheus/web/ui/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/prometheus/web/ui/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4f04e905f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/prometheus/web/ui/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +*.gz +embed.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare.go index 95d8e59da..b774da88d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_compare.go @@ -352,9 +352,9 @@ func compare(obj1, obj2 interface{}, kind reflect.Kind) (CompareType, bool) { // Greater asserts that the first element is greater than the second // -// assert.Greater(t, 2, 1) -// assert.Greater(t, float64(2), float64(1)) -// assert.Greater(t, "b", "a") +// assert.Greater(t, 2, 1) +// assert.Greater(t, float64(2), float64(1)) +// assert.Greater(t, "b", "a") func Greater(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -364,10 +364,10 @@ func Greater(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface // GreaterOrEqual asserts that the first element is greater than or equal to the second // -// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, 2, 1) -// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, 2, 2) -// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, "b", "a") -// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, "b", "b") +// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, 2, 1) +// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, 2, 2) +// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, "b", "a") +// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, "b", "b") func GreaterOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -377,9 +377,9 @@ func GreaterOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...in // Less asserts that the first element is less than the second // -// assert.Less(t, 1, 2) -// assert.Less(t, float64(1), float64(2)) -// assert.Less(t, "a", "b") +// assert.Less(t, 1, 2) +// assert.Less(t, float64(1), float64(2)) +// assert.Less(t, "a", "b") func Less(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -389,10 +389,10 @@ func Less(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // LessOrEqual asserts that the first element is less than or equal to the second // -// assert.LessOrEqual(t, 1, 2) -// assert.LessOrEqual(t, 2, 2) -// assert.LessOrEqual(t, "a", "b") -// assert.LessOrEqual(t, "b", "b") +// assert.LessOrEqual(t, 1, 2) +// assert.LessOrEqual(t, 2, 2) +// assert.LessOrEqual(t, "a", "b") +// assert.LessOrEqual(t, "b", "b") func LessOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -402,8 +402,8 @@ func LessOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...inter // Positive asserts that the specified element is positive // -// assert.Positive(t, 1) -// assert.Positive(t, 1.23) +// assert.Positive(t, 1) +// assert.Positive(t, 1.23) func Positive(t TestingT, e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -414,8 +414,8 @@ func Positive(t TestingT, e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // Negative asserts that the specified element is negative // -// assert.Negative(t, -1) -// assert.Negative(t, -1.23) +// assert.Negative(t, -1) +// assert.Negative(t, -1.23) func Negative(t TestingT, e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_format.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_format.go index 7880b8f94..84dbd6c79 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_format.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_format.go @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ func Conditionf(t TestingT, comp Comparison, msg string, args ...interface{}) bo // Containsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the // specified substring or element. // -// assert.Containsf(t, "Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Containsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Containsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Containsf(t, "Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Containsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Containsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted") func Containsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func ElementsMatchf(t TestingT, listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msg string // Emptyf asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// assert.Emptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Emptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted") func Emptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func Emptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) boo // Equalf asserts that two objects are equal. // -// assert.Equalf(t, 123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Equalf(t, 123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ func Equalf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, ar // EqualErrorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that it is equal to the provided error. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// assert.EqualErrorf(t, err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted") +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.EqualErrorf(t, err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted") func EqualErrorf(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -90,10 +90,27 @@ func EqualErrorf(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msg string, args return EqualError(t, theError, errString, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } +// EqualExportedValuesf asserts that the types of two objects are equal and their public +// fields are also equal. This is useful for comparing structs that have private fields +// that could potentially differ. +// +// type S struct { +// Exported int +// notExported int +// } +// assert.EqualExportedValuesf(t, S{1, 2}, S{1, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") => true +// assert.EqualExportedValuesf(t, S{1, 2}, S{2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") => false +func EqualExportedValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return EqualExportedValues(t, expected, actual, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) +} + // EqualValuesf asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types // and equal. // -// assert.EqualValuesf(t, uint32(123), int32(123), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.EqualValuesf(t, uint32(123), int32(123), "error message %s", "formatted") func EqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -103,10 +120,10 @@ func EqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg stri // Errorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if assert.Errorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if assert.Errorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err) +// } func Errorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -126,8 +143,8 @@ func ErrorAsf(t TestingT, err error, target interface{}, msg string, args ...int // ErrorContainsf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that the error contains the specified substring. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// assert.ErrorContainsf(t, err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.ErrorContainsf(t, err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") func ErrorContainsf(t TestingT, theError error, contains string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -147,7 +164,7 @@ func ErrorIsf(t TestingT, err error, target error, msg string, args ...interface // Eventuallyf asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, // periodically checking target function each tick. // -// assert.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") func Eventuallyf(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -155,9 +172,34 @@ func Eventuallyf(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick return Eventually(t, condition, waitFor, tick, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } +// EventuallyWithTf asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, +// periodically checking target function each tick. In contrast to Eventually, +// it supplies a CollectT to the condition function, so that the condition +// function can use the CollectT to call other assertions. +// The condition is considered "met" if no errors are raised in a tick. +// The supplied CollectT collects all errors from one tick (if there are any). +// If the condition is not met before waitFor, the collected errors of +// the last tick are copied to t. +// +// externalValue := false +// go func() { +// time.Sleep(8*time.Second) +// externalValue = true +// }() +// assert.EventuallyWithTf(t, func(c *assert.CollectT, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// // add assertions as needed; any assertion failure will fail the current tick +// assert.True(c, externalValue, "expected 'externalValue' to be true") +// }, 1*time.Second, 10*time.Second, "external state has not changed to 'true'; still false") +func EventuallyWithTf(t TestingT, condition func(collect *CollectT), waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return EventuallyWithT(t, condition, waitFor, tick, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) +} + // Exactlyf asserts that two objects are equal in value and type. // -// assert.Exactlyf(t, int32(123), int64(123), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Exactlyf(t, int32(123), int64(123), "error message %s", "formatted") func Exactlyf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -183,7 +225,7 @@ func FailNowf(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{} // Falsef asserts that the specified value is false. // -// assert.Falsef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Falsef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") func Falsef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -202,9 +244,9 @@ func FileExistsf(t TestingT, path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool // Greaterf asserts that the first element is greater than the second // -// assert.Greaterf(t, 2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Greaterf(t, float64(2), float64(1), "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Greaterf(t, "b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Greaterf(t, 2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Greaterf(t, float64(2), float64(1), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Greaterf(t, "b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") func Greaterf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -214,10 +256,10 @@ func Greaterf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...in // GreaterOrEqualf asserts that the first element is greater than or equal to the second // -// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, 2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, 2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, "b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, "b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, 2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, 2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, "b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, "b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func GreaterOrEqualf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -228,7 +270,7 @@ func GreaterOrEqualf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, arg // HTTPBodyContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that contains a string. // -// assert.HTTPBodyContainsf(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.HTTPBodyContainsf(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPBodyContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -241,7 +283,7 @@ func HTTPBodyContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url // HTTPBodyNotContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that does not contain a string. // -// assert.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -253,7 +295,7 @@ func HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, u // HTTPErrorf asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code. // -// assert.HTTPErrorf(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// assert.HTTPErrorf(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPErrorf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -265,7 +307,7 @@ func HTTPErrorf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, // HTTPRedirectf asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code. // -// assert.HTTPRedirectf(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// assert.HTTPRedirectf(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPRedirectf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -277,7 +319,7 @@ func HTTPRedirectf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url stri // HTTPStatusCodef asserts that a specified handler returns a specified status code. // -// assert.HTTPStatusCodef(t, myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.HTTPStatusCodef(t, myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPStatusCodef(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, statuscode int, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -289,7 +331,7 @@ func HTTPStatusCodef(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url st // HTTPSuccessf asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code. // -// assert.HTTPSuccessf(t, myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.HTTPSuccessf(t, myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPSuccessf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -301,7 +343,7 @@ func HTTPSuccessf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url strin // Implementsf asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface. // -// assert.Implementsf(t, (*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Implementsf(t, (*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject), "error message %s", "formatted") func Implementsf(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -311,7 +353,7 @@ func Implementsf(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, ms // InDeltaf asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other. // -// assert.InDeltaf(t, math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.InDeltaf(t, math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01, "error message %s", "formatted") func InDeltaf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -353,9 +395,9 @@ func InEpsilonSlicef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsil // IsDecreasingf asserts that the collection is decreasing // -// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []int{2, 1, 0}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []int{2, 1, 0}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func IsDecreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -365,9 +407,9 @@ func IsDecreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface // IsIncreasingf asserts that the collection is increasing // -// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []int{1, 2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []int{1, 2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func IsIncreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -377,9 +419,9 @@ func IsIncreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface // IsNonDecreasingf asserts that the collection is not decreasing // -// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []int{1, 1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []int{1, 1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func IsNonDecreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -389,9 +431,9 @@ func IsNonDecreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interf // IsNonIncreasingf asserts that the collection is not increasing // -// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []int{2, 1, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []int{2, 1, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func IsNonIncreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -409,7 +451,7 @@ func IsTypef(t TestingT, expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msg strin // JSONEqf asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent. // -// assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted") func JSONEqf(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -420,7 +462,7 @@ func JSONEqf(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msg string, args ...int // Lenf asserts that the specified object has specific length. // Lenf also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept. // -// assert.Lenf(t, mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Lenf(t, mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted") func Lenf(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -430,9 +472,9 @@ func Lenf(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interf // Lessf asserts that the first element is less than the second // -// assert.Lessf(t, 1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Lessf(t, float64(1), float64(2), "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Lessf(t, "a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Lessf(t, 1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Lessf(t, float64(1), float64(2), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Lessf(t, "a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func Lessf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -442,10 +484,10 @@ func Lessf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...inter // LessOrEqualf asserts that the first element is less than or equal to the second // -// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, 1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, 2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, "a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, "b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, 1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, 2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, "a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, "b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func LessOrEqualf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -455,8 +497,8 @@ func LessOrEqualf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args . // Negativef asserts that the specified element is negative // -// assert.Negativef(t, -1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Negativef(t, -1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Negativef(t, -1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Negativef(t, -1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") func Negativef(t TestingT, e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -467,7 +509,7 @@ func Negativef(t TestingT, e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool // Neverf asserts that the given condition doesn't satisfy in waitFor time, // periodically checking the target function each tick. // -// assert.Neverf(t, func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Neverf(t, func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") func Neverf(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -477,7 +519,7 @@ func Neverf(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time. // Nilf asserts that the specified object is nil. // -// assert.Nilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Nilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") func Nilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -496,10 +538,10 @@ func NoDirExistsf(t TestingT, path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool // NoErrorf asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) +// } func NoErrorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -519,9 +561,9 @@ func NoFileExistsf(t TestingT, path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) boo // NotContainsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the // specified substring or element. // -// assert.NotContainsf(t, "Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.NotContainsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.NotContainsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotContainsf(t, "Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotContainsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotContainsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") func NotContainsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -532,9 +574,9 @@ func NotContainsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, a // NotEmptyf asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// if assert.NotEmptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) -// } +// if assert.NotEmptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) +// } func NotEmptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -544,7 +586,7 @@ func NotEmptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) // NotEqualf asserts that the specified values are NOT equal. // -// assert.NotEqualf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotEqualf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). @@ -557,7 +599,7 @@ func NotEqualf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, // NotEqualValuesf asserts that two objects are not equal even when converted to the same type // -// assert.NotEqualValuesf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotEqualValuesf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") func NotEqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -576,7 +618,7 @@ func NotErrorIsf(t TestingT, err error, target error, msg string, args ...interf // NotNilf asserts that the specified object is not nil. // -// assert.NotNilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotNilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") func NotNilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -586,7 +628,7 @@ func NotNilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bo // NotPanicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic. // -// assert.NotPanicsf(t, func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotPanicsf(t, func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func NotPanicsf(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -596,8 +638,8 @@ func NotPanicsf(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bo // NotRegexpf asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string. // -// assert.NotRegexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.NotRegexpf(t, "^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotRegexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotRegexpf(t, "^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") func NotRegexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -607,7 +649,7 @@ func NotRegexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args .. // NotSamef asserts that two pointers do not reference the same object. // -// assert.NotSamef(t, ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotSamef(t, ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -621,7 +663,7 @@ func NotSamef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, // NotSubsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// assert.NotSubsetf(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotSubsetf(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") func NotSubsetf(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -639,7 +681,7 @@ func NotZerof(t TestingT, i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { // Panicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics. // -// assert.Panicsf(t, func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Panicsf(t, func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func Panicsf(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -651,7 +693,7 @@ func Panicsf(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool // panics, and that the recovered panic value is an error that satisfies the // EqualError comparison. // -// assert.PanicsWithErrorf(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.PanicsWithErrorf(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func PanicsWithErrorf(t TestingT, errString string, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -662,7 +704,7 @@ func PanicsWithErrorf(t TestingT, errString string, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, // PanicsWithValuef asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that // the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value. // -// assert.PanicsWithValuef(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.PanicsWithValuef(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func PanicsWithValuef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -672,8 +714,8 @@ func PanicsWithValuef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msg str // Positivef asserts that the specified element is positive // -// assert.Positivef(t, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Positivef(t, 1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Positivef(t, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Positivef(t, 1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") func Positivef(t TestingT, e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -683,8 +725,8 @@ func Positivef(t TestingT, e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool // Regexpf asserts that a specified regexp matches a string. // -// assert.Regexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Regexpf(t, "start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Regexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Regexpf(t, "start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") func Regexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -694,7 +736,7 @@ func Regexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...in // Samef asserts that two pointers reference the same object. // -// assert.Samef(t, ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Samef(t, ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -708,7 +750,7 @@ func Samef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, arg // Subsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// assert.Subsetf(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Subsetf(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") func Subsetf(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -718,7 +760,7 @@ func Subsetf(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args // Truef asserts that the specified value is true. // -// assert.Truef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Truef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") func Truef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -728,7 +770,7 @@ func Truef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { // WithinDurationf asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other. // -// assert.WithinDurationf(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.WithinDurationf(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted") func WithinDurationf(t TestingT, expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -738,7 +780,7 @@ func WithinDurationf(t TestingT, expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta tim // WithinRangef asserts that a time is within a time range (inclusive). // -// assert.WithinRangef(t, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.WithinRangef(t, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second), "error message %s", "formatted") func WithinRangef(t TestingT, actual time.Time, start time.Time, end time.Time, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_forward.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_forward.go index 339515b8b..b1d94aec5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_forward.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_forward.go @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) Conditionf(comp Comparison, msg string, args ...interface{} // Contains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the // specified substring or element. // -// a.Contains("Hello World", "World") -// a.Contains(["Hello", "World"], "World") -// a.Contains({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello") +// a.Contains("Hello World", "World") +// a.Contains(["Hello", "World"], "World") +// a.Contains({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello") func (a *Assertions) Contains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) Contains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs .. // Containsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the // specified substring or element. // -// a.Containsf("Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Containsf(["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Containsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Containsf("Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Containsf(["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Containsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Containsf(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) ElementsMatchf(listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msg st // Empty asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// a.Empty(obj) +// a.Empty(obj) func (a *Assertions) Empty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Empty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // Emptyf asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// a.Emptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Emptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Emptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Emptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) // Equal asserts that two objects are equal. // -// a.Equal(123, 123) +// a.Equal(123, 123) // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality @@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Equal(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs // EqualError asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that it is equal to the provided error. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// a.EqualError(err, expectedErrorString) +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.EqualError(err, expectedErrorString) func (a *Assertions) EqualError(theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) EqualError(theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ... // EqualErrorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that it is equal to the provided error. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// a.EqualErrorf(err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted") +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.EqualErrorf(err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) EqualErrorf(theError error, errString string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -155,10 +155,44 @@ func (a *Assertions) EqualErrorf(theError error, errString string, msg string, a return EqualErrorf(a.t, theError, errString, msg, args...) } +// EqualExportedValues asserts that the types of two objects are equal and their public +// fields are also equal. This is useful for comparing structs that have private fields +// that could potentially differ. +// +// type S struct { +// Exported int +// notExported int +// } +// a.EqualExportedValues(S{1, 2}, S{1, 3}) => true +// a.EqualExportedValues(S{1, 2}, S{2, 3}) => false +func (a *Assertions) EqualExportedValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return EqualExportedValues(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...) +} + +// EqualExportedValuesf asserts that the types of two objects are equal and their public +// fields are also equal. This is useful for comparing structs that have private fields +// that could potentially differ. +// +// type S struct { +// Exported int +// notExported int +// } +// a.EqualExportedValuesf(S{1, 2}, S{1, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") => true +// a.EqualExportedValuesf(S{1, 2}, S{2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") => false +func (a *Assertions) EqualExportedValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return EqualExportedValuesf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...) +} + // EqualValues asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types // and equal. // -// a.EqualValues(uint32(123), int32(123)) +// a.EqualValues(uint32(123), int32(123)) func (a *Assertions) EqualValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -169,7 +203,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) EqualValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAn // EqualValuesf asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types // and equal. // -// a.EqualValuesf(uint32(123), int32(123), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.EqualValuesf(uint32(123), int32(123), "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) EqualValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -179,7 +213,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) EqualValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg // Equalf asserts that two objects are equal. // -// a.Equalf(123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Equalf(123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality @@ -193,10 +227,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) Equalf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string // Error asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if a.Error(err) { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if a.Error(err) { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err) +// } func (a *Assertions) Error(err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -225,8 +259,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) ErrorAsf(err error, target interface{}, msg string, args .. // ErrorContains asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that the error contains the specified substring. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// a.ErrorContains(err, expectedErrorSubString) +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.ErrorContains(err, expectedErrorSubString) func (a *Assertions) ErrorContains(theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -237,8 +271,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) ErrorContains(theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs . // ErrorContainsf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that the error contains the specified substring. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// a.ErrorContainsf(err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.ErrorContainsf(err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) ErrorContainsf(theError error, contains string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -266,10 +300,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) ErrorIsf(err error, target error, msg string, args ...inter // Errorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if a.Errorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if a.Errorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err) +// } func (a *Assertions) Errorf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -280,7 +314,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Errorf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { // Eventually asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, // periodically checking target function each tick. // -// a.Eventually(func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) +// a.Eventually(func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) func (a *Assertions) Eventually(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -288,10 +322,60 @@ func (a *Assertions) Eventually(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, ti return Eventually(a.t, condition, waitFor, tick, msgAndArgs...) } +// EventuallyWithT asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, +// periodically checking target function each tick. In contrast to Eventually, +// it supplies a CollectT to the condition function, so that the condition +// function can use the CollectT to call other assertions. +// The condition is considered "met" if no errors are raised in a tick. +// The supplied CollectT collects all errors from one tick (if there are any). +// If the condition is not met before waitFor, the collected errors of +// the last tick are copied to t. +// +// externalValue := false +// go func() { +// time.Sleep(8*time.Second) +// externalValue = true +// }() +// a.EventuallyWithT(func(c *assert.CollectT) { +// // add assertions as needed; any assertion failure will fail the current tick +// assert.True(c, externalValue, "expected 'externalValue' to be true") +// }, 1*time.Second, 10*time.Second, "external state has not changed to 'true'; still false") +func (a *Assertions) EventuallyWithT(condition func(collect *CollectT), waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return EventuallyWithT(a.t, condition, waitFor, tick, msgAndArgs...) +} + +// EventuallyWithTf asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, +// periodically checking target function each tick. In contrast to Eventually, +// it supplies a CollectT to the condition function, so that the condition +// function can use the CollectT to call other assertions. +// The condition is considered "met" if no errors are raised in a tick. +// The supplied CollectT collects all errors from one tick (if there are any). +// If the condition is not met before waitFor, the collected errors of +// the last tick are copied to t. +// +// externalValue := false +// go func() { +// time.Sleep(8*time.Second) +// externalValue = true +// }() +// a.EventuallyWithTf(func(c *assert.CollectT, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// // add assertions as needed; any assertion failure will fail the current tick +// assert.True(c, externalValue, "expected 'externalValue' to be true") +// }, 1*time.Second, 10*time.Second, "external state has not changed to 'true'; still false") +func (a *Assertions) EventuallyWithTf(condition func(collect *CollectT), waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + return EventuallyWithTf(a.t, condition, waitFor, tick, msg, args...) +} + // Eventuallyf asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, // periodically checking target function each tick. // -// a.Eventuallyf(func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Eventuallyf(func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Eventuallyf(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -301,7 +385,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Eventuallyf(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, t // Exactly asserts that two objects are equal in value and type. // -// a.Exactly(int32(123), int64(123)) +// a.Exactly(int32(123), int64(123)) func (a *Assertions) Exactly(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -311,7 +395,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Exactly(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArg // Exactlyf asserts that two objects are equal in value and type. // -// a.Exactlyf(int32(123), int64(123), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Exactlyf(int32(123), int64(123), "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Exactlyf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -353,7 +437,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Failf(failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{ // False asserts that the specified value is false. // -// a.False(myBool) +// a.False(myBool) func (a *Assertions) False(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -363,7 +447,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) False(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // Falsef asserts that the specified value is false. // -// a.Falsef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Falsef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Falsef(value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -391,9 +475,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) FileExistsf(path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) b // Greater asserts that the first element is greater than the second // -// a.Greater(2, 1) -// a.Greater(float64(2), float64(1)) -// a.Greater("b", "a") +// a.Greater(2, 1) +// a.Greater(float64(2), float64(1)) +// a.Greater("b", "a") func (a *Assertions) Greater(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -403,10 +487,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) Greater(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...inter // GreaterOrEqual asserts that the first element is greater than or equal to the second // -// a.GreaterOrEqual(2, 1) -// a.GreaterOrEqual(2, 2) -// a.GreaterOrEqual("b", "a") -// a.GreaterOrEqual("b", "b") +// a.GreaterOrEqual(2, 1) +// a.GreaterOrEqual(2, 2) +// a.GreaterOrEqual("b", "a") +// a.GreaterOrEqual("b", "b") func (a *Assertions) GreaterOrEqual(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -416,10 +500,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) GreaterOrEqual(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs . // GreaterOrEqualf asserts that the first element is greater than or equal to the second // -// a.GreaterOrEqualf(2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.GreaterOrEqualf(2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.GreaterOrEqualf("b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.GreaterOrEqualf("b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.GreaterOrEqualf(2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.GreaterOrEqualf(2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.GreaterOrEqualf("b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.GreaterOrEqualf("b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) GreaterOrEqualf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -429,9 +513,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) GreaterOrEqualf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, // Greaterf asserts that the first element is greater than the second // -// a.Greaterf(2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Greaterf(float64(2), float64(1), "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Greaterf("b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Greaterf(2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Greaterf(float64(2), float64(1), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Greaterf("b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Greaterf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -442,7 +526,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Greaterf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args . // HTTPBodyContains asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that contains a string. // -// a.HTTPBodyContains(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") +// a.HTTPBodyContains(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -455,7 +539,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, u // HTTPBodyContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that contains a string. // -// a.HTTPBodyContainsf(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.HTTPBodyContainsf(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -468,7 +552,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, // HTTPBodyNotContains asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that does not contain a string. // -// a.HTTPBodyNotContains(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") +// a.HTTPBodyNotContains(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -481,7 +565,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string // HTTPBodyNotContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that does not contain a string. // -// a.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -493,7 +577,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method strin // HTTPError asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code. // -// a.HTTPError(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// a.HTTPError(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPError(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -505,7 +589,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPError(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url stri // HTTPErrorf asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code. // -// a.HTTPErrorf(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// a.HTTPErrorf(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPErrorf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -517,7 +601,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPErrorf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url str // HTTPRedirect asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code. // -// a.HTTPRedirect(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// a.HTTPRedirect(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirect(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -529,7 +613,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirect(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url s // HTTPRedirectf asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code. // -// a.HTTPRedirectf(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// a.HTTPRedirectf(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirectf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -541,7 +625,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirectf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url // HTTPStatusCode asserts that a specified handler returns a specified status code. // -// a.HTTPStatusCode(myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501) +// a.HTTPStatusCode(myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501) // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPStatusCode(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, statuscode int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -553,7 +637,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPStatusCode(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url // HTTPStatusCodef asserts that a specified handler returns a specified status code. // -// a.HTTPStatusCodef(myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.HTTPStatusCodef(myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPStatusCodef(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, statuscode int, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -565,7 +649,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPStatusCodef(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, ur // HTTPSuccess asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code. // -// a.HTTPSuccess(myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil) +// a.HTTPSuccess(myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil) // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccess(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -577,7 +661,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccess(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url st // HTTPSuccessf asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code. // -// a.HTTPSuccessf(myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.HTTPSuccessf(myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccessf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { @@ -589,7 +673,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccessf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url s // Implements asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface. // -// a.Implements((*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject)) +// a.Implements((*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject)) func (a *Assertions) Implements(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -599,7 +683,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Implements(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, // Implementsf asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface. // -// a.Implementsf((*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Implementsf((*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject), "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Implementsf(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -609,7 +693,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Implementsf(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{} // InDelta asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other. // -// a.InDelta(math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01) +// a.InDelta(math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01) func (a *Assertions) InDelta(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -651,7 +735,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) InDeltaSlicef(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, del // InDeltaf asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other. // -// a.InDeltaf(math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.InDeltaf(math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) InDeltaf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -693,9 +777,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) InEpsilonf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilo // IsDecreasing asserts that the collection is decreasing // -// a.IsDecreasing([]int{2, 1, 0}) -// a.IsDecreasing([]float{2, 1}) -// a.IsDecreasing([]string{"b", "a"}) +// a.IsDecreasing([]int{2, 1, 0}) +// a.IsDecreasing([]float{2, 1}) +// a.IsDecreasing([]string{"b", "a"}) func (a *Assertions) IsDecreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -705,9 +789,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsDecreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // IsDecreasingf asserts that the collection is decreasing // -// a.IsDecreasingf([]int{2, 1, 0}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsDecreasingf([]float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsDecreasingf([]string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsDecreasingf([]int{2, 1, 0}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsDecreasingf([]float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsDecreasingf([]string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) IsDecreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -717,9 +801,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsDecreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...inter // IsIncreasing asserts that the collection is increasing // -// a.IsIncreasing([]int{1, 2, 3}) -// a.IsIncreasing([]float{1, 2}) -// a.IsIncreasing([]string{"a", "b"}) +// a.IsIncreasing([]int{1, 2, 3}) +// a.IsIncreasing([]float{1, 2}) +// a.IsIncreasing([]string{"a", "b"}) func (a *Assertions) IsIncreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -729,9 +813,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsIncreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // IsIncreasingf asserts that the collection is increasing // -// a.IsIncreasingf([]int{1, 2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsIncreasingf([]float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsIncreasingf([]string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsIncreasingf([]int{1, 2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsIncreasingf([]float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsIncreasingf([]string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) IsIncreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -741,9 +825,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsIncreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...inter // IsNonDecreasing asserts that the collection is not decreasing // -// a.IsNonDecreasing([]int{1, 1, 2}) -// a.IsNonDecreasing([]float{1, 2}) -// a.IsNonDecreasing([]string{"a", "b"}) +// a.IsNonDecreasing([]int{1, 1, 2}) +// a.IsNonDecreasing([]float{1, 2}) +// a.IsNonDecreasing([]string{"a", "b"}) func (a *Assertions) IsNonDecreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -753,9 +837,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsNonDecreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface // IsNonDecreasingf asserts that the collection is not decreasing // -// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]int{1, 1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]int{1, 1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) IsNonDecreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -765,9 +849,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsNonDecreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...in // IsNonIncreasing asserts that the collection is not increasing // -// a.IsNonIncreasing([]int{2, 1, 1}) -// a.IsNonIncreasing([]float{2, 1}) -// a.IsNonIncreasing([]string{"b", "a"}) +// a.IsNonIncreasing([]int{2, 1, 1}) +// a.IsNonIncreasing([]float{2, 1}) +// a.IsNonIncreasing([]string{"b", "a"}) func (a *Assertions) IsNonIncreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -777,9 +861,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsNonIncreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface // IsNonIncreasingf asserts that the collection is not increasing // -// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]int{2, 1, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]int{2, 1, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) IsNonIncreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -805,7 +889,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsTypef(expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msg s // JSONEq asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent. // -// a.JSONEq(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`) +// a.JSONEq(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`) func (a *Assertions) JSONEq(expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -815,7 +899,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) JSONEq(expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interf // JSONEqf asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent. // -// a.JSONEqf(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.JSONEqf(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) JSONEqf(expected string, actual string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -826,7 +910,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) JSONEqf(expected string, actual string, msg string, args .. // Len asserts that the specified object has specific length. // Len also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept. // -// a.Len(mySlice, 3) +// a.Len(mySlice, 3) func (a *Assertions) Len(object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -837,7 +921,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Len(object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface // Lenf asserts that the specified object has specific length. // Lenf also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept. // -// a.Lenf(mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Lenf(mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Lenf(object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -847,9 +931,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) Lenf(object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...in // Less asserts that the first element is less than the second // -// a.Less(1, 2) -// a.Less(float64(1), float64(2)) -// a.Less("a", "b") +// a.Less(1, 2) +// a.Less(float64(1), float64(2)) +// a.Less("a", "b") func (a *Assertions) Less(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -859,10 +943,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) Less(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interfac // LessOrEqual asserts that the first element is less than or equal to the second // -// a.LessOrEqual(1, 2) -// a.LessOrEqual(2, 2) -// a.LessOrEqual("a", "b") -// a.LessOrEqual("b", "b") +// a.LessOrEqual(1, 2) +// a.LessOrEqual(2, 2) +// a.LessOrEqual("a", "b") +// a.LessOrEqual("b", "b") func (a *Assertions) LessOrEqual(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -872,10 +956,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) LessOrEqual(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...i // LessOrEqualf asserts that the first element is less than or equal to the second // -// a.LessOrEqualf(1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.LessOrEqualf(2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.LessOrEqualf("a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.LessOrEqualf("b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.LessOrEqualf(1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.LessOrEqualf(2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.LessOrEqualf("a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.LessOrEqualf("b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) LessOrEqualf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -885,9 +969,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) LessOrEqualf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, ar // Lessf asserts that the first element is less than the second // -// a.Lessf(1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Lessf(float64(1), float64(2), "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Lessf("a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Lessf(1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Lessf(float64(1), float64(2), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Lessf("a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Lessf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -897,8 +981,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Lessf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...i // Negative asserts that the specified element is negative // -// a.Negative(-1) -// a.Negative(-1.23) +// a.Negative(-1) +// a.Negative(-1.23) func (a *Assertions) Negative(e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -908,8 +992,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Negative(e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // Negativef asserts that the specified element is negative // -// a.Negativef(-1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Negativef(-1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Negativef(-1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Negativef(-1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Negativef(e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -920,7 +1004,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Negativef(e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) b // Never asserts that the given condition doesn't satisfy in waitFor time, // periodically checking the target function each tick. // -// a.Never(func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) +// a.Never(func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) func (a *Assertions) Never(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -931,7 +1015,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Never(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick ti // Neverf asserts that the given condition doesn't satisfy in waitFor time, // periodically checking the target function each tick. // -// a.Neverf(func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Neverf(func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Neverf(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -941,7 +1025,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Neverf(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick t // Nil asserts that the specified object is nil. // -// a.Nil(err) +// a.Nil(err) func (a *Assertions) Nil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -951,7 +1035,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Nil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // Nilf asserts that the specified object is nil. // -// a.Nilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Nilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Nilf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -979,10 +1063,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) NoDirExistsf(path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) // NoError asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if a.NoError(err) { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if a.NoError(err) { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) +// } func (a *Assertions) NoError(err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -992,10 +1076,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) NoError(err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // NoErrorf asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if a.NoErrorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if a.NoErrorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) +// } func (a *Assertions) NoErrorf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1024,9 +1108,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) NoFileExistsf(path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) // NotContains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the // specified substring or element. // -// a.NotContains("Hello World", "Earth") -// a.NotContains(["Hello", "World"], "Earth") -// a.NotContains({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth") +// a.NotContains("Hello World", "Earth") +// a.NotContains(["Hello", "World"], "Earth") +// a.NotContains({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth") func (a *Assertions) NotContains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1037,9 +1121,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotContains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs // NotContainsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the // specified substring or element. // -// a.NotContainsf("Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.NotContainsf(["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.NotContainsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotContainsf("Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotContainsf(["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotContainsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotContainsf(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1050,9 +1134,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotContainsf(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg strin // NotEmpty asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// if a.NotEmpty(obj) { -// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) -// } +// if a.NotEmpty(obj) { +// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) +// } func (a *Assertions) NotEmpty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1063,9 +1147,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotEmpty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) boo // NotEmptyf asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// if a.NotEmptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) -// } +// if a.NotEmptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) +// } func (a *Assertions) NotEmptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1075,7 +1159,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotEmptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface // NotEqual asserts that the specified values are NOT equal. // -// a.NotEqual(obj1, obj2) +// a.NotEqual(obj1, obj2) // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). @@ -1088,7 +1172,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotEqual(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndAr // NotEqualValues asserts that two objects are not equal even when converted to the same type // -// a.NotEqualValues(obj1, obj2) +// a.NotEqualValues(obj1, obj2) func (a *Assertions) NotEqualValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1098,7 +1182,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotEqualValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, ms // NotEqualValuesf asserts that two objects are not equal even when converted to the same type // -// a.NotEqualValuesf(obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotEqualValuesf(obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotEqualValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1108,7 +1192,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotEqualValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, m // NotEqualf asserts that the specified values are NOT equal. // -// a.NotEqualf(obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotEqualf(obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). @@ -1139,7 +1223,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotErrorIsf(err error, target error, msg string, args ...in // NotNil asserts that the specified object is not nil. // -// a.NotNil(err) +// a.NotNil(err) func (a *Assertions) NotNil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1149,7 +1233,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotNil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool // NotNilf asserts that the specified object is not nil. // -// a.NotNilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotNilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotNilf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1159,7 +1243,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotNilf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{} // NotPanics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic. // -// a.NotPanics(func(){ RemainCalm() }) +// a.NotPanics(func(){ RemainCalm() }) func (a *Assertions) NotPanics(f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1169,7 +1253,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotPanics(f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool // NotPanicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic. // -// a.NotPanicsf(func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotPanicsf(func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotPanicsf(f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1179,8 +1263,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotPanicsf(f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{} // NotRegexp asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string. // -// a.NotRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting") -// a.NotRegexp("^start", "it's not starting") +// a.NotRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting") +// a.NotRegexp("^start", "it's not starting") func (a *Assertions) NotRegexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1190,8 +1274,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotRegexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...in // NotRegexpf asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string. // -// a.NotRegexpf(regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.NotRegexpf("^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotRegexpf(regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotRegexpf("^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotRegexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1201,7 +1285,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotRegexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, arg // NotSame asserts that two pointers do not reference the same object. // -// a.NotSame(ptr1, ptr2) +// a.NotSame(ptr1, ptr2) // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1214,7 +1298,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotSame(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArg // NotSamef asserts that two pointers do not reference the same object. // -// a.NotSamef(ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotSamef(ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1228,7 +1312,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotSamef(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg stri // NotSubset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// a.NotSubset([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]") +// a.NotSubset([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]") func (a *Assertions) NotSubset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1239,7 +1323,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotSubset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs // NotSubsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// a.NotSubsetf([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotSubsetf([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotSubsetf(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1265,7 +1349,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotZerof(i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bo // Panics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics. // -// a.Panics(func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// a.Panics(func(){ GoCrazy() }) func (a *Assertions) Panics(f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1277,7 +1361,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Panics(f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // panics, and that the recovered panic value is an error that satisfies the // EqualError comparison. // -// a.PanicsWithError("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// a.PanicsWithError("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithError(errString string, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1289,7 +1373,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithError(errString string, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndAr // panics, and that the recovered panic value is an error that satisfies the // EqualError comparison. // -// a.PanicsWithErrorf("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.PanicsWithErrorf("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithErrorf(errString string, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1300,7 +1384,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithErrorf(errString string, f PanicTestFunc, msg str // PanicsWithValue asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that // the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value. // -// a.PanicsWithValue("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// a.PanicsWithValue("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValue(expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1311,7 +1395,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValue(expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msgA // PanicsWithValuef asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that // the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value. // -// a.PanicsWithValuef("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.PanicsWithValuef("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValuef(expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1321,7 +1405,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValuef(expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msg // Panicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics. // -// a.Panicsf(func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Panicsf(func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Panicsf(f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1331,8 +1415,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Panicsf(f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) b // Positive asserts that the specified element is positive // -// a.Positive(1) -// a.Positive(1.23) +// a.Positive(1) +// a.Positive(1.23) func (a *Assertions) Positive(e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1342,8 +1426,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Positive(e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // Positivef asserts that the specified element is positive // -// a.Positivef(1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Positivef(1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Positivef(1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Positivef(1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Positivef(e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1353,8 +1437,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Positivef(e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) b // Regexp asserts that a specified regexp matches a string. // -// a.Regexp(regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting") -// a.Regexp("start...$", "it's not starting") +// a.Regexp(regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting") +// a.Regexp("start...$", "it's not starting") func (a *Assertions) Regexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1364,8 +1448,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Regexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...inter // Regexpf asserts that a specified regexp matches a string. // -// a.Regexpf(regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Regexpf("start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Regexpf(regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Regexpf("start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Regexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1375,7 +1459,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Regexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args . // Same asserts that two pointers reference the same object. // -// a.Same(ptr1, ptr2) +// a.Same(ptr1, ptr2) // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1388,7 +1472,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Same(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs . // Samef asserts that two pointers reference the same object. // -// a.Samef(ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Samef(ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1402,7 +1486,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Samef(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, // Subset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// a.Subset([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]") +// a.Subset([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]") func (a *Assertions) Subset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1413,7 +1497,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Subset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ... // Subsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// a.Subsetf([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Subsetf([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Subsetf(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1423,7 +1507,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Subsetf(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, a // True asserts that the specified value is true. // -// a.True(myBool) +// a.True(myBool) func (a *Assertions) True(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1433,7 +1517,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) True(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // Truef asserts that the specified value is true. // -// a.Truef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Truef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Truef(value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1443,7 +1527,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Truef(value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { // WithinDuration asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other. // -// a.WithinDuration(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second) +// a.WithinDuration(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second) func (a *Assertions) WithinDuration(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1453,7 +1537,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) WithinDuration(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta // WithinDurationf asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other. // -// a.WithinDurationf(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.WithinDurationf(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) WithinDurationf(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1463,7 +1547,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) WithinDurationf(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta // WithinRange asserts that a time is within a time range (inclusive). // -// a.WithinRange(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second)) +// a.WithinRange(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second)) func (a *Assertions) WithinRange(actual time.Time, start time.Time, end time.Time, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1473,7 +1557,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) WithinRange(actual time.Time, start time.Time, end time.Tim // WithinRangef asserts that a time is within a time range (inclusive). // -// a.WithinRangef(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.WithinRangef(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second), "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) WithinRangef(actual time.Time, start time.Time, end time.Time, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_order.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_order.go index 759448783..00df62a05 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_order.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertion_order.go @@ -46,36 +46,36 @@ func isOrdered(t TestingT, object interface{}, allowedComparesResults []CompareT // IsIncreasing asserts that the collection is increasing // -// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []int{1, 2, 3}) -// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []float{1, 2}) -// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []string{"a", "b"}) +// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []int{1, 2, 3}) +// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []float{1, 2}) +// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []string{"a", "b"}) func IsIncreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareLess}, "\"%v\" is not less than \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } // IsNonIncreasing asserts that the collection is not increasing // -// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []int{2, 1, 1}) -// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []float{2, 1}) -// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []string{"b", "a"}) +// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []int{2, 1, 1}) +// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []float{2, 1}) +// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []string{"b", "a"}) func IsNonIncreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareEqual, compareGreater}, "\"%v\" is not greater than or equal to \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } // IsDecreasing asserts that the collection is decreasing // -// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []int{2, 1, 0}) -// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []float{2, 1}) -// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []string{"b", "a"}) +// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []int{2, 1, 0}) +// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []float{2, 1}) +// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []string{"b", "a"}) func IsDecreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareGreater}, "\"%v\" is not greater than \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } // IsNonDecreasing asserts that the collection is not decreasing // -// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []int{1, 1, 2}) -// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []float{1, 2}) -// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []string{"a", "b"}) +// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []int{1, 1, 2}) +// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []float{1, 2}) +// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []string{"a", "b"}) func IsNonDecreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { return isOrdered(t, object, []CompareType{compareLess, compareEqual}, "\"%v\" is not less than or equal to \"%v\"", msgAndArgs...) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go index 2924cf3a1..a55d1bba9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/assertions.go @@ -75,6 +75,77 @@ func ObjectsAreEqual(expected, actual interface{}) bool { return bytes.Equal(exp, act) } +// copyExportedFields iterates downward through nested data structures and creates a copy +// that only contains the exported struct fields. +func copyExportedFields(expected interface{}) interface{} { + if isNil(expected) { + return expected + } + + expectedType := reflect.TypeOf(expected) + expectedKind := expectedType.Kind() + expectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(expected) + + switch expectedKind { + case reflect.Struct: + result := reflect.New(expectedType).Elem() + for i := 0; i < expectedType.NumField(); i++ { + field := expectedType.Field(i) + isExported := field.IsExported() + if isExported { + fieldValue := expectedValue.Field(i) + if isNil(fieldValue) || isNil(fieldValue.Interface()) { + continue + } + newValue := copyExportedFields(fieldValue.Interface()) + result.Field(i).Set(reflect.ValueOf(newValue)) + } + } + return result.Interface() + + case reflect.Ptr: + result := reflect.New(expectedType.Elem()) + unexportedRemoved := copyExportedFields(expectedValue.Elem().Interface()) + result.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(unexportedRemoved)) + return result.Interface() + + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + result := reflect.MakeSlice(expectedType, expectedValue.Len(), expectedValue.Len()) + for i := 0; i < expectedValue.Len(); i++ { + index := expectedValue.Index(i) + if isNil(index) { + continue + } + unexportedRemoved := copyExportedFields(index.Interface()) + result.Index(i).Set(reflect.ValueOf(unexportedRemoved)) + } + return result.Interface() + + case reflect.Map: + result := reflect.MakeMap(expectedType) + for _, k := range expectedValue.MapKeys() { + index := expectedValue.MapIndex(k) + unexportedRemoved := copyExportedFields(index.Interface()) + result.SetMapIndex(k, reflect.ValueOf(unexportedRemoved)) + } + return result.Interface() + + default: + return expected + } +} + +// ObjectsExportedFieldsAreEqual determines if the exported (public) fields of two objects are +// considered equal. This comparison of only exported fields is applied recursively to nested data +// structures. +// +// This function does no assertion of any kind. +func ObjectsExportedFieldsAreEqual(expected, actual interface{}) bool { + expectedCleaned := copyExportedFields(expected) + actualCleaned := copyExportedFields(actual) + return ObjectsAreEqualValues(expectedCleaned, actualCleaned) +} + // ObjectsAreEqualValues gets whether two objects are equal, or if their // values are equal. func ObjectsAreEqualValues(expected, actual interface{}) bool { @@ -271,7 +342,7 @@ type labeledContent struct { // labeledOutput returns a string consisting of the provided labeledContent. Each labeled output is appended in the following manner: // -// \t{{label}}:{{align_spaces}}\t{{content}}\n +// \t{{label}}:{{align_spaces}}\t{{content}}\n // // The initial carriage return is required to undo/erase any padding added by testing.T.Errorf. The "\t{{label}}:" is for the label. // If a label is shorter than the longest label provided, padding spaces are added to make all the labels match in length. Once this @@ -294,7 +365,7 @@ func labeledOutput(content ...labeledContent) string { // Implements asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface. // -// assert.Implements(t, (*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject)) +// assert.Implements(t, (*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject)) func Implements(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -326,7 +397,7 @@ func IsType(t TestingT, expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs // Equal asserts that two objects are equal. // -// assert.Equal(t, 123, 123) +// assert.Equal(t, 123, 123) // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality @@ -367,7 +438,7 @@ func validateEqualArgs(expected, actual interface{}) error { // Same asserts that two pointers reference the same object. // -// assert.Same(t, ptr1, ptr2) +// assert.Same(t, ptr1, ptr2) // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -387,7 +458,7 @@ func Same(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) b // NotSame asserts that two pointers do not reference the same object. // -// assert.NotSame(t, ptr1, ptr2) +// assert.NotSame(t, ptr1, ptr2) // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -455,7 +526,7 @@ func truncatingFormat(data interface{}) string { // EqualValues asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types // and equal. // -// assert.EqualValues(t, uint32(123), int32(123)) +// assert.EqualValues(t, uint32(123), int32(123)) func EqualValues(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -473,9 +544,53 @@ func EqualValues(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interfa } +// EqualExportedValues asserts that the types of two objects are equal and their public +// fields are also equal. This is useful for comparing structs that have private fields +// that could potentially differ. +// +// type S struct { +// Exported int +// notExported int +// } +// assert.EqualExportedValues(t, S{1, 2}, S{1, 3}) => true +// assert.EqualExportedValues(t, S{1, 2}, S{2, 3}) => false +func EqualExportedValues(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + + aType := reflect.TypeOf(expected) + bType := reflect.TypeOf(actual) + + if aType != bType { + return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Types expected to match exactly\n\t%v != %v", aType, bType), msgAndArgs...) + } + + if aType.Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Types expected to both be struct \n\t%v != %v", aType.Kind(), reflect.Struct), msgAndArgs...) + } + + if bType.Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Types expected to both be struct \n\t%v != %v", bType.Kind(), reflect.Struct), msgAndArgs...) + } + + expected = copyExportedFields(expected) + actual = copyExportedFields(actual) + + if !ObjectsAreEqualValues(expected, actual) { + diff := diff(expected, actual) + expected, actual = formatUnequalValues(expected, actual) + return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Not equal (comparing only exported fields): \n"+ + "expected: %s\n"+ + "actual : %s%s", expected, actual, diff), msgAndArgs...) + } + + return true +} + // Exactly asserts that two objects are equal in value and type. // -// assert.Exactly(t, int32(123), int64(123)) +// assert.Exactly(t, int32(123), int64(123)) func Exactly(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -494,7 +609,7 @@ func Exactly(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{} // NotNil asserts that the specified object is not nil. // -// assert.NotNil(t, err) +// assert.NotNil(t, err) func NotNil(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if !isNil(object) { return true @@ -540,7 +655,7 @@ func isNil(object interface{}) bool { // Nil asserts that the specified object is nil. // -// assert.Nil(t, err) +// assert.Nil(t, err) func Nil(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if isNil(object) { return true @@ -583,7 +698,7 @@ func isEmpty(object interface{}) bool { // Empty asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// assert.Empty(t, obj) +// assert.Empty(t, obj) func Empty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { pass := isEmpty(object) if !pass { @@ -600,9 +715,9 @@ func Empty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // NotEmpty asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// if assert.NotEmpty(t, obj) { -// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) -// } +// if assert.NotEmpty(t, obj) { +// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) +// } func NotEmpty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { pass := !isEmpty(object) if !pass { @@ -631,7 +746,7 @@ func getLen(x interface{}) (ok bool, length int) { // Len asserts that the specified object has specific length. // Len also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept. // -// assert.Len(t, mySlice, 3) +// assert.Len(t, mySlice, 3) func Len(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -649,7 +764,7 @@ func Len(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // True asserts that the specified value is true. // -// assert.True(t, myBool) +// assert.True(t, myBool) func True(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if !value { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { @@ -664,7 +779,7 @@ func True(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // False asserts that the specified value is false. // -// assert.False(t, myBool) +// assert.False(t, myBool) func False(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if value { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { @@ -679,7 +794,7 @@ func False(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // NotEqual asserts that the specified values are NOT equal. // -// assert.NotEqual(t, obj1, obj2) +// assert.NotEqual(t, obj1, obj2) // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). @@ -702,7 +817,7 @@ func NotEqual(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{ // NotEqualValues asserts that two objects are not equal even when converted to the same type // -// assert.NotEqualValues(t, obj1, obj2) +// assert.NotEqualValues(t, obj1, obj2) func NotEqualValues(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -761,9 +876,9 @@ func containsElement(list interface{}, element interface{}) (ok, found bool) { // Contains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the // specified substring or element. // -// assert.Contains(t, "Hello World", "World") -// assert.Contains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World") -// assert.Contains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello") +// assert.Contains(t, "Hello World", "World") +// assert.Contains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World") +// assert.Contains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello") func Contains(t TestingT, s, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -784,9 +899,9 @@ func Contains(t TestingT, s, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bo // NotContains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the // specified substring or element. // -// assert.NotContains(t, "Hello World", "Earth") -// assert.NotContains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth") -// assert.NotContains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth") +// assert.NotContains(t, "Hello World", "Earth") +// assert.NotContains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth") +// assert.NotContains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth") func NotContains(t TestingT, s, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -794,10 +909,10 @@ func NotContains(t TestingT, s, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) ok, found := containsElement(s, contains) if !ok { - return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be applied builtin len()", s), msgAndArgs...) + return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%#v could not be applied builtin len()", s), msgAndArgs...) } if found { - return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" should not contain \"%s\"", s, contains), msgAndArgs...) + return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%#v should not contain %#v", s, contains), msgAndArgs...) } return true @@ -807,7 +922,7 @@ func NotContains(t TestingT, s, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // Subset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// assert.Subset(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]") +// assert.Subset(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]") func Subset(t TestingT, list, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) (ok bool) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -863,7 +978,7 @@ func Subset(t TestingT, list, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) (ok // NotSubset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// assert.NotSubset(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]") +// assert.NotSubset(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]") func NotSubset(t TestingT, list, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) (ok bool) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1048,7 +1163,7 @@ func didPanic(f PanicTestFunc) (didPanic bool, message interface{}, stack string // Panics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics. // -// assert.Panics(t, func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// assert.Panics(t, func(){ GoCrazy() }) func Panics(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1064,7 +1179,7 @@ func Panics(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // PanicsWithValue asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that // the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value. // -// assert.PanicsWithValue(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// assert.PanicsWithValue(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) func PanicsWithValue(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1085,7 +1200,7 @@ func PanicsWithValue(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndAr // panics, and that the recovered panic value is an error that satisfies the // EqualError comparison. // -// assert.PanicsWithError(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// assert.PanicsWithError(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) func PanicsWithError(t TestingT, errString string, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1105,7 +1220,7 @@ func PanicsWithError(t TestingT, errString string, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs . // NotPanics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic. // -// assert.NotPanics(t, func(){ RemainCalm() }) +// assert.NotPanics(t, func(){ RemainCalm() }) func NotPanics(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1120,7 +1235,7 @@ func NotPanics(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // WithinDuration asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other. // -// assert.WithinDuration(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second) +// assert.WithinDuration(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second) func WithinDuration(t TestingT, expected, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1136,7 +1251,7 @@ func WithinDuration(t TestingT, expected, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, // WithinRange asserts that a time is within a time range (inclusive). // -// assert.WithinRange(t, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second)) +// assert.WithinRange(t, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second)) func WithinRange(t TestingT, actual, start, end time.Time, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1195,7 +1310,7 @@ func toFloat(x interface{}) (float64, bool) { // InDelta asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other. // -// assert.InDelta(t, math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01) +// assert.InDelta(t, math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01) func InDelta(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1368,10 +1483,10 @@ func InEpsilonSlice(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, m // NoError asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if assert.NoError(t, err) { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if assert.NoError(t, err) { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) +// } func NoError(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if err != nil { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { @@ -1385,10 +1500,10 @@ func NoError(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // Error asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if assert.Error(t, err) { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if assert.Error(t, err) { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err) +// } func Error(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if err == nil { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { @@ -1403,8 +1518,8 @@ func Error(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // EqualError asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that it is equal to the provided error. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// assert.EqualError(t, err, expectedErrorString) +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.EqualError(t, err, expectedErrorString) func EqualError(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1426,8 +1541,8 @@ func EqualError(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...inte // ErrorContains asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that the error contains the specified substring. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// assert.ErrorContains(t, err, expectedErrorSubString) +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.ErrorContains(t, err, expectedErrorSubString) func ErrorContains(t TestingT, theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1460,8 +1575,8 @@ func matchRegexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}) bool { // Regexp asserts that a specified regexp matches a string. // -// assert.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting") -// assert.Regexp(t, "start...$", "it's not starting") +// assert.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting") +// assert.Regexp(t, "start...$", "it's not starting") func Regexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1478,8 +1593,8 @@ func Regexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface // NotRegexp asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string. // -// assert.NotRegexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting") -// assert.NotRegexp(t, "^start", "it's not starting") +// assert.NotRegexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting") +// assert.NotRegexp(t, "^start", "it's not starting") func NotRegexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1591,7 +1706,7 @@ func NoDirExists(t TestingT, path string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { // JSONEq asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent. // -// assert.JSONEq(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`) +// assert.JSONEq(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`) func JSONEq(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1714,7 +1829,7 @@ type tHelper interface { // Eventually asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, // periodically checking target function each tick. // -// assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) +// assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) func Eventually(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1744,10 +1859,93 @@ func Eventually(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick t } } +// CollectT implements the TestingT interface and collects all errors. +type CollectT struct { + errors []error +} + +// Errorf collects the error. +func (c *CollectT) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) { + c.errors = append(c.errors, fmt.Errorf(format, args...)) +} + +// FailNow panics. +func (c *CollectT) FailNow() { + panic("Assertion failed") +} + +// Reset clears the collected errors. +func (c *CollectT) Reset() { + c.errors = nil +} + +// Copy copies the collected errors to the supplied t. +func (c *CollectT) Copy(t TestingT) { + if tt, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + tt.Helper() + } + for _, err := range c.errors { + t.Errorf("%v", err) + } +} + +// EventuallyWithT asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, +// periodically checking target function each tick. In contrast to Eventually, +// it supplies a CollectT to the condition function, so that the condition +// function can use the CollectT to call other assertions. +// The condition is considered "met" if no errors are raised in a tick. +// The supplied CollectT collects all errors from one tick (if there are any). +// If the condition is not met before waitFor, the collected errors of +// the last tick are copied to t. +// +// externalValue := false +// go func() { +// time.Sleep(8*time.Second) +// externalValue = true +// }() +// assert.EventuallyWithT(t, func(c *assert.CollectT) { +// // add assertions as needed; any assertion failure will fail the current tick +// assert.True(c, externalValue, "expected 'externalValue' to be true") +// }, 1*time.Second, 10*time.Second, "external state has not changed to 'true'; still false") +func EventuallyWithT(t TestingT, condition func(collect *CollectT), waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + + collect := new(CollectT) + ch := make(chan bool, 1) + + timer := time.NewTimer(waitFor) + defer timer.Stop() + + ticker := time.NewTicker(tick) + defer ticker.Stop() + + for tick := ticker.C; ; { + select { + case <-timer.C: + collect.Copy(t) + return Fail(t, "Condition never satisfied", msgAndArgs...) + case <-tick: + tick = nil + collect.Reset() + go func() { + condition(collect) + ch <- len(collect.errors) == 0 + }() + case v := <-ch: + if v { + return true + } + tick = ticker.C + } + } +} + // Never asserts that the given condition doesn't satisfy in waitFor time, // periodically checking the target function each tick. // -// assert.Never(t, func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) +// assert.Never(t, func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) func Never(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/doc.go index c9dccc4d6..4953981d3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/doc.go @@ -1,39 +1,40 @@ // Package assert provides a set of comprehensive testing tools for use with the normal Go testing system. // -// Example Usage +// # Example Usage // // The following is a complete example using assert in a standard test function: -// import ( -// "testing" -// "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" -// ) // -// func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { +// import ( +// "testing" +// "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" +// ) // -// var a string = "Hello" -// var b string = "Hello" +// func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { // -// assert.Equal(t, a, b, "The two words should be the same.") +// var a string = "Hello" +// var b string = "Hello" // -// } +// assert.Equal(t, a, b, "The two words should be the same.") +// +// } // // if you assert many times, use the format below: // -// import ( -// "testing" -// "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" -// ) +// import ( +// "testing" +// "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" +// ) // -// func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { -// assert := assert.New(t) +// func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { +// assert := assert.New(t) // -// var a string = "Hello" -// var b string = "Hello" +// var a string = "Hello" +// var b string = "Hello" // -// assert.Equal(a, b, "The two words should be the same.") -// } +// assert.Equal(a, b, "The two words should be the same.") +// } // -// Assertions +// # Assertions // // Assertions allow you to easily write test code, and are global funcs in the `assert` package. // All assertion functions take, as the first argument, the `*testing.T` object provided by the diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/http_assertions.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/http_assertions.go index 4ed341dd2..d8038c28a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/http_assertions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert/http_assertions.go @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func httpCode(handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values) ( // HTTPSuccess asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code. // -// assert.HTTPSuccess(t, myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil) +// assert.HTTPSuccess(t, myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil) // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPSuccess(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ func HTTPSuccess(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, value // HTTPRedirect asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code. // -// assert.HTTPRedirect(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// assert.HTTPRedirect(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPRedirect(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func HTTPRedirect(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, valu // HTTPError asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code. // -// assert.HTTPError(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// assert.HTTPError(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPError(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ func HTTPError(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values // HTTPStatusCode asserts that a specified handler returns a specified status code. // -// assert.HTTPStatusCode(t, myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501) +// assert.HTTPStatusCode(t, myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501) // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPStatusCode(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, statuscode int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ func HTTPBody(handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values) s // HTTPBodyContains asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that contains a string. // -// assert.HTTPBodyContains(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") +// assert.HTTPBodyContains(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPBodyContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ func HTTPBodyContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, // HTTPBodyNotContains asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that does not contain a string. // -// assert.HTTPBodyNotContains(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") +// assert.HTTPBodyNotContains(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPBodyNotContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/mock/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/mock/doc.go index 7324128ef..d6b3c844c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/mock/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/mock/doc.go @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ // Package mock provides a system by which it is possible to mock your objects // and verify calls are happening as expected. // -// Example Usage +// # Example Usage // // The mock package provides an object, Mock, that tracks activity on another object. It is usually // embedded into a test object as shown below: // -// type MyTestObject struct { -// // add a Mock object instance -// mock.Mock +// type MyTestObject struct { +// // add a Mock object instance +// mock.Mock // -// // other fields go here as normal -// } +// // other fields go here as normal +// } // // When implementing the methods of an interface, you wire your functions up // to call the Mock.Called(args...) method, and return the appropriate values. @@ -19,25 +19,25 @@ // For example, to mock a method that saves the name and age of a person and returns // the year of their birth or an error, you might write this: // -// func (o *MyTestObject) SavePersonDetails(firstname, lastname string, age int) (int, error) { -// args := o.Called(firstname, lastname, age) -// return args.Int(0), args.Error(1) -// } +// func (o *MyTestObject) SavePersonDetails(firstname, lastname string, age int) (int, error) { +// args := o.Called(firstname, lastname, age) +// return args.Int(0), args.Error(1) +// } // // The Int, Error and Bool methods are examples of strongly typed getters that take the argument // index position. Given this argument list: // -// (12, true, "Something") +// (12, true, "Something") // // You could read them out strongly typed like this: // -// args.Int(0) -// args.Bool(1) -// args.String(2) +// args.Int(0) +// args.Bool(1) +// args.String(2) // // For objects of your own type, use the generic Arguments.Get(index) method and make a type assertion: // -// return args.Get(0).(*MyObject), args.Get(1).(*AnotherObjectOfMine) +// return args.Get(0).(*MyObject), args.Get(1).(*AnotherObjectOfMine) // // This may cause a panic if the object you are getting is nil (the type assertion will fail), in those // cases you should check for nil first. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/mock/mock.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/mock/mock.go index e6ff8dfeb..f4b42e44f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/mock/mock.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/mock/mock.go @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package mock import ( "errors" "fmt" + "path" "reflect" "regexp" "runtime" @@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ import ( "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew" "github.com/pmezard/go-difflib/difflib" "github.com/stretchr/objx" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) @@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ func (c *Call) unlock() { // Return specifies the return arguments for the expectation. // -// Mock.On("DoSomething").Return(errors.New("failed")) +// Mock.On("DoSomething").Return(errors.New("failed")) func (c *Call) Return(returnArguments ...interface{}) *Call { c.lock() defer c.unlock() @@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ func (c *Call) Return(returnArguments ...interface{}) *Call { // Panic specifies if the functon call should fail and the panic message // -// Mock.On("DoSomething").Panic("test panic") +// Mock.On("DoSomething").Panic("test panic") func (c *Call) Panic(msg string) *Call { c.lock() defer c.unlock() @@ -123,14 +125,14 @@ func (c *Call) Panic(msg string) *Call { // Once indicates that that the mock should only return the value once. // -// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2).Return(returnArg1, returnArg2).Once() +// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2).Return(returnArg1, returnArg2).Once() func (c *Call) Once() *Call { return c.Times(1) } // Twice indicates that that the mock should only return the value twice. // -// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2).Return(returnArg1, returnArg2).Twice() +// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2).Return(returnArg1, returnArg2).Twice() func (c *Call) Twice() *Call { return c.Times(2) } @@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ func (c *Call) Twice() *Call { // Times indicates that that the mock should only return the indicated number // of times. // -// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2).Return(returnArg1, returnArg2).Times(5) +// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2).Return(returnArg1, returnArg2).Times(5) func (c *Call) Times(i int) *Call { c.lock() defer c.unlock() @@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ func (c *Call) Times(i int) *Call { // WaitUntil sets the channel that will block the mock's return until its closed // or a message is received. // -// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2).WaitUntil(time.After(time.Second)) +// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2).WaitUntil(time.After(time.Second)) func (c *Call) WaitUntil(w <-chan time.Time) *Call { c.lock() defer c.unlock() @@ -159,7 +161,7 @@ func (c *Call) WaitUntil(w <-chan time.Time) *Call { // After sets how long to block until the call returns // -// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2).After(time.Second) +// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2).After(time.Second) func (c *Call) After(d time.Duration) *Call { c.lock() defer c.unlock() @@ -171,10 +173,10 @@ func (c *Call) After(d time.Duration) *Call { // mocking a method (such as an unmarshaler) that takes a pointer to a struct and // sets properties in such struct // -// Mock.On("Unmarshal", AnythingOfType("*map[string]interface{}")).Return().Run(func(args Arguments) { -// arg := args.Get(0).(*map[string]interface{}) -// arg["foo"] = "bar" -// }) +// Mock.On("Unmarshal", AnythingOfType("*map[string]interface{}")).Return().Run(func(args Arguments) { +// arg := args.Get(0).(*map[string]interface{}) +// arg["foo"] = "bar" +// }) func (c *Call) Run(fn func(args Arguments)) *Call { c.lock() defer c.unlock() @@ -194,16 +196,18 @@ func (c *Call) Maybe() *Call { // On chains a new expectation description onto the mocked interface. This // allows syntax like. // -// Mock. -// On("MyMethod", 1).Return(nil). -// On("MyOtherMethod", 'a', 'b', 'c').Return(errors.New("Some Error")) +// Mock. +// On("MyMethod", 1).Return(nil). +// On("MyOtherMethod", 'a', 'b', 'c').Return(errors.New("Some Error")) +// //go:noinline func (c *Call) On(methodName string, arguments ...interface{}) *Call { return c.Parent.On(methodName, arguments...) } // Unset removes a mock handler from being called. -// test.On("func", mock.Anything).Unset() +// +// test.On("func", mock.Anything).Unset() func (c *Call) Unset() *Call { var unlockOnce sync.Once @@ -249,9 +253,9 @@ func (c *Call) Unset() *Call { // calls have been called as expected. The referenced calls may be from the // same mock instance and/or other mock instances. // -// Mock.On("Do").Return(nil).Notbefore( -// Mock.On("Init").Return(nil) -// ) +// Mock.On("Do").Return(nil).Notbefore( +// Mock.On("Init").Return(nil) +// ) func (c *Call) NotBefore(calls ...*Call) *Call { c.lock() defer c.unlock() @@ -334,7 +338,7 @@ func (m *Mock) fail(format string, args ...interface{}) { // On starts a description of an expectation of the specified method // being called. // -// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2) +// Mock.On("MyMethod", arg1, arg2) func (m *Mock) On(methodName string, arguments ...interface{}) *Call { for _, arg := range arguments { if v := reflect.ValueOf(arg); v.Kind() == reflect.Func { @@ -424,6 +428,10 @@ func callString(method string, arguments Arguments, includeArgumentValues bool) if includeArgumentValues { var argVals []string for argIndex, arg := range arguments { + if _, ok := arg.(*FunctionalOptionsArgument); ok { + argVals = append(argVals, fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", argIndex, arg)) + continue + } argVals = append(argVals, fmt.Sprintf("%d: %#v", argIndex, arg)) } argValsString = fmt.Sprintf("\n\t\t%s", strings.Join(argVals, "\n\t\t")) @@ -758,6 +766,7 @@ type AnythingOfTypeArgument string // name of the type to check for. Used in Diff and Assert. // // For example: +// // Assert(t, AnythingOfType("string"), AnythingOfType("int")) func AnythingOfType(t string) AnythingOfTypeArgument { return AnythingOfTypeArgument(t) @@ -780,6 +789,34 @@ func IsType(t interface{}) *IsTypeArgument { return &IsTypeArgument{t: t} } +// FunctionalOptionsArgument is a struct that contains the type and value of an functional option argument +// for use when type checking. +type FunctionalOptionsArgument struct { + value interface{} +} + +// String returns the string representation of FunctionalOptionsArgument +func (f *FunctionalOptionsArgument) String() string { + var name string + tValue := reflect.ValueOf(f.value) + if tValue.Len() > 0 { + name = "[]" + reflect.TypeOf(tValue.Index(0).Interface()).String() + } + + return strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%#v", f.value), "[]interface {}", name, 1) +} + +// FunctionalOptions returns an FunctionalOptionsArgument object containing the functional option type +// and the values to check of +// +// For example: +// Assert(t, FunctionalOptions("[]foo.FunctionalOption", foo.Opt1(), foo.Opt2())) +func FunctionalOptions(value ...interface{}) *FunctionalOptionsArgument { + return &FunctionalOptionsArgument{ + value: value, + } +} + // argumentMatcher performs custom argument matching, returning whether or // not the argument is matched by the expectation fixture function. type argumentMatcher struct { @@ -926,6 +963,29 @@ func (args Arguments) Diff(objects []interface{}) (string, int) { differences++ output = fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%d: FAIL: type %s != type %s - %s\n", output, i, reflect.TypeOf(t).Name(), reflect.TypeOf(actual).Name(), actualFmt) } + } else if reflect.TypeOf(expected) == reflect.TypeOf((*FunctionalOptionsArgument)(nil)) { + t := expected.(*FunctionalOptionsArgument).value + + var name string + tValue := reflect.ValueOf(t) + if tValue.Len() > 0 { + name = "[]" + reflect.TypeOf(tValue.Index(0).Interface()).String() + } + + tName := reflect.TypeOf(t).Name() + if name != reflect.TypeOf(actual).String() && tValue.Len() != 0 { + differences++ + output = fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%d: FAIL: type %s != type %s - %s\n", output, i, tName, reflect.TypeOf(actual).Name(), actualFmt) + } else { + if ef, af := assertOpts(t, actual); ef == "" && af == "" { + // match + output = fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%d: PASS: %s == %s\n", output, i, tName, tName) + } else { + // not match + differences++ + output = fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%d: FAIL: %s != %s\n", output, i, af, ef) + } + } } else { // normal checking @@ -1102,3 +1162,65 @@ var spewConfig = spew.ConfigState{ type tHelper interface { Helper() } + +func assertOpts(expected, actual interface{}) (expectedFmt, actualFmt string) { + expectedOpts := reflect.ValueOf(expected) + actualOpts := reflect.ValueOf(actual) + var expectedNames []string + for i := 0; i < expectedOpts.Len(); i++ { + expectedNames = append(expectedNames, funcName(expectedOpts.Index(i).Interface())) + } + var actualNames []string + for i := 0; i < actualOpts.Len(); i++ { + actualNames = append(actualNames, funcName(actualOpts.Index(i).Interface())) + } + if !assert.ObjectsAreEqual(expectedNames, actualNames) { + expectedFmt = fmt.Sprintf("%v", expectedNames) + actualFmt = fmt.Sprintf("%v", actualNames) + return + } + + for i := 0; i < expectedOpts.Len(); i++ { + expectedOpt := expectedOpts.Index(i).Interface() + actualOpt := actualOpts.Index(i).Interface() + + expectedFunc := expectedNames[i] + actualFunc := actualNames[i] + if expectedFunc != actualFunc { + expectedFmt = expectedFunc + actualFmt = actualFunc + return + } + + ot := reflect.TypeOf(expectedOpt) + var expectedValues []reflect.Value + var actualValues []reflect.Value + if ot.NumIn() == 0 { + return + } + + for i := 0; i < ot.NumIn(); i++ { + vt := ot.In(i).Elem() + expectedValues = append(expectedValues, reflect.New(vt)) + actualValues = append(actualValues, reflect.New(vt)) + } + + reflect.ValueOf(expectedOpt).Call(expectedValues) + reflect.ValueOf(actualOpt).Call(actualValues) + + for i := 0; i < ot.NumIn(); i++ { + if !assert.ObjectsAreEqual(expectedValues[i].Interface(), actualValues[i].Interface()) { + expectedFmt = fmt.Sprintf("%s %+v", expectedNames[i], expectedValues[i].Interface()) + actualFmt = fmt.Sprintf("%s %+v", expectedNames[i], actualValues[i].Interface()) + return + } + } + } + + return "", "" +} + +func funcName(opt interface{}) string { + n := runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(opt).Pointer()).Name() + return strings.TrimSuffix(path.Base(n), path.Ext(n)) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/doc.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/doc.go index 169de3922..968434724 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/doc.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/doc.go @@ -1,24 +1,25 @@ // Package require implements the same assertions as the `assert` package but // stops test execution when a test fails. // -// Example Usage +// # Example Usage // // The following is a complete example using require in a standard test function: -// import ( -// "testing" -// "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" -// ) // -// func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { +// import ( +// "testing" +// "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" +// ) // -// var a string = "Hello" -// var b string = "Hello" +// func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { // -// require.Equal(t, a, b, "The two words should be the same.") +// var a string = "Hello" +// var b string = "Hello" // -// } +// require.Equal(t, a, b, "The two words should be the same.") // -// Assertions +// } +// +// # Assertions // // The `require` package have same global functions as in the `assert` package, // but instead of returning a boolean result they call `t.FailNow()`. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require.go index 880853f5a..63f852147 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require.go @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ func Conditionf(t TestingT, comp assert.Comparison, msg string, args ...interfac // Contains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the // specified substring or element. // -// assert.Contains(t, "Hello World", "World") -// assert.Contains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World") -// assert.Contains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello") +// assert.Contains(t, "Hello World", "World") +// assert.Contains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World") +// assert.Contains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello") func Contains(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ func Contains(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...int // Containsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the // specified substring or element. // -// assert.Containsf(t, "Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Containsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Containsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Containsf(t, "Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Containsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Containsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted") func Containsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ func ElementsMatchf(t TestingT, listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msg string // Empty asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// assert.Empty(t, obj) +// assert.Empty(t, obj) func Empty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ func Empty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Emptyf asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// assert.Emptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Emptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted") func Emptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ func Emptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Equal asserts that two objects are equal. // -// assert.Equal(t, 123, 123) +// assert.Equal(t, 123, 123) // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality @@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ func Equal(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...i // EqualError asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that it is equal to the provided error. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// assert.EqualError(t, err, expectedErrorString) +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.EqualError(t, err, expectedErrorString) func EqualError(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ func EqualError(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...inte // EqualErrorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that it is equal to the provided error. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// assert.EqualErrorf(t, err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted") +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.EqualErrorf(t, err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted") func EqualErrorf(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -195,10 +195,50 @@ func EqualErrorf(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msg string, args t.FailNow() } +// EqualExportedValues asserts that the types of two objects are equal and their public +// fields are also equal. This is useful for comparing structs that have private fields +// that could potentially differ. +// +// type S struct { +// Exported int +// notExported int +// } +// assert.EqualExportedValues(t, S{1, 2}, S{1, 3}) => true +// assert.EqualExportedValues(t, S{1, 2}, S{2, 3}) => false +func EqualExportedValues(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + if assert.EqualExportedValues(t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...) { + return + } + t.FailNow() +} + +// EqualExportedValuesf asserts that the types of two objects are equal and their public +// fields are also equal. This is useful for comparing structs that have private fields +// that could potentially differ. +// +// type S struct { +// Exported int +// notExported int +// } +// assert.EqualExportedValuesf(t, S{1, 2}, S{1, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") => true +// assert.EqualExportedValuesf(t, S{1, 2}, S{2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") => false +func EqualExportedValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + if assert.EqualExportedValuesf(t, expected, actual, msg, args...) { + return + } + t.FailNow() +} + // EqualValues asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types // and equal. // -// assert.EqualValues(t, uint32(123), int32(123)) +// assert.EqualValues(t, uint32(123), int32(123)) func EqualValues(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -212,7 +252,7 @@ func EqualValues(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArg // EqualValuesf asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types // and equal. // -// assert.EqualValuesf(t, uint32(123), int32(123), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.EqualValuesf(t, uint32(123), int32(123), "error message %s", "formatted") func EqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -225,7 +265,7 @@ func EqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg stri // Equalf asserts that two objects are equal. // -// assert.Equalf(t, 123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Equalf(t, 123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality @@ -242,10 +282,10 @@ func Equalf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, ar // Error asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if assert.Error(t, err) { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if assert.Error(t, err) { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err) +// } func Error(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -283,8 +323,8 @@ func ErrorAsf(t TestingT, err error, target interface{}, msg string, args ...int // ErrorContains asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that the error contains the specified substring. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// assert.ErrorContains(t, err, expectedErrorSubString) +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.ErrorContains(t, err, expectedErrorSubString) func ErrorContains(t TestingT, theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -298,8 +338,8 @@ func ErrorContains(t TestingT, theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs ...in // ErrorContainsf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that the error contains the specified substring. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// assert.ErrorContainsf(t, err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// assert.ErrorContainsf(t, err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") func ErrorContainsf(t TestingT, theError error, contains string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -336,10 +376,10 @@ func ErrorIsf(t TestingT, err error, target error, msg string, args ...interface // Errorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if assert.Errorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if assert.Errorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err) +// } func Errorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -353,7 +393,7 @@ func Errorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Eventually asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, // periodically checking target function each tick. // -// assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) +// assert.Eventually(t, func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) func Eventually(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -364,10 +404,66 @@ func Eventually(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick t t.FailNow() } +// EventuallyWithT asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, +// periodically checking target function each tick. In contrast to Eventually, +// it supplies a CollectT to the condition function, so that the condition +// function can use the CollectT to call other assertions. +// The condition is considered "met" if no errors are raised in a tick. +// The supplied CollectT collects all errors from one tick (if there are any). +// If the condition is not met before waitFor, the collected errors of +// the last tick are copied to t. +// +// externalValue := false +// go func() { +// time.Sleep(8*time.Second) +// externalValue = true +// }() +// assert.EventuallyWithT(t, func(c *assert.CollectT) { +// // add assertions as needed; any assertion failure will fail the current tick +// assert.True(c, externalValue, "expected 'externalValue' to be true") +// }, 1*time.Second, 10*time.Second, "external state has not changed to 'true'; still false") +func EventuallyWithT(t TestingT, condition func(collect *assert.CollectT), waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + if assert.EventuallyWithT(t, condition, waitFor, tick, msgAndArgs...) { + return + } + t.FailNow() +} + +// EventuallyWithTf asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, +// periodically checking target function each tick. In contrast to Eventually, +// it supplies a CollectT to the condition function, so that the condition +// function can use the CollectT to call other assertions. +// The condition is considered "met" if no errors are raised in a tick. +// The supplied CollectT collects all errors from one tick (if there are any). +// If the condition is not met before waitFor, the collected errors of +// the last tick are copied to t. +// +// externalValue := false +// go func() { +// time.Sleep(8*time.Second) +// externalValue = true +// }() +// assert.EventuallyWithTf(t, func(c *assert.CollectT, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// // add assertions as needed; any assertion failure will fail the current tick +// assert.True(c, externalValue, "expected 'externalValue' to be true") +// }, 1*time.Second, 10*time.Second, "external state has not changed to 'true'; still false") +func EventuallyWithTf(t TestingT, condition func(collect *assert.CollectT), waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + if assert.EventuallyWithTf(t, condition, waitFor, tick, msg, args...) { + return + } + t.FailNow() +} + // Eventuallyf asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, // periodically checking target function each tick. // -// assert.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") func Eventuallyf(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -380,7 +476,7 @@ func Eventuallyf(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick // Exactly asserts that two objects are equal in value and type. // -// assert.Exactly(t, int32(123), int64(123)) +// assert.Exactly(t, int32(123), int64(123)) func Exactly(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -393,7 +489,7 @@ func Exactly(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs .. // Exactlyf asserts that two objects are equal in value and type. // -// assert.Exactlyf(t, int32(123), int64(123), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Exactlyf(t, int32(123), int64(123), "error message %s", "formatted") func Exactlyf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -450,7 +546,7 @@ func Failf(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // False asserts that the specified value is false. // -// assert.False(t, myBool) +// assert.False(t, myBool) func False(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -463,7 +559,7 @@ func False(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Falsef asserts that the specified value is false. // -// assert.Falsef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Falsef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") func Falsef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -500,9 +596,9 @@ func FileExistsf(t TestingT, path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Greater asserts that the first element is greater than the second // -// assert.Greater(t, 2, 1) -// assert.Greater(t, float64(2), float64(1)) -// assert.Greater(t, "b", "a") +// assert.Greater(t, 2, 1) +// assert.Greater(t, float64(2), float64(1)) +// assert.Greater(t, "b", "a") func Greater(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -515,10 +611,10 @@ func Greater(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface // GreaterOrEqual asserts that the first element is greater than or equal to the second // -// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, 2, 1) -// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, 2, 2) -// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, "b", "a") -// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, "b", "b") +// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, 2, 1) +// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, 2, 2) +// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, "b", "a") +// assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, "b", "b") func GreaterOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -531,10 +627,10 @@ func GreaterOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...in // GreaterOrEqualf asserts that the first element is greater than or equal to the second // -// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, 2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, 2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, "b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, "b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, 2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, 2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, "b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, "b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func GreaterOrEqualf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -547,9 +643,9 @@ func GreaterOrEqualf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, arg // Greaterf asserts that the first element is greater than the second // -// assert.Greaterf(t, 2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Greaterf(t, float64(2), float64(1), "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Greaterf(t, "b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Greaterf(t, 2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Greaterf(t, float64(2), float64(1), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Greaterf(t, "b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") func Greaterf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -563,7 +659,7 @@ func Greaterf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...in // HTTPBodyContains asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that contains a string. // -// assert.HTTPBodyContains(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") +// assert.HTTPBodyContains(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPBodyContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -579,7 +675,7 @@ func HTTPBodyContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url s // HTTPBodyContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that contains a string. // -// assert.HTTPBodyContainsf(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.HTTPBodyContainsf(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPBodyContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -595,7 +691,7 @@ func HTTPBodyContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url // HTTPBodyNotContains asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that does not contain a string. // -// assert.HTTPBodyNotContains(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") +// assert.HTTPBodyNotContains(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPBodyNotContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -611,7 +707,7 @@ func HTTPBodyNotContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, ur // HTTPBodyNotContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that does not contain a string. // -// assert.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t, myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -626,7 +722,7 @@ func HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, u // HTTPError asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code. // -// assert.HTTPError(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// assert.HTTPError(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPError(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -641,7 +737,7 @@ func HTTPError(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, // HTTPErrorf asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code. // -// assert.HTTPErrorf(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// assert.HTTPErrorf(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPErrorf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -656,7 +752,7 @@ func HTTPErrorf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, // HTTPRedirect asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code. // -// assert.HTTPRedirect(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// assert.HTTPRedirect(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPRedirect(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -671,7 +767,7 @@ func HTTPRedirect(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url strin // HTTPRedirectf asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code. // -// assert.HTTPRedirectf(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// assert.HTTPRedirectf(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPRedirectf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -686,7 +782,7 @@ func HTTPRedirectf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url stri // HTTPStatusCode asserts that a specified handler returns a specified status code. // -// assert.HTTPStatusCode(t, myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501) +// assert.HTTPStatusCode(t, myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501) // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPStatusCode(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, statuscode int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -701,7 +797,7 @@ func HTTPStatusCode(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url str // HTTPStatusCodef asserts that a specified handler returns a specified status code. // -// assert.HTTPStatusCodef(t, myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.HTTPStatusCodef(t, myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPStatusCodef(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, statuscode int, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -716,7 +812,7 @@ func HTTPStatusCodef(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url st // HTTPSuccess asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code. // -// assert.HTTPSuccess(t, myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil) +// assert.HTTPSuccess(t, myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil) // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPSuccess(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -731,7 +827,7 @@ func HTTPSuccess(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string // HTTPSuccessf asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code. // -// assert.HTTPSuccessf(t, myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.HTTPSuccessf(t, myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func HTTPSuccessf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -746,7 +842,7 @@ func HTTPSuccessf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url strin // Implements asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface. // -// assert.Implements(t, (*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject)) +// assert.Implements(t, (*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject)) func Implements(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -759,7 +855,7 @@ func Implements(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msg // Implementsf asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface. // -// assert.Implementsf(t, (*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Implementsf(t, (*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject), "error message %s", "formatted") func Implementsf(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -772,7 +868,7 @@ func Implementsf(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, ms // InDelta asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other. // -// assert.InDelta(t, math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01) +// assert.InDelta(t, math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01) func InDelta(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -829,7 +925,7 @@ func InDeltaSlicef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta f // InDeltaf asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other. // -// assert.InDeltaf(t, math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.InDeltaf(t, math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01, "error message %s", "formatted") func InDeltaf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -886,9 +982,9 @@ func InEpsilonf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon fl // IsDecreasing asserts that the collection is decreasing // -// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []int{2, 1, 0}) -// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []float{2, 1}) -// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []string{"b", "a"}) +// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []int{2, 1, 0}) +// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []float{2, 1}) +// assert.IsDecreasing(t, []string{"b", "a"}) func IsDecreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -901,9 +997,9 @@ func IsDecreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // IsDecreasingf asserts that the collection is decreasing // -// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []int{2, 1, 0}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []int{2, 1, 0}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsDecreasingf(t, []string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func IsDecreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -916,9 +1012,9 @@ func IsDecreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface // IsIncreasing asserts that the collection is increasing // -// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []int{1, 2, 3}) -// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []float{1, 2}) -// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []string{"a", "b"}) +// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []int{1, 2, 3}) +// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []float{1, 2}) +// assert.IsIncreasing(t, []string{"a", "b"}) func IsIncreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -931,9 +1027,9 @@ func IsIncreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // IsIncreasingf asserts that the collection is increasing // -// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []int{1, 2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []int{1, 2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsIncreasingf(t, []string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func IsIncreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -946,9 +1042,9 @@ func IsIncreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface // IsNonDecreasing asserts that the collection is not decreasing // -// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []int{1, 1, 2}) -// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []float{1, 2}) -// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []string{"a", "b"}) +// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []int{1, 1, 2}) +// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []float{1, 2}) +// assert.IsNonDecreasing(t, []string{"a", "b"}) func IsNonDecreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -961,9 +1057,9 @@ func IsNonDecreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // IsNonDecreasingf asserts that the collection is not decreasing // -// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []int{1, 1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []int{1, 1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonDecreasingf(t, []string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func IsNonDecreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -976,9 +1072,9 @@ func IsNonDecreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interf // IsNonIncreasing asserts that the collection is not increasing // -// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []int{2, 1, 1}) -// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []float{2, 1}) -// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []string{"b", "a"}) +// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []int{2, 1, 1}) +// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []float{2, 1}) +// assert.IsNonIncreasing(t, []string{"b", "a"}) func IsNonIncreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -991,9 +1087,9 @@ func IsNonIncreasing(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // IsNonIncreasingf asserts that the collection is not increasing // -// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []int{2, 1, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []int{2, 1, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.IsNonIncreasingf(t, []string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func IsNonIncreasingf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1028,7 +1124,7 @@ func IsTypef(t TestingT, expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msg strin // JSONEq asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent. // -// assert.JSONEq(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`) +// assert.JSONEq(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`) func JSONEq(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1041,7 +1137,7 @@ func JSONEq(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interface{ // JSONEqf asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent. // -// assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted") func JSONEqf(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1055,7 +1151,7 @@ func JSONEqf(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msg string, args ...int // Len asserts that the specified object has specific length. // Len also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept. // -// assert.Len(t, mySlice, 3) +// assert.Len(t, mySlice, 3) func Len(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1069,7 +1165,7 @@ func Len(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // Lenf asserts that the specified object has specific length. // Lenf also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept. // -// assert.Lenf(t, mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Lenf(t, mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted") func Lenf(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1082,9 +1178,9 @@ func Lenf(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interf // Less asserts that the first element is less than the second // -// assert.Less(t, 1, 2) -// assert.Less(t, float64(1), float64(2)) -// assert.Less(t, "a", "b") +// assert.Less(t, 1, 2) +// assert.Less(t, float64(1), float64(2)) +// assert.Less(t, "a", "b") func Less(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1097,10 +1193,10 @@ func Less(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // LessOrEqual asserts that the first element is less than or equal to the second // -// assert.LessOrEqual(t, 1, 2) -// assert.LessOrEqual(t, 2, 2) -// assert.LessOrEqual(t, "a", "b") -// assert.LessOrEqual(t, "b", "b") +// assert.LessOrEqual(t, 1, 2) +// assert.LessOrEqual(t, 2, 2) +// assert.LessOrEqual(t, "a", "b") +// assert.LessOrEqual(t, "b", "b") func LessOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1113,10 +1209,10 @@ func LessOrEqual(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...inter // LessOrEqualf asserts that the first element is less than or equal to the second // -// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, 1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, 2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, "a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, "b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, 1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, 2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, "a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.LessOrEqualf(t, "b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func LessOrEqualf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1129,9 +1225,9 @@ func LessOrEqualf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args . // Lessf asserts that the first element is less than the second // -// assert.Lessf(t, 1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Lessf(t, float64(1), float64(2), "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Lessf(t, "a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Lessf(t, 1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Lessf(t, float64(1), float64(2), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Lessf(t, "a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func Lessf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1144,8 +1240,8 @@ func Lessf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...inter // Negative asserts that the specified element is negative // -// assert.Negative(t, -1) -// assert.Negative(t, -1.23) +// assert.Negative(t, -1) +// assert.Negative(t, -1.23) func Negative(t TestingT, e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1158,8 +1254,8 @@ func Negative(t TestingT, e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Negativef asserts that the specified element is negative // -// assert.Negativef(t, -1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Negativef(t, -1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Negativef(t, -1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Negativef(t, -1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") func Negativef(t TestingT, e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1173,7 +1269,7 @@ func Negativef(t TestingT, e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Never asserts that the given condition doesn't satisfy in waitFor time, // periodically checking the target function each tick. // -// assert.Never(t, func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) +// assert.Never(t, func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) func Never(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1187,7 +1283,7 @@ func Never(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.D // Neverf asserts that the given condition doesn't satisfy in waitFor time, // periodically checking the target function each tick. // -// assert.Neverf(t, func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Neverf(t, func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") func Neverf(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1200,7 +1296,7 @@ func Neverf(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time. // Nil asserts that the specified object is nil. // -// assert.Nil(t, err) +// assert.Nil(t, err) func Nil(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1213,7 +1309,7 @@ func Nil(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Nilf asserts that the specified object is nil. // -// assert.Nilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Nilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") func Nilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1250,10 +1346,10 @@ func NoDirExistsf(t TestingT, path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // NoError asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if assert.NoError(t, err) { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if assert.NoError(t, err) { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) +// } func NoError(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1266,10 +1362,10 @@ func NoError(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // NoErrorf asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) +// } func NoErrorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1307,9 +1403,9 @@ func NoFileExistsf(t TestingT, path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // NotContains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the // specified substring or element. // -// assert.NotContains(t, "Hello World", "Earth") -// assert.NotContains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth") -// assert.NotContains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth") +// assert.NotContains(t, "Hello World", "Earth") +// assert.NotContains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth") +// assert.NotContains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth") func NotContains(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1323,9 +1419,9 @@ func NotContains(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ... // NotContainsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the // specified substring or element. // -// assert.NotContainsf(t, "Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.NotContainsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.NotContainsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotContainsf(t, "Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotContainsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotContainsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") func NotContainsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1339,9 +1435,9 @@ func NotContainsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, a // NotEmpty asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// if assert.NotEmpty(t, obj) { -// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) -// } +// if assert.NotEmpty(t, obj) { +// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) +// } func NotEmpty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1355,9 +1451,9 @@ func NotEmpty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // NotEmptyf asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// if assert.NotEmptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) -// } +// if assert.NotEmptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) +// } func NotEmptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1370,7 +1466,7 @@ func NotEmptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) // NotEqual asserts that the specified values are NOT equal. // -// assert.NotEqual(t, obj1, obj2) +// assert.NotEqual(t, obj1, obj2) // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). @@ -1386,7 +1482,7 @@ func NotEqual(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs . // NotEqualValues asserts that two objects are not equal even when converted to the same type // -// assert.NotEqualValues(t, obj1, obj2) +// assert.NotEqualValues(t, obj1, obj2) func NotEqualValues(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1399,7 +1495,7 @@ func NotEqualValues(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAnd // NotEqualValuesf asserts that two objects are not equal even when converted to the same type // -// assert.NotEqualValuesf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotEqualValuesf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") func NotEqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1412,7 +1508,7 @@ func NotEqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg s // NotEqualf asserts that the specified values are NOT equal. // -// assert.NotEqualf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotEqualf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). @@ -1452,7 +1548,7 @@ func NotErrorIsf(t TestingT, err error, target error, msg string, args ...interf // NotNil asserts that the specified object is not nil. // -// assert.NotNil(t, err) +// assert.NotNil(t, err) func NotNil(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1465,7 +1561,7 @@ func NotNil(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // NotNilf asserts that the specified object is not nil. // -// assert.NotNilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotNilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") func NotNilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1478,7 +1574,7 @@ func NotNilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // NotPanics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic. // -// assert.NotPanics(t, func(){ RemainCalm() }) +// assert.NotPanics(t, func(){ RemainCalm() }) func NotPanics(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1491,7 +1587,7 @@ func NotPanics(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // NotPanicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic. // -// assert.NotPanicsf(t, func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotPanicsf(t, func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func NotPanicsf(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1504,8 +1600,8 @@ func NotPanicsf(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interfac // NotRegexp asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string. // -// assert.NotRegexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting") -// assert.NotRegexp(t, "^start", "it's not starting") +// assert.NotRegexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting") +// assert.NotRegexp(t, "^start", "it's not starting") func NotRegexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1518,8 +1614,8 @@ func NotRegexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interf // NotRegexpf asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string. // -// assert.NotRegexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.NotRegexpf(t, "^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotRegexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotRegexpf(t, "^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") func NotRegexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1532,7 +1628,7 @@ func NotRegexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args .. // NotSame asserts that two pointers do not reference the same object. // -// assert.NotSame(t, ptr1, ptr2) +// assert.NotSame(t, ptr1, ptr2) // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1548,7 +1644,7 @@ func NotSame(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs .. // NotSamef asserts that two pointers do not reference the same object. // -// assert.NotSamef(t, ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotSamef(t, ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1565,7 +1661,7 @@ func NotSamef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, // NotSubset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// assert.NotSubset(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]") +// assert.NotSubset(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]") func NotSubset(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1579,7 +1675,7 @@ func NotSubset(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...i // NotSubsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// assert.NotSubsetf(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.NotSubsetf(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") func NotSubsetf(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1614,7 +1710,7 @@ func NotZerof(t TestingT, i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Panics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics. // -// assert.Panics(t, func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// assert.Panics(t, func(){ GoCrazy() }) func Panics(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1629,7 +1725,7 @@ func Panics(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // panics, and that the recovered panic value is an error that satisfies the // EqualError comparison. // -// assert.PanicsWithError(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// assert.PanicsWithError(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) func PanicsWithError(t TestingT, errString string, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1644,7 +1740,7 @@ func PanicsWithError(t TestingT, errString string, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAn // panics, and that the recovered panic value is an error that satisfies the // EqualError comparison. // -// assert.PanicsWithErrorf(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.PanicsWithErrorf(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func PanicsWithErrorf(t TestingT, errString string, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1658,7 +1754,7 @@ func PanicsWithErrorf(t TestingT, errString string, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg // PanicsWithValue asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that // the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value. // -// assert.PanicsWithValue(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// assert.PanicsWithValue(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) func PanicsWithValue(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1672,7 +1768,7 @@ func PanicsWithValue(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFunc, m // PanicsWithValuef asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that // the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value. // -// assert.PanicsWithValuef(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.PanicsWithValuef(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func PanicsWithValuef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1685,7 +1781,7 @@ func PanicsWithValuef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFunc, // Panicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics. // -// assert.Panicsf(t, func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Panicsf(t, func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func Panicsf(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1698,8 +1794,8 @@ func Panicsf(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{} // Positive asserts that the specified element is positive // -// assert.Positive(t, 1) -// assert.Positive(t, 1.23) +// assert.Positive(t, 1) +// assert.Positive(t, 1.23) func Positive(t TestingT, e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1712,8 +1808,8 @@ func Positive(t TestingT, e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Positivef asserts that the specified element is positive // -// assert.Positivef(t, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Positivef(t, 1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Positivef(t, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Positivef(t, 1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") func Positivef(t TestingT, e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1726,8 +1822,8 @@ func Positivef(t TestingT, e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Regexp asserts that a specified regexp matches a string. // -// assert.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting") -// assert.Regexp(t, "start...$", "it's not starting") +// assert.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting") +// assert.Regexp(t, "start...$", "it's not starting") func Regexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1740,8 +1836,8 @@ func Regexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface // Regexpf asserts that a specified regexp matches a string. // -// assert.Regexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") -// assert.Regexpf(t, "start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Regexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Regexpf(t, "start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") func Regexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1754,7 +1850,7 @@ func Regexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...in // Same asserts that two pointers reference the same object. // -// assert.Same(t, ptr1, ptr2) +// assert.Same(t, ptr1, ptr2) // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1770,7 +1866,7 @@ func Same(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...in // Samef asserts that two pointers reference the same object. // -// assert.Samef(t, ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Samef(t, ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1787,7 +1883,7 @@ func Samef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, arg // Subset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// assert.Subset(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]") +// assert.Subset(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]") func Subset(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1801,7 +1897,7 @@ func Subset(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...inte // Subsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// assert.Subsetf(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Subsetf(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") func Subsetf(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1814,7 +1910,7 @@ func Subsetf(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args // True asserts that the specified value is true. // -// assert.True(t, myBool) +// assert.True(t, myBool) func True(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1827,7 +1923,7 @@ func True(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Truef asserts that the specified value is true. // -// assert.Truef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.Truef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") func Truef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1840,7 +1936,7 @@ func Truef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // WithinDuration asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other. // -// assert.WithinDuration(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second) +// assert.WithinDuration(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second) func WithinDuration(t TestingT, expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1853,7 +1949,7 @@ func WithinDuration(t TestingT, expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time // WithinDurationf asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other. // -// assert.WithinDurationf(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.WithinDurationf(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted") func WithinDurationf(t TestingT, expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1866,7 +1962,7 @@ func WithinDurationf(t TestingT, expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta tim // WithinRange asserts that a time is within a time range (inclusive). // -// assert.WithinRange(t, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second)) +// assert.WithinRange(t, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second)) func WithinRange(t TestingT, actual time.Time, start time.Time, end time.Time, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1879,7 +1975,7 @@ func WithinRange(t TestingT, actual time.Time, start time.Time, end time.Time, m // WithinRangef asserts that a time is within a time range (inclusive). // -// assert.WithinRangef(t, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second), "error message %s", "formatted") +// assert.WithinRangef(t, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second), "error message %s", "formatted") func WithinRangef(t TestingT, actual time.Time, start time.Time, end time.Time, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require_forward.go b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require_forward.go index 960bf6f2c..3b5b09330 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require_forward.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/stretchr/testify/require/require_forward.go @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) Conditionf(comp assert.Comparison, msg string, args ...inte // Contains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the // specified substring or element. // -// a.Contains("Hello World", "World") -// a.Contains(["Hello", "World"], "World") -// a.Contains({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello") +// a.Contains("Hello World", "World") +// a.Contains(["Hello", "World"], "World") +// a.Contains({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello") func (a *Assertions) Contains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) Contains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs .. // Containsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the // specified substring or element. // -// a.Containsf("Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Containsf(["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Containsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Containsf("Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Containsf(["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Containsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Containsf(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) ElementsMatchf(listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msg st // Empty asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// a.Empty(obj) +// a.Empty(obj) func (a *Assertions) Empty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Empty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Emptyf asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// a.Emptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Emptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Emptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Emptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) // Equal asserts that two objects are equal. // -// a.Equal(123, 123) +// a.Equal(123, 123) // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Equal(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs // EqualError asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that it is equal to the provided error. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// a.EqualError(err, expectedErrorString) +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.EqualError(err, expectedErrorString) func (a *Assertions) EqualError(theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) EqualError(theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ... // EqualErrorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that it is equal to the provided error. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// a.EqualErrorf(err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted") +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.EqualErrorf(err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) EqualErrorf(theError error, errString string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -156,10 +156,44 @@ func (a *Assertions) EqualErrorf(theError error, errString string, msg string, a EqualErrorf(a.t, theError, errString, msg, args...) } +// EqualExportedValues asserts that the types of two objects are equal and their public +// fields are also equal. This is useful for comparing structs that have private fields +// that could potentially differ. +// +// type S struct { +// Exported int +// notExported int +// } +// a.EqualExportedValues(S{1, 2}, S{1, 3}) => true +// a.EqualExportedValues(S{1, 2}, S{2, 3}) => false +func (a *Assertions) EqualExportedValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + EqualExportedValues(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...) +} + +// EqualExportedValuesf asserts that the types of two objects are equal and their public +// fields are also equal. This is useful for comparing structs that have private fields +// that could potentially differ. +// +// type S struct { +// Exported int +// notExported int +// } +// a.EqualExportedValuesf(S{1, 2}, S{1, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") => true +// a.EqualExportedValuesf(S{1, 2}, S{2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") => false +func (a *Assertions) EqualExportedValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + EqualExportedValuesf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...) +} + // EqualValues asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types // and equal. // -// a.EqualValues(uint32(123), int32(123)) +// a.EqualValues(uint32(123), int32(123)) func (a *Assertions) EqualValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -170,7 +204,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) EqualValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAn // EqualValuesf asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types // and equal. // -// a.EqualValuesf(uint32(123), int32(123), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.EqualValuesf(uint32(123), int32(123), "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) EqualValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -180,7 +214,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) EqualValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg // Equalf asserts that two objects are equal. // -// a.Equalf(123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Equalf(123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality @@ -194,10 +228,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) Equalf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string // Error asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if a.Error(err) { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if a.Error(err) { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err) +// } func (a *Assertions) Error(err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -226,8 +260,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) ErrorAsf(err error, target interface{}, msg string, args .. // ErrorContains asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that the error contains the specified substring. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// a.ErrorContains(err, expectedErrorSubString) +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.ErrorContains(err, expectedErrorSubString) func (a *Assertions) ErrorContains(theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -238,8 +272,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) ErrorContains(theError error, contains string, msgAndArgs . // ErrorContainsf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that the error contains the specified substring. // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// a.ErrorContainsf(err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// a.ErrorContainsf(err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) ErrorContainsf(theError error, contains string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -267,10 +301,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) ErrorIsf(err error, target error, msg string, args ...inter // Errorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if a.Errorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if a.Errorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err) +// } func (a *Assertions) Errorf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -281,7 +315,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Errorf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Eventually asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, // periodically checking target function each tick. // -// a.Eventually(func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) +// a.Eventually(func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) func (a *Assertions) Eventually(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -289,10 +323,60 @@ func (a *Assertions) Eventually(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, ti Eventually(a.t, condition, waitFor, tick, msgAndArgs...) } +// EventuallyWithT asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, +// periodically checking target function each tick. In contrast to Eventually, +// it supplies a CollectT to the condition function, so that the condition +// function can use the CollectT to call other assertions. +// The condition is considered "met" if no errors are raised in a tick. +// The supplied CollectT collects all errors from one tick (if there are any). +// If the condition is not met before waitFor, the collected errors of +// the last tick are copied to t. +// +// externalValue := false +// go func() { +// time.Sleep(8*time.Second) +// externalValue = true +// }() +// a.EventuallyWithT(func(c *assert.CollectT) { +// // add assertions as needed; any assertion failure will fail the current tick +// assert.True(c, externalValue, "expected 'externalValue' to be true") +// }, 1*time.Second, 10*time.Second, "external state has not changed to 'true'; still false") +func (a *Assertions) EventuallyWithT(condition func(collect *assert.CollectT), waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + EventuallyWithT(a.t, condition, waitFor, tick, msgAndArgs...) +} + +// EventuallyWithTf asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, +// periodically checking target function each tick. In contrast to Eventually, +// it supplies a CollectT to the condition function, so that the condition +// function can use the CollectT to call other assertions. +// The condition is considered "met" if no errors are raised in a tick. +// The supplied CollectT collects all errors from one tick (if there are any). +// If the condition is not met before waitFor, the collected errors of +// the last tick are copied to t. +// +// externalValue := false +// go func() { +// time.Sleep(8*time.Second) +// externalValue = true +// }() +// a.EventuallyWithTf(func(c *assert.CollectT, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// // add assertions as needed; any assertion failure will fail the current tick +// assert.True(c, externalValue, "expected 'externalValue' to be true") +// }, 1*time.Second, 10*time.Second, "external state has not changed to 'true'; still false") +func (a *Assertions) EventuallyWithTf(condition func(collect *assert.CollectT), waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) { + if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { + h.Helper() + } + EventuallyWithTf(a.t, condition, waitFor, tick, msg, args...) +} + // Eventuallyf asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, // periodically checking target function each tick. // -// a.Eventuallyf(func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Eventuallyf(func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Eventuallyf(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -302,7 +386,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Eventuallyf(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, t // Exactly asserts that two objects are equal in value and type. // -// a.Exactly(int32(123), int64(123)) +// a.Exactly(int32(123), int64(123)) func (a *Assertions) Exactly(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -312,7 +396,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Exactly(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArg // Exactlyf asserts that two objects are equal in value and type. // -// a.Exactlyf(int32(123), int64(123), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Exactlyf(int32(123), int64(123), "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Exactlyf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -354,7 +438,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Failf(failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{ // False asserts that the specified value is false. // -// a.False(myBool) +// a.False(myBool) func (a *Assertions) False(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -364,7 +448,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) False(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Falsef asserts that the specified value is false. // -// a.Falsef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Falsef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Falsef(value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -392,9 +476,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) FileExistsf(path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Greater asserts that the first element is greater than the second // -// a.Greater(2, 1) -// a.Greater(float64(2), float64(1)) -// a.Greater("b", "a") +// a.Greater(2, 1) +// a.Greater(float64(2), float64(1)) +// a.Greater("b", "a") func (a *Assertions) Greater(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -404,10 +488,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) Greater(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...inter // GreaterOrEqual asserts that the first element is greater than or equal to the second // -// a.GreaterOrEqual(2, 1) -// a.GreaterOrEqual(2, 2) -// a.GreaterOrEqual("b", "a") -// a.GreaterOrEqual("b", "b") +// a.GreaterOrEqual(2, 1) +// a.GreaterOrEqual(2, 2) +// a.GreaterOrEqual("b", "a") +// a.GreaterOrEqual("b", "b") func (a *Assertions) GreaterOrEqual(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -417,10 +501,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) GreaterOrEqual(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs . // GreaterOrEqualf asserts that the first element is greater than or equal to the second // -// a.GreaterOrEqualf(2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.GreaterOrEqualf(2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.GreaterOrEqualf("b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.GreaterOrEqualf("b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.GreaterOrEqualf(2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.GreaterOrEqualf(2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.GreaterOrEqualf("b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.GreaterOrEqualf("b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) GreaterOrEqualf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -430,9 +514,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) GreaterOrEqualf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, // Greaterf asserts that the first element is greater than the second // -// a.Greaterf(2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Greaterf(float64(2), float64(1), "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Greaterf("b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Greaterf(2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Greaterf(float64(2), float64(1), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Greaterf("b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Greaterf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -443,7 +527,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Greaterf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args . // HTTPBodyContains asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that contains a string. // -// a.HTTPBodyContains(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") +// a.HTTPBodyContains(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -456,7 +540,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, u // HTTPBodyContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that contains a string. // -// a.HTTPBodyContainsf(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.HTTPBodyContainsf(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -469,7 +553,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, // HTTPBodyNotContains asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that does not contain a string. // -// a.HTTPBodyNotContains(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") +// a.HTTPBodyNotContains(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -482,7 +566,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string // HTTPBodyNotContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a // body that does not contain a string. // -// a.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(myHandler, "GET", "www.google.com", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -494,7 +578,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method strin // HTTPError asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code. // -// a.HTTPError(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// a.HTTPError(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPError(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -506,7 +590,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPError(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url stri // HTTPErrorf asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code. // -// a.HTTPErrorf(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// a.HTTPErrorf(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPErrorf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -518,7 +602,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPErrorf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url str // HTTPRedirect asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code. // -// a.HTTPRedirect(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// a.HTTPRedirect(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirect(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -530,7 +614,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirect(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url s // HTTPRedirectf asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code. // -// a.HTTPRedirectf(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} +// a.HTTPRedirectf(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}} // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirectf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -542,7 +626,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirectf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url // HTTPStatusCode asserts that a specified handler returns a specified status code. // -// a.HTTPStatusCode(myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501) +// a.HTTPStatusCode(myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501) // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPStatusCode(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, statuscode int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -554,7 +638,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPStatusCode(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url // HTTPStatusCodef asserts that a specified handler returns a specified status code. // -// a.HTTPStatusCodef(myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.HTTPStatusCodef(myHandler, "GET", "/notImplemented", nil, 501, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPStatusCodef(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, statuscode int, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -566,7 +650,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPStatusCodef(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, ur // HTTPSuccess asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code. // -// a.HTTPSuccess(myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil) +// a.HTTPSuccess(myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil) // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccess(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { @@ -578,7 +662,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccess(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url st // HTTPSuccessf asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code. // -// a.HTTPSuccessf(myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.HTTPSuccessf(myHandler, "POST", "http://www.google.com", nil, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false). func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccessf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) { @@ -590,7 +674,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccessf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url s // Implements asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface. // -// a.Implements((*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject)) +// a.Implements((*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject)) func (a *Assertions) Implements(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -600,7 +684,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Implements(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, // Implementsf asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface. // -// a.Implementsf((*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Implementsf((*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject), "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Implementsf(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -610,7 +694,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Implementsf(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{} // InDelta asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other. // -// a.InDelta(math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01) +// a.InDelta(math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01) func (a *Assertions) InDelta(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -652,7 +736,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) InDeltaSlicef(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, del // InDeltaf asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other. // -// a.InDeltaf(math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.InDeltaf(math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) InDeltaf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -694,9 +778,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) InEpsilonf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilo // IsDecreasing asserts that the collection is decreasing // -// a.IsDecreasing([]int{2, 1, 0}) -// a.IsDecreasing([]float{2, 1}) -// a.IsDecreasing([]string{"b", "a"}) +// a.IsDecreasing([]int{2, 1, 0}) +// a.IsDecreasing([]float{2, 1}) +// a.IsDecreasing([]string{"b", "a"}) func (a *Assertions) IsDecreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -706,9 +790,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsDecreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // IsDecreasingf asserts that the collection is decreasing // -// a.IsDecreasingf([]int{2, 1, 0}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsDecreasingf([]float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsDecreasingf([]string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsDecreasingf([]int{2, 1, 0}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsDecreasingf([]float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsDecreasingf([]string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) IsDecreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -718,9 +802,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsDecreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...inter // IsIncreasing asserts that the collection is increasing // -// a.IsIncreasing([]int{1, 2, 3}) -// a.IsIncreasing([]float{1, 2}) -// a.IsIncreasing([]string{"a", "b"}) +// a.IsIncreasing([]int{1, 2, 3}) +// a.IsIncreasing([]float{1, 2}) +// a.IsIncreasing([]string{"a", "b"}) func (a *Assertions) IsIncreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -730,9 +814,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsIncreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) // IsIncreasingf asserts that the collection is increasing // -// a.IsIncreasingf([]int{1, 2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsIncreasingf([]float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsIncreasingf([]string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsIncreasingf([]int{1, 2, 3}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsIncreasingf([]float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsIncreasingf([]string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) IsIncreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -742,9 +826,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsIncreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...inter // IsNonDecreasing asserts that the collection is not decreasing // -// a.IsNonDecreasing([]int{1, 1, 2}) -// a.IsNonDecreasing([]float{1, 2}) -// a.IsNonDecreasing([]string{"a", "b"}) +// a.IsNonDecreasing([]int{1, 1, 2}) +// a.IsNonDecreasing([]float{1, 2}) +// a.IsNonDecreasing([]string{"a", "b"}) func (a *Assertions) IsNonDecreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -754,9 +838,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsNonDecreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface // IsNonDecreasingf asserts that the collection is not decreasing // -// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]int{1, 1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]int{1, 1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]float{1, 2}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonDecreasingf([]string{"a", "b"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) IsNonDecreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -766,9 +850,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsNonDecreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...in // IsNonIncreasing asserts that the collection is not increasing // -// a.IsNonIncreasing([]int{2, 1, 1}) -// a.IsNonIncreasing([]float{2, 1}) -// a.IsNonIncreasing([]string{"b", "a"}) +// a.IsNonIncreasing([]int{2, 1, 1}) +// a.IsNonIncreasing([]float{2, 1}) +// a.IsNonIncreasing([]string{"b", "a"}) func (a *Assertions) IsNonIncreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -778,9 +862,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsNonIncreasing(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface // IsNonIncreasingf asserts that the collection is not increasing // -// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]int{2, 1, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]int{2, 1, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]float{2, 1}, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.IsNonIncreasingf([]string{"b", "a"}, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) IsNonIncreasingf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -806,7 +890,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) IsTypef(expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msg s // JSONEq asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent. // -// a.JSONEq(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`) +// a.JSONEq(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`) func (a *Assertions) JSONEq(expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -816,7 +900,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) JSONEq(expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interf // JSONEqf asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent. // -// a.JSONEqf(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.JSONEqf(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) JSONEqf(expected string, actual string, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -827,7 +911,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) JSONEqf(expected string, actual string, msg string, args .. // Len asserts that the specified object has specific length. // Len also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept. // -// a.Len(mySlice, 3) +// a.Len(mySlice, 3) func (a *Assertions) Len(object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -838,7 +922,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Len(object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface // Lenf asserts that the specified object has specific length. // Lenf also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept. // -// a.Lenf(mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Lenf(mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Lenf(object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -848,9 +932,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) Lenf(object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...in // Less asserts that the first element is less than the second // -// a.Less(1, 2) -// a.Less(float64(1), float64(2)) -// a.Less("a", "b") +// a.Less(1, 2) +// a.Less(float64(1), float64(2)) +// a.Less("a", "b") func (a *Assertions) Less(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -860,10 +944,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) Less(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interfac // LessOrEqual asserts that the first element is less than or equal to the second // -// a.LessOrEqual(1, 2) -// a.LessOrEqual(2, 2) -// a.LessOrEqual("a", "b") -// a.LessOrEqual("b", "b") +// a.LessOrEqual(1, 2) +// a.LessOrEqual(2, 2) +// a.LessOrEqual("a", "b") +// a.LessOrEqual("b", "b") func (a *Assertions) LessOrEqual(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -873,10 +957,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) LessOrEqual(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msgAndArgs ...i // LessOrEqualf asserts that the first element is less than or equal to the second // -// a.LessOrEqualf(1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.LessOrEqualf(2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.LessOrEqualf("a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.LessOrEqualf("b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.LessOrEqualf(1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.LessOrEqualf(2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.LessOrEqualf("a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.LessOrEqualf("b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) LessOrEqualf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -886,9 +970,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) LessOrEqualf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, ar // Lessf asserts that the first element is less than the second // -// a.Lessf(1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Lessf(float64(1), float64(2), "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Lessf("a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Lessf(1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Lessf(float64(1), float64(2), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Lessf("a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Lessf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -898,8 +982,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Lessf(e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...i // Negative asserts that the specified element is negative // -// a.Negative(-1) -// a.Negative(-1.23) +// a.Negative(-1) +// a.Negative(-1.23) func (a *Assertions) Negative(e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -909,8 +993,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Negative(e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Negativef asserts that the specified element is negative // -// a.Negativef(-1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Negativef(-1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Negativef(-1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Negativef(-1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Negativef(e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -921,7 +1005,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Negativef(e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Never asserts that the given condition doesn't satisfy in waitFor time, // periodically checking the target function each tick. // -// a.Never(func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) +// a.Never(func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) func (a *Assertions) Never(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -932,7 +1016,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Never(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick ti // Neverf asserts that the given condition doesn't satisfy in waitFor time, // periodically checking the target function each tick. // -// a.Neverf(func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Neverf(func() bool { return false; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Neverf(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -942,7 +1026,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Neverf(condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick t // Nil asserts that the specified object is nil. // -// a.Nil(err) +// a.Nil(err) func (a *Assertions) Nil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -952,7 +1036,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Nil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Nilf asserts that the specified object is nil. // -// a.Nilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Nilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Nilf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -980,10 +1064,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) NoDirExistsf(path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) // NoError asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if a.NoError(err) { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if a.NoError(err) { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) +// } func (a *Assertions) NoError(err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -993,10 +1077,10 @@ func (a *Assertions) NoError(err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // NoErrorf asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`). // -// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() -// if a.NoErrorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) -// } +// actualObj, err := SomeFunction() +// if a.NoErrorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) +// } func (a *Assertions) NoErrorf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1025,9 +1109,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) NoFileExistsf(path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) // NotContains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the // specified substring or element. // -// a.NotContains("Hello World", "Earth") -// a.NotContains(["Hello", "World"], "Earth") -// a.NotContains({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth") +// a.NotContains("Hello World", "Earth") +// a.NotContains(["Hello", "World"], "Earth") +// a.NotContains({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth") func (a *Assertions) NotContains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1038,9 +1122,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotContains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs // NotContainsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the // specified substring or element. // -// a.NotContainsf("Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.NotContainsf(["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.NotContainsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotContainsf("Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotContainsf(["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotContainsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotContainsf(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1051,9 +1135,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotContainsf(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg strin // NotEmpty asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// if a.NotEmpty(obj) { -// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) -// } +// if a.NotEmpty(obj) { +// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) +// } func (a *Assertions) NotEmpty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1064,9 +1148,9 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotEmpty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // NotEmptyf asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either // a slice or a channel with len == 0. // -// if a.NotEmptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted") { -// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) -// } +// if a.NotEmptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted") { +// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1]) +// } func (a *Assertions) NotEmptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1076,7 +1160,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotEmptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface // NotEqual asserts that the specified values are NOT equal. // -// a.NotEqual(obj1, obj2) +// a.NotEqual(obj1, obj2) // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). @@ -1089,7 +1173,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotEqual(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndAr // NotEqualValues asserts that two objects are not equal even when converted to the same type // -// a.NotEqualValues(obj1, obj2) +// a.NotEqualValues(obj1, obj2) func (a *Assertions) NotEqualValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1099,7 +1183,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotEqualValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, ms // NotEqualValuesf asserts that two objects are not equal even when converted to the same type // -// a.NotEqualValuesf(obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotEqualValuesf(obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotEqualValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1109,7 +1193,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotEqualValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, m // NotEqualf asserts that the specified values are NOT equal. // -// a.NotEqualf(obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotEqualf(obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). @@ -1140,7 +1224,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotErrorIsf(err error, target error, msg string, args ...in // NotNil asserts that the specified object is not nil. // -// a.NotNil(err) +// a.NotNil(err) func (a *Assertions) NotNil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1150,7 +1234,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotNil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // NotNilf asserts that the specified object is not nil. // -// a.NotNilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotNilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotNilf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1160,7 +1244,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotNilf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{} // NotPanics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic. // -// a.NotPanics(func(){ RemainCalm() }) +// a.NotPanics(func(){ RemainCalm() }) func (a *Assertions) NotPanics(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1170,7 +1254,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotPanics(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{} // NotPanicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic. // -// a.NotPanicsf(func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotPanicsf(func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotPanicsf(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1180,8 +1264,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotPanicsf(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...inte // NotRegexp asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string. // -// a.NotRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting") -// a.NotRegexp("^start", "it's not starting") +// a.NotRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting") +// a.NotRegexp("^start", "it's not starting") func (a *Assertions) NotRegexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1191,8 +1275,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotRegexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...in // NotRegexpf asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string. // -// a.NotRegexpf(regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.NotRegexpf("^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotRegexpf(regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotRegexpf("^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotRegexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1202,7 +1286,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotRegexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, arg // NotSame asserts that two pointers do not reference the same object. // -// a.NotSame(ptr1, ptr2) +// a.NotSame(ptr1, ptr2) // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1215,7 +1299,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotSame(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArg // NotSamef asserts that two pointers do not reference the same object. // -// a.NotSamef(ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotSamef(ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1229,7 +1313,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotSamef(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg stri // NotSubset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// a.NotSubset([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]") +// a.NotSubset([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]") func (a *Assertions) NotSubset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1240,7 +1324,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotSubset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs // NotSubsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// a.NotSubsetf([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.NotSubsetf([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) NotSubsetf(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1266,7 +1350,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) NotZerof(i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Panics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics. // -// a.Panics(func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// a.Panics(func(){ GoCrazy() }) func (a *Assertions) Panics(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1278,7 +1362,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Panics(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // panics, and that the recovered panic value is an error that satisfies the // EqualError comparison. // -// a.PanicsWithError("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// a.PanicsWithError("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithError(errString string, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1290,7 +1374,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithError(errString string, f assert.PanicTestFunc, m // panics, and that the recovered panic value is an error that satisfies the // EqualError comparison. // -// a.PanicsWithErrorf("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.PanicsWithErrorf("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithErrorf(errString string, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1301,7 +1385,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithErrorf(errString string, f assert.PanicTestFunc, // PanicsWithValue asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that // the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value. // -// a.PanicsWithValue("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) +// a.PanicsWithValue("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }) func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValue(expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1312,7 +1396,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValue(expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFun // PanicsWithValuef asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that // the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value. // -// a.PanicsWithValuef("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.PanicsWithValuef("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValuef(expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1322,7 +1406,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValuef(expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFu // Panicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics. // -// a.Panicsf(func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Panicsf(func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Panicsf(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1332,8 +1416,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Panicsf(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interfa // Positive asserts that the specified element is positive // -// a.Positive(1) -// a.Positive(1.23) +// a.Positive(1) +// a.Positive(1.23) func (a *Assertions) Positive(e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1343,8 +1427,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Positive(e interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Positivef asserts that the specified element is positive // -// a.Positivef(1, "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Positivef(1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Positivef(1, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Positivef(1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Positivef(e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1354,8 +1438,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Positivef(e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // Regexp asserts that a specified regexp matches a string. // -// a.Regexp(regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting") -// a.Regexp("start...$", "it's not starting") +// a.Regexp(regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting") +// a.Regexp("start...$", "it's not starting") func (a *Assertions) Regexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1365,8 +1449,8 @@ func (a *Assertions) Regexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...inter // Regexpf asserts that a specified regexp matches a string. // -// a.Regexpf(regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") -// a.Regexpf("start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Regexpf(regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Regexpf("start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Regexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1376,7 +1460,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Regexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args . // Same asserts that two pointers reference the same object. // -// a.Same(ptr1, ptr2) +// a.Same(ptr1, ptr2) // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1389,7 +1473,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Same(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs . // Samef asserts that two pointers reference the same object. // -// a.Samef(ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Samef(ptr1, ptr2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Both arguments must be pointer variables. Pointer variable sameness is // determined based on the equality of both type and value. @@ -1403,7 +1487,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Samef(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, // Subset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// a.Subset([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]") +// a.Subset([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]") func (a *Assertions) Subset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1414,7 +1498,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Subset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ... // Subsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all // elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...). // -// a.Subsetf([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Subsetf([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Subsetf(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1424,7 +1508,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Subsetf(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, a // True asserts that the specified value is true. // -// a.True(myBool) +// a.True(myBool) func (a *Assertions) True(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1434,7 +1518,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) True(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { // Truef asserts that the specified value is true. // -// a.Truef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.Truef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) Truef(value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1444,7 +1528,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) Truef(value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) { // WithinDuration asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other. // -// a.WithinDuration(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second) +// a.WithinDuration(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second) func (a *Assertions) WithinDuration(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1454,7 +1538,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) WithinDuration(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta // WithinDurationf asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other. // -// a.WithinDurationf(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.WithinDurationf(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) WithinDurationf(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1464,7 +1548,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) WithinDurationf(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta // WithinRange asserts that a time is within a time range (inclusive). // -// a.WithinRange(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second)) +// a.WithinRange(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second)) func (a *Assertions) WithinRange(actual time.Time, start time.Time, end time.Time, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() @@ -1474,7 +1558,7 @@ func (a *Assertions) WithinRange(actual time.Time, start time.Time, end time.Tim // WithinRangef asserts that a time is within a time range (inclusive). // -// a.WithinRangef(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second), "error message %s", "formatted") +// a.WithinRangef(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(-time.Second), time.Now().Add(time.Second), "error message %s", "formatted") func (a *Assertions) WithinRangef(actual time.Time, start time.Time, end time.Time, msg string, args ...interface{}) { if h, ok := a.t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/common.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/common.go index 728be09d0..303e5505e 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/common.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/common.go @@ -42,5 +42,5 @@ const ( type Filter func(*http.Request) bool func newTracer(tp trace.TracerProvider) trace.Tracer { - return tp.Tracer(instrumentationName, trace.WithInstrumentationVersion(SemVersion())) + return tp.Tracer(instrumentationName, trace.WithInstrumentationVersion(Version())) } diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/config.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/config.go index d0337f3a5..e4fa1b8d9 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/config.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/config.go @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import ( "go.opentelemetry.io/otel" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/global" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/propagation" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace" ) @@ -33,6 +32,7 @@ const ( // config represents the configuration options available for the http.Handler // and http.Transport types. type config struct { + ServerName string Tracer trace.Tracer Meter metric.Meter Propagators propagation.TextMapPropagator @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func (o optionFunc) apply(c *config) { func newConfig(opts ...Option) *config { c := &config{ Propagators: otel.GetTextMapPropagator(), - MeterProvider: global.MeterProvider(), + MeterProvider: otel.GetMeterProvider(), } for _, opt := range opts { opt.apply(c) @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func newConfig(opts ...Option) *config { c.Meter = c.MeterProvider.Meter( instrumentationName, - metric.WithInstrumentationVersion(SemVersion()), + metric.WithInstrumentationVersion(Version()), ) return c @@ -198,3 +198,11 @@ func WithClientTrace(f func(context.Context) *httptrace.ClientTrace) Option { c.ClientTrace = f }) } + +// WithServerName returns an Option that sets the name of the (virtual) server +// handling requests. +func WithServerName(server string) Option { + return optionFunc(func(c *config) { + c.ServerName = server + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/handler.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/handler.go index 4c037f1d8..b2fbe0784 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/handler.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/handler.go @@ -21,25 +21,19 @@ import ( "github.com/felixge/httpsnoop" + "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/propagation" - semconv "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0" + semconv "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace" ) -var _ http.Handler = &Handler{} - -// Handler is http middleware that corresponds to the http.Handler interface and -// is designed to wrap a http.Mux (or equivalent), while individual routes on -// the mux are wrapped with WithRouteTag. A Handler will add various attributes -// to the span using the attribute.Keys defined in this package. -type Handler struct { +// middleware is an http middleware which wraps the next handler in a span. +type middleware struct { operation string - handler http.Handler + server string tracer trace.Tracer meter metric.Meter @@ -49,8 +43,8 @@ type Handler struct { writeEvent bool filters []Filter spanNameFormatter func(string, *http.Request) string - counters map[string]syncint64.Counter - valueRecorders map[string]syncfloat64.Histogram + counters map[string]metric.Int64Counter + valueRecorders map[string]metric.Float64Histogram publicEndpoint bool publicEndpointFn func(*http.Request) bool } @@ -59,11 +53,17 @@ func defaultHandlerFormatter(operation string, _ *http.Request) string { return operation } -// NewHandler wraps the passed handler, functioning like middleware, in a span -// named after the operation and with any provided Options. +// NewHandler wraps the passed handler in a span named after the operation and +// enriches it with metrics. func NewHandler(handler http.Handler, operation string, opts ...Option) http.Handler { - h := Handler{ - handler: handler, + return NewMiddleware(operation, opts...)(handler) +} + +// NewMiddleware returns a tracing and metrics instrumentation middleware. +// The handler returned by the middleware wraps a handler +// in a span named after the operation and enriches it with metrics. +func NewMiddleware(operation string, opts ...Option) func(http.Handler) http.Handler { + h := middleware{ operation: operation, } @@ -76,10 +76,14 @@ func NewHandler(handler http.Handler, operation string, opts ...Option) http.Han h.configure(c) h.createMeasures() - return &h + return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler { + return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + h.serveHTTP(w, r, next) + }) + } } -func (h *Handler) configure(c *config) { +func (h *middleware) configure(c *config) { h.tracer = c.Tracer h.meter = c.Meter h.propagators = c.Propagators @@ -90,6 +94,7 @@ func (h *Handler) configure(c *config) { h.spanNameFormatter = c.SpanNameFormatter h.publicEndpoint = c.PublicEndpoint h.publicEndpointFn = c.PublicEndpointFn + h.server = c.ServerName } func handleErr(err error) { @@ -98,17 +103,17 @@ func handleErr(err error) { } } -func (h *Handler) createMeasures() { - h.counters = make(map[string]syncint64.Counter) - h.valueRecorders = make(map[string]syncfloat64.Histogram) +func (h *middleware) createMeasures() { + h.counters = make(map[string]metric.Int64Counter) + h.valueRecorders = make(map[string]metric.Float64Histogram) - requestBytesCounter, err := h.meter.SyncInt64().Counter(RequestContentLength) + requestBytesCounter, err := h.meter.Int64Counter(RequestContentLength) handleErr(err) - responseBytesCounter, err := h.meter.SyncInt64().Counter(ResponseContentLength) + responseBytesCounter, err := h.meter.Int64Counter(ResponseContentLength) handleErr(err) - serverLatencyMeasure, err := h.meter.SyncFloat64().Histogram(ServerLatency) + serverLatencyMeasure, err := h.meter.Float64Histogram(ServerLatency) handleErr(err) h.counters[RequestContentLength] = requestBytesCounter @@ -116,19 +121,27 @@ func (h *Handler) createMeasures() { h.valueRecorders[ServerLatency] = serverLatencyMeasure } -// ServeHTTP serves HTTP requests (http.Handler). -func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { +// serveHTTP sets up tracing and calls the given next http.Handler with the span +// context injected into the request context. +func (h *middleware) serveHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.Handler) { requestStartTime := time.Now() for _, f := range h.filters { if !f(r) { // Simply pass through to the handler if a filter rejects the request - h.handler.ServeHTTP(w, r) + next.ServeHTTP(w, r) return } } ctx := h.propagators.Extract(r.Context(), propagation.HeaderCarrier(r.Header)) - opts := h.spanStartOptions + opts := []trace.SpanStartOption{ + trace.WithAttributes(semconvutil.HTTPServerRequest(h.server, r)...), + } + if h.server != "" { + hostAttr := semconv.NetHostName(h.server) + opts = append(opts, trace.WithAttributes(hostAttr)) + } + opts = append(opts, h.spanStartOptions...) if h.publicEndpoint || (h.publicEndpointFn != nil && h.publicEndpointFn(r.WithContext(ctx))) { opts = append(opts, trace.WithNewRoot()) // Linking incoming span context if any for public endpoint. @@ -137,12 +150,6 @@ func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { } } - opts = append([]trace.SpanStartOption{ - trace.WithAttributes(semconv.NetAttributesFromHTTPRequest("tcp", r)...), - trace.WithAttributes(semconv.EndUserAttributesFromHTTPRequest(r)...), - trace.WithAttributes(semconv.HTTPServerAttributesFromHTTPRequest(h.operation, "", r)...), - }, opts...) // start with the configured options - tracer := h.tracer if tracer == nil { @@ -164,10 +171,10 @@ func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { } var bw bodyWrapper - // if request body is nil we don't want to mutate the body as it will affect - // the identity of it in an unforeseeable way because we assert ReadCloser - // fulfills a certain interface and it is indeed nil. - if r.Body != nil { + // if request body is nil or NoBody, we don't want to mutate the body as it + // will affect the identity of it in an unforeseeable way because we assert + // ReadCloser fulfills a certain interface and it is indeed nil or NoBody. + if r.Body != nil && r.Body != http.NoBody { bw.ReadCloser = r.Body bw.record = readRecordFunc r.Body = &bw @@ -180,7 +187,13 @@ func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { } } - rww := &respWriterWrapper{ResponseWriter: w, record: writeRecordFunc, ctx: ctx, props: h.propagators} + rww := &respWriterWrapper{ + ResponseWriter: w, + record: writeRecordFunc, + ctx: ctx, + props: h.propagators, + statusCode: http.StatusOK, // default status code in case the Handler doesn't write anything + } // Wrap w to use our ResponseWriter methods while also exposing // other interfaces that w may implement (http.CloseNotifier, @@ -201,19 +214,23 @@ func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { labeler := &Labeler{} ctx = injectLabeler(ctx, labeler) - h.handler.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx)) + next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx)) setAfterServeAttributes(span, bw.read, rww.written, rww.statusCode, bw.err, rww.err) // Add metrics - attributes := append(labeler.Get(), semconv.HTTPServerMetricAttributesFromHTTPRequest(h.operation, r)...) - h.counters[RequestContentLength].Add(ctx, bw.read, attributes...) - h.counters[ResponseContentLength].Add(ctx, rww.written, attributes...) + attributes := append(labeler.Get(), semconvutil.HTTPServerRequestMetrics(h.server, r)...) + if rww.statusCode > 0 { + attributes = append(attributes, semconv.HTTPStatusCode(rww.statusCode)) + } + o := metric.WithAttributes(attributes...) + h.counters[RequestContentLength].Add(ctx, bw.read, o) + h.counters[ResponseContentLength].Add(ctx, rww.written, o) // Use floating point division here for higher precision (instead of Millisecond method). elapsedTime := float64(time.Since(requestStartTime)) / float64(time.Millisecond) - h.valueRecorders[ServerLatency].Record(ctx, elapsedTime, attributes...) + h.valueRecorders[ServerLatency].Record(ctx, elapsedTime, o) } func setAfterServeAttributes(span trace.Span, read, wrote int64, statusCode int, rerr, werr error) { @@ -231,21 +248,28 @@ func setAfterServeAttributes(span trace.Span, read, wrote int64, statusCode int, attributes = append(attributes, WroteBytesKey.Int64(wrote)) } if statusCode > 0 { - attributes = append(attributes, semconv.HTTPAttributesFromHTTPStatusCode(statusCode)...) - span.SetStatus(semconv.SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCodeAndSpanKind(statusCode, trace.SpanKindServer)) + attributes = append(attributes, semconv.HTTPStatusCode(statusCode)) } + span.SetStatus(semconvutil.HTTPServerStatus(statusCode)) + if werr != nil && werr != io.EOF { attributes = append(attributes, WriteErrorKey.String(werr.Error())) } span.SetAttributes(attributes...) } -// WithRouteTag annotates a span with the provided route name using the -// RouteKey Tag. +// WithRouteTag annotates spans and metrics with the provided route name +// with HTTP route attribute. func WithRouteTag(route string, h http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + attr := semconv.HTTPRouteKey.String(route) + span := trace.SpanFromContext(r.Context()) - span.SetAttributes(semconv.HTTPRouteKey.String(route)) + span.SetAttributes(attr) + + labeler, _ := LabelerFromContext(r.Context()) + labeler.Add(attr) + h.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) } diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil/gen.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil/gen.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..edf4ce3d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil/gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package semconvutil // import "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil" + +// Generate semconvutil package: +//go:generate gotmpl --body=../../../../../../internal/shared/semconvutil/httpconv_test.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=httpconv_test.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=../../../../../../internal/shared/semconvutil/httpconv.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=httpconv.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=../../../../../../internal/shared/semconvutil/netconv_test.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=netconv_test.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=../../../../../../internal/shared/semconvutil/netconv.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=netconv.go diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil/httpconv.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil/httpconv.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3dede9eb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil/httpconv.go @@ -0,0 +1,552 @@ +// Code created by gotmpl. DO NOT MODIFY. +// source: internal/shared/semconvutil/httpconv.go.tmpl + +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package semconvutil // import "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil" + +import ( + "fmt" + "net/http" + "strings" + + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes" + semconv "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0" +) + +// HTTPClientResponse returns trace attributes for an HTTP response received by a +// client from a server. It will return the following attributes if the related +// values are defined in resp: "http.status.code", +// "http.response_content_length". +// +// This does not add all OpenTelemetry required attributes for an HTTP event, +// it assumes ClientRequest was used to create the span with a complete set of +// attributes. If a complete set of attributes can be generated using the +// request contained in resp. For example: +// +// append(HTTPClientResponse(resp), ClientRequest(resp.Request)...) +func HTTPClientResponse(resp *http.Response) []attribute.KeyValue { + return hc.ClientResponse(resp) +} + +// HTTPClientRequest returns trace attributes for an HTTP request made by a client. +// The following attributes are always returned: "http.url", "http.flavor", +// "http.method", "net.peer.name". The following attributes are returned if the +// related values are defined in req: "net.peer.port", "http.user_agent", +// "http.request_content_length", "enduser.id". +func HTTPClientRequest(req *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { + return hc.ClientRequest(req) +} + +// HTTPClientStatus returns a span status code and message for an HTTP status code +// value received by a client. +func HTTPClientStatus(code int) (codes.Code, string) { + return hc.ClientStatus(code) +} + +// HTTPServerRequest returns trace attributes for an HTTP request received by a +// server. +// +// The server must be the primary server name if it is known. For example this +// would be the ServerName directive +// (https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#servername) for an Apache +// server, and the server_name directive +// (http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#server_name) for an +// nginx server. More generically, the primary server name would be the host +// header value that matches the default virtual host of an HTTP server. It +// should include the host identifier and if a port is used to route to the +// server that port identifier should be included as an appropriate port +// suffix. +// +// If the primary server name is not known, server should be an empty string. +// The req Host will be used to determine the server instead. +// +// The following attributes are always returned: "http.method", "http.scheme", +// "http.flavor", "http.target", "net.host.name". The following attributes are +// returned if they related values are defined in req: "net.host.port", +// "net.sock.peer.addr", "net.sock.peer.port", "http.user_agent", "enduser.id", +// "http.client_ip". +func HTTPServerRequest(server string, req *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { + return hc.ServerRequest(server, req) +} + +// HTTPServerRequestMetrics returns metric attributes for an HTTP request received by a +// server. +// +// The server must be the primary server name if it is known. For example this +// would be the ServerName directive +// (https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#servername) for an Apache +// server, and the server_name directive +// (http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#server_name) for an +// nginx server. More generically, the primary server name would be the host +// header value that matches the default virtual host of an HTTP server. It +// should include the host identifier and if a port is used to route to the +// server that port identifier should be included as an appropriate port +// suffix. +// +// If the primary server name is not known, server should be an empty string. +// The req Host will be used to determine the server instead. +// +// The following attributes are always returned: "http.method", "http.scheme", +// "http.flavor", "net.host.name". The following attributes are +// returned if they related values are defined in req: "net.host.port". +func HTTPServerRequestMetrics(server string, req *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { + return hc.ServerRequestMetrics(server, req) +} + +// HTTPServerStatus returns a span status code and message for an HTTP status code +// value returned by a server. Status codes in the 400-499 range are not +// returned as errors. +func HTTPServerStatus(code int) (codes.Code, string) { + return hc.ServerStatus(code) +} + +// HTTPRequestHeader returns the contents of h as attributes. +// +// Instrumentation should require an explicit configuration of which headers to +// captured and then prune what they pass here. Including all headers can be a +// security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive +// information. +// +// The User-Agent header is already captured in the http.user_agent attribute +// from ClientRequest and ServerRequest. Instrumentation may provide an option +// to capture that header here even though it is not recommended. Otherwise, +// instrumentation should filter that out of what is passed. +func HTTPRequestHeader(h http.Header) []attribute.KeyValue { + return hc.RequestHeader(h) +} + +// HTTPResponseHeader returns the contents of h as attributes. +// +// Instrumentation should require an explicit configuration of which headers to +// captured and then prune what they pass here. Including all headers can be a +// security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive +// information. +// +// The User-Agent header is already captured in the http.user_agent attribute +// from ClientRequest and ServerRequest. Instrumentation may provide an option +// to capture that header here even though it is not recommended. Otherwise, +// instrumentation should filter that out of what is passed. +func HTTPResponseHeader(h http.Header) []attribute.KeyValue { + return hc.ResponseHeader(h) +} + +// httpConv are the HTTP semantic convention attributes defined for a version +// of the OpenTelemetry specification. +type httpConv struct { + NetConv *netConv + + EnduserIDKey attribute.Key + HTTPClientIPKey attribute.Key + HTTPFlavorKey attribute.Key + HTTPMethodKey attribute.Key + HTTPRequestContentLengthKey attribute.Key + HTTPResponseContentLengthKey attribute.Key + HTTPRouteKey attribute.Key + HTTPSchemeHTTP attribute.KeyValue + HTTPSchemeHTTPS attribute.KeyValue + HTTPStatusCodeKey attribute.Key + HTTPTargetKey attribute.Key + HTTPURLKey attribute.Key + HTTPUserAgentKey attribute.Key +} + +var hc = &httpConv{ + NetConv: nc, + + EnduserIDKey: semconv.EnduserIDKey, + HTTPClientIPKey: semconv.HTTPClientIPKey, + HTTPFlavorKey: semconv.HTTPFlavorKey, + HTTPMethodKey: semconv.HTTPMethodKey, + HTTPRequestContentLengthKey: semconv.HTTPRequestContentLengthKey, + HTTPResponseContentLengthKey: semconv.HTTPResponseContentLengthKey, + HTTPRouteKey: semconv.HTTPRouteKey, + HTTPSchemeHTTP: semconv.HTTPSchemeHTTP, + HTTPSchemeHTTPS: semconv.HTTPSchemeHTTPS, + HTTPStatusCodeKey: semconv.HTTPStatusCodeKey, + HTTPTargetKey: semconv.HTTPTargetKey, + HTTPURLKey: semconv.HTTPURLKey, + HTTPUserAgentKey: semconv.HTTPUserAgentKey, +} + +// ClientResponse returns attributes for an HTTP response received by a client +// from a server. The following attributes are returned if the related values +// are defined in resp: "http.status.code", "http.response_content_length". +// +// This does not add all OpenTelemetry required attributes for an HTTP event, +// it assumes ClientRequest was used to create the span with a complete set of +// attributes. If a complete set of attributes can be generated using the +// request contained in resp. For example: +// +// append(ClientResponse(resp), ClientRequest(resp.Request)...) +func (c *httpConv) ClientResponse(resp *http.Response) []attribute.KeyValue { + var n int + if resp.StatusCode > 0 { + n++ + } + if resp.ContentLength > 0 { + n++ + } + + attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, n) + if resp.StatusCode > 0 { + attrs = append(attrs, c.HTTPStatusCodeKey.Int(resp.StatusCode)) + } + if resp.ContentLength > 0 { + attrs = append(attrs, c.HTTPResponseContentLengthKey.Int(int(resp.ContentLength))) + } + return attrs +} + +// ClientRequest returns attributes for an HTTP request made by a client. The +// following attributes are always returned: "http.url", "http.flavor", +// "http.method", "net.peer.name". The following attributes are returned if the +// related values are defined in req: "net.peer.port", "http.user_agent", +// "http.request_content_length", "enduser.id". +func (c *httpConv) ClientRequest(req *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { + n := 3 // URL, peer name, proto, and method. + var h string + if req.URL != nil { + h = req.URL.Host + } + peer, p := firstHostPort(h, req.Header.Get("Host")) + port := requiredHTTPPort(req.URL != nil && req.URL.Scheme == "https", p) + if port > 0 { + n++ + } + useragent := req.UserAgent() + if useragent != "" { + n++ + } + if req.ContentLength > 0 { + n++ + } + userID, _, hasUserID := req.BasicAuth() + if hasUserID { + n++ + } + attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, n) + + attrs = append(attrs, c.method(req.Method)) + attrs = append(attrs, c.flavor(req.Proto)) + + var u string + if req.URL != nil { + // Remove any username/password info that may be in the URL. + userinfo := req.URL.User + req.URL.User = nil + u = req.URL.String() + // Restore any username/password info that was removed. + req.URL.User = userinfo + } + attrs = append(attrs, c.HTTPURLKey.String(u)) + + attrs = append(attrs, c.NetConv.PeerName(peer)) + if port > 0 { + attrs = append(attrs, c.NetConv.PeerPort(port)) + } + + if useragent != "" { + attrs = append(attrs, c.HTTPUserAgentKey.String(useragent)) + } + + if l := req.ContentLength; l > 0 { + attrs = append(attrs, c.HTTPRequestContentLengthKey.Int64(l)) + } + + if hasUserID { + attrs = append(attrs, c.EnduserIDKey.String(userID)) + } + + return attrs +} + +// ServerRequest returns attributes for an HTTP request received by a server. +// +// The server must be the primary server name if it is known. For example this +// would be the ServerName directive +// (https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#servername) for an Apache +// server, and the server_name directive +// (http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#server_name) for an +// nginx server. More generically, the primary server name would be the host +// header value that matches the default virtual host of an HTTP server. It +// should include the host identifier and if a port is used to route to the +// server that port identifier should be included as an appropriate port +// suffix. +// +// If the primary server name is not known, server should be an empty string. +// The req Host will be used to determine the server instead. +// +// The following attributes are always returned: "http.method", "http.scheme", +// "http.flavor", "http.target", "net.host.name". The following attributes are +// returned if they related values are defined in req: "net.host.port", +// "net.sock.peer.addr", "net.sock.peer.port", "http.user_agent", "enduser.id", +// "http.client_ip". +func (c *httpConv) ServerRequest(server string, req *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { + // TODO: This currently does not add the specification required + // `http.target` attribute. It has too high of a cardinality to safely be + // added. An alternate should be added, or this comment removed, when it is + // addressed by the specification. If it is ultimately decided to continue + // not including the attribute, the HTTPTargetKey field of the httpConv + // should be removed as well. + + n := 4 // Method, scheme, proto, and host name. + var host string + var p int + if server == "" { + host, p = splitHostPort(req.Host) + } else { + // Prioritize the primary server name. + host, p = splitHostPort(server) + if p < 0 { + _, p = splitHostPort(req.Host) + } + } + hostPort := requiredHTTPPort(req.TLS != nil, p) + if hostPort > 0 { + n++ + } + peer, peerPort := splitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr) + if peer != "" { + n++ + if peerPort > 0 { + n++ + } + } + useragent := req.UserAgent() + if useragent != "" { + n++ + } + userID, _, hasUserID := req.BasicAuth() + if hasUserID { + n++ + } + clientIP := serverClientIP(req.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For")) + if clientIP != "" { + n++ + } + attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, n) + + attrs = append(attrs, c.method(req.Method)) + attrs = append(attrs, c.scheme(req.TLS != nil)) + attrs = append(attrs, c.flavor(req.Proto)) + attrs = append(attrs, c.NetConv.HostName(host)) + + if hostPort > 0 { + attrs = append(attrs, c.NetConv.HostPort(hostPort)) + } + + if peer != "" { + // The Go HTTP server sets RemoteAddr to "IP:port", this will not be a + // file-path that would be interpreted with a sock family. + attrs = append(attrs, c.NetConv.SockPeerAddr(peer)) + if peerPort > 0 { + attrs = append(attrs, c.NetConv.SockPeerPort(peerPort)) + } + } + + if useragent != "" { + attrs = append(attrs, c.HTTPUserAgentKey.String(useragent)) + } + + if hasUserID { + attrs = append(attrs, c.EnduserIDKey.String(userID)) + } + + if clientIP != "" { + attrs = append(attrs, c.HTTPClientIPKey.String(clientIP)) + } + + return attrs +} + +// ServerRequestMetrics returns metric attributes for an HTTP request received +// by a server. +// +// The server must be the primary server name if it is known. For example this +// would be the ServerName directive +// (https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#servername) for an Apache +// server, and the server_name directive +// (http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#server_name) for an +// nginx server. More generically, the primary server name would be the host +// header value that matches the default virtual host of an HTTP server. It +// should include the host identifier and if a port is used to route to the +// server that port identifier should be included as an appropriate port +// suffix. +// +// If the primary server name is not known, server should be an empty string. +// The req Host will be used to determine the server instead. +// +// The following attributes are always returned: "http.method", "http.scheme", +// "http.flavor", "net.host.name". The following attributes are +// returned if they related values are defined in req: "net.host.port". +func (c *httpConv) ServerRequestMetrics(server string, req *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { + // TODO: This currently does not add the specification required + // `http.target` attribute. It has too high of a cardinality to safely be + // added. An alternate should be added, or this comment removed, when it is + // addressed by the specification. If it is ultimately decided to continue + // not including the attribute, the HTTPTargetKey field of the httpConv + // should be removed as well. + + n := 4 // Method, scheme, proto, and host name. + var host string + var p int + if server == "" { + host, p = splitHostPort(req.Host) + } else { + // Prioritize the primary server name. + host, p = splitHostPort(server) + if p < 0 { + _, p = splitHostPort(req.Host) + } + } + hostPort := requiredHTTPPort(req.TLS != nil, p) + if hostPort > 0 { + n++ + } + attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, n) + + attrs = append(attrs, c.methodMetric(req.Method)) + attrs = append(attrs, c.scheme(req.TLS != nil)) + attrs = append(attrs, c.flavor(req.Proto)) + attrs = append(attrs, c.NetConv.HostName(host)) + + if hostPort > 0 { + attrs = append(attrs, c.NetConv.HostPort(hostPort)) + } + + return attrs +} + +func (c *httpConv) method(method string) attribute.KeyValue { + if method == "" { + return c.HTTPMethodKey.String(http.MethodGet) + } + return c.HTTPMethodKey.String(method) +} + +func (c *httpConv) methodMetric(method string) attribute.KeyValue { + method = strings.ToUpper(method) + switch method { + case http.MethodConnect, http.MethodDelete, http.MethodGet, http.MethodHead, http.MethodOptions, http.MethodPatch, http.MethodPost, http.MethodPut, http.MethodTrace: + default: + method = "_OTHER" + } + return c.HTTPMethodKey.String(method) +} + +func (c *httpConv) scheme(https bool) attribute.KeyValue { // nolint:revive + if https { + return c.HTTPSchemeHTTPS + } + return c.HTTPSchemeHTTP +} + +func (c *httpConv) flavor(proto string) attribute.KeyValue { + switch proto { + case "HTTP/1.0": + return c.HTTPFlavorKey.String("1.0") + case "HTTP/1.1": + return c.HTTPFlavorKey.String("1.1") + case "HTTP/2": + return c.HTTPFlavorKey.String("2.0") + case "HTTP/3": + return c.HTTPFlavorKey.String("3.0") + default: + return c.HTTPFlavorKey.String(proto) + } +} + +func serverClientIP(xForwardedFor string) string { + if idx := strings.Index(xForwardedFor, ","); idx >= 0 { + xForwardedFor = xForwardedFor[:idx] + } + return xForwardedFor +} + +func requiredHTTPPort(https bool, port int) int { // nolint:revive + if https { + if port > 0 && port != 443 { + return port + } + } else { + if port > 0 && port != 80 { + return port + } + } + return -1 +} + +// Return the request host and port from the first non-empty source. +func firstHostPort(source ...string) (host string, port int) { + for _, hostport := range source { + host, port = splitHostPort(hostport) + if host != "" || port > 0 { + break + } + } + return +} + +// RequestHeader returns the contents of h as OpenTelemetry attributes. +func (c *httpConv) RequestHeader(h http.Header) []attribute.KeyValue { + return c.header("http.request.header", h) +} + +// ResponseHeader returns the contents of h as OpenTelemetry attributes. +func (c *httpConv) ResponseHeader(h http.Header) []attribute.KeyValue { + return c.header("http.response.header", h) +} + +func (c *httpConv) header(prefix string, h http.Header) []attribute.KeyValue { + key := func(k string) attribute.Key { + k = strings.ToLower(k) + k = strings.ReplaceAll(k, "-", "_") + k = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", prefix, k) + return attribute.Key(k) + } + + attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, len(h)) + for k, v := range h { + attrs = append(attrs, key(k).StringSlice(v)) + } + return attrs +} + +// ClientStatus returns a span status code and message for an HTTP status code +// value received by a client. +func (c *httpConv) ClientStatus(code int) (codes.Code, string) { + if code < 100 || code >= 600 { + return codes.Error, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid HTTP status code %d", code) + } + if code >= 400 { + return codes.Error, "" + } + return codes.Unset, "" +} + +// ServerStatus returns a span status code and message for an HTTP status code +// value returned by a server. Status codes in the 400-499 range are not +// returned as errors. +func (c *httpConv) ServerStatus(code int) (codes.Code, string) { + if code < 100 || code >= 600 { + return codes.Error, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid HTTP status code %d", code) + } + if code >= 500 { + return codes.Error, "" + } + return codes.Unset, "" +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil/netconv.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil/netconv.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bde889343 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil/netconv.go @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +// Code created by gotmpl. DO NOT MODIFY. +// source: internal/shared/semconvutil/netconv.go.tmpl + +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package semconvutil // import "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil" + +import ( + "net" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" + semconv "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0" +) + +// NetTransport returns a trace attribute describing the transport protocol of the +// passed network. See the net.Dial for information about acceptable network +// values. +func NetTransport(network string) attribute.KeyValue { + return nc.Transport(network) +} + +// NetClient returns trace attributes for a client network connection to address. +// See net.Dial for information about acceptable address values, address should +// be the same as the one used to create conn. If conn is nil, only network +// peer attributes will be returned that describe address. Otherwise, the +// socket level information about conn will also be included. +func NetClient(address string, conn net.Conn) []attribute.KeyValue { + return nc.Client(address, conn) +} + +// NetServer returns trace attributes for a network listener listening at address. +// See net.Listen for information about acceptable address values, address +// should be the same as the one used to create ln. If ln is nil, only network +// host attributes will be returned that describe address. Otherwise, the +// socket level information about ln will also be included. +func NetServer(address string, ln net.Listener) []attribute.KeyValue { + return nc.Server(address, ln) +} + +// netConv are the network semantic convention attributes defined for a version +// of the OpenTelemetry specification. +type netConv struct { + NetHostNameKey attribute.Key + NetHostPortKey attribute.Key + NetPeerNameKey attribute.Key + NetPeerPortKey attribute.Key + NetSockFamilyKey attribute.Key + NetSockPeerAddrKey attribute.Key + NetSockPeerPortKey attribute.Key + NetSockHostAddrKey attribute.Key + NetSockHostPortKey attribute.Key + NetTransportOther attribute.KeyValue + NetTransportTCP attribute.KeyValue + NetTransportUDP attribute.KeyValue + NetTransportInProc attribute.KeyValue +} + +var nc = &netConv{ + NetHostNameKey: semconv.NetHostNameKey, + NetHostPortKey: semconv.NetHostPortKey, + NetPeerNameKey: semconv.NetPeerNameKey, + NetPeerPortKey: semconv.NetPeerPortKey, + NetSockFamilyKey: semconv.NetSockFamilyKey, + NetSockPeerAddrKey: semconv.NetSockPeerAddrKey, + NetSockPeerPortKey: semconv.NetSockPeerPortKey, + NetSockHostAddrKey: semconv.NetSockHostAddrKey, + NetSockHostPortKey: semconv.NetSockHostPortKey, + NetTransportOther: semconv.NetTransportOther, + NetTransportTCP: semconv.NetTransportTCP, + NetTransportUDP: semconv.NetTransportUDP, + NetTransportInProc: semconv.NetTransportInProc, +} + +func (c *netConv) Transport(network string) attribute.KeyValue { + switch network { + case "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6": + return c.NetTransportTCP + case "udp", "udp4", "udp6": + return c.NetTransportUDP + case "unix", "unixgram", "unixpacket": + return c.NetTransportInProc + default: + // "ip:*", "ip4:*", and "ip6:*" all are considered other. + return c.NetTransportOther + } +} + +// Host returns attributes for a network host address. +func (c *netConv) Host(address string) []attribute.KeyValue { + h, p := splitHostPort(address) + var n int + if h != "" { + n++ + if p > 0 { + n++ + } + } + + if n == 0 { + return nil + } + + attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, n) + attrs = append(attrs, c.HostName(h)) + if p > 0 { + attrs = append(attrs, c.HostPort(int(p))) + } + return attrs +} + +// Server returns attributes for a network listener listening at address. See +// net.Listen for information about acceptable address values, address should +// be the same as the one used to create ln. If ln is nil, only network host +// attributes will be returned that describe address. Otherwise, the socket +// level information about ln will also be included. +func (c *netConv) Server(address string, ln net.Listener) []attribute.KeyValue { + if ln == nil { + return c.Host(address) + } + + lAddr := ln.Addr() + if lAddr == nil { + return c.Host(address) + } + + hostName, hostPort := splitHostPort(address) + sockHostAddr, sockHostPort := splitHostPort(lAddr.String()) + network := lAddr.Network() + sockFamily := family(network, sockHostAddr) + + n := nonZeroStr(hostName, network, sockHostAddr, sockFamily) + n += positiveInt(hostPort, sockHostPort) + attr := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, n) + if hostName != "" { + attr = append(attr, c.HostName(hostName)) + if hostPort > 0 { + // Only if net.host.name is set should net.host.port be. + attr = append(attr, c.HostPort(hostPort)) + } + } + if network != "" { + attr = append(attr, c.Transport(network)) + } + if sockFamily != "" { + attr = append(attr, c.NetSockFamilyKey.String(sockFamily)) + } + if sockHostAddr != "" { + attr = append(attr, c.NetSockHostAddrKey.String(sockHostAddr)) + if sockHostPort > 0 { + // Only if net.sock.host.addr is set should net.sock.host.port be. + attr = append(attr, c.NetSockHostPortKey.Int(sockHostPort)) + } + } + return attr +} + +func (c *netConv) HostName(name string) attribute.KeyValue { + return c.NetHostNameKey.String(name) +} + +func (c *netConv) HostPort(port int) attribute.KeyValue { + return c.NetHostPortKey.Int(port) +} + +// Client returns attributes for a client network connection to address. See +// net.Dial for information about acceptable address values, address should be +// the same as the one used to create conn. If conn is nil, only network peer +// attributes will be returned that describe address. Otherwise, the socket +// level information about conn will also be included. +func (c *netConv) Client(address string, conn net.Conn) []attribute.KeyValue { + if conn == nil { + return c.Peer(address) + } + + lAddr, rAddr := conn.LocalAddr(), conn.RemoteAddr() + + var network string + switch { + case lAddr != nil: + network = lAddr.Network() + case rAddr != nil: + network = rAddr.Network() + default: + return c.Peer(address) + } + + peerName, peerPort := splitHostPort(address) + var ( + sockFamily string + sockPeerAddr string + sockPeerPort int + sockHostAddr string + sockHostPort int + ) + + if lAddr != nil { + sockHostAddr, sockHostPort = splitHostPort(lAddr.String()) + } + + if rAddr != nil { + sockPeerAddr, sockPeerPort = splitHostPort(rAddr.String()) + } + + switch { + case sockHostAddr != "": + sockFamily = family(network, sockHostAddr) + case sockPeerAddr != "": + sockFamily = family(network, sockPeerAddr) + } + + n := nonZeroStr(peerName, network, sockPeerAddr, sockHostAddr, sockFamily) + n += positiveInt(peerPort, sockPeerPort, sockHostPort) + attr := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, n) + if peerName != "" { + attr = append(attr, c.PeerName(peerName)) + if peerPort > 0 { + // Only if net.peer.name is set should net.peer.port be. + attr = append(attr, c.PeerPort(peerPort)) + } + } + if network != "" { + attr = append(attr, c.Transport(network)) + } + if sockFamily != "" { + attr = append(attr, c.NetSockFamilyKey.String(sockFamily)) + } + if sockPeerAddr != "" { + attr = append(attr, c.NetSockPeerAddrKey.String(sockPeerAddr)) + if sockPeerPort > 0 { + // Only if net.sock.peer.addr is set should net.sock.peer.port be. + attr = append(attr, c.NetSockPeerPortKey.Int(sockPeerPort)) + } + } + if sockHostAddr != "" { + attr = append(attr, c.NetSockHostAddrKey.String(sockHostAddr)) + if sockHostPort > 0 { + // Only if net.sock.host.addr is set should net.sock.host.port be. + attr = append(attr, c.NetSockHostPortKey.Int(sockHostPort)) + } + } + return attr +} + +func family(network, address string) string { + switch network { + case "unix", "unixgram", "unixpacket": + return "unix" + default: + if ip := net.ParseIP(address); ip != nil { + if ip.To4() == nil { + return "inet6" + } + return "inet" + } + } + return "" +} + +func nonZeroStr(strs ...string) int { + var n int + for _, str := range strs { + if str != "" { + n++ + } + } + return n +} + +func positiveInt(ints ...int) int { + var n int + for _, i := range ints { + if i > 0 { + n++ + } + } + return n +} + +// Peer returns attributes for a network peer address. +func (c *netConv) Peer(address string) []attribute.KeyValue { + h, p := splitHostPort(address) + var n int + if h != "" { + n++ + if p > 0 { + n++ + } + } + + if n == 0 { + return nil + } + + attrs := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, n) + attrs = append(attrs, c.PeerName(h)) + if p > 0 { + attrs = append(attrs, c.PeerPort(int(p))) + } + return attrs +} + +func (c *netConv) PeerName(name string) attribute.KeyValue { + return c.NetPeerNameKey.String(name) +} + +func (c *netConv) PeerPort(port int) attribute.KeyValue { + return c.NetPeerPortKey.Int(port) +} + +func (c *netConv) SockPeerAddr(addr string) attribute.KeyValue { + return c.NetSockPeerAddrKey.String(addr) +} + +func (c *netConv) SockPeerPort(port int) attribute.KeyValue { + return c.NetSockPeerPortKey.Int(port) +} + +// splitHostPort splits a network address hostport of the form "host", +// "host%zone", "[host]", "[host%zone], "host:port", "host%zone:port", +// "[host]:port", "[host%zone]:port", or ":port" into host or host%zone and +// port. +// +// An empty host is returned if it is not provided or unparsable. A negative +// port is returned if it is not provided or unparsable. +func splitHostPort(hostport string) (host string, port int) { + port = -1 + + if strings.HasPrefix(hostport, "[") { + addrEnd := strings.LastIndex(hostport, "]") + if addrEnd < 0 { + // Invalid hostport. + return + } + if i := strings.LastIndex(hostport[addrEnd:], ":"); i < 0 { + host = hostport[1:addrEnd] + return + } + } else { + if i := strings.LastIndex(hostport, ":"); i < 0 { + host = hostport + return + } + } + + host, pStr, err := net.SplitHostPort(hostport) + if err != nil { + return + } + + p, err := strconv.ParseUint(pStr, 10, 16) + if err != nil { + return + } + return host, int(p) +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/transport.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/transport.go index fd5e1e9bc..e835cac12 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/transport.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/transport.go @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ import ( "net/http" "net/http/httptrace" + "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/propagation" - semconv "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace" ) @@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { ctx = httptrace.WithClientTrace(ctx, t.clientTrace(ctx)) } - r = r.WithContext(ctx) - span.SetAttributes(semconv.HTTPClientAttributesFromHTTPRequest(r)...) + r = r.Clone(ctx) // According to RoundTripper spec, we shouldn't modify the origin request. + span.SetAttributes(semconvutil.HTTPClientRequest(r)...) t.propagators.Inject(ctx, propagation.HeaderCarrier(r.Header)) res, err := t.rt.RoundTrip(r) @@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { return res, err } - span.SetAttributes(semconv.HTTPAttributesFromHTTPStatusCode(res.StatusCode)...) - span.SetStatus(semconv.SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCode(res.StatusCode)) + span.SetAttributes(semconvutil.HTTPClientResponse(res)...) + span.SetStatus(semconvutil.HTTPClientStatus(res.StatusCode)) res.Body = newWrappedBody(span, res.Body) return res, err diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/version.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/version.go index 6ef983af4..8f3f53a95 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/version.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/version.go @@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ package otelhttp // import "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http // Version is the current release version of the otelhttp instrumentation. func Version() string { - return "0.36.4" + return "0.44.0" // This string is updated by the pre_release.sh script during release } // SemVersion is the semantic version to be supplied to tracer/meter creation. +// +// Deprecated: Use [Version] instead. func SemVersion() string { - return "semver:" + Version() + return Version() } diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/wrap.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/wrap.go index da6468c4e..11a35ed16 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/wrap.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/wrap.go @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func (w *bodyWrapper) Close() error { var _ http.ResponseWriter = &respWriterWrapper{} // respWriterWrapper wraps a http.ResponseWriter in order to track the number of -// bytes written, the last error, and to catch the returned statusCode +// bytes written, the last error, and to catch the first written statusCode. // TODO: The wrapped http.ResponseWriter doesn't implement any of the optional // types (http.Hijacker, http.Pusher, http.CloseNotifier, http.Flusher, etc) // that may be useful when using it in real life situations. @@ -85,11 +85,15 @@ func (w *respWriterWrapper) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return n, err } +// WriteHeader persists initial statusCode for span attribution. +// All calls to WriteHeader will be propagated to the underlying ResponseWriter +// and will persist the statusCode from the first call. +// Blocking consecutive calls to WriteHeader alters expected behavior and will +// remove warning logs from net/http where developers will notice incorrect handler implementations. func (w *respWriterWrapper) WriteHeader(statusCode int) { - if w.wroteHeader { - return + if !w.wroteHeader { + w.wroteHeader = true + w.statusCode = statusCode } - w.wroteHeader = true - w.statusCode = statusCode w.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(statusCode) } diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.codespellignore b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.codespellignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae6a3bcf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.codespellignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +ot +fo +te +collison +consequentially diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.codespellrc b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.codespellrc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4afbb1fb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.codespellrc @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell +[codespell] +builtin = clear,rare,informal +check-filenames = +check-hidden = +ignore-words = .codespellignore +interactive = 1 +skip = .git,go.mod,go.sum,semconv,venv,.tools +uri-ignore-words-list = * +write = diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.gitignore b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.gitignore index 0b605b3d6..aa6993762 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.gitignore +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.gitignore @@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ Thumbs.db .tools/ +venv/ .idea/ .vscode/ *.iml *.so coverage.* +go.work +go.work.sum gen/ diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.golangci.yml b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.golangci.yml index 253e3b35b..6e8eeec00 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.golangci.yml +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.golangci.yml @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ linters: disable-all: true # Specifically enable linters we want to use. enable: - - deadcode - depguard - errcheck - godot @@ -21,10 +20,8 @@ linters: - misspell - revive - staticcheck - - structcheck - typecheck - unused - - varcheck issues: # Maximum issues count per one linter. @@ -64,30 +61,67 @@ issues: linters-settings: depguard: - # Check the list against standard lib. - # Default: false - include-go-root: true - # A list of packages for the list type specified. - # Default: [] - packages: - - "crypto/md5" - - "crypto/sha1" - - "crypto/**/pkix" - ignore-file-rules: - - "**/*_test.go" - additional-guards: - # Do not allow testing packages in non-test files. - - list-type: denylist - include-go-root: true - packages: - - testing - - github.com/stretchr/testify - ignore-file-rules: - - "**/*_test.go" - - "**/*test/*.go" - - "**/internal/matchers/*.go" + rules: + non-tests: + files: + - "!$test" + - "!**/*test/*.go" + - "!**/internal/matchers/*.go" + deny: + - pkg: "testing" + - pkg: "github.com/stretchr/testify" + - pkg: "crypto/md5" + - pkg: "crypto/sha1" + - pkg: "crypto/**/pkix" + otlp-internal: + files: + - "!**/exporters/otlp/internal/**/*.go" + deny: + - pkg: "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal" + desc: Do not use cross-module internal packages. + otlptrace-internal: + files: + - "!**/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/*.go" + - "!**/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/internal/**.go" + deny: + - pkg: "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/internal" + desc: Do not use cross-module internal packages. + otlpmetric-internal: + files: + - "!**/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/internal/*.go" + - "!**/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/internal/**/*.go" + deny: + - pkg: "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/internal" + desc: Do not use cross-module internal packages. + otel-internal: + files: + - "**/sdk/*.go" + - "**/sdk/**/*.go" + - "**/exporters/*.go" + - "**/exporters/**/*.go" + - "**/schema/*.go" + - "**/schema/**/*.go" + - "**/metric/*.go" + - "**/metric/**/*.go" + - "**/bridge/*.go" + - "**/bridge/**/*.go" + - "**/example/*.go" + - "**/example/**/*.go" + - "**/trace/*.go" + - "**/trace/**/*.go" + deny: + - pkg: "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal$" + desc: Do not use cross-module internal packages. + - pkg: "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/attribute" + desc: Do not use cross-module internal packages. + - pkg: "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/internaltest" + desc: Do not use cross-module internal packages. + - pkg: "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/matchers" + desc: Do not use cross-module internal packages. godot: exclude: + # Exclude links. + - '^ *\[[^]]+\]:' # Exclude sentence fragments for lists. - '^[ ]*[-•]' # Exclude sentences prefixing a list. @@ -114,8 +148,9 @@ linters-settings: - name: constant-logical-expr disabled: false # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#context-as-argument + # TODO (#3372) re-enable linter when it is compatible. https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/issues/3280 - name: context-as-argument - disabled: false + disabled: true arguments: allowTypesBefore: "*testing.T" # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#context-keys-type diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.lycheeignore b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.lycheeignore index 545d63452..40d62fa2e 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.lycheeignore +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/.lycheeignore @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ http://localhost http://jaeger-collector https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/milestone/ +https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/projects +file:///home/runner/work/opentelemetry-go/opentelemetry-go/libraries +file:///home/runner/work/opentelemetry-go/opentelemetry-go/manual diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CHANGELOG.md index faae85f29..a57345210 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CHANGELOG.md @@ -8,6 +8,596 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.htm ## [Unreleased] +## [1.18.0/0.41.0/0.0.6] 2023-09-12 + +This release drops the compatibility guarantee of [Go 1.19]. + +### Added + +- Add `WithProducer` option in `go.opentelemetry.op/otel/exporters/prometheus` to restore the ability to register producers on the prometheus exporter's manual reader. (#4473) +- Add `IgnoreValue` option in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/metricdata/metricdatatest` to allow ignoring values when comparing metrics. (#4447) + +### Changed + +- Use a `TestingT` interface instead of `*testing.T` struct in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/metricdata/metricdatatest`. (#4483) + +### Deprecated + +- The `NewMetricExporter` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opencensus` was deprecated in `v0.35.0` (#3541). + The deprecation notice format for the function has been corrected to trigger Go documentation and build tooling. (#4470) + +### Removed + +- Removed the deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/jaeger` package. (#4467) +- Removed the deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/jaeger` package. (#4467) +- Removed the deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/aggregation` package. (#4468) +- Removed the deprecated internal packages in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp` and its sub-packages. (#4469) +- Dropped guaranteed support for versions of Go less than 1.20. (#4481) + +## [1.17.0/0.40.0/0.0.5] 2023-08-28 + +### Added + +- Export the `ManualReader` struct in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4244) +- Export the `PeriodicReader` struct in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4244) +- Add support for exponential histogram aggregations. + A histogram can be configured as an exponential histogram using a view with `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric".ExponentialHistogram` as the aggregation. (#4245) +- Export the `Exporter` struct in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetricgrpc`. (#4272) +- Export the `Exporter` struct in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetrichttp`. (#4272) +- The exporters in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric` now support the `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_TEMPORALITY_PREFERENCE` environment variable. (#4287) +- Add `WithoutCounterSuffixes` option in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` to disable addition of `_total` suffixes. (#4306) +- Add info and debug logging to the metric SDK in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4315) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.21.0` package. + The package contains semantic conventions from the `v1.21.0` version of the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions. (#4362) +- Accept 201 to 299 HTTP status as success in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetrichttp` and `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracehttp`. (#4365) +- Document the `Temporality` and `Aggregation` methods of the `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric".Exporter"` need to be concurrent safe. (#4381) +- Expand the set of units supported by the Prometheus exporter, and don't add unit suffixes if they are already present in `go.opentelemetry.op/otel/exporters/prometheus` (#4374) +- Move the `Aggregation` interface and its implementations from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/aggregation` to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4435) +- The exporters in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric` now support the `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_DEFAULT_HISTOGRAM_AGGREGATION` environment variable. (#4437) +- Add the `NewAllowKeysFilter` and `NewDenyKeysFilter` functions to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute` to allow convenient creation of allow-keys and deny-keys filters. (#4444) +- Support Go 1.21. (#4463) + +### Changed + +- Starting from `v1.21.0` of semantic conventions, `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/{version}/httpconv` and `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/{version}/netconv` packages will no longer be published. (#4145) +- Log duplicate instrument conflict at a warning level instead of info in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4202) +- Return an error on the creation of new instruments in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` if their name doesn't pass regexp validation. (#4210) +- `NewManualReader` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` returns `*ManualReader` instead of `Reader`. (#4244) +- `NewPeriodicReader` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` returns `*PeriodicReader` instead of `Reader`. (#4244) +- Count the Collect time in the `PeriodicReader` timeout in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4221) +- The function `New` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetricgrpc` returns `*Exporter` instead of `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric".Exporter`. (#4272) +- The function `New` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetrichttp` returns `*Exporter` instead of `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric".Exporter`. (#4272) +- If an attribute set is omitted from an async callback, the previous value will no longer be exported in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4290) +- If an attribute set is observed multiple times in an async callback in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`, the values will be summed instead of the last observation winning. (#4289) +- Allow the explicit bucket histogram aggregation to be used for the up-down counter, observable counter, observable up-down counter, and observable gauge in the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` package. (#4332) +- Restrict `Meter`s in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` to only register and collect instruments it created. (#4333) +- `PeriodicReader.Shutdown` and `PeriodicReader.ForceFlush` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` now apply the periodic reader's timeout to the operation if the user provided context does not contain a deadline. (#4356, #4377) +- Upgrade all use of `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv` to use `v1.21.0`. (#4408) +- Increase instrument name maximum length from 63 to 255 characters in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4434) +- Add `go.opentelemetry.op/otel/sdk/metric.WithProducer` as an `Option` for `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric".NewManualReader` and `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric".NewPeriodicReader`. (#4346) + +### Removed + +- Remove `Reader.RegisterProducer` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric`. + Use the added `WithProducer` option instead. (#4346) +- Remove `Reader.ForceFlush` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric`. + Notice that `PeriodicReader.ForceFlush` is still available. (#4375) + +### Fixed + +- Correctly format log messages from the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/zipkin` exporter. (#4143) +- Log an error for calls to `NewView` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` that have empty criteria. (#4307) +- Fix `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/resource".WithHostID()` to not set an empty `host.id`. (#4317) +- Use the instrument identifying fields to cache aggregators and determine duplicate instrument registrations in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4337) +- Detect duplicate instruments for case-insensitive names in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4338) +- The `ManualReader` will not panic if `AggregationSelector` returns `nil` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4350) +- If a `Reader`'s `AggregationSelector` returns `nil` or `DefaultAggregation` the pipeline will use the default aggregation. (#4350) +- Log a suggested view that fixes instrument conflicts in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4349) +- Fix possible panic, deadlock and race condition in batch span processor in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/trace`. (#4353) +- Improve context cancellation handling in batch span processor's `ForceFlush` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/trace`. (#4369) +- Decouple `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/internal` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal` using gotmpl. (#4397, #3846) +- Decouple `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetricgrpc/internal` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal` and `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/internal` using gotmpl. (#4404, #3846) +- Decouple `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetrichttp/internal` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal` and `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/internal` using gotmpl. (#4407, #3846) +- Decouple `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracegrpc/internal` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal` and `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/internal` using gotmpl. (#4400, #3846) +- Decouple `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracehttp/internal` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal` and `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/internal` using gotmpl. (#4401, #3846) +- Do not block the metric SDK when OTLP metric exports are blocked in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetricgrpc` and `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetrichttp`. (#3925, #4395) +- Do not append `_total` if the counter already has that suffix for the Prometheus exproter in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporter/prometheus`. (#4373) +- Fix resource detection data race in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/resource`. (#4409) +- Use the first-seen instrument name during instrument name conflicts in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#4428) + +### Deprecated + +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/jaeger` package is deprecated. + OpenTelemetry dropped support for Jaeger exporter in July 2023. + Use `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracehttp` + or `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracegrpc` instead. (#4423) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/jaeger` package is deprecated. (#4423) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/internal` package is deprecated. (#4420) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/internal/oconf` package is deprecated. (#4420) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/internal/otest` package is deprecated. (#4420) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/internal/transform` package is deprecated. (#4420) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal` package is deprecated. (#4421) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal/envconfig` package is deprecated. (#4421) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal/retry` package is deprecated. (#4421) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/internal` package is deprecated. (#4425) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/internal/envconfig` package is deprecated. (#4425) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/internal/otlpconfig` package is deprecated. (#4425) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/internal/otlptracetest` package is deprecated. (#4425) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/internal/retry` package is deprecated. (#4425) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/aggregation` package is deprecated. + Use the aggregation types added to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` instead. (#4435) + +## [1.16.0/0.39.0] 2023-05-18 + +This release contains the first stable release of the OpenTelemetry Go [metric API]. +Our project stability guarantees now apply to the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric` package. +See our [versioning policy](VERSIONING.md) for more information about these stability guarantees. + +### Added + +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.19.0` package. + The package contains semantic conventions from the `v1.19.0` version of the OpenTelemetry specification. (#3848) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.20.0` package. + The package contains semantic conventions from the `v1.20.0` version of the OpenTelemetry specification. (#4078) +- The Exponential Histogram data types in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/metricdata`. (#4165) +- OTLP metrics exporter now supports the Exponential Histogram Data Type. (#4222) +- Fix serialization of `time.Time` zero values in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetricgrpc` and `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetrichttp` packages. (#4271) + +### Changed + +- Use `strings.Cut()` instead of `string.SplitN()` for better readability and memory use. (#4049) +- `MeterProvider` returns noop meters once it has been shutdown. (#4154) + +### Removed + +- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument` package is removed. + Use `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric` instead. (#4055) + +### Fixed + +- Fix build for BSD based systems in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/resource`. (#4077) + +## [1.16.0-rc.1/0.39.0-rc.1] 2023-05-03 + +This is a release candidate for the v1.16.0/v0.39.0 release. +That release is expected to include the `v1` release of the OpenTelemetry Go metric API and will provide stability guarantees of that API. +See our [versioning policy](VERSIONING.md) for more information about these stability guarantees. + +### Added + +- Support global `MeterProvider` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel`. (#4039) + - Use `Meter` for a `metric.Meter` from the global `metric.MeterProvider`. + - Use `GetMeterProivder` for a global `metric.MeterProvider`. + - Use `SetMeterProivder` to set the global `metric.MeterProvider`. + +### Changed + +- Move the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric` module to the `stable-v1` module set. + This stages the metric API to be released as a stable module. (#4038) + +### Removed + +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/global` package is removed. + Use `go.opentelemetry.io/otel` instead. (#4039) + +## [1.15.1/0.38.1] 2023-05-02 + +### Fixed + +- Remove unused imports from `sdk/resource/host_id_bsd.go` which caused build failures. (#4040, #4041) + +## [1.15.0/0.38.0] 2023-04-27 + +### Added + +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded` package. (#3916) +- The `Version` function to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk` to return the SDK version. (#3949) +- Add a `WithNamespace` option to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` to allow users to prefix metrics with a namespace. (#3970) +- The following configuration types were added to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument` to be used in the configuration of measurement methods. (#3971) + - The `AddConfig` used to hold configuration for addition measurements + - `NewAddConfig` used to create a new `AddConfig` + - `AddOption` used to configure an `AddConfig` + - The `RecordConfig` used to hold configuration for recorded measurements + - `NewRecordConfig` used to create a new `RecordConfig` + - `RecordOption` used to configure a `RecordConfig` + - The `ObserveConfig` used to hold configuration for observed measurements + - `NewObserveConfig` used to create a new `ObserveConfig` + - `ObserveOption` used to configure an `ObserveConfig` +- `WithAttributeSet` and `WithAttributes` are added to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument`. + They return an option used during a measurement that defines the attribute Set associated with the measurement. (#3971) +- The `Version` function to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric` to return the OTLP metrics client version. (#3956) +- The `Version` function to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace` to return the OTLP trace client version. (#3956) + +### Changed + +- The `Extrema` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/metricdata` is redefined with a generic argument of `[N int64 | float64]`. (#3870) +- Update all exported interfaces from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric` to embed their corresponding interface from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded`. + This adds an implementation requirement to set the interface default behavior for unimplemented methods. (#3916) +- Move No-Op implementation from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric` into its own package `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/noop`. (#3941) + - `metric.NewNoopMeterProvider` is replaced with `noop.NewMeterProvider` +- Add all the methods from `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace".SpanContext` to `bridgeSpanContext` by embedding `otel.SpanContext` in `bridgeSpanContext`. (#3966) +- Wrap `UploadMetrics` error in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/` to improve error message when encountering generic grpc errors. (#3974) +- The measurement methods for all instruments in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument` accept an option instead of the variadic `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute".KeyValue`. (#3971) + - The `Int64Counter.Add` method now accepts `...AddOption` + - The `Float64Counter.Add` method now accepts `...AddOption` + - The `Int64UpDownCounter.Add` method now accepts `...AddOption` + - The `Float64UpDownCounter.Add` method now accepts `...AddOption` + - The `Int64Histogram.Record` method now accepts `...RecordOption` + - The `Float64Histogram.Record` method now accepts `...RecordOption` + - The `Int64Observer.Observe` method now accepts `...ObserveOption` + - The `Float64Observer.Observe` method now accepts `...ObserveOption` +- The `Observer` methods in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric` accept an option instead of the variadic `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute".KeyValue`. (#3971) + - The `Observer.ObserveInt64` method now accepts `...ObserveOption` + - The `Observer.ObserveFloat64` method now accepts `...ObserveOption` +- Move global metric back to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/global` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel`. (#3986) + +### Fixed + +- `TracerProvider` allows calling `Tracer()` while it's shutting down. + It used to deadlock. (#3924) +- Use the SDK version for the Telemetry SDK resource detector in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/resource`. (#3949) +- Fix a data race in `SpanProcessor` returned by `NewSimpleSpanProcessor` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/trace`. (#3951) +- Automatically figure out the default aggregation with `aggregation.Default`. (#3967) + +### Deprecated + +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument` package is deprecated. + Use the equivalent types added to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric` instead. (#4018) + +## [1.15.0-rc.2/0.38.0-rc.2] 2023-03-23 + +This is a release candidate for the v1.15.0/v0.38.0 release. +That release will include the `v1` release of the OpenTelemetry Go metric API and will provide stability guarantees of that API. +See our [versioning policy](VERSIONING.md) for more information about these stability guarantees. + +### Added + +- The `WithHostID` option to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/resource`. (#3812) +- The `WithoutTimestamps` option to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/stdout/stdoutmetric` to sets all timestamps to zero. (#3828) +- The new `Exemplar` type is added to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/metricdata`. + Both the `DataPoint` and `HistogramDataPoint` types from that package have a new field of `Exemplars` containing the sampled exemplars for their timeseries. (#3849) +- Configuration for each metric instrument in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/instrument`. (#3895) +- The internal logging introduces a warning level verbosity equal to `V(1)`. (#3900) +- Added a log message warning about usage of `SimpleSpanProcessor` in production environments. (#3854) + +### Changed + +- Optimize memory allocation when creation a new `Set` using `NewSet` or `NewSetWithFiltered` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute`. (#3832) +- Optimize memory allocation when creation new metric instruments in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#3832) +- Avoid creating new objects on all calls to `WithDeferredSetup` and `SkipContextSetup` in OpenTracing bridge. (#3833) +- The `New` and `Detect` functions from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/resource` return errors that wrap underlying errors instead of just containing the underlying error strings. (#3844) +- Both the `Histogram` and `HistogramDataPoint` are redefined with a generic argument of `[N int64 | float64]` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/metricdata`. (#3849) +- The metric `Export` interface from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` accepts a `*ResourceMetrics` instead of `ResourceMetrics`. (#3853) +- Rename `Asynchronous` to `Observable` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument`. (#3892) +- Rename `Int64ObserverOption` to `Int64ObservableOption` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument`. (#3895) +- Rename `Float64ObserverOption` to `Float64ObservableOption` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument`. (#3895) +- The internal logging changes the verbosity level of info to `V(4)`, the verbosity level of debug to `V(8)`. (#3900) + +### Fixed + +- `TracerProvider` consistently doesn't allow to register a `SpanProcessor` after shutdown. (#3845) + +### Removed + +- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/global` package is removed. (#3829) +- The unneeded `Synchronous` interface in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument` was removed. (#3892) +- The `Float64ObserverConfig` and `NewFloat64ObserverConfig` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/instrument`. + Use the added `float64` instrument configuration instead. (#3895) +- The `Int64ObserverConfig` and `NewInt64ObserverConfig` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/instrument`. + Use the added `int64` instrument configuration instead. (#3895) +- The `NewNoopMeter` function in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric`, use `NewMeterProvider().Meter("")` instead. (#3893) + +## [1.15.0-rc.1/0.38.0-rc.1] 2023-03-01 + +This is a release candidate for the v1.15.0/v0.38.0 release. +That release will include the `v1` release of the OpenTelemetry Go metric API and will provide stability guarantees of that API. +See our [versioning policy](VERSIONING.md) for more information about these stability guarantees. + +This release drops the compatibility guarantee of [Go 1.18]. + +### Added + +- Support global `MeterProvider` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel`. (#3818) + - Use `Meter` for a `metric.Meter` from the global `metric.MeterProvider`. + - Use `GetMeterProivder` for a global `metric.MeterProvider`. + - Use `SetMeterProivder` to set the global `metric.MeterProvider`. + +### Changed + +- Dropped compatibility testing for [Go 1.18]. + The project no longer guarantees support for this version of Go. (#3813) + +### Fixed + +- Handle empty environment variable as it they were not set. (#3764) +- Clarify the `httpconv` and `netconv` packages in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/*` provide tracing semantic conventions. (#3823) +- Fix race conditions in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/metric/prometheus` that could cause a panic. (#3899) +- Fix sending nil `scopeInfo` to metrics channel in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/metric/prometheus` that could cause a panic in `github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus`. (#3899) + +### Deprecated + +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/global` package is deprecated. + Use `go.opentelemetry.io/otel` instead. (#3818) + +### Removed + +- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit` package is removed. (#3814) + +## [1.14.0/0.37.0/0.0.4] 2023-02-27 + +This release is the last to support [Go 1.18]. +The next release will require at least [Go 1.19]. + +### Added + +- The `event` type semantic conventions are added to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0`. (#3697) +- Support [Go 1.20]. (#3693) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.18.0` package. + The package contains semantic conventions from the `v1.18.0` version of the OpenTelemetry specification. (#3719) + - The following `const` renames from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0` are included: + - `OtelScopeNameKey` -> `OTelScopeNameKey` + - `OtelScopeVersionKey` -> `OTelScopeVersionKey` + - `OtelLibraryNameKey` -> `OTelLibraryNameKey` + - `OtelLibraryVersionKey` -> `OTelLibraryVersionKey` + - `OtelStatusCodeKey` -> `OTelStatusCodeKey` + - `OtelStatusDescriptionKey` -> `OTelStatusDescriptionKey` + - `OtelStatusCodeOk` -> `OTelStatusCodeOk` + - `OtelStatusCodeError` -> `OTelStatusCodeError` + - The following `func` renames from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0` are included: + - `OtelScopeName` -> `OTelScopeName` + - `OtelScopeVersion` -> `OTelScopeVersion` + - `OtelLibraryName` -> `OTelLibraryName` + - `OtelLibraryVersion` -> `OTelLibraryVersion` + - `OtelStatusDescription` -> `OTelStatusDescription` +- A `IsSampled` method is added to the `SpanContext` implementation in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opentracing` to expose the span sampled state. + See the [README](./bridge/opentracing/README.md) for more information. (#3570) +- The `WithInstrumentationAttributes` option to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric`. (#3738) +- The `WithInstrumentationAttributes` option to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace`. (#3739) +- The following environment variables are supported by the periodic `Reader` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#3763) + - `OTEL_METRIC_EXPORT_INTERVAL` sets the time between collections and exports. + - `OTEL_METRIC_EXPORT_TIMEOUT` sets the timeout an export is attempted. + +### Changed + +- Fall-back to `TextMapCarrier` when it's not `HttpHeader`s in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opentracing`. (#3679) +- The `Collect` method of the `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric".Reader` interface is updated to accept the `metricdata.ResourceMetrics` value the collection will be made into. + This change is made to enable memory reuse by SDK users. (#3732) +- The `WithUnit` option in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/instrument` is updated to accept a `string` for the unit value. (#3776) + +### Fixed + +- Ensure `go.opentelemetry.io/otel` does not use generics. (#3723, #3725) +- Multi-reader `MeterProvider`s now export metrics for all readers, instead of just the first reader. (#3720, #3724) +- Remove use of deprecated `"math/rand".Seed` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/prometheus`. (#3733) +- Do not silently drop unknown schema data with `Parse` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/schema/v1.1`. (#3743) +- Data race issue in OTLP exporter retry mechanism. (#3755, #3756) +- Wrapping empty errors when exporting in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. (#3698, #3772) +- Incorrect "all" and "resource" definition for schema files in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/schema/v1.1`. (#3777) + +### Deprecated + +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit` package is deprecated. + Use the equivalent unit string instead. (#3776) + - Use `"1"` instead of `unit.Dimensionless` + - Use `"By"` instead of `unit.Bytes` + - Use `"ms"` instead of `unit.Milliseconds` + +## [1.13.0/0.36.0] 2023-02-07 + +### Added + +- Attribute `KeyValue` creations functions to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0` for all non-enum semantic conventions. + These functions ensure semantic convention type correctness. (#3675) + +### Fixed + +- Removed the `http.target` attribute from being added by `ServerRequest` in the following packages. (#3687) + - `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/httpconv` + - `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.14.0/httpconv` + - `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.15.0/httpconv` + - `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.16.0/httpconv` + - `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/httpconv` + +### Removed + +- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64` package is removed. (#3631) +- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64` package is removed. (#3631) +- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64` package is removed. (#3631) +- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64` package is removed. (#3631) + +## [1.12.0/0.35.0] 2023-01-28 + +### Added + +- The `WithInt64Callback` option to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument`. + This options is used to configure `int64` Observer callbacks during their creation. (#3507) +- The `WithFloat64Callback` option to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument`. + This options is used to configure `float64` Observer callbacks during their creation. (#3507) +- The `Producer` interface and `Reader.RegisterProducer(Producer)` to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. + These additions are used to enable external metric Producers. (#3524) +- The `Callback` function type to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric`. + This new named function type is registered with a `Meter`. (#3564) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0` package. + The package contains semantic conventions from the `v1.13.0` version of the OpenTelemetry specification. (#3499) + - The `EndUserAttributesFromHTTPRequest` function in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0` is merged into `ClientRequest` and `ServerRequest` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/httpconv`. + - The `HTTPAttributesFromHTTPStatusCode` function in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0` is merged into `ClientResponse` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/httpconv`. + - The `HTTPClientAttributesFromHTTPRequest` function in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0` is replaced by `ClientRequest` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/httpconv`. + - The `HTTPServerAttributesFromHTTPRequest` function in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0` is replaced by `ServerRequest` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/httpconv`. + - The `HTTPServerMetricAttributesFromHTTPRequest` function in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0` is replaced by `ServerRequest` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/httpconv`. + - The `NetAttributesFromHTTPRequest` function in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0` is split into `Transport` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/netconv` and `ClientRequest` or `ServerRequest` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/httpconv`. + - The `SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCode` function in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0` is replaced by `ClientStatus` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/httpconv`. + - The `SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCodeAndSpanKind` function in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0` is split into `ClientStatus` and `ServerStatus` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/httpconv`. + - The `Client` function is included in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/netconv` to generate attributes for a `net.Conn`. + - The `Server` function is included in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.13.0/netconv` to generate attributes for a `net.Listener`. +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.14.0` package. + The package contains semantic conventions from the `v1.14.0` version of the OpenTelemetry specification. (#3566) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.15.0` package. + The package contains semantic conventions from the `v1.15.0` version of the OpenTelemetry specification. (#3578) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.16.0` package. + The package contains semantic conventions from the `v1.16.0` version of the OpenTelemetry specification. (#3579) +- Metric instruments to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument`. + These instruments are use as replacements of the deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/{asyncfloat64,asyncint64,syncfloat64,syncint64}` packages.(#3575, #3586) + - `Float64ObservableCounter` replaces the `asyncfloat64.Counter` + - `Float64ObservableUpDownCounter` replaces the `asyncfloat64.UpDownCounter` + - `Float64ObservableGauge` replaces the `asyncfloat64.Gauge` + - `Int64ObservableCounter` replaces the `asyncint64.Counter` + - `Int64ObservableUpDownCounter` replaces the `asyncint64.UpDownCounter` + - `Int64ObservableGauge` replaces the `asyncint64.Gauge` + - `Float64Counter` replaces the `syncfloat64.Counter` + - `Float64UpDownCounter` replaces the `syncfloat64.UpDownCounter` + - `Float64Histogram` replaces the `syncfloat64.Histogram` + - `Int64Counter` replaces the `syncint64.Counter` + - `Int64UpDownCounter` replaces the `syncint64.UpDownCounter` + - `Int64Histogram` replaces the `syncint64.Histogram` +- `NewTracerProvider` to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opentracing`. + This is used to create `WrapperTracer` instances from a `TracerProvider`. (#3116) +- The `Extrema` type to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/metricdata`. + This type is used to represent min/max values and still be able to distinguish unset and zero values. (#3487) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0` package. + The package contains semantic conventions from the `v1.17.0` version of the OpenTelemetry specification. (#3599) + +### Changed + +- Jaeger and Zipkin exporter use `github.com/go-logr/logr` as the logging interface, and add the `WithLogr` option. (#3497, #3500) +- Instrument configuration in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument` is split into specific options and configuration based on the instrument type. (#3507) + - Use the added `Int64Option` type to configure instruments from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64`. + - Use the added `Float64Option` type to configure instruments from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64`. + - Use the added `Int64ObserverOption` type to configure instruments from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64`. + - Use the added `Float64ObserverOption` type to configure instruments from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64`. +- Return a `Registration` from the `RegisterCallback` method of a `Meter` in the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric` package. + This `Registration` can be used to unregister callbacks. (#3522) +- Global error handler uses an atomic value instead of a mutex. (#3543) +- Add `NewMetricProducer` to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opencensus`, which can be used to pass OpenCensus metrics to an OpenTelemetry Reader. (#3541) +- Global logger uses an atomic value instead of a mutex. (#3545) +- The `Shutdown` method of the `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/trace".TracerProvider` releases all computational resources when called the first time. (#3551) +- The `Sampler` returned from `TraceIDRatioBased` `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/trace` now uses the rightmost bits for sampling decisions. + This fixes random sampling when using ID generators like `xray.IDGenerator` and increasing parity with other language implementations. (#3557) +- Errors from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace` exporters are wrapped in errors identifying their signal name. + Existing users of the exporters attempting to identify specific errors will need to use `errors.Unwrap()` to get the underlying error. (#3516) +- Exporters from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp` will print the final retryable error message when attempts to retry time out. (#3514) +- The instrument kind names in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` are updated to match the API. (#3562) + - `InstrumentKindSyncCounter` is renamed to `InstrumentKindCounter` + - `InstrumentKindSyncUpDownCounter` is renamed to `InstrumentKindUpDownCounter` + - `InstrumentKindSyncHistogram` is renamed to `InstrumentKindHistogram` + - `InstrumentKindAsyncCounter` is renamed to `InstrumentKindObservableCounter` + - `InstrumentKindAsyncUpDownCounter` is renamed to `InstrumentKindObservableUpDownCounter` + - `InstrumentKindAsyncGauge` is renamed to `InstrumentKindObservableGauge` +- The `RegisterCallback` method of the `Meter` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric` changed. + - The named `Callback` replaces the inline function parameter. (#3564) + - `Callback` is required to return an error. (#3576) + - `Callback` accepts the added `Observer` parameter added. + This new parameter is used by `Callback` implementations to observe values for asynchronous instruments instead of calling the `Observe` method of the instrument directly. (#3584) + - The slice of `instrument.Asynchronous` is now passed as a variadic argument. (#3587) +- The exporter from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/zipkin` is updated to use the `v1.16.0` version of semantic conventions. + This means it no longer uses the removed `net.peer.ip` or `http.host` attributes to determine the remote endpoint. + Instead it uses the `net.sock.peer` attributes. (#3581) +- The `Min` and `Max` fields of the `HistogramDataPoint` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/metricdata` are now defined with the added `Extrema` type instead of a `*float64`. (#3487) + +### Fixed + +- Asynchronous instruments that use sum aggregators and attribute filters correctly add values from equivalent attribute sets that have been filtered. (#3439, #3549) +- The `RegisterCallback` method of the `Meter` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` only registers a callback for instruments created by that meter. + Trying to register a callback with instruments from a different meter will result in an error being returned. (#3584) + +### Deprecated + +- The `NewMetricExporter` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opencensus` is deprecated. + Use `NewMetricProducer` instead. (#3541) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64` package is deprecated. + Use the instruments from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument` instead. (#3575) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64` package is deprecated. + Use the instruments from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument` instead. (#3575) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64` package is deprecated. + Use the instruments from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument` instead. (#3575) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64` package is deprecated. + Use the instruments from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument` instead. (#3575) +- The `NewWrappedTracerProvider` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opentracing` is now deprecated. + Use `NewTracerProvider` instead. (#3116) + +### Removed + +- The deprecated `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/view` package is removed. (#3520) +- The `InstrumentProvider` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/asyncint64` is removed. + Use the new creation methods of the `Meter` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` instead. (#3530) + - The `Counter` method is replaced by `Meter.Int64ObservableCounter` + - The `UpDownCounter` method is replaced by `Meter.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter` + - The `Gauge` method is replaced by `Meter.Int64ObservableGauge` +- The `InstrumentProvider` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/asyncfloat64` is removed. + Use the new creation methods of the `Meter` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` instead. (#3530) + - The `Counter` method is replaced by `Meter.Float64ObservableCounter` + - The `UpDownCounter` method is replaced by `Meter.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter` + - The `Gauge` method is replaced by `Meter.Float64ObservableGauge` +- The `InstrumentProvider` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/syncint64` is removed. + Use the new creation methods of the `Meter` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` instead. (#3530) + - The `Counter` method is replaced by `Meter.Int64Counter` + - The `UpDownCounter` method is replaced by `Meter.Int64UpDownCounter` + - The `Histogram` method is replaced by `Meter.Int64Histogram` +- The `InstrumentProvider` from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/syncfloat64` is removed. + Use the new creation methods of the `Meter` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` instead. (#3530) + - The `Counter` method is replaced by `Meter.Float64Counter` + - The `UpDownCounter` method is replaced by `Meter.Float64UpDownCounter` + - The `Histogram` method is replaced by `Meter.Float64Histogram` + +## [1.11.2/0.34.0] 2022-12-05 + +### Added + +- The `WithView` `Option` is added to the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` package. + This option is used to configure the view(s) a `MeterProvider` will use for all `Reader`s that are registered with it. (#3387) +- Add Instrumentation Scope and Version as info metric and label in Prometheus exporter. + This can be disabled using the `WithoutScopeInfo()` option added to that package.(#3273, #3357) +- OTLP exporters now recognize: (#3363) + - `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_INSECURE` + - `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_INSECURE` + - `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_INSECURE` + - `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_CLIENT_KEY` + - `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_CLIENT_KEY` + - `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_CLIENT_KEY` + - `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` + - `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` + - `OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` +- The `View` type and related `NewView` function to create a view according to the OpenTelemetry specification are added to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. + These additions are replacements for the `View` type and `New` function from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/view`. (#3459) +- The `Instrument` and `InstrumentKind` type are added to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric`. + These additions are replacements for the `Instrument` and `InstrumentKind` types from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/view`. (#3459) +- The `Stream` type is added to `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` to define a metric data stream a view will produce. (#3459) +- The `AssertHasAttributes` allows instrument authors to test that datapoints returned have appropriate attributes. (#3487) + +### Changed + +- The `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric".WithReader` option no longer accepts views to associate with the `Reader`. + Instead, views are now registered directly with the `MeterProvider` via the new `WithView` option. + The views registered with the `MeterProvider` apply to all `Reader`s. (#3387) +- The `Temporality(view.InstrumentKind) metricdata.Temporality` and `Aggregation(view.InstrumentKind) aggregation.Aggregation` methods are added to the `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric".Exporter` interface. (#3260) +- The `Temporality(view.InstrumentKind) metricdata.Temporality` and `Aggregation(view.InstrumentKind) aggregation.Aggregation` methods are added to the `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric".Client` interface. (#3260) +- The `WithTemporalitySelector` and `WithAggregationSelector` `ReaderOption`s have been changed to `ManualReaderOption`s in the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` package. (#3260) +- The periodic reader in the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` package now uses the temporality and aggregation selectors from its configured exporter instead of accepting them as options. (#3260) + +### Fixed + +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus` exporter fixes duplicated `_total` suffixes. (#3369) +- Remove comparable requirement for `Reader`s. (#3387) +- Cumulative metrics from the OpenCensus bridge (`go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opencensus`) are defined as monotonic sums, instead of non-monotonic. (#3389) +- Asynchronous counters (`Counter` and `UpDownCounter`) from the metric SDK now produce delta sums when configured with delta temporality. (#3398) +- Exported `Status` codes in the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/zipkin` exporter are now exported as all upper case values. (#3340) +- `Aggregation`s from `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` with no data are not exported. (#3394, #3436) +- Re-enabled Attribute Filters in the Metric SDK. (#3396) +- Asynchronous callbacks are only called if they are registered with at least one instrument that does not use drop aggragation. (#3408) +- Do not report empty partial-success responses in the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp` exporters. (#3438, #3432) +- Handle partial success responses in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric` exporters. (#3162, #3440) +- Prevent duplicate Prometheus description, unit, and type. (#3469) +- Prevents panic when using incorrect `attribute.Value.As[Type]Slice()`. (#3489) + +### Removed + +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric.Client` interface is removed. (#3486) +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric.New` function is removed. Use the `otlpmetric[http|grpc].New` directly. (#3486) + +### Deprecated + +- The `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/view` package is deprecated. + Use `Instrument`, `InstrumentKind`, `View`, and `NewView` in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric` instead. (#3476) + ## [1.11.1/0.33.0] 2022-10-19 ### Added @@ -572,7 +1162,7 @@ This release includes an API and SDK for the tracing signal that will comply wit - Setting the global `ErrorHandler` with `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel".SetErrorHandler` multiple times is now supported. (#2160, #2140) - The `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute".Any` function now supports `int32` values. (#2169) - Multiple calls to `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric/controller/basic".WithResource()` are handled correctly, and when no resources are provided `"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/resource".Default()` is used. (#2120) -- The `WithoutTimestamps` option for the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/stdout/stdouttrace` exporter causes the exporter to correctly ommit timestamps. (#2195) +- The `WithoutTimestamps` option for the `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/stdout/stdouttrace` exporter causes the exporter to correctly omit timestamps. (#2195) - Fixed typos in resources.go. (#2201) ## [1.0.0-RC2] - 2021-07-26 @@ -1018,7 +1608,7 @@ with major version 0. - `NewGRPCDriver` function returns a `ProtocolDriver` that maintains a single gRPC connection to the collector. (#1369) - Added documentation about the project's versioning policy. (#1388) - Added `NewSplitDriver` for OTLP exporter that allows sending traces and metrics to different endpoints. (#1418) -- Added codeql worfklow to GitHub Actions (#1428) +- Added codeql workflow to GitHub Actions (#1428) - Added Gosec workflow to GitHub Actions (#1429) - Add new HTTP driver for OTLP exporter in `exporters/otlp/otlphttp`. Currently it only supports the binary protobuf payloads. (#1420) - Add an OpenCensus exporter bridge. (#1444) @@ -1861,7 +2451,7 @@ There is still a possibility of breaking changes. ### Fixed -- Use stateful batcher on Prometheus exporter fixing regresion introduced in #395. (#428) +- Use stateful batcher on Prometheus exporter fixing regression introduced in #395. (#428) ## [0.2.1] - 2020-01-08 @@ -2027,7 +2617,19 @@ It contains api and sdk for trace and meter. - CircleCI build CI manifest files. - CODEOWNERS file to track owners of this project. -[Unreleased]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/compare/v1.11.1...HEAD +[Unreleased]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/compare/v1.18.0...HEAD +[1.18.0/0.41.0/0.0.6]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.18.0 +[1.17.0/0.40.0/0.0.5]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.17.0 +[1.16.0/0.39.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.16.0 +[1.16.0-rc.1/0.39.0-rc.1]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.16.0-rc.1 +[1.15.1/0.38.1]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.15.1 +[1.15.0/0.38.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.15.0 +[1.15.0-rc.2/0.38.0-rc.2]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.15.0-rc.2 +[1.15.0-rc.1/0.38.0-rc.1]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.15.0-rc.1 +[1.14.0/0.37.0/0.0.4]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.14.0 +[1.13.0/0.36.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.13.0 +[1.12.0/0.35.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.12.0 +[1.11.2/0.34.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.11.2 [1.11.1/0.33.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.11.1 [1.11.0/0.32.3]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v1.11.0 [0.32.2]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/sdk/metric/v0.32.2 @@ -2084,3 +2686,10 @@ It contains api and sdk for trace and meter. [0.1.2]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v0.1.2 [0.1.1]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v0.1.1 [0.1.0]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases/tag/v0.1.0 + +[Go 1.20]: https://go.dev/doc/go1.20 +[Go 1.19]: https://go.dev/doc/go1.19 +[Go 1.18]: https://go.dev/doc/go1.18 +[Go 1.19]: https://go.dev/doc/go1.19 + +[metric API]:https://pkg.go.dev/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CODEOWNERS b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CODEOWNERS index c4012ed6c..623740007 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CODEOWNERS +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CODEOWNERS @@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ # https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-code-owners # -* @jmacd @MrAlias @Aneurysm9 @evantorrie @XSAM @dashpole @MadVikingGod @pellared @hanyuancheung @dmathieu +* @MrAlias @Aneurysm9 @evantorrie @XSAM @dashpole @MadVikingGod @pellared @hanyuancheung @dmathieu -CODEOWNERS @MrAlias @Aneurysm9 @MadVikingGod +CODEOWNERS @MrAlias @MadVikingGod @pellared \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CONTRIBUTING.md b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CONTRIBUTING.md index 9371a481a..a00dbca7b 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ OpenTelemetry repo for information on this and other language SIGs. See the [public meeting -notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A63zSWX0x2CyCK_LoNhmQC4rqhLpYXJzXbEPDUQ2n6w/edit#heading=h.9tngw7jdwd6b) +notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E5e7Ld0NuU1iVvf-42tOBpu2VBBLYnh73GJuITGJTTU/edit) for a summary description of past meetings. To request edit access, join the meeting or get in touch on [Slack](https://cloud-native.slack.com/archives/C01NPAXACKT). @@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ precommit` - the `precommit` target is the default). The `precommit` target also fixes the formatting of the code and checks the status of the go module files. +Additionally, there is a `codespell` target that checks for common +typos in the code. It is not run by default, but you can run it +manually with `make codespell`. It will set up a virtual environment +in `venv` and install `codespell` there. + If after running `make precommit` the output of `git status` contains `nothing to commit, working tree clean` then it means that everything is up-to-date and properly formatted. @@ -94,38 +99,66 @@ request ID to the entry you added to `CHANGELOG.md`. ### How to Get PRs Merged -A PR is considered to be **ready to merge** when: - -* It has received two approvals from Collaborators/Maintainers (at - different companies). This is not enforced through technical means - and a PR may be **ready to merge** with a single approval if the change - and its approach have been discussed and consensus reached. -* Feedback has been addressed. -* Any substantive changes to your PR will require that you clear any prior - Approval reviews, this includes changes resulting from other feedback. Unless - the approver explicitly stated that their approval will persist across - changes it should be assumed that the PR needs their review again. Other - project members (e.g. approvers, maintainers) can help with this if there are - any questions or if you forget to clear reviews. -* It has been open for review for at least one working day. This gives - people reasonable time to review. -* Trivial changes (typo, cosmetic, doc, etc.) do not have to wait for - one day and may be merged with a single Maintainer's approval. -* `CHANGELOG.md` has been updated to reflect what has been - added, changed, removed, or fixed. -* `README.md` has been updated if necessary. -* Urgent fix can take exception as long as it has been actively - communicated. - -Any Maintainer can merge the PR once it is **ready to merge**. +A PR is considered **ready to merge** when: + +* It has received two qualified approvals[^1]. + + This is not enforced through automation, but needs to be validated by the + maintainer merging. + * The qualified approvals need to be from [Approver]s/[Maintainer]s + affiliated with different companies. Two qualified approvals from + [Approver]s or [Maintainer]s affiliated with the same company counts as a + single qualified approval. + * PRs introducing changes that have already been discussed and consensus + reached only need one qualified approval. The discussion and resolution + needs to be linked to the PR. + * Trivial changes[^2] only need one qualified approval. + +* All feedback has been addressed. + * All PR comments and suggestions are resolved. + * All GitHub Pull Request reviews with a status of "Request changes" have + been addressed. Another review by the objecting reviewer with a different + status can be submitted to clear the original review, or the review can be + dismissed by a [Maintainer] when the issues from the original review have + been addressed. + * Any comments or reviews that cannot be resolved between the PR author and + reviewers can be submitted to the community [Approver]s and [Maintainer]s + during the weekly SIG meeting. If consensus is reached among the + [Approver]s and [Maintainer]s during the SIG meeting the objections to the + PR may be dismissed or resolved or the PR closed by a [Maintainer]. + * Any substantive changes to the PR require existing Approval reviews be + cleared unless the approver explicitly states that their approval persists + across changes. This includes changes resulting from other feedback. + [Approver]s and [Maintainer]s can help in clearing reviews and they should + be consulted if there are any questions. + +* The PR branch is up to date with the base branch it is merging into. + * To ensure this does not block the PR, it should be configured to allow + maintainers to update it. + +* It has been open for review for at least one working day. This gives people + reasonable time to review. + * Trivial changes[^2] do not have to wait for one day and may be merged with + a single [Maintainer]'s approval. + +* All required GitHub workflows have succeeded. +* Urgent fix can take exception as long as it has been actively communicated + among [Maintainer]s. + +Any [Maintainer] can merge the PR once the above criteria have been met. + +[^1]: A qualified approval is a GitHub Pull Request review with "Approve" + status from an OpenTelemetry Go [Approver] or [Maintainer]. +[^2]: Trivial changes include: typo corrections, cosmetic non-substantive + changes, documentation corrections or updates, dependency updates, etc. ## Design Choices As with other OpenTelemetry clients, opentelemetry-go follows the -[opentelemetry-specification](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification). +[OpenTelemetry Specification](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/otel). It's especially valuable to read through the [library -guidelines](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/library-guidelines.md). +guidelines](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/otel/library-guidelines). ### Focus on Capabilities, Not Structure Compliance @@ -146,23 +179,23 @@ For a deeper discussion, see ## Documentation -Each non-example Go Module should have its own `README.md` containing: +Each (non-internal, non-test) package must be documented using +[Go Doc Comments](https://go.dev/doc/comment), +preferably in a `doc.go` file. + +Prefer using [Examples](https://pkg.go.dev/testing#hdr-Examples) +instead of putting code snippets in Go doc comments. +In some cases, you can even create [Testable Examples](https://go.dev/blog/examples). -- A pkg.go.dev badge which can be generated [here](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/). -- Brief description. -- Installation instructions (and requirements if applicable). -- Hyperlink to an example. Depending on the component the example can be: - - An `example_test.go` like [here](exporters/stdout/stdouttrace/example_test.go). - - A sample Go application with its own `README.md`, like [here](example/zipkin). -- Additional documentation sections such us: - - Configuration, - - Contributing, - - References. +You can install and run a "local Go Doc site" in the following way: -[Here](exporters/jaeger/README.md) is an example of a concise `README.md`. + ```sh + go install golang.org/x/pkgsite/cmd/pkgsite@latest + pkgsite + ``` -Moreover, it should be possible to navigate to any `README.md` from the -root `README.md`. +[`go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric`](https://pkg.go.dev/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric) +is an example of a very well-documented package. ## Style Guide @@ -216,7 +249,7 @@ Meaning a `config` from one package should not be directly used by another. The one exception is the API packages. The configs from the base API, eg. `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace.TracerConfig` and `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.InstrumentConfig`, are intended to be consumed -by the SDK therefor it is expected that these are exported. +by the SDK therefore it is expected that these are exported. When a config is exported we want to maintain forward and backward compatibility, to achieve this no fields should be exported but should @@ -234,12 +267,12 @@ func newConfig(options ...Option) config { for _, option := range options { config = option.apply(config) } - // Preform any validation here. + // Perform any validation here. return config } ``` -If validation of the `config` options is also preformed this can return an +If validation of the `config` options is also performed this can return an error as well that is expected to be handled by the instantiation function or propagated to the user. @@ -438,12 +471,37 @@ their parameters appropriately named. #### Interface Stability All exported stable interfaces that include the following warning in their -doumentation are allowed to be extended with additional methods. +documentation are allowed to be extended with additional methods. > Warning: methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. +These interfaces are defined by the OpenTelemetry specification and will be +updated as the specification evolves. + Otherwise, stable interfaces MUST NOT be modified. +#### How to Change Specification Interfaces + +When an API change must be made, we will update the SDK with the new method one +release before the API change. This will allow the SDK one version before the +API change to work seamlessly with the new API. + +If an incompatible version of the SDK is used with the new API the application +will fail to compile. + +#### How Not to Change Specification Interfaces + +We have explored using a v2 of the API to change interfaces and found that there +was no way to introduce a v2 and have it work seamlessly with the v1 of the API. +Problems happened with libraries that upgraded to v2 when an application did not, +and would not produce any telemetry. + +More detail of the approaches considered and their limitations can be found in +the [Use a V2 API to evolve interfaces](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/issues/3920) +issue. + +#### How to Change Other Interfaces + If new functionality is needed for an interface that cannot be changed it MUST be added by including an additional interface. That added interface can be a simple interface for the specific functionality that you want to add or it can @@ -498,29 +556,65 @@ functionality should be added, each one will need their own super-set interfaces and will duplicate the pattern. For this reason, the simple targeted interface that defines the specific functionality should be preferred. +### Testing + +The tests should never leak goroutines. + +Use the term `ConcurrentSafe` in the test name when it aims to verify the +absence of race conditions. + +### Internal packages + +The use of internal packages should be scoped to a single module. A sub-module +should never import from a parent internal package. This creates a coupling +between the two modules where a user can upgrade the parent without the child +and if the internal package API has changed it will fail to upgrade[^3]. + +There are two known exceptions to this rule: + +- `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global` + - This package manages global state for all of opentelemetry-go. It needs to + be a single package in order to ensure the uniqueness of the global state. +- `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/baggage` + - This package provides values in a `context.Context` that need to be + recognized by `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/baggage` and + `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opentracing` but remain private. + +If you have duplicate code in multiple modules, make that code into a Go +template stored in `go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/shared` and use [gotmpl] +to render the templates in the desired locations. See [#4404] for an example of +this. + +[^3]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/issues/3548 + ## Approvers and Maintainers -Approvers: +### Approvers - [Evan Torrie](https://github.com/evantorrie), Verizon Media -- [Josh MacDonald](https://github.com/jmacd), LightStep - [Sam Xie](https://github.com/XSAM), Cisco/AppDynamics - [David Ashpole](https://github.com/dashpole), Google -- [Robert PajÄ…k](https://github.com/pellared), Splunk - [Chester Cheung](https://github.com/hanyuancheung), Tencent -- [Damien Mathieu](https://github.com/dmathieu), Auth0/Okta +- [Damien Mathieu](https://github.com/dmathieu), Elastic +- [Anthony Mirabella](https://github.com/Aneurysm9), AWS -Maintainers: +### Maintainers - [Aaron Clawson](https://github.com/MadVikingGod), LightStep -- [Anthony Mirabella](https://github.com/Aneurysm9), AWS +- [Robert PajÄ…k](https://github.com/pellared), Splunk - [Tyler Yahn](https://github.com/MrAlias), Splunk -Emeritus: +### Emeritus - [Gustavo Silva Paiva](https://github.com/paivagustavo), LightStep +- [Josh MacDonald](https://github.com/jmacd), LightStep ### Become an Approver or a Maintainer See the [community membership document in OpenTelemetry community repo](https://github.com/open-telemetry/community/blob/main/community-membership.md). + +[Approver]: #approvers +[Maintainer]: #maintainers +[gotmpl]: https://pkg.go.dev/go.opentelemetry.io/build-tools/gotmpl +[#4404]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/pull/4404 diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/Makefile b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/Makefile index 07e31965c..5c311706b 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/Makefile +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/Makefile @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ TOOLS_MOD_DIR := ./internal/tools ALL_DOCS := $(shell find . -name '*.md' -type f | sort) ALL_GO_MOD_DIRS := $(shell find . -type f -name 'go.mod' -exec dirname {} \; | sort) OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS := $(filter-out $(TOOLS_MOD_DIR), $(ALL_GO_MOD_DIRS)) -ALL_COVERAGE_MOD_DIRS := $(shell find . -type f -name 'go.mod' -exec dirname {} \; | egrep -v '^./example|^$(TOOLS_MOD_DIR)' | sort) +ALL_COVERAGE_MOD_DIRS := $(shell find . -type f -name 'go.mod' -exec dirname {} \; | grep -E -v '^./example|^$(TOOLS_MOD_DIR)' | sort) GO = go TIMEOUT = 60 @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ TIMEOUT = 60 .DEFAULT_GOAL := precommit .PHONY: precommit ci -precommit: dependabot-generate license-check vanity-import-fix misspell go-mod-tidy golangci-lint-fix test-default -ci: dependabot-check license-check lint vanity-import-check build test-default check-clean-work-tree test-coverage +precommit: generate dependabot-generate license-check misspell go-mod-tidy golangci-lint-fix test-default +ci: generate dependabot-check license-check lint vanity-import-check build test-default check-clean-work-tree test-coverage # Tools @@ -71,21 +71,75 @@ $(TOOLS)/porto: PACKAGE=github.com/jcchavezs/porto/cmd/porto GOJQ = $(TOOLS)/gojq $(TOOLS)/gojq: PACKAGE=github.com/itchyny/gojq/cmd/gojq +GOTMPL = $(TOOLS)/gotmpl +$(GOTMPL): PACKAGE=go.opentelemetry.io/build-tools/gotmpl + +GORELEASE = $(TOOLS)/gorelease +$(GORELEASE): PACKAGE=golang.org/x/exp/cmd/gorelease + .PHONY: tools -tools: $(CROSSLINK) $(DBOTCONF) $(GOLANGCI_LINT) $(MISSPELL) $(GOCOVMERGE) $(STRINGER) $(PORTO) $(GOJQ) $(SEMCONVGEN) $(MULTIMOD) $(SEMCONVKIT) +tools: $(CROSSLINK) $(DBOTCONF) $(GOLANGCI_LINT) $(MISSPELL) $(GOCOVMERGE) $(STRINGER) $(PORTO) $(GOJQ) $(SEMCONVGEN) $(MULTIMOD) $(SEMCONVKIT) $(GOTMPL) $(GORELEASE) -# Build +# Virtualized python tools via docker + +# The directory where the virtual environment is created. +VENVDIR := venv + +# The directory where the python tools are installed. +PYTOOLS := $(VENVDIR)/bin + +# The pip executable in the virtual environment. +PIP := $(PYTOOLS)/pip + +# The directory in the docker image where the current directory is mounted. +WORKDIR := /workdir -.PHONY: generate build +# The python image to use for the virtual environment. +PYTHONIMAGE := python:3.11.3-slim-bullseye -generate: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=generate/%) -generate/%: DIR=$* -generate/%: | $(STRINGER) $(PORTO) +# Run the python image with the current directory mounted. +DOCKERPY := docker run --rm -v "$(CURDIR):$(WORKDIR)" -w $(WORKDIR) $(PYTHONIMAGE) + +# Create a virtual environment for Python tools. +$(PYTOOLS): +# The `--upgrade` flag is needed to ensure that the virtual environment is +# created with the latest pip version. + @$(DOCKERPY) bash -c "python3 -m venv $(VENVDIR) && $(PIP) install --upgrade pip" + +# Install python packages into the virtual environment. +$(PYTOOLS)/%: | $(PYTOOLS) + @$(DOCKERPY) $(PIP) install -r requirements.txt + +CODESPELL = $(PYTOOLS)/codespell +$(CODESPELL): PACKAGE=codespell + +# Generate + +.PHONY: generate +generate: go-generate vanity-import-fix + +.PHONY: go-generate +go-generate: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=go-generate/%) +go-generate/%: DIR=$* +go-generate/%: | $(STRINGER) $(GOTMPL) @echo "$(GO) generate $(DIR)/..." \ && cd $(DIR) \ - && PATH="$(TOOLS):$${PATH}" $(GO) generate ./... && $(PORTO) -w . + && PATH="$(TOOLS):$${PATH}" $(GO) generate ./... -build: generate $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=build/%) $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=build-tests/%) +.PHONY: vanity-import-fix +vanity-import-fix: | $(PORTO) + @$(PORTO) --include-internal -w . + +# Generate go.work file for local development. +.PHONY: go-work +go-work: | $(CROSSLINK) + $(CROSSLINK) work --root=$(shell pwd) + +# Build + +.PHONY: build + +build: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=build/%) $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=build-tests/%) build/%: DIR=$* build/%: @echo "$(GO) build $(DIR)/..." \ @@ -156,7 +210,7 @@ go-mod-tidy/%: DIR=$* go-mod-tidy/%: | crosslink @echo "$(GO) mod tidy in $(DIR)" \ && cd $(DIR) \ - && $(GO) mod tidy -compat=1.18 + && $(GO) mod tidy -compat=1.20 .PHONY: lint-modules lint-modules: go-mod-tidy @@ -166,20 +220,20 @@ lint: misspell lint-modules golangci-lint .PHONY: vanity-import-check vanity-import-check: | $(PORTO) - @$(PORTO) --include-internal -l . || echo "(run: make vanity-import-fix)" - -.PHONY: vanity-import-fix -vanity-import-fix: | $(PORTO) - @$(PORTO) --include-internal -w . + @$(PORTO) --include-internal -l . || ( echo "(run: make vanity-import-fix)"; exit 1 ) .PHONY: misspell misspell: | $(MISSPELL) @$(MISSPELL) -w $(ALL_DOCS) +.PHONY: codespell +codespell: | $(CODESPELL) + @$(DOCKERPY) $(CODESPELL) + .PHONY: license-check license-check: @licRes=$$(for f in $$(find . -type f \( -iname '*.go' -o -iname '*.sh' \) ! -path '**/third_party/*' ! -path './.git/*' ) ; do \ - awk '/Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors|generated|GENERATED/ && NR<=3 { found=1; next } END { if (!found) print FILENAME }' $$f; \ + awk '/Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors|generated|GENERATED/ && NR<=4 { found=1; next } END { if (!found) print FILENAME }' $$f; \ done); \ if [ -n "$${licRes}" ]; then \ echo "license header checking failed:"; echo "$${licRes}"; \ @@ -189,7 +243,7 @@ license-check: DEPENDABOT_CONFIG = .github/dependabot.yml .PHONY: dependabot-check dependabot-check: | $(DBOTCONF) - @$(DBOTCONF) verify $(DEPENDABOT_CONFIG) || echo "(run: make dependabot-generate)" + @$(DBOTCONF) verify $(DEPENDABOT_CONFIG) || ( echo "(run: make dependabot-generate)"; exit 1 ) .PHONY: dependabot-generate dependabot-generate: | $(DBOTCONF) @@ -208,11 +262,22 @@ check-clean-work-tree: SEMCONVPKG ?= "semconv/" .PHONY: semconv-generate semconv-generate: | $(SEMCONVGEN) $(SEMCONVKIT) - @[ "$(TAG)" ] || ( echo "TAG unset: missing opentelemetry specification tag"; exit 1 ) - @[ "$(OTEL_SPEC_REPO)" ] || ( echo "OTEL_SPEC_REPO unset: missing path to opentelemetry specification repo"; exit 1 ) - @$(SEMCONVGEN) -i "$(OTEL_SPEC_REPO)/semantic_conventions/trace" -t "$(SEMCONVPKG)/template.j2" -s "$(TAG)" - @$(SEMCONVGEN) -i "$(OTEL_SPEC_REPO)/semantic_conventions/resource" -t "$(SEMCONVPKG)/template.j2" -s "$(TAG)" - @$(SEMCONVKIT) -output "$(SEMCONVPKG)/$(TAG)" -tag "$(TAG)" + [ "$(TAG)" ] || ( echo "TAG unset: missing opentelemetry semantic-conventions tag"; exit 1 ) + [ "$(OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO)" ] || ( echo "OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO unset: missing path to opentelemetry semantic-conventions repo"; exit 1 ) + $(SEMCONVGEN) -i "$(OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO)/model/." --only=span -p conventionType=trace -f trace.go -t "$(SEMCONVPKG)/template.j2" -s "$(TAG)" + $(SEMCONVGEN) -i "$(OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO)/model/." --only=attribute_group -p conventionType=trace -f attribute_group.go -t "$(SEMCONVPKG)/template.j2" -s "$(TAG)" + $(SEMCONVGEN) -i "$(OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO)/model/." --only=event -p conventionType=event -f event.go -t "$(SEMCONVPKG)/template.j2" -s "$(TAG)" + $(SEMCONVGEN) -i "$(OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO)/model/." --only=resource -p conventionType=resource -f resource.go -t "$(SEMCONVPKG)/template.j2" -s "$(TAG)" + $(SEMCONVKIT) -output "$(SEMCONVPKG)/$(TAG)" -tag "$(TAG)" + +.PHONY: gorelease +gorelease: $(OTEL_GO_MOD_DIRS:%=gorelease/%) +gorelease/%: DIR=$* +gorelease/%:| $(GORELEASE) + @echo "gorelease in $(DIR):" \ + && cd $(DIR) \ + && $(GORELEASE) \ + || echo "" .PHONY: prerelease prerelease: | $(MULTIMOD) diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/README.md b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/README.md index 1b2ee21fb..634326ef8 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/README.md +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/README.md @@ -11,22 +11,25 @@ It provides a set of APIs to directly measure performance and behavior of your s ## Project Status -| Signal | Status | Project | -| ------- | ---------- | ------- | -| Traces | Stable | N/A | -| Metrics | Alpha | N/A | -| Logs | Frozen [1] | N/A | +| Signal | Status | Project | +|---------|------------|-----------------------| +| Traces | Stable | N/A | +| Metrics | Mixed [1] | [Go: Metric SDK (GA)] | +| Logs | Frozen [2] | N/A | -- [1]: The Logs signal development is halted for this project while we develop both Traces and Metrics. +[Go: Metric SDK (GA)]: https://github.com/orgs/open-telemetry/projects/34 + +- [1]: [Metrics API](https://pkg.go.dev/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric) is Stable. [Metrics SDK](https://pkg.go.dev/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric) is Beta. +- [2]: The Logs signal development is halted for this project while we stabilize the Metrics SDK. No Logs Pull Requests are currently being accepted. -Progress and status specific to this repository is tracked in our local +Progress and status specific to this repository is tracked in our [project boards](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/projects) and [milestones](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/milestones). Project versioning information and stability guarantees can be found in the -[versioning documentation](./VERSIONING.md). +[versioning documentation](VERSIONING.md). ### Compatibility @@ -49,17 +52,17 @@ stop ensuring compatibility with these versions in the following manner: Currently, this project supports the following environments. | OS | Go Version | Architecture | -| ------- | ---------- | ------------ | -| Ubuntu | 1.19 | amd64 | -| Ubuntu | 1.18 | amd64 | -| Ubuntu | 1.19 | 386 | -| Ubuntu | 1.18 | 386 | -| MacOS | 1.19 | amd64 | -| MacOS | 1.18 | amd64 | -| Windows | 1.19 | amd64 | -| Windows | 1.18 | amd64 | -| Windows | 1.19 | 386 | -| Windows | 1.18 | 386 | +|---------|------------|--------------| +| Ubuntu | 1.21 | amd64 | +| Ubuntu | 1.20 | amd64 | +| Ubuntu | 1.21 | 386 | +| Ubuntu | 1.20 | 386 | +| MacOS | 1.21 | amd64 | +| MacOS | 1.20 | amd64 | +| Windows | 1.21 | amd64 | +| Windows | 1.20 | amd64 | +| Windows | 1.21 | 386 | +| Windows | 1.20 | 386 | While this project should work for other systems, no compatibility guarantees are made for those systems currently. @@ -97,12 +100,11 @@ export pipeline to send that telemetry to an observability platform. All officially supported exporters for the OpenTelemetry project are contained in the [exporters directory](./exporters). | Exporter | Metrics | Traces | -| :-----------------------------------: | :-----: | :----: | -| [Jaeger](./exporters/jaeger/) | | ✓ | -| [OTLP](./exporters/otlp/) | ✓ | ✓ | -| [Prometheus](./exporters/prometheus/) | ✓ | | -| [stdout](./exporters/stdout/) | ✓ | ✓ | -| [Zipkin](./exporters/zipkin/) | | ✓ | +|---------------------------------------|:-------:|:------:| +| [OTLP](./exporters/otlp/) | ✓ | ✓ | +| [Prometheus](./exporters/prometheus/) | ✓ | | +| [stdout](./exporters/stdout/) | ✓ | ✓ | +| [Zipkin](./exporters/zipkin/) | | ✓ | ## Contributing diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/RELEASING.md b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/RELEASING.md index 71e576254..82ce3ee46 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/RELEASING.md +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/RELEASING.md @@ -2,24 +2,31 @@ ## Semantic Convention Generation -New versions of the [OpenTelemetry specification] mean new versions of the `semconv` package need to be generated. +New versions of the [OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions] mean new versions of the `semconv` package need to be generated. The `semconv-generate` make target is used for this. -1. Checkout a local copy of the [OpenTelemetry specification] to the desired release tag. -2. Run the `make semconv-generate ...` target from this repository. +1. Checkout a local copy of the [OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions] to the desired release tag. +2. Pull the latest `otel/semconvgen` image: `docker pull otel/semconvgen:latest` +3. Run the `make semconv-generate ...` target from this repository. For example, ```sh -export TAG="v1.7.0" # Change to the release version you are generating. -export OTEL_SPEC_REPO="/absolute/path/to/opentelemetry-specification" -git -C "$OTEL_SPEC_REPO" checkout "tags/$TAG" -make semconv-generate # Uses the exported TAG and OTEL_SPEC_REPO. +export TAG="v1.21.0" # Change to the release version you are generating. +export OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO="/absolute/path/to/opentelemetry/semantic-conventions" +docker pull otel/semconvgen:latest +make semconv-generate # Uses the exported TAG and OTEL_SEMCONV_REPO. ``` This should create a new sub-package of [`semconv`](./semconv). Ensure things look correct before submitting a pull request to include the addition. +## Breaking changes validation + +You can run `make gorelease` that runs [gorelease](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/exp/cmd/gorelease) to ensure that there are no unwanted changes done in the public API. + +You can check/report problems with `gorelease` [here](https://golang.org/issues/26420). + ## Pre-Release First, decide which module sets will be released and update their versions @@ -116,7 +123,17 @@ Once verified be sure to [make a release for the `contrib` repository](https://g ### Website Documentation -Update [the documentation](./website_docs) for [the OpenTelemetry website](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/go/). +Update the [Go instrumentation documentation] in the OpenTelemetry website under [content/en/docs/instrumentation/go]. Importantly, bump any package versions referenced to be the latest one you just released and ensure all code examples still compile and are accurate. -[OpenTelemetry specification]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification +[OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions +[Go instrumentation documentation]: https://opentelemetry.io/docs/instrumentation/go/ +[content/en/docs/instrumentation/go]: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry.io/tree/main/content/en/docs/instrumentation/go + +### Demo Repository + +Bump the dependencies in the following Go services: + +- [`accountingservice`](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo/tree/main/src/accountingservice) +- [`checkoutservice`](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo/tree/main/src/checkoutservice) +- [`productcatalogservice`](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo/tree/main/src/productcatalogservice) diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/filter.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/filter.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..638c213d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/filter.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package attribute // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" + +// Filter supports removing certain attributes from attribute sets. When +// the filter returns true, the attribute will be kept in the filtered +// attribute set. When the filter returns false, the attribute is excluded +// from the filtered attribute set, and the attribute instead appears in +// the removed list of excluded attributes. +type Filter func(KeyValue) bool + +// NewAllowKeysFilter returns a Filter that only allows attributes with one of +// the provided keys. +// +// If keys is empty a deny-all filter is returned. +func NewAllowKeysFilter(keys ...Key) Filter { + if len(keys) <= 0 { + return func(kv KeyValue) bool { return false } + } + + allowed := make(map[Key]struct{}) + for _, k := range keys { + allowed[k] = struct{}{} + } + return func(kv KeyValue) bool { + _, ok := allowed[kv.Key] + return ok + } +} + +// NewDenyKeysFilter returns a Filter that only allows attributes +// that do not have one of the provided keys. +// +// If keys is empty an allow-all filter is returned. +func NewDenyKeysFilter(keys ...Key) Filter { + if len(keys) <= 0 { + return func(kv KeyValue) bool { return true } + } + + forbid := make(map[Key]struct{}) + for _, k := range keys { + forbid[k] = struct{}{} + } + return func(kv KeyValue) bool { + _, ok := forbid[kv.Key] + return !ok + } +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/set.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/set.go index 26be59832..9f9303d4f 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/set.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/set.go @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import ( "encoding/json" "reflect" "sort" + "sync" ) type ( @@ -38,13 +39,6 @@ type ( iface interface{} } - // Filter supports removing certain attributes from attribute sets. When - // the filter returns true, the attribute will be kept in the filtered - // attribute set. When the filter returns false, the attribute is excluded - // from the filtered attribute set, and the attribute instead appears in - // the removed list of excluded attributes. - Filter func(KeyValue) bool - // Sortable implements sort.Interface, used for sorting KeyValue. This is // an exported type to support a memory optimization. A pointer to one of // these is needed for the call to sort.Stable(), which the caller may @@ -62,6 +56,12 @@ var ( iface: [0]KeyValue{}, }, } + + // sortables is a pool of Sortables used to create Sets with a user does + // not provide one. + sortables = sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { return new(Sortable) }, + } ) // EmptySet returns a reference to a Set with no elements. @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ func (l *Set) Len() int { // Get returns the KeyValue at ordered position idx in this set. func (l *Set) Get(idx int) (KeyValue, bool) { - if l == nil { + if l == nil || !l.equivalent.Valid() { return KeyValue{}, false } value := l.equivalent.reflectValue() @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ func (l *Set) Get(idx int) (KeyValue, bool) { // Value returns the value of a specified key in this set. func (l *Set) Value(k Key) (Value, bool) { - if l == nil { + if l == nil || !l.equivalent.Valid() { return Value{}, false } rValue := l.equivalent.reflectValue() @@ -191,7 +191,9 @@ func NewSet(kvs ...KeyValue) Set { if len(kvs) == 0 { return empty() } - s, _ := NewSetWithSortableFiltered(kvs, new(Sortable), nil) + srt := sortables.Get().(*Sortable) + s, _ := NewSetWithSortableFiltered(kvs, srt, nil) + sortables.Put(srt) return s } @@ -218,7 +220,10 @@ func NewSetWithFiltered(kvs []KeyValue, filter Filter) (Set, []KeyValue) { if len(kvs) == 0 { return empty(), nil } - return NewSetWithSortableFiltered(kvs, new(Sortable), filter) + srt := sortables.Get().(*Sortable) + s, filtered := NewSetWithSortableFiltered(kvs, srt, filter) + sortables.Put(srt) + return s, filtered } // NewSetWithSortableFiltered returns a new Set. diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/value.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/value.go index 80a37bd6f..cb21dd5c0 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/value.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute/value.go @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func BoolValue(v bool) Value { // BoolSliceValue creates a BOOLSLICE Value. func BoolSliceValue(v []bool) Value { - return Value{vtype: BOOLSLICE, slice: attribute.SliceValue(v)} + return Value{vtype: BOOLSLICE, slice: attribute.BoolSliceValue(v)} } // IntValue creates an INT64 Value. @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ func Int64Value(v int64) Value { // Int64SliceValue creates an INT64SLICE Value. func Int64SliceValue(v []int64) Value { - return Value{vtype: INT64SLICE, slice: attribute.SliceValue(v)} + return Value{vtype: INT64SLICE, slice: attribute.Int64SliceValue(v)} } // Float64Value creates a FLOAT64 Value. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ func Float64Value(v float64) Value { // Float64SliceValue creates a FLOAT64SLICE Value. func Float64SliceValue(v []float64) Value { - return Value{vtype: FLOAT64SLICE, slice: attribute.SliceValue(v)} + return Value{vtype: FLOAT64SLICE, slice: attribute.Float64SliceValue(v)} } // StringValue creates a STRING Value. @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ func StringValue(v string) Value { // StringSliceValue creates a STRINGSLICE Value. func StringSliceValue(v []string) Value { - return Value{vtype: STRINGSLICE, slice: attribute.SliceValue(v)} + return Value{vtype: STRINGSLICE, slice: attribute.StringSliceValue(v)} } // Type returns a type of the Value. @@ -142,7 +142,14 @@ func (v Value) AsBool() bool { // AsBoolSlice returns the []bool value. Make sure that the Value's type is // BOOLSLICE. func (v Value) AsBoolSlice() []bool { - return attribute.AsSlice[bool](v.slice) + if v.vtype != BOOLSLICE { + return nil + } + return v.asBoolSlice() +} + +func (v Value) asBoolSlice() []bool { + return attribute.AsBoolSlice(v.slice) } // AsInt64 returns the int64 value. Make sure that the Value's type is @@ -154,7 +161,14 @@ func (v Value) AsInt64() int64 { // AsInt64Slice returns the []int64 value. Make sure that the Value's type is // INT64SLICE. func (v Value) AsInt64Slice() []int64 { - return attribute.AsSlice[int64](v.slice) + if v.vtype != INT64SLICE { + return nil + } + return v.asInt64Slice() +} + +func (v Value) asInt64Slice() []int64 { + return attribute.AsInt64Slice(v.slice) } // AsFloat64 returns the float64 value. Make sure that the Value's @@ -166,7 +180,14 @@ func (v Value) AsFloat64() float64 { // AsFloat64Slice returns the []float64 value. Make sure that the Value's type is // FLOAT64SLICE. func (v Value) AsFloat64Slice() []float64 { - return attribute.AsSlice[float64](v.slice) + if v.vtype != FLOAT64SLICE { + return nil + } + return v.asFloat64Slice() +} + +func (v Value) asFloat64Slice() []float64 { + return attribute.AsFloat64Slice(v.slice) } // AsString returns the string value. Make sure that the Value's type @@ -178,7 +199,14 @@ func (v Value) AsString() string { // AsStringSlice returns the []string value. Make sure that the Value's type is // STRINGSLICE. func (v Value) AsStringSlice() []string { - return attribute.AsSlice[string](v.slice) + if v.vtype != STRINGSLICE { + return nil + } + return v.asStringSlice() +} + +func (v Value) asStringSlice() []string { + return attribute.AsStringSlice(v.slice) } type unknownValueType struct{} @@ -189,19 +217,19 @@ func (v Value) AsInterface() interface{} { case BOOL: return v.AsBool() case BOOLSLICE: - return v.AsBoolSlice() + return v.asBoolSlice() case INT64: return v.AsInt64() case INT64SLICE: - return v.AsInt64Slice() + return v.asInt64Slice() case FLOAT64: return v.AsFloat64() case FLOAT64SLICE: - return v.AsFloat64Slice() + return v.asFloat64Slice() case STRING: return v.stringly case STRINGSLICE: - return v.AsStringSlice() + return v.asStringSlice() } return unknownValueType{} } @@ -210,19 +238,19 @@ func (v Value) AsInterface() interface{} { func (v Value) Emit() string { switch v.Type() { case BOOLSLICE: - return fmt.Sprint(v.AsBoolSlice()) + return fmt.Sprint(v.asBoolSlice()) case BOOL: return strconv.FormatBool(v.AsBool()) case INT64SLICE: - return fmt.Sprint(v.AsInt64Slice()) + return fmt.Sprint(v.asInt64Slice()) case INT64: return strconv.FormatInt(v.AsInt64(), 10) case FLOAT64SLICE: - return fmt.Sprint(v.AsFloat64Slice()) + return fmt.Sprint(v.asFloat64Slice()) case FLOAT64: return fmt.Sprint(v.AsFloat64()) case STRINGSLICE: - return fmt.Sprint(v.AsStringSlice()) + return fmt.Sprint(v.asStringSlice()) case STRING: return v.stringly default: diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/baggage/baggage.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/baggage/baggage.go index a36db8f8d..9e6b3b7b5 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/baggage/baggage.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/baggage/baggage.go @@ -61,11 +61,6 @@ type Property struct { // hasValue indicates if a zero-value value means the property does not // have a value or if it was the zero-value. hasValue bool - - // hasData indicates whether the created property contains data or not. - // Properties that do not contain data are invalid with no other check - // required. - hasData bool } // NewKeyProperty returns a new Property for key. @@ -76,7 +71,7 @@ func NewKeyProperty(key string) (Property, error) { return newInvalidProperty(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidKey, key) } - p := Property{key: key, hasData: true} + p := Property{key: key} return p, nil } @@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ func NewKeyValueProperty(key, value string) (Property, error) { key: key, value: value, hasValue: true, - hasData: true, } return p, nil } @@ -117,7 +111,7 @@ func parseProperty(property string) (Property, error) { return newInvalidProperty(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidProperty, property) } - p := Property{hasData: true} + var p Property if match[1] != "" { p.key = match[1] } else { @@ -136,10 +130,6 @@ func (p Property) validate() error { return fmt.Errorf("invalid property: %w", err) } - if !p.hasData { - return errFunc(fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidProperty, p)) - } - if !keyRe.MatchString(p.key) { return errFunc(fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidKey, p.key)) } @@ -289,45 +279,37 @@ func parseMember(member string) (Member, error) { props properties ) - parts := strings.SplitN(member, propertyDelimiter, 2) - switch len(parts) { - case 2: + keyValue, properties, found := strings.Cut(member, propertyDelimiter) + if found { // Parse the member properties. - for _, pStr := range strings.Split(parts[1], propertyDelimiter) { + for _, pStr := range strings.Split(properties, propertyDelimiter) { p, err := parseProperty(pStr) if err != nil { return newInvalidMember(), err } props = append(props, p) } - fallthrough - case 1: - // Parse the member key/value pair. - - // Take into account a value can contain equal signs (=). - kv := strings.SplitN(parts[0], keyValueDelimiter, 2) - if len(kv) != 2 { - return newInvalidMember(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidMember, member) - } - // "Leading and trailing whitespaces are allowed but MUST be trimmed - // when converting the header into a data structure." - key = strings.TrimSpace(kv[0]) - var err error - value, err = url.QueryUnescape(strings.TrimSpace(kv[1])) - if err != nil { - return newInvalidMember(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", err, value) - } - if !keyRe.MatchString(key) { - return newInvalidMember(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidKey, key) - } - if !valueRe.MatchString(value) { - return newInvalidMember(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidValue, value) - } - default: - // This should never happen unless a developer has changed the string - // splitting somehow. Panic instead of failing silently and allowing - // the bug to slip past the CI checks. - panic("failed to parse baggage member") + } + // Parse the member key/value pair. + + // Take into account a value can contain equal signs (=). + k, v, found := strings.Cut(keyValue, keyValueDelimiter) + if !found { + return newInvalidMember(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidMember, member) + } + // "Leading and trailing whitespaces are allowed but MUST be trimmed + // when converting the header into a data structure." + key = strings.TrimSpace(k) + var err error + value, err = url.QueryUnescape(strings.TrimSpace(v)) + if err != nil { + return newInvalidMember(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", err, value) + } + if !keyRe.MatchString(key) { + return newInvalidMember(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidKey, key) + } + if !valueRe.MatchString(value) { + return newInvalidMember(), fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", errInvalidValue, value) } return Member{key: key, value: value, properties: props, hasData: true}, nil diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes/codes.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes/codes.go index 064a9279f..587ebae4e 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes/codes.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes/codes.go @@ -23,10 +23,20 @@ import ( const ( // Unset is the default status code. Unset Code = 0 + // Error indicates the operation contains an error. + // + // NOTE: The error code in OTLP is 2. + // The value of this enum is only relevant to the internals + // of the Go SDK. Error Code = 1 + // Ok indicates operation has been validated by an Application developers // or Operator to have completed successfully, or contain no error. + // + // NOTE: The Ok code in OTLP is 1. + // The value of this enum is only relevant to the internals + // of the Go SDK. Ok Code = 2 maxCode = 3 diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes/doc.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes/doc.go index df3e0f1b6..4e328fbb4 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes/doc.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes/doc.go @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ Package codes defines the canonical error codes used by OpenTelemetry. It conforms to [the OpenTelemetry -specification](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md#statuscanonicalcode). +specification](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/v1.20.0/specification/trace/api.md#set-status). */ package codes // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes" diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/handler.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/handler.go index 36cf09f72..4115fe3bb 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/handler.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/handler.go @@ -15,59 +15,16 @@ package otel // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel" import ( - "log" - "os" - "sync" + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global" ) var ( - // globalErrorHandler provides an ErrorHandler that can be used - // throughout an OpenTelemetry instrumented project. When a user - // specified ErrorHandler is registered (`SetErrorHandler`) all calls to - // `Handle` and will be delegated to the registered ErrorHandler. - globalErrorHandler = defaultErrorHandler() - - // Compile-time check that delegator implements ErrorHandler. - _ ErrorHandler = (*delegator)(nil) - // Compile-time check that errLogger implements ErrorHandler. - _ ErrorHandler = (*errLogger)(nil) + // Compile-time check global.ErrDelegator implements ErrorHandler. + _ ErrorHandler = (*global.ErrDelegator)(nil) + // Compile-time check global.ErrLogger implements ErrorHandler. + _ ErrorHandler = (*global.ErrLogger)(nil) ) -type delegator struct { - lock *sync.RWMutex - eh ErrorHandler -} - -func (d *delegator) Handle(err error) { - d.lock.RLock() - defer d.lock.RUnlock() - d.eh.Handle(err) -} - -// setDelegate sets the ErrorHandler delegate. -func (d *delegator) setDelegate(eh ErrorHandler) { - d.lock.Lock() - defer d.lock.Unlock() - d.eh = eh -} - -func defaultErrorHandler() *delegator { - return &delegator{ - lock: &sync.RWMutex{}, - eh: &errLogger{l: log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)}, - } -} - -// errLogger logs errors if no delegate is set, otherwise they are delegated. -type errLogger struct { - l *log.Logger -} - -// Handle logs err if no delegate is set, otherwise it is delegated. -func (h *errLogger) Handle(err error) { - h.l.Print(err) -} - // GetErrorHandler returns the global ErrorHandler instance. // // The default ErrorHandler instance returned will log all errors to STDERR @@ -77,9 +34,7 @@ func (h *errLogger) Handle(err error) { // // Subsequent calls to SetErrorHandler after the first will not forward errors // to the new ErrorHandler for prior returned instances. -func GetErrorHandler() ErrorHandler { - return globalErrorHandler -} +func GetErrorHandler() ErrorHandler { return global.GetErrorHandler() } // SetErrorHandler sets the global ErrorHandler to h. // @@ -87,11 +42,7 @@ func GetErrorHandler() ErrorHandler { // GetErrorHandler will send errors to h instead of the default logging // ErrorHandler. Subsequent calls will set the global ErrorHandler, but not // delegate errors to h. -func SetErrorHandler(h ErrorHandler) { - globalErrorHandler.setDelegate(h) -} +func SetErrorHandler(h ErrorHandler) { global.SetErrorHandler(h) } // Handle is a convenience function for ErrorHandler().Handle(err). -func Handle(err error) { - GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) -} +func Handle(err error) { global.Handle(err) } diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/attribute/attribute.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/attribute/attribute.go index 220348944..622c3ee3f 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/attribute/attribute.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/attribute/attribute.go @@ -22,24 +22,90 @@ import ( "reflect" ) -// SliceValue convert a slice into an array with same elements as slice. -func SliceValue[T bool | int64 | float64 | string](v []T) any { - var zero T +// BoolSliceValue converts a bool slice into an array with same elements as slice. +func BoolSliceValue(v []bool) interface{} { + var zero bool cp := reflect.New(reflect.ArrayOf(len(v), reflect.TypeOf(zero))) - copy(cp.Elem().Slice(0, len(v)).Interface().([]T), v) + copy(cp.Elem().Slice(0, len(v)).Interface().([]bool), v) return cp.Elem().Interface() } -// AsSlice convert an array into a slice into with same elements as array. -func AsSlice[T bool | int64 | float64 | string](v any) []T { +// Int64SliceValue converts an int64 slice into an array with same elements as slice. +func Int64SliceValue(v []int64) interface{} { + var zero int64 + cp := reflect.New(reflect.ArrayOf(len(v), reflect.TypeOf(zero))) + copy(cp.Elem().Slice(0, len(v)).Interface().([]int64), v) + return cp.Elem().Interface() +} + +// Float64SliceValue converts a float64 slice into an array with same elements as slice. +func Float64SliceValue(v []float64) interface{} { + var zero float64 + cp := reflect.New(reflect.ArrayOf(len(v), reflect.TypeOf(zero))) + copy(cp.Elem().Slice(0, len(v)).Interface().([]float64), v) + return cp.Elem().Interface() +} + +// StringSliceValue converts a string slice into an array with same elements as slice. +func StringSliceValue(v []string) interface{} { + var zero string + cp := reflect.New(reflect.ArrayOf(len(v), reflect.TypeOf(zero))) + copy(cp.Elem().Slice(0, len(v)).Interface().([]string), v) + return cp.Elem().Interface() +} + +// AsBoolSlice converts a bool array into a slice into with same elements as array. +func AsBoolSlice(v interface{}) []bool { + rv := reflect.ValueOf(v) + if rv.Type().Kind() != reflect.Array { + return nil + } + var zero bool + correctLen := rv.Len() + correctType := reflect.ArrayOf(correctLen, reflect.TypeOf(zero)) + cpy := reflect.New(correctType) + _ = reflect.Copy(cpy.Elem(), rv) + return cpy.Elem().Slice(0, correctLen).Interface().([]bool) +} + +// AsInt64Slice converts an int64 array into a slice into with same elements as array. +func AsInt64Slice(v interface{}) []int64 { + rv := reflect.ValueOf(v) + if rv.Type().Kind() != reflect.Array { + return nil + } + var zero int64 + correctLen := rv.Len() + correctType := reflect.ArrayOf(correctLen, reflect.TypeOf(zero)) + cpy := reflect.New(correctType) + _ = reflect.Copy(cpy.Elem(), rv) + return cpy.Elem().Slice(0, correctLen).Interface().([]int64) +} + +// AsFloat64Slice converts a float64 array into a slice into with same elements as array. +func AsFloat64Slice(v interface{}) []float64 { + rv := reflect.ValueOf(v) + if rv.Type().Kind() != reflect.Array { + return nil + } + var zero float64 + correctLen := rv.Len() + correctType := reflect.ArrayOf(correctLen, reflect.TypeOf(zero)) + cpy := reflect.New(correctType) + _ = reflect.Copy(cpy.Elem(), rv) + return cpy.Elem().Slice(0, correctLen).Interface().([]float64) +} + +// AsStringSlice converts a string array into a slice into with same elements as array. +func AsStringSlice(v interface{}) []string { rv := reflect.ValueOf(v) if rv.Type().Kind() != reflect.Array { return nil } - var zero T + var zero string correctLen := rv.Len() correctType := reflect.ArrayOf(correctLen, reflect.TypeOf(zero)) cpy := reflect.New(correctType) _ = reflect.Copy(cpy.Elem(), rv) - return cpy.Elem().Slice(0, correctLen).Interface().([]T) + return cpy.Elem().Slice(0, correctLen).Interface().([]string) } diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/gen.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/gen.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f532f07e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package internal // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal" + +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/matchers/expectation.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=matchers/expectation.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/matchers/expecter.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=matchers/expecter.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/matchers/temporal_matcher.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=matchers/temporal_matcher.go + +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/internaltest/alignment.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=internaltest/alignment.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/internaltest/env.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=internaltest/env.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/internaltest/env_test.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=internaltest/env_test.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/internaltest/errors.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=internaltest/errors.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/internaltest/harness.go.tmpl "--data={\"matchersImportPath\": \"go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/matchers\"}" --out=internaltest/harness.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/internaltest/text_map_carrier.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=internaltest/text_map_carrier.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/internaltest/text_map_carrier_test.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=internaltest/text_map_carrier_test.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/internaltest/text_map_propagator.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=internaltest/text_map_propagator.go +//go:generate gotmpl --body=./shared/internaltest/text_map_propagator_test.go.tmpl "--data={}" --out=internaltest/text_map_propagator_test.go diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/handler.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/handler.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e9b83047 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/handler.go @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package global // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global" + +import ( + "log" + "os" + "sync/atomic" +) + +var ( + // GlobalErrorHandler provides an ErrorHandler that can be used + // throughout an OpenTelemetry instrumented project. When a user + // specified ErrorHandler is registered (`SetErrorHandler`) all calls to + // `Handle` and will be delegated to the registered ErrorHandler. + GlobalErrorHandler = defaultErrorHandler() + + // Compile-time check that delegator implements ErrorHandler. + _ ErrorHandler = (*ErrDelegator)(nil) + // Compile-time check that errLogger implements ErrorHandler. + _ ErrorHandler = (*ErrLogger)(nil) +) + +// ErrorHandler handles irremediable events. +type ErrorHandler interface { + // Handle handles any error deemed irremediable by an OpenTelemetry + // component. + Handle(error) +} + +type ErrDelegator struct { + delegate atomic.Pointer[ErrorHandler] +} + +func (d *ErrDelegator) Handle(err error) { + d.getDelegate().Handle(err) +} + +func (d *ErrDelegator) getDelegate() ErrorHandler { + return *d.delegate.Load() +} + +// setDelegate sets the ErrorHandler delegate. +func (d *ErrDelegator) setDelegate(eh ErrorHandler) { + d.delegate.Store(&eh) +} + +func defaultErrorHandler() *ErrDelegator { + d := &ErrDelegator{} + d.setDelegate(&ErrLogger{l: log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)}) + return d +} + +// ErrLogger logs errors if no delegate is set, otherwise they are delegated. +type ErrLogger struct { + l *log.Logger +} + +// Handle logs err if no delegate is set, otherwise it is delegated. +func (h *ErrLogger) Handle(err error) { + h.l.Print(err) +} + +// GetErrorHandler returns the global ErrorHandler instance. +// +// The default ErrorHandler instance returned will log all errors to STDERR +// until an override ErrorHandler is set with SetErrorHandler. All +// ErrorHandler returned prior to this will automatically forward errors to +// the set instance instead of logging. +// +// Subsequent calls to SetErrorHandler after the first will not forward errors +// to the new ErrorHandler for prior returned instances. +func GetErrorHandler() ErrorHandler { + return GlobalErrorHandler +} + +// SetErrorHandler sets the global ErrorHandler to h. +// +// The first time this is called all ErrorHandler previously returned from +// GetErrorHandler will send errors to h instead of the default logging +// ErrorHandler. Subsequent calls will set the global ErrorHandler, but not +// delegate errors to h. +func SetErrorHandler(h ErrorHandler) { + GlobalErrorHandler.setDelegate(h) +} + +// Handle is a convenience function for ErrorHandler().Handle(err). +func Handle(err error) { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/instruments.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/instruments.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a33eded87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/instruments.go @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package global // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global" + +import ( + "context" + "sync/atomic" + + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded" +) + +// unwrapper unwraps to return the underlying instrument implementation. +type unwrapper interface { + Unwrap() metric.Observable +} + +type afCounter struct { + embedded.Float64ObservableCounter + metric.Float64Observable + + name string + opts []metric.Float64ObservableCounterOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Float64ObservableCounter +} + +var _ unwrapper = (*afCounter)(nil) +var _ metric.Float64ObservableCounter = (*afCounter)(nil) + +func (i *afCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Float64ObservableCounter(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *afCounter) Unwrap() metric.Observable { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + return ctr.(metric.Float64ObservableCounter) + } + return nil +} + +type afUpDownCounter struct { + embedded.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter + metric.Float64Observable + + name string + opts []metric.Float64ObservableUpDownCounterOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter +} + +var _ unwrapper = (*afUpDownCounter)(nil) +var _ metric.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter = (*afUpDownCounter)(nil) + +func (i *afUpDownCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *afUpDownCounter) Unwrap() metric.Observable { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + return ctr.(metric.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter) + } + return nil +} + +type afGauge struct { + embedded.Float64ObservableGauge + metric.Float64Observable + + name string + opts []metric.Float64ObservableGaugeOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Float64ObservableGauge +} + +var _ unwrapper = (*afGauge)(nil) +var _ metric.Float64ObservableGauge = (*afGauge)(nil) + +func (i *afGauge) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Float64ObservableGauge(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *afGauge) Unwrap() metric.Observable { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + return ctr.(metric.Float64ObservableGauge) + } + return nil +} + +type aiCounter struct { + embedded.Int64ObservableCounter + metric.Int64Observable + + name string + opts []metric.Int64ObservableCounterOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Int64ObservableCounter +} + +var _ unwrapper = (*aiCounter)(nil) +var _ metric.Int64ObservableCounter = (*aiCounter)(nil) + +func (i *aiCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Int64ObservableCounter(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *aiCounter) Unwrap() metric.Observable { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + return ctr.(metric.Int64ObservableCounter) + } + return nil +} + +type aiUpDownCounter struct { + embedded.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter + metric.Int64Observable + + name string + opts []metric.Int64ObservableUpDownCounterOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter +} + +var _ unwrapper = (*aiUpDownCounter)(nil) +var _ metric.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter = (*aiUpDownCounter)(nil) + +func (i *aiUpDownCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *aiUpDownCounter) Unwrap() metric.Observable { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + return ctr.(metric.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter) + } + return nil +} + +type aiGauge struct { + embedded.Int64ObservableGauge + metric.Int64Observable + + name string + opts []metric.Int64ObservableGaugeOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Int64ObservableGauge +} + +var _ unwrapper = (*aiGauge)(nil) +var _ metric.Int64ObservableGauge = (*aiGauge)(nil) + +func (i *aiGauge) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Int64ObservableGauge(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *aiGauge) Unwrap() metric.Observable { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + return ctr.(metric.Int64ObservableGauge) + } + return nil +} + +// Sync Instruments. +type sfCounter struct { + embedded.Float64Counter + + name string + opts []metric.Float64CounterOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Float64Counter +} + +var _ metric.Float64Counter = (*sfCounter)(nil) + +func (i *sfCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Float64Counter(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *sfCounter) Add(ctx context.Context, incr float64, opts ...metric.AddOption) { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + ctr.(metric.Float64Counter).Add(ctx, incr, opts...) + } +} + +type sfUpDownCounter struct { + embedded.Float64UpDownCounter + + name string + opts []metric.Float64UpDownCounterOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Float64UpDownCounter +} + +var _ metric.Float64UpDownCounter = (*sfUpDownCounter)(nil) + +func (i *sfUpDownCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Float64UpDownCounter(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *sfUpDownCounter) Add(ctx context.Context, incr float64, opts ...metric.AddOption) { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + ctr.(metric.Float64UpDownCounter).Add(ctx, incr, opts...) + } +} + +type sfHistogram struct { + embedded.Float64Histogram + + name string + opts []metric.Float64HistogramOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Float64Histogram +} + +var _ metric.Float64Histogram = (*sfHistogram)(nil) + +func (i *sfHistogram) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Float64Histogram(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *sfHistogram) Record(ctx context.Context, x float64, opts ...metric.RecordOption) { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + ctr.(metric.Float64Histogram).Record(ctx, x, opts...) + } +} + +type siCounter struct { + embedded.Int64Counter + + name string + opts []metric.Int64CounterOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Int64Counter +} + +var _ metric.Int64Counter = (*siCounter)(nil) + +func (i *siCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Int64Counter(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *siCounter) Add(ctx context.Context, x int64, opts ...metric.AddOption) { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + ctr.(metric.Int64Counter).Add(ctx, x, opts...) + } +} + +type siUpDownCounter struct { + embedded.Int64UpDownCounter + + name string + opts []metric.Int64UpDownCounterOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Int64UpDownCounter +} + +var _ metric.Int64UpDownCounter = (*siUpDownCounter)(nil) + +func (i *siUpDownCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Int64UpDownCounter(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *siUpDownCounter) Add(ctx context.Context, x int64, opts ...metric.AddOption) { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + ctr.(metric.Int64UpDownCounter).Add(ctx, x, opts...) + } +} + +type siHistogram struct { + embedded.Int64Histogram + + name string + opts []metric.Int64HistogramOption + + delegate atomic.Value //metric.Int64Histogram +} + +var _ metric.Int64Histogram = (*siHistogram)(nil) + +func (i *siHistogram) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + ctr, err := m.Int64Histogram(i.name, i.opts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + return + } + i.delegate.Store(ctr) +} + +func (i *siHistogram) Record(ctx context.Context, x int64, opts ...metric.RecordOption) { + if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { + ctr.(metric.Int64Histogram).Record(ctx, x, opts...) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/internal_logging.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/internal_logging.go index ccb325871..c6f305a2b 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/internal_logging.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/internal_logging.go @@ -17,47 +17,53 @@ package global // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global" import ( "log" "os" - "sync" + "sync/atomic" "github.com/go-logr/logr" "github.com/go-logr/stdr" ) -// globalLogger is the logging interface used within the otel api and sdk provide deatails of the internals. +// globalLogger is the logging interface used within the otel api and sdk provide details of the internals. // // The default logger uses stdr which is backed by the standard `log.Logger` // interface. This logger will only show messages at the Error Level. -var globalLogger logr.Logger = stdr.New(log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags|log.Lshortfile)) -var globalLoggerLock = &sync.RWMutex{} +var globalLogger atomic.Pointer[logr.Logger] + +func init() { + SetLogger(stdr.New(log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags|log.Lshortfile))) +} // SetLogger overrides the globalLogger with l. // -// To see Info messages use a logger with `l.V(1).Enabled() == true` -// To see Debug messages use a logger with `l.V(5).Enabled() == true`. +// To see Warn messages use a logger with `l.V(1).Enabled() == true` +// To see Info messages use a logger with `l.V(4).Enabled() == true` +// To see Debug messages use a logger with `l.V(8).Enabled() == true`. func SetLogger(l logr.Logger) { - globalLoggerLock.Lock() - defer globalLoggerLock.Unlock() - globalLogger = l + globalLogger.Store(&l) +} + +func getLogger() logr.Logger { + return *globalLogger.Load() } // Info prints messages about the general state of the API or SDK. -// This should usually be less then 5 messages a minute. +// This should usually be less than 5 messages a minute. func Info(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { - globalLoggerLock.RLock() - defer globalLoggerLock.RUnlock() - globalLogger.V(1).Info(msg, keysAndValues...) + getLogger().V(4).Info(msg, keysAndValues...) } // Error prints messages about exceptional states of the API or SDK. func Error(err error, msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { - globalLoggerLock.RLock() - defer globalLoggerLock.RUnlock() - globalLogger.Error(err, msg, keysAndValues...) + getLogger().Error(err, msg, keysAndValues...) } // Debug prints messages about all internal changes in the API or SDK. func Debug(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { - globalLoggerLock.RLock() - defer globalLoggerLock.RUnlock() - globalLogger.V(5).Info(msg, keysAndValues...) + getLogger().V(8).Info(msg, keysAndValues...) +} + +// Warn prints messages about warnings in the API or SDK. +// Not an error but is likely more important than an informational event. +func Warn(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { + getLogger().V(1).Info(msg, keysAndValues...) } diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/meter.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/meter.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0097db478 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/meter.go @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package global // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global" + +import ( + "container/list" + "sync" + "sync/atomic" + + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded" +) + +// meterProvider is a placeholder for a configured SDK MeterProvider. +// +// All MeterProvider functionality is forwarded to a delegate once +// configured. +type meterProvider struct { + embedded.MeterProvider + + mtx sync.Mutex + meters map[il]*meter + + delegate metric.MeterProvider +} + +// setDelegate configures p to delegate all MeterProvider functionality to +// provider. +// +// All Meters provided prior to this function call are switched out to be +// Meters provided by provider. All instruments and callbacks are recreated and +// delegated. +// +// It is guaranteed by the caller that this happens only once. +func (p *meterProvider) setDelegate(provider metric.MeterProvider) { + p.mtx.Lock() + defer p.mtx.Unlock() + + p.delegate = provider + + if len(p.meters) == 0 { + return + } + + for _, meter := range p.meters { + meter.setDelegate(provider) + } + + p.meters = nil +} + +// Meter implements MeterProvider. +func (p *meterProvider) Meter(name string, opts ...metric.MeterOption) metric.Meter { + p.mtx.Lock() + defer p.mtx.Unlock() + + if p.delegate != nil { + return p.delegate.Meter(name, opts...) + } + + // At this moment it is guaranteed that no sdk is installed, save the meter in the meters map. + + c := metric.NewMeterConfig(opts...) + key := il{ + name: name, + version: c.InstrumentationVersion(), + } + + if p.meters == nil { + p.meters = make(map[il]*meter) + } + + if val, ok := p.meters[key]; ok { + return val + } + + t := &meter{name: name, opts: opts} + p.meters[key] = t + return t +} + +// meter is a placeholder for a metric.Meter. +// +// All Meter functionality is forwarded to a delegate once configured. +// Otherwise, all functionality is forwarded to a NoopMeter. +type meter struct { + embedded.Meter + + name string + opts []metric.MeterOption + + mtx sync.Mutex + instruments []delegatedInstrument + + registry list.List + + delegate atomic.Value // metric.Meter +} + +type delegatedInstrument interface { + setDelegate(metric.Meter) +} + +// setDelegate configures m to delegate all Meter functionality to Meters +// created by provider. +// +// All subsequent calls to the Meter methods will be passed to the delegate. +// +// It is guaranteed by the caller that this happens only once. +func (m *meter) setDelegate(provider metric.MeterProvider) { + meter := provider.Meter(m.name, m.opts...) + m.delegate.Store(meter) + + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + + for _, inst := range m.instruments { + inst.setDelegate(meter) + } + + for e := m.registry.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() { + r := e.Value.(*registration) + r.setDelegate(meter) + m.registry.Remove(e) + } + + m.instruments = nil + m.registry.Init() +} + +func (m *meter) Int64Counter(name string, options ...metric.Int64CounterOption) (metric.Int64Counter, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Int64Counter(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &siCounter{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Int64UpDownCounter(name string, options ...metric.Int64UpDownCounterOption) (metric.Int64UpDownCounter, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Int64UpDownCounter(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &siUpDownCounter{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Int64Histogram(name string, options ...metric.Int64HistogramOption) (metric.Int64Histogram, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Int64Histogram(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &siHistogram{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Int64ObservableCounter(name string, options ...metric.Int64ObservableCounterOption) (metric.Int64ObservableCounter, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Int64ObservableCounter(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &aiCounter{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Int64ObservableUpDownCounter(name string, options ...metric.Int64ObservableUpDownCounterOption) (metric.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &aiUpDownCounter{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Int64ObservableGauge(name string, options ...metric.Int64ObservableGaugeOption) (metric.Int64ObservableGauge, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Int64ObservableGauge(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &aiGauge{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Float64Counter(name string, options ...metric.Float64CounterOption) (metric.Float64Counter, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Float64Counter(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &sfCounter{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Float64UpDownCounter(name string, options ...metric.Float64UpDownCounterOption) (metric.Float64UpDownCounter, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Float64UpDownCounter(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &sfUpDownCounter{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Float64Histogram(name string, options ...metric.Float64HistogramOption) (metric.Float64Histogram, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Float64Histogram(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &sfHistogram{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Float64ObservableCounter(name string, options ...metric.Float64ObservableCounterOption) (metric.Float64ObservableCounter, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Float64ObservableCounter(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &afCounter{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Float64ObservableUpDownCounter(name string, options ...metric.Float64ObservableUpDownCounterOption) (metric.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &afUpDownCounter{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +func (m *meter) Float64ObservableGauge(name string, options ...metric.Float64ObservableGaugeOption) (metric.Float64ObservableGauge, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + return del.Float64ObservableGauge(name, options...) + } + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + i := &afGauge{name: name, opts: options} + m.instruments = append(m.instruments, i) + return i, nil +} + +// RegisterCallback captures the function that will be called during Collect. +func (m *meter) RegisterCallback(f metric.Callback, insts ...metric.Observable) (metric.Registration, error) { + if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { + insts = unwrapInstruments(insts) + return del.RegisterCallback(f, insts...) + } + + m.mtx.Lock() + defer m.mtx.Unlock() + + reg := ®istration{instruments: insts, function: f} + e := m.registry.PushBack(reg) + reg.unreg = func() error { + m.mtx.Lock() + _ = m.registry.Remove(e) + m.mtx.Unlock() + return nil + } + return reg, nil +} + +type wrapped interface { + unwrap() metric.Observable +} + +func unwrapInstruments(instruments []metric.Observable) []metric.Observable { + out := make([]metric.Observable, 0, len(instruments)) + + for _, inst := range instruments { + if in, ok := inst.(wrapped); ok { + out = append(out, in.unwrap()) + } else { + out = append(out, inst) + } + } + + return out +} + +type registration struct { + embedded.Registration + + instruments []metric.Observable + function metric.Callback + + unreg func() error + unregMu sync.Mutex +} + +func (c *registration) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { + insts := unwrapInstruments(c.instruments) + + c.unregMu.Lock() + defer c.unregMu.Unlock() + + if c.unreg == nil { + // Unregister already called. + return + } + + reg, err := m.RegisterCallback(c.function, insts...) + if err != nil { + GetErrorHandler().Handle(err) + } + + c.unreg = reg.Unregister +} + +func (c *registration) Unregister() error { + c.unregMu.Lock() + defer c.unregMu.Unlock() + if c.unreg == nil { + // Unregister already called. + return nil + } + + var err error + err, c.unreg = c.unreg(), nil + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/state.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/state.go index 1ad38f828..7985005bc 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/state.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global/state.go @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import ( "sync" "sync/atomic" + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/propagation" "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace" ) @@ -31,14 +32,20 @@ type ( propagatorsHolder struct { tm propagation.TextMapPropagator } + + meterProviderHolder struct { + mp metric.MeterProvider + } ) var ( - globalTracer = defaultTracerValue() - globalPropagators = defaultPropagatorsValue() + globalTracer = defaultTracerValue() + globalPropagators = defaultPropagatorsValue() + globalMeterProvider = defaultMeterProvider() delegateTraceOnce sync.Once delegateTextMapPropagatorOnce sync.Once + delegateMeterOnce sync.Once ) // TracerProvider is the internal implementation for global.TracerProvider. @@ -102,6 +109,34 @@ func SetTextMapPropagator(p propagation.TextMapPropagator) { globalPropagators.Store(propagatorsHolder{tm: p}) } +// MeterProvider is the internal implementation for global.MeterProvider. +func MeterProvider() metric.MeterProvider { + return globalMeterProvider.Load().(meterProviderHolder).mp +} + +// SetMeterProvider is the internal implementation for global.SetMeterProvider. +func SetMeterProvider(mp metric.MeterProvider) { + current := MeterProvider() + if _, cOk := current.(*meterProvider); cOk { + if _, mpOk := mp.(*meterProvider); mpOk && current == mp { + // Do not assign the default delegating MeterProvider to delegate + // to itself. + Error( + errors.New("no delegate configured in meter provider"), + "Setting meter provider to it's current value. No delegate will be configured", + ) + return + } + } + + delegateMeterOnce.Do(func() { + if def, ok := current.(*meterProvider); ok { + def.setDelegate(mp) + } + }) + globalMeterProvider.Store(meterProviderHolder{mp: mp}) +} + func defaultTracerValue() *atomic.Value { v := &atomic.Value{} v.Store(tracerProviderHolder{tp: &tracerProvider{}}) @@ -113,3 +148,9 @@ func defaultPropagatorsValue() *atomic.Value { v.Store(propagatorsHolder{tm: newTextMapPropagator()}) return v } + +func defaultMeterProvider() *atomic.Value { + v := &atomic.Value{} + v.Store(meterProviderHolder{mp: &meterProvider{}}) + return v +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f95517195 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.go @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package otel // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel" + +import ( + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global" + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" +) + +// Meter returns a Meter from the global MeterProvider. The name must be the +// name of the library providing instrumentation. This name may be the same as +// the instrumented code only if that code provides built-in instrumentation. +// If the name is empty, then a implementation defined default name will be +// used instead. +// +// If this is called before a global MeterProvider is registered the returned +// Meter will be a No-op implementation of a Meter. When a global MeterProvider +// is registered for the first time, the returned Meter, and all the +// instruments it has created or will create, are recreated automatically from +// the new MeterProvider. +// +// This is short for GetMeterProvider().Meter(name). +func Meter(name string, opts ...metric.MeterOption) metric.Meter { + return GetMeterProvider().Meter(name, opts...) +} + +// GetMeterProvider returns the registered global meter provider. +// +// If no global GetMeterProvider has been registered, a No-op GetMeterProvider +// implementation is returned. When a global GetMeterProvider is registered for +// the first time, the returned GetMeterProvider, and all the Meters it has +// created or will create, are recreated automatically from the new +// GetMeterProvider. +func GetMeterProvider() metric.MeterProvider { + return global.MeterProvider() +} + +// SetMeterProvider registers mp as the global MeterProvider. +func SetMeterProvider(mp metric.MeterProvider) { + global.SetMeterProvider(mp) +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/asyncfloat64.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/asyncfloat64.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..072baa8e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/asyncfloat64.go @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" + +import ( + "context" + + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded" +) + +// Float64Observable describes a set of instruments used asynchronously to +// record float64 measurements once per collection cycle. Observations of +// these instruments are only made within a callback. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. +type Float64Observable interface { + Observable + + float64Observable() +} + +// Float64ObservableCounter is an instrument used to asynchronously record +// increasing float64 measurements once per collection cycle. Observations are +// only made within a callback for this instrument. The value observed is +// assumed the to be the cumulative sum of the count. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for +// unimplemented methods. +type Float64ObservableCounter interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Float64ObservableCounter + + Float64Observable +} + +// Float64ObservableCounterConfig contains options for asynchronous counter +// instruments that record int64 values. +type Float64ObservableCounterConfig struct { + description string + unit string + callbacks []Float64Callback +} + +// NewFloat64ObservableCounterConfig returns a new +// [Float64ObservableCounterConfig] with all opts applied. +func NewFloat64ObservableCounterConfig(opts ...Float64ObservableCounterOption) Float64ObservableCounterConfig { + var config Float64ObservableCounterConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyFloat64ObservableCounter(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Float64ObservableCounterConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Float64ObservableCounterConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Callbacks returns the configured callbacks. +func (c Float64ObservableCounterConfig) Callbacks() []Float64Callback { + return c.callbacks +} + +// Float64ObservableCounterOption applies options to a +// [Float64ObservableCounterConfig]. See [Float64ObservableOption] and +// [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as a +// Float64ObservableCounterOption. +type Float64ObservableCounterOption interface { + applyFloat64ObservableCounter(Float64ObservableCounterConfig) Float64ObservableCounterConfig +} + +// Float64ObservableUpDownCounter is an instrument used to asynchronously +// record float64 measurements once per collection cycle. Observations are only +// made within a callback for this instrument. The value observed is assumed +// the to be the cumulative sum of the count. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Float64ObservableUpDownCounter interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter + + Float64Observable +} + +// Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig contains options for asynchronous +// counter instruments that record int64 values. +type Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig struct { + description string + unit string + callbacks []Float64Callback +} + +// NewFloat64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig returns a new +// [Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig] with all opts applied. +func NewFloat64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig(opts ...Float64ObservableUpDownCounterOption) Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig { + var config Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyFloat64ObservableUpDownCounter(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Callbacks returns the configured callbacks. +func (c Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Callbacks() []Float64Callback { + return c.callbacks +} + +// Float64ObservableUpDownCounterOption applies options to a +// [Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig]. See [Float64ObservableOption] and +// [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as a +// Float64ObservableUpDownCounterOption. +type Float64ObservableUpDownCounterOption interface { + applyFloat64ObservableUpDownCounter(Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig +} + +// Float64ObservableGauge is an instrument used to asynchronously record +// instantaneous float64 measurements once per collection cycle. Observations +// are only made within a callback for this instrument. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Float64ObservableGauge interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Float64ObservableGauge + + Float64Observable +} + +// Float64ObservableGaugeConfig contains options for asynchronous counter +// instruments that record int64 values. +type Float64ObservableGaugeConfig struct { + description string + unit string + callbacks []Float64Callback +} + +// NewFloat64ObservableGaugeConfig returns a new [Float64ObservableGaugeConfig] +// with all opts applied. +func NewFloat64ObservableGaugeConfig(opts ...Float64ObservableGaugeOption) Float64ObservableGaugeConfig { + var config Float64ObservableGaugeConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyFloat64ObservableGauge(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Float64ObservableGaugeConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Float64ObservableGaugeConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Callbacks returns the configured callbacks. +func (c Float64ObservableGaugeConfig) Callbacks() []Float64Callback { + return c.callbacks +} + +// Float64ObservableGaugeOption applies options to a +// [Float64ObservableGaugeConfig]. See [Float64ObservableOption] and +// [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as a +// Float64ObservableGaugeOption. +type Float64ObservableGaugeOption interface { + applyFloat64ObservableGauge(Float64ObservableGaugeConfig) Float64ObservableGaugeConfig +} + +// Float64Observer is a recorder of float64 measurements. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Float64Observer interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Float64Observer + + // Observe records the float64 value. + // + // Use the WithAttributeSet (or, if performance is not a concern, + // the WithAttributes) option to include measurement attributes. + Observe(value float64, options ...ObserveOption) +} + +// Float64Callback is a function registered with a Meter that makes +// observations for a Float64Observerable instrument it is registered with. +// Calls to the Float64Observer record measurement values for the +// Float64Observable. +// +// The function needs to complete in a finite amount of time and the deadline +// of the passed context is expected to be honored. +// +// The function needs to make unique observations across all registered +// Float64Callbacks. Meaning, it should not report measurements with the same +// attributes as another Float64Callbacks also registered for the same +// instrument. +// +// The function needs to be concurrent safe. +type Float64Callback func(context.Context, Float64Observer) error + +// Float64ObservableOption applies options to float64 Observer instruments. +type Float64ObservableOption interface { + Float64ObservableCounterOption + Float64ObservableUpDownCounterOption + Float64ObservableGaugeOption +} + +type float64CallbackOpt struct { + cback Float64Callback +} + +func (o float64CallbackOpt) applyFloat64ObservableCounter(cfg Float64ObservableCounterConfig) Float64ObservableCounterConfig { + cfg.callbacks = append(cfg.callbacks, o.cback) + return cfg +} + +func (o float64CallbackOpt) applyFloat64ObservableUpDownCounter(cfg Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig { + cfg.callbacks = append(cfg.callbacks, o.cback) + return cfg +} + +func (o float64CallbackOpt) applyFloat64ObservableGauge(cfg Float64ObservableGaugeConfig) Float64ObservableGaugeConfig { + cfg.callbacks = append(cfg.callbacks, o.cback) + return cfg +} + +// WithFloat64Callback adds callback to be called for an instrument. +func WithFloat64Callback(callback Float64Callback) Float64ObservableOption { + return float64CallbackOpt{callback} +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/asyncint64.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/asyncint64.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9bd6ebf02 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/asyncint64.go @@ -0,0 +1,269 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" + +import ( + "context" + + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded" +) + +// Int64Observable describes a set of instruments used asynchronously to record +// int64 measurements once per collection cycle. Observations of these +// instruments are only made within a callback. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. +type Int64Observable interface { + Observable + + int64Observable() +} + +// Int64ObservableCounter is an instrument used to asynchronously record +// increasing int64 measurements once per collection cycle. Observations are +// only made within a callback for this instrument. The value observed is +// assumed the to be the cumulative sum of the count. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Int64ObservableCounter interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Int64ObservableCounter + + Int64Observable +} + +// Int64ObservableCounterConfig contains options for asynchronous counter +// instruments that record int64 values. +type Int64ObservableCounterConfig struct { + description string + unit string + callbacks []Int64Callback +} + +// NewInt64ObservableCounterConfig returns a new [Int64ObservableCounterConfig] +// with all opts applied. +func NewInt64ObservableCounterConfig(opts ...Int64ObservableCounterOption) Int64ObservableCounterConfig { + var config Int64ObservableCounterConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyInt64ObservableCounter(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Int64ObservableCounterConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Int64ObservableCounterConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Callbacks returns the configured callbacks. +func (c Int64ObservableCounterConfig) Callbacks() []Int64Callback { + return c.callbacks +} + +// Int64ObservableCounterOption applies options to a +// [Int64ObservableCounterConfig]. See [Int64ObservableOption] and +// [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as an +// Int64ObservableCounterOption. +type Int64ObservableCounterOption interface { + applyInt64ObservableCounter(Int64ObservableCounterConfig) Int64ObservableCounterConfig +} + +// Int64ObservableUpDownCounter is an instrument used to asynchronously record +// int64 measurements once per collection cycle. Observations are only made +// within a callback for this instrument. The value observed is assumed the to +// be the cumulative sum of the count. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Int64ObservableUpDownCounter interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter + + Int64Observable +} + +// Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig contains options for asynchronous counter +// instruments that record int64 values. +type Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig struct { + description string + unit string + callbacks []Int64Callback +} + +// NewInt64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig returns a new +// [Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig] with all opts applied. +func NewInt64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig(opts ...Int64ObservableUpDownCounterOption) Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig { + var config Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyInt64ObservableUpDownCounter(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Callbacks returns the configured callbacks. +func (c Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Callbacks() []Int64Callback { + return c.callbacks +} + +// Int64ObservableUpDownCounterOption applies options to a +// [Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig]. See [Int64ObservableOption] and +// [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as an +// Int64ObservableUpDownCounterOption. +type Int64ObservableUpDownCounterOption interface { + applyInt64ObservableUpDownCounter(Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig +} + +// Int64ObservableGauge is an instrument used to asynchronously record +// instantaneous int64 measurements once per collection cycle. Observations are +// only made within a callback for this instrument. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Int64ObservableGauge interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Int64ObservableGauge + + Int64Observable +} + +// Int64ObservableGaugeConfig contains options for asynchronous counter +// instruments that record int64 values. +type Int64ObservableGaugeConfig struct { + description string + unit string + callbacks []Int64Callback +} + +// NewInt64ObservableGaugeConfig returns a new [Int64ObservableGaugeConfig] +// with all opts applied. +func NewInt64ObservableGaugeConfig(opts ...Int64ObservableGaugeOption) Int64ObservableGaugeConfig { + var config Int64ObservableGaugeConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyInt64ObservableGauge(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Int64ObservableGaugeConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Int64ObservableGaugeConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Callbacks returns the configured callbacks. +func (c Int64ObservableGaugeConfig) Callbacks() []Int64Callback { + return c.callbacks +} + +// Int64ObservableGaugeOption applies options to a +// [Int64ObservableGaugeConfig]. See [Int64ObservableOption] and +// [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as an +// Int64ObservableGaugeOption. +type Int64ObservableGaugeOption interface { + applyInt64ObservableGauge(Int64ObservableGaugeConfig) Int64ObservableGaugeConfig +} + +// Int64Observer is a recorder of int64 measurements. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Int64Observer interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Int64Observer + + // Observe records the int64 value. + // + // Use the WithAttributeSet (or, if performance is not a concern, + // the WithAttributes) option to include measurement attributes. + Observe(value int64, options ...ObserveOption) +} + +// Int64Callback is a function registered with a Meter that makes observations +// for an Int64Observerable instrument it is registered with. Calls to the +// Int64Observer record measurement values for the Int64Observable. +// +// The function needs to complete in a finite amount of time and the deadline +// of the passed context is expected to be honored. +// +// The function needs to make unique observations across all registered +// Int64Callbacks. Meaning, it should not report measurements with the same +// attributes as another Int64Callbacks also registered for the same +// instrument. +// +// The function needs to be concurrent safe. +type Int64Callback func(context.Context, Int64Observer) error + +// Int64ObservableOption applies options to int64 Observer instruments. +type Int64ObservableOption interface { + Int64ObservableCounterOption + Int64ObservableUpDownCounterOption + Int64ObservableGaugeOption +} + +type int64CallbackOpt struct { + cback Int64Callback +} + +func (o int64CallbackOpt) applyInt64ObservableCounter(cfg Int64ObservableCounterConfig) Int64ObservableCounterConfig { + cfg.callbacks = append(cfg.callbacks, o.cback) + return cfg +} + +func (o int64CallbackOpt) applyInt64ObservableUpDownCounter(cfg Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig { + cfg.callbacks = append(cfg.callbacks, o.cback) + return cfg +} + +func (o int64CallbackOpt) applyInt64ObservableGauge(cfg Int64ObservableGaugeConfig) Int64ObservableGaugeConfig { + cfg.callbacks = append(cfg.callbacks, o.cback) + return cfg +} + +// WithInt64Callback adds callback to be called for an instrument. +func WithInt64Callback(callback Int64Callback) Int64ObservableOption { + return int64CallbackOpt{callback} +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/config.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/config.go index 621e4c5fc..778ad2d74 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/config.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/config.go @@ -14,17 +14,30 @@ package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" +import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" + // MeterConfig contains options for Meters. type MeterConfig struct { instrumentationVersion string schemaURL string + attrs attribute.Set + + // Ensure forward compatibility by explicitly making this not comparable. + noCmp [0]func() //nolint: unused // This is indeed used. } -// InstrumentationVersion is the version of the library providing instrumentation. +// InstrumentationVersion returns the version of the library providing +// instrumentation. func (cfg MeterConfig) InstrumentationVersion() string { return cfg.instrumentationVersion } +// InstrumentationAttributes returns the attributes associated with the library +// providing instrumentation. +func (cfg MeterConfig) InstrumentationAttributes() attribute.Set { + return cfg.attrs +} + // SchemaURL is the schema_url of the library providing instrumentation. func (cfg MeterConfig) SchemaURL() string { return cfg.schemaURL @@ -60,6 +73,16 @@ func WithInstrumentationVersion(version string) MeterOption { }) } +// WithInstrumentationAttributes sets the instrumentation attributes. +// +// The passed attributes will be de-duplicated. +func WithInstrumentationAttributes(attr ...attribute.KeyValue) MeterOption { + return meterOptionFunc(func(config MeterConfig) MeterConfig { + config.attrs = attribute.NewSet(attr...) + return config + }) +} + // WithSchemaURL sets the schema URL. func WithSchemaURL(schemaURL string) MeterOption { return meterOptionFunc(func(config MeterConfig) MeterConfig { diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/doc.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/doc.go index bd6f43437..ae24e448d 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/doc.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/doc.go @@ -13,11 +13,158 @@ // limitations under the License. /* -Package metric provides an implementation of the metrics part of the -OpenTelemetry API. +Package metric provides the OpenTelemetry API used to measure metrics about +source code operation. -This package is currently in a pre-GA phase. Backwards incompatible changes -may be introduced in subsequent minor version releases as we work to track the -evolving OpenTelemetry specification and user feedback. +This API is separate from its implementation so the instrumentation built from +it is reusable. See [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric] for the official +OpenTelemetry implementation of this API. + +All measurements made with this package are made via instruments. These +instruments are created by a [Meter] which itself is created by a +[MeterProvider]. Applications need to accept a [MeterProvider] implementation +as a starting point when instrumenting. This can be done directly, or by using +the OpenTelemetry global MeterProvider via [GetMeterProvider]. Using an +appropriately named [Meter] from the accepted [MeterProvider], instrumentation +can then be built from the [Meter]'s instruments. + +# Instruments + +Each instrument is designed to make measurements of a particular type. Broadly, +all instruments fall into two overlapping logical categories: asynchronous or +synchronous, and int64 or float64. + +All synchronous instruments ([Int64Counter], [Int64UpDownCounter], +[Int64Histogram], [Float64Counter], [Float64UpDownCounter], and +[Float64Histogram]) are used to measure the operation and performance of source +code during the source code execution. These instruments only make measurements +when the source code they instrument is run. + +All asynchronous instruments ([Int64ObservableCounter], +[Int64ObservableUpDownCounter], [Int64ObservableGauge], +[Float64ObservableCounter], [Float64ObservableUpDownCounter], and +[Float64ObservableGauge]) are used to measure metrics outside of the execution +of source code. They are said to make "observations" via a callback function +called once every measurement collection cycle. + +Each instrument is also grouped by the value type it measures. Either int64 or +float64. The value being measured will dictate which instrument in these +categories to use. + +Outside of these two broad categories, instruments are described by the +function they are designed to serve. All Counters ([Int64Counter], +[Float64Counter], [Int64ObservableCounter], and [Float64ObservableCounter]) are +designed to measure values that never decrease in value, but instead only +incrementally increase in value. UpDownCounters ([Int64UpDownCounter], +[Float64UpDownCounter], [Int64ObservableUpDownCounter], and +[Float64ObservableUpDownCounter]) on the other hand, are designed to measure +values that can increase and decrease. When more information needs to be +conveyed about all the synchronous measurements made during a collection cycle, +a Histogram ([Int64Histogram] and [Float64Histogram]) should be used. Finally, +when just the most recent measurement needs to be conveyed about an +asynchronous measurement, a Gauge ([Int64ObservableGauge] and +[Float64ObservableGauge]) should be used. + +See the [OpenTelemetry documentation] for more information about instruments +and their intended use. + +# Measurements + +Measurements are made by recording values and information about the values with +an instrument. How these measurements are recorded depends on the instrument. + +Measurements for synchronous instruments ([Int64Counter], [Int64UpDownCounter], +[Int64Histogram], [Float64Counter], [Float64UpDownCounter], and +[Float64Histogram]) are recorded using the instrument methods directly. All +counter instruments have an Add method that is used to measure an increment +value, and all histogram instruments have a Record method to measure a data +point. + +Asynchronous instruments ([Int64ObservableCounter], +[Int64ObservableUpDownCounter], [Int64ObservableGauge], +[Float64ObservableCounter], [Float64ObservableUpDownCounter], and +[Float64ObservableGauge]) record measurements within a callback function. The +callback is registered with the Meter which ensures the callback is called once +per collection cycle. A callback can be registered two ways: during the +instrument's creation using an option, or later using the RegisterCallback +method of the [Meter] that created the instrument. + +If the following criteria are met, an option ([WithInt64Callback] or +[WithFloat64Callback]) can be used during the asynchronous instrument's +creation to register a callback ([Int64Callback] or [Float64Callback], +respectively): + + - The measurement process is known when the instrument is created + - Only that instrument will make a measurement within the callback + - The callback never needs to be unregistered + +If the criteria are not met, use the RegisterCallback method of the [Meter] that +created the instrument to register a [Callback]. + +# API Implementations + +This package does not conform to the standard Go versioning policy, all of its +interfaces may have methods added to them without a package major version bump. +This non-standard API evolution could surprise an uninformed implementation +author. They could unknowingly build their implementation in a way that would +result in a runtime panic for their users that update to the new API. + +The API is designed to help inform an instrumentation author about this +non-standard API evolution. It requires them to choose a default behavior for +unimplemented interface methods. There are three behavior choices they can +make: + + - Compilation failure + - Panic + - Default to another implementation + +All interfaces in this API embed a corresponding interface from +[go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded]. If an author wants the default +behavior of their implementations to be a compilation failure, signaling to +their users they need to update to the latest version of that implementation, +they need to embed the corresponding interface from +[go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded] in their implementation. For +example, + + import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded" + + type MeterProvider struct { + embedded.MeterProvider + // ... + } + +If an author wants the default behavior of their implementations to a panic, +they need to embed the API interface directly. + + import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" + + type MeterProvider struct { + metric.MeterProvider + // ... + } + +This is not a recommended behavior as it could lead to publishing packages that +contain runtime panics when users update other package that use newer versions +of [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric]. + +Finally, an author can embed another implementation in theirs. The embedded +implementation will be used for methods not defined by the author. For example, +an author who want to default to silently dropping the call can use +[go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/noop]: + + import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/noop" + + type MeterProvider struct { + noop.MeterProvider + // ... + } + +It is strongly recommended that authors only embed +[go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/noop] if they choose this default behavior. +That implementation is the only one OpenTelemetry authors can guarantee will +fully implement all the API interfaces when a user updates their API. + +[OpenTelemetry documentation]: https://opentelemetry.io/docs/concepts/signals/metrics/ +[GetMeterProvider]: https://pkg.go.dev/go.opentelemetry.io/otel#GetMeterProvider */ package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded/embedded.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded/embedded.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae0bdbd2e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded/embedded.go @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +// Package embedded provides interfaces embedded within the [OpenTelemetry +// metric API]. +// +// Implementers of the [OpenTelemetry metric API] can embed the relevant type +// from this package into their implementation directly. Doing so will result +// in a compilation error for users when the [OpenTelemetry metric API] is +// extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump of +// the API package). +// +// [OpenTelemetry metric API]: https://pkg.go.dev/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric +package embedded // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded" + +// MeterProvider is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.MeterProvider]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.MeterProvider] if you want users to +// experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update to your latest +// implementation, when the [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.MeterProvider] +// interface is extended (which is something that can happen without a major +// version bump of the API package). +type MeterProvider interface{ meterProvider() } + +// Meter is embedded in [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Meter]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Meter] if you want users to experience a +// compilation error, signaling they need to update to your latest +// implementation, when the [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Meter] interface +// is extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump +// of the API package). +type Meter interface{ meter() } + +// Float64Observer is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64Observer]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64Observer] if you want +// users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update to +// your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64Observer] interface is +// extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump of +// the API package). +type Float64Observer interface{ float64Observer() } + +// Int64Observer is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64Observer]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64Observer] if you want users +// to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update to your +// latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64Observer] interface is +// extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump of +// the API package). +type Int64Observer interface{ int64Observer() } + +// Observer is embedded in [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Observer]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Observer] if you want users to experience a +// compilation error, signaling they need to update to your latest +// implementation, when the [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Observer] +// interface is extended (which is something that can happen without a major +// version bump of the API package). +type Observer interface{ observer() } + +// Registration is embedded in [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Registration]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Registration] if you want users to +// experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update to your latest +// implementation, when the [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Registration] +// interface is extended (which is something that can happen without a major +// version bump of the API package). +type Registration interface{ registration() } + +// Float64Counter is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64Counter]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64Counter] if you want +// users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update to +// your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64Counter] interface is +// extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump of +// the API package). +type Float64Counter interface{ float64Counter() } + +// Float64Histogram is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64Histogram]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64Histogram] if you want +// users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update to +// your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64Histogram] interface is +// extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump of +// the API package). +type Float64Histogram interface{ float64Histogram() } + +// Float64ObservableCounter is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64ObservableCounter]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64ObservableCounter] if you +// want users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update +// to your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64ObservableCounter] +// interface is extended (which is something that can happen without a major +// version bump of the API package). +type Float64ObservableCounter interface{ float64ObservableCounter() } + +// Float64ObservableGauge is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64ObservableGauge]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64ObservableGauge] if you +// want users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update +// to your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64ObservableGauge] +// interface is extended (which is something that can happen without a major +// version bump of the API package). +type Float64ObservableGauge interface{ float64ObservableGauge() } + +// Float64ObservableUpDownCounter is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter] +// if you want users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to +// update to your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64ObservableUpDownCounter] +// interface is extended (which is something that can happen without a major +// version bump of the API package). +type Float64ObservableUpDownCounter interface{ float64ObservableUpDownCounter() } + +// Float64UpDownCounter is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64UpDownCounter]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64UpDownCounter] if you +// want users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update +// to your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Float64UpDownCounter] interface +// is extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump +// of the API package). +type Float64UpDownCounter interface{ float64UpDownCounter() } + +// Int64Counter is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64Counter]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64Counter] if you want users +// to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update to your +// latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64Counter] interface is +// extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump of +// the API package). +type Int64Counter interface{ int64Counter() } + +// Int64Histogram is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64Histogram]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64Histogram] if you want +// users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update to +// your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64Histogram] interface is +// extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump of +// the API package). +type Int64Histogram interface{ int64Histogram() } + +// Int64ObservableCounter is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64ObservableCounter]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64ObservableCounter] if you +// want users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update +// to your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64ObservableCounter] +// interface is extended (which is something that can happen without a major +// version bump of the API package). +type Int64ObservableCounter interface{ int64ObservableCounter() } + +// Int64ObservableGauge is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64ObservableGauge]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64ObservableGauge] if you +// want users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update +// to your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64ObservableGauge] interface +// is extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump +// of the API package). +type Int64ObservableGauge interface{ int64ObservableGauge() } + +// Int64ObservableUpDownCounter is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter] if +// you want users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to +// update to your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter] +// interface is extended (which is something that can happen without a major +// version bump of the API package). +type Int64ObservableUpDownCounter interface{ int64ObservableUpDownCounter() } + +// Int64UpDownCounter is embedded in +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64UpDownCounter]. +// +// Embed this interface in your implementation of the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64UpDownCounter] if you want +// users to experience a compilation error, signaling they need to update to +// your latest implementation, when the +// [go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric.Int64UpDownCounter] interface is +// extended (which is something that can happen without a major version bump of +// the API package). +type Int64UpDownCounter interface{ int64UpDownCounter() } diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/global/global.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/global/global.go deleted file mode 100644 index 05a67c2e9..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/global/global.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package global // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/global" - -import ( - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global" -) - -// Meter returns a Meter from the global MeterProvider. The -// instrumentationName must be the name of the library providing -// instrumentation. This name may be the same as the instrumented code only if -// that code provides built-in instrumentation. If the instrumentationName is -// empty, then a implementation defined default name will be used instead. -// -// This is short for MeterProvider().Meter(name). -func Meter(instrumentationName string, opts ...metric.MeterOption) metric.Meter { - return MeterProvider().Meter(instrumentationName, opts...) -} - -// MeterProvider returns the registered global trace provider. -// If none is registered then a No-op MeterProvider is returned. -func MeterProvider() metric.MeterProvider { - return global.MeterProvider() -} - -// SetMeterProvider registers `mp` as the global meter provider. -func SetMeterProvider(mp metric.MeterProvider) { - global.SetMeterProvider(mp) -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cdca00058 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument.go @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" + +import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" + +// Observable is used as a grouping mechanism for all instruments that are +// updated within a Callback. +type Observable interface { + observable() +} + +// InstrumentOption applies options to all instruments. +type InstrumentOption interface { + Int64CounterOption + Int64UpDownCounterOption + Int64HistogramOption + Int64ObservableCounterOption + Int64ObservableUpDownCounterOption + Int64ObservableGaugeOption + + Float64CounterOption + Float64UpDownCounterOption + Float64HistogramOption + Float64ObservableCounterOption + Float64ObservableUpDownCounterOption + Float64ObservableGaugeOption +} + +type descOpt string + +func (o descOpt) applyFloat64Counter(c Float64CounterConfig) Float64CounterConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyFloat64UpDownCounter(c Float64UpDownCounterConfig) Float64UpDownCounterConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyFloat64Histogram(c Float64HistogramConfig) Float64HistogramConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyFloat64ObservableCounter(c Float64ObservableCounterConfig) Float64ObservableCounterConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyFloat64ObservableUpDownCounter(c Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyFloat64ObservableGauge(c Float64ObservableGaugeConfig) Float64ObservableGaugeConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyInt64Counter(c Int64CounterConfig) Int64CounterConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyInt64UpDownCounter(c Int64UpDownCounterConfig) Int64UpDownCounterConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyInt64Histogram(c Int64HistogramConfig) Int64HistogramConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyInt64ObservableCounter(c Int64ObservableCounterConfig) Int64ObservableCounterConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyInt64ObservableUpDownCounter(c Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o descOpt) applyInt64ObservableGauge(c Int64ObservableGaugeConfig) Int64ObservableGaugeConfig { + c.description = string(o) + return c +} + +// WithDescription sets the instrument description. +func WithDescription(desc string) InstrumentOption { return descOpt(desc) } + +type unitOpt string + +func (o unitOpt) applyFloat64Counter(c Float64CounterConfig) Float64CounterConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyFloat64UpDownCounter(c Float64UpDownCounterConfig) Float64UpDownCounterConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyFloat64Histogram(c Float64HistogramConfig) Float64HistogramConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyFloat64ObservableCounter(c Float64ObservableCounterConfig) Float64ObservableCounterConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyFloat64ObservableUpDownCounter(c Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Float64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyFloat64ObservableGauge(c Float64ObservableGaugeConfig) Float64ObservableGaugeConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyInt64Counter(c Int64CounterConfig) Int64CounterConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyInt64UpDownCounter(c Int64UpDownCounterConfig) Int64UpDownCounterConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyInt64Histogram(c Int64HistogramConfig) Int64HistogramConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyInt64ObservableCounter(c Int64ObservableCounterConfig) Int64ObservableCounterConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyInt64ObservableUpDownCounter(c Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig) Int64ObservableUpDownCounterConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +func (o unitOpt) applyInt64ObservableGauge(c Int64ObservableGaugeConfig) Int64ObservableGaugeConfig { + c.unit = string(o) + return c +} + +// WithUnit sets the instrument unit. +// +// The unit u should be defined using the appropriate [UCUM](https://ucum.org) case-sensitive code. +func WithUnit(u string) InstrumentOption { return unitOpt(u) } + +// AddOption applies options to an addition measurement. See +// [MeasurementOption] for other options that can be used as an AddOption. +type AddOption interface { + applyAdd(AddConfig) AddConfig +} + +// AddConfig contains options for an addition measurement. +type AddConfig struct { + attrs attribute.Set +} + +// NewAddConfig returns a new [AddConfig] with all opts applied. +func NewAddConfig(opts []AddOption) AddConfig { + config := AddConfig{attrs: *attribute.EmptySet()} + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyAdd(config) + } + return config +} + +// Attributes returns the configured attribute set. +func (c AddConfig) Attributes() attribute.Set { + return c.attrs +} + +// RecordOption applies options to an addition measurement. See +// [MeasurementOption] for other options that can be used as a RecordOption. +type RecordOption interface { + applyRecord(RecordConfig) RecordConfig +} + +// RecordConfig contains options for a recorded measurement. +type RecordConfig struct { + attrs attribute.Set +} + +// NewRecordConfig returns a new [RecordConfig] with all opts applied. +func NewRecordConfig(opts []RecordOption) RecordConfig { + config := RecordConfig{attrs: *attribute.EmptySet()} + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyRecord(config) + } + return config +} + +// Attributes returns the configured attribute set. +func (c RecordConfig) Attributes() attribute.Set { + return c.attrs +} + +// ObserveOption applies options to an addition measurement. See +// [MeasurementOption] for other options that can be used as a ObserveOption. +type ObserveOption interface { + applyObserve(ObserveConfig) ObserveConfig +} + +// ObserveConfig contains options for an observed measurement. +type ObserveConfig struct { + attrs attribute.Set +} + +// NewObserveConfig returns a new [ObserveConfig] with all opts applied. +func NewObserveConfig(opts []ObserveOption) ObserveConfig { + config := ObserveConfig{attrs: *attribute.EmptySet()} + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyObserve(config) + } + return config +} + +// Attributes returns the configured attribute set. +func (c ObserveConfig) Attributes() attribute.Set { + return c.attrs +} + +// MeasurementOption applies options to all instrument measurement. +type MeasurementOption interface { + AddOption + RecordOption + ObserveOption +} + +type attrOpt struct { + set attribute.Set +} + +// mergeSets returns the union of keys between a and b. Any duplicate keys will +// use the value associated with b. +func mergeSets(a, b attribute.Set) attribute.Set { + // NewMergeIterator uses the first value for any duplicates. + iter := attribute.NewMergeIterator(&b, &a) + merged := make([]attribute.KeyValue, 0, a.Len()+b.Len()) + for iter.Next() { + merged = append(merged, iter.Attribute()) + } + return attribute.NewSet(merged...) +} + +func (o attrOpt) applyAdd(c AddConfig) AddConfig { + switch { + case o.set.Len() == 0: + case c.attrs.Len() == 0: + c.attrs = o.set + default: + c.attrs = mergeSets(c.attrs, o.set) + } + return c +} + +func (o attrOpt) applyRecord(c RecordConfig) RecordConfig { + switch { + case o.set.Len() == 0: + case c.attrs.Len() == 0: + c.attrs = o.set + default: + c.attrs = mergeSets(c.attrs, o.set) + } + return c +} + +func (o attrOpt) applyObserve(c ObserveConfig) ObserveConfig { + switch { + case o.set.Len() == 0: + case c.attrs.Len() == 0: + c.attrs = o.set + default: + c.attrs = mergeSets(c.attrs, o.set) + } + return c +} + +// WithAttributeSet sets the attribute Set associated with a measurement is +// made with. +// +// If multiple WithAttributeSet or WithAttributes options are passed the +// attributes will be merged together in the order they are passed. Attributes +// with duplicate keys will use the last value passed. +func WithAttributeSet(attributes attribute.Set) MeasurementOption { + return attrOpt{set: attributes} +} + +// WithAttributes converts attributes into an attribute Set and sets the Set to +// be associated with a measurement. This is shorthand for: +// +// cp := make([]attribute.KeyValue, len(attributes)) +// copy(cp, attributes) +// WithAttributes(attribute.NewSet(cp...)) +// +// [attribute.NewSet] may modify the passed attributes so this will make a copy +// of attributes before creating a set in order to ensure this function is +// concurrent safe. This makes this option function less optimized in +// comparison to [WithAttributeSet]. Therefore, [WithAttributeSet] should be +// preferred for performance sensitive code. +// +// See [WithAttributeSet] for information about how multiple WithAttributes are +// merged. +func WithAttributes(attributes ...attribute.KeyValue) MeasurementOption { + cp := make([]attribute.KeyValue, len(attributes)) + copy(cp, attributes) + return attrOpt{set: attribute.NewSet(cp...)} +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64/asyncfloat64.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64/asyncfloat64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5c8260ceb..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64/asyncfloat64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package asyncfloat64 // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64" - -import ( - "context" - - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument" -) - -// InstrumentProvider provides access to individual instruments. -type InstrumentProvider interface { - // Counter creates an instrument for recording increasing values. - Counter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (Counter, error) - - // UpDownCounter creates an instrument for recording changes of a value. - UpDownCounter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (UpDownCounter, error) - - // Gauge creates an instrument for recording the current value. - Gauge(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (Gauge, error) -} - -// Counter is an instrument that records increasing values. -type Counter interface { - // Observe records the state of the instrument to be x. The value of x is - // assumed to be the exact Counter value to record. - // - // It is only valid to call this within a callback. If called outside of the - // registered callback it should have no effect on the instrument, and an - // error will be reported via the error handler. - Observe(ctx context.Context, x float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -// UpDownCounter is an instrument that records increasing or decreasing values. -type UpDownCounter interface { - // Observe records the state of the instrument to be x. The value of x is - // assumed to be the exact UpDownCounter value to record. - // - // It is only valid to call this within a callback. If called outside of the - // registered callback it should have no effect on the instrument, and an - // error will be reported via the error handler. - Observe(ctx context.Context, x float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -// Gauge is an instrument that records independent readings. -type Gauge interface { - // Observe records the state of the instrument to be x. - // - // It is only valid to call this within a callback. If called outside of the - // registered callback it should have no effect on the instrument, and an - // error will be reported via the error handler. - Observe(ctx context.Context, x float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Asynchronous -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64/asyncint64.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64/asyncint64.go deleted file mode 100644 index b07409c79..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64/asyncint64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package asyncint64 // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64" - -import ( - "context" - - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument" -) - -// InstrumentProvider provides access to individual instruments. -type InstrumentProvider interface { - // Counter creates an instrument for recording increasing values. - Counter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (Counter, error) - - // UpDownCounter creates an instrument for recording changes of a value. - UpDownCounter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (UpDownCounter, error) - - // Gauge creates an instrument for recording the current value. - Gauge(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (Gauge, error) -} - -// Counter is an instrument that records increasing values. -type Counter interface { - // Observe records the state of the instrument to be x. The value of x is - // assumed to be the exact Counter value to record. - // - // It is only valid to call this within a callback. If called outside of the - // registered callback it should have no effect on the instrument, and an - // error will be reported via the error handler. - Observe(ctx context.Context, x int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -// UpDownCounter is an instrument that records increasing or decreasing values. -type UpDownCounter interface { - // Observe records the state of the instrument to be x. The value of x is - // assumed to be the exact UpDownCounter value to record. - // - // It is only valid to call this within a callback. If called outside of the - // registered callback it should have no effect on the instrument, and an - // error will be reported via the error handler. - Observe(ctx context.Context, x int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -// Gauge is an instrument that records independent readings. -type Gauge interface { - // Observe records the state of the instrument to be x. - // - // It is only valid to call this within a callback. If called outside of the - // registered callback it should have no effect on the instrument, and an - // error will be reported via the error handler. - Observe(ctx context.Context, x int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Asynchronous -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/config.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/config.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8778bce16..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/config.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package instrument // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument" - -import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit" - -// Config contains options for metric instrument descriptors. -type Config struct { - description string - unit unit.Unit -} - -// Description describes the instrument in human-readable terms. -func (cfg Config) Description() string { - return cfg.description -} - -// Unit describes the measurement unit for an instrument. -func (cfg Config) Unit() unit.Unit { - return cfg.unit -} - -// Option is an interface for applying metric instrument options. -type Option interface { - applyInstrument(Config) Config -} - -// NewConfig creates a new Config and applies all the given options. -func NewConfig(opts ...Option) Config { - var config Config - for _, o := range opts { - config = o.applyInstrument(config) - } - return config -} - -type optionFunc func(Config) Config - -func (fn optionFunc) applyInstrument(cfg Config) Config { - return fn(cfg) -} - -// WithDescription applies provided description. -func WithDescription(desc string) Option { - return optionFunc(func(cfg Config) Config { - cfg.description = desc - return cfg - }) -} - -// WithUnit applies provided unit. -func WithUnit(u unit.Unit) Option { - return optionFunc(func(cfg Config) Config { - cfg.unit = u - return cfg - }) -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/instrument.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/instrument.go deleted file mode 100644 index e1bbb850d..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/instrument.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package instrument // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument" - -// Asynchronous instruments are instruments that are updated within a Callback. -// If an instrument is observed outside of it's callback it should be an error. -// -// This interface is used as a grouping mechanism. -type Asynchronous interface { - asynchronous() -} - -// Synchronous instruments are updated in line with application code. -// -// This interface is used as a grouping mechanism. -type Synchronous interface { - synchronous() -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64/syncfloat64.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64/syncfloat64.go deleted file mode 100644 index 435db1127..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64/syncfloat64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package syncfloat64 // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64" - -import ( - "context" - - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument" -) - -// InstrumentProvider provides access to individual instruments. -type InstrumentProvider interface { - // Counter creates an instrument for recording increasing values. - Counter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (Counter, error) - // UpDownCounter creates an instrument for recording changes of a value. - UpDownCounter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (UpDownCounter, error) - // Histogram creates an instrument for recording a distribution of values. - Histogram(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (Histogram, error) -} - -// Counter is an instrument that records increasing values. -type Counter interface { - // Add records a change to the counter. - Add(ctx context.Context, incr float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Synchronous -} - -// UpDownCounter is an instrument that records increasing or decreasing values. -type UpDownCounter interface { - // Add records a change to the counter. - Add(ctx context.Context, incr float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Synchronous -} - -// Histogram is an instrument that records a distribution of values. -type Histogram interface { - // Record adds an additional value to the distribution. - Record(ctx context.Context, incr float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Synchronous -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64/syncint64.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64/syncint64.go deleted file mode 100644 index c77a46728..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64/syncint64.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package syncint64 // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64" - -import ( - "context" - - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument" -) - -// InstrumentProvider provides access to individual instruments. -type InstrumentProvider interface { - // Counter creates an instrument for recording increasing values. - Counter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (Counter, error) - // UpDownCounter creates an instrument for recording changes of a value. - UpDownCounter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (UpDownCounter, error) - // Histogram creates an instrument for recording a distribution of values. - Histogram(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (Histogram, error) -} - -// Counter is an instrument that records increasing values. -type Counter interface { - // Add records a change to the counter. - Add(ctx context.Context, incr int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Synchronous -} - -// UpDownCounter is an instrument that records increasing or decreasing values. -type UpDownCounter interface { - // Add records a change to the counter. - Add(ctx context.Context, incr int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Synchronous -} - -// Histogram is an instrument that records a distribution of values. -type Histogram interface { - // Record adds an additional value to the distribution. - Record(ctx context.Context, incr int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) - - instrument.Synchronous -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global/instruments.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global/instruments.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7cce2bd15..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global/instruments.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,360 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package global // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global" - -import ( - "context" - "sync/atomic" - - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64" -) - -type afCounter struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //asyncfloat64.Counter - - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -func (i *afCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.AsyncFloat64().Counter(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *afCounter) Observe(ctx context.Context, x float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(asyncfloat64.Counter).Observe(ctx, x, attrs...) - } -} - -func (i *afCounter) unwrap() instrument.Asynchronous { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - return ctr.(asyncfloat64.Counter) - } - return nil -} - -type afUpDownCounter struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //asyncfloat64.UpDownCounter - - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -func (i *afUpDownCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.AsyncFloat64().UpDownCounter(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *afUpDownCounter) Observe(ctx context.Context, x float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(asyncfloat64.UpDownCounter).Observe(ctx, x, attrs...) - } -} - -func (i *afUpDownCounter) unwrap() instrument.Asynchronous { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - return ctr.(asyncfloat64.UpDownCounter) - } - return nil -} - -type afGauge struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //asyncfloat64.Gauge - - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -func (i *afGauge) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.AsyncFloat64().Gauge(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *afGauge) Observe(ctx context.Context, x float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(asyncfloat64.Gauge).Observe(ctx, x, attrs...) - } -} - -func (i *afGauge) unwrap() instrument.Asynchronous { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - return ctr.(asyncfloat64.Gauge) - } - return nil -} - -type aiCounter struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //asyncint64.Counter - - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -func (i *aiCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.AsyncInt64().Counter(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *aiCounter) Observe(ctx context.Context, x int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(asyncint64.Counter).Observe(ctx, x, attrs...) - } -} - -func (i *aiCounter) unwrap() instrument.Asynchronous { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - return ctr.(asyncint64.Counter) - } - return nil -} - -type aiUpDownCounter struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //asyncint64.UpDownCounter - - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -func (i *aiUpDownCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.AsyncInt64().UpDownCounter(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *aiUpDownCounter) Observe(ctx context.Context, x int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(asyncint64.UpDownCounter).Observe(ctx, x, attrs...) - } -} - -func (i *aiUpDownCounter) unwrap() instrument.Asynchronous { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - return ctr.(asyncint64.UpDownCounter) - } - return nil -} - -type aiGauge struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //asyncint64.Gauge - - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -func (i *aiGauge) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.AsyncInt64().Gauge(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *aiGauge) Observe(ctx context.Context, x int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(asyncint64.Gauge).Observe(ctx, x, attrs...) - } -} - -func (i *aiGauge) unwrap() instrument.Asynchronous { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - return ctr.(asyncint64.Gauge) - } - return nil -} - -// Sync Instruments. -type sfCounter struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //syncfloat64.Counter - - instrument.Synchronous -} - -func (i *sfCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.SyncFloat64().Counter(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *sfCounter) Add(ctx context.Context, incr float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(syncfloat64.Counter).Add(ctx, incr, attrs...) - } -} - -type sfUpDownCounter struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //syncfloat64.UpDownCounter - - instrument.Synchronous -} - -func (i *sfUpDownCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.SyncFloat64().UpDownCounter(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *sfUpDownCounter) Add(ctx context.Context, incr float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(syncfloat64.UpDownCounter).Add(ctx, incr, attrs...) - } -} - -type sfHistogram struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //syncfloat64.Histogram - - instrument.Synchronous -} - -func (i *sfHistogram) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.SyncFloat64().Histogram(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *sfHistogram) Record(ctx context.Context, x float64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(syncfloat64.Histogram).Record(ctx, x, attrs...) - } -} - -type siCounter struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //syncint64.Counter - - instrument.Synchronous -} - -func (i *siCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.SyncInt64().Counter(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *siCounter) Add(ctx context.Context, x int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(syncint64.Counter).Add(ctx, x, attrs...) - } -} - -type siUpDownCounter struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //syncint64.UpDownCounter - - instrument.Synchronous -} - -func (i *siUpDownCounter) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.SyncInt64().UpDownCounter(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *siUpDownCounter) Add(ctx context.Context, x int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(syncint64.UpDownCounter).Add(ctx, x, attrs...) - } -} - -type siHistogram struct { - name string - opts []instrument.Option - - delegate atomic.Value //syncint64.Histogram - - instrument.Synchronous -} - -func (i *siHistogram) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - ctr, err := m.SyncInt64().Histogram(i.name, i.opts...) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - return - } - i.delegate.Store(ctr) -} - -func (i *siHistogram) Record(ctx context.Context, x int64, attrs ...attribute.KeyValue) { - if ctr := i.delegate.Load(); ctr != nil { - ctr.(syncint64.Histogram).Record(ctx, x, attrs...) - } -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global/meter.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global/meter.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0fa924f39..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global/meter.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,347 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package global // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global" - -import ( - "context" - "sync" - "sync/atomic" - - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64" -) - -// meterProvider is a placeholder for a configured SDK MeterProvider. -// -// All MeterProvider functionality is forwarded to a delegate once -// configured. -type meterProvider struct { - mtx sync.Mutex - meters map[il]*meter - - delegate metric.MeterProvider -} - -type il struct { - name string - version string -} - -// setDelegate configures p to delegate all MeterProvider functionality to -// provider. -// -// All Meters provided prior to this function call are switched out to be -// Meters provided by provider. All instruments and callbacks are recreated and -// delegated. -// -// It is guaranteed by the caller that this happens only once. -func (p *meterProvider) setDelegate(provider metric.MeterProvider) { - p.mtx.Lock() - defer p.mtx.Unlock() - - p.delegate = provider - - if len(p.meters) == 0 { - return - } - - for _, meter := range p.meters { - meter.setDelegate(provider) - } - - p.meters = nil -} - -// Meter implements MeterProvider. -func (p *meterProvider) Meter(name string, opts ...metric.MeterOption) metric.Meter { - p.mtx.Lock() - defer p.mtx.Unlock() - - if p.delegate != nil { - return p.delegate.Meter(name, opts...) - } - - // At this moment it is guaranteed that no sdk is installed, save the meter in the meters map. - - c := metric.NewMeterConfig(opts...) - key := il{ - name: name, - version: c.InstrumentationVersion(), - } - - if p.meters == nil { - p.meters = make(map[il]*meter) - } - - if val, ok := p.meters[key]; ok { - return val - } - - t := &meter{name: name, opts: opts} - p.meters[key] = t - return t -} - -// meter is a placeholder for a metric.Meter. -// -// All Meter functionality is forwarded to a delegate once configured. -// Otherwise, all functionality is forwarded to a NoopMeter. -type meter struct { - name string - opts []metric.MeterOption - - mtx sync.Mutex - instruments []delegatedInstrument - callbacks []delegatedCallback - - delegate atomic.Value // metric.Meter -} - -type delegatedInstrument interface { - setDelegate(metric.Meter) -} - -// setDelegate configures m to delegate all Meter functionality to Meters -// created by provider. -// -// All subsequent calls to the Meter methods will be passed to the delegate. -// -// It is guaranteed by the caller that this happens only once. -func (m *meter) setDelegate(provider metric.MeterProvider) { - meter := provider.Meter(m.name, m.opts...) - m.delegate.Store(meter) - - m.mtx.Lock() - defer m.mtx.Unlock() - - for _, inst := range m.instruments { - inst.setDelegate(meter) - } - - for _, callback := range m.callbacks { - callback.setDelegate(meter) - } - - m.instruments = nil - m.callbacks = nil -} - -// AsyncInt64 is the namespace for the Asynchronous Integer instruments. -// -// To Observe data with instruments it must be registered in a callback. -func (m *meter) AsyncInt64() asyncint64.InstrumentProvider { - if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { - return del.AsyncInt64() - } - return (*aiInstProvider)(m) -} - -// AsyncFloat64 is the namespace for the Asynchronous Float instruments. -// -// To Observe data with instruments it must be registered in a callback. -func (m *meter) AsyncFloat64() asyncfloat64.InstrumentProvider { - if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { - return del.AsyncFloat64() - } - return (*afInstProvider)(m) -} - -// RegisterCallback captures the function that will be called during Collect. -// -// It is only valid to call Observe within the scope of the passed function, -// and only on the instruments that were registered with this call. -func (m *meter) RegisterCallback(insts []instrument.Asynchronous, function func(context.Context)) error { - if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { - insts = unwrapInstruments(insts) - return del.RegisterCallback(insts, function) - } - - m.mtx.Lock() - defer m.mtx.Unlock() - m.callbacks = append(m.callbacks, delegatedCallback{ - instruments: insts, - function: function, - }) - - return nil -} - -type wrapped interface { - unwrap() instrument.Asynchronous -} - -func unwrapInstruments(instruments []instrument.Asynchronous) []instrument.Asynchronous { - out := make([]instrument.Asynchronous, 0, len(instruments)) - - for _, inst := range instruments { - if in, ok := inst.(wrapped); ok { - out = append(out, in.unwrap()) - } else { - out = append(out, inst) - } - } - - return out -} - -// SyncInt64 is the namespace for the Synchronous Integer instruments. -func (m *meter) SyncInt64() syncint64.InstrumentProvider { - if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { - return del.SyncInt64() - } - return (*siInstProvider)(m) -} - -// SyncFloat64 is the namespace for the Synchronous Float instruments. -func (m *meter) SyncFloat64() syncfloat64.InstrumentProvider { - if del, ok := m.delegate.Load().(metric.Meter); ok { - return del.SyncFloat64() - } - return (*sfInstProvider)(m) -} - -type delegatedCallback struct { - instruments []instrument.Asynchronous - function func(context.Context) -} - -func (c *delegatedCallback) setDelegate(m metric.Meter) { - insts := unwrapInstruments(c.instruments) - err := m.RegisterCallback(insts, c.function) - if err != nil { - otel.Handle(err) - } -} - -type afInstProvider meter - -// Counter creates an instrument for recording increasing values. -func (ip *afInstProvider) Counter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (asyncfloat64.Counter, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &afCounter{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -// UpDownCounter creates an instrument for recording changes of a value. -func (ip *afInstProvider) UpDownCounter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (asyncfloat64.UpDownCounter, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &afUpDownCounter{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -// Gauge creates an instrument for recording the current value. -func (ip *afInstProvider) Gauge(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (asyncfloat64.Gauge, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &afGauge{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -type aiInstProvider meter - -// Counter creates an instrument for recording increasing values. -func (ip *aiInstProvider) Counter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (asyncint64.Counter, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &aiCounter{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -// UpDownCounter creates an instrument for recording changes of a value. -func (ip *aiInstProvider) UpDownCounter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (asyncint64.UpDownCounter, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &aiUpDownCounter{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -// Gauge creates an instrument for recording the current value. -func (ip *aiInstProvider) Gauge(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (asyncint64.Gauge, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &aiGauge{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -type sfInstProvider meter - -// Counter creates an instrument for recording increasing values. -func (ip *sfInstProvider) Counter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (syncfloat64.Counter, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &sfCounter{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -// UpDownCounter creates an instrument for recording changes of a value. -func (ip *sfInstProvider) UpDownCounter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (syncfloat64.UpDownCounter, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &sfUpDownCounter{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -// Histogram creates an instrument for recording a distribution of values. -func (ip *sfInstProvider) Histogram(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (syncfloat64.Histogram, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &sfHistogram{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -type siInstProvider meter - -// Counter creates an instrument for recording increasing values. -func (ip *siInstProvider) Counter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (syncint64.Counter, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &siCounter{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -// UpDownCounter creates an instrument for recording changes of a value. -func (ip *siInstProvider) UpDownCounter(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (syncint64.UpDownCounter, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &siUpDownCounter{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} - -// Histogram creates an instrument for recording a distribution of values. -func (ip *siInstProvider) Histogram(name string, opts ...instrument.Option) (syncint64.Histogram, error) { - ip.mtx.Lock() - defer ip.mtx.Unlock() - ctr := &siHistogram{name: name, opts: opts} - ip.instruments = append(ip.instruments, ctr) - return ctr, nil -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global/state.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global/state.go deleted file mode 100644 index 47c0d787d..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global/state.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// htmp://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package global // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global" - -import ( - "errors" - "sync" - "sync/atomic" - - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" -) - -var ( - globalMeterProvider = defaultMeterProvider() - - delegateMeterOnce sync.Once -) - -type meterProviderHolder struct { - mp metric.MeterProvider -} - -// MeterProvider is the internal implementation for global.MeterProvider. -func MeterProvider() metric.MeterProvider { - return globalMeterProvider.Load().(meterProviderHolder).mp -} - -// SetMeterProvider is the internal implementation for global.SetMeterProvider. -func SetMeterProvider(mp metric.MeterProvider) { - current := MeterProvider() - if _, cOk := current.(*meterProvider); cOk { - if _, mpOk := mp.(*meterProvider); mpOk && current == mp { - // Do not assign the default delegating MeterProvider to delegate - // to itself. - global.Error( - errors.New("no delegate configured in meter provider"), - "Setting meter provider to it's current value. No delegate will be configured", - ) - return - } - } - - delegateMeterOnce.Do(func() { - if def, ok := current.(*meterProvider); ok { - def.setDelegate(mp) - } - }) - globalMeterProvider.Store(meterProviderHolder{mp: mp}) -} - -func defaultMeterProvider() *atomic.Value { - v := &atomic.Value{} - v.Store(meterProviderHolder{mp: &meterProvider{}}) - return v -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/meter.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/meter.go index 21fc1c499..2520bc74a 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/meter.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/meter.go @@ -17,44 +17,196 @@ package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" import ( "context" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64" + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded" ) // MeterProvider provides access to named Meter instances, for instrumenting -// an application or library. +// an application or package. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. type MeterProvider interface { - // Meter creates an instance of a `Meter` interface. The instrumentationName - // must be the name of the library providing instrumentation. This name may - // be the same as the instrumented code only if that code provides built-in - // instrumentation. If the instrumentationName is empty, then a - // implementation defined default name will be used instead. - Meter(instrumentationName string, opts ...MeterOption) Meter + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.MeterProvider + + // Meter returns a new Meter with the provided name and configuration. + // + // A Meter should be scoped at most to a single package. The name needs to + // be unique so it does not collide with other names used by + // an application, nor other applications. To achieve this, the import path + // of the instrumentation package is recommended to be used as name. + // + // If the name is empty, then an implementation defined default name will + // be used instead. + Meter(name string, opts ...MeterOption) Meter } // Meter provides access to instrument instances for recording metrics. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. type Meter interface { - // AsyncInt64 is the namespace for the Asynchronous Integer instruments. + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Meter + + // Int64Counter returns a new Int64Counter instrument identified by name + // and configured with options. The instrument is used to synchronously + // record increasing int64 measurements during a computational operation. + Int64Counter(name string, options ...Int64CounterOption) (Int64Counter, error) + // Int64UpDownCounter returns a new Int64UpDownCounter instrument + // identified by name and configured with options. The instrument is used + // to synchronously record int64 measurements during a computational + // operation. + Int64UpDownCounter(name string, options ...Int64UpDownCounterOption) (Int64UpDownCounter, error) + // Int64Histogram returns a new Int64Histogram instrument identified by + // name and configured with options. The instrument is used to + // synchronously record the distribution of int64 measurements during a + // computational operation. + Int64Histogram(name string, options ...Int64HistogramOption) (Int64Histogram, error) + // Int64ObservableCounter returns a new Int64ObservableCounter identified + // by name and configured with options. The instrument is used to + // asynchronously record increasing int64 measurements once per a + // measurement collection cycle. + // + // Measurements for the returned instrument are made via a callback. Use + // the WithInt64Callback option to register the callback here, or use the + // RegisterCallback method of this Meter to register one later. See the + // Measurements section of the package documentation for more information. + Int64ObservableCounter(name string, options ...Int64ObservableCounterOption) (Int64ObservableCounter, error) + // Int64ObservableUpDownCounter returns a new Int64ObservableUpDownCounter + // instrument identified by name and configured with options. The + // instrument is used to asynchronously record int64 measurements once per + // a measurement collection cycle. // - // To Observe data with instruments it must be registered in a callback. - AsyncInt64() asyncint64.InstrumentProvider + // Measurements for the returned instrument are made via a callback. Use + // the WithInt64Callback option to register the callback here, or use the + // RegisterCallback method of this Meter to register one later. See the + // Measurements section of the package documentation for more information. + Int64ObservableUpDownCounter(name string, options ...Int64ObservableUpDownCounterOption) (Int64ObservableUpDownCounter, error) + // Int64ObservableGauge returns a new Int64ObservableGauge instrument + // identified by name and configured with options. The instrument is used + // to asynchronously record instantaneous int64 measurements once per a + // measurement collection cycle. + // + // Measurements for the returned instrument are made via a callback. Use + // the WithInt64Callback option to register the callback here, or use the + // RegisterCallback method of this Meter to register one later. See the + // Measurements section of the package documentation for more information. + Int64ObservableGauge(name string, options ...Int64ObservableGaugeOption) (Int64ObservableGauge, error) - // AsyncFloat64 is the namespace for the Asynchronous Float instruments + // Float64Counter returns a new Float64Counter instrument identified by + // name and configured with options. The instrument is used to + // synchronously record increasing float64 measurements during a + // computational operation. + Float64Counter(name string, options ...Float64CounterOption) (Float64Counter, error) + // Float64UpDownCounter returns a new Float64UpDownCounter instrument + // identified by name and configured with options. The instrument is used + // to synchronously record float64 measurements during a computational + // operation. + Float64UpDownCounter(name string, options ...Float64UpDownCounterOption) (Float64UpDownCounter, error) + // Float64Histogram returns a new Float64Histogram instrument identified by + // name and configured with options. The instrument is used to + // synchronously record the distribution of float64 measurements during a + // computational operation. + Float64Histogram(name string, options ...Float64HistogramOption) (Float64Histogram, error) + // Float64ObservableCounter returns a new Float64ObservableCounter + // instrument identified by name and configured with options. The + // instrument is used to asynchronously record increasing float64 + // measurements once per a measurement collection cycle. + // + // Measurements for the returned instrument are made via a callback. Use + // the WithFloat64Callback option to register the callback here, or use the + // RegisterCallback method of this Meter to register one later. See the + // Measurements section of the package documentation for more information. + Float64ObservableCounter(name string, options ...Float64ObservableCounterOption) (Float64ObservableCounter, error) + // Float64ObservableUpDownCounter returns a new + // Float64ObservableUpDownCounter instrument identified by name and + // configured with options. The instrument is used to asynchronously record + // float64 measurements once per a measurement collection cycle. + // + // Measurements for the returned instrument are made via a callback. Use + // the WithFloat64Callback option to register the callback here, or use the + // RegisterCallback method of this Meter to register one later. See the + // Measurements section of the package documentation for more information. + Float64ObservableUpDownCounter(name string, options ...Float64ObservableUpDownCounterOption) (Float64ObservableUpDownCounter, error) + // Float64ObservableGauge returns a new Float64ObservableGauge instrument + // identified by name and configured with options. The instrument is used + // to asynchronously record instantaneous float64 measurements once per a + // measurement collection cycle. // - // To Observe data with instruments it must be registered in a callback. - AsyncFloat64() asyncfloat64.InstrumentProvider + // Measurements for the returned instrument are made via a callback. Use + // the WithFloat64Callback option to register the callback here, or use the + // RegisterCallback method of this Meter to register one later. See the + // Measurements section of the package documentation for more information. + Float64ObservableGauge(name string, options ...Float64ObservableGaugeOption) (Float64ObservableGauge, error) - // RegisterCallback captures the function that will be called during Collect. + // RegisterCallback registers f to be called during the collection of a + // measurement cycle. + // + // If Unregister of the returned Registration is called, f needs to be + // unregistered and not called during collection. + // + // The instruments f is registered with are the only instruments that f may + // observe values for. + // + // If no instruments are passed, f should not be registered nor called + // during collection. // - // It is only valid to call Observe within the scope of the passed function, - // and only on the instruments that were registered with this call. - RegisterCallback(insts []instrument.Asynchronous, function func(context.Context)) error + // The function f needs to be concurrent safe. + RegisterCallback(f Callback, instruments ...Observable) (Registration, error) +} + +// Callback is a function registered with a Meter that makes observations for +// the set of instruments it is registered with. The Observer parameter is used +// to record measurement observations for these instruments. +// +// The function needs to complete in a finite amount of time and the deadline +// of the passed context is expected to be honored. +// +// The function needs to make unique observations across all registered +// Callbacks. Meaning, it should not report measurements for an instrument with +// the same attributes as another Callback will report. +// +// The function needs to be concurrent safe. +type Callback func(context.Context, Observer) error + +// Observer records measurements for multiple instruments in a Callback. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Observer interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Observer + + // ObserveFloat64 records the float64 value for obsrv. + ObserveFloat64(obsrv Float64Observable, value float64, opts ...ObserveOption) + // ObserveInt64 records the int64 value for obsrv. + ObserveInt64(obsrv Int64Observable, value int64, opts ...ObserveOption) +} - // SyncInt64 is the namespace for the Synchronous Integer instruments - SyncInt64() syncint64.InstrumentProvider - // SyncFloat64 is the namespace for the Synchronous Float instruments - SyncFloat64() syncfloat64.InstrumentProvider +// Registration is an token representing the unique registration of a callback +// for a set of instruments with a Meter. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Registration interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Registration + + // Unregister removes the callback registration from a Meter. + // + // This method needs to be idempotent and concurrent safe. + Unregister() error } diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/noop.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/noop.go deleted file mode 100644 index e8b9a9a14..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/noop.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" - -import ( - "context" - - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64" -) - -// NewNoopMeterProvider creates a MeterProvider that does not record any metrics. -func NewNoopMeterProvider() MeterProvider { - return noopMeterProvider{} -} - -type noopMeterProvider struct{} - -func (noopMeterProvider) Meter(string, ...MeterOption) Meter { - return noopMeter{} -} - -// NewNoopMeter creates a Meter that does not record any metrics. -func NewNoopMeter() Meter { - return noopMeter{} -} - -type noopMeter struct{} - -// AsyncInt64 creates an instrument that does not record any metrics. -func (noopMeter) AsyncInt64() asyncint64.InstrumentProvider { - return nonrecordingAsyncInt64Instrument{} -} - -// AsyncFloat64 creates an instrument that does not record any metrics. -func (noopMeter) AsyncFloat64() asyncfloat64.InstrumentProvider { - return nonrecordingAsyncFloat64Instrument{} -} - -// SyncInt64 creates an instrument that does not record any metrics. -func (noopMeter) SyncInt64() syncint64.InstrumentProvider { - return nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument{} -} - -// SyncFloat64 creates an instrument that does not record any metrics. -func (noopMeter) SyncFloat64() syncfloat64.InstrumentProvider { - return nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument{} -} - -// RegisterCallback creates a register callback that does not record any metrics. -func (noopMeter) RegisterCallback([]instrument.Asynchronous, func(context.Context)) error { - return nil -} - -type nonrecordingAsyncFloat64Instrument struct { - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -var ( - _ asyncfloat64.InstrumentProvider = nonrecordingAsyncFloat64Instrument{} - _ asyncfloat64.Counter = nonrecordingAsyncFloat64Instrument{} - _ asyncfloat64.UpDownCounter = nonrecordingAsyncFloat64Instrument{} - _ asyncfloat64.Gauge = nonrecordingAsyncFloat64Instrument{} -) - -func (n nonrecordingAsyncFloat64Instrument) Counter(string, ...instrument.Option) (asyncfloat64.Counter, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (n nonrecordingAsyncFloat64Instrument) UpDownCounter(string, ...instrument.Option) (asyncfloat64.UpDownCounter, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (n nonrecordingAsyncFloat64Instrument) Gauge(string, ...instrument.Option) (asyncfloat64.Gauge, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (nonrecordingAsyncFloat64Instrument) Observe(context.Context, float64, ...attribute.KeyValue) { - -} - -type nonrecordingAsyncInt64Instrument struct { - instrument.Asynchronous -} - -var ( - _ asyncint64.InstrumentProvider = nonrecordingAsyncInt64Instrument{} - _ asyncint64.Counter = nonrecordingAsyncInt64Instrument{} - _ asyncint64.UpDownCounter = nonrecordingAsyncInt64Instrument{} - _ asyncint64.Gauge = nonrecordingAsyncInt64Instrument{} -) - -func (n nonrecordingAsyncInt64Instrument) Counter(string, ...instrument.Option) (asyncint64.Counter, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (n nonrecordingAsyncInt64Instrument) UpDownCounter(string, ...instrument.Option) (asyncint64.UpDownCounter, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (n nonrecordingAsyncInt64Instrument) Gauge(string, ...instrument.Option) (asyncint64.Gauge, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (nonrecordingAsyncInt64Instrument) Observe(context.Context, int64, ...attribute.KeyValue) { -} - -type nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument struct { - instrument.Synchronous -} - -var ( - _ syncfloat64.InstrumentProvider = nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument{} - _ syncfloat64.Counter = nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument{} - _ syncfloat64.UpDownCounter = nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument{} - _ syncfloat64.Histogram = nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument{} -) - -func (n nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument) Counter(string, ...instrument.Option) (syncfloat64.Counter, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (n nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument) UpDownCounter(string, ...instrument.Option) (syncfloat64.UpDownCounter, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (n nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument) Histogram(string, ...instrument.Option) (syncfloat64.Histogram, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument) Add(context.Context, float64, ...attribute.KeyValue) { - -} - -func (nonrecordingSyncFloat64Instrument) Record(context.Context, float64, ...attribute.KeyValue) { - -} - -type nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument struct { - instrument.Synchronous -} - -var ( - _ syncint64.InstrumentProvider = nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument{} - _ syncint64.Counter = nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument{} - _ syncint64.UpDownCounter = nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument{} - _ syncint64.Histogram = nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument{} -) - -func (n nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument) Counter(string, ...instrument.Option) (syncint64.Counter, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (n nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument) UpDownCounter(string, ...instrument.Option) (syncint64.UpDownCounter, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (n nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument) Histogram(string, ...instrument.Option) (syncint64.Histogram, error) { - return n, nil -} - -func (nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument) Add(context.Context, int64, ...attribute.KeyValue) { -} -func (nonrecordingSyncInt64Instrument) Record(context.Context, int64, ...attribute.KeyValue) { -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/syncfloat64.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/syncfloat64.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0b063721 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/syncfloat64.go @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" + +import ( + "context" + + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded" +) + +// Float64Counter is an instrument that records increasing float64 values. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Float64Counter interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Float64Counter + + // Add records a change to the counter. + // + // Use the WithAttributeSet (or, if performance is not a concern, + // the WithAttributes) option to include measurement attributes. + Add(ctx context.Context, incr float64, options ...AddOption) +} + +// Float64CounterConfig contains options for synchronous counter instruments that +// record int64 values. +type Float64CounterConfig struct { + description string + unit string +} + +// NewFloat64CounterConfig returns a new [Float64CounterConfig] with all opts +// applied. +func NewFloat64CounterConfig(opts ...Float64CounterOption) Float64CounterConfig { + var config Float64CounterConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyFloat64Counter(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Float64CounterConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Float64CounterConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Float64CounterOption applies options to a [Float64CounterConfig]. See +// [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as a +// Float64CounterOption. +type Float64CounterOption interface { + applyFloat64Counter(Float64CounterConfig) Float64CounterConfig +} + +// Float64UpDownCounter is an instrument that records increasing or decreasing +// float64 values. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Float64UpDownCounter interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Float64UpDownCounter + + // Add records a change to the counter. + // + // Use the WithAttributeSet (or, if performance is not a concern, + // the WithAttributes) option to include measurement attributes. + Add(ctx context.Context, incr float64, options ...AddOption) +} + +// Float64UpDownCounterConfig contains options for synchronous counter +// instruments that record int64 values. +type Float64UpDownCounterConfig struct { + description string + unit string +} + +// NewFloat64UpDownCounterConfig returns a new [Float64UpDownCounterConfig] +// with all opts applied. +func NewFloat64UpDownCounterConfig(opts ...Float64UpDownCounterOption) Float64UpDownCounterConfig { + var config Float64UpDownCounterConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyFloat64UpDownCounter(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Float64UpDownCounterConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Float64UpDownCounterConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Float64UpDownCounterOption applies options to a +// [Float64UpDownCounterConfig]. See [InstrumentOption] for other options that +// can be used as a Float64UpDownCounterOption. +type Float64UpDownCounterOption interface { + applyFloat64UpDownCounter(Float64UpDownCounterConfig) Float64UpDownCounterConfig +} + +// Float64Histogram is an instrument that records a distribution of float64 +// values. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Float64Histogram interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Float64Histogram + + // Record adds an additional value to the distribution. + // + // Use the WithAttributeSet (or, if performance is not a concern, + // the WithAttributes) option to include measurement attributes. + Record(ctx context.Context, incr float64, options ...RecordOption) +} + +// Float64HistogramConfig contains options for synchronous counter instruments +// that record int64 values. +type Float64HistogramConfig struct { + description string + unit string +} + +// NewFloat64HistogramConfig returns a new [Float64HistogramConfig] with all +// opts applied. +func NewFloat64HistogramConfig(opts ...Float64HistogramOption) Float64HistogramConfig { + var config Float64HistogramConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyFloat64Histogram(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Float64HistogramConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Float64HistogramConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Float64HistogramOption applies options to a [Float64HistogramConfig]. See +// [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as a +// Float64HistogramOption. +type Float64HistogramOption interface { + applyFloat64Histogram(Float64HistogramConfig) Float64HistogramConfig +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/syncint64.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/syncint64.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f508eb66 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/syncint64.go @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package metric // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric" + +import ( + "context" + + "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded" +) + +// Int64Counter is an instrument that records increasing int64 values. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Int64Counter interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Int64Counter + + // Add records a change to the counter. + // + // Use the WithAttributeSet (or, if performance is not a concern, + // the WithAttributes) option to include measurement attributes. + Add(ctx context.Context, incr int64, options ...AddOption) +} + +// Int64CounterConfig contains options for synchronous counter instruments that +// record int64 values. +type Int64CounterConfig struct { + description string + unit string +} + +// NewInt64CounterConfig returns a new [Int64CounterConfig] with all opts +// applied. +func NewInt64CounterConfig(opts ...Int64CounterOption) Int64CounterConfig { + var config Int64CounterConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyInt64Counter(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Int64CounterConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Int64CounterConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Int64CounterOption applies options to a [Int64CounterConfig]. See +// [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as an +// Int64CounterOption. +type Int64CounterOption interface { + applyInt64Counter(Int64CounterConfig) Int64CounterConfig +} + +// Int64UpDownCounter is an instrument that records increasing or decreasing +// int64 values. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Int64UpDownCounter interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Int64UpDownCounter + + // Add records a change to the counter. + // + // Use the WithAttributeSet (or, if performance is not a concern, + // the WithAttributes) option to include measurement attributes. + Add(ctx context.Context, incr int64, options ...AddOption) +} + +// Int64UpDownCounterConfig contains options for synchronous counter +// instruments that record int64 values. +type Int64UpDownCounterConfig struct { + description string + unit string +} + +// NewInt64UpDownCounterConfig returns a new [Int64UpDownCounterConfig] with +// all opts applied. +func NewInt64UpDownCounterConfig(opts ...Int64UpDownCounterOption) Int64UpDownCounterConfig { + var config Int64UpDownCounterConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyInt64UpDownCounter(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Int64UpDownCounterConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Int64UpDownCounterConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Int64UpDownCounterOption applies options to a [Int64UpDownCounterConfig]. +// See [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as an +// Int64UpDownCounterOption. +type Int64UpDownCounterOption interface { + applyInt64UpDownCounter(Int64UpDownCounterConfig) Int64UpDownCounterConfig +} + +// Int64Histogram is an instrument that records a distribution of int64 +// values. +// +// Warning: Methods may be added to this interface in minor releases. See +// package documentation on API implementation for information on how to set +// default behavior for unimplemented methods. +type Int64Histogram interface { + // Users of the interface can ignore this. This embedded type is only used + // by implementations of this interface. See the "API Implementations" + // section of the package documentation for more information. + embedded.Int64Histogram + + // Record adds an additional value to the distribution. + // + // Use the WithAttributeSet (or, if performance is not a concern, + // the WithAttributes) option to include measurement attributes. + Record(ctx context.Context, incr int64, options ...RecordOption) +} + +// Int64HistogramConfig contains options for synchronous counter instruments +// that record int64 values. +type Int64HistogramConfig struct { + description string + unit string +} + +// NewInt64HistogramConfig returns a new [Int64HistogramConfig] with all opts +// applied. +func NewInt64HistogramConfig(opts ...Int64HistogramOption) Int64HistogramConfig { + var config Int64HistogramConfig + for _, o := range opts { + config = o.applyInt64Histogram(config) + } + return config +} + +// Description returns the configured description. +func (c Int64HistogramConfig) Description() string { + return c.description +} + +// Unit returns the configured unit. +func (c Int64HistogramConfig) Unit() string { + return c.unit +} + +// Int64HistogramOption applies options to a [Int64HistogramConfig]. See +// [InstrumentOption] for other options that can be used as an +// Int64HistogramOption. +type Int64HistogramOption interface { + applyInt64Histogram(Int64HistogramConfig) Int64HistogramConfig +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit/doc.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index f8e723593..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -// Package unit provides units. -// -// This package is currently in a pre-GA phase. Backwards incompatible changes -// may be introduced in subsequent minor version releases as we work to track -// the evolving OpenTelemetry specification and user feedback. -package unit // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit" diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/requirements.txt b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ddff45468 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +codespell==2.2.5 diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/internal/http.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/internal/http.go deleted file mode 100644 index b580eedef..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/internal/http.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,336 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package internal // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/internal" - -import ( - "fmt" - "net" - "net/http" - "strconv" - "strings" - - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace" -) - -// SemanticConventions are the semantic convention values defined for a -// version of the OpenTelemetry specification. -type SemanticConventions struct { - EnduserIDKey attribute.Key - HTTPClientIPKey attribute.Key - HTTPFlavorKey attribute.Key - HTTPHostKey attribute.Key - HTTPMethodKey attribute.Key - HTTPRequestContentLengthKey attribute.Key - HTTPRouteKey attribute.Key - HTTPSchemeHTTP attribute.KeyValue - HTTPSchemeHTTPS attribute.KeyValue - HTTPServerNameKey attribute.Key - HTTPStatusCodeKey attribute.Key - HTTPTargetKey attribute.Key - HTTPURLKey attribute.Key - HTTPUserAgentKey attribute.Key - NetHostIPKey attribute.Key - NetHostNameKey attribute.Key - NetHostPortKey attribute.Key - NetPeerIPKey attribute.Key - NetPeerNameKey attribute.Key - NetPeerPortKey attribute.Key - NetTransportIP attribute.KeyValue - NetTransportOther attribute.KeyValue - NetTransportTCP attribute.KeyValue - NetTransportUDP attribute.KeyValue - NetTransportUnix attribute.KeyValue -} - -// NetAttributesFromHTTPRequest generates attributes of the net -// namespace as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for a -// span. The network parameter is a string that net.Dial function -// from standard library can understand. -func (sc *SemanticConventions) NetAttributesFromHTTPRequest(network string, request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - attrs := []attribute.KeyValue{} - - switch network { - case "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6": - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetTransportTCP) - case "udp", "udp4", "udp6": - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetTransportUDP) - case "ip", "ip4", "ip6": - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetTransportIP) - case "unix", "unixgram", "unixpacket": - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetTransportUnix) - default: - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetTransportOther) - } - - peerIP, peerName, peerPort := hostIPNamePort(request.RemoteAddr) - if peerIP != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetPeerIPKey.String(peerIP)) - } - if peerName != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetPeerNameKey.String(peerName)) - } - if peerPort != 0 { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetPeerPortKey.Int(peerPort)) - } - - hostIP, hostName, hostPort := "", "", 0 - for _, someHost := range []string{request.Host, request.Header.Get("Host"), request.URL.Host} { - hostIP, hostName, hostPort = hostIPNamePort(someHost) - if hostIP != "" || hostName != "" || hostPort != 0 { - break - } - } - if hostIP != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetHostIPKey.String(hostIP)) - } - if hostName != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetHostNameKey.String(hostName)) - } - if hostPort != 0 { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.NetHostPortKey.Int(hostPort)) - } - - return attrs -} - -// hostIPNamePort extracts the IP address, name and (optional) port from hostWithPort. -// It handles both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If the host portion is not recognized -// as a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, the `ip` result will be empty and the -// host portion will instead be returned in `name`. -func hostIPNamePort(hostWithPort string) (ip string, name string, port int) { - var ( - hostPart, portPart string - parsedPort uint64 - err error - ) - if hostPart, portPart, err = net.SplitHostPort(hostWithPort); err != nil { - hostPart, portPart = hostWithPort, "" - } - if parsedIP := net.ParseIP(hostPart); parsedIP != nil { - ip = parsedIP.String() - } else { - name = hostPart - } - if parsedPort, err = strconv.ParseUint(portPart, 10, 16); err == nil { - port = int(parsedPort) - } - return -} - -// EndUserAttributesFromHTTPRequest generates attributes of the -// enduser namespace as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification -// for a span. -func (sc *SemanticConventions) EndUserAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - if username, _, ok := request.BasicAuth(); ok { - return []attribute.KeyValue{sc.EnduserIDKey.String(username)} - } - return nil -} - -// HTTPClientAttributesFromHTTPRequest generates attributes of the -// http namespace as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for -// a span on the client side. -func (sc *SemanticConventions) HTTPClientAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - attrs := []attribute.KeyValue{} - - // remove any username/password info that may be in the URL - // before adding it to the attributes - userinfo := request.URL.User - request.URL.User = nil - - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPURLKey.String(request.URL.String())) - - // restore any username/password info that was removed - request.URL.User = userinfo - - return append(attrs, sc.httpCommonAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request)...) -} - -func (sc *SemanticConventions) httpCommonAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - attrs := []attribute.KeyValue{} - if ua := request.UserAgent(); ua != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPUserAgentKey.String(ua)) - } - if request.ContentLength > 0 { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPRequestContentLengthKey.Int64(request.ContentLength)) - } - - return append(attrs, sc.httpBasicAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request)...) -} - -func (sc *SemanticConventions) httpBasicAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - // as these attributes are used by HTTPServerMetricAttributesFromHTTPRequest, they should be low-cardinality - attrs := []attribute.KeyValue{} - - if request.TLS != nil { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPSchemeHTTPS) - } else { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPSchemeHTTP) - } - - if request.Host != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPHostKey.String(request.Host)) - } else if request.URL != nil && request.URL.Host != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPHostKey.String(request.URL.Host)) - } - - flavor := "" - if request.ProtoMajor == 1 { - flavor = fmt.Sprintf("1.%d", request.ProtoMinor) - } else if request.ProtoMajor == 2 { - flavor = "2" - } - if flavor != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPFlavorKey.String(flavor)) - } - - if request.Method != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPMethodKey.String(request.Method)) - } else { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPMethodKey.String(http.MethodGet)) - } - - return attrs -} - -// HTTPServerMetricAttributesFromHTTPRequest generates low-cardinality attributes -// to be used with server-side HTTP metrics. -func (sc *SemanticConventions) HTTPServerMetricAttributesFromHTTPRequest(serverName string, request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - attrs := []attribute.KeyValue{} - if serverName != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPServerNameKey.String(serverName)) - } - return append(attrs, sc.httpBasicAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request)...) -} - -// HTTPServerAttributesFromHTTPRequest generates attributes of the -// http namespace as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for -// a span on the server side. Currently, only basic authentication is -// supported. -func (sc *SemanticConventions) HTTPServerAttributesFromHTTPRequest(serverName, route string, request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - attrs := []attribute.KeyValue{ - sc.HTTPTargetKey.String(request.RequestURI), - } - - if serverName != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPServerNameKey.String(serverName)) - } - if route != "" { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPRouteKey.String(route)) - } - if values, ok := request.Header["X-Forwarded-For"]; ok && len(values) > 0 { - if addresses := strings.SplitN(values[0], ",", 2); len(addresses) > 0 { - attrs = append(attrs, sc.HTTPClientIPKey.String(addresses[0])) - } - } - - return append(attrs, sc.httpCommonAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request)...) -} - -// HTTPAttributesFromHTTPStatusCode generates attributes of the http -// namespace as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for a -// span. -func (sc *SemanticConventions) HTTPAttributesFromHTTPStatusCode(code int) []attribute.KeyValue { - attrs := []attribute.KeyValue{ - sc.HTTPStatusCodeKey.Int(code), - } - return attrs -} - -type codeRange struct { - fromInclusive int - toInclusive int -} - -func (r codeRange) contains(code int) bool { - return r.fromInclusive <= code && code <= r.toInclusive -} - -var validRangesPerCategory = map[int][]codeRange{ - 1: { - {http.StatusContinue, http.StatusEarlyHints}, - }, - 2: { - {http.StatusOK, http.StatusAlreadyReported}, - {http.StatusIMUsed, http.StatusIMUsed}, - }, - 3: { - {http.StatusMultipleChoices, http.StatusUseProxy}, - {http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, http.StatusPermanentRedirect}, - }, - 4: { - {http.StatusBadRequest, http.StatusTeapot}, // yes, teapot is so useful… - {http.StatusMisdirectedRequest, http.StatusUpgradeRequired}, - {http.StatusPreconditionRequired, http.StatusTooManyRequests}, - {http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge}, - {http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons, http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons}, - }, - 5: { - {http.StatusInternalServerError, http.StatusLoopDetected}, - {http.StatusNotExtended, http.StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired}, - }, -} - -// SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCode generates a status code and a message -// as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for a span. -func SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCode(code int) (codes.Code, string) { - spanCode, valid := validateHTTPStatusCode(code) - if !valid { - return spanCode, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid HTTP status code %d", code) - } - return spanCode, "" -} - -// SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCodeAndSpanKind generates a status code and a message -// as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for a span. -// Exclude 4xx for SERVER to set the appropriate status. -func SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCodeAndSpanKind(code int, spanKind trace.SpanKind) (codes.Code, string) { - spanCode, valid := validateHTTPStatusCode(code) - if !valid { - return spanCode, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid HTTP status code %d", code) - } - category := code / 100 - if spanKind == trace.SpanKindServer && category == 4 { - return codes.Unset, "" - } - return spanCode, "" -} - -// validateHTTPStatusCode validates the HTTP status code and returns -// corresponding span status code. If the `code` is not a valid HTTP status -// code, returns span status Error and false. -func validateHTTPStatusCode(code int) (codes.Code, bool) { - category := code / 100 - ranges, ok := validRangesPerCategory[category] - if !ok { - return codes.Error, false - } - ok = false - for _, crange := range ranges { - ok = crange.contains(code) - if ok { - break - } - } - if !ok { - return codes.Error, false - } - if category > 0 && category < 4 { - return codes.Unset, true - } - return codes.Error, true -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/http.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/http.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4b4f3cbaf..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/http.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0" - -import ( - "net/http" - - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/codes" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/internal" - "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace" -) - -// HTTP scheme attributes. -var ( - HTTPSchemeHTTP = HTTPSchemeKey.String("http") - HTTPSchemeHTTPS = HTTPSchemeKey.String("https") -) - -var sc = &internal.SemanticConventions{ - EnduserIDKey: EnduserIDKey, - HTTPClientIPKey: HTTPClientIPKey, - HTTPFlavorKey: HTTPFlavorKey, - HTTPHostKey: HTTPHostKey, - HTTPMethodKey: HTTPMethodKey, - HTTPRequestContentLengthKey: HTTPRequestContentLengthKey, - HTTPRouteKey: HTTPRouteKey, - HTTPSchemeHTTP: HTTPSchemeHTTP, - HTTPSchemeHTTPS: HTTPSchemeHTTPS, - HTTPServerNameKey: HTTPServerNameKey, - HTTPStatusCodeKey: HTTPStatusCodeKey, - HTTPTargetKey: HTTPTargetKey, - HTTPURLKey: HTTPURLKey, - HTTPUserAgentKey: HTTPUserAgentKey, - NetHostIPKey: NetHostIPKey, - NetHostNameKey: NetHostNameKey, - NetHostPortKey: NetHostPortKey, - NetPeerIPKey: NetPeerIPKey, - NetPeerNameKey: NetPeerNameKey, - NetPeerPortKey: NetPeerPortKey, - NetTransportIP: NetTransportIP, - NetTransportOther: NetTransportOther, - NetTransportTCP: NetTransportTCP, - NetTransportUDP: NetTransportUDP, - NetTransportUnix: NetTransportUnix, -} - -// NetAttributesFromHTTPRequest generates attributes of the net -// namespace as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for a -// span. The network parameter is a string that net.Dial function -// from standard library can understand. -func NetAttributesFromHTTPRequest(network string, request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - return sc.NetAttributesFromHTTPRequest(network, request) -} - -// EndUserAttributesFromHTTPRequest generates attributes of the -// enduser namespace as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification -// for a span. -func EndUserAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - return sc.EndUserAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request) -} - -// HTTPClientAttributesFromHTTPRequest generates attributes of the -// http namespace as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for -// a span on the client side. -func HTTPClientAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - return sc.HTTPClientAttributesFromHTTPRequest(request) -} - -// HTTPServerMetricAttributesFromHTTPRequest generates low-cardinality attributes -// to be used with server-side HTTP metrics. -func HTTPServerMetricAttributesFromHTTPRequest(serverName string, request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - return sc.HTTPServerMetricAttributesFromHTTPRequest(serverName, request) -} - -// HTTPServerAttributesFromHTTPRequest generates attributes of the -// http namespace as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for -// a span on the server side. Currently, only basic authentication is -// supported. -func HTTPServerAttributesFromHTTPRequest(serverName, route string, request *http.Request) []attribute.KeyValue { - return sc.HTTPServerAttributesFromHTTPRequest(serverName, route, request) -} - -// HTTPAttributesFromHTTPStatusCode generates attributes of the http -// namespace as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for a -// span. -func HTTPAttributesFromHTTPStatusCode(code int) []attribute.KeyValue { - return sc.HTTPAttributesFromHTTPStatusCode(code) -} - -// SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCode generates a status code and a message -// as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for a span. -func SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCode(code int) (codes.Code, string) { - return internal.SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCode(code) -} - -// SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCodeAndSpanKind generates a status code and a message -// as specified by the OpenTelemetry specification for a span. -// Exclude 4xx for SERVER to set the appropriate status. -func SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCodeAndSpanKind(code int, spanKind trace.SpanKind) (codes.Code, string) { - return internal.SpanStatusFromHTTPStatusCodeAndSpanKind(code, spanKind) -} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/resource.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/resource.go deleted file mode 100644 index b2155676f..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/resource.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1042 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -// Code generated from semantic convention specification. DO NOT EDIT. - -package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0" - -import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" - -// The web browser in which the application represented by the resource is running. The `browser.*` attributes MUST be used only for resources that represent applications running in a web browser (regardless of whether running on a mobile or desktop device). -const ( - // Array of brand name and version separated by a space - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: ' Not A;Brand 99', 'Chromium 99', 'Chrome 99' - // Note: This value is intended to be taken from the [UA client hints - // API](https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/#interface) - // (navigator.userAgentData.brands). - BrowserBrandsKey = attribute.Key("browser.brands") - // The platform on which the browser is running - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Windows', 'macOS', 'Android' - // Note: This value is intended to be taken from the [UA client hints - // API](https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/#interface) - // (navigator.userAgentData.platform). If unavailable, the legacy - // `navigator.platform` API SHOULD NOT be used instead and this attribute SHOULD - // be left unset in order for the values to be consistent. - // The list of possible values is defined in the [W3C User-Agent Client Hints - // specification](https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/#sec-ch-ua-platform). - // Note that some (but not all) of these values can overlap with values in the - // [os.type and os.name attributes](./os.md). However, for consistency, the values - // in the `browser.platform` attribute should capture the exact value that the - // user agent provides. - BrowserPlatformKey = attribute.Key("browser.platform") - // Full user-agent string provided by the browser - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 - // (KHTML, ' - // 'like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36' - // Note: The user-agent value SHOULD be provided only from browsers that do not - // have a mechanism to retrieve brands and platform individually from the User- - // Agent Client Hints API. To retrieve the value, the legacy `navigator.userAgent` - // API can be used. - BrowserUserAgentKey = attribute.Key("browser.user_agent") -) - -// A cloud environment (e.g. GCP, Azure, AWS) -const ( - // Name of the cloud provider. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - CloudProviderKey = attribute.Key("cloud.provider") - // The cloud account ID the resource is assigned to. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '111111111111', 'opentelemetry' - CloudAccountIDKey = attribute.Key("cloud.account.id") - // The geographical region the resource is running. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'us-central1', 'us-east-1' - // Note: Refer to your provider's docs to see the available regions, for example - // [Alibaba Cloud regions](https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc- - // detail/40654.htm), [AWS regions](https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global- - // infrastructure/regions_az/), [Azure regions](https://azure.microsoft.com/en- - // us/global-infrastructure/geographies/), [Google Cloud - // regions](https://cloud.google.com/about/locations), or [Tencent Cloud - // regions](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/213/6091). - CloudRegionKey = attribute.Key("cloud.region") - // Cloud regions often have multiple, isolated locations known as zones to - // increase availability. Availability zone represents the zone where the resource - // is running. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'us-east-1c' - // Note: Availability zones are called "zones" on Alibaba Cloud and Google Cloud. - CloudAvailabilityZoneKey = attribute.Key("cloud.availability_zone") - // The cloud platform in use. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Note: The prefix of the service SHOULD match the one specified in - // `cloud.provider`. - CloudPlatformKey = attribute.Key("cloud.platform") -) - -var ( - // Alibaba Cloud - CloudProviderAlibabaCloud = CloudProviderKey.String("alibaba_cloud") - // Amazon Web Services - CloudProviderAWS = CloudProviderKey.String("aws") - // Microsoft Azure - CloudProviderAzure = CloudProviderKey.String("azure") - // Google Cloud Platform - CloudProviderGCP = CloudProviderKey.String("gcp") - // Tencent Cloud - CloudProviderTencentCloud = CloudProviderKey.String("tencent_cloud") -) - -var ( - // Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service - CloudPlatformAlibabaCloudECS = CloudPlatformKey.String("alibaba_cloud_ecs") - // Alibaba Cloud Function Compute - CloudPlatformAlibabaCloudFc = CloudPlatformKey.String("alibaba_cloud_fc") - // AWS Elastic Compute Cloud - CloudPlatformAWSEC2 = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_ec2") - // AWS Elastic Container Service - CloudPlatformAWSECS = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_ecs") - // AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service - CloudPlatformAWSEKS = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_eks") - // AWS Lambda - CloudPlatformAWSLambda = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_lambda") - // AWS Elastic Beanstalk - CloudPlatformAWSElasticBeanstalk = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_elastic_beanstalk") - // AWS App Runner - CloudPlatformAWSAppRunner = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_app_runner") - // Azure Virtual Machines - CloudPlatformAzureVM = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_vm") - // Azure Container Instances - CloudPlatformAzureContainerInstances = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_container_instances") - // Azure Kubernetes Service - CloudPlatformAzureAKS = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_aks") - // Azure Functions - CloudPlatformAzureFunctions = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_functions") - // Azure App Service - CloudPlatformAzureAppService = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_app_service") - // Google Cloud Compute Engine (GCE) - CloudPlatformGCPComputeEngine = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_compute_engine") - // Google Cloud Run - CloudPlatformGCPCloudRun = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_cloud_run") - // Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine (GKE) - CloudPlatformGCPKubernetesEngine = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_kubernetes_engine") - // Google Cloud Functions (GCF) - CloudPlatformGCPCloudFunctions = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_cloud_functions") - // Google Cloud App Engine (GAE) - CloudPlatformGCPAppEngine = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_app_engine") - // Tencent Cloud Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) - CloudPlatformTencentCloudCvm = CloudPlatformKey.String("tencent_cloud_cvm") - // Tencent Cloud Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) - CloudPlatformTencentCloudEKS = CloudPlatformKey.String("tencent_cloud_eks") - // Tencent Cloud Serverless Cloud Function (SCF) - CloudPlatformTencentCloudScf = CloudPlatformKey.String("tencent_cloud_scf") -) - -// Resources used by AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS). -const ( - // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an [ECS container instance](https://docs.aws. - // amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ECS_instances.html). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'arn:aws:ecs:us- - // west-1:123456789123:container/32624152-9086-4f0e-acae-1a75b14fe4d9' - AWSECSContainerARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.container.arn") - // The ARN of an [ECS cluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/develo - // perguide/clusters.html). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789123:cluster/my-cluster' - AWSECSClusterARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.cluster.arn") - // The [launch type](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/l - // aunch_types.html) for an ECS task. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - AWSECSLaunchtypeKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.launchtype") - // The ARN of an [ECS task definition](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/lates - // t/developerguide/task_definitions.html). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'arn:aws:ecs:us- - // west-1:123456789123:task/10838bed-421f-43ef-870a-f43feacbbb5b' - AWSECSTaskARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.task.arn") - // The task definition family this task definition is a member of. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry-family' - AWSECSTaskFamilyKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.task.family") - // The revision for this task definition. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '8', '26' - AWSECSTaskRevisionKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.task.revision") -) - -var ( - // ec2 - AWSECSLaunchtypeEC2 = AWSECSLaunchtypeKey.String("ec2") - // fargate - AWSECSLaunchtypeFargate = AWSECSLaunchtypeKey.String("fargate") -) - -// Resources used by AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). -const ( - // The ARN of an EKS cluster. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789123:cluster/my-cluster' - AWSEKSClusterARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.eks.cluster.arn") -) - -// Resources specific to Amazon Web Services. -const ( - // The name(s) of the AWS log group(s) an application is writing to. - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '/aws/lambda/my-function', 'opentelemetry-service' - // Note: Multiple log groups must be supported for cases like multi-container - // applications, where a single application has sidecar containers, and each write - // to their own log group. - AWSLogGroupNamesKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.group.names") - // The Amazon Resource Name(s) (ARN) of the AWS log group(s). - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'arn:aws:logs:us-west-1:123456789012:log-group:/aws/my/group:*' - // Note: See the [log group ARN format - // documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/iam- - // access-control-overview-cwl.html#CWL_ARN_Format). - AWSLogGroupARNsKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.group.arns") - // The name(s) of the AWS log stream(s) an application is writing to. - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'logs/main/10838bed-421f-43ef-870a-f43feacbbb5b' - AWSLogStreamNamesKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.stream.names") - // The ARN(s) of the AWS log stream(s). - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'arn:aws:logs:us-west-1:123456789012:log-group:/aws/my/group:log- - // stream:logs/main/10838bed-421f-43ef-870a-f43feacbbb5b' - // Note: See the [log stream ARN format - // documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/iam- - // access-control-overview-cwl.html#CWL_ARN_Format). One log group can contain - // several log streams, so these ARNs necessarily identify both a log group and a - // log stream. - AWSLogStreamARNsKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.stream.arns") -) - -// A container instance. -const ( - // Container name used by container runtime. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry-autoconf' - ContainerNameKey = attribute.Key("container.name") - // Container ID. Usually a UUID, as for example used to [identify Docker - // containers](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#container- - // identification). The UUID might be abbreviated. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'a3bf90e006b2' - ContainerIDKey = attribute.Key("container.id") - // The container runtime managing this container. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'docker', 'containerd', 'rkt' - ContainerRuntimeKey = attribute.Key("container.runtime") - // Name of the image the container was built on. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'gcr.io/opentelemetry/operator' - ContainerImageNameKey = attribute.Key("container.image.name") - // Container image tag. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '0.1' - ContainerImageTagKey = attribute.Key("container.image.tag") -) - -// The software deployment. -const ( - // Name of the [deployment - // environment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deployment_environment) (aka - // deployment tier). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'staging', 'production' - DeploymentEnvironmentKey = attribute.Key("deployment.environment") -) - -// The device on which the process represented by this resource is running. -const ( - // A unique identifier representing the device - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '2ab2916d-a51f-4ac8-80ee-45ac31a28092' - // Note: The device identifier MUST only be defined using the values outlined - // below. This value is not an advertising identifier and MUST NOT be used as - // such. On iOS (Swift or Objective-C), this value MUST be equal to the [vendor id - // entifier](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uidevice/1620059-iden - // tifierforvendor). On Android (Java or Kotlin), this value MUST be equal to the - // Firebase Installation ID or a globally unique UUID which is persisted across - // sessions in your application. More information can be found - // [here](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/user-data-ids) on best - // practices and exact implementation details. Caution should be taken when - // storing personal data or anything which can identify a user. GDPR and data - // protection laws may apply, ensure you do your own due diligence. - DeviceIDKey = attribute.Key("device.id") - // The model identifier for the device - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'iPhone3,4', 'SM-G920F' - // Note: It's recommended this value represents a machine readable version of the - // model identifier rather than the market or consumer-friendly name of the - // device. - DeviceModelIdentifierKey = attribute.Key("device.model.identifier") - // The marketing name for the device model - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'iPhone 6s Plus', 'Samsung Galaxy S6' - // Note: It's recommended this value represents a human readable version of the - // device model rather than a machine readable alternative. - DeviceModelNameKey = attribute.Key("device.model.name") - // The name of the device manufacturer - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Apple', 'Samsung' - // Note: The Android OS provides this field via - // [Build](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build#MANUFACTURER). - // iOS apps SHOULD hardcode the value `Apple`. - DeviceManufacturerKey = attribute.Key("device.manufacturer") -) - -// A serverless instance. -const ( - // The name of the single function that this runtime instance executes. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'my-function', 'myazurefunctionapp/some-function-name' - // Note: This is the name of the function as configured/deployed on the FaaS - // platform and is usually different from the name of the callback - // function (which may be stored in the - // [`code.namespace`/`code.function`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span- - // general.md#source-code-attributes) - // span attributes). - - // For some cloud providers, the above definition is ambiguous. The following - // definition of function name MUST be used for this attribute - // (and consequently the span name) for the listed cloud providers/products: - - // * **Azure:** The full name `/`, i.e., function app name - // followed by a forward slash followed by the function name (this form - // can also be seen in the resource JSON for the function). - // This means that a span attribute MUST be used, as an Azure function - // app can host multiple functions that would usually share - // a TracerProvider (see also the `faas.id` attribute). - FaaSNameKey = attribute.Key("faas.name") - // The unique ID of the single function that this runtime instance executes. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function' - // Note: On some cloud providers, it may not be possible to determine the full ID - // at startup, - // so consider setting `faas.id` as a span attribute instead. - - // The exact value to use for `faas.id` depends on the cloud provider: - - // * **AWS Lambda:** The function - // [ARN](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and- - // namespaces.html). - // Take care not to use the "invoked ARN" directly but replace any - // [alias suffix](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration- - // aliases.html) - // with the resolved function version, as the same runtime instance may be - // invokable with - // multiple different aliases. - // * **GCP:** The [URI of the resource](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/full- - // resource-names) - // * **Azure:** The [Fully Qualified Resource ID](https://docs.microsoft.com/en- - // us/rest/api/resources/resources/get-by-id) of the invoked function, - // *not* the function app, having the form - // `/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.We - // b/sites//functions/`. - // This means that a span attribute MUST be used, as an Azure function app can - // host multiple functions that would usually share - // a TracerProvider. - FaaSIDKey = attribute.Key("faas.id") - // The immutable version of the function being executed. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '26', 'pinkfroid-00002' - // Note: Depending on the cloud provider and platform, use: - - // * **AWS Lambda:** The [function - // version](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration- - // versions.html) - // (an integer represented as a decimal string). - // * **Google Cloud Run:** The - // [revision](https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/managing/revisions) - // (i.e., the function name plus the revision suffix). - // * **Google Cloud Functions:** The value of the - // [`K_REVISION` environment - // variable](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/env- - // var#runtime_environment_variables_set_automatically). - // * **Azure Functions:** Not applicable. Do not set this attribute. - FaaSVersionKey = attribute.Key("faas.version") - // The execution environment ID as a string, that will be potentially reused for - // other invocations to the same function/function version. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '2021/06/28/[$LATEST]2f399eb14537447da05ab2a2e39309de' - // Note: * **AWS Lambda:** Use the (full) log stream name. - FaaSInstanceKey = attribute.Key("faas.instance") - // The amount of memory available to the serverless function in MiB. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 128 - // Note: It's recommended to set this attribute since e.g. too little memory can - // easily stop a Java AWS Lambda function from working correctly. On AWS Lambda, - // the environment variable `AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MEMORY_SIZE` provides this - // information. - FaaSMaxMemoryKey = attribute.Key("faas.max_memory") -) - -// A host is defined as a general computing instance. -const ( - // Unique host ID. For Cloud, this must be the instance_id assigned by the cloud - // provider. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry-test' - HostIDKey = attribute.Key("host.id") - // Name of the host. On Unix systems, it may contain what the hostname command - // returns, or the fully qualified hostname, or another name specified by the - // user. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry-test' - HostNameKey = attribute.Key("host.name") - // Type of host. For Cloud, this must be the machine type. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'n1-standard-1' - HostTypeKey = attribute.Key("host.type") - // The CPU architecture the host system is running on. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - HostArchKey = attribute.Key("host.arch") - // Name of the VM image or OS install the host was instantiated from. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'infra-ami-eks-worker-node-7d4ec78312', 'CentOS-8-x86_64-1905' - HostImageNameKey = attribute.Key("host.image.name") - // VM image ID. For Cloud, this value is from the provider. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'ami-07b06b442921831e5' - HostImageIDKey = attribute.Key("host.image.id") - // The version string of the VM image as defined in [Version - // Attributes](README.md#version-attributes). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '0.1' - HostImageVersionKey = attribute.Key("host.image.version") -) - -var ( - // AMD64 - HostArchAMD64 = HostArchKey.String("amd64") - // ARM32 - HostArchARM32 = HostArchKey.String("arm32") - // ARM64 - HostArchARM64 = HostArchKey.String("arm64") - // Itanium - HostArchIA64 = HostArchKey.String("ia64") - // 32-bit PowerPC - HostArchPPC32 = HostArchKey.String("ppc32") - // 64-bit PowerPC - HostArchPPC64 = HostArchKey.String("ppc64") - // IBM z/Architecture - HostArchS390x = HostArchKey.String("s390x") - // 32-bit x86 - HostArchX86 = HostArchKey.String("x86") -) - -// A Kubernetes Cluster. -const ( - // The name of the cluster. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry-cluster' - K8SClusterNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.cluster.name") -) - -// A Kubernetes Node object. -const ( - // The name of the Node. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'node-1' - K8SNodeNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.node.name") - // The UID of the Node. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '1eb3a0c6-0477-4080-a9cb-0cb7db65c6a2' - K8SNodeUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.node.uid") -) - -// A Kubernetes Namespace. -const ( - // The name of the namespace that the pod is running in. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'default' - K8SNamespaceNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.namespace.name") -) - -// A Kubernetes Pod object. -const ( - // The UID of the Pod. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' - K8SPodUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.pod.uid") - // The name of the Pod. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry-pod-autoconf' - K8SPodNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.pod.name") -) - -// A container in a [PodTemplate](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/#pod-templates). -const ( - // The name of the Container from Pod specification, must be unique within a Pod. - // Container runtime usually uses different globally unique name - // (`container.name`). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'redis' - K8SContainerNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.container.name") - // Number of times the container was restarted. This attribute can be used to - // identify a particular container (running or stopped) within a container spec. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 0, 2 - K8SContainerRestartCountKey = attribute.Key("k8s.container.restart_count") -) - -// A Kubernetes ReplicaSet object. -const ( - // The UID of the ReplicaSet. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' - K8SReplicaSetUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.replicaset.uid") - // The name of the ReplicaSet. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry' - K8SReplicaSetNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.replicaset.name") -) - -// A Kubernetes Deployment object. -const ( - // The UID of the Deployment. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' - K8SDeploymentUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.deployment.uid") - // The name of the Deployment. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry' - K8SDeploymentNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.deployment.name") -) - -// A Kubernetes StatefulSet object. -const ( - // The UID of the StatefulSet. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' - K8SStatefulSetUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.statefulset.uid") - // The name of the StatefulSet. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry' - K8SStatefulSetNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.statefulset.name") -) - -// A Kubernetes DaemonSet object. -const ( - // The UID of the DaemonSet. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' - K8SDaemonSetUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.daemonset.uid") - // The name of the DaemonSet. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry' - K8SDaemonSetNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.daemonset.name") -) - -// A Kubernetes Job object. -const ( - // The UID of the Job. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' - K8SJobUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.job.uid") - // The name of the Job. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry' - K8SJobNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.job.name") -) - -// A Kubernetes CronJob object. -const ( - // The UID of the CronJob. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' - K8SCronJobUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.cronjob.uid") - // The name of the CronJob. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry' - K8SCronJobNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.cronjob.name") -) - -// The operating system (OS) on which the process represented by this resource is running. -const ( - // The operating system type. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - OSTypeKey = attribute.Key("os.type") - // Human readable (not intended to be parsed) OS version information, like e.g. - // reported by `ver` or `lsb_release -a` commands. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.778]', 'Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS' - OSDescriptionKey = attribute.Key("os.description") - // Human readable operating system name. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'iOS', 'Android', 'Ubuntu' - OSNameKey = attribute.Key("os.name") - // The version string of the operating system as defined in [Version - // Attributes](../../resource/semantic_conventions/README.md#version-attributes). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '14.2.1', '18.04.1' - OSVersionKey = attribute.Key("os.version") -) - -var ( - // Microsoft Windows - OSTypeWindows = OSTypeKey.String("windows") - // Linux - OSTypeLinux = OSTypeKey.String("linux") - // Apple Darwin - OSTypeDarwin = OSTypeKey.String("darwin") - // FreeBSD - OSTypeFreeBSD = OSTypeKey.String("freebsd") - // NetBSD - OSTypeNetBSD = OSTypeKey.String("netbsd") - // OpenBSD - OSTypeOpenBSD = OSTypeKey.String("openbsd") - // DragonFly BSD - OSTypeDragonflyBSD = OSTypeKey.String("dragonflybsd") - // HP-UX (Hewlett Packard Unix) - OSTypeHPUX = OSTypeKey.String("hpux") - // AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) - OSTypeAIX = OSTypeKey.String("aix") - // SunOS, Oracle Solaris - OSTypeSolaris = OSTypeKey.String("solaris") - // IBM z/OS - OSTypeZOS = OSTypeKey.String("z_os") -) - -// An operating system process. -const ( - // Process identifier (PID). - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 1234 - ProcessPIDKey = attribute.Key("process.pid") - // The name of the process executable. On Linux based systems, can be set to the - // `Name` in `proc/[pid]/status`. On Windows, can be set to the base name of - // `GetProcessImageFileNameW`. - // - // Type: string - // Required: See below - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'otelcol' - ProcessExecutableNameKey = attribute.Key("process.executable.name") - // The full path to the process executable. On Linux based systems, can be set to - // the target of `proc/[pid]/exe`. On Windows, can be set to the result of - // `GetProcessImageFileNameW`. - // - // Type: string - // Required: See below - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '/usr/bin/cmd/otelcol' - ProcessExecutablePathKey = attribute.Key("process.executable.path") - // The command used to launch the process (i.e. the command name). On Linux based - // systems, can be set to the zeroth string in `proc/[pid]/cmdline`. On Windows, - // can be set to the first parameter extracted from `GetCommandLineW`. - // - // Type: string - // Required: See below - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'cmd/otelcol' - ProcessCommandKey = attribute.Key("process.command") - // The full command used to launch the process as a single string representing the - // full command. On Windows, can be set to the result of `GetCommandLineW`. Do not - // set this if you have to assemble it just for monitoring; use - // `process.command_args` instead. - // - // Type: string - // Required: See below - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'C:\\cmd\\otecol --config="my directory\\config.yaml"' - ProcessCommandLineKey = attribute.Key("process.command_line") - // All the command arguments (including the command/executable itself) as received - // by the process. On Linux-based systems (and some other Unixoid systems - // supporting procfs), can be set according to the list of null-delimited strings - // extracted from `proc/[pid]/cmdline`. For libc-based executables, this would be - // the full argv vector passed to `main`. - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: See below - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'cmd/otecol', '--config=config.yaml' - ProcessCommandArgsKey = attribute.Key("process.command_args") - // The username of the user that owns the process. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'root' - ProcessOwnerKey = attribute.Key("process.owner") -) - -// The single (language) runtime instance which is monitored. -const ( - // The name of the runtime of this process. For compiled native binaries, this - // SHOULD be the name of the compiler. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'OpenJDK Runtime Environment' - ProcessRuntimeNameKey = attribute.Key("process.runtime.name") - // The version of the runtime of this process, as returned by the runtime without - // modification. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '14.0.2' - ProcessRuntimeVersionKey = attribute.Key("process.runtime.version") - // An additional description about the runtime of the process, for example a - // specific vendor customization of the runtime environment. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Eclipse OpenJ9 Eclipse OpenJ9 VM openj9-0.21.0' - ProcessRuntimeDescriptionKey = attribute.Key("process.runtime.description") -) - -// A service instance. -const ( - // Logical name of the service. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'shoppingcart' - // Note: MUST be the same for all instances of horizontally scaled services. If - // the value was not specified, SDKs MUST fallback to `unknown_service:` - // concatenated with [`process.executable.name`](process.md#process), e.g. - // `unknown_service:bash`. If `process.executable.name` is not available, the - // value MUST be set to `unknown_service`. - ServiceNameKey = attribute.Key("service.name") - // A namespace for `service.name`. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Shop' - // Note: A string value having a meaning that helps to distinguish a group of - // services, for example the team name that owns a group of services. - // `service.name` is expected to be unique within the same namespace. If - // `service.namespace` is not specified in the Resource then `service.name` is - // expected to be unique for all services that have no explicit namespace defined - // (so the empty/unspecified namespace is simply one more valid namespace). Zero- - // length namespace string is assumed equal to unspecified namespace. - ServiceNamespaceKey = attribute.Key("service.namespace") - // The string ID of the service instance. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '627cc493-f310-47de-96bd-71410b7dec09' - // Note: MUST be unique for each instance of the same - // `service.namespace,service.name` pair (in other words - // `service.namespace,service.name,service.instance.id` triplet MUST be globally - // unique). The ID helps to distinguish instances of the same service that exist - // at the same time (e.g. instances of a horizontally scaled service). It is - // preferable for the ID to be persistent and stay the same for the lifetime of - // the service instance, however it is acceptable that the ID is ephemeral and - // changes during important lifetime events for the service (e.g. service - // restarts). If the service has no inherent unique ID that can be used as the - // value of this attribute it is recommended to generate a random Version 1 or - // Version 4 RFC 4122 UUID (services aiming for reproducible UUIDs may also use - // Version 5, see RFC 4122 for more recommendations). - ServiceInstanceIDKey = attribute.Key("service.instance.id") - // The version string of the service API or implementation. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '2.0.0' - ServiceVersionKey = attribute.Key("service.version") -) - -// The telemetry SDK used to capture data recorded by the instrumentation libraries. -const ( - // The name of the telemetry SDK as defined above. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'opentelemetry' - TelemetrySDKNameKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.sdk.name") - // The language of the telemetry SDK. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - TelemetrySDKLanguageKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.sdk.language") - // The version string of the telemetry SDK. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '1.2.3' - TelemetrySDKVersionKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.sdk.version") - // The version string of the auto instrumentation agent, if used. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '1.2.3' - TelemetryAutoVersionKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.auto.version") -) - -var ( - // cpp - TelemetrySDKLanguageCPP = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("cpp") - // dotnet - TelemetrySDKLanguageDotnet = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("dotnet") - // erlang - TelemetrySDKLanguageErlang = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("erlang") - // go - TelemetrySDKLanguageGo = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("go") - // java - TelemetrySDKLanguageJava = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("java") - // nodejs - TelemetrySDKLanguageNodejs = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("nodejs") - // php - TelemetrySDKLanguagePHP = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("php") - // python - TelemetrySDKLanguagePython = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("python") - // ruby - TelemetrySDKLanguageRuby = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("ruby") - // webjs - TelemetrySDKLanguageWebjs = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("webjs") - // swift - TelemetrySDKLanguageSwift = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("swift") -) - -// Resource describing the packaged software running the application code. Web engines are typically executed using process.runtime. -const ( - // The name of the web engine. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'WildFly' - WebEngineNameKey = attribute.Key("webengine.name") - // The version of the web engine. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '21.0.0' - WebEngineVersionKey = attribute.Key("webengine.version") - // Additional description of the web engine (e.g. detailed version and edition - // information). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'WildFly Full 21.0.0.Final (WildFly Core 13.0.1.Final) - 2.2.2.Final' - WebEngineDescriptionKey = attribute.Key("webengine.description") -) diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/trace.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/trace.go deleted file mode 100644 index 047d8e95c..000000000 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/trace.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1704 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors -// -// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -// You may obtain a copy of the License at -// -// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -// -// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -// limitations under the License. - -// Code generated from semantic convention specification. DO NOT EDIT. - -package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0" - -import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" - -// Span attributes used by AWS Lambda (in addition to general `faas` attributes). -const ( - // The full invoked ARN as provided on the `Context` passed to the function - // (`Lambda-Runtime-Invoked-Function-ARN` header on the `/runtime/invocation/next` - // applicable). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456:function:myfunction:myalias' - // Note: This may be different from `faas.id` if an alias is involved. - AWSLambdaInvokedARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.lambda.invoked_arn") -) - -// This document defines attributes for CloudEvents. CloudEvents is a specification on how to define event data in a standard way. These attributes can be attached to spans when performing operations with CloudEvents, regardless of the protocol being used. -const ( - // The [event_id](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec - // .md#id) uniquely identifies the event. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', '0001' - CloudeventsEventIDKey = attribute.Key("cloudevents.event_id") - // The [source](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.m - // d#source-1) identifies the context in which an event happened. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'https://github.com/cloudevents', '/cloudevents/spec/pull/123', 'my- - // service' - CloudeventsEventSourceKey = attribute.Key("cloudevents.event_source") - // The [version of the CloudEvents specification](https://github.com/cloudevents/s - // pec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#specversion) which the event uses. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '1.0' - CloudeventsEventSpecVersionKey = attribute.Key("cloudevents.event_spec_version") - // The [event_type](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/sp - // ec.md#type) contains a value describing the type of event related to the - // originating occurrence. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'com.github.pull_request.opened', 'com.example.object.deleted.v2' - CloudeventsEventTypeKey = attribute.Key("cloudevents.event_type") - // The [subject](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec. - // md#subject) of the event in the context of the event producer (identified by - // source). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'mynewfile.jpg' - CloudeventsEventSubjectKey = attribute.Key("cloudevents.event_subject") -) - -// This document defines semantic conventions for the OpenTracing Shim -const ( - // Parent-child Reference type - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Note: The causal relationship between a child Span and a parent Span. - OpentracingRefTypeKey = attribute.Key("opentracing.ref_type") -) - -var ( - // The parent Span depends on the child Span in some capacity - OpentracingRefTypeChildOf = OpentracingRefTypeKey.String("child_of") - // The parent Span does not depend in any way on the result of the child Span - OpentracingRefTypeFollowsFrom = OpentracingRefTypeKey.String("follows_from") -) - -// This document defines the attributes used to perform database client calls. -const ( - // An identifier for the database management system (DBMS) product being used. See - // below for a list of well-known identifiers. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - DBSystemKey = attribute.Key("db.system") - // The connection string used to connect to the database. It is recommended to - // remove embedded credentials. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Server=(localdb)\\v11.0;Integrated Security=true;' - DBConnectionStringKey = attribute.Key("db.connection_string") - // Username for accessing the database. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'readonly_user', 'reporting_user' - DBUserKey = attribute.Key("db.user") - // The fully-qualified class name of the [Java Database Connectivity - // (JDBC)](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jdbc/) driver - // used to connect. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'org.postgresql.Driver', - // 'com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver' - DBJDBCDriverClassnameKey = attribute.Key("db.jdbc.driver_classname") - // This attribute is used to report the name of the database being accessed. For - // commands that switch the database, this should be set to the target database - // (even if the command fails). - // - // Type: string - // Required: Required, if applicable. - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'customers', 'main' - // Note: In some SQL databases, the database name to be used is called "schema - // name". In case there are multiple layers that could be considered for database - // name (e.g. Oracle instance name and schema name), the database name to be used - // is the more specific layer (e.g. Oracle schema name). - DBNameKey = attribute.Key("db.name") - // The database statement being executed. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Required if applicable and not explicitly disabled via - // instrumentation configuration. - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'SELECT * FROM wuser_table', 'SET mykey "WuValue"' - // Note: The value may be sanitized to exclude sensitive information. - DBStatementKey = attribute.Key("db.statement") - // The name of the operation being executed, e.g. the [MongoDB command - // name](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/#database-operations) - // such as `findAndModify`, or the SQL keyword. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Required, if `db.statement` is not applicable. - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'findAndModify', 'HMSET', 'SELECT' - // Note: When setting this to an SQL keyword, it is not recommended to attempt any - // client-side parsing of `db.statement` just to get this property, but it should - // be set if the operation name is provided by the library being instrumented. If - // the SQL statement has an ambiguous operation, or performs more than one - // operation, this value may be omitted. - DBOperationKey = attribute.Key("db.operation") -) - -var ( - // Some other SQL database. Fallback only. See notes - DBSystemOtherSQL = DBSystemKey.String("other_sql") - // Microsoft SQL Server - DBSystemMSSQL = DBSystemKey.String("mssql") - // MySQL - DBSystemMySQL = DBSystemKey.String("mysql") - // Oracle Database - DBSystemOracle = DBSystemKey.String("oracle") - // IBM DB2 - DBSystemDB2 = DBSystemKey.String("db2") - // PostgreSQL - DBSystemPostgreSQL = DBSystemKey.String("postgresql") - // Amazon Redshift - DBSystemRedshift = DBSystemKey.String("redshift") - // Apache Hive - DBSystemHive = DBSystemKey.String("hive") - // Cloudscape - DBSystemCloudscape = DBSystemKey.String("cloudscape") - // HyperSQL DataBase - DBSystemHSQLDB = DBSystemKey.String("hsqldb") - // Progress Database - DBSystemProgress = DBSystemKey.String("progress") - // SAP MaxDB - DBSystemMaxDB = DBSystemKey.String("maxdb") - // SAP HANA - DBSystemHanaDB = DBSystemKey.String("hanadb") - // Ingres - DBSystemIngres = DBSystemKey.String("ingres") - // FirstSQL - DBSystemFirstSQL = DBSystemKey.String("firstsql") - // EnterpriseDB - DBSystemEDB = DBSystemKey.String("edb") - // InterSystems Caché - DBSystemCache = DBSystemKey.String("cache") - // Adabas (Adaptable Database System) - DBSystemAdabas = DBSystemKey.String("adabas") - // Firebird - DBSystemFirebird = DBSystemKey.String("firebird") - // Apache Derby - DBSystemDerby = DBSystemKey.String("derby") - // FileMaker - DBSystemFilemaker = DBSystemKey.String("filemaker") - // Informix - DBSystemInformix = DBSystemKey.String("informix") - // InstantDB - DBSystemInstantDB = DBSystemKey.String("instantdb") - // InterBase - DBSystemInterbase = DBSystemKey.String("interbase") - // MariaDB - DBSystemMariaDB = DBSystemKey.String("mariadb") - // Netezza - DBSystemNetezza = DBSystemKey.String("netezza") - // Pervasive PSQL - DBSystemPervasive = DBSystemKey.String("pervasive") - // PointBase - DBSystemPointbase = DBSystemKey.String("pointbase") - // SQLite - DBSystemSqlite = DBSystemKey.String("sqlite") - // Sybase - DBSystemSybase = DBSystemKey.String("sybase") - // Teradata - DBSystemTeradata = DBSystemKey.String("teradata") - // Vertica - DBSystemVertica = DBSystemKey.String("vertica") - // H2 - DBSystemH2 = DBSystemKey.String("h2") - // ColdFusion IMQ - DBSystemColdfusion = DBSystemKey.String("coldfusion") - // Apache Cassandra - DBSystemCassandra = DBSystemKey.String("cassandra") - // Apache HBase - DBSystemHBase = DBSystemKey.String("hbase") - // MongoDB - DBSystemMongoDB = DBSystemKey.String("mongodb") - // Redis - DBSystemRedis = DBSystemKey.String("redis") - // Couchbase - DBSystemCouchbase = DBSystemKey.String("couchbase") - // CouchDB - DBSystemCouchDB = DBSystemKey.String("couchdb") - // Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB - DBSystemCosmosDB = DBSystemKey.String("cosmosdb") - // Amazon DynamoDB - DBSystemDynamoDB = DBSystemKey.String("dynamodb") - // Neo4j - DBSystemNeo4j = DBSystemKey.String("neo4j") - // Apache Geode - DBSystemGeode = DBSystemKey.String("geode") - // Elasticsearch - DBSystemElasticsearch = DBSystemKey.String("elasticsearch") - // Memcached - DBSystemMemcached = DBSystemKey.String("memcached") - // CockroachDB - DBSystemCockroachdb = DBSystemKey.String("cockroachdb") -) - -// Connection-level attributes for Microsoft SQL Server -const ( - // The Microsoft SQL Server [instance name](https://docs.microsoft.com/en- - // us/sql/connect/jdbc/building-the-connection-url?view=sql-server-ver15) - // connecting to. This name is used to determine the port of a named instance. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'MSSQLSERVER' - // Note: If setting a `db.mssql.instance_name`, `net.peer.port` is no longer - // required (but still recommended if non-standard). - DBMSSQLInstanceNameKey = attribute.Key("db.mssql.instance_name") -) - -// Call-level attributes for Cassandra -const ( - // The fetch size used for paging, i.e. how many rows will be returned at once. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 5000 - DBCassandraPageSizeKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.page_size") - // The consistency level of the query. Based on consistency values from - // [CQL](https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra- - // oss/3.0/cassandra/dml/dmlConfigConsistency.html). - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.consistency_level") - // The name of the primary table that the operation is acting upon, including the - // keyspace name (if applicable). - // - // Type: string - // Required: Recommended if available. - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'mytable' - // Note: This mirrors the db.sql.table attribute but references cassandra rather - // than sql. It is not recommended to attempt any client-side parsing of - // `db.statement` just to get this property, but it should be set if it is - // provided by the library being instrumented. If the operation is acting upon an - // anonymous table, or more than one table, this value MUST NOT be set. - DBCassandraTableKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.table") - // Whether or not the query is idempotent. - // - // Type: boolean - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - DBCassandraIdempotenceKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.idempotence") - // The number of times a query was speculatively executed. Not set or `0` if the - // query was not executed speculatively. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 0, 2 - DBCassandraSpeculativeExecutionCountKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.speculative_execution_count") - // The ID of the coordinating node for a query. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'be13faa2-8574-4d71-926d-27f16cf8a7af' - DBCassandraCoordinatorIDKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.coordinator.id") - // The data center of the coordinating node for a query. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'us-west-2' - DBCassandraCoordinatorDCKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.coordinator.dc") -) - -var ( - // all - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelAll = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("all") - // each_quorum - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelEachQuorum = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("each_quorum") - // quorum - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelQuorum = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("quorum") - // local_quorum - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelLocalQuorum = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("local_quorum") - // one - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelOne = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("one") - // two - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelTwo = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("two") - // three - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelThree = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("three") - // local_one - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelLocalOne = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("local_one") - // any - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelAny = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("any") - // serial - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelSerial = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("serial") - // local_serial - DBCassandraConsistencyLevelLocalSerial = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("local_serial") -) - -// Call-level attributes for Redis -const ( - // The index of the database being accessed as used in the [`SELECT` - // command](https://redis.io/commands/select), provided as an integer. To be used - // instead of the generic `db.name` attribute. - // - // Type: int - // Required: Required, if other than the default database (`0`). - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 0, 1, 15 - DBRedisDBIndexKey = attribute.Key("db.redis.database_index") -) - -// Call-level attributes for MongoDB -const ( - // The collection being accessed within the database stated in `db.name`. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'customers', 'products' - DBMongoDBCollectionKey = attribute.Key("db.mongodb.collection") -) - -// Call-level attributes for SQL databases -const ( - // The name of the primary table that the operation is acting upon, including the - // database name (if applicable). - // - // Type: string - // Required: Recommended if available. - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'public.users', 'customers' - // Note: It is not recommended to attempt any client-side parsing of - // `db.statement` just to get this property, but it should be set if it is - // provided by the library being instrumented. If the operation is acting upon an - // anonymous table, or more than one table, this value MUST NOT be set. - DBSQLTableKey = attribute.Key("db.sql.table") -) - -// This document defines the attributes used to report a single exception associated with a span. -const ( - // The type of the exception (its fully-qualified class name, if applicable). The - // dynamic type of the exception should be preferred over the static type in - // languages that support it. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'java.net.ConnectException', 'OSError' - ExceptionTypeKey = attribute.Key("exception.type") - // The exception message. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Division by zero', "Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly" - ExceptionMessageKey = attribute.Key("exception.message") - // A stacktrace as a string in the natural representation for the language - // runtime. The representation is to be determined and documented by each language - // SIG. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Test - // exception\\n at ' - // 'com.example.GenerateTrace.methodB(GenerateTrace.java:13)\\n at ' - // 'com.example.GenerateTrace.methodA(GenerateTrace.java:9)\\n at ' - // 'com.example.GenerateTrace.main(GenerateTrace.java:5)' - ExceptionStacktraceKey = attribute.Key("exception.stacktrace") - // SHOULD be set to true if the exception event is recorded at a point where it is - // known that the exception is escaping the scope of the span. - // - // Type: boolean - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Note: An exception is considered to have escaped (or left) the scope of a span, - // if that span is ended while the exception is still logically "in flight". - // This may be actually "in flight" in some languages (e.g. if the exception - // is passed to a Context manager's `__exit__` method in Python) but will - // usually be caught at the point of recording the exception in most languages. - - // It is usually not possible to determine at the point where an exception is - // thrown - // whether it will escape the scope of a span. - // However, it is trivial to know that an exception - // will escape, if one checks for an active exception just before ending the span, - // as done in the [example above](#recording-an-exception). - - // It follows that an exception may still escape the scope of the span - // even if the `exception.escaped` attribute was not set or set to false, - // since the event might have been recorded at a time where it was not - // clear whether the exception will escape. - ExceptionEscapedKey = attribute.Key("exception.escaped") -) - -// This semantic convention describes an instance of a function that runs without provisioning or managing of servers (also known as serverless functions or Function as a Service (FaaS)) with spans. -const ( - // Type of the trigger which caused this function execution. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Note: For the server/consumer span on the incoming side, - // `faas.trigger` MUST be set. - - // Clients invoking FaaS instances usually cannot set `faas.trigger`, - // since they would typically need to look in the payload to determine - // the event type. If clients set it, it should be the same as the - // trigger that corresponding incoming would have (i.e., this has - // nothing to do with the underlying transport used to make the API - // call to invoke the lambda, which is often HTTP). - FaaSTriggerKey = attribute.Key("faas.trigger") - // The execution ID of the current function execution. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'af9d5aa4-a685-4c5f-a22b-444f80b3cc28' - FaaSExecutionKey = attribute.Key("faas.execution") -) - -var ( - // A response to some data source operation such as a database or filesystem read/write - FaaSTriggerDatasource = FaaSTriggerKey.String("datasource") - // To provide an answer to an inbound HTTP request - FaaSTriggerHTTP = FaaSTriggerKey.String("http") - // A function is set to be executed when messages are sent to a messaging system - FaaSTriggerPubsub = FaaSTriggerKey.String("pubsub") - // A function is scheduled to be executed regularly - FaaSTriggerTimer = FaaSTriggerKey.String("timer") - // If none of the others apply - FaaSTriggerOther = FaaSTriggerKey.String("other") -) - -// Semantic Convention for FaaS triggered as a response to some data source operation such as a database or filesystem read/write. -const ( - // The name of the source on which the triggering operation was performed. For - // example, in Cloud Storage or S3 corresponds to the bucket name, and in Cosmos - // DB to the database name. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'myBucketName', 'myDBName' - FaaSDocumentCollectionKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.collection") - // Describes the type of the operation that was performed on the data. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - FaaSDocumentOperationKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.operation") - // A string containing the time when the data was accessed in the [ISO - // 8601](https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html) format expressed - // in [UTC](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime). - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '2020-01-23T13:47:06Z' - FaaSDocumentTimeKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.time") - // The document name/table subjected to the operation. For example, in Cloud - // Storage or S3 is the name of the file, and in Cosmos DB the table name. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'myFile.txt', 'myTableName' - FaaSDocumentNameKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.name") -) - -var ( - // When a new object is created - FaaSDocumentOperationInsert = FaaSDocumentOperationKey.String("insert") - // When an object is modified - FaaSDocumentOperationEdit = FaaSDocumentOperationKey.String("edit") - // When an object is deleted - FaaSDocumentOperationDelete = FaaSDocumentOperationKey.String("delete") -) - -// Semantic Convention for FaaS scheduled to be executed regularly. -const ( - // A string containing the function invocation time in the [ISO - // 8601](https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html) format expressed - // in [UTC](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime). - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '2020-01-23T13:47:06Z' - FaaSTimeKey = attribute.Key("faas.time") - // A string containing the schedule period as [Cron Expression](https://docs.oracl - // e.com/cd/E12058_01/doc/doc.1014/e12030/cron_expressions.htm). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '0/5 * * * ? *' - FaaSCronKey = attribute.Key("faas.cron") -) - -// Contains additional attributes for incoming FaaS spans. -const ( - // A boolean that is true if the serverless function is executed for the first - // time (aka cold-start). - // - // Type: boolean - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - FaaSColdstartKey = attribute.Key("faas.coldstart") -) - -// Contains additional attributes for outgoing FaaS spans. -const ( - // The name of the invoked function. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'my-function' - // Note: SHOULD be equal to the `faas.name` resource attribute of the invoked - // function. - FaaSInvokedNameKey = attribute.Key("faas.invoked_name") - // The cloud provider of the invoked function. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Note: SHOULD be equal to the `cloud.provider` resource attribute of the invoked - // function. - FaaSInvokedProviderKey = attribute.Key("faas.invoked_provider") - // The cloud region of the invoked function. - // - // Type: string - // Required: For some cloud providers, like AWS or GCP, the region in which a - // function is hosted is essential to uniquely identify the function and also part - // of its endpoint. Since it's part of the endpoint being called, the region is - // always known to clients. In these cases, `faas.invoked_region` MUST be set - // accordingly. If the region is unknown to the client or not required for - // identifying the invoked function, setting `faas.invoked_region` is optional. - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'eu-central-1' - // Note: SHOULD be equal to the `cloud.region` resource attribute of the invoked - // function. - FaaSInvokedRegionKey = attribute.Key("faas.invoked_region") -) - -var ( - // Alibaba Cloud - FaaSInvokedProviderAlibabaCloud = FaaSInvokedProviderKey.String("alibaba_cloud") - // Amazon Web Services - FaaSInvokedProviderAWS = FaaSInvokedProviderKey.String("aws") - // Microsoft Azure - FaaSInvokedProviderAzure = FaaSInvokedProviderKey.String("azure") - // Google Cloud Platform - FaaSInvokedProviderGCP = FaaSInvokedProviderKey.String("gcp") - // Tencent Cloud - FaaSInvokedProviderTencentCloud = FaaSInvokedProviderKey.String("tencent_cloud") -) - -// These attributes may be used for any network related operation. -const ( - // Transport protocol used. See note below. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - NetTransportKey = attribute.Key("net.transport") - // Remote address of the peer (dotted decimal for IPv4 or - // [RFC5952](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952) for IPv6) - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '' - NetPeerIPKey = attribute.Key("net.peer.ip") - // Remote port number. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 80, 8080, 443 - NetPeerPortKey = attribute.Key("net.peer.port") - // Remote hostname or similar, see note below. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'example.com' - // Note: `net.peer.name` SHOULD NOT be set if capturing it would require an extra - // DNS lookup. - NetPeerNameKey = attribute.Key("net.peer.name") - // Like `net.peer.ip` but for the host IP. Useful in case of a multi-IP host. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '' - NetHostIPKey = attribute.Key("net.host.ip") - // Like `net.peer.port` but for the host port. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 35555 - NetHostPortKey = attribute.Key("net.host.port") - // Local hostname or similar, see note below. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'localhost' - NetHostNameKey = attribute.Key("net.host.name") - // The internet connection type currently being used by the host. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'wifi' - NetHostConnectionTypeKey = attribute.Key("net.host.connection.type") - // This describes more details regarding the connection.type. It may be the type - // of cell technology connection, but it could be used for describing details - // about a wifi connection. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'LTE' - NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey = attribute.Key("net.host.connection.subtype") - // The name of the mobile carrier. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'sprint' - NetHostCarrierNameKey = attribute.Key("net.host.carrier.name") - // The mobile carrier country code. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '310' - NetHostCarrierMccKey = attribute.Key("net.host.carrier.mcc") - // The mobile carrier network code. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '001' - NetHostCarrierMncKey = attribute.Key("net.host.carrier.mnc") - // The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 2-character country code associated with the mobile - // carrier network. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'DE' - NetHostCarrierIccKey = attribute.Key("net.host.carrier.icc") -) - -var ( - // ip_tcp - NetTransportTCP = NetTransportKey.String("ip_tcp") - // ip_udp - NetTransportUDP = NetTransportKey.String("ip_udp") - // Another IP-based protocol - NetTransportIP = NetTransportKey.String("ip") - // Unix Domain socket. See below - NetTransportUnix = NetTransportKey.String("unix") - // Named or anonymous pipe. See note below - NetTransportPipe = NetTransportKey.String("pipe") - // In-process communication - NetTransportInProc = NetTransportKey.String("inproc") - // Something else (non IP-based) - NetTransportOther = NetTransportKey.String("other") -) - -var ( - // wifi - NetHostConnectionTypeWifi = NetHostConnectionTypeKey.String("wifi") - // wired - NetHostConnectionTypeWired = NetHostConnectionTypeKey.String("wired") - // cell - NetHostConnectionTypeCell = NetHostConnectionTypeKey.String("cell") - // unavailable - NetHostConnectionTypeUnavailable = NetHostConnectionTypeKey.String("unavailable") - // unknown - NetHostConnectionTypeUnknown = NetHostConnectionTypeKey.String("unknown") -) - -var ( - // GPRS - NetHostConnectionSubtypeGprs = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("gprs") - // EDGE - NetHostConnectionSubtypeEdge = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("edge") - // UMTS - NetHostConnectionSubtypeUmts = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("umts") - // CDMA - NetHostConnectionSubtypeCdma = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("cdma") - // EVDO Rel. 0 - NetHostConnectionSubtypeEvdo0 = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("evdo_0") - // EVDO Rev. A - NetHostConnectionSubtypeEvdoA = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("evdo_a") - // CDMA2000 1XRTT - NetHostConnectionSubtypeCdma20001xrtt = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("cdma2000_1xrtt") - // HSDPA - NetHostConnectionSubtypeHsdpa = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("hsdpa") - // HSUPA - NetHostConnectionSubtypeHsupa = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("hsupa") - // HSPA - NetHostConnectionSubtypeHspa = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("hspa") - // IDEN - NetHostConnectionSubtypeIden = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("iden") - // EVDO Rev. B - NetHostConnectionSubtypeEvdoB = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("evdo_b") - // LTE - NetHostConnectionSubtypeLte = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("lte") - // EHRPD - NetHostConnectionSubtypeEhrpd = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("ehrpd") - // HSPAP - NetHostConnectionSubtypeHspap = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("hspap") - // GSM - NetHostConnectionSubtypeGsm = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("gsm") - // TD-SCDMA - NetHostConnectionSubtypeTdScdma = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("td_scdma") - // IWLAN - NetHostConnectionSubtypeIwlan = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("iwlan") - // 5G NR (New Radio) - NetHostConnectionSubtypeNr = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("nr") - // 5G NRNSA (New Radio Non-Standalone) - NetHostConnectionSubtypeNrnsa = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("nrnsa") - // LTE CA - NetHostConnectionSubtypeLteCa = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("lte_ca") -) - -// Operations that access some remote service. -const ( - // The [`service.name`](../../resource/semantic_conventions/README.md#service) of - // the remote service. SHOULD be equal to the actual `service.name` resource - // attribute of the remote service if any. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'AuthTokenCache' - PeerServiceKey = attribute.Key("peer.service") -) - -// These attributes may be used for any operation with an authenticated and/or authorized enduser. -const ( - // Username or client_id extracted from the access token or - // [Authorization](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235#section-4.2) header in the - // inbound request from outside the system. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'username' - EnduserIDKey = attribute.Key("enduser.id") - // Actual/assumed role the client is making the request under extracted from token - // or application security context. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'admin' - EnduserRoleKey = attribute.Key("enduser.role") - // Scopes or granted authorities the client currently possesses extracted from - // token or application security context. The value would come from the scope - // associated with an [OAuth 2.0 Access - // Token](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-3.3) or an attribute value - // in a [SAML 2.0 Assertion](http://docs.oasis- - // open.org/security/saml/Post2.0/sstc-saml-tech-overview-2.0.html). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'read:message, write:files' - EnduserScopeKey = attribute.Key("enduser.scope") -) - -// These attributes may be used for any operation to store information about a thread that started a span. -const ( - // Current "managed" thread ID (as opposed to OS thread ID). - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 42 - ThreadIDKey = attribute.Key("thread.id") - // Current thread name. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'main' - ThreadNameKey = attribute.Key("thread.name") -) - -// These attributes allow to report this unit of code and therefore to provide more context about the span. -const ( - // The method or function name, or equivalent (usually rightmost part of the code - // unit's name). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'serveRequest' - CodeFunctionKey = attribute.Key("code.function") - // The "namespace" within which `code.function` is defined. Usually the qualified - // class or module name, such that `code.namespace` + some separator + - // `code.function` form a unique identifier for the code unit. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'com.example.MyHTTPService' - CodeNamespaceKey = attribute.Key("code.namespace") - // The source code file name that identifies the code unit as uniquely as possible - // (preferably an absolute file path). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '/usr/local/MyApplication/content_root/app/index.php' - CodeFilepathKey = attribute.Key("code.filepath") - // The line number in `code.filepath` best representing the operation. It SHOULD - // point within the code unit named in `code.function`. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 42 - CodeLineNumberKey = attribute.Key("code.lineno") -) - -// This document defines semantic conventions for HTTP client and server Spans. -const ( - // HTTP request method. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'GET', 'POST', 'HEAD' - HTTPMethodKey = attribute.Key("http.method") - // Full HTTP request URL in the form `scheme://host[:port]/path?query[#fragment]`. - // Usually the fragment is not transmitted over HTTP, but if it is known, it - // should be included nevertheless. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'https://www.foo.bar/search?q=OpenTelemetry#SemConv' - // Note: `http.url` MUST NOT contain credentials passed via URL in form of - // `https://username:password@www.example.com/`. In such case the attribute's - // value should be `https://www.example.com/`. - HTTPURLKey = attribute.Key("http.url") - // The full request target as passed in a HTTP request line or equivalent. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '/path/12314/?q=ddds#123' - HTTPTargetKey = attribute.Key("http.target") - // The value of the [HTTP host - // header](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.4). An empty Host header - // should also be reported, see note. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'www.example.org' - // Note: When the header is present but empty the attribute SHOULD be set to the - // empty string. Note that this is a valid situation that is expected in certain - // cases, according the aforementioned [section of RFC - // 7230](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.4). When the header is not - // set the attribute MUST NOT be set. - HTTPHostKey = attribute.Key("http.host") - // The URI scheme identifying the used protocol. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'http', 'https' - HTTPSchemeKey = attribute.Key("http.scheme") - // [HTTP response status code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6). - // - // Type: int - // Required: If and only if one was received/sent. - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 200 - HTTPStatusCodeKey = attribute.Key("http.status_code") - // Kind of HTTP protocol used. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Note: If `net.transport` is not specified, it can be assumed to be `IP.TCP` - // except if `http.flavor` is `QUIC`, in which case `IP.UDP` is assumed. - HTTPFlavorKey = attribute.Key("http.flavor") - // Value of the [HTTP User- - // Agent](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.5.3) header sent by the - // client. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'CERN-LineMode/2.15 libwww/2.17b3' - HTTPUserAgentKey = attribute.Key("http.user_agent") - // The size of the request payload body in bytes. This is the number of bytes - // transferred excluding headers and is often, but not always, present as the - // [Content-Length](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.2) header. For - // requests using transport encoding, this should be the compressed size. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 3495 - HTTPRequestContentLengthKey = attribute.Key("http.request_content_length") - // The size of the uncompressed request payload body after transport decoding. Not - // set if transport encoding not used. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 5493 - HTTPRequestContentLengthUncompressedKey = attribute.Key("http.request_content_length_uncompressed") - // The size of the response payload body in bytes. This is the number of bytes - // transferred excluding headers and is often, but not always, present as the - // [Content-Length](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.2) header. For - // requests using transport encoding, this should be the compressed size. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 3495 - HTTPResponseContentLengthKey = attribute.Key("http.response_content_length") - // The size of the uncompressed response payload body after transport decoding. - // Not set if transport encoding not used. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 5493 - HTTPResponseContentLengthUncompressedKey = attribute.Key("http.response_content_length_uncompressed") - // The ordinal number of request re-sending attempt. - // - // Type: int - // Required: If and only if a request was retried. - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 3 - HTTPRetryCountKey = attribute.Key("http.retry_count") -) - -var ( - // HTTP/1.0 - HTTPFlavorHTTP10 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("1.0") - // HTTP/1.1 - HTTPFlavorHTTP11 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("1.1") - // HTTP/2 - HTTPFlavorHTTP20 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("2.0") - // HTTP/3 - HTTPFlavorHTTP30 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("3.0") - // SPDY protocol - HTTPFlavorSPDY = HTTPFlavorKey.String("SPDY") - // QUIC protocol - HTTPFlavorQUIC = HTTPFlavorKey.String("QUIC") -) - -// Semantic Convention for HTTP Server -const ( - // The primary server name of the matched virtual host. This should be obtained - // via configuration. If no such configuration can be obtained, this attribute - // MUST NOT be set ( `net.host.name` should be used instead). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'example.com' - // Note: `http.url` is usually not readily available on the server side but would - // have to be assembled in a cumbersome and sometimes lossy process from other - // information (see e.g. open-telemetry/opentelemetry-python/pull/148). It is thus - // preferred to supply the raw data that is available. - HTTPServerNameKey = attribute.Key("http.server_name") - // The matched route (path template). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '/users/:userID?' - HTTPRouteKey = attribute.Key("http.route") - // The IP address of the original client behind all proxies, if known (e.g. from - // [X-Forwarded-For](https://developer.mozilla.org/en- - // US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-For)). - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '' - // Note: This is not necessarily the same as `net.peer.ip`, which would - // identify the network-level peer, which may be a proxy. - - // This attribute should be set when a source of information different - // from the one used for `net.peer.ip`, is available even if that other - // source just confirms the same value as `net.peer.ip`. - // Rationale: For `net.peer.ip`, one typically does not know if it - // comes from a proxy, reverse proxy, or the actual client. Setting - // `http.client_ip` when it's the same as `net.peer.ip` means that - // one is at least somewhat confident that the address is not that of - // the closest proxy. - HTTPClientIPKey = attribute.Key("http.client_ip") -) - -// Attributes that exist for multiple DynamoDB request types. -const ( - // The keys in the `RequestItems` object field. - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Users', 'Cats' - AWSDynamoDBTableNamesKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.table_names") - // The JSON-serialized value of each item in the `ConsumedCapacity` response - // field. - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '{ "CapacityUnits": number, "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": { "string" : { - // "CapacityUnits": number, "ReadCapacityUnits": number, "WriteCapacityUnits": - // number } }, "LocalSecondaryIndexes": { "string" : { "CapacityUnits": number, - // "ReadCapacityUnits": number, "WriteCapacityUnits": number } }, - // "ReadCapacityUnits": number, "Table": { "CapacityUnits": number, - // "ReadCapacityUnits": number, "WriteCapacityUnits": number }, "TableName": - // "string", "WriteCapacityUnits": number }' - AWSDynamoDBConsumedCapacityKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.consumed_capacity") - // The JSON-serialized value of the `ItemCollectionMetrics` response field. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '{ "string" : [ { "ItemCollectionKey": { "string" : { "B": blob, - // "BOOL": boolean, "BS": [ blob ], "L": [ "AttributeValue" ], "M": { "string" : - // "AttributeValue" }, "N": "string", "NS": [ "string" ], "NULL": boolean, "S": - // "string", "SS": [ "string" ] } }, "SizeEstimateRangeGB": [ number ] } ] }' - AWSDynamoDBItemCollectionMetricsKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.item_collection_metrics") - // The value of the `ProvisionedThroughput.ReadCapacityUnits` request parameter. - // - // Type: double - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 1.0, 2.0 - AWSDynamoDBProvisionedReadCapacityKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.provisioned_read_capacity") - // The value of the `ProvisionedThroughput.WriteCapacityUnits` request parameter. - // - // Type: double - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 1.0, 2.0 - AWSDynamoDBProvisionedWriteCapacityKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.provisioned_write_capacity") - // The value of the `ConsistentRead` request parameter. - // - // Type: boolean - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - AWSDynamoDBConsistentReadKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.consistent_read") - // The value of the `ProjectionExpression` request parameter. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Title', 'Title, Price, Color', 'Title, Description, RelatedItems, - // ProductReviews' - AWSDynamoDBProjectionKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.projection") - // The value of the `Limit` request parameter. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 10 - AWSDynamoDBLimitKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.limit") - // The value of the `AttributesToGet` request parameter. - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'lives', 'id' - AWSDynamoDBAttributesToGetKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.attributes_to_get") - // The value of the `IndexName` request parameter. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'name_to_group' - AWSDynamoDBIndexNameKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.index_name") - // The value of the `Select` request parameter. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES', 'COUNT' - AWSDynamoDBSelectKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.select") -) - -// DynamoDB.CreateTable -const ( - // The JSON-serialized value of each item of the `GlobalSecondaryIndexes` request - // field - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '{ "IndexName": "string", "KeySchema": [ { "AttributeName": "string", - // "KeyType": "string" } ], "Projection": { "NonKeyAttributes": [ "string" ], - // "ProjectionType": "string" }, "ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": - // number, "WriteCapacityUnits": number } }' - AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.global_secondary_indexes") - // The JSON-serialized value of each item of the `LocalSecondaryIndexes` request - // field. - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '{ "IndexARN": "string", "IndexName": "string", "IndexSizeBytes": - // number, "ItemCount": number, "KeySchema": [ { "AttributeName": "string", - // "KeyType": "string" } ], "Projection": { "NonKeyAttributes": [ "string" ], - // "ProjectionType": "string" } }' - AWSDynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.local_secondary_indexes") -) - -// DynamoDB.ListTables -const ( - // The value of the `ExclusiveStartTableName` request parameter. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Users', 'CatsTable' - AWSDynamoDBExclusiveStartTableKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.exclusive_start_table") - // The the number of items in the `TableNames` response parameter. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 20 - AWSDynamoDBTableCountKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.table_count") -) - -// DynamoDB.Query -const ( - // The value of the `ScanIndexForward` request parameter. - // - // Type: boolean - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - AWSDynamoDBScanForwardKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.scan_forward") -) - -// DynamoDB.Scan -const ( - // The value of the `Segment` request parameter. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 10 - AWSDynamoDBSegmentKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.segment") - // The value of the `TotalSegments` request parameter. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 100 - AWSDynamoDBTotalSegmentsKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.total_segments") - // The value of the `Count` response parameter. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 10 - AWSDynamoDBCountKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.count") - // The value of the `ScannedCount` response parameter. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 50 - AWSDynamoDBScannedCountKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.scanned_count") -) - -// DynamoDB.UpdateTable -const ( - // The JSON-serialized value of each item in the `AttributeDefinitions` request - // field. - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '{ "AttributeName": "string", "AttributeType": "string" }' - AWSDynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.attribute_definitions") - // The JSON-serialized value of each item in the the `GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates` - // request field. - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '{ "Create": { "IndexName": "string", "KeySchema": [ { - // "AttributeName": "string", "KeyType": "string" } ], "Projection": { - // "NonKeyAttributes": [ "string" ], "ProjectionType": "string" }, - // "ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": number, "WriteCapacityUnits": - // number } }' - AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdatesKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.global_secondary_index_updates") -) - -// This document defines the attributes used in messaging systems. -const ( - // A string identifying the messaging system. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'kafka', 'rabbitmq', 'rocketmq', 'activemq', 'AmazonSQS' - MessagingSystemKey = attribute.Key("messaging.system") - // The message destination name. This might be equal to the span name but is - // required nevertheless. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'MyQueue', 'MyTopic' - MessagingDestinationKey = attribute.Key("messaging.destination") - // The kind of message destination - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: Required only if the message destination is either a `queue` or - // `topic`. - // Stability: stable - MessagingDestinationKindKey = attribute.Key("messaging.destination_kind") - // A boolean that is true if the message destination is temporary. - // - // Type: boolean - // Required: If missing, it is assumed to be false. - // Stability: stable - MessagingTempDestinationKey = attribute.Key("messaging.temp_destination") - // The name of the transport protocol. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'AMQP', 'MQTT' - MessagingProtocolKey = attribute.Key("messaging.protocol") - // The version of the transport protocol. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '0.9.1' - MessagingProtocolVersionKey = attribute.Key("messaging.protocol_version") - // Connection string. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222', - // 'https://queue.amazonaws.com/80398EXAMPLE/MyQueue' - MessagingURLKey = attribute.Key("messaging.url") - // A value used by the messaging system as an identifier for the message, - // represented as a string. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '452a7c7c7c7048c2f887f61572b18fc2' - MessagingMessageIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.message_id") - // The [conversation ID](#conversations) identifying the conversation to which the - // message belongs, represented as a string. Sometimes called "Correlation ID". - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'MyConversationID' - MessagingConversationIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.conversation_id") - // The (uncompressed) size of the message payload in bytes. Also use this - // attribute if it is unknown whether the compressed or uncompressed payload size - // is reported. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 2738 - MessagingMessagePayloadSizeBytesKey = attribute.Key("messaging.message_payload_size_bytes") - // The compressed size of the message payload in bytes. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 2048 - MessagingMessagePayloadCompressedSizeBytesKey = attribute.Key("messaging.message_payload_compressed_size_bytes") -) - -var ( - // A message sent to a queue - MessagingDestinationKindQueue = MessagingDestinationKindKey.String("queue") - // A message sent to a topic - MessagingDestinationKindTopic = MessagingDestinationKindKey.String("topic") -) - -// Semantic convention for a consumer of messages received from a messaging system -const ( - // A string identifying the kind of message consumption as defined in the - // [Operation names](#operation-names) section above. If the operation is "send", - // this attribute MUST NOT be set, since the operation can be inferred from the - // span kind in that case. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - MessagingOperationKey = attribute.Key("messaging.operation") - // The identifier for the consumer receiving a message. For Kafka, set it to - // `{messaging.kafka.consumer_group} - {messaging.kafka.client_id}`, if both are - // present, or only `messaging.kafka.consumer_group`. For brokers, such as - // RabbitMQ and Artemis, set it to the `client_id` of the client consuming the - // message. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'mygroup - client-6' - MessagingConsumerIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.consumer_id") -) - -var ( - // receive - MessagingOperationReceive = MessagingOperationKey.String("receive") - // process - MessagingOperationProcess = MessagingOperationKey.String("process") -) - -// Attributes for RabbitMQ -const ( - // RabbitMQ message routing key. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Unless it is empty. - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'myKey' - MessagingRabbitmqRoutingKeyKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rabbitmq.routing_key") -) - -// Attributes for Apache Kafka -const ( - // Message keys in Kafka are used for grouping alike messages to ensure they're - // processed on the same partition. They differ from `messaging.message_id` in - // that they're not unique. If the key is `null`, the attribute MUST NOT be set. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'myKey' - // Note: If the key type is not string, it's string representation has to be - // supplied for the attribute. If the key has no unambiguous, canonical string - // form, don't include its value. - MessagingKafkaMessageKeyKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.message_key") - // Name of the Kafka Consumer Group that is handling the message. Only applies to - // consumers, not producers. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'my-group' - MessagingKafkaConsumerGroupKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.consumer_group") - // Client ID for the Consumer or Producer that is handling the message. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'client-5' - MessagingKafkaClientIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.client_id") - // Partition the message is sent to. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 2 - MessagingKafkaPartitionKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.partition") - // A boolean that is true if the message is a tombstone. - // - // Type: boolean - // Required: If missing, it is assumed to be false. - // Stability: stable - MessagingKafkaTombstoneKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.tombstone") -) - -// Attributes for Apache RocketMQ -const ( - // Namespace of RocketMQ resources, resources in different namespaces are - // individual. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'myNamespace' - MessagingRocketmqNamespaceKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.namespace") - // Name of the RocketMQ producer/consumer group that is handling the message. The - // client type is identified by the SpanKind. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'myConsumerGroup' - MessagingRocketmqClientGroupKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.client_group") - // The unique identifier for each client. - // - // Type: string - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'myhost@8742@s8083jm' - MessagingRocketmqClientIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.client_id") - // Type of message. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.message_type") - // The secondary classifier of message besides topic. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'tagA' - MessagingRocketmqMessageTagKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.message_tag") - // Key(s) of message, another way to mark message besides message id. - // - // Type: string[] - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'keyA', 'keyB' - MessagingRocketmqMessageKeysKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.message_keys") - // Model of message consumption. This only applies to consumer spans. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.consumption_model") -) - -var ( - // Normal message - MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeNormal = MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey.String("normal") - // FIFO message - MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeFifo = MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey.String("fifo") - // Delay message - MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeDelay = MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey.String("delay") - // Transaction message - MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeTransaction = MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey.String("transaction") -) - -var ( - // Clustering consumption model - MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelClustering = MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelKey.String("clustering") - // Broadcasting consumption model - MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelBroadcasting = MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelKey.String("broadcasting") -) - -// This document defines semantic conventions for remote procedure calls. -const ( - // A string identifying the remoting system. See below for a list of well-known - // identifiers. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - RPCSystemKey = attribute.Key("rpc.system") - // The full (logical) name of the service being called, including its package - // name, if applicable. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No, but recommended - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'myservice.EchoService' - // Note: This is the logical name of the service from the RPC interface - // perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing class. - // The `code.namespace` attribute may be used to store the latter (despite the - // attribute name, it may include a class name; e.g., class with method actually - // executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub class on the client - // side). - RPCServiceKey = attribute.Key("rpc.service") - // The name of the (logical) method being called, must be equal to the $method - // part in the span name. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No, but recommended - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'exampleMethod' - // Note: This is the logical name of the method from the RPC interface - // perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing - // method/function. The `code.function` attribute may be used to store the latter - // (e.g., method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub - // method on the client side). - RPCMethodKey = attribute.Key("rpc.method") -) - -var ( - // gRPC - RPCSystemGRPC = RPCSystemKey.String("grpc") - // Java RMI - RPCSystemJavaRmi = RPCSystemKey.String("java_rmi") - // .NET WCF - RPCSystemDotnetWcf = RPCSystemKey.String("dotnet_wcf") - // Apache Dubbo - RPCSystemApacheDubbo = RPCSystemKey.String("apache_dubbo") -) - -// Tech-specific attributes for gRPC. -const ( - // The [numeric status - // code](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.33.2/doc/statuscodes.md) of the gRPC - // request. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: Always - // Stability: stable - RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey = attribute.Key("rpc.grpc.status_code") -) - -var ( - // OK - RPCGRPCStatusCodeOk = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(0) - // CANCELLED - RPCGRPCStatusCodeCancelled = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(1) - // UNKNOWN - RPCGRPCStatusCodeUnknown = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(2) - // INVALID_ARGUMENT - RPCGRPCStatusCodeInvalidArgument = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(3) - // DEADLINE_EXCEEDED - RPCGRPCStatusCodeDeadlineExceeded = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(4) - // NOT_FOUND - RPCGRPCStatusCodeNotFound = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(5) - // ALREADY_EXISTS - RPCGRPCStatusCodeAlreadyExists = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(6) - // PERMISSION_DENIED - RPCGRPCStatusCodePermissionDenied = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(7) - // RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - RPCGRPCStatusCodeResourceExhausted = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(8) - // FAILED_PRECONDITION - RPCGRPCStatusCodeFailedPrecondition = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(9) - // ABORTED - RPCGRPCStatusCodeAborted = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(10) - // OUT_OF_RANGE - RPCGRPCStatusCodeOutOfRange = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(11) - // UNIMPLEMENTED - RPCGRPCStatusCodeUnimplemented = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(12) - // INTERNAL - RPCGRPCStatusCodeInternal = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(13) - // UNAVAILABLE - RPCGRPCStatusCodeUnavailable = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(14) - // DATA_LOSS - RPCGRPCStatusCodeDataLoss = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(15) - // UNAUTHENTICATED - RPCGRPCStatusCodeUnauthenticated = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(16) -) - -// Tech-specific attributes for [JSON RPC](https://www.jsonrpc.org/). -const ( - // Protocol version as in `jsonrpc` property of request/response. Since JSON-RPC - // 1.0 does not specify this, the value can be omitted. - // - // Type: string - // Required: If missing, it is assumed to be "1.0". - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '2.0', '1.0' - RPCJsonrpcVersionKey = attribute.Key("rpc.jsonrpc.version") - // `id` property of request or response. Since protocol allows id to be int, - // string, `null` or missing (for notifications), value is expected to be cast to - // string for simplicity. Use empty string in case of `null` value. Omit entirely - // if this is a notification. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: '10', 'request-7', '' - RPCJsonrpcRequestIDKey = attribute.Key("rpc.jsonrpc.request_id") - // `error.code` property of response if it is an error response. - // - // Type: int - // Required: If missing, response is assumed to be successful. - // Stability: stable - // Examples: -32700, 100 - RPCJsonrpcErrorCodeKey = attribute.Key("rpc.jsonrpc.error_code") - // `error.message` property of response if it is an error response. - // - // Type: string - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Examples: 'Parse error', 'User already exists' - RPCJsonrpcErrorMessageKey = attribute.Key("rpc.jsonrpc.error_message") -) - -// RPC received/sent message. -const ( - // Whether this is a received or sent message. - // - // Type: Enum - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - MessageTypeKey = attribute.Key("message.type") - // MUST be calculated as two different counters starting from `1` one for sent - // messages and one for received message. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - // Note: This way we guarantee that the values will be consistent between - // different implementations. - MessageIDKey = attribute.Key("message.id") - // Compressed size of the message in bytes. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - MessageCompressedSizeKey = attribute.Key("message.compressed_size") - // Uncompressed size of the message in bytes. - // - // Type: int - // Required: No - // Stability: stable - MessageUncompressedSizeKey = attribute.Key("message.uncompressed_size") -) - -var ( - // sent - MessageTypeSent = MessageTypeKey.String("SENT") - // received - MessageTypeReceived = MessageTypeKey.String("RECEIVED") -) diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/doc.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/doc.go similarity index 92% rename from vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/doc.go rename to vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/doc.go index 181fcc9c5..71a1f7748 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/doc.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/doc.go @@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ // // OpenTelemetry semantic conventions are agreed standardized naming // patterns for OpenTelemetry things. This package represents the conventions -// as of the v1.12.0 version of the OpenTelemetry specification. -package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0" +// as of the v1.17.0 version of the OpenTelemetry specification. +package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0" diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/event.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/event.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..679c40c4d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/event.go @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +// Code generated from semantic convention specification. DO NOT EDIT. + +package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0" + +import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" + +// This semantic convention defines the attributes used to represent a feature +// flag evaluation as an event. +const ( + // FeatureFlagKeyKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "feature_flag.key" semantic conventions. It represents the unique + // identifier of the feature flag. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'logo-color' + FeatureFlagKeyKey = attribute.Key("feature_flag.key") + + // FeatureFlagProviderNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "feature_flag.provider_name" semantic conventions. It represents the + // name of the service provider that performs the flag evaluation. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Recommended + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Flag Manager' + FeatureFlagProviderNameKey = attribute.Key("feature_flag.provider_name") + + // FeatureFlagVariantKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "feature_flag.variant" semantic conventions. It represents the sHOULD be + // a semantic identifier for a value. If one is unavailable, a stringified + // version of the value can be used. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Recommended + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'red', 'true', 'on' + // Note: A semantic identifier, commonly referred to as a variant, provides + // a means + // for referring to a value without including the value itself. This can + // provide additional context for understanding the meaning behind a value. + // For example, the variant `red` maybe be used for the value `#c05543`. + // + // A stringified version of the value can be used in situations where a + // semantic identifier is unavailable. String representation of the value + // should be determined by the implementer. + FeatureFlagVariantKey = attribute.Key("feature_flag.variant") +) + +// FeatureFlagKey returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "feature_flag.key" semantic conventions. It represents the unique identifier +// of the feature flag. +func FeatureFlagKey(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FeatureFlagKeyKey.String(val) +} + +// FeatureFlagProviderName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "feature_flag.provider_name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of +// the service provider that performs the flag evaluation. +func FeatureFlagProviderName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FeatureFlagProviderNameKey.String(val) +} + +// FeatureFlagVariant returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "feature_flag.variant" semantic conventions. It represents the sHOULD be a +// semantic identifier for a value. If one is unavailable, a stringified +// version of the value can be used. +func FeatureFlagVariant(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FeatureFlagVariantKey.String(val) +} + +// RPC received/sent message. +const ( + // MessageTypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "message.type" + // semantic conventions. It represents the whether this is a received or + // sent message. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessageTypeKey = attribute.Key("message.type") + + // MessageIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "message.id" + // semantic conventions. It represents the mUST be calculated as two + // different counters starting from `1` one for sent messages and one for + // received message. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Note: This way we guarantee that the values will be consistent between + // different implementations. + MessageIDKey = attribute.Key("message.id") + + // MessageCompressedSizeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "message.compressed_size" semantic conventions. It represents the + // compressed size of the message in bytes. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessageCompressedSizeKey = attribute.Key("message.compressed_size") + + // MessageUncompressedSizeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "message.uncompressed_size" semantic conventions. It represents the + // uncompressed size of the message in bytes. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessageUncompressedSizeKey = attribute.Key("message.uncompressed_size") +) + +var ( + // sent + MessageTypeSent = MessageTypeKey.String("SENT") + // received + MessageTypeReceived = MessageTypeKey.String("RECEIVED") +) + +// MessageID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "message.id" +// semantic conventions. It represents the mUST be calculated as two different +// counters starting from `1` one for sent messages and one for received +// message. +func MessageID(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessageIDKey.Int(val) +} + +// MessageCompressedSize returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "message.compressed_size" semantic conventions. It represents the compressed +// size of the message in bytes. +func MessageCompressedSize(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessageCompressedSizeKey.Int(val) +} + +// MessageUncompressedSize returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "message.uncompressed_size" semantic conventions. It represents the +// uncompressed size of the message in bytes. +func MessageUncompressedSize(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessageUncompressedSizeKey.Int(val) +} + +// The attributes used to report a single exception associated with a span. +const ( + // ExceptionEscapedKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "exception.escaped" semantic conventions. It represents the sHOULD be + // set to true if the exception event is recorded at a point where it is + // known that the exception is escaping the scope of the span. + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Note: An exception is considered to have escaped (or left) the scope of + // a span, + // if that span is ended while the exception is still logically "in + // flight". + // This may be actually "in flight" in some languages (e.g. if the + // exception + // is passed to a Context manager's `__exit__` method in Python) but will + // usually be caught at the point of recording the exception in most + // languages. + // + // It is usually not possible to determine at the point where an exception + // is thrown + // whether it will escape the scope of a span. + // However, it is trivial to know that an exception + // will escape, if one checks for an active exception just before ending + // the span, + // as done in the [example above](#recording-an-exception). + // + // It follows that an exception may still escape the scope of the span + // even if the `exception.escaped` attribute was not set or set to false, + // since the event might have been recorded at a time where it was not + // clear whether the exception will escape. + ExceptionEscapedKey = attribute.Key("exception.escaped") +) + +// ExceptionEscaped returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "exception.escaped" semantic conventions. It represents the sHOULD be set to +// true if the exception event is recorded at a point where it is known that +// the exception is escaping the scope of the span. +func ExceptionEscaped(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return ExceptionEscapedKey.Bool(val) +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/exception.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/exception.go similarity index 99% rename from vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/exception.go rename to vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/exception.go index d68927094..9b8c559de 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/exception.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/exception.go @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. -package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0" +package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0" const ( // ExceptionEventName is the name of the Span event representing an exception. diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit/unit.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/http.go similarity index 69% rename from vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit/unit.go rename to vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/http.go index 647d77302..d5c4b5c13 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit/unit.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/http.go @@ -12,14 +12,10 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. -package unit // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit" +package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0" -// Unit is a determinate standard quantity of measurement. -type Unit string - -// Units defined by OpenTelemetry. -const ( - Dimensionless Unit = "1" - Bytes Unit = "By" - Milliseconds Unit = "ms" +// HTTP scheme attributes. +var ( + HTTPSchemeHTTP = HTTPSchemeKey.String("http") + HTTPSchemeHTTPS = HTTPSchemeKey.String("https") ) diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/resource.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/resource.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..39a2eab3a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/resource.go @@ -0,0 +1,2010 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +// Code generated from semantic convention specification. DO NOT EDIT. + +package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0" + +import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" + +// The web browser in which the application represented by the resource is +// running. The `browser.*` attributes MUST be used only for resources that +// represent applications running in a web browser (regardless of whether +// running on a mobile or desktop device). +const ( + // BrowserBrandsKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "browser.brands" + // semantic conventions. It represents the array of brand name and version + // separated by a space + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: ' Not A;Brand 99', 'Chromium 99', 'Chrome 99' + // Note: This value is intended to be taken from the [UA client hints + // API](https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/#interface) + // (`navigator.userAgentData.brands`). + BrowserBrandsKey = attribute.Key("browser.brands") + + // BrowserPlatformKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "browser.platform" semantic conventions. It represents the platform on + // which the browser is running + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Windows', 'macOS', 'Android' + // Note: This value is intended to be taken from the [UA client hints + // API](https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/#interface) + // (`navigator.userAgentData.platform`). If unavailable, the legacy + // `navigator.platform` API SHOULD NOT be used instead and this attribute + // SHOULD be left unset in order for the values to be consistent. + // The list of possible values is defined in the [W3C User-Agent Client + // Hints + // specification](https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/#sec-ch-ua-platform). + // Note that some (but not all) of these values can overlap with values in + // the [`os.type` and `os.name` attributes](./os.md). However, for + // consistency, the values in the `browser.platform` attribute should + // capture the exact value that the user agent provides. + BrowserPlatformKey = attribute.Key("browser.platform") + + // BrowserMobileKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "browser.mobile" + // semantic conventions. It represents a boolean that is true if the + // browser is running on a mobile device + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Note: This value is intended to be taken from the [UA client hints + // API](https://wicg.github.io/ua-client-hints/#interface) + // (`navigator.userAgentData.mobile`). If unavailable, this attribute + // SHOULD be left unset. + BrowserMobileKey = attribute.Key("browser.mobile") + + // BrowserUserAgentKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "browser.user_agent" semantic conventions. It represents the full + // user-agent string provided by the browser + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) + // AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, ' + // 'like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36' + // Note: The user-agent value SHOULD be provided only from browsers that do + // not have a mechanism to retrieve brands and platform individually from + // the User-Agent Client Hints API. To retrieve the value, the legacy + // `navigator.userAgent` API can be used. + BrowserUserAgentKey = attribute.Key("browser.user_agent") + + // BrowserLanguageKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "browser.language" semantic conventions. It represents the preferred + // language of the user using the browser + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'en', 'en-US', 'fr', 'fr-FR' + // Note: This value is intended to be taken from the Navigator API + // `navigator.language`. + BrowserLanguageKey = attribute.Key("browser.language") +) + +// BrowserBrands returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "browser.brands" semantic conventions. It represents the array of brand name +// and version separated by a space +func BrowserBrands(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return BrowserBrandsKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// BrowserPlatform returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "browser.platform" semantic conventions. It represents the platform on which +// the browser is running +func BrowserPlatform(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return BrowserPlatformKey.String(val) +} + +// BrowserMobile returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "browser.mobile" semantic conventions. It represents a boolean that is true +// if the browser is running on a mobile device +func BrowserMobile(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return BrowserMobileKey.Bool(val) +} + +// BrowserUserAgent returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "browser.user_agent" semantic conventions. It represents the full user-agent +// string provided by the browser +func BrowserUserAgent(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return BrowserUserAgentKey.String(val) +} + +// BrowserLanguage returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "browser.language" semantic conventions. It represents the preferred +// language of the user using the browser +func BrowserLanguage(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return BrowserLanguageKey.String(val) +} + +// A cloud environment (e.g. GCP, Azure, AWS) +const ( + // CloudProviderKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "cloud.provider" + // semantic conventions. It represents the name of the cloud provider. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + CloudProviderKey = attribute.Key("cloud.provider") + + // CloudAccountIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "cloud.account.id" semantic conventions. It represents the cloud account + // ID the resource is assigned to. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '111111111111', 'opentelemetry' + CloudAccountIDKey = attribute.Key("cloud.account.id") + + // CloudRegionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "cloud.region" + // semantic conventions. It represents the geographical region the resource + // is running. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'us-central1', 'us-east-1' + // Note: Refer to your provider's docs to see the available regions, for + // example [Alibaba Cloud + // regions](https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/40654.htm), [AWS + // regions](https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regions_az/), + // [Azure + // regions](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/global-infrastructure/geographies/), + // [Google Cloud regions](https://cloud.google.com/about/locations), or + // [Tencent Cloud + // regions](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com/document/product/213/6091). + CloudRegionKey = attribute.Key("cloud.region") + + // CloudAvailabilityZoneKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "cloud.availability_zone" semantic conventions. It represents the cloud + // regions often have multiple, isolated locations known as zones to + // increase availability. Availability zone represents the zone where the + // resource is running. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'us-east-1c' + // Note: Availability zones are called "zones" on Alibaba Cloud and Google + // Cloud. + CloudAvailabilityZoneKey = attribute.Key("cloud.availability_zone") + + // CloudPlatformKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "cloud.platform" + // semantic conventions. It represents the cloud platform in use. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Note: The prefix of the service SHOULD match the one specified in + // `cloud.provider`. + CloudPlatformKey = attribute.Key("cloud.platform") +) + +var ( + // Alibaba Cloud + CloudProviderAlibabaCloud = CloudProviderKey.String("alibaba_cloud") + // Amazon Web Services + CloudProviderAWS = CloudProviderKey.String("aws") + // Microsoft Azure + CloudProviderAzure = CloudProviderKey.String("azure") + // Google Cloud Platform + CloudProviderGCP = CloudProviderKey.String("gcp") + // IBM Cloud + CloudProviderIbmCloud = CloudProviderKey.String("ibm_cloud") + // Tencent Cloud + CloudProviderTencentCloud = CloudProviderKey.String("tencent_cloud") +) + +var ( + // Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service + CloudPlatformAlibabaCloudECS = CloudPlatformKey.String("alibaba_cloud_ecs") + // Alibaba Cloud Function Compute + CloudPlatformAlibabaCloudFc = CloudPlatformKey.String("alibaba_cloud_fc") + // Red Hat OpenShift on Alibaba Cloud + CloudPlatformAlibabaCloudOpenshift = CloudPlatformKey.String("alibaba_cloud_openshift") + // AWS Elastic Compute Cloud + CloudPlatformAWSEC2 = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_ec2") + // AWS Elastic Container Service + CloudPlatformAWSECS = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_ecs") + // AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service + CloudPlatformAWSEKS = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_eks") + // AWS Lambda + CloudPlatformAWSLambda = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_lambda") + // AWS Elastic Beanstalk + CloudPlatformAWSElasticBeanstalk = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_elastic_beanstalk") + // AWS App Runner + CloudPlatformAWSAppRunner = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_app_runner") + // Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA) + CloudPlatformAWSOpenshift = CloudPlatformKey.String("aws_openshift") + // Azure Virtual Machines + CloudPlatformAzureVM = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_vm") + // Azure Container Instances + CloudPlatformAzureContainerInstances = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_container_instances") + // Azure Kubernetes Service + CloudPlatformAzureAKS = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_aks") + // Azure Functions + CloudPlatformAzureFunctions = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_functions") + // Azure App Service + CloudPlatformAzureAppService = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_app_service") + // Azure Red Hat OpenShift + CloudPlatformAzureOpenshift = CloudPlatformKey.String("azure_openshift") + // Google Cloud Compute Engine (GCE) + CloudPlatformGCPComputeEngine = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_compute_engine") + // Google Cloud Run + CloudPlatformGCPCloudRun = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_cloud_run") + // Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine (GKE) + CloudPlatformGCPKubernetesEngine = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_kubernetes_engine") + // Google Cloud Functions (GCF) + CloudPlatformGCPCloudFunctions = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_cloud_functions") + // Google Cloud App Engine (GAE) + CloudPlatformGCPAppEngine = CloudPlatformKey.String("gcp_app_engine") + // Red Hat OpenShift on Google Cloud + CloudPlatformGoogleCloudOpenshift = CloudPlatformKey.String("google_cloud_openshift") + // Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud + CloudPlatformIbmCloudOpenshift = CloudPlatformKey.String("ibm_cloud_openshift") + // Tencent Cloud Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) + CloudPlatformTencentCloudCvm = CloudPlatformKey.String("tencent_cloud_cvm") + // Tencent Cloud Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) + CloudPlatformTencentCloudEKS = CloudPlatformKey.String("tencent_cloud_eks") + // Tencent Cloud Serverless Cloud Function (SCF) + CloudPlatformTencentCloudScf = CloudPlatformKey.String("tencent_cloud_scf") +) + +// CloudAccountID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "cloud.account.id" semantic conventions. It represents the cloud account ID +// the resource is assigned to. +func CloudAccountID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CloudAccountIDKey.String(val) +} + +// CloudRegion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "cloud.region" semantic conventions. It represents the geographical region +// the resource is running. +func CloudRegion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CloudRegionKey.String(val) +} + +// CloudAvailabilityZone returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "cloud.availability_zone" semantic conventions. It represents the cloud +// regions often have multiple, isolated locations known as zones to increase +// availability. Availability zone represents the zone where the resource is +// running. +func CloudAvailabilityZone(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CloudAvailabilityZoneKey.String(val) +} + +// Resources used by AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS). +const ( + // AWSECSContainerARNKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.ecs.container.arn" semantic conventions. It represents the Amazon + // Resource Name (ARN) of an [ECS container + // instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ECS_instances.html). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: + // 'arn:aws:ecs:us-west-1:123456789123:container/32624152-9086-4f0e-acae-1a75b14fe4d9' + AWSECSContainerARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.container.arn") + + // AWSECSClusterARNKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.ecs.cluster.arn" semantic conventions. It represents the ARN of an + // [ECS + // cluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/clusters.html). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789123:cluster/my-cluster' + AWSECSClusterARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.cluster.arn") + + // AWSECSLaunchtypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.ecs.launchtype" semantic conventions. It represents the [launch + // type](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/launch_types.html) + // for an ECS task. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + AWSECSLaunchtypeKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.launchtype") + + // AWSECSTaskARNKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.ecs.task.arn" semantic conventions. It represents the ARN of an + // [ECS task + // definition](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definitions.html). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: + // 'arn:aws:ecs:us-west-1:123456789123:task/10838bed-421f-43ef-870a-f43feacbbb5b' + AWSECSTaskARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.task.arn") + + // AWSECSTaskFamilyKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.ecs.task.family" semantic conventions. It represents the task + // definition family this task definition is a member of. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry-family' + AWSECSTaskFamilyKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.task.family") + + // AWSECSTaskRevisionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.ecs.task.revision" semantic conventions. It represents the revision + // for this task definition. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '8', '26' + AWSECSTaskRevisionKey = attribute.Key("aws.ecs.task.revision") +) + +var ( + // ec2 + AWSECSLaunchtypeEC2 = AWSECSLaunchtypeKey.String("ec2") + // fargate + AWSECSLaunchtypeFargate = AWSECSLaunchtypeKey.String("fargate") +) + +// AWSECSContainerARN returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.ecs.container.arn" semantic conventions. It represents the Amazon +// Resource Name (ARN) of an [ECS container +// instance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ECS_instances.html). +func AWSECSContainerARN(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSECSContainerARNKey.String(val) +} + +// AWSECSClusterARN returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.ecs.cluster.arn" semantic conventions. It represents the ARN of an [ECS +// cluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/clusters.html). +func AWSECSClusterARN(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSECSClusterARNKey.String(val) +} + +// AWSECSTaskARN returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.ecs.task.arn" semantic conventions. It represents the ARN of an [ECS +// task +// definition](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_definitions.html). +func AWSECSTaskARN(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSECSTaskARNKey.String(val) +} + +// AWSECSTaskFamily returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.ecs.task.family" semantic conventions. It represents the task +// definition family this task definition is a member of. +func AWSECSTaskFamily(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSECSTaskFamilyKey.String(val) +} + +// AWSECSTaskRevision returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.ecs.task.revision" semantic conventions. It represents the revision for +// this task definition. +func AWSECSTaskRevision(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSECSTaskRevisionKey.String(val) +} + +// Resources used by AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). +const ( + // AWSEKSClusterARNKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.eks.cluster.arn" semantic conventions. It represents the ARN of an + // EKS cluster. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789123:cluster/my-cluster' + AWSEKSClusterARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.eks.cluster.arn") +) + +// AWSEKSClusterARN returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.eks.cluster.arn" semantic conventions. It represents the ARN of an EKS +// cluster. +func AWSEKSClusterARN(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSEKSClusterARNKey.String(val) +} + +// Resources specific to Amazon Web Services. +const ( + // AWSLogGroupNamesKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.log.group.names" semantic conventions. It represents the name(s) of + // the AWS log group(s) an application is writing to. + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '/aws/lambda/my-function', 'opentelemetry-service' + // Note: Multiple log groups must be supported for cases like + // multi-container applications, where a single application has sidecar + // containers, and each write to their own log group. + AWSLogGroupNamesKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.group.names") + + // AWSLogGroupARNsKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.log.group.arns" semantic conventions. It represents the Amazon + // Resource Name(s) (ARN) of the AWS log group(s). + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: + // 'arn:aws:logs:us-west-1:123456789012:log-group:/aws/my/group:*' + // Note: See the [log group ARN format + // documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/iam-access-control-overview-cwl.html#CWL_ARN_Format). + AWSLogGroupARNsKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.group.arns") + + // AWSLogStreamNamesKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.log.stream.names" semantic conventions. It represents the name(s) + // of the AWS log stream(s) an application is writing to. + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'logs/main/10838bed-421f-43ef-870a-f43feacbbb5b' + AWSLogStreamNamesKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.stream.names") + + // AWSLogStreamARNsKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.log.stream.arns" semantic conventions. It represents the ARN(s) of + // the AWS log stream(s). + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: + // 'arn:aws:logs:us-west-1:123456789012:log-group:/aws/my/group:log-stream:logs/main/10838bed-421f-43ef-870a-f43feacbbb5b' + // Note: See the [log stream ARN format + // documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/iam-access-control-overview-cwl.html#CWL_ARN_Format). + // One log group can contain several log streams, so these ARNs necessarily + // identify both a log group and a log stream. + AWSLogStreamARNsKey = attribute.Key("aws.log.stream.arns") +) + +// AWSLogGroupNames returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.log.group.names" semantic conventions. It represents the name(s) of the +// AWS log group(s) an application is writing to. +func AWSLogGroupNames(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSLogGroupNamesKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// AWSLogGroupARNs returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.log.group.arns" semantic conventions. It represents the Amazon Resource +// Name(s) (ARN) of the AWS log group(s). +func AWSLogGroupARNs(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSLogGroupARNsKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// AWSLogStreamNames returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.log.stream.names" semantic conventions. It represents the name(s) of +// the AWS log stream(s) an application is writing to. +func AWSLogStreamNames(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSLogStreamNamesKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// AWSLogStreamARNs returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.log.stream.arns" semantic conventions. It represents the ARN(s) of the +// AWS log stream(s). +func AWSLogStreamARNs(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSLogStreamARNsKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// A container instance. +const ( + // ContainerNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "container.name" + // semantic conventions. It represents the container name used by container + // runtime. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry-autoconf' + ContainerNameKey = attribute.Key("container.name") + + // ContainerIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "container.id" + // semantic conventions. It represents the container ID. Usually a UUID, as + // for example used to [identify Docker + // containers](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#container-identification). + // The UUID might be abbreviated. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'a3bf90e006b2' + ContainerIDKey = attribute.Key("container.id") + + // ContainerRuntimeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "container.runtime" semantic conventions. It represents the container + // runtime managing this container. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'docker', 'containerd', 'rkt' + ContainerRuntimeKey = attribute.Key("container.runtime") + + // ContainerImageNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "container.image.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of + // the image the container was built on. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'gcr.io/opentelemetry/operator' + ContainerImageNameKey = attribute.Key("container.image.name") + + // ContainerImageTagKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "container.image.tag" semantic conventions. It represents the container + // image tag. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '0.1' + ContainerImageTagKey = attribute.Key("container.image.tag") +) + +// ContainerName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "container.name" semantic conventions. It represents the container name used +// by container runtime. +func ContainerName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ContainerNameKey.String(val) +} + +// ContainerID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "container.id" semantic conventions. It represents the container ID. Usually +// a UUID, as for example used to [identify Docker +// containers](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#container-identification). +// The UUID might be abbreviated. +func ContainerID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ContainerIDKey.String(val) +} + +// ContainerRuntime returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "container.runtime" semantic conventions. It represents the container +// runtime managing this container. +func ContainerRuntime(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ContainerRuntimeKey.String(val) +} + +// ContainerImageName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "container.image.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// image the container was built on. +func ContainerImageName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ContainerImageNameKey.String(val) +} + +// ContainerImageTag returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "container.image.tag" semantic conventions. It represents the container +// image tag. +func ContainerImageTag(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ContainerImageTagKey.String(val) +} + +// The software deployment. +const ( + // DeploymentEnvironmentKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "deployment.environment" semantic conventions. It represents the name of + // the [deployment + // environment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deployment_environment) (aka + // deployment tier). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'staging', 'production' + DeploymentEnvironmentKey = attribute.Key("deployment.environment") +) + +// DeploymentEnvironment returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "deployment.environment" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// [deployment +// environment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deployment_environment) (aka +// deployment tier). +func DeploymentEnvironment(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DeploymentEnvironmentKey.String(val) +} + +// The device on which the process represented by this resource is running. +const ( + // DeviceIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "device.id" semantic + // conventions. It represents a unique identifier representing the device + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '2ab2916d-a51f-4ac8-80ee-45ac31a28092' + // Note: The device identifier MUST only be defined using the values + // outlined below. This value is not an advertising identifier and MUST NOT + // be used as such. On iOS (Swift or Objective-C), this value MUST be equal + // to the [vendor + // identifier](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uidevice/1620059-identifierforvendor). + // On Android (Java or Kotlin), this value MUST be equal to the Firebase + // Installation ID or a globally unique UUID which is persisted across + // sessions in your application. More information can be found + // [here](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/user-data-ids) on + // best practices and exact implementation details. Caution should be taken + // when storing personal data or anything which can identify a user. GDPR + // and data protection laws may apply, ensure you do your own due + // diligence. + DeviceIDKey = attribute.Key("device.id") + + // DeviceModelIdentifierKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "device.model.identifier" semantic conventions. It represents the model + // identifier for the device + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'iPhone3,4', 'SM-G920F' + // Note: It's recommended this value represents a machine readable version + // of the model identifier rather than the market or consumer-friendly name + // of the device. + DeviceModelIdentifierKey = attribute.Key("device.model.identifier") + + // DeviceModelNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "device.model.name" semantic conventions. It represents the marketing + // name for the device model + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'iPhone 6s Plus', 'Samsung Galaxy S6' + // Note: It's recommended this value represents a human readable version of + // the device model rather than a machine readable alternative. + DeviceModelNameKey = attribute.Key("device.model.name") + + // DeviceManufacturerKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "device.manufacturer" semantic conventions. It represents the name of + // the device manufacturer + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Apple', 'Samsung' + // Note: The Android OS provides this field via + // [Build](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build#MANUFACTURER). + // iOS apps SHOULD hardcode the value `Apple`. + DeviceManufacturerKey = attribute.Key("device.manufacturer") +) + +// DeviceID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "device.id" +// semantic conventions. It represents a unique identifier representing the +// device +func DeviceID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DeviceIDKey.String(val) +} + +// DeviceModelIdentifier returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "device.model.identifier" semantic conventions. It represents the model +// identifier for the device +func DeviceModelIdentifier(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DeviceModelIdentifierKey.String(val) +} + +// DeviceModelName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "device.model.name" semantic conventions. It represents the marketing name +// for the device model +func DeviceModelName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DeviceModelNameKey.String(val) +} + +// DeviceManufacturer returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "device.manufacturer" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// device manufacturer +func DeviceManufacturer(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DeviceManufacturerKey.String(val) +} + +// A serverless instance. +const ( + // FaaSNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "faas.name" semantic + // conventions. It represents the name of the single function that this + // runtime instance executes. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'my-function', 'myazurefunctionapp/some-function-name' + // Note: This is the name of the function as configured/deployed on the + // FaaS + // platform and is usually different from the name of the callback + // function (which may be stored in the + // [`code.namespace`/`code.function`](../../trace/semantic_conventions/span-general.md#source-code-attributes) + // span attributes). + // + // For some cloud providers, the above definition is ambiguous. The + // following + // definition of function name MUST be used for this attribute + // (and consequently the span name) for the listed cloud + // providers/products: + // + // * **Azure:** The full name `/`, i.e., function app name + // followed by a forward slash followed by the function name (this form + // can also be seen in the resource JSON for the function). + // This means that a span attribute MUST be used, as an Azure function + // app can host multiple functions that would usually share + // a TracerProvider (see also the `faas.id` attribute). + FaaSNameKey = attribute.Key("faas.name") + + // FaaSIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "faas.id" semantic + // conventions. It represents the unique ID of the single function that + // this runtime instance executes. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function' + // Note: On some cloud providers, it may not be possible to determine the + // full ID at startup, + // so consider setting `faas.id` as a span attribute instead. + // + // The exact value to use for `faas.id` depends on the cloud provider: + // + // * **AWS Lambda:** The function + // [ARN](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html). + // Take care not to use the "invoked ARN" directly but replace any + // [alias + // suffix](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-aliases.html) + // with the resolved function version, as the same runtime instance may + // be invokable with + // multiple different aliases. + // * **GCP:** The [URI of the + // resource](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/full-resource-names) + // * **Azure:** The [Fully Qualified Resource + // ID](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/resources/resources/get-by-id) + // of the invoked function, + // *not* the function app, having the form + // `/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Web/sites//functions/`. + // This means that a span attribute MUST be used, as an Azure function + // app can host multiple functions that would usually share + // a TracerProvider. + FaaSIDKey = attribute.Key("faas.id") + + // FaaSVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "faas.version" + // semantic conventions. It represents the immutable version of the + // function being executed. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '26', 'pinkfroid-00002' + // Note: Depending on the cloud provider and platform, use: + // + // * **AWS Lambda:** The [function + // version](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-versions.html) + // (an integer represented as a decimal string). + // * **Google Cloud Run:** The + // [revision](https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/managing/revisions) + // (i.e., the function name plus the revision suffix). + // * **Google Cloud Functions:** The value of the + // [`K_REVISION` environment + // variable](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/env-var#runtime_environment_variables_set_automatically). + // * **Azure Functions:** Not applicable. Do not set this attribute. + FaaSVersionKey = attribute.Key("faas.version") + + // FaaSInstanceKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "faas.instance" + // semantic conventions. It represents the execution environment ID as a + // string, that will be potentially reused for other invocations to the + // same function/function version. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '2021/06/28/[$LATEST]2f399eb14537447da05ab2a2e39309de' + // Note: * **AWS Lambda:** Use the (full) log stream name. + FaaSInstanceKey = attribute.Key("faas.instance") + + // FaaSMaxMemoryKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "faas.max_memory" semantic conventions. It represents the amount of + // memory available to the serverless function in MiB. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 128 + // Note: It's recommended to set this attribute since e.g. too little + // memory can easily stop a Java AWS Lambda function from working + // correctly. On AWS Lambda, the environment variable + // `AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_MEMORY_SIZE` provides this information. + FaaSMaxMemoryKey = attribute.Key("faas.max_memory") +) + +// FaaSName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "faas.name" +// semantic conventions. It represents the name of the single function that +// this runtime instance executes. +func FaaSName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSNameKey.String(val) +} + +// FaaSID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "faas.id" semantic +// conventions. It represents the unique ID of the single function that this +// runtime instance executes. +func FaaSID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSIDKey.String(val) +} + +// FaaSVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "faas.version" semantic conventions. It represents the immutable version of +// the function being executed. +func FaaSVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// FaaSInstance returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "faas.instance" semantic conventions. It represents the execution +// environment ID as a string, that will be potentially reused for other +// invocations to the same function/function version. +func FaaSInstance(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSInstanceKey.String(val) +} + +// FaaSMaxMemory returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "faas.max_memory" semantic conventions. It represents the amount of memory +// available to the serverless function in MiB. +func FaaSMaxMemory(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSMaxMemoryKey.Int(val) +} + +// A host is defined as a general computing instance. +const ( + // HostIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "host.id" semantic + // conventions. It represents the unique host ID. For Cloud, this must be + // the instance_id assigned by the cloud provider. For non-containerized + // Linux systems, the `machine-id` located in `/etc/machine-id` or + // `/var/lib/dbus/machine-id` may be used. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'fdbf79e8af94cb7f9e8df36789187052' + HostIDKey = attribute.Key("host.id") + + // HostNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "host.name" semantic + // conventions. It represents the name of the host. On Unix systems, it may + // contain what the hostname command returns, or the fully qualified + // hostname, or another name specified by the user. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry-test' + HostNameKey = attribute.Key("host.name") + + // HostTypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "host.type" semantic + // conventions. It represents the type of host. For Cloud, this must be the + // machine type. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'n1-standard-1' + HostTypeKey = attribute.Key("host.type") + + // HostArchKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "host.arch" semantic + // conventions. It represents the CPU architecture the host system is + // running on. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + HostArchKey = attribute.Key("host.arch") + + // HostImageNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "host.image.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the VM + // image or OS install the host was instantiated from. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'infra-ami-eks-worker-node-7d4ec78312', 'CentOS-8-x86_64-1905' + HostImageNameKey = attribute.Key("host.image.name") + + // HostImageIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "host.image.id" + // semantic conventions. It represents the vM image ID. For Cloud, this + // value is from the provider. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'ami-07b06b442921831e5' + HostImageIDKey = attribute.Key("host.image.id") + + // HostImageVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "host.image.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version + // string of the VM image as defined in [Version + // Attributes](README.md#version-attributes). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '0.1' + HostImageVersionKey = attribute.Key("host.image.version") +) + +var ( + // AMD64 + HostArchAMD64 = HostArchKey.String("amd64") + // ARM32 + HostArchARM32 = HostArchKey.String("arm32") + // ARM64 + HostArchARM64 = HostArchKey.String("arm64") + // Itanium + HostArchIA64 = HostArchKey.String("ia64") + // 32-bit PowerPC + HostArchPPC32 = HostArchKey.String("ppc32") + // 64-bit PowerPC + HostArchPPC64 = HostArchKey.String("ppc64") + // IBM z/Architecture + HostArchS390x = HostArchKey.String("s390x") + // 32-bit x86 + HostArchX86 = HostArchKey.String("x86") +) + +// HostID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "host.id" semantic +// conventions. It represents the unique host ID. For Cloud, this must be the +// instance_id assigned by the cloud provider. For non-containerized Linux +// systems, the `machine-id` located in `/etc/machine-id` or +// `/var/lib/dbus/machine-id` may be used. +func HostID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HostIDKey.String(val) +} + +// HostName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "host.name" +// semantic conventions. It represents the name of the host. On Unix systems, +// it may contain what the hostname command returns, or the fully qualified +// hostname, or another name specified by the user. +func HostName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HostNameKey.String(val) +} + +// HostType returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "host.type" +// semantic conventions. It represents the type of host. For Cloud, this must +// be the machine type. +func HostType(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HostTypeKey.String(val) +} + +// HostImageName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "host.image.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the VM +// image or OS install the host was instantiated from. +func HostImageName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HostImageNameKey.String(val) +} + +// HostImageID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "host.image.id" semantic conventions. It represents the vM image ID. For +// Cloud, this value is from the provider. +func HostImageID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HostImageIDKey.String(val) +} + +// HostImageVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "host.image.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version string +// of the VM image as defined in [Version +// Attributes](README.md#version-attributes). +func HostImageVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HostImageVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// A Kubernetes Cluster. +const ( + // K8SClusterNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.cluster.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the + // cluster. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry-cluster' + K8SClusterNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.cluster.name") +) + +// K8SClusterName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.cluster.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// cluster. +func K8SClusterName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SClusterNameKey.String(val) +} + +// A Kubernetes Node object. +const ( + // K8SNodeNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "k8s.node.name" + // semantic conventions. It represents the name of the Node. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'node-1' + K8SNodeNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.node.name") + + // K8SNodeUIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "k8s.node.uid" + // semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the Node. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '1eb3a0c6-0477-4080-a9cb-0cb7db65c6a2' + K8SNodeUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.node.uid") +) + +// K8SNodeName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.node.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the Node. +func K8SNodeName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SNodeNameKey.String(val) +} + +// K8SNodeUID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "k8s.node.uid" +// semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the Node. +func K8SNodeUID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SNodeUIDKey.String(val) +} + +// A Kubernetes Namespace. +const ( + // K8SNamespaceNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.namespace.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the + // namespace that the pod is running in. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'default' + K8SNamespaceNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.namespace.name") +) + +// K8SNamespaceName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.namespace.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// namespace that the pod is running in. +func K8SNamespaceName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SNamespaceNameKey.String(val) +} + +// A Kubernetes Pod object. +const ( + // K8SPodUIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "k8s.pod.uid" + // semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the Pod. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' + K8SPodUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.pod.uid") + + // K8SPodNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "k8s.pod.name" + // semantic conventions. It represents the name of the Pod. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry-pod-autoconf' + K8SPodNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.pod.name") +) + +// K8SPodUID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "k8s.pod.uid" +// semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the Pod. +func K8SPodUID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SPodUIDKey.String(val) +} + +// K8SPodName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "k8s.pod.name" +// semantic conventions. It represents the name of the Pod. +func K8SPodName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SPodNameKey.String(val) +} + +// A container in a +// [PodTemplate](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/#pod-templates). +const ( + // K8SContainerNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.container.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the + // Container from Pod specification, must be unique within a Pod. Container + // runtime usually uses different globally unique name (`container.name`). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'redis' + K8SContainerNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.container.name") + + // K8SContainerRestartCountKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.container.restart_count" semantic conventions. It represents the + // number of times the container was restarted. This attribute can be used + // to identify a particular container (running or stopped) within a + // container spec. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 0, 2 + K8SContainerRestartCountKey = attribute.Key("k8s.container.restart_count") +) + +// K8SContainerName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.container.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// Container from Pod specification, must be unique within a Pod. Container +// runtime usually uses different globally unique name (`container.name`). +func K8SContainerName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SContainerNameKey.String(val) +} + +// K8SContainerRestartCount returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.container.restart_count" semantic conventions. It represents the number +// of times the container was restarted. This attribute can be used to identify +// a particular container (running or stopped) within a container spec. +func K8SContainerRestartCount(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SContainerRestartCountKey.Int(val) +} + +// A Kubernetes ReplicaSet object. +const ( + // K8SReplicaSetUIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.replicaset.uid" semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the + // ReplicaSet. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' + K8SReplicaSetUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.replicaset.uid") + + // K8SReplicaSetNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.replicaset.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of + // the ReplicaSet. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry' + K8SReplicaSetNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.replicaset.name") +) + +// K8SReplicaSetUID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.replicaset.uid" semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the +// ReplicaSet. +func K8SReplicaSetUID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SReplicaSetUIDKey.String(val) +} + +// K8SReplicaSetName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.replicaset.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// ReplicaSet. +func K8SReplicaSetName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SReplicaSetNameKey.String(val) +} + +// A Kubernetes Deployment object. +const ( + // K8SDeploymentUIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.deployment.uid" semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the + // Deployment. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' + K8SDeploymentUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.deployment.uid") + + // K8SDeploymentNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.deployment.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of + // the Deployment. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry' + K8SDeploymentNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.deployment.name") +) + +// K8SDeploymentUID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.deployment.uid" semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the +// Deployment. +func K8SDeploymentUID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SDeploymentUIDKey.String(val) +} + +// K8SDeploymentName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.deployment.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// Deployment. +func K8SDeploymentName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SDeploymentNameKey.String(val) +} + +// A Kubernetes StatefulSet object. +const ( + // K8SStatefulSetUIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.statefulset.uid" semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the + // StatefulSet. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' + K8SStatefulSetUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.statefulset.uid") + + // K8SStatefulSetNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.statefulset.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of + // the StatefulSet. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry' + K8SStatefulSetNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.statefulset.name") +) + +// K8SStatefulSetUID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.statefulset.uid" semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the +// StatefulSet. +func K8SStatefulSetUID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SStatefulSetUIDKey.String(val) +} + +// K8SStatefulSetName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.statefulset.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// StatefulSet. +func K8SStatefulSetName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SStatefulSetNameKey.String(val) +} + +// A Kubernetes DaemonSet object. +const ( + // K8SDaemonSetUIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.daemonset.uid" semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the + // DaemonSet. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' + K8SDaemonSetUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.daemonset.uid") + + // K8SDaemonSetNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.daemonset.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the + // DaemonSet. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry' + K8SDaemonSetNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.daemonset.name") +) + +// K8SDaemonSetUID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.daemonset.uid" semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the +// DaemonSet. +func K8SDaemonSetUID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SDaemonSetUIDKey.String(val) +} + +// K8SDaemonSetName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.daemonset.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// DaemonSet. +func K8SDaemonSetName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SDaemonSetNameKey.String(val) +} + +// A Kubernetes Job object. +const ( + // K8SJobUIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "k8s.job.uid" + // semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the Job. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' + K8SJobUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.job.uid") + + // K8SJobNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "k8s.job.name" + // semantic conventions. It represents the name of the Job. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry' + K8SJobNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.job.name") +) + +// K8SJobUID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "k8s.job.uid" +// semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the Job. +func K8SJobUID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SJobUIDKey.String(val) +} + +// K8SJobName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "k8s.job.name" +// semantic conventions. It represents the name of the Job. +func K8SJobName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SJobNameKey.String(val) +} + +// A Kubernetes CronJob object. +const ( + // K8SCronJobUIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.cronjob.uid" semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the + // CronJob. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '275ecb36-5aa8-4c2a-9c47-d8bb681b9aff' + K8SCronJobUIDKey = attribute.Key("k8s.cronjob.uid") + + // K8SCronJobNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "k8s.cronjob.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the + // CronJob. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry' + K8SCronJobNameKey = attribute.Key("k8s.cronjob.name") +) + +// K8SCronJobUID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.cronjob.uid" semantic conventions. It represents the UID of the +// CronJob. +func K8SCronJobUID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SCronJobUIDKey.String(val) +} + +// K8SCronJobName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "k8s.cronjob.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// CronJob. +func K8SCronJobName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return K8SCronJobNameKey.String(val) +} + +// The operating system (OS) on which the process represented by this resource +// is running. +const ( + // OSTypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "os.type" semantic + // conventions. It represents the operating system type. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + OSTypeKey = attribute.Key("os.type") + + // OSDescriptionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "os.description" + // semantic conventions. It represents the human readable (not intended to + // be parsed) OS version information, like e.g. reported by `ver` or + // `lsb_release -a` commands. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.778]', 'Ubuntu 18.04.1 + // LTS' + OSDescriptionKey = attribute.Key("os.description") + + // OSNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "os.name" semantic + // conventions. It represents the human readable operating system name. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'iOS', 'Android', 'Ubuntu' + OSNameKey = attribute.Key("os.name") + + // OSVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "os.version" + // semantic conventions. It represents the version string of the operating + // system as defined in [Version + // Attributes](../../resource/semantic_conventions/README.md#version-attributes). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '14.2.1', '18.04.1' + OSVersionKey = attribute.Key("os.version") +) + +var ( + // Microsoft Windows + OSTypeWindows = OSTypeKey.String("windows") + // Linux + OSTypeLinux = OSTypeKey.String("linux") + // Apple Darwin + OSTypeDarwin = OSTypeKey.String("darwin") + // FreeBSD + OSTypeFreeBSD = OSTypeKey.String("freebsd") + // NetBSD + OSTypeNetBSD = OSTypeKey.String("netbsd") + // OpenBSD + OSTypeOpenBSD = OSTypeKey.String("openbsd") + // DragonFly BSD + OSTypeDragonflyBSD = OSTypeKey.String("dragonflybsd") + // HP-UX (Hewlett Packard Unix) + OSTypeHPUX = OSTypeKey.String("hpux") + // AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) + OSTypeAIX = OSTypeKey.String("aix") + // SunOS, Oracle Solaris + OSTypeSolaris = OSTypeKey.String("solaris") + // IBM z/OS + OSTypeZOS = OSTypeKey.String("z_os") +) + +// OSDescription returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "os.description" semantic conventions. It represents the human readable (not +// intended to be parsed) OS version information, like e.g. reported by `ver` +// or `lsb_release -a` commands. +func OSDescription(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return OSDescriptionKey.String(val) +} + +// OSName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "os.name" semantic +// conventions. It represents the human readable operating system name. +func OSName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return OSNameKey.String(val) +} + +// OSVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "os.version" +// semantic conventions. It represents the version string of the operating +// system as defined in [Version +// Attributes](../../resource/semantic_conventions/README.md#version-attributes). +func OSVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return OSVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// An operating system process. +const ( + // ProcessPIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "process.pid" + // semantic conventions. It represents the process identifier (PID). + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 1234 + ProcessPIDKey = attribute.Key("process.pid") + + // ProcessParentPIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "process.parent_pid" semantic conventions. It represents the parent + // Process identifier (PID). + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 111 + ProcessParentPIDKey = attribute.Key("process.parent_pid") + + // ProcessExecutableNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "process.executable.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name + // of the process executable. On Linux based systems, can be set to the + // `Name` in `proc/[pid]/status`. On Windows, can be set to the base name + // of `GetProcessImageFileNameW`. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (See alternative attributes + // below.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'otelcol' + ProcessExecutableNameKey = attribute.Key("process.executable.name") + + // ProcessExecutablePathKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "process.executable.path" semantic conventions. It represents the full + // path to the process executable. On Linux based systems, can be set to + // the target of `proc/[pid]/exe`. On Windows, can be set to the result of + // `GetProcessImageFileNameW`. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (See alternative attributes + // below.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '/usr/bin/cmd/otelcol' + ProcessExecutablePathKey = attribute.Key("process.executable.path") + + // ProcessCommandKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "process.command" semantic conventions. It represents the command used + // to launch the process (i.e. the command name). On Linux based systems, + // can be set to the zeroth string in `proc/[pid]/cmdline`. On Windows, can + // be set to the first parameter extracted from `GetCommandLineW`. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (See alternative attributes + // below.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'cmd/otelcol' + ProcessCommandKey = attribute.Key("process.command") + + // ProcessCommandLineKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "process.command_line" semantic conventions. It represents the full + // command used to launch the process as a single string representing the + // full command. On Windows, can be set to the result of `GetCommandLineW`. + // Do not set this if you have to assemble it just for monitoring; use + // `process.command_args` instead. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (See alternative attributes + // below.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'C:\\cmd\\otecol --config="my directory\\config.yaml"' + ProcessCommandLineKey = attribute.Key("process.command_line") + + // ProcessCommandArgsKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "process.command_args" semantic conventions. It represents the all the + // command arguments (including the command/executable itself) as received + // by the process. On Linux-based systems (and some other Unixoid systems + // supporting procfs), can be set according to the list of null-delimited + // strings extracted from `proc/[pid]/cmdline`. For libc-based executables, + // this would be the full argv vector passed to `main`. + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (See alternative attributes + // below.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'cmd/otecol', '--config=config.yaml' + ProcessCommandArgsKey = attribute.Key("process.command_args") + + // ProcessOwnerKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "process.owner" + // semantic conventions. It represents the username of the user that owns + // the process. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'root' + ProcessOwnerKey = attribute.Key("process.owner") +) + +// ProcessPID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "process.pid" +// semantic conventions. It represents the process identifier (PID). +func ProcessPID(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessPIDKey.Int(val) +} + +// ProcessParentPID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "process.parent_pid" semantic conventions. It represents the parent Process +// identifier (PID). +func ProcessParentPID(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessParentPIDKey.Int(val) +} + +// ProcessExecutableName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "process.executable.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of +// the process executable. On Linux based systems, can be set to the `Name` in +// `proc/[pid]/status`. On Windows, can be set to the base name of +// `GetProcessImageFileNameW`. +func ProcessExecutableName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessExecutableNameKey.String(val) +} + +// ProcessExecutablePath returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "process.executable.path" semantic conventions. It represents the full path +// to the process executable. On Linux based systems, can be set to the target +// of `proc/[pid]/exe`. On Windows, can be set to the result of +// `GetProcessImageFileNameW`. +func ProcessExecutablePath(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessExecutablePathKey.String(val) +} + +// ProcessCommand returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "process.command" semantic conventions. It represents the command used to +// launch the process (i.e. the command name). On Linux based systems, can be +// set to the zeroth string in `proc/[pid]/cmdline`. On Windows, can be set to +// the first parameter extracted from `GetCommandLineW`. +func ProcessCommand(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessCommandKey.String(val) +} + +// ProcessCommandLine returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "process.command_line" semantic conventions. It represents the full command +// used to launch the process as a single string representing the full command. +// On Windows, can be set to the result of `GetCommandLineW`. Do not set this +// if you have to assemble it just for monitoring; use `process.command_args` +// instead. +func ProcessCommandLine(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessCommandLineKey.String(val) +} + +// ProcessCommandArgs returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "process.command_args" semantic conventions. It represents the all the +// command arguments (including the command/executable itself) as received by +// the process. On Linux-based systems (and some other Unixoid systems +// supporting procfs), can be set according to the list of null-delimited +// strings extracted from `proc/[pid]/cmdline`. For libc-based executables, +// this would be the full argv vector passed to `main`. +func ProcessCommandArgs(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessCommandArgsKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// ProcessOwner returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "process.owner" semantic conventions. It represents the username of the user +// that owns the process. +func ProcessOwner(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessOwnerKey.String(val) +} + +// The single (language) runtime instance which is monitored. +const ( + // ProcessRuntimeNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "process.runtime.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of + // the runtime of this process. For compiled native binaries, this SHOULD + // be the name of the compiler. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'OpenJDK Runtime Environment' + ProcessRuntimeNameKey = attribute.Key("process.runtime.name") + + // ProcessRuntimeVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "process.runtime.version" semantic conventions. It represents the + // version of the runtime of this process, as returned by the runtime + // without modification. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '14.0.2' + ProcessRuntimeVersionKey = attribute.Key("process.runtime.version") + + // ProcessRuntimeDescriptionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "process.runtime.description" semantic conventions. It represents an + // additional description about the runtime of the process, for example a + // specific vendor customization of the runtime environment. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Eclipse OpenJ9 Eclipse OpenJ9 VM openj9-0.21.0' + ProcessRuntimeDescriptionKey = attribute.Key("process.runtime.description") +) + +// ProcessRuntimeName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "process.runtime.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// runtime of this process. For compiled native binaries, this SHOULD be the +// name of the compiler. +func ProcessRuntimeName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessRuntimeNameKey.String(val) +} + +// ProcessRuntimeVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "process.runtime.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version of +// the runtime of this process, as returned by the runtime without +// modification. +func ProcessRuntimeVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessRuntimeVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// ProcessRuntimeDescription returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "process.runtime.description" semantic conventions. It represents an +// additional description about the runtime of the process, for example a +// specific vendor customization of the runtime environment. +func ProcessRuntimeDescription(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ProcessRuntimeDescriptionKey.String(val) +} + +// A service instance. +const ( + // ServiceNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "service.name" + // semantic conventions. It represents the logical name of the service. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'shoppingcart' + // Note: MUST be the same for all instances of horizontally scaled + // services. If the value was not specified, SDKs MUST fallback to + // `unknown_service:` concatenated with + // [`process.executable.name`](process.md#process), e.g. + // `unknown_service:bash`. If `process.executable.name` is not available, + // the value MUST be set to `unknown_service`. + ServiceNameKey = attribute.Key("service.name") + + // ServiceNamespaceKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "service.namespace" semantic conventions. It represents a namespace for + // `service.name`. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Shop' + // Note: A string value having a meaning that helps to distinguish a group + // of services, for example the team name that owns a group of services. + // `service.name` is expected to be unique within the same namespace. If + // `service.namespace` is not specified in the Resource then `service.name` + // is expected to be unique for all services that have no explicit + // namespace defined (so the empty/unspecified namespace is simply one more + // valid namespace). Zero-length namespace string is assumed equal to + // unspecified namespace. + ServiceNamespaceKey = attribute.Key("service.namespace") + + // ServiceInstanceIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "service.instance.id" semantic conventions. It represents the string ID + // of the service instance. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '627cc493-f310-47de-96bd-71410b7dec09' + // Note: MUST be unique for each instance of the same + // `service.namespace,service.name` pair (in other words + // `service.namespace,service.name,service.instance.id` triplet MUST be + // globally unique). The ID helps to distinguish instances of the same + // service that exist at the same time (e.g. instances of a horizontally + // scaled service). It is preferable for the ID to be persistent and stay + // the same for the lifetime of the service instance, however it is + // acceptable that the ID is ephemeral and changes during important + // lifetime events for the service (e.g. service restarts). If the service + // has no inherent unique ID that can be used as the value of this + // attribute it is recommended to generate a random Version 1 or Version 4 + // RFC 4122 UUID (services aiming for reproducible UUIDs may also use + // Version 5, see RFC 4122 for more recommendations). + ServiceInstanceIDKey = attribute.Key("service.instance.id") + + // ServiceVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "service.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version string + // of the service API or implementation. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '2.0.0' + ServiceVersionKey = attribute.Key("service.version") +) + +// ServiceName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "service.name" semantic conventions. It represents the logical name of the +// service. +func ServiceName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ServiceNameKey.String(val) +} + +// ServiceNamespace returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "service.namespace" semantic conventions. It represents a namespace for +// `service.name`. +func ServiceNamespace(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ServiceNamespaceKey.String(val) +} + +// ServiceInstanceID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "service.instance.id" semantic conventions. It represents the string ID of +// the service instance. +func ServiceInstanceID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ServiceInstanceIDKey.String(val) +} + +// ServiceVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "service.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version string of +// the service API or implementation. +func ServiceVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ServiceVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// The telemetry SDK used to capture data recorded by the instrumentation +// libraries. +const ( + // TelemetrySDKNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "telemetry.sdk.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the + // telemetry SDK as defined above. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'opentelemetry' + TelemetrySDKNameKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.sdk.name") + + // TelemetrySDKLanguageKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "telemetry.sdk.language" semantic conventions. It represents the + // language of the telemetry SDK. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + TelemetrySDKLanguageKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.sdk.language") + + // TelemetrySDKVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "telemetry.sdk.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version + // string of the telemetry SDK. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '1.2.3' + TelemetrySDKVersionKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.sdk.version") + + // TelemetryAutoVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "telemetry.auto.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version + // string of the auto instrumentation agent, if used. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '1.2.3' + TelemetryAutoVersionKey = attribute.Key("telemetry.auto.version") +) + +var ( + // cpp + TelemetrySDKLanguageCPP = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("cpp") + // dotnet + TelemetrySDKLanguageDotnet = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("dotnet") + // erlang + TelemetrySDKLanguageErlang = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("erlang") + // go + TelemetrySDKLanguageGo = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("go") + // java + TelemetrySDKLanguageJava = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("java") + // nodejs + TelemetrySDKLanguageNodejs = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("nodejs") + // php + TelemetrySDKLanguagePHP = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("php") + // python + TelemetrySDKLanguagePython = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("python") + // ruby + TelemetrySDKLanguageRuby = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("ruby") + // webjs + TelemetrySDKLanguageWebjs = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("webjs") + // swift + TelemetrySDKLanguageSwift = TelemetrySDKLanguageKey.String("swift") +) + +// TelemetrySDKName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "telemetry.sdk.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// telemetry SDK as defined above. +func TelemetrySDKName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return TelemetrySDKNameKey.String(val) +} + +// TelemetrySDKVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "telemetry.sdk.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version +// string of the telemetry SDK. +func TelemetrySDKVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return TelemetrySDKVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// TelemetryAutoVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "telemetry.auto.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version +// string of the auto instrumentation agent, if used. +func TelemetryAutoVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return TelemetryAutoVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// Resource describing the packaged software running the application code. Web +// engines are typically executed using process.runtime. +const ( + // WebEngineNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "webengine.name" + // semantic conventions. It represents the name of the web engine. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'WildFly' + WebEngineNameKey = attribute.Key("webengine.name") + + // WebEngineVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "webengine.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version of + // the web engine. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '21.0.0' + WebEngineVersionKey = attribute.Key("webengine.version") + + // WebEngineDescriptionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "webengine.description" semantic conventions. It represents the + // additional description of the web engine (e.g. detailed version and + // edition information). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'WildFly Full 21.0.0.Final (WildFly Core 13.0.1.Final) - + // 2.2.2.Final' + WebEngineDescriptionKey = attribute.Key("webengine.description") +) + +// WebEngineName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "webengine.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the web +// engine. +func WebEngineName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return WebEngineNameKey.String(val) +} + +// WebEngineVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "webengine.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version of the +// web engine. +func WebEngineVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return WebEngineVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// WebEngineDescription returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "webengine.description" semantic conventions. It represents the additional +// description of the web engine (e.g. detailed version and edition +// information). +func WebEngineDescription(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return WebEngineDescriptionKey.String(val) +} + +// Attributes used by non-OTLP exporters to represent OpenTelemetry Scope's +// concepts. +const ( + // OtelScopeNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "otel.scope.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the + // instrumentation scope - (`InstrumentationScope.Name` in OTLP). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'io.opentelemetry.contrib.mongodb' + OtelScopeNameKey = attribute.Key("otel.scope.name") + + // OtelScopeVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "otel.scope.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version of + // the instrumentation scope - (`InstrumentationScope.Version` in OTLP). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '1.0.0' + OtelScopeVersionKey = attribute.Key("otel.scope.version") +) + +// OtelScopeName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "otel.scope.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// instrumentation scope - (`InstrumentationScope.Name` in OTLP). +func OtelScopeName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return OtelScopeNameKey.String(val) +} + +// OtelScopeVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "otel.scope.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version of the +// instrumentation scope - (`InstrumentationScope.Version` in OTLP). +func OtelScopeVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return OtelScopeVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// Span attributes used by non-OTLP exporters to represent OpenTelemetry +// Scope's concepts. +const ( + // OtelLibraryNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "otel.library.name" semantic conventions. It represents the deprecated, + // use the `otel.scope.name` attribute. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: deprecated + // Examples: 'io.opentelemetry.contrib.mongodb' + OtelLibraryNameKey = attribute.Key("otel.library.name") + + // OtelLibraryVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "otel.library.version" semantic conventions. It represents the + // deprecated, use the `otel.scope.version` attribute. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: deprecated + // Examples: '1.0.0' + OtelLibraryVersionKey = attribute.Key("otel.library.version") +) + +// OtelLibraryName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "otel.library.name" semantic conventions. It represents the deprecated, use +// the `otel.scope.name` attribute. +func OtelLibraryName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return OtelLibraryNameKey.String(val) +} + +// OtelLibraryVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "otel.library.version" semantic conventions. It represents the deprecated, +// use the `otel.scope.version` attribute. +func OtelLibraryVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return OtelLibraryVersionKey.String(val) +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/schema.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/schema.go similarity index 93% rename from vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/schema.go rename to vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/schema.go index 2f2a019e4..42fc525d1 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0/schema.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/schema.go @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. -package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0" +package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0" // SchemaURL is the schema URL that matches the version of the semantic conventions // that this package defines. Semconv packages starting from v1.4.0 must declare // non-empty schema URL in the form https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/ -const SchemaURL = "https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/1.12.0" +const SchemaURL = "https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/1.17.0" diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/trace.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/trace.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c4a7299d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0/trace.go @@ -0,0 +1,3375 @@ +// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +// Code generated from semantic convention specification. DO NOT EDIT. + +package semconv // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0" + +import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute" + +// The shared attributes used to report a single exception associated with a +// span or log. +const ( + // ExceptionTypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "exception.type" + // semantic conventions. It represents the type of the exception (its + // fully-qualified class name, if applicable). The dynamic type of the + // exception should be preferred over the static type in languages that + // support it. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'java.net.ConnectException', 'OSError' + ExceptionTypeKey = attribute.Key("exception.type") + + // ExceptionMessageKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "exception.message" semantic conventions. It represents the exception + // message. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Division by zero', "Can't convert 'int' object to str + // implicitly" + ExceptionMessageKey = attribute.Key("exception.message") + + // ExceptionStacktraceKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "exception.stacktrace" semantic conventions. It represents a stacktrace + // as a string in the natural representation for the language runtime. The + // representation is to be determined and documented by each language SIG. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Test + // exception\\n at ' + // 'com.example.GenerateTrace.methodB(GenerateTrace.java:13)\\n at ' + // 'com.example.GenerateTrace.methodA(GenerateTrace.java:9)\\n at ' + // 'com.example.GenerateTrace.main(GenerateTrace.java:5)' + ExceptionStacktraceKey = attribute.Key("exception.stacktrace") +) + +// ExceptionType returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "exception.type" semantic conventions. It represents the type of the +// exception (its fully-qualified class name, if applicable). The dynamic type +// of the exception should be preferred over the static type in languages that +// support it. +func ExceptionType(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ExceptionTypeKey.String(val) +} + +// ExceptionMessage returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "exception.message" semantic conventions. It represents the exception +// message. +func ExceptionMessage(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ExceptionMessageKey.String(val) +} + +// ExceptionStacktrace returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "exception.stacktrace" semantic conventions. It represents a stacktrace as a +// string in the natural representation for the language runtime. The +// representation is to be determined and documented by each language SIG. +func ExceptionStacktrace(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ExceptionStacktraceKey.String(val) +} + +// Attributes for Events represented using Log Records. +const ( + // EventNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "event.name" + // semantic conventions. It represents the name identifies the event. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'click', 'exception' + EventNameKey = attribute.Key("event.name") + + // EventDomainKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "event.domain" + // semantic conventions. It represents the domain identifies the business + // context for the events. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Note: Events across different domains may have same `event.name`, yet be + // unrelated events. + EventDomainKey = attribute.Key("event.domain") +) + +var ( + // Events from browser apps + EventDomainBrowser = EventDomainKey.String("browser") + // Events from mobile apps + EventDomainDevice = EventDomainKey.String("device") + // Events from Kubernetes + EventDomainK8S = EventDomainKey.String("k8s") +) + +// EventName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "event.name" +// semantic conventions. It represents the name identifies the event. +func EventName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return EventNameKey.String(val) +} + +// Span attributes used by AWS Lambda (in addition to general `faas` +// attributes). +const ( + // AWSLambdaInvokedARNKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.lambda.invoked_arn" semantic conventions. It represents the full + // invoked ARN as provided on the `Context` passed to the function + // (`Lambda-Runtime-Invoked-Function-ARN` header on the + // `/runtime/invocation/next` applicable). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456:function:myfunction:myalias' + // Note: This may be different from `faas.id` if an alias is involved. + AWSLambdaInvokedARNKey = attribute.Key("aws.lambda.invoked_arn") +) + +// AWSLambdaInvokedARN returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.lambda.invoked_arn" semantic conventions. It represents the full +// invoked ARN as provided on the `Context` passed to the function +// (`Lambda-Runtime-Invoked-Function-ARN` header on the +// `/runtime/invocation/next` applicable). +func AWSLambdaInvokedARN(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSLambdaInvokedARNKey.String(val) +} + +// Attributes for CloudEvents. CloudEvents is a specification on how to define +// event data in a standard way. These attributes can be attached to spans when +// performing operations with CloudEvents, regardless of the protocol being +// used. +const ( + // CloudeventsEventIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "cloudevents.event_id" semantic conventions. It represents the + // [event_id](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#id) + // uniquely identifies the event. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', '0001' + CloudeventsEventIDKey = attribute.Key("cloudevents.event_id") + + // CloudeventsEventSourceKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "cloudevents.event_source" semantic conventions. It represents the + // [source](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#source-1) + // identifies the context in which an event happened. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'https://github.com/cloudevents', + // '/cloudevents/spec/pull/123', 'my-service' + CloudeventsEventSourceKey = attribute.Key("cloudevents.event_source") + + // CloudeventsEventSpecVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "cloudevents.event_spec_version" semantic conventions. It represents the + // [version of the CloudEvents + // specification](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#specversion) + // which the event uses. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '1.0' + CloudeventsEventSpecVersionKey = attribute.Key("cloudevents.event_spec_version") + + // CloudeventsEventTypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "cloudevents.event_type" semantic conventions. It represents the + // [event_type](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#type) + // contains a value describing the type of event related to the originating + // occurrence. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'com.github.pull_request.opened', + // 'com.example.object.deleted.v2' + CloudeventsEventTypeKey = attribute.Key("cloudevents.event_type") + + // CloudeventsEventSubjectKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "cloudevents.event_subject" semantic conventions. It represents the + // [subject](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#subject) + // of the event in the context of the event producer (identified by + // source). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'mynewfile.jpg' + CloudeventsEventSubjectKey = attribute.Key("cloudevents.event_subject") +) + +// CloudeventsEventID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "cloudevents.event_id" semantic conventions. It represents the +// [event_id](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#id) +// uniquely identifies the event. +func CloudeventsEventID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CloudeventsEventIDKey.String(val) +} + +// CloudeventsEventSource returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "cloudevents.event_source" semantic conventions. It represents the +// [source](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#source-1) +// identifies the context in which an event happened. +func CloudeventsEventSource(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CloudeventsEventSourceKey.String(val) +} + +// CloudeventsEventSpecVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "cloudevents.event_spec_version" semantic conventions. It represents the +// [version of the CloudEvents +// specification](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#specversion) +// which the event uses. +func CloudeventsEventSpecVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CloudeventsEventSpecVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// CloudeventsEventType returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "cloudevents.event_type" semantic conventions. It represents the +// [event_type](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#type) +// contains a value describing the type of event related to the originating +// occurrence. +func CloudeventsEventType(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CloudeventsEventTypeKey.String(val) +} + +// CloudeventsEventSubject returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "cloudevents.event_subject" semantic conventions. It represents the +// [subject](https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/v1.0.2/cloudevents/spec.md#subject) +// of the event in the context of the event producer (identified by source). +func CloudeventsEventSubject(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CloudeventsEventSubjectKey.String(val) +} + +// Semantic conventions for the OpenTracing Shim +const ( + // OpentracingRefTypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "opentracing.ref_type" semantic conventions. It represents the + // parent-child Reference type + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Note: The causal relationship between a child Span and a parent Span. + OpentracingRefTypeKey = attribute.Key("opentracing.ref_type") +) + +var ( + // The parent Span depends on the child Span in some capacity + OpentracingRefTypeChildOf = OpentracingRefTypeKey.String("child_of") + // The parent Span does not depend in any way on the result of the child Span + OpentracingRefTypeFollowsFrom = OpentracingRefTypeKey.String("follows_from") +) + +// The attributes used to perform database client calls. +const ( + // DBSystemKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "db.system" semantic + // conventions. It represents an identifier for the database management + // system (DBMS) product being used. See below for a list of well-known + // identifiers. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + DBSystemKey = attribute.Key("db.system") + + // DBConnectionStringKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.connection_string" semantic conventions. It represents the + // connection string used to connect to the database. It is recommended to + // remove embedded credentials. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Server=(localdb)\\v11.0;Integrated Security=true;' + DBConnectionStringKey = attribute.Key("db.connection_string") + + // DBUserKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "db.user" semantic + // conventions. It represents the username for accessing the database. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'readonly_user', 'reporting_user' + DBUserKey = attribute.Key("db.user") + + // DBJDBCDriverClassnameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.jdbc.driver_classname" semantic conventions. It represents the + // fully-qualified class name of the [Java Database Connectivity + // (JDBC)](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jdbc/) + // driver used to connect. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'org.postgresql.Driver', + // 'com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver' + DBJDBCDriverClassnameKey = attribute.Key("db.jdbc.driver_classname") + + // DBNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "db.name" semantic + // conventions. It represents the this attribute is used to report the name + // of the database being accessed. For commands that switch the database, + // this should be set to the target database (even if the command fails). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If applicable.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'customers', 'main' + // Note: In some SQL databases, the database name to be used is called + // "schema name". In case there are multiple layers that could be + // considered for database name (e.g. Oracle instance name and schema + // name), the database name to be used is the more specific layer (e.g. + // Oracle schema name). + DBNameKey = attribute.Key("db.name") + + // DBStatementKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "db.statement" + // semantic conventions. It represents the database statement being + // executed. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If applicable and not + // explicitly disabled via instrumentation configuration.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'SELECT * FROM wuser_table', 'SET mykey "WuValue"' + // Note: The value may be sanitized to exclude sensitive information. + DBStatementKey = attribute.Key("db.statement") + + // DBOperationKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "db.operation" + // semantic conventions. It represents the name of the operation being + // executed, e.g. the [MongoDB command + // name](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/#database-operations) + // such as `findAndModify`, or the SQL keyword. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If `db.statement` is not + // applicable.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'findAndModify', 'HMSET', 'SELECT' + // Note: When setting this to an SQL keyword, it is not recommended to + // attempt any client-side parsing of `db.statement` just to get this + // property, but it should be set if the operation name is provided by the + // library being instrumented. If the SQL statement has an ambiguous + // operation, or performs more than one operation, this value may be + // omitted. + DBOperationKey = attribute.Key("db.operation") +) + +var ( + // Some other SQL database. Fallback only. See notes + DBSystemOtherSQL = DBSystemKey.String("other_sql") + // Microsoft SQL Server + DBSystemMSSQL = DBSystemKey.String("mssql") + // MySQL + DBSystemMySQL = DBSystemKey.String("mysql") + // Oracle Database + DBSystemOracle = DBSystemKey.String("oracle") + // IBM DB2 + DBSystemDB2 = DBSystemKey.String("db2") + // PostgreSQL + DBSystemPostgreSQL = DBSystemKey.String("postgresql") + // Amazon Redshift + DBSystemRedshift = DBSystemKey.String("redshift") + // Apache Hive + DBSystemHive = DBSystemKey.String("hive") + // Cloudscape + DBSystemCloudscape = DBSystemKey.String("cloudscape") + // HyperSQL DataBase + DBSystemHSQLDB = DBSystemKey.String("hsqldb") + // Progress Database + DBSystemProgress = DBSystemKey.String("progress") + // SAP MaxDB + DBSystemMaxDB = DBSystemKey.String("maxdb") + // SAP HANA + DBSystemHanaDB = DBSystemKey.String("hanadb") + // Ingres + DBSystemIngres = DBSystemKey.String("ingres") + // FirstSQL + DBSystemFirstSQL = DBSystemKey.String("firstsql") + // EnterpriseDB + DBSystemEDB = DBSystemKey.String("edb") + // InterSystems Caché + DBSystemCache = DBSystemKey.String("cache") + // Adabas (Adaptable Database System) + DBSystemAdabas = DBSystemKey.String("adabas") + // Firebird + DBSystemFirebird = DBSystemKey.String("firebird") + // Apache Derby + DBSystemDerby = DBSystemKey.String("derby") + // FileMaker + DBSystemFilemaker = DBSystemKey.String("filemaker") + // Informix + DBSystemInformix = DBSystemKey.String("informix") + // InstantDB + DBSystemInstantDB = DBSystemKey.String("instantdb") + // InterBase + DBSystemInterbase = DBSystemKey.String("interbase") + // MariaDB + DBSystemMariaDB = DBSystemKey.String("mariadb") + // Netezza + DBSystemNetezza = DBSystemKey.String("netezza") + // Pervasive PSQL + DBSystemPervasive = DBSystemKey.String("pervasive") + // PointBase + DBSystemPointbase = DBSystemKey.String("pointbase") + // SQLite + DBSystemSqlite = DBSystemKey.String("sqlite") + // Sybase + DBSystemSybase = DBSystemKey.String("sybase") + // Teradata + DBSystemTeradata = DBSystemKey.String("teradata") + // Vertica + DBSystemVertica = DBSystemKey.String("vertica") + // H2 + DBSystemH2 = DBSystemKey.String("h2") + // ColdFusion IMQ + DBSystemColdfusion = DBSystemKey.String("coldfusion") + // Apache Cassandra + DBSystemCassandra = DBSystemKey.String("cassandra") + // Apache HBase + DBSystemHBase = DBSystemKey.String("hbase") + // MongoDB + DBSystemMongoDB = DBSystemKey.String("mongodb") + // Redis + DBSystemRedis = DBSystemKey.String("redis") + // Couchbase + DBSystemCouchbase = DBSystemKey.String("couchbase") + // CouchDB + DBSystemCouchDB = DBSystemKey.String("couchdb") + // Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB + DBSystemCosmosDB = DBSystemKey.String("cosmosdb") + // Amazon DynamoDB + DBSystemDynamoDB = DBSystemKey.String("dynamodb") + // Neo4j + DBSystemNeo4j = DBSystemKey.String("neo4j") + // Apache Geode + DBSystemGeode = DBSystemKey.String("geode") + // Elasticsearch + DBSystemElasticsearch = DBSystemKey.String("elasticsearch") + // Memcached + DBSystemMemcached = DBSystemKey.String("memcached") + // CockroachDB + DBSystemCockroachdb = DBSystemKey.String("cockroachdb") + // OpenSearch + DBSystemOpensearch = DBSystemKey.String("opensearch") + // ClickHouse + DBSystemClickhouse = DBSystemKey.String("clickhouse") +) + +// DBConnectionString returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.connection_string" semantic conventions. It represents the connection +// string used to connect to the database. It is recommended to remove embedded +// credentials. +func DBConnectionString(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBConnectionStringKey.String(val) +} + +// DBUser returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "db.user" semantic +// conventions. It represents the username for accessing the database. +func DBUser(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBUserKey.String(val) +} + +// DBJDBCDriverClassname returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.jdbc.driver_classname" semantic conventions. It represents the +// fully-qualified class name of the [Java Database Connectivity +// (JDBC)](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jdbc/) driver +// used to connect. +func DBJDBCDriverClassname(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBJDBCDriverClassnameKey.String(val) +} + +// DBName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "db.name" semantic +// conventions. It represents the this attribute is used to report the name of +// the database being accessed. For commands that switch the database, this +// should be set to the target database (even if the command fails). +func DBName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBNameKey.String(val) +} + +// DBStatement returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.statement" semantic conventions. It represents the database statement +// being executed. +func DBStatement(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBStatementKey.String(val) +} + +// DBOperation returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.operation" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the operation +// being executed, e.g. the [MongoDB command +// name](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/#database-operations) +// such as `findAndModify`, or the SQL keyword. +func DBOperation(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBOperationKey.String(val) +} + +// Connection-level attributes for Microsoft SQL Server +const ( + // DBMSSQLInstanceNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.mssql.instance_name" semantic conventions. It represents the + // Microsoft SQL Server [instance + // name](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/jdbc/building-the-connection-url?view=sql-server-ver15) + // connecting to. This name is used to determine the port of a named + // instance. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'MSSQLSERVER' + // Note: If setting a `db.mssql.instance_name`, `net.peer.port` is no + // longer required (but still recommended if non-standard). + DBMSSQLInstanceNameKey = attribute.Key("db.mssql.instance_name") +) + +// DBMSSQLInstanceName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.mssql.instance_name" semantic conventions. It represents the Microsoft +// SQL Server [instance +// name](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/jdbc/building-the-connection-url?view=sql-server-ver15) +// connecting to. This name is used to determine the port of a named instance. +func DBMSSQLInstanceName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBMSSQLInstanceNameKey.String(val) +} + +// Call-level attributes for Cassandra +const ( + // DBCassandraPageSizeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.cassandra.page_size" semantic conventions. It represents the fetch + // size used for paging, i.e. how many rows will be returned at once. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 5000 + DBCassandraPageSizeKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.page_size") + + // DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.cassandra.consistency_level" semantic conventions. It represents the + // consistency level of the query. Based on consistency values from + // [CQL](https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra-oss/3.0/cassandra/dml/dmlConfigConsistency.html). + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.consistency_level") + + // DBCassandraTableKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.cassandra.table" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the + // primary table that the operation is acting upon, including the keyspace + // name (if applicable). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Recommended + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'mytable' + // Note: This mirrors the db.sql.table attribute but references cassandra + // rather than sql. It is not recommended to attempt any client-side + // parsing of `db.statement` just to get this property, but it should be + // set if it is provided by the library being instrumented. If the + // operation is acting upon an anonymous table, or more than one table, + // this value MUST NOT be set. + DBCassandraTableKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.table") + + // DBCassandraIdempotenceKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.cassandra.idempotence" semantic conventions. It represents the + // whether or not the query is idempotent. + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + DBCassandraIdempotenceKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.idempotence") + + // DBCassandraSpeculativeExecutionCountKey is the attribute Key conforming + // to the "db.cassandra.speculative_execution_count" semantic conventions. + // It represents the number of times a query was speculatively executed. + // Not set or `0` if the query was not executed speculatively. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 0, 2 + DBCassandraSpeculativeExecutionCountKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.speculative_execution_count") + + // DBCassandraCoordinatorIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.cassandra.coordinator.id" semantic conventions. It represents the ID + // of the coordinating node for a query. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'be13faa2-8574-4d71-926d-27f16cf8a7af' + DBCassandraCoordinatorIDKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.coordinator.id") + + // DBCassandraCoordinatorDCKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.cassandra.coordinator.dc" semantic conventions. It represents the + // data center of the coordinating node for a query. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'us-west-2' + DBCassandraCoordinatorDCKey = attribute.Key("db.cassandra.coordinator.dc") +) + +var ( + // all + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelAll = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("all") + // each_quorum + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelEachQuorum = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("each_quorum") + // quorum + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelQuorum = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("quorum") + // local_quorum + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelLocalQuorum = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("local_quorum") + // one + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelOne = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("one") + // two + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelTwo = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("two") + // three + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelThree = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("three") + // local_one + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelLocalOne = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("local_one") + // any + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelAny = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("any") + // serial + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelSerial = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("serial") + // local_serial + DBCassandraConsistencyLevelLocalSerial = DBCassandraConsistencyLevelKey.String("local_serial") +) + +// DBCassandraPageSize returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.cassandra.page_size" semantic conventions. It represents the fetch size +// used for paging, i.e. how many rows will be returned at once. +func DBCassandraPageSize(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBCassandraPageSizeKey.Int(val) +} + +// DBCassandraTable returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.cassandra.table" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// primary table that the operation is acting upon, including the keyspace name +// (if applicable). +func DBCassandraTable(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBCassandraTableKey.String(val) +} + +// DBCassandraIdempotence returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.cassandra.idempotence" semantic conventions. It represents the whether +// or not the query is idempotent. +func DBCassandraIdempotence(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBCassandraIdempotenceKey.Bool(val) +} + +// DBCassandraSpeculativeExecutionCount returns an attribute KeyValue +// conforming to the "db.cassandra.speculative_execution_count" semantic +// conventions. It represents the number of times a query was speculatively +// executed. Not set or `0` if the query was not executed speculatively. +func DBCassandraSpeculativeExecutionCount(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBCassandraSpeculativeExecutionCountKey.Int(val) +} + +// DBCassandraCoordinatorID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.cassandra.coordinator.id" semantic conventions. It represents the ID of +// the coordinating node for a query. +func DBCassandraCoordinatorID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBCassandraCoordinatorIDKey.String(val) +} + +// DBCassandraCoordinatorDC returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.cassandra.coordinator.dc" semantic conventions. It represents the data +// center of the coordinating node for a query. +func DBCassandraCoordinatorDC(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBCassandraCoordinatorDCKey.String(val) +} + +// Call-level attributes for Redis +const ( + // DBRedisDBIndexKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.redis.database_index" semantic conventions. It represents the index + // of the database being accessed as used in the [`SELECT` + // command](https://redis.io/commands/select), provided as an integer. To + // be used instead of the generic `db.name` attribute. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If other than the default + // database (`0`).) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 0, 1, 15 + DBRedisDBIndexKey = attribute.Key("db.redis.database_index") +) + +// DBRedisDBIndex returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.redis.database_index" semantic conventions. It represents the index of +// the database being accessed as used in the [`SELECT` +// command](https://redis.io/commands/select), provided as an integer. To be +// used instead of the generic `db.name` attribute. +func DBRedisDBIndex(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBRedisDBIndexKey.Int(val) +} + +// Call-level attributes for MongoDB +const ( + // DBMongoDBCollectionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "db.mongodb.collection" semantic conventions. It represents the + // collection being accessed within the database stated in `db.name`. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'customers', 'products' + DBMongoDBCollectionKey = attribute.Key("db.mongodb.collection") +) + +// DBMongoDBCollection returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "db.mongodb.collection" semantic conventions. It represents the collection +// being accessed within the database stated in `db.name`. +func DBMongoDBCollection(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBMongoDBCollectionKey.String(val) +} + +// Call-level attributes for SQL databases +const ( + // DBSQLTableKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "db.sql.table" + // semantic conventions. It represents the name of the primary table that + // the operation is acting upon, including the database name (if + // applicable). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Recommended + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'public.users', 'customers' + // Note: It is not recommended to attempt any client-side parsing of + // `db.statement` just to get this property, but it should be set if it is + // provided by the library being instrumented. If the operation is acting + // upon an anonymous table, or more than one table, this value MUST NOT be + // set. + DBSQLTableKey = attribute.Key("db.sql.table") +) + +// DBSQLTable returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "db.sql.table" +// semantic conventions. It represents the name of the primary table that the +// operation is acting upon, including the database name (if applicable). +func DBSQLTable(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return DBSQLTableKey.String(val) +} + +// Span attributes used by non-OTLP exporters to represent OpenTelemetry Span's +// concepts. +const ( + // OtelStatusCodeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "otel.status_code" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the + // code, either "OK" or "ERROR". MUST NOT be set if the status code is + // UNSET. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + OtelStatusCodeKey = attribute.Key("otel.status_code") + + // OtelStatusDescriptionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "otel.status_description" semantic conventions. It represents the + // description of the Status if it has a value, otherwise not set. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'resource not found' + OtelStatusDescriptionKey = attribute.Key("otel.status_description") +) + +var ( + // The operation has been validated by an Application developer or Operator to have completed successfully + OtelStatusCodeOk = OtelStatusCodeKey.String("OK") + // The operation contains an error + OtelStatusCodeError = OtelStatusCodeKey.String("ERROR") +) + +// OtelStatusDescription returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "otel.status_description" semantic conventions. It represents the +// description of the Status if it has a value, otherwise not set. +func OtelStatusDescription(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return OtelStatusDescriptionKey.String(val) +} + +// This semantic convention describes an instance of a function that runs +// without provisioning or managing of servers (also known as serverless +// functions or Function as a Service (FaaS)) with spans. +const ( + // FaaSTriggerKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "faas.trigger" + // semantic conventions. It represents the type of the trigger which caused + // this function execution. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Note: For the server/consumer span on the incoming side, + // `faas.trigger` MUST be set. + // + // Clients invoking FaaS instances usually cannot set `faas.trigger`, + // since they would typically need to look in the payload to determine + // the event type. If clients set it, it should be the same as the + // trigger that corresponding incoming would have (i.e., this has + // nothing to do with the underlying transport used to make the API + // call to invoke the lambda, which is often HTTP). + FaaSTriggerKey = attribute.Key("faas.trigger") + + // FaaSExecutionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "faas.execution" + // semantic conventions. It represents the execution ID of the current + // function execution. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'af9d5aa4-a685-4c5f-a22b-444f80b3cc28' + FaaSExecutionKey = attribute.Key("faas.execution") +) + +var ( + // A response to some data source operation such as a database or filesystem read/write + FaaSTriggerDatasource = FaaSTriggerKey.String("datasource") + // To provide an answer to an inbound HTTP request + FaaSTriggerHTTP = FaaSTriggerKey.String("http") + // A function is set to be executed when messages are sent to a messaging system + FaaSTriggerPubsub = FaaSTriggerKey.String("pubsub") + // A function is scheduled to be executed regularly + FaaSTriggerTimer = FaaSTriggerKey.String("timer") + // If none of the others apply + FaaSTriggerOther = FaaSTriggerKey.String("other") +) + +// FaaSExecution returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "faas.execution" semantic conventions. It represents the execution ID of the +// current function execution. +func FaaSExecution(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSExecutionKey.String(val) +} + +// Semantic Convention for FaaS triggered as a response to some data source +// operation such as a database or filesystem read/write. +const ( + // FaaSDocumentCollectionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "faas.document.collection" semantic conventions. It represents the name + // of the source on which the triggering operation was performed. For + // example, in Cloud Storage or S3 corresponds to the bucket name, and in + // Cosmos DB to the database name. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'myBucketName', 'myDBName' + FaaSDocumentCollectionKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.collection") + + // FaaSDocumentOperationKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "faas.document.operation" semantic conventions. It represents the + // describes the type of the operation that was performed on the data. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + FaaSDocumentOperationKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.operation") + + // FaaSDocumentTimeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "faas.document.time" semantic conventions. It represents a string + // containing the time when the data was accessed in the [ISO + // 8601](https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html) format + // expressed in [UTC](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '2020-01-23T13:47:06Z' + FaaSDocumentTimeKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.time") + + // FaaSDocumentNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "faas.document.name" semantic conventions. It represents the document + // name/table subjected to the operation. For example, in Cloud Storage or + // S3 is the name of the file, and in Cosmos DB the table name. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'myFile.txt', 'myTableName' + FaaSDocumentNameKey = attribute.Key("faas.document.name") +) + +var ( + // When a new object is created + FaaSDocumentOperationInsert = FaaSDocumentOperationKey.String("insert") + // When an object is modified + FaaSDocumentOperationEdit = FaaSDocumentOperationKey.String("edit") + // When an object is deleted + FaaSDocumentOperationDelete = FaaSDocumentOperationKey.String("delete") +) + +// FaaSDocumentCollection returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "faas.document.collection" semantic conventions. It represents the name of +// the source on which the triggering operation was performed. For example, in +// Cloud Storage or S3 corresponds to the bucket name, and in Cosmos DB to the +// database name. +func FaaSDocumentCollection(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSDocumentCollectionKey.String(val) +} + +// FaaSDocumentTime returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "faas.document.time" semantic conventions. It represents a string containing +// the time when the data was accessed in the [ISO +// 8601](https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html) format +// expressed in [UTC](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime). +func FaaSDocumentTime(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSDocumentTimeKey.String(val) +} + +// FaaSDocumentName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "faas.document.name" semantic conventions. It represents the document +// name/table subjected to the operation. For example, in Cloud Storage or S3 +// is the name of the file, and in Cosmos DB the table name. +func FaaSDocumentName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSDocumentNameKey.String(val) +} + +// Semantic Convention for FaaS scheduled to be executed regularly. +const ( + // FaaSTimeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "faas.time" semantic + // conventions. It represents a string containing the function invocation + // time in the [ISO + // 8601](https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html) format + // expressed in [UTC](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '2020-01-23T13:47:06Z' + FaaSTimeKey = attribute.Key("faas.time") + + // FaaSCronKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "faas.cron" semantic + // conventions. It represents a string containing the schedule period as + // [Cron + // Expression](https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E12058_01/doc/doc.1014/e12030/cron_expressions.htm). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '0/5 * * * ? *' + FaaSCronKey = attribute.Key("faas.cron") +) + +// FaaSTime returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "faas.time" +// semantic conventions. It represents a string containing the function +// invocation time in the [ISO +// 8601](https://www.iso.org/iso-8601-date-and-time-format.html) format +// expressed in [UTC](https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime). +func FaaSTime(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSTimeKey.String(val) +} + +// FaaSCron returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "faas.cron" +// semantic conventions. It represents a string containing the schedule period +// as [Cron +// Expression](https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E12058_01/doc/doc.1014/e12030/cron_expressions.htm). +func FaaSCron(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSCronKey.String(val) +} + +// Contains additional attributes for incoming FaaS spans. +const ( + // FaaSColdstartKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "faas.coldstart" + // semantic conventions. It represents a boolean that is true if the + // serverless function is executed for the first time (aka cold-start). + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + FaaSColdstartKey = attribute.Key("faas.coldstart") +) + +// FaaSColdstart returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "faas.coldstart" semantic conventions. It represents a boolean that is true +// if the serverless function is executed for the first time (aka cold-start). +func FaaSColdstart(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSColdstartKey.Bool(val) +} + +// Contains additional attributes for outgoing FaaS spans. +const ( + // FaaSInvokedNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "faas.invoked_name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the + // invoked function. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'my-function' + // Note: SHOULD be equal to the `faas.name` resource attribute of the + // invoked function. + FaaSInvokedNameKey = attribute.Key("faas.invoked_name") + + // FaaSInvokedProviderKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "faas.invoked_provider" semantic conventions. It represents the cloud + // provider of the invoked function. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Note: SHOULD be equal to the `cloud.provider` resource attribute of the + // invoked function. + FaaSInvokedProviderKey = attribute.Key("faas.invoked_provider") + + // FaaSInvokedRegionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "faas.invoked_region" semantic conventions. It represents the cloud + // region of the invoked function. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (For some cloud providers, like + // AWS or GCP, the region in which a function is hosted is essential to + // uniquely identify the function and also part of its endpoint. Since it's + // part of the endpoint being called, the region is always known to + // clients. In these cases, `faas.invoked_region` MUST be set accordingly. + // If the region is unknown to the client or not required for identifying + // the invoked function, setting `faas.invoked_region` is optional.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'eu-central-1' + // Note: SHOULD be equal to the `cloud.region` resource attribute of the + // invoked function. + FaaSInvokedRegionKey = attribute.Key("faas.invoked_region") +) + +var ( + // Alibaba Cloud + FaaSInvokedProviderAlibabaCloud = FaaSInvokedProviderKey.String("alibaba_cloud") + // Amazon Web Services + FaaSInvokedProviderAWS = FaaSInvokedProviderKey.String("aws") + // Microsoft Azure + FaaSInvokedProviderAzure = FaaSInvokedProviderKey.String("azure") + // Google Cloud Platform + FaaSInvokedProviderGCP = FaaSInvokedProviderKey.String("gcp") + // Tencent Cloud + FaaSInvokedProviderTencentCloud = FaaSInvokedProviderKey.String("tencent_cloud") +) + +// FaaSInvokedName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "faas.invoked_name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// invoked function. +func FaaSInvokedName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSInvokedNameKey.String(val) +} + +// FaaSInvokedRegion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "faas.invoked_region" semantic conventions. It represents the cloud region +// of the invoked function. +func FaaSInvokedRegion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return FaaSInvokedRegionKey.String(val) +} + +// These attributes may be used for any network related operation. +const ( + // NetTransportKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "net.transport" + // semantic conventions. It represents the transport protocol used. See + // note below. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + NetTransportKey = attribute.Key("net.transport") + + // NetAppProtocolNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.app.protocol.name" semantic conventions. It represents the + // application layer protocol used. The value SHOULD be normalized to + // lowercase. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'amqp', 'http', 'mqtt' + NetAppProtocolNameKey = attribute.Key("net.app.protocol.name") + + // NetAppProtocolVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.app.protocol.version" semantic conventions. It represents the + // version of the application layer protocol used. See note below. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '3.1.1' + // Note: `net.app.protocol.version` refers to the version of the protocol + // used and might be different from the protocol client's version. If the + // HTTP client used has a version of `0.27.2`, but sends HTTP version + // `1.1`, this attribute should be set to `1.1`. + NetAppProtocolVersionKey = attribute.Key("net.app.protocol.version") + + // NetSockPeerNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.sock.peer.name" semantic conventions. It represents the remote + // socket peer name. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Recommended (If available and different from + // `net.peer.name` and if `net.sock.peer.addr` is set.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'proxy.example.com' + NetSockPeerNameKey = attribute.Key("net.sock.peer.name") + + // NetSockPeerAddrKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.sock.peer.addr" semantic conventions. It represents the remote + // socket peer address: IPv4 or IPv6 for internet protocols, path for local + // communication, + // [etc](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/address_families.7.html). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '', '/tmp/mysql.sock' + NetSockPeerAddrKey = attribute.Key("net.sock.peer.addr") + + // NetSockPeerPortKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.sock.peer.port" semantic conventions. It represents the remote + // socket peer port. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Recommended (If defined for the address family and if + // different than `net.peer.port` and if `net.sock.peer.addr` is set.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 16456 + NetSockPeerPortKey = attribute.Key("net.sock.peer.port") + + // NetSockFamilyKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.sock.family" semantic conventions. It represents the protocol + // [address + // family](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/address_families.7.html) + // which is used for communication. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If different than `inet` and if + // any of `net.sock.peer.addr` or `net.sock.host.addr` are set. Consumers + // of telemetry SHOULD accept both IPv4 and IPv6 formats for the address in + // `net.sock.peer.addr` if `net.sock.family` is not set. This is to support + // instrumentations that follow previous versions of this document.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'inet6', 'bluetooth' + NetSockFamilyKey = attribute.Key("net.sock.family") + + // NetPeerNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "net.peer.name" + // semantic conventions. It represents the logical remote hostname, see + // note below. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'example.com' + // Note: `net.peer.name` SHOULD NOT be set if capturing it would require an + // extra DNS lookup. + NetPeerNameKey = attribute.Key("net.peer.name") + + // NetPeerPortKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "net.peer.port" + // semantic conventions. It represents the logical remote port number + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 80, 8080, 443 + NetPeerPortKey = attribute.Key("net.peer.port") + + // NetHostNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "net.host.name" + // semantic conventions. It represents the logical local hostname or + // similar, see note below. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'localhost' + NetHostNameKey = attribute.Key("net.host.name") + + // NetHostPortKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "net.host.port" + // semantic conventions. It represents the logical local port number, + // preferably the one that the peer used to connect + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 8080 + NetHostPortKey = attribute.Key("net.host.port") + + // NetSockHostAddrKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.sock.host.addr" semantic conventions. It represents the local + // socket address. Useful in case of a multi-IP host. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '' + NetSockHostAddrKey = attribute.Key("net.sock.host.addr") + + // NetSockHostPortKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.sock.host.port" semantic conventions. It represents the local + // socket port number. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Recommended (If defined for the address family and if + // different than `net.host.port` and if `net.sock.host.addr` is set.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 35555 + NetSockHostPortKey = attribute.Key("net.sock.host.port") + + // NetHostConnectionTypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.host.connection.type" semantic conventions. It represents the + // internet connection type currently being used by the host. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'wifi' + NetHostConnectionTypeKey = attribute.Key("net.host.connection.type") + + // NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.host.connection.subtype" semantic conventions. It represents the + // this describes more details regarding the connection.type. It may be the + // type of cell technology connection, but it could be used for describing + // details about a wifi connection. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'LTE' + NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey = attribute.Key("net.host.connection.subtype") + + // NetHostCarrierNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.host.carrier.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of + // the mobile carrier. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'sprint' + NetHostCarrierNameKey = attribute.Key("net.host.carrier.name") + + // NetHostCarrierMccKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.host.carrier.mcc" semantic conventions. It represents the mobile + // carrier country code. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '310' + NetHostCarrierMccKey = attribute.Key("net.host.carrier.mcc") + + // NetHostCarrierMncKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.host.carrier.mnc" semantic conventions. It represents the mobile + // carrier network code. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '001' + NetHostCarrierMncKey = attribute.Key("net.host.carrier.mnc") + + // NetHostCarrierIccKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "net.host.carrier.icc" semantic conventions. It represents the ISO + // 3166-1 alpha-2 2-character country code associated with the mobile + // carrier network. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'DE' + NetHostCarrierIccKey = attribute.Key("net.host.carrier.icc") +) + +var ( + // ip_tcp + NetTransportTCP = NetTransportKey.String("ip_tcp") + // ip_udp + NetTransportUDP = NetTransportKey.String("ip_udp") + // Named or anonymous pipe. See note below + NetTransportPipe = NetTransportKey.String("pipe") + // In-process communication + NetTransportInProc = NetTransportKey.String("inproc") + // Something else (non IP-based) + NetTransportOther = NetTransportKey.String("other") +) + +var ( + // IPv4 address + NetSockFamilyInet = NetSockFamilyKey.String("inet") + // IPv6 address + NetSockFamilyInet6 = NetSockFamilyKey.String("inet6") + // Unix domain socket path + NetSockFamilyUnix = NetSockFamilyKey.String("unix") +) + +var ( + // wifi + NetHostConnectionTypeWifi = NetHostConnectionTypeKey.String("wifi") + // wired + NetHostConnectionTypeWired = NetHostConnectionTypeKey.String("wired") + // cell + NetHostConnectionTypeCell = NetHostConnectionTypeKey.String("cell") + // unavailable + NetHostConnectionTypeUnavailable = NetHostConnectionTypeKey.String("unavailable") + // unknown + NetHostConnectionTypeUnknown = NetHostConnectionTypeKey.String("unknown") +) + +var ( + // GPRS + NetHostConnectionSubtypeGprs = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("gprs") + // EDGE + NetHostConnectionSubtypeEdge = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("edge") + // UMTS + NetHostConnectionSubtypeUmts = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("umts") + // CDMA + NetHostConnectionSubtypeCdma = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("cdma") + // EVDO Rel. 0 + NetHostConnectionSubtypeEvdo0 = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("evdo_0") + // EVDO Rev. A + NetHostConnectionSubtypeEvdoA = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("evdo_a") + // CDMA2000 1XRTT + NetHostConnectionSubtypeCdma20001xrtt = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("cdma2000_1xrtt") + // HSDPA + NetHostConnectionSubtypeHsdpa = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("hsdpa") + // HSUPA + NetHostConnectionSubtypeHsupa = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("hsupa") + // HSPA + NetHostConnectionSubtypeHspa = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("hspa") + // IDEN + NetHostConnectionSubtypeIden = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("iden") + // EVDO Rev. B + NetHostConnectionSubtypeEvdoB = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("evdo_b") + // LTE + NetHostConnectionSubtypeLte = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("lte") + // EHRPD + NetHostConnectionSubtypeEhrpd = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("ehrpd") + // HSPAP + NetHostConnectionSubtypeHspap = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("hspap") + // GSM + NetHostConnectionSubtypeGsm = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("gsm") + // TD-SCDMA + NetHostConnectionSubtypeTdScdma = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("td_scdma") + // IWLAN + NetHostConnectionSubtypeIwlan = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("iwlan") + // 5G NR (New Radio) + NetHostConnectionSubtypeNr = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("nr") + // 5G NRNSA (New Radio Non-Standalone) + NetHostConnectionSubtypeNrnsa = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("nrnsa") + // LTE CA + NetHostConnectionSubtypeLteCa = NetHostConnectionSubtypeKey.String("lte_ca") +) + +// NetAppProtocolName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.app.protocol.name" semantic conventions. It represents the application +// layer protocol used. The value SHOULD be normalized to lowercase. +func NetAppProtocolName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetAppProtocolNameKey.String(val) +} + +// NetAppProtocolVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.app.protocol.version" semantic conventions. It represents the version +// of the application layer protocol used. See note below. +func NetAppProtocolVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetAppProtocolVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// NetSockPeerName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.sock.peer.name" semantic conventions. It represents the remote socket +// peer name. +func NetSockPeerName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetSockPeerNameKey.String(val) +} + +// NetSockPeerAddr returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.sock.peer.addr" semantic conventions. It represents the remote socket +// peer address: IPv4 or IPv6 for internet protocols, path for local +// communication, +// [etc](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/address_families.7.html). +func NetSockPeerAddr(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetSockPeerAddrKey.String(val) +} + +// NetSockPeerPort returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.sock.peer.port" semantic conventions. It represents the remote socket +// peer port. +func NetSockPeerPort(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetSockPeerPortKey.Int(val) +} + +// NetPeerName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.peer.name" semantic conventions. It represents the logical remote +// hostname, see note below. +func NetPeerName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetPeerNameKey.String(val) +} + +// NetPeerPort returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.peer.port" semantic conventions. It represents the logical remote port +// number +func NetPeerPort(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetPeerPortKey.Int(val) +} + +// NetHostName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.host.name" semantic conventions. It represents the logical local +// hostname or similar, see note below. +func NetHostName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetHostNameKey.String(val) +} + +// NetHostPort returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.host.port" semantic conventions. It represents the logical local port +// number, preferably the one that the peer used to connect +func NetHostPort(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetHostPortKey.Int(val) +} + +// NetSockHostAddr returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.sock.host.addr" semantic conventions. It represents the local socket +// address. Useful in case of a multi-IP host. +func NetSockHostAddr(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetSockHostAddrKey.String(val) +} + +// NetSockHostPort returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.sock.host.port" semantic conventions. It represents the local socket +// port number. +func NetSockHostPort(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetSockHostPortKey.Int(val) +} + +// NetHostCarrierName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.host.carrier.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// mobile carrier. +func NetHostCarrierName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetHostCarrierNameKey.String(val) +} + +// NetHostCarrierMcc returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.host.carrier.mcc" semantic conventions. It represents the mobile +// carrier country code. +func NetHostCarrierMcc(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetHostCarrierMccKey.String(val) +} + +// NetHostCarrierMnc returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.host.carrier.mnc" semantic conventions. It represents the mobile +// carrier network code. +func NetHostCarrierMnc(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetHostCarrierMncKey.String(val) +} + +// NetHostCarrierIcc returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "net.host.carrier.icc" semantic conventions. It represents the ISO 3166-1 +// alpha-2 2-character country code associated with the mobile carrier network. +func NetHostCarrierIcc(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return NetHostCarrierIccKey.String(val) +} + +// Operations that access some remote service. +const ( + // PeerServiceKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "peer.service" + // semantic conventions. It represents the + // [`service.name`](../../resource/semantic_conventions/README.md#service) + // of the remote service. SHOULD be equal to the actual `service.name` + // resource attribute of the remote service if any. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'AuthTokenCache' + PeerServiceKey = attribute.Key("peer.service") +) + +// PeerService returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "peer.service" semantic conventions. It represents the +// [`service.name`](../../resource/semantic_conventions/README.md#service) of +// the remote service. SHOULD be equal to the actual `service.name` resource +// attribute of the remote service if any. +func PeerService(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return PeerServiceKey.String(val) +} + +// These attributes may be used for any operation with an authenticated and/or +// authorized enduser. +const ( + // EnduserIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "enduser.id" + // semantic conventions. It represents the username or client_id extracted + // from the access token or + // [Authorization](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235#section-4.2) header + // in the inbound request from outside the system. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'username' + EnduserIDKey = attribute.Key("enduser.id") + + // EnduserRoleKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "enduser.role" + // semantic conventions. It represents the actual/assumed role the client + // is making the request under extracted from token or application security + // context. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'admin' + EnduserRoleKey = attribute.Key("enduser.role") + + // EnduserScopeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "enduser.scope" + // semantic conventions. It represents the scopes or granted authorities + // the client currently possesses extracted from token or application + // security context. The value would come from the scope associated with an + // [OAuth 2.0 Access + // Token](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-3.3) or an attribute + // value in a [SAML 2.0 + // Assertion](http://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/Post2.0/sstc-saml-tech-overview-2.0.html). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'read:message, write:files' + EnduserScopeKey = attribute.Key("enduser.scope") +) + +// EnduserID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "enduser.id" +// semantic conventions. It represents the username or client_id extracted from +// the access token or +// [Authorization](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235#section-4.2) header in +// the inbound request from outside the system. +func EnduserID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return EnduserIDKey.String(val) +} + +// EnduserRole returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "enduser.role" semantic conventions. It represents the actual/assumed role +// the client is making the request under extracted from token or application +// security context. +func EnduserRole(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return EnduserRoleKey.String(val) +} + +// EnduserScope returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "enduser.scope" semantic conventions. It represents the scopes or granted +// authorities the client currently possesses extracted from token or +// application security context. The value would come from the scope associated +// with an [OAuth 2.0 Access +// Token](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-3.3) or an attribute +// value in a [SAML 2.0 +// Assertion](http://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/Post2.0/sstc-saml-tech-overview-2.0.html). +func EnduserScope(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return EnduserScopeKey.String(val) +} + +// These attributes may be used for any operation to store information about a +// thread that started a span. +const ( + // ThreadIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "thread.id" semantic + // conventions. It represents the current "managed" thread ID (as opposed + // to OS thread ID). + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 42 + ThreadIDKey = attribute.Key("thread.id") + + // ThreadNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "thread.name" + // semantic conventions. It represents the current thread name. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'main' + ThreadNameKey = attribute.Key("thread.name") +) + +// ThreadID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "thread.id" +// semantic conventions. It represents the current "managed" thread ID (as +// opposed to OS thread ID). +func ThreadID(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return ThreadIDKey.Int(val) +} + +// ThreadName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "thread.name" +// semantic conventions. It represents the current thread name. +func ThreadName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return ThreadNameKey.String(val) +} + +// These attributes allow to report this unit of code and therefore to provide +// more context about the span. +const ( + // CodeFunctionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "code.function" + // semantic conventions. It represents the method or function name, or + // equivalent (usually rightmost part of the code unit's name). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'serveRequest' + CodeFunctionKey = attribute.Key("code.function") + + // CodeNamespaceKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "code.namespace" + // semantic conventions. It represents the "namespace" within which + // `code.function` is defined. Usually the qualified class or module name, + // such that `code.namespace` + some separator + `code.function` form a + // unique identifier for the code unit. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'com.example.MyHTTPService' + CodeNamespaceKey = attribute.Key("code.namespace") + + // CodeFilepathKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "code.filepath" + // semantic conventions. It represents the source code file name that + // identifies the code unit as uniquely as possible (preferably an absolute + // file path). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '/usr/local/MyApplication/content_root/app/index.php' + CodeFilepathKey = attribute.Key("code.filepath") + + // CodeLineNumberKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "code.lineno" + // semantic conventions. It represents the line number in `code.filepath` + // best representing the operation. It SHOULD point within the code unit + // named in `code.function`. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 42 + CodeLineNumberKey = attribute.Key("code.lineno") + + // CodeColumnKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "code.column" + // semantic conventions. It represents the column number in `code.filepath` + // best representing the operation. It SHOULD point within the code unit + // named in `code.function`. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 16 + CodeColumnKey = attribute.Key("code.column") +) + +// CodeFunction returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "code.function" semantic conventions. It represents the method or function +// name, or equivalent (usually rightmost part of the code unit's name). +func CodeFunction(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CodeFunctionKey.String(val) +} + +// CodeNamespace returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "code.namespace" semantic conventions. It represents the "namespace" within +// which `code.function` is defined. Usually the qualified class or module +// name, such that `code.namespace` + some separator + `code.function` form a +// unique identifier for the code unit. +func CodeNamespace(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CodeNamespaceKey.String(val) +} + +// CodeFilepath returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "code.filepath" semantic conventions. It represents the source code file +// name that identifies the code unit as uniquely as possible (preferably an +// absolute file path). +func CodeFilepath(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return CodeFilepathKey.String(val) +} + +// CodeLineNumber returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "code.lineno" +// semantic conventions. It represents the line number in `code.filepath` best +// representing the operation. It SHOULD point within the code unit named in +// `code.function`. +func CodeLineNumber(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return CodeLineNumberKey.Int(val) +} + +// CodeColumn returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "code.column" +// semantic conventions. It represents the column number in `code.filepath` +// best representing the operation. It SHOULD point within the code unit named +// in `code.function`. +func CodeColumn(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return CodeColumnKey.Int(val) +} + +// Semantic conventions for HTTP client and server Spans. +const ( + // HTTPMethodKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "http.method" + // semantic conventions. It represents the hTTP request method. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'GET', 'POST', 'HEAD' + HTTPMethodKey = attribute.Key("http.method") + + // HTTPStatusCodeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "http.status_code" semantic conventions. It represents the [HTTP + // response status code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6). + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If and only if one was + // received/sent.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 200 + HTTPStatusCodeKey = attribute.Key("http.status_code") + + // HTTPFlavorKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "http.flavor" + // semantic conventions. It represents the kind of HTTP protocol used. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Note: If `net.transport` is not specified, it can be assumed to be + // `IP.TCP` except if `http.flavor` is `QUIC`, in which case `IP.UDP` is + // assumed. + HTTPFlavorKey = attribute.Key("http.flavor") + + // HTTPUserAgentKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "http.user_agent" semantic conventions. It represents the value of the + // [HTTP + // User-Agent](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#field.user-agent) + // header sent by the client. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'CERN-LineMode/2.15 libwww/2.17b3' + HTTPUserAgentKey = attribute.Key("http.user_agent") + + // HTTPRequestContentLengthKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "http.request_content_length" semantic conventions. It represents the + // size of the request payload body in bytes. This is the number of bytes + // transferred excluding headers and is often, but not always, present as + // the + // [Content-Length](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#field.content-length) + // header. For requests using transport encoding, this should be the + // compressed size. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 3495 + HTTPRequestContentLengthKey = attribute.Key("http.request_content_length") + + // HTTPResponseContentLengthKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "http.response_content_length" semantic conventions. It represents the + // size of the response payload body in bytes. This is the number of bytes + // transferred excluding headers and is often, but not always, present as + // the + // [Content-Length](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#field.content-length) + // header. For requests using transport encoding, this should be the + // compressed size. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 3495 + HTTPResponseContentLengthKey = attribute.Key("http.response_content_length") +) + +var ( + // HTTP/1.0 + HTTPFlavorHTTP10 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("1.0") + // HTTP/1.1 + HTTPFlavorHTTP11 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("1.1") + // HTTP/2 + HTTPFlavorHTTP20 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("2.0") + // HTTP/3 + HTTPFlavorHTTP30 = HTTPFlavorKey.String("3.0") + // SPDY protocol + HTTPFlavorSPDY = HTTPFlavorKey.String("SPDY") + // QUIC protocol + HTTPFlavorQUIC = HTTPFlavorKey.String("QUIC") +) + +// HTTPMethod returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "http.method" +// semantic conventions. It represents the hTTP request method. +func HTTPMethod(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPMethodKey.String(val) +} + +// HTTPStatusCode returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "http.status_code" semantic conventions. It represents the [HTTP response +// status code](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6). +func HTTPStatusCode(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPStatusCodeKey.Int(val) +} + +// HTTPUserAgent returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "http.user_agent" semantic conventions. It represents the value of the [HTTP +// User-Agent](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#field.user-agent) +// header sent by the client. +func HTTPUserAgent(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPUserAgentKey.String(val) +} + +// HTTPRequestContentLength returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "http.request_content_length" semantic conventions. It represents the size +// of the request payload body in bytes. This is the number of bytes +// transferred excluding headers and is often, but not always, present as the +// [Content-Length](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#field.content-length) +// header. For requests using transport encoding, this should be the compressed +// size. +func HTTPRequestContentLength(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPRequestContentLengthKey.Int(val) +} + +// HTTPResponseContentLength returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "http.response_content_length" semantic conventions. It represents the size +// of the response payload body in bytes. This is the number of bytes +// transferred excluding headers and is often, but not always, present as the +// [Content-Length](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9110.html#field.content-length) +// header. For requests using transport encoding, this should be the compressed +// size. +func HTTPResponseContentLength(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPResponseContentLengthKey.Int(val) +} + +// Semantic Convention for HTTP Client +const ( + // HTTPURLKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "http.url" semantic + // conventions. It represents the full HTTP request URL in the form + // `scheme://host[:port]/path?query[#fragment]`. Usually the fragment is + // not transmitted over HTTP, but if it is known, it should be included + // nevertheless. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'https://www.foo.bar/search?q=OpenTelemetry#SemConv' + // Note: `http.url` MUST NOT contain credentials passed via URL in form of + // `https://username:password@www.example.com/`. In such case the + // attribute's value should be `https://www.example.com/`. + HTTPURLKey = attribute.Key("http.url") + + // HTTPResendCountKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "http.resend_count" semantic conventions. It represents the ordinal + // number of request resending attempt (for any reason, including + // redirects). + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Recommended (if and only if request was retried.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 3 + // Note: The resend count SHOULD be updated each time an HTTP request gets + // resent by the client, regardless of what was the cause of the resending + // (e.g. redirection, authorization failure, 503 Server Unavailable, + // network issues, or any other). + HTTPResendCountKey = attribute.Key("http.resend_count") +) + +// HTTPURL returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "http.url" +// semantic conventions. It represents the full HTTP request URL in the form +// `scheme://host[:port]/path?query[#fragment]`. Usually the fragment is not +// transmitted over HTTP, but if it is known, it should be included +// nevertheless. +func HTTPURL(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPURLKey.String(val) +} + +// HTTPResendCount returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "http.resend_count" semantic conventions. It represents the ordinal number +// of request resending attempt (for any reason, including redirects). +func HTTPResendCount(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPResendCountKey.Int(val) +} + +// Semantic Convention for HTTP Server +const ( + // HTTPSchemeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "http.scheme" + // semantic conventions. It represents the URI scheme identifying the used + // protocol. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'http', 'https' + HTTPSchemeKey = attribute.Key("http.scheme") + + // HTTPTargetKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "http.target" + // semantic conventions. It represents the full request target as passed in + // a HTTP request line or equivalent. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '/path/12314/?q=ddds' + HTTPTargetKey = attribute.Key("http.target") + + // HTTPRouteKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "http.route" + // semantic conventions. It represents the matched route (path template in + // the format used by the respective server framework). See note below + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If and only if it's available) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '/users/:userID?', '{controller}/{action}/{id?}' + // Note: 'http.route' MUST NOT be populated when this is not supported by + // the HTTP server framework as the route attribute should have + // low-cardinality and the URI path can NOT substitute it. + HTTPRouteKey = attribute.Key("http.route") + + // HTTPClientIPKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "http.client_ip" + // semantic conventions. It represents the IP address of the original + // client behind all proxies, if known (e.g. from + // [X-Forwarded-For](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-For)). + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '' + // Note: This is not necessarily the same as `net.sock.peer.addr`, which + // would + // identify the network-level peer, which may be a proxy. + // + // This attribute should be set when a source of information different + // from the one used for `net.sock.peer.addr`, is available even if that + // other + // source just confirms the same value as `net.sock.peer.addr`. + // Rationale: For `net.sock.peer.addr`, one typically does not know if it + // comes from a proxy, reverse proxy, or the actual client. Setting + // `http.client_ip` when it's the same as `net.sock.peer.addr` means that + // one is at least somewhat confident that the address is not that of + // the closest proxy. + HTTPClientIPKey = attribute.Key("http.client_ip") +) + +// HTTPScheme returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "http.scheme" +// semantic conventions. It represents the URI scheme identifying the used +// protocol. +func HTTPScheme(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPSchemeKey.String(val) +} + +// HTTPTarget returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "http.target" +// semantic conventions. It represents the full request target as passed in a +// HTTP request line or equivalent. +func HTTPTarget(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPTargetKey.String(val) +} + +// HTTPRoute returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "http.route" +// semantic conventions. It represents the matched route (path template in the +// format used by the respective server framework). See note below +func HTTPRoute(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPRouteKey.String(val) +} + +// HTTPClientIP returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "http.client_ip" semantic conventions. It represents the IP address of the +// original client behind all proxies, if known (e.g. from +// [X-Forwarded-For](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-For)). +func HTTPClientIP(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return HTTPClientIPKey.String(val) +} + +// Attributes that exist for multiple DynamoDB request types. +const ( + // AWSDynamoDBTableNamesKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.table_names" semantic conventions. It represents the keys + // in the `RequestItems` object field. + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Users', 'Cats' + AWSDynamoDBTableNamesKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.table_names") + + // AWSDynamoDBConsumedCapacityKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.consumed_capacity" semantic conventions. It represents the + // JSON-serialized value of each item in the `ConsumedCapacity` response + // field. + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '{ "CapacityUnits": number, "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": { + // "string" : { "CapacityUnits": number, "ReadCapacityUnits": number, + // "WriteCapacityUnits": number } }, "LocalSecondaryIndexes": { "string" : + // { "CapacityUnits": number, "ReadCapacityUnits": number, + // "WriteCapacityUnits": number } }, "ReadCapacityUnits": number, "Table": + // { "CapacityUnits": number, "ReadCapacityUnits": number, + // "WriteCapacityUnits": number }, "TableName": "string", + // "WriteCapacityUnits": number }' + AWSDynamoDBConsumedCapacityKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.consumed_capacity") + + // AWSDynamoDBItemCollectionMetricsKey is the attribute Key conforming to + // the "aws.dynamodb.item_collection_metrics" semantic conventions. It + // represents the JSON-serialized value of the `ItemCollectionMetrics` + // response field. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '{ "string" : [ { "ItemCollectionKey": { "string" : { "B": + // blob, "BOOL": boolean, "BS": [ blob ], "L": [ "AttributeValue" ], "M": { + // "string" : "AttributeValue" }, "N": "string", "NS": [ "string" ], + // "NULL": boolean, "S": "string", "SS": [ "string" ] } }, + // "SizeEstimateRangeGB": [ number ] } ] }' + AWSDynamoDBItemCollectionMetricsKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.item_collection_metrics") + + // AWSDynamoDBProvisionedReadCapacityKey is the attribute Key conforming to + // the "aws.dynamodb.provisioned_read_capacity" semantic conventions. It + // represents the value of the `ProvisionedThroughput.ReadCapacityUnits` + // request parameter. + // + // Type: double + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 1.0, 2.0 + AWSDynamoDBProvisionedReadCapacityKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.provisioned_read_capacity") + + // AWSDynamoDBProvisionedWriteCapacityKey is the attribute Key conforming + // to the "aws.dynamodb.provisioned_write_capacity" semantic conventions. + // It represents the value of the + // `ProvisionedThroughput.WriteCapacityUnits` request parameter. + // + // Type: double + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 1.0, 2.0 + AWSDynamoDBProvisionedWriteCapacityKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.provisioned_write_capacity") + + // AWSDynamoDBConsistentReadKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.consistent_read" semantic conventions. It represents the + // value of the `ConsistentRead` request parameter. + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + AWSDynamoDBConsistentReadKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.consistent_read") + + // AWSDynamoDBProjectionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.projection" semantic conventions. It represents the value + // of the `ProjectionExpression` request parameter. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Title', 'Title, Price, Color', 'Title, Description, + // RelatedItems, ProductReviews' + AWSDynamoDBProjectionKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.projection") + + // AWSDynamoDBLimitKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.limit" semantic conventions. It represents the value of + // the `Limit` request parameter. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 10 + AWSDynamoDBLimitKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.limit") + + // AWSDynamoDBAttributesToGetKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.attributes_to_get" semantic conventions. It represents the + // value of the `AttributesToGet` request parameter. + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'lives', 'id' + AWSDynamoDBAttributesToGetKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.attributes_to_get") + + // AWSDynamoDBIndexNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.index_name" semantic conventions. It represents the value + // of the `IndexName` request parameter. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'name_to_group' + AWSDynamoDBIndexNameKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.index_name") + + // AWSDynamoDBSelectKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.select" semantic conventions. It represents the value of + // the `Select` request parameter. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES', 'COUNT' + AWSDynamoDBSelectKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.select") +) + +// AWSDynamoDBTableNames returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.table_names" semantic conventions. It represents the keys in +// the `RequestItems` object field. +func AWSDynamoDBTableNames(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBTableNamesKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBConsumedCapacity returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "aws.dynamodb.consumed_capacity" semantic conventions. It represents the +// JSON-serialized value of each item in the `ConsumedCapacity` response field. +func AWSDynamoDBConsumedCapacity(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBConsumedCapacityKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBItemCollectionMetrics returns an attribute KeyValue conforming +// to the "aws.dynamodb.item_collection_metrics" semantic conventions. It +// represents the JSON-serialized value of the `ItemCollectionMetrics` response +// field. +func AWSDynamoDBItemCollectionMetrics(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBItemCollectionMetricsKey.String(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBProvisionedReadCapacity returns an attribute KeyValue +// conforming to the "aws.dynamodb.provisioned_read_capacity" semantic +// conventions. It represents the value of the +// `ProvisionedThroughput.ReadCapacityUnits` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBProvisionedReadCapacity(val float64) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBProvisionedReadCapacityKey.Float64(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBProvisionedWriteCapacity returns an attribute KeyValue +// conforming to the "aws.dynamodb.provisioned_write_capacity" semantic +// conventions. It represents the value of the +// `ProvisionedThroughput.WriteCapacityUnits` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBProvisionedWriteCapacity(val float64) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBProvisionedWriteCapacityKey.Float64(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBConsistentRead returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.consistent_read" semantic conventions. It represents the value +// of the `ConsistentRead` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBConsistentRead(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBConsistentReadKey.Bool(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBProjection returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.projection" semantic conventions. It represents the value of +// the `ProjectionExpression` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBProjection(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBProjectionKey.String(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBLimit returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.limit" semantic conventions. It represents the value of the +// `Limit` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBLimit(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBLimitKey.Int(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBAttributesToGet returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "aws.dynamodb.attributes_to_get" semantic conventions. It represents the +// value of the `AttributesToGet` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBAttributesToGet(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBAttributesToGetKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBIndexName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.index_name" semantic conventions. It represents the value of +// the `IndexName` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBIndexName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBIndexNameKey.String(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBSelect returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.select" semantic conventions. It represents the value of the +// `Select` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBSelect(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBSelectKey.String(val) +} + +// DynamoDB.CreateTable +const ( + // AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesKey is the attribute Key conforming to + // the "aws.dynamodb.global_secondary_indexes" semantic conventions. It + // represents the JSON-serialized value of each item of the + // `GlobalSecondaryIndexes` request field + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '{ "IndexName": "string", "KeySchema": [ { "AttributeName": + // "string", "KeyType": "string" } ], "Projection": { "NonKeyAttributes": [ + // "string" ], "ProjectionType": "string" }, "ProvisionedThroughput": { + // "ReadCapacityUnits": number, "WriteCapacityUnits": number } }' + AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.global_secondary_indexes") + + // AWSDynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesKey is the attribute Key conforming to + // the "aws.dynamodb.local_secondary_indexes" semantic conventions. It + // represents the JSON-serialized value of each item of the + // `LocalSecondaryIndexes` request field. + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '{ "IndexARN": "string", "IndexName": "string", + // "IndexSizeBytes": number, "ItemCount": number, "KeySchema": [ { + // "AttributeName": "string", "KeyType": "string" } ], "Projection": { + // "NonKeyAttributes": [ "string" ], "ProjectionType": "string" } }' + AWSDynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.local_secondary_indexes") +) + +// AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexes returns an attribute KeyValue +// conforming to the "aws.dynamodb.global_secondary_indexes" semantic +// conventions. It represents the JSON-serialized value of each item of the +// `GlobalSecondaryIndexes` request field +func AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexes(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexesKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexes returns an attribute KeyValue conforming +// to the "aws.dynamodb.local_secondary_indexes" semantic conventions. It +// represents the JSON-serialized value of each item of the +// `LocalSecondaryIndexes` request field. +func AWSDynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexes(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndexesKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// DynamoDB.ListTables +const ( + // AWSDynamoDBExclusiveStartTableKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.exclusive_start_table" semantic conventions. It represents + // the value of the `ExclusiveStartTableName` request parameter. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Users', 'CatsTable' + AWSDynamoDBExclusiveStartTableKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.exclusive_start_table") + + // AWSDynamoDBTableCountKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.table_count" semantic conventions. It represents the the + // number of items in the `TableNames` response parameter. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 20 + AWSDynamoDBTableCountKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.table_count") +) + +// AWSDynamoDBExclusiveStartTable returns an attribute KeyValue conforming +// to the "aws.dynamodb.exclusive_start_table" semantic conventions. It +// represents the value of the `ExclusiveStartTableName` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBExclusiveStartTable(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBExclusiveStartTableKey.String(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBTableCount returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.table_count" semantic conventions. It represents the the +// number of items in the `TableNames` response parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBTableCount(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBTableCountKey.Int(val) +} + +// DynamoDB.Query +const ( + // AWSDynamoDBScanForwardKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.scan_forward" semantic conventions. It represents the + // value of the `ScanIndexForward` request parameter. + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + AWSDynamoDBScanForwardKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.scan_forward") +) + +// AWSDynamoDBScanForward returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.scan_forward" semantic conventions. It represents the value of +// the `ScanIndexForward` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBScanForward(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBScanForwardKey.Bool(val) +} + +// DynamoDB.Scan +const ( + // AWSDynamoDBSegmentKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.segment" semantic conventions. It represents the value of + // the `Segment` request parameter. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 10 + AWSDynamoDBSegmentKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.segment") + + // AWSDynamoDBTotalSegmentsKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.total_segments" semantic conventions. It represents the + // value of the `TotalSegments` request parameter. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 100 + AWSDynamoDBTotalSegmentsKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.total_segments") + + // AWSDynamoDBCountKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.count" semantic conventions. It represents the value of + // the `Count` response parameter. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 10 + AWSDynamoDBCountKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.count") + + // AWSDynamoDBScannedCountKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "aws.dynamodb.scanned_count" semantic conventions. It represents the + // value of the `ScannedCount` response parameter. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 50 + AWSDynamoDBScannedCountKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.scanned_count") +) + +// AWSDynamoDBSegment returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.segment" semantic conventions. It represents the value of the +// `Segment` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBSegment(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBSegmentKey.Int(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBTotalSegments returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.total_segments" semantic conventions. It represents the value +// of the `TotalSegments` request parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBTotalSegments(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBTotalSegmentsKey.Int(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBCount returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.count" semantic conventions. It represents the value of the +// `Count` response parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBCount(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBCountKey.Int(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBScannedCount returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "aws.dynamodb.scanned_count" semantic conventions. It represents the value +// of the `ScannedCount` response parameter. +func AWSDynamoDBScannedCount(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBScannedCountKey.Int(val) +} + +// DynamoDB.UpdateTable +const ( + // AWSDynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsKey is the attribute Key conforming to + // the "aws.dynamodb.attribute_definitions" semantic conventions. It + // represents the JSON-serialized value of each item in the + // `AttributeDefinitions` request field. + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '{ "AttributeName": "string", "AttributeType": "string" }' + AWSDynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.attribute_definitions") + + // AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdatesKey is the attribute Key + // conforming to the "aws.dynamodb.global_secondary_index_updates" semantic + // conventions. It represents the JSON-serialized value of each item in the + // the `GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates` request field. + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '{ "Create": { "IndexName": "string", "KeySchema": [ { + // "AttributeName": "string", "KeyType": "string" } ], "Projection": { + // "NonKeyAttributes": [ "string" ], "ProjectionType": "string" }, + // "ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": number, + // "WriteCapacityUnits": number } }' + AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdatesKey = attribute.Key("aws.dynamodb.global_secondary_index_updates") +) + +// AWSDynamoDBAttributeDefinitions returns an attribute KeyValue conforming +// to the "aws.dynamodb.attribute_definitions" semantic conventions. It +// represents the JSON-serialized value of each item in the +// `AttributeDefinitions` request field. +func AWSDynamoDBAttributeDefinitions(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBAttributeDefinitionsKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates returns an attribute KeyValue +// conforming to the "aws.dynamodb.global_secondary_index_updates" semantic +// conventions. It represents the JSON-serialized value of each item in the the +// `GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates` request field. +func AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdatesKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// Semantic conventions to apply when instrumenting the GraphQL implementation. +// They map GraphQL operations to attributes on a Span. +const ( + // GraphqlOperationNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "graphql.operation.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of + // the operation being executed. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'findBookByID' + GraphqlOperationNameKey = attribute.Key("graphql.operation.name") + + // GraphqlOperationTypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "graphql.operation.type" semantic conventions. It represents the type of + // the operation being executed. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'query', 'mutation', 'subscription' + GraphqlOperationTypeKey = attribute.Key("graphql.operation.type") + + // GraphqlDocumentKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "graphql.document" semantic conventions. It represents the GraphQL + // document being executed. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'query findBookByID { bookByID(id: ?) { name } }' + // Note: The value may be sanitized to exclude sensitive information. + GraphqlDocumentKey = attribute.Key("graphql.document") +) + +var ( + // GraphQL query + GraphqlOperationTypeQuery = GraphqlOperationTypeKey.String("query") + // GraphQL mutation + GraphqlOperationTypeMutation = GraphqlOperationTypeKey.String("mutation") + // GraphQL subscription + GraphqlOperationTypeSubscription = GraphqlOperationTypeKey.String("subscription") +) + +// GraphqlOperationName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "graphql.operation.name" semantic conventions. It represents the name of the +// operation being executed. +func GraphqlOperationName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return GraphqlOperationNameKey.String(val) +} + +// GraphqlDocument returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "graphql.document" semantic conventions. It represents the GraphQL document +// being executed. +func GraphqlDocument(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return GraphqlDocumentKey.String(val) +} + +// Semantic convention describing per-message attributes populated on messaging +// spans or links. +const ( + // MessagingMessageIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.message.id" semantic conventions. It represents a value used + // by the messaging system as an identifier for the message, represented as + // a string. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '452a7c7c7c7048c2f887f61572b18fc2' + MessagingMessageIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.message.id") + + // MessagingMessageConversationIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.message.conversation_id" semantic conventions. It represents + // the [conversation ID](#conversations) identifying the conversation to + // which the message belongs, represented as a string. Sometimes called + // "Correlation ID". + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'MyConversationID' + MessagingMessageConversationIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.message.conversation_id") + + // MessagingMessagePayloadSizeBytesKey is the attribute Key conforming to + // the "messaging.message.payload_size_bytes" semantic conventions. It + // represents the (uncompressed) size of the message payload in bytes. Also + // use this attribute if it is unknown whether the compressed or + // uncompressed payload size is reported. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 2738 + MessagingMessagePayloadSizeBytesKey = attribute.Key("messaging.message.payload_size_bytes") + + // MessagingMessagePayloadCompressedSizeBytesKey is the attribute Key + // conforming to the "messaging.message.payload_compressed_size_bytes" + // semantic conventions. It represents the compressed size of the message + // payload in bytes. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 2048 + MessagingMessagePayloadCompressedSizeBytesKey = attribute.Key("messaging.message.payload_compressed_size_bytes") +) + +// MessagingMessageID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.message.id" semantic conventions. It represents a value used by +// the messaging system as an identifier for the message, represented as a +// string. +func MessagingMessageID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingMessageIDKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingMessageConversationID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming +// to the "messaging.message.conversation_id" semantic conventions. It +// represents the [conversation ID](#conversations) identifying the +// conversation to which the message belongs, represented as a string. +// Sometimes called "Correlation ID". +func MessagingMessageConversationID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingMessageConversationIDKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingMessagePayloadSizeBytes returns an attribute KeyValue conforming +// to the "messaging.message.payload_size_bytes" semantic conventions. It +// represents the (uncompressed) size of the message payload in bytes. Also use +// this attribute if it is unknown whether the compressed or uncompressed +// payload size is reported. +func MessagingMessagePayloadSizeBytes(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingMessagePayloadSizeBytesKey.Int(val) +} + +// MessagingMessagePayloadCompressedSizeBytes returns an attribute KeyValue +// conforming to the "messaging.message.payload_compressed_size_bytes" semantic +// conventions. It represents the compressed size of the message payload in +// bytes. +func MessagingMessagePayloadCompressedSizeBytes(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingMessagePayloadCompressedSizeBytesKey.Int(val) +} + +// Semantic convention for attributes that describe messaging destination on +// broker +const ( + // MessagingDestinationNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.destination.name" semantic conventions. It represents the + // message destination name + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'MyQueue', 'MyTopic' + // Note: Destination name SHOULD uniquely identify a specific queue, topic + // or other entity within the broker. If + // the broker does not have such notion, the destination name SHOULD + // uniquely identify the broker. + MessagingDestinationNameKey = attribute.Key("messaging.destination.name") + + // MessagingDestinationKindKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.destination.kind" semantic conventions. It represents the + // kind of message destination + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessagingDestinationKindKey = attribute.Key("messaging.destination.kind") + + // MessagingDestinationTemplateKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.destination.template" semantic conventions. It represents the + // low cardinality representation of the messaging destination name + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '/customers/{customerID}' + // Note: Destination names could be constructed from templates. An example + // would be a destination name involving a user name or product id. + // Although the destination name in this case is of high cardinality, the + // underlying template is of low cardinality and can be effectively used + // for grouping and aggregation. + MessagingDestinationTemplateKey = attribute.Key("messaging.destination.template") + + // MessagingDestinationTemporaryKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.destination.temporary" semantic conventions. It represents a + // boolean that is true if the message destination is temporary and might + // not exist anymore after messages are processed. + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessagingDestinationTemporaryKey = attribute.Key("messaging.destination.temporary") + + // MessagingDestinationAnonymousKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.destination.anonymous" semantic conventions. It represents a + // boolean that is true if the message destination is anonymous (could be + // unnamed or have auto-generated name). + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessagingDestinationAnonymousKey = attribute.Key("messaging.destination.anonymous") +) + +var ( + // A message sent to a queue + MessagingDestinationKindQueue = MessagingDestinationKindKey.String("queue") + // A message sent to a topic + MessagingDestinationKindTopic = MessagingDestinationKindKey.String("topic") +) + +// MessagingDestinationName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.destination.name" semantic conventions. It represents the message +// destination name +func MessagingDestinationName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingDestinationNameKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingDestinationTemplate returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.destination.template" semantic conventions. It represents the +// low cardinality representation of the messaging destination name +func MessagingDestinationTemplate(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingDestinationTemplateKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingDestinationTemporary returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.destination.temporary" semantic conventions. It represents a +// boolean that is true if the message destination is temporary and might not +// exist anymore after messages are processed. +func MessagingDestinationTemporary(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingDestinationTemporaryKey.Bool(val) +} + +// MessagingDestinationAnonymous returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.destination.anonymous" semantic conventions. It represents a +// boolean that is true if the message destination is anonymous (could be +// unnamed or have auto-generated name). +func MessagingDestinationAnonymous(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingDestinationAnonymousKey.Bool(val) +} + +// Semantic convention for attributes that describe messaging source on broker +const ( + // MessagingSourceNameKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.source.name" semantic conventions. It represents the message + // source name + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'MyQueue', 'MyTopic' + // Note: Source name SHOULD uniquely identify a specific queue, topic, or + // other entity within the broker. If + // the broker does not have such notion, the source name SHOULD uniquely + // identify the broker. + MessagingSourceNameKey = attribute.Key("messaging.source.name") + + // MessagingSourceKindKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.source.kind" semantic conventions. It represents the kind of + // message source + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessagingSourceKindKey = attribute.Key("messaging.source.kind") + + // MessagingSourceTemplateKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.source.template" semantic conventions. It represents the low + // cardinality representation of the messaging source name + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '/customers/{customerID}' + // Note: Source names could be constructed from templates. An example would + // be a source name involving a user name or product id. Although the + // source name in this case is of high cardinality, the underlying template + // is of low cardinality and can be effectively used for grouping and + // aggregation. + MessagingSourceTemplateKey = attribute.Key("messaging.source.template") + + // MessagingSourceTemporaryKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.source.temporary" semantic conventions. It represents a + // boolean that is true if the message source is temporary and might not + // exist anymore after messages are processed. + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessagingSourceTemporaryKey = attribute.Key("messaging.source.temporary") + + // MessagingSourceAnonymousKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.source.anonymous" semantic conventions. It represents a + // boolean that is true if the message source is anonymous (could be + // unnamed or have auto-generated name). + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessagingSourceAnonymousKey = attribute.Key("messaging.source.anonymous") +) + +var ( + // A message received from a queue + MessagingSourceKindQueue = MessagingSourceKindKey.String("queue") + // A message received from a topic + MessagingSourceKindTopic = MessagingSourceKindKey.String("topic") +) + +// MessagingSourceName returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.source.name" semantic conventions. It represents the message +// source name +func MessagingSourceName(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingSourceNameKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingSourceTemplate returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.source.template" semantic conventions. It represents the low +// cardinality representation of the messaging source name +func MessagingSourceTemplate(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingSourceTemplateKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingSourceTemporary returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.source.temporary" semantic conventions. It represents a boolean +// that is true if the message source is temporary and might not exist anymore +// after messages are processed. +func MessagingSourceTemporary(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingSourceTemporaryKey.Bool(val) +} + +// MessagingSourceAnonymous returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.source.anonymous" semantic conventions. It represents a boolean +// that is true if the message source is anonymous (could be unnamed or have +// auto-generated name). +func MessagingSourceAnonymous(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingSourceAnonymousKey.Bool(val) +} + +// General attributes used in messaging systems. +const ( + // MessagingSystemKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.system" semantic conventions. It represents a string + // identifying the messaging system. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'kafka', 'rabbitmq', 'rocketmq', 'activemq', 'AmazonSQS' + MessagingSystemKey = attribute.Key("messaging.system") + + // MessagingOperationKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.operation" semantic conventions. It represents a string + // identifying the kind of messaging operation as defined in the [Operation + // names](#operation-names) section above. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Note: If a custom value is used, it MUST be of low cardinality. + MessagingOperationKey = attribute.Key("messaging.operation") + + // MessagingBatchMessageCountKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.batch.message_count" semantic conventions. It represents the + // number of messages sent, received, or processed in the scope of the + // batching operation. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If the span describes an + // operation on a batch of messages.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 0, 1, 2 + // Note: Instrumentations SHOULD NOT set `messaging.batch.message_count` on + // spans that operate with a single message. When a messaging client + // library supports both batch and single-message API for the same + // operation, instrumentations SHOULD use `messaging.batch.message_count` + // for batching APIs and SHOULD NOT use it for single-message APIs. + MessagingBatchMessageCountKey = attribute.Key("messaging.batch.message_count") +) + +var ( + // publish + MessagingOperationPublish = MessagingOperationKey.String("publish") + // receive + MessagingOperationReceive = MessagingOperationKey.String("receive") + // process + MessagingOperationProcess = MessagingOperationKey.String("process") +) + +// MessagingSystem returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.system" semantic conventions. It represents a string identifying +// the messaging system. +func MessagingSystem(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingSystemKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingBatchMessageCount returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.batch.message_count" semantic conventions. It represents the +// number of messages sent, received, or processed in the scope of the batching +// operation. +func MessagingBatchMessageCount(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingBatchMessageCountKey.Int(val) +} + +// Semantic convention for a consumer of messages received from a messaging +// system +const ( + // MessagingConsumerIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.consumer.id" semantic conventions. It represents the + // identifier for the consumer receiving a message. For Kafka, set it to + // `{messaging.kafka.consumer.group} - {messaging.kafka.client_id}`, if + // both are present, or only `messaging.kafka.consumer.group`. For brokers, + // such as RabbitMQ and Artemis, set it to the `client_id` of the client + // consuming the message. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'mygroup - client-6' + MessagingConsumerIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.consumer.id") +) + +// MessagingConsumerID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.consumer.id" semantic conventions. It represents the identifier +// for the consumer receiving a message. For Kafka, set it to +// `{messaging.kafka.consumer.group} - {messaging.kafka.client_id}`, if both +// are present, or only `messaging.kafka.consumer.group`. For brokers, such as +// RabbitMQ and Artemis, set it to the `client_id` of the client consuming the +// message. +func MessagingConsumerID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingConsumerIDKey.String(val) +} + +// Attributes for RabbitMQ +const ( + // MessagingRabbitmqDestinationRoutingKeyKey is the attribute Key + // conforming to the "messaging.rabbitmq.destination.routing_key" semantic + // conventions. It represents the rabbitMQ message routing key. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If not empty.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'myKey' + MessagingRabbitmqDestinationRoutingKeyKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rabbitmq.destination.routing_key") +) + +// MessagingRabbitmqDestinationRoutingKey returns an attribute KeyValue +// conforming to the "messaging.rabbitmq.destination.routing_key" semantic +// conventions. It represents the rabbitMQ message routing key. +func MessagingRabbitmqDestinationRoutingKey(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingRabbitmqDestinationRoutingKeyKey.String(val) +} + +// Attributes for Apache Kafka +const ( + // MessagingKafkaMessageKeyKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.kafka.message.key" semantic conventions. It represents the + // message keys in Kafka are used for grouping alike messages to ensure + // they're processed on the same partition. They differ from + // `messaging.message.id` in that they're not unique. If the key is `null`, + // the attribute MUST NOT be set. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'myKey' + // Note: If the key type is not string, it's string representation has to + // be supplied for the attribute. If the key has no unambiguous, canonical + // string form, don't include its value. + MessagingKafkaMessageKeyKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.message.key") + + // MessagingKafkaConsumerGroupKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.kafka.consumer.group" semantic conventions. It represents the + // name of the Kafka Consumer Group that is handling the message. Only + // applies to consumers, not producers. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'my-group' + MessagingKafkaConsumerGroupKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.consumer.group") + + // MessagingKafkaClientIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.kafka.client_id" semantic conventions. It represents the + // client ID for the Consumer or Producer that is handling the message. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'client-5' + MessagingKafkaClientIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.client_id") + + // MessagingKafkaDestinationPartitionKey is the attribute Key conforming to + // the "messaging.kafka.destination.partition" semantic conventions. It + // represents the partition the message is sent to. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 2 + MessagingKafkaDestinationPartitionKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.destination.partition") + + // MessagingKafkaSourcePartitionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.kafka.source.partition" semantic conventions. It represents + // the partition the message is received from. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 2 + MessagingKafkaSourcePartitionKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.source.partition") + + // MessagingKafkaMessageOffsetKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.kafka.message.offset" semantic conventions. It represents the + // offset of a record in the corresponding Kafka partition. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 42 + MessagingKafkaMessageOffsetKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.message.offset") + + // MessagingKafkaMessageTombstoneKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.kafka.message.tombstone" semantic conventions. It represents + // a boolean that is true if the message is a tombstone. + // + // Type: boolean + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If value is `true`. When + // missing, the value is assumed to be `false`.) + // Stability: stable + MessagingKafkaMessageTombstoneKey = attribute.Key("messaging.kafka.message.tombstone") +) + +// MessagingKafkaMessageKey returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.kafka.message.key" semantic conventions. It represents the +// message keys in Kafka are used for grouping alike messages to ensure they're +// processed on the same partition. They differ from `messaging.message.id` in +// that they're not unique. If the key is `null`, the attribute MUST NOT be +// set. +func MessagingKafkaMessageKey(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingKafkaMessageKeyKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingKafkaConsumerGroup returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.kafka.consumer.group" semantic conventions. It represents the +// name of the Kafka Consumer Group that is handling the message. Only applies +// to consumers, not producers. +func MessagingKafkaConsumerGroup(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingKafkaConsumerGroupKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingKafkaClientID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.kafka.client_id" semantic conventions. It represents the client +// ID for the Consumer or Producer that is handling the message. +func MessagingKafkaClientID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingKafkaClientIDKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingKafkaDestinationPartition returns an attribute KeyValue +// conforming to the "messaging.kafka.destination.partition" semantic +// conventions. It represents the partition the message is sent to. +func MessagingKafkaDestinationPartition(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingKafkaDestinationPartitionKey.Int(val) +} + +// MessagingKafkaSourcePartition returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.kafka.source.partition" semantic conventions. It represents +// the partition the message is received from. +func MessagingKafkaSourcePartition(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingKafkaSourcePartitionKey.Int(val) +} + +// MessagingKafkaMessageOffset returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.kafka.message.offset" semantic conventions. It represents the +// offset of a record in the corresponding Kafka partition. +func MessagingKafkaMessageOffset(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingKafkaMessageOffsetKey.Int(val) +} + +// MessagingKafkaMessageTombstone returns an attribute KeyValue conforming +// to the "messaging.kafka.message.tombstone" semantic conventions. It +// represents a boolean that is true if the message is a tombstone. +func MessagingKafkaMessageTombstone(val bool) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingKafkaMessageTombstoneKey.Bool(val) +} + +// Attributes for Apache RocketMQ +const ( + // MessagingRocketmqNamespaceKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.rocketmq.namespace" semantic conventions. It represents the + // namespace of RocketMQ resources, resources in different namespaces are + // individual. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'myNamespace' + MessagingRocketmqNamespaceKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.namespace") + + // MessagingRocketmqClientGroupKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.rocketmq.client_group" semantic conventions. It represents + // the name of the RocketMQ producer/consumer group that is handling the + // message. The client type is identified by the SpanKind. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'myConsumerGroup' + MessagingRocketmqClientGroupKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.client_group") + + // MessagingRocketmqClientIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.rocketmq.client_id" semantic conventions. It represents the + // unique identifier for each client. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'myhost@8742@s8083jm' + MessagingRocketmqClientIDKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.client_id") + + // MessagingRocketmqMessageDeliveryTimestampKey is the attribute Key + // conforming to the "messaging.rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp" + // semantic conventions. It represents the timestamp in milliseconds that + // the delay message is expected to be delivered to consumer. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If the message type is delay + // and delay time level is not specified.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 1665987217045 + MessagingRocketmqMessageDeliveryTimestampKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp") + + // MessagingRocketmqMessageDelayTimeLevelKey is the attribute Key + // conforming to the "messaging.rocketmq.message.delay_time_level" semantic + // conventions. It represents the delay time level for delay message, which + // determines the message delay time. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If the message type is delay + // and delivery timestamp is not specified.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 3 + MessagingRocketmqMessageDelayTimeLevelKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.message.delay_time_level") + + // MessagingRocketmqMessageGroupKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.rocketmq.message.group" semantic conventions. It represents + // the it is essential for FIFO message. Messages that belong to the same + // message group are always processed one by one within the same consumer + // group. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If the message type is FIFO.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'myMessageGroup' + MessagingRocketmqMessageGroupKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.message.group") + + // MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.rocketmq.message.type" semantic conventions. It represents + // the type of message. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.message.type") + + // MessagingRocketmqMessageTagKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.rocketmq.message.tag" semantic conventions. It represents the + // secondary classifier of message besides topic. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'tagA' + MessagingRocketmqMessageTagKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.message.tag") + + // MessagingRocketmqMessageKeysKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "messaging.rocketmq.message.keys" semantic conventions. It represents + // the key(s) of message, another way to mark message besides message id. + // + // Type: string[] + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'keyA', 'keyB' + MessagingRocketmqMessageKeysKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.message.keys") + + // MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelKey is the attribute Key conforming to + // the "messaging.rocketmq.consumption_model" semantic conventions. It + // represents the model of message consumption. This only applies to + // consumer spans. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelKey = attribute.Key("messaging.rocketmq.consumption_model") +) + +var ( + // Normal message + MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeNormal = MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey.String("normal") + // FIFO message + MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeFifo = MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey.String("fifo") + // Delay message + MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeDelay = MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey.String("delay") + // Transaction message + MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeTransaction = MessagingRocketmqMessageTypeKey.String("transaction") +) + +var ( + // Clustering consumption model + MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelClustering = MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelKey.String("clustering") + // Broadcasting consumption model + MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelBroadcasting = MessagingRocketmqConsumptionModelKey.String("broadcasting") +) + +// MessagingRocketmqNamespace returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.rocketmq.namespace" semantic conventions. It represents the +// namespace of RocketMQ resources, resources in different namespaces are +// individual. +func MessagingRocketmqNamespace(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingRocketmqNamespaceKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingRocketmqClientGroup returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.rocketmq.client_group" semantic conventions. It represents +// the name of the RocketMQ producer/consumer group that is handling the +// message. The client type is identified by the SpanKind. +func MessagingRocketmqClientGroup(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingRocketmqClientGroupKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingRocketmqClientID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "messaging.rocketmq.client_id" semantic conventions. It represents the +// unique identifier for each client. +func MessagingRocketmqClientID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingRocketmqClientIDKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingRocketmqMessageDeliveryTimestamp returns an attribute KeyValue +// conforming to the "messaging.rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp" semantic +// conventions. It represents the timestamp in milliseconds that the delay +// message is expected to be delivered to consumer. +func MessagingRocketmqMessageDeliveryTimestamp(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingRocketmqMessageDeliveryTimestampKey.Int(val) +} + +// MessagingRocketmqMessageDelayTimeLevel returns an attribute KeyValue +// conforming to the "messaging.rocketmq.message.delay_time_level" semantic +// conventions. It represents the delay time level for delay message, which +// determines the message delay time. +func MessagingRocketmqMessageDelayTimeLevel(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingRocketmqMessageDelayTimeLevelKey.Int(val) +} + +// MessagingRocketmqMessageGroup returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.rocketmq.message.group" semantic conventions. It represents +// the it is essential for FIFO message. Messages that belong to the same +// message group are always processed one by one within the same consumer +// group. +func MessagingRocketmqMessageGroup(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingRocketmqMessageGroupKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingRocketmqMessageTag returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.rocketmq.message.tag" semantic conventions. It represents the +// secondary classifier of message besides topic. +func MessagingRocketmqMessageTag(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingRocketmqMessageTagKey.String(val) +} + +// MessagingRocketmqMessageKeys returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to +// the "messaging.rocketmq.message.keys" semantic conventions. It represents +// the key(s) of message, another way to mark message besides message id. +func MessagingRocketmqMessageKeys(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue { + return MessagingRocketmqMessageKeysKey.StringSlice(val) +} + +// Semantic conventions for remote procedure calls. +const ( + // RPCSystemKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "rpc.system" + // semantic conventions. It represents a string identifying the remoting + // system. See below for a list of well-known identifiers. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + RPCSystemKey = attribute.Key("rpc.system") + + // RPCServiceKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "rpc.service" + // semantic conventions. It represents the full (logical) name of the + // service being called, including its package name, if applicable. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Recommended + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'myservice.EchoService' + // Note: This is the logical name of the service from the RPC interface + // perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing + // class. The `code.namespace` attribute may be used to store the latter + // (despite the attribute name, it may include a class name; e.g., class + // with method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client + // stub class on the client side). + RPCServiceKey = attribute.Key("rpc.service") + + // RPCMethodKey is the attribute Key conforming to the "rpc.method" + // semantic conventions. It represents the name of the (logical) method + // being called, must be equal to the $method part in the span name. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Recommended + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'exampleMethod' + // Note: This is the logical name of the method from the RPC interface + // perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing + // method/function. The `code.function` attribute may be used to store the + // latter (e.g., method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC + // client stub method on the client side). + RPCMethodKey = attribute.Key("rpc.method") +) + +var ( + // gRPC + RPCSystemGRPC = RPCSystemKey.String("grpc") + // Java RMI + RPCSystemJavaRmi = RPCSystemKey.String("java_rmi") + // .NET WCF + RPCSystemDotnetWcf = RPCSystemKey.String("dotnet_wcf") + // Apache Dubbo + RPCSystemApacheDubbo = RPCSystemKey.String("apache_dubbo") +) + +// RPCService returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "rpc.service" +// semantic conventions. It represents the full (logical) name of the service +// being called, including its package name, if applicable. +func RPCService(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return RPCServiceKey.String(val) +} + +// RPCMethod returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "rpc.method" +// semantic conventions. It represents the name of the (logical) method being +// called, must be equal to the $method part in the span name. +func RPCMethod(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return RPCMethodKey.String(val) +} + +// Tech-specific attributes for gRPC. +const ( + // RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "rpc.grpc.status_code" semantic conventions. It represents the [numeric + // status + // code](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.33.2/doc/statuscodes.md) of + // the gRPC request. + // + // Type: Enum + // RequirementLevel: Required + // Stability: stable + RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey = attribute.Key("rpc.grpc.status_code") +) + +var ( + // OK + RPCGRPCStatusCodeOk = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(0) + // CANCELLED + RPCGRPCStatusCodeCancelled = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(1) + // UNKNOWN + RPCGRPCStatusCodeUnknown = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(2) + // INVALID_ARGUMENT + RPCGRPCStatusCodeInvalidArgument = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(3) + // DEADLINE_EXCEEDED + RPCGRPCStatusCodeDeadlineExceeded = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(4) + // NOT_FOUND + RPCGRPCStatusCodeNotFound = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(5) + // ALREADY_EXISTS + RPCGRPCStatusCodeAlreadyExists = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(6) + // PERMISSION_DENIED + RPCGRPCStatusCodePermissionDenied = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(7) + // RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED + RPCGRPCStatusCodeResourceExhausted = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(8) + // FAILED_PRECONDITION + RPCGRPCStatusCodeFailedPrecondition = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(9) + // ABORTED + RPCGRPCStatusCodeAborted = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(10) + // OUT_OF_RANGE + RPCGRPCStatusCodeOutOfRange = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(11) + // UNIMPLEMENTED + RPCGRPCStatusCodeUnimplemented = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(12) + // INTERNAL + RPCGRPCStatusCodeInternal = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(13) + // UNAVAILABLE + RPCGRPCStatusCodeUnavailable = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(14) + // DATA_LOSS + RPCGRPCStatusCodeDataLoss = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(15) + // UNAUTHENTICATED + RPCGRPCStatusCodeUnauthenticated = RPCGRPCStatusCodeKey.Int(16) +) + +// Tech-specific attributes for [JSON RPC](https://www.jsonrpc.org/). +const ( + // RPCJsonrpcVersionKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "rpc.jsonrpc.version" semantic conventions. It represents the protocol + // version as in `jsonrpc` property of request/response. Since JSON-RPC 1.0 + // does not specify this, the value can be omitted. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If other than the default + // version (`1.0`)) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '2.0', '1.0' + RPCJsonrpcVersionKey = attribute.Key("rpc.jsonrpc.version") + + // RPCJsonrpcRequestIDKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "rpc.jsonrpc.request_id" semantic conventions. It represents the `id` + // property of request or response. Since protocol allows id to be int, + // string, `null` or missing (for notifications), value is expected to be + // cast to string for simplicity. Use empty string in case of `null` value. + // Omit entirely if this is a notification. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: '10', 'request-7', '' + RPCJsonrpcRequestIDKey = attribute.Key("rpc.jsonrpc.request_id") + + // RPCJsonrpcErrorCodeKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "rpc.jsonrpc.error_code" semantic conventions. It represents the + // `error.code` property of response if it is an error response. + // + // Type: int + // RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired (If response is not successful.) + // Stability: stable + // Examples: -32700, 100 + RPCJsonrpcErrorCodeKey = attribute.Key("rpc.jsonrpc.error_code") + + // RPCJsonrpcErrorMessageKey is the attribute Key conforming to the + // "rpc.jsonrpc.error_message" semantic conventions. It represents the + // `error.message` property of response if it is an error response. + // + // Type: string + // RequirementLevel: Optional + // Stability: stable + // Examples: 'Parse error', 'User already exists' + RPCJsonrpcErrorMessageKey = attribute.Key("rpc.jsonrpc.error_message") +) + +// RPCJsonrpcVersion returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "rpc.jsonrpc.version" semantic conventions. It represents the protocol +// version as in `jsonrpc` property of request/response. Since JSON-RPC 1.0 +// does not specify this, the value can be omitted. +func RPCJsonrpcVersion(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return RPCJsonrpcVersionKey.String(val) +} + +// RPCJsonrpcRequestID returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "rpc.jsonrpc.request_id" semantic conventions. It represents the `id` +// property of request or response. Since protocol allows id to be int, string, +// `null` or missing (for notifications), value is expected to be cast to +// string for simplicity. Use empty string in case of `null` value. Omit +// entirely if this is a notification. +func RPCJsonrpcRequestID(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return RPCJsonrpcRequestIDKey.String(val) +} + +// RPCJsonrpcErrorCode returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "rpc.jsonrpc.error_code" semantic conventions. It represents the +// `error.code` property of response if it is an error response. +func RPCJsonrpcErrorCode(val int) attribute.KeyValue { + return RPCJsonrpcErrorCodeKey.Int(val) +} + +// RPCJsonrpcErrorMessage returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the +// "rpc.jsonrpc.error_message" semantic conventions. It represents the +// `error.message` property of response if it is an error response. +func RPCJsonrpcErrorMessage(val string) attribute.KeyValue { + return RPCJsonrpcErrorMessageKey.String(val) +} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/config.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/config.go index f058cc781..cb3efbb9a 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/config.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/config.go @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ type TracerConfig struct { instrumentationVersion string // Schema URL of the telemetry emitted by the Tracer. schemaURL string + attrs attribute.Set } // InstrumentationVersion returns the version of the library providing instrumentation. @@ -32,6 +33,12 @@ func (t *TracerConfig) InstrumentationVersion() string { return t.instrumentationVersion } +// InstrumentationAttributes returns the attributes associated with the library +// providing instrumentation. +func (t *TracerConfig) InstrumentationAttributes() attribute.Set { + return t.attrs +} + // SchemaURL returns the Schema URL of the telemetry emitted by the Tracer. func (t *TracerConfig) SchemaURL() string { return t.schemaURL @@ -307,6 +314,16 @@ func WithInstrumentationVersion(version string) TracerOption { }) } +// WithInstrumentationAttributes sets the instrumentation attributes. +// +// The passed attributes will be de-duplicated. +func WithInstrumentationAttributes(attr ...attribute.KeyValue) TracerOption { + return tracerOptionFunc(func(config TracerConfig) TracerConfig { + config.attrs = attribute.NewSet(attr...) + return config + }) +} + // WithSchemaURL sets the schema URL for the Tracer. func WithSchemaURL(schemaURL string) TracerOption { return tracerOptionFunc(func(cfg TracerConfig) TracerConfig { diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/doc.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/doc.go index 391417718..ab0346f96 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/doc.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/doc.go @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Package trace provides an implementation of the tracing part of the OpenTelemetry API. To participate in distributed traces a Span needs to be created for the -operation being performed as part of a traced workflow. It its simplest form: +operation being performed as part of a traced workflow. In its simplest form: var tracer trace.Tracer diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/noop.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/noop.go index 73950f207..7cf6c7f3e 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/noop.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace/noop.go @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func (p noopTracerProvider) Tracer(string, ...TracerOption) Tracer { return noopTracer{} } -// noopTracer is an implementation of Tracer that preforms no operations. +// noopTracer is an implementation of Tracer that performs no operations. type noopTracer struct{} var _ Tracer = noopTracer{} @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ func (t noopTracer) Start(ctx context.Context, name string, _ ...SpanStartOption return ContextWithSpan(ctx, span), span } -// noopSpan is an implementation of Span that preforms no operations. +// noopSpan is an implementation of Span that performs no operations. type noopSpan struct{} var _ Span = noopSpan{} diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/version.go b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/version.go index 942e484f8..d5f274688 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/version.go +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/version.go @@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ package otel // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel" // Version is the current release version of OpenTelemetry in use. func Version() string { - return "1.11.1" + return "1.18.0" } diff --git a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/versions.yaml b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/versions.yaml index a2905787a..a4952d493 100644 --- a/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/versions.yaml +++ b/vendor/go.opentelemetry.io/otel/versions.yaml @@ -14,27 +14,26 @@ module-sets: stable-v1: - version: v1.11.1 + version: v1.18.0 modules: - go.opentelemetry.io/otel - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opentracing + - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opentracing/test - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/fib - - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/jaeger - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/namedtracer - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/otel-collector - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/passthrough - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/zipkin - - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/jaeger - - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/zipkin - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracegrpc - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracehttp - - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal/retry - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/stdout/stdouttrace - - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace + - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/zipkin + - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk + - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace experimental-metrics: - version: v0.33.0 + version: v0.41.0 modules: - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/opencensus - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/prometheus @@ -43,13 +42,12 @@ module-sets: - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlpmetric/otlpmetrichttp - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/stdout/stdoutmetric - - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opencensus - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/bridge/opencensus/test - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/example/view experimental-schema: - version: v0.0.3 + version: v0.0.6 modules: - go.opentelemetry.io/otel/schema excluded-modules: diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/aliases.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/aliases.go index abc89c104..e7d3df4bd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/aliases.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/aliases.go @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos) && go1.9 -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos -// +build go1.9 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_aix_ppc64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_aix_ppc64.s index db9171c2e..269e173ca 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_aix_ppc64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_aix_ppc64.s @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build gc -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_386.s index e0fcd9b3d..a4fcef0e0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_386.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_386.s @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) && gc -// +build freebsd netbsd openbsd -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_amd64.s index 2b99c349a..1e63615c5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_amd64.s @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) && gc -// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd openbsd -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm.s index d702d4adc..6496c3100 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm.s @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) && gc -// +build freebsd netbsd openbsd -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm64.s index fe36a7391..4fd1f54da 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm64.s @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (darwin || freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) && gc -// +build darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_ppc64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_ppc64.s index e5b9a8489..42f7eb9e4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_ppc64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_ppc64.s @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (darwin || freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) && gc -// +build darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_riscv64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_riscv64.s index d560019ea..f8902667e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_riscv64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_riscv64.s @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (darwin || freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) && gc -// +build darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_386.s index 8fd101d07..3b4734870 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_386.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_386.s @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build gc -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_amd64.s index 7ed38e43c..67e29f317 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_amd64.s @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build gc -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm.s index 8ef1d5140..d6ae269ce 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm.s @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build gc -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm64.s index 98ae02760..01e5e253c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm64.s @@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && arm64 && gc -// +build linux -// +build arm64 -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_loong64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_loong64.s index 565357288..2abf12f6e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_loong64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_loong64.s @@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && loong64 && gc -// +build linux -// +build loong64 -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mips64x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mips64x.s index 21231d2ce..f84bae712 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mips64x.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mips64x.s @@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && (mips64 || mips64le) && gc -// +build linux -// +build mips64 mips64le -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mipsx.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mipsx.s index 6783b26c6..f08f62807 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mipsx.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mipsx.s @@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && (mips || mipsle) && gc -// +build linux -// +build mips mipsle -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_ppc64x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_ppc64x.s index 19d498934..bdfc024d2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_ppc64x.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_ppc64x.s @@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && (ppc64 || ppc64le) && gc -// +build linux -// +build ppc64 ppc64le -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_riscv64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_riscv64.s index e42eb81d5..2e8c99612 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_riscv64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_riscv64.s @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build riscv64 && gc -// +build riscv64 -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_s390x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_s390x.s index c46aab339..2c394b11e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_s390x.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_s390x.s @@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && s390x && gc -// +build linux -// +build s390x -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_mips64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_mips64.s index 5e7a1169c..fab586a2c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_mips64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_mips64.s @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build gc -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_solaris_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_solaris_amd64.s index f8c5394c1..f949ec547 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_solaris_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_solaris_amd64.s @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build gc -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_zos_s390x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_zos_s390x.s index 3b54e1858..2f67ba86d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_zos_s390x.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_zos_s390x.s @@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build zos && s390x && gc -// +build zos -// +build s390x -// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/cap_freebsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/cap_freebsd.go index 0b7c6adb8..a08657890 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/cap_freebsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/cap_freebsd.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build freebsd -// +build freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/constants.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/constants.go index 394a3965b..6fb7cb77d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/constants.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/constants.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc.go index 65a998508..d78513461 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix && ppc -// +build aix,ppc // Functions to access/create device major and minor numbers matching the // encoding used by AIX. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc64.go index 8fc08ad0a..623a5e697 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix && ppc64 -// +build aix,ppc64 // Functions to access/create device major and minor numbers matching the // encoding used AIX. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_zos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_zos.go index a388e59a0..bb6a64fe9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_zos.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_zos.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build zos && s390x -// +build zos,s390x // Functions to access/create device major and minor numbers matching the // encoding used by z/OS. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dirent.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dirent.go index 2499f977b..1ebf11782 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dirent.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dirent.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_big.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_big.go index a52026557..1095fd31d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_big.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_big.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // //go:build armbe || arm64be || m68k || mips || mips64 || mips64p32 || ppc || ppc64 || s390 || s390x || shbe || sparc || sparc64 -// +build armbe arm64be m68k mips mips64 mips64p32 ppc ppc64 s390 s390x shbe sparc sparc64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go index b0f2bc4ae..b9f0e277b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // //go:build 386 || amd64 || amd64p32 || alpha || arm || arm64 || loong64 || mipsle || mips64le || mips64p32le || nios2 || ppc64le || riscv || riscv64 || sh -// +build 386 amd64 amd64p32 alpha arm arm64 loong64 mipsle mips64le mips64p32le nios2 ppc64le riscv riscv64 sh package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/env_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/env_unix.go index 29ccc4d13..a96da71f4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/env_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/env_unix.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos // Unix environment variables. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/epoll_zos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/epoll_zos.go index cedaf7e02..7753fddea 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/epoll_zos.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/epoll_zos.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build zos && s390x -// +build zos,s390x package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl.go index e9b991258..6200876fb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl.go @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -//go:build dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd -// +build dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd +//go:build dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl_linux_32bit.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl_linux_32bit.go index 29d44808b..13b4acd5c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl_linux_32bit.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl_linux_32bit.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (linux && 386) || (linux && arm) || (linux && mips) || (linux && mipsle) || (linux && ppc) -// +build linux,386 linux,arm linux,mips linux,mipsle linux,ppc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go index a8068f94f..9e83d18cd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fstatfs_zos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fstatfs_zos.go index e377cc9f4..c8bde601e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fstatfs_zos.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fstatfs_zos.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build zos && s390x -// +build zos,s390x package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo.go index b06f52d74..aca5721dd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build gccgo && !aix && !hurd -// +build gccgo,!aix,!hurd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_c.c b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_c.c index f98a1c542..d468b7b47 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_c.c +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_c.c @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build gccgo && !aix && !hurd -// +build gccgo,!aix,!hurd #include #include diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_linux_amd64.go index e60e49a3d..972d61bd7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_linux_amd64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build gccgo && linux && amd64 -// +build gccgo,linux,amd64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go index 15721a510..848840ae4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux -// +build linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go index 0d12c0851..dbe680eab 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go @@ -231,3 +231,8 @@ func IoctlLoopGetStatus64(fd int) (*LoopInfo64, error) { func IoctlLoopSetStatus64(fd int, value *LoopInfo64) error { return ioctlPtr(fd, LOOP_SET_STATUS64, unsafe.Pointer(value)) } + +// IoctlLoopConfigure configures all loop device parameters in a single step +func IoctlLoopConfigure(fd int, value *LoopConfig) error { + return ioctlPtr(fd, LOOP_CONFIGURE, unsafe.Pointer(value)) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_signed.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_signed.go index 7def9580e..5b0759bd8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_signed.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_signed.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || solaris -// +build aix solaris package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_unsigned.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_unsigned.go index 649913d1e..20f470b9d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_unsigned.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_unsigned.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || hurd || linux || netbsd || openbsd -// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd hurd linux netbsd openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_zos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_zos.go index cdc21bf76..c8b2a750f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_zos.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_zos.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build zos && s390x -// +build zos,s390x package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh index 47fa6a7eb..6202638ba 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh @@ -519,6 +519,7 @@ ccflags="$@" $2 ~ /^LOCK_(SH|EX|NB|UN)$/ || $2 ~ /^LO_(KEY|NAME)_SIZE$/ || $2 ~ /^LOOP_(CLR|CTL|GET|SET)_/ || + $2 == "LOOP_CONFIGURE" || $2 ~ /^(AF|SOCK|SO|SOL|IPPROTO|IP|IPV6|TCP|MCAST|EVFILT|NOTE|SHUT|PROT|MAP|MREMAP|MFD|T?PACKET|MSG|SCM|MCL|DT|MADV|PR|LOCAL|TCPOPT|UDP)_/ || $2 ~ /^NFC_(GENL|PROTO|COMM|RF|SE|DIRECTION|LLCP|SOCKPROTO)_/ || $2 ~ /^NFC_.*_(MAX)?SIZE$/ || @@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ ccflags="$@" $2 ~ /^RLIMIT_(AS|CORE|CPU|DATA|FSIZE|LOCKS|MEMLOCK|MSGQUEUE|NICE|NOFILE|NPROC|RSS|RTPRIO|RTTIME|SIGPENDING|STACK)|RLIM_INFINITY/ || $2 ~ /^PRIO_(PROCESS|PGRP|USER)/ || $2 ~ /^CLONE_[A-Z_]+/ || - $2 !~ /^(BPF_TIMEVAL|BPF_FIB_LOOKUP_[A-Z]+)$/ && + $2 !~ /^(BPF_TIMEVAL|BPF_FIB_LOOKUP_[A-Z]+|BPF_F_LINK)$/ && $2 ~ /^(BPF|DLT)_/ || $2 ~ /^AUDIT_/ || $2 ~ /^(CLOCK|TIMER)_/ || @@ -663,7 +664,6 @@ echo '// mkerrors.sh' "$@" echo '// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.' echo echo "//go:build ${GOARCH} && ${GOOS}" -echo "// +build ${GOARCH},${GOOS}" echo go tool cgo -godefs -- "$@" _const.go >_error.out cat _error.out | grep -vf _error.grep | grep -vf _signal.grep diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mmap_nomremap.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mmap_nomremap.go index ca0513632..4b68e5978 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mmap_nomremap.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mmap_nomremap.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || openbsd || solaris -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd openbsd solaris package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mremap.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mremap.go index fa93d0aa9..fd45fe529 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mremap.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mremap.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux || netbsd -// +build linux netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pagesize_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pagesize_unix.go index 53f1b4c5b..4d0a3430e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pagesize_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pagesize_unix.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris // For Unix, get the pagesize from the runtime. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pledge_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pledge_openbsd.go index eb48294b2..6a09af53e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pledge_openbsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pledge_openbsd.go @@ -8,54 +8,31 @@ import ( "errors" "fmt" "strconv" - "syscall" - "unsafe" ) // Pledge implements the pledge syscall. // -// The pledge syscall does not accept execpromises on OpenBSD releases -// before 6.3. -// -// execpromises must be empty when Pledge is called on OpenBSD -// releases predating 6.3, otherwise an error will be returned. +// This changes both the promises and execpromises; use PledgePromises or +// PledgeExecpromises to only change the promises or execpromises +// respectively. // // For more information see pledge(2). func Pledge(promises, execpromises string) error { - maj, min, err := majmin() - if err != nil { + if err := pledgeAvailable(); err != nil { return err } - err = pledgeAvailable(maj, min, execpromises) + pptr, err := BytePtrFromString(promises) if err != nil { return err } - pptr, err := syscall.BytePtrFromString(promises) + exptr, err := BytePtrFromString(execpromises) if err != nil { return err } - // This variable will hold either a nil unsafe.Pointer or - // an unsafe.Pointer to a string (execpromises). - var expr unsafe.Pointer - - // If we're running on OpenBSD > 6.2, pass execpromises to the syscall. - if maj > 6 || (maj == 6 && min > 2) { - exptr, err := syscall.BytePtrFromString(execpromises) - if err != nil { - return err - } - expr = unsafe.Pointer(exptr) - } - - _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(SYS_PLEDGE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pptr)), uintptr(expr), 0) - if e != 0 { - return e - } - - return nil + return pledge(pptr, exptr) } // PledgePromises implements the pledge syscall. @@ -64,30 +41,16 @@ func Pledge(promises, execpromises string) error { // // For more information see pledge(2). func PledgePromises(promises string) error { - maj, min, err := majmin() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - err = pledgeAvailable(maj, min, "") - if err != nil { + if err := pledgeAvailable(); err != nil { return err } - // This variable holds the execpromises and is always nil. - var expr unsafe.Pointer - - pptr, err := syscall.BytePtrFromString(promises) + pptr, err := BytePtrFromString(promises) if err != nil { return err } - _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(SYS_PLEDGE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pptr)), uintptr(expr), 0) - if e != 0 { - return e - } - - return nil + return pledge(pptr, nil) } // PledgeExecpromises implements the pledge syscall. @@ -96,30 +59,16 @@ func PledgePromises(promises string) error { // // For more information see pledge(2). func PledgeExecpromises(execpromises string) error { - maj, min, err := majmin() - if err != nil { + if err := pledgeAvailable(); err != nil { return err } - err = pledgeAvailable(maj, min, execpromises) + exptr, err := BytePtrFromString(execpromises) if err != nil { return err } - // This variable holds the promises and is always nil. - var pptr unsafe.Pointer - - exptr, err := syscall.BytePtrFromString(execpromises) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(SYS_PLEDGE, uintptr(pptr), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(exptr)), 0) - if e != 0 { - return e - } - - return nil + return pledge(nil, exptr) } // majmin returns major and minor version number for an OpenBSD system. @@ -147,16 +96,15 @@ func majmin() (major int, minor int, err error) { // pledgeAvailable checks for availability of the pledge(2) syscall // based on the running OpenBSD version. -func pledgeAvailable(maj, min int, execpromises string) error { - // If OpenBSD <= 5.9, pledge is not available. - if (maj == 5 && min != 9) || maj < 5 { - return fmt.Errorf("pledge syscall is not available on OpenBSD %d.%d", maj, min) +func pledgeAvailable() error { + maj, min, err := majmin() + if err != nil { + return err } - // If OpenBSD <= 6.2 and execpromises is not empty, - // return an error - execpromises is not available before 6.3 - if (maj < 6 || (maj == 6 && min <= 2)) && execpromises != "" { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot use execpromises on OpenBSD %d.%d", maj, min) + // Require OpenBSD 6.4 as a minimum. + if maj < 6 || (maj == 6 && min <= 3) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot call Pledge on OpenBSD %d.%d", maj, min) } return nil diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_darwin.go index 463c3eff7..3f0975f3d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_darwin.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_darwin.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build darwin && !ios -// +build darwin,!ios package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_ios.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_ios.go index ed0509a01..a4d35db5d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_ios.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_ios.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build ios -// +build ios package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race.go index 6f6c5fec5..714d2aae7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (darwin && race) || (linux && race) || (freebsd && race) -// +build darwin,race linux,race freebsd,race package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race0.go index 706e1322a..4a9f6634c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race0.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || (darwin && !race) || (linux && !race) || (freebsd && !race) || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || dragonfly || zos -// +build aix darwin,!race linux,!race freebsd,!race netbsd openbsd solaris dragonfly zos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdents.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdents.go index 4d6257569..dbd2b6ccb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdents.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdents.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd -// +build aix dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdirentries.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdirentries.go index 2a4ba47c4..130398b6b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdirentries.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdirentries.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build darwin -// +build darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go index 3865943f6..c3a62dbb1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos // Socket control messages diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go index 0840fe4a5..4a1eab37e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos -// +build aix darwin freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall.go index 63e8c8383..5ea74da98 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos // Package unix contains an interface to the low-level operating system // primitives. OS details vary depending on the underlying system, and diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go index e94e6cdac..67ce6cef2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix -// +build aix // Aix system calls. // This file is compiled as ordinary Go code, @@ -107,7 +106,8 @@ func (sa *SockaddrUnix) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { if n > 0 { sl += _Socklen(n) + 1 } - if sa.raw.Path[0] == '@' { + if sa.raw.Path[0] == '@' || (sa.raw.Path[0] == 0 && sl > 3) { + // Check sl > 3 so we don't change unnamed socket behavior. sa.raw.Path[0] = 0 // Don't count trailing NUL for abstract address. sl-- diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go index f2871fa95..1fdaa4760 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix && ppc -// +build aix,ppc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go index 75718ec0f..c87f9a9f4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix && ppc64 -// +build aix,ppc64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go index 4217de518..a00c3e545 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || netbsd || openbsd -// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd openbsd // BSD system call wrappers shared by *BSD based systems // including OS X (Darwin) and FreeBSD. Like the other @@ -317,7 +316,7 @@ func GetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int) (string, error) { if err != nil { return "", err } - return string(buf[:vallen-1]), nil + return ByteSliceToString(buf[:vallen]), nil } //sys recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go index b37310ce9..0eaecf5fc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build amd64 && darwin -// +build amd64,darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go index d51ec9963..f36c6707c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build arm64 && darwin -// +build arm64,darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go index 53c96641f..16dc69937 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build darwin && go1.12 -// +build darwin,go1.12 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go index 4e2d32120..14bab6b2d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build amd64 && dragonfly -// +build amd64,dragonfly package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go index b8da51004..3967bca77 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build 386 && freebsd -// +build 386,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go index 47155c483..eff19ada2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build amd64 && freebsd -// +build amd64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go index 08932093f..4f24b517a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build arm && freebsd -// +build arm,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go index d151a0d0e..ac30759ec 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build arm64 && freebsd -// +build arm64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_riscv64.go index d5cd64b37..aab725ca7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_riscv64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build riscv64 && freebsd -// +build riscv64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_hurd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_hurd.go index 381fd4673..ba46651f8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_hurd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_hurd.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build hurd -// +build hurd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_hurd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_hurd_386.go index 7cf54a3e4..df89f9e6b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_hurd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_hurd_386.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build 386 && hurd -// +build 386,hurd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go index 87db5a6a8..a863f7052 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ // illumos system calls not present on Solaris. //go:build amd64 && illumos -// +build amd64,illumos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go index fb4e50224..0f85e29e6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go @@ -61,15 +61,23 @@ func FanotifyMark(fd int, flags uint, mask uint64, dirFd int, pathname string) ( } //sys fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) - -func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { - // Linux fchmodat doesn't support the flags parameter. Mimick glibc's behavior - // and check the flags. Otherwise the mode would be applied to the symlink - // destination which is not what the user expects. - if flags&^AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW != 0 { - return EINVAL - } else if flags&AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW != 0 { - return EOPNOTSUPP +//sys fchmodat2(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) + +func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) error { + // Linux fchmodat doesn't support the flags parameter, but fchmodat2 does. + // Try fchmodat2 if flags are specified. + if flags != 0 { + err := fchmodat2(dirfd, path, mode, flags) + if err == ENOSYS { + // fchmodat2 isn't available. If the flags are known to be valid, + // return EOPNOTSUPP to indicate that fchmodat doesn't support them. + if flags&^(AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW|AT_EMPTY_PATH) != 0 { + return EINVAL + } else if flags&(AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW|AT_EMPTY_PATH) != 0 { + return EOPNOTSUPP + } + } + return err } return fchmodat(dirfd, path, mode) } @@ -417,7 +425,8 @@ func (sa *SockaddrUnix) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { if n > 0 { sl += _Socklen(n) + 1 } - if sa.raw.Path[0] == '@' { + if sa.raw.Path[0] == '@' || (sa.raw.Path[0] == 0 && sl > 3) { + // Check sl > 3 so we don't change unnamed socket behavior. sa.raw.Path[0] = 0 // Don't count trailing NUL for abstract address. sl-- @@ -1301,7 +1310,7 @@ func GetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int) (string, error) { return "", err } } - return string(buf[:vallen-1]), nil + return ByteSliceToString(buf[:vallen]), nil } func GetsockoptTpacketStats(fd, level, opt int) (*TpacketStats, error) { @@ -2482,3 +2491,5 @@ func SchedGetAttr(pid int, flags uint) (*SchedAttr, error) { } return attr, nil } + +//sys Cachestat(fd uint, crange *CachestatRange, cstat *Cachestat_t, flags uint) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go index c7d9945ea..506dafa7b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build 386 && linux -// +build 386,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_alarm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_alarm.go index 08086ac6a..38d55641b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_alarm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_alarm.go @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && (386 || amd64 || mips || mipsle || mips64 || mipsle || ppc64 || ppc64le || ppc || s390x || sparc64) -// +build linux -// +build 386 amd64 mips mipsle mips64 mipsle ppc64 ppc64le ppc s390x sparc64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go index 70601ce36..d557cf8de 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build amd64 && linux -// +build amd64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64_gc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64_gc.go index 8b0f0f3aa..facdb83b2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64_gc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64_gc.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build amd64 && linux && gc -// +build amd64,linux,gc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go index da2986415..cd2dd797f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build arm && linux -// +build arm,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go index f5266689a..cf2ee6c75 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build arm64 && linux -// +build arm64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc.go index 2b1168d7d..ffc4c2b63 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && gc -// +build linux,gc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_386.go index 9843fb489..9ebfdcf44 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_386.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && gc && 386 -// +build linux,gc,386 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_arm.go index a6008fccd..5f2b57c4c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_arm.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build arm && gc && linux -// +build arm,gc,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_386.go index 7740af242..d1a3ad826 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_386.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && gccgo && 386 -// +build linux,gccgo,386 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_arm.go index e16a12299..f2f67423e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_arm.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && gccgo && arm -// +build linux,gccgo,arm package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_loong64.go index f6ab02ec1..3d0e98451 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_loong64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_loong64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build loong64 && linux -// +build loong64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go index 93fe59d25..70963a95a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && (mips64 || mips64le) -// +build linux -// +build mips64 mips64le package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go index aae7f0ffd..c218ebd28 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && (mips || mipsle) -// +build linux -// +build mips mipsle package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go index 66eff19a3..e6c48500c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && ppc -// +build linux,ppc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go index 806aa2574..7286a9aa8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && (ppc64 || ppc64le) -// +build linux -// +build ppc64 ppc64le package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go index 5e6ceee12..6f5a28894 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build riscv64 && linux -// +build riscv64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go index 2f89e8f5d..66f31210d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build s390x && linux -// +build s390x,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go index 7ca064ae7..11d1f1698 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build sparc64 && linux -// +build sparc64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go index 5199d282f..7a5eb5743 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build 386 && netbsd -// +build 386,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go index 70a9c52e9..62d8957ae 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build amd64 && netbsd -// +build amd64,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go index 3eb5942f9..ce6a06885 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build arm && netbsd -// +build arm,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go index fc6ccfd81..d46d689d1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build arm64 && netbsd -// +build arm64,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go index 6f34479b5..b25343c71 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go @@ -137,18 +137,13 @@ func sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e } func Getfsstat(buf []Statfs_t, flags int) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + var bufptr *Statfs_t var bufsize uintptr if len(buf) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + bufptr = &buf[0] bufsize = unsafe.Sizeof(Statfs_t{}) * uintptr(len(buf)) } - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_GETFSSTAT, uintptr(_p0), bufsize, uintptr(flags)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = e1 - } - return + return getfsstat(bufptr, bufsize, flags) } //sysnb getresuid(ruid *_C_int, euid *_C_int, suid *_C_int) @@ -171,6 +166,20 @@ func Getresgid() (rgid, egid, sgid int) { //sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL +//sys fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (n int, err error) +//sys fcntlPtr(fd int, cmd int, arg unsafe.Pointer) (n int, err error) = SYS_FCNTL + +// FcntlInt performs a fcntl syscall on fd with the provided command and argument. +func FcntlInt(fd uintptr, cmd, arg int) (int, error) { + return fcntl(int(fd), cmd, arg) +} + +// FcntlFlock performs a fcntl syscall for the F_GETLK, F_SETLK or F_SETLKW command. +func FcntlFlock(fd uintptr, cmd int, lk *Flock_t) error { + _, err := fcntlPtr(int(fd), cmd, unsafe.Pointer(lk)) + return err +} + //sys ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) func Ppoll(fds []PollFd, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { @@ -326,4 +335,7 @@ func Uname(uname *Utsname) error { //sys write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) //sys munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) +//sys getfsstat(stat *Statfs_t, bufsize uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) //sys utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) +//sys pledge(promises *byte, execpromises *byte) (err error) +//sys unveil(path *byte, flags *byte) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go index 6baabcdcb..9ddc89f4f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build 386 && openbsd -// +build 386,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go index bab25360e..70a3c96ee 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build amd64 && openbsd -// +build amd64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go index 8eed3c4d4..265caa87f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build arm && openbsd -// +build arm,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go index 483dde99d..ac4fda171 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build arm64 && openbsd -// +build arm64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_libc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_libc.go index 04aa43f41..0a451e6dd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_libc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_libc.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build openbsd -// +build openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_ppc64.go index c2796139c..30a308cbb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_ppc64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build ppc64 && openbsd -// +build ppc64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_riscv64.go index 23199a7ff..ea954330f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_riscv64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build riscv64 && openbsd -// +build riscv64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go index b99cfa134..21974af06 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go @@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ func (sa *SockaddrUnix) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { if n > 0 { sl += _Socklen(n) + 1 } - if sa.raw.Path[0] == '@' { + if sa.raw.Path[0] == '@' || (sa.raw.Path[0] == 0 && sl > 3) { + // Check sl > 3 so we don't change unnamed socket behavior. sa.raw.Path[0] = 0 // Don't count trailing NUL for abstract address. sl-- @@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ func GetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int) (string, error) { if err != nil { return "", err } - return string(buf[:vallen-1]), nil + return ByteSliceToString(buf[:vallen]), nil } const ImplementsGetwd = true diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go index 0bd25ef81..e02d8ceae 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build amd64 && solaris -// +build amd64,solaris package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go index f6eda2705..77081de8c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc.go index b6919ca58..05c95bccf 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc.go @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || (linux && !ppc64 && !ppc64le) || netbsd || openbsd || solaris) && gc -// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux,!ppc64,!ppc64le netbsd openbsd solaris -// +build gc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc_ppc64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc_ppc64x.go index f6f707acf..23f39b7af 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc_ppc64x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc_ppc64x.go @@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux && (ppc64le || ppc64) && gc -// +build linux -// +build ppc64le ppc64 -// +build gc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_zos_s390x.go index 4596d041c..b473038c6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_zos_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_zos_s390x.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build zos && s390x -// +build zos,s390x package unix @@ -1105,7 +1104,7 @@ func GetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int) (string, error) { return "", err } - return string(buf[:vallen-1]), nil + return ByteSliceToString(buf[:vallen]), nil } func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_linux.go index 2c3a4437f..4fcd38de2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_linux.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build linux -// +build linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix.go index 5bb41d17b..79a84f18b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build (darwin && !ios) || linux -// +build darwin,!ios linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix_other.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix_other.go index 71bddefdb..9eb0db664 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix_other.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix_other.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build darwin && !ios -// +build darwin,!ios package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/timestruct.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/timestruct.go index 616b1b284..7997b1902 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/timestruct.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/timestruct.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/unveil_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/unveil_openbsd.go index 168d5ae77..cb7e598ce 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/unveil_openbsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/unveil_openbsd.go @@ -4,39 +4,48 @@ package unix -import ( - "syscall" - "unsafe" -) +import "fmt" // Unveil implements the unveil syscall. // For more information see unveil(2). // Note that the special case of blocking further // unveil calls is handled by UnveilBlock. func Unveil(path string, flags string) error { - pathPtr, err := syscall.BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { + if err := supportsUnveil(); err != nil { return err } - flagsPtr, err := syscall.BytePtrFromString(flags) + pathPtr, err := BytePtrFromString(path) if err != nil { return err } - _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(SYS_UNVEIL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pathPtr)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flagsPtr)), 0) - if e != 0 { - return e + flagsPtr, err := BytePtrFromString(flags) + if err != nil { + return err } - return nil + return unveil(pathPtr, flagsPtr) } // UnveilBlock blocks future unveil calls. // For more information see unveil(2). func UnveilBlock() error { - // Both pointers must be nil. - var pathUnsafe, flagsUnsafe unsafe.Pointer - _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(SYS_UNVEIL, uintptr(pathUnsafe), uintptr(flagsUnsafe), 0) - if e != 0 { - return e + if err := supportsUnveil(); err != nil { + return err } + return unveil(nil, nil) +} + +// supportsUnveil checks for availability of the unveil(2) system call based +// on the running OpenBSD version. +func supportsUnveil() error { + maj, min, err := majmin() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // unveil is not available before 6.4 + if maj < 6 || (maj == 6 && min <= 3) { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot call Unveil on OpenBSD %d.%d", maj, min) + } + return nil } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/xattr_bsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/xattr_bsd.go index f5f8e9f36..e16879396 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/xattr_bsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/xattr_bsd.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build freebsd || netbsd -// +build freebsd netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go index ca9799b79..2fb219d78 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc && aix -// +build ppc,aix // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT // cgo -godefs -- -maix32 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go index 200c8c26f..b0e6f5c85 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64 && aix -// +build ppc64,aix // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -maix64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go index 143007627..e40fa8524 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && darwin -// +build amd64,darwin // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go index ab044a742..bb02aa6c0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && darwin -// +build arm64,darwin // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go index 17bba0e44..c0e0f8694 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && dragonfly -// +build amd64,dragonfly // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go index f8c2c5138..6c6923906 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && freebsd -// +build 386,freebsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m32 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go index 96310c3be..dd9163f8e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && freebsd -// +build amd64,freebsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go index 777b69def..493a2a793 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && freebsd -// +build arm,freebsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go index c557ac2db..8b437b307 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && freebsd -// +build arm64,freebsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_riscv64.go index 341b4d962..67c02dd57 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && freebsd -// +build riscv64,freebsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go index f9c7f479b..c73cfe2f1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by mkmerge; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux -// +build linux package unix @@ -481,10 +480,13 @@ const ( BPF_FROM_BE = 0x8 BPF_FROM_LE = 0x0 BPF_FS_MAGIC = 0xcafe4a11 + BPF_F_AFTER = 0x10 BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI = 0x2 BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE = 0x1 BPF_F_ANY_ALIGNMENT = 0x2 - BPF_F_KPROBE_MULTI_RETURN = 0x1 + BPF_F_BEFORE = 0x8 + BPF_F_ID = 0x20 + BPF_F_NETFILTER_IP_DEFRAG = 0x1 BPF_F_QUERY_EFFECTIVE = 0x1 BPF_F_REPLACE = 0x4 BPF_F_SLEEPABLE = 0x10 @@ -521,6 +523,7 @@ const ( BPF_MAJOR_VERSION = 0x1 BPF_MAXINSNS = 0x1000 BPF_MEM = 0x60 + BPF_MEMSX = 0x80 BPF_MEMWORDS = 0x10 BPF_MINOR_VERSION = 0x1 BPF_MISC = 0x7 @@ -776,6 +779,8 @@ const ( DEVLINK_GENL_MCGRP_CONFIG_NAME = "config" DEVLINK_GENL_NAME = "devlink" DEVLINK_GENL_VERSION = 0x1 + DEVLINK_PORT_FN_CAP_IPSEC_CRYPTO = 0x4 + DEVLINK_PORT_FN_CAP_IPSEC_PACKET = 0x8 DEVLINK_PORT_FN_CAP_MIGRATABLE = 0x2 DEVLINK_PORT_FN_CAP_ROCE = 0x1 DEVLINK_SB_THRESHOLD_TO_ALPHA_MAX = 0x14 @@ -1698,6 +1703,7 @@ const ( KEXEC_ON_CRASH = 0x1 KEXEC_PRESERVE_CONTEXT = 0x2 KEXEC_SEGMENT_MAX = 0x10 + KEXEC_UPDATE_ELFCOREHDR = 0x4 KEYCTL_ASSUME_AUTHORITY = 0x10 KEYCTL_CAPABILITIES = 0x1f KEYCTL_CAPS0_BIG_KEY = 0x10 @@ -1795,6 +1801,7 @@ const ( LOCK_SH = 0x1 LOCK_UN = 0x8 LOOP_CLR_FD = 0x4c01 + LOOP_CONFIGURE = 0x4c0a LOOP_CTL_ADD = 0x4c80 LOOP_CTL_GET_FREE = 0x4c82 LOOP_CTL_REMOVE = 0x4c81 @@ -2275,6 +2282,7 @@ const ( PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_PMEM = 0xe PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_RAM = 0xd PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_SHIFT = 0x21 + PERF_MEM_LVLNUM_UNC = 0x8 PERF_MEM_LVL_HIT = 0x2 PERF_MEM_LVL_IO = 0x1000 PERF_MEM_LVL_L1 = 0x8 @@ -3461,6 +3469,7 @@ const ( XDP_PACKET_HEADROOM = 0x100 XDP_PGOFF_RX_RING = 0x0 XDP_PGOFF_TX_RING = 0x80000000 + XDP_PKT_CONTD = 0x1 XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP = 0x1 XDP_RX_RING = 0x2 XDP_SHARED_UMEM = 0x1 @@ -3473,6 +3482,7 @@ const ( XDP_UMEM_REG = 0x4 XDP_UMEM_UNALIGNED_CHUNK_FLAG = 0x1 XDP_USE_NEED_WAKEUP = 0x8 + XDP_USE_SG = 0x10 XDP_ZEROCOPY = 0x4 XENFS_SUPER_MAGIC = 0xabba1974 XFS_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x58465342 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go index 30aee00a5..4920821cf 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && linux -// +build 386,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/386/include -m32 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go index 8ebfa5127..a0c1e4112 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && linux -// +build amd64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/amd64/include -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go index 271a21cdc..c63985560 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && linux -// +build arm,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/arm/include _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go index 910c330a3..47cc62e25 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && linux -// +build arm64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/arm64/include -fsigned-char _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_loong64.go index a640798c9..27ac4a09e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_loong64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_loong64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build loong64 && linux -// +build loong64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/loong64/include _const.go @@ -119,6 +118,7 @@ const ( IXOFF = 0x1000 IXON = 0x400 LASX_CTX_MAGIC = 0x41535801 + LBT_CTX_MAGIC = 0x42540001 LSX_CTX_MAGIC = 0x53580001 MAP_ANON = 0x20 MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x20 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go index 0d5925d34..54694642a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips && linux -// +build mips,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/mips/include _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go index d72a00e0b..3adb81d75 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64 && linux -// +build mips64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/mips64/include _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go index 02ba129f8..2dfe98f0d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64le && linux -// +build mips64le,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/mips64le/include _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go index 8daa6dd96..f5398f84f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mipsle && linux -// +build mipsle,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/mipsle/include _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go index 63c8fa2f7..c54f152d6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc && linux -// +build ppc,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/ppc/include _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go index 930799ec1..76057dc72 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64 && linux -// +build ppc64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/ppc64/include _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go index 8605a7dd7..e0c3725e2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64le && linux -// +build ppc64le,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/ppc64le/include _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go index 95a016f1c..18f2813ed 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && linux -// +build riscv64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/riscv64/include _const.go @@ -228,6 +227,9 @@ const ( PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x7434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff + PTRACE_GETFDPIC = 0x21 + PTRACE_GETFDPIC_EXEC = 0x0 + PTRACE_GETFDPIC_INTERP = 0x1 RLIMIT_AS = 0x9 RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x8 RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x7 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go index 1ae0108f5..11619d4ec 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build s390x && linux -// +build s390x,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/s390x/include -fsigned-char _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go index 1bb7c6333..396d994da 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build sparc64 && linux -// +build sparc64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/sparc64/include _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go index 72f7420d2..130085df4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && netbsd -// +build 386,netbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m32 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go index 8d4eb0c08..84769a1a3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && netbsd -// +build amd64,netbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go index 9eef9749f..602ded003 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && netbsd -// +build arm,netbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -marm _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go index 3b62ba192..efc0406ee 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && netbsd -// +build arm64,netbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go index af20e474b..5a6500f83 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && openbsd -// +build 386,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m32 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go index 6015fcb2b..a5aeeb979 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && openbsd -// +build amd64,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go index 8d44955e4..0e9748a72 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && openbsd -// +build arm,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go index ae16fe754..4f4449abc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && openbsd -// +build arm64,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_mips64.go index 03d90fe35..76a363f0f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64 && openbsd -// +build mips64,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_ppc64.go index 8e2c51b1e..43ca0cdfd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64 && openbsd -// +build ppc64,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_riscv64.go index 13d403031..b1b8bb200 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && openbsd -// +build riscv64,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go index 1afee6a08..d2ddd3176 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && solaris -// +build amd64,solaris // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. // cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_zos_s390x.go index fc7d0506f..4dfd2e051 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_zos_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_zos_s390x.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build zos && s390x -// +build zos,s390x // Hand edited based on zerrors_linux_s390x.go // TODO: auto-generate. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_armnn_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_armnn_linux.go index 97f20ca28..586317c78 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_armnn_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_armnn_linux.go @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by linux/mkall.go generatePtracePair("arm", "arm64"). DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && (arm || arm64) -// +build linux -// +build arm arm64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnn_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnn_linux.go index 0b5f79430..d7c881be7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnn_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnn_linux.go @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by linux/mkall.go generatePtracePair("mips", "mips64"). DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && (mips || mips64) -// +build linux -// +build mips mips64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnnle_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnnle_linux.go index 2807f7e64..2d2de5d29 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnnle_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnnle_linux.go @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by linux/mkall.go generatePtracePair("mipsle", "mips64le"). DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && (mipsle || mips64le) -// +build linux -// +build mipsle mips64le package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_x86_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_x86_linux.go index 281ea64e3..5adc79fb5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_x86_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_x86_linux.go @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by linux/mkall.go generatePtracePair("386", "amd64"). DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && (386 || amd64) -// +build linux -// +build 386 amd64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go index d1d1d2331..6ea64a3c0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build aix && ppc -// +build aix,ppc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go index f99a18adc..99ee4399a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build aix && ppc64 -// +build aix,ppc64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go index c4d50ae50..b68a78362 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build aix && ppc64 && gc -// +build aix,ppc64,gc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go index 6903d3b09..0a87450bf 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build aix && ppc64 && gccgo -// +build aix,ppc64,gccgo package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go index 1cad561e9..ccb02f240 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build darwin && amd64 -// +build darwin,amd64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go index b18edbd0e..1b40b997b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build darwin && arm64 -// +build darwin,arm64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go index 0c67df64a..aad65fc79 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build dragonfly && amd64 -// +build dragonfly,amd64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go index e6e05d145..c0096391a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build freebsd && 386 -// +build freebsd,386 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go index 7508accac..7664df749 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build freebsd && amd64 -// +build freebsd,amd64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go index 7b56aead4..ae099182c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build freebsd && arm -// +build freebsd,arm package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go index cc623dcaa..11fd5d45b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build freebsd && arm64 -// +build freebsd,arm64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_riscv64.go index 581849197..c3d2d6530 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build freebsd && riscv64 -// +build freebsd,riscv64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_illumos_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_illumos_amd64.go index 6be25cd19..c698cbc01 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_illumos_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_illumos_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build illumos && amd64 -// +build illumos,amd64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go index 1ff3aec74..1488d2712 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by mkmerge; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux -// +build linux package unix @@ -38,6 +37,21 @@ func fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func fchmodat2(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FCHMODAT2, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg)) if e1 != 0 { @@ -2195,3 +2209,13 @@ func schedGetattr(pid int, attr *SchedAttr, size uint, flags uint) (err error) { } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Cachestat(fd uint, crange *CachestatRange, cstat *Cachestat_t, flags uint) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_CACHESTAT, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(crange)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cstat)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go index 07b549cc2..4def3e9fc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && 386 -// +build linux,386 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go index 5f481bf83..fef2bc8ba 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && amd64 -// +build linux,amd64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go index 824cd52c7..a9fd76a88 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && arm -// +build linux,arm package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go index e77aecfe9..460065028 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && arm64 -// +build linux,arm64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_loong64.go index 806ffd1e1..c8987d264 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_loong64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_loong64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && loong64 -// +build linux,loong64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go index 961a3afb7..921f43061 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && mips -// +build linux,mips package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go index ed05005e9..44f067829 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && mips64 -// +build linux,mips64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go index d365b718f..e7fa0abf0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && mips64le -// +build linux,mips64le package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go index c3f1b8bbd..8c5125675 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && mipsle -// +build linux,mipsle package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go index a6574cf98..7392fd45e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && ppc -// +build linux,ppc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go index f40990264..41180434e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && ppc64 -// +build linux,ppc64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go index 9dfcc2997..40c6ce7ae 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && ppc64le -// +build linux,ppc64le package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go index 0ab4f2ed7..2cfe34adb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && riscv64 -// +build linux,riscv64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go index 6cde32237..61e6f0709 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && s390x -// +build linux,s390x package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go index 5253d65bf..834b84204 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux && sparc64 -// +build linux,sparc64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go index 2df3c5bac..e91ebc14a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build netbsd && 386 -// +build netbsd,386 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go index a60556bab..be28babbc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build netbsd && amd64 -// +build netbsd,amd64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go index 9f788917a..fb587e826 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build netbsd && arm -// +build netbsd,arm package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go index 82a4cb2dc..d576438bb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build netbsd && arm64 -// +build netbsd,arm64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go index 66b3b6456..a1d061597 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build openbsd && 386 -// +build openbsd,386 package unix @@ -585,6 +584,32 @@ var libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fcntlPtr(fd int, cmd int, arg unsafe.Pointer) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sigmask)), 0, 0) n = int(r0) @@ -2213,6 +2238,21 @@ var libc_munmap_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func getfsstat(stat *Statfs_t, bufsize uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(bufsize), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat getfsstat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -2229,3 +2269,33 @@ func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error var libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimensat utimensat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pledge(promises *byte, execpromises *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_pledge_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(promises)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(execpromises)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_pledge_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pledge pledge "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func unveil(path *byte, flags *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unveil_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_unveil_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unveil unveil "libc.so" + + diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.s index 3dcacd30d..41b561731 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.s @@ -178,6 +178,11 @@ TEXT libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 DATA ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_fcntl(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 +DATA ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_ppoll_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ppoll(SB) GLOBL ·libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 @@ -668,7 +673,22 @@ TEXT libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 DATA ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_getfsstat(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 +DATA ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_utimensat(SB) GLOBL ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 DATA ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_pledge(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 +DATA ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_unveil(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 +DATA ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go index c5c4cc112..5b2a74097 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build openbsd && amd64 -// +build openbsd,amd64 package unix @@ -585,6 +584,32 @@ var libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fcntlPtr(fd int, cmd int, arg unsafe.Pointer) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sigmask)), 0, 0) n = int(r0) @@ -2213,6 +2238,21 @@ var libc_munmap_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func getfsstat(stat *Statfs_t, bufsize uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(bufsize), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat getfsstat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -2229,3 +2269,33 @@ func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error var libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimensat utimensat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pledge(promises *byte, execpromises *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_pledge_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(promises)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(execpromises)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_pledge_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pledge pledge "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func unveil(path *byte, flags *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unveil_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_unveil_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unveil unveil "libc.so" + + diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.s index 2763620b0..4019a656f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.s @@ -178,6 +178,11 @@ TEXT libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_fcntl(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_ppoll_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ppoll(SB) GLOBL ·libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 @@ -668,7 +673,22 @@ TEXT libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_getfsstat(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_utimensat(SB) GLOBL ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_pledge(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_unveil(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go index 93bfbb328..f6eda1344 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build openbsd && arm -// +build openbsd,arm package unix @@ -585,6 +584,32 @@ var libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fcntlPtr(fd int, cmd int, arg unsafe.Pointer) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sigmask)), 0, 0) n = int(r0) @@ -2213,6 +2238,21 @@ var libc_munmap_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func getfsstat(stat *Statfs_t, bufsize uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(bufsize), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat getfsstat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -2229,3 +2269,33 @@ func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error var libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimensat utimensat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pledge(promises *byte, execpromises *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_pledge_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(promises)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(execpromises)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_pledge_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pledge pledge "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func unveil(path *byte, flags *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unveil_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_unveil_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unveil unveil "libc.so" + + diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.s index c92231404..ac4af24f9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.s @@ -178,6 +178,11 @@ TEXT libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 DATA ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_fcntl(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 +DATA ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_ppoll_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ppoll(SB) GLOBL ·libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 @@ -668,7 +673,22 @@ TEXT libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 DATA ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_getfsstat(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 +DATA ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_utimensat(SB) GLOBL ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 DATA ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_pledge(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 +DATA ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_unveil(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $4 +DATA ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB)/4, $libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go index a107b8fda..55df20ae9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build openbsd && arm64 -// +build openbsd,arm64 package unix @@ -585,6 +584,32 @@ var libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fcntlPtr(fd int, cmd int, arg unsafe.Pointer) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sigmask)), 0, 0) n = int(r0) @@ -2213,6 +2238,21 @@ var libc_munmap_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func getfsstat(stat *Statfs_t, bufsize uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(bufsize), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat getfsstat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -2229,3 +2269,33 @@ func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error var libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimensat utimensat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pledge(promises *byte, execpromises *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_pledge_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(promises)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(execpromises)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_pledge_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pledge pledge "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func unveil(path *byte, flags *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unveil_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_unveil_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unveil unveil "libc.so" + + diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.s index a6bc32c92..f77d53212 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.s @@ -178,6 +178,11 @@ TEXT libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_fcntl(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_ppoll_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ppoll(SB) GLOBL ·libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 @@ -668,7 +673,22 @@ TEXT libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_getfsstat(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_utimensat(SB) GLOBL ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_pledge(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_unveil(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go index c427de509..8c1155cbc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build openbsd && mips64 -// +build openbsd,mips64 package unix @@ -585,6 +584,32 @@ var libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fcntlPtr(fd int, cmd int, arg unsafe.Pointer) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sigmask)), 0, 0) n = int(r0) @@ -2213,6 +2238,21 @@ var libc_munmap_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func getfsstat(stat *Statfs_t, bufsize uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(bufsize), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat getfsstat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -2229,3 +2269,33 @@ func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error var libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimensat utimensat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pledge(promises *byte, execpromises *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_pledge_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(promises)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(execpromises)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_pledge_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pledge pledge "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func unveil(path *byte, flags *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unveil_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_unveil_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unveil unveil "libc.so" + + diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.s index b4e7bceab..fae140b62 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.s @@ -178,6 +178,11 @@ TEXT libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_fcntl(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_ppoll_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ppoll(SB) GLOBL ·libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 @@ -668,7 +673,22 @@ TEXT libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_getfsstat(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_utimensat(SB) GLOBL ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_pledge(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_unveil(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_ppc64.go index 60c1a99ae..7cc80c58d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build openbsd && ppc64 -// +build openbsd,ppc64 package unix @@ -585,6 +584,32 @@ var libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fcntlPtr(fd int, cmd int, arg unsafe.Pointer) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sigmask)), 0, 0) n = int(r0) @@ -2213,6 +2238,21 @@ var libc_munmap_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func getfsstat(stat *Statfs_t, bufsize uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(bufsize), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat getfsstat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -2229,3 +2269,33 @@ func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error var libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimensat utimensat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pledge(promises *byte, execpromises *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_pledge_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(promises)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(execpromises)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_pledge_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pledge pledge "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func unveil(path *byte, flags *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unveil_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_unveil_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unveil unveil "libc.so" + + diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_ppc64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_ppc64.s index ca3f76600..9d1e0ff06 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_ppc64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_ppc64.s @@ -213,6 +213,12 @@ TEXT libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + CALL libc_fcntl(SB) + RET +GLOBL ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_ppoll_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 CALL libc_ppoll(SB) RET @@ -801,8 +807,26 @@ TEXT libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + CALL libc_getfsstat(SB) + RET +GLOBL ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 CALL libc_utimensat(SB) RET GLOBL ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + CALL libc_pledge(SB) + RET +GLOBL ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + CALL libc_unveil(SB) + RET +GLOBL ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_riscv64.go index 52eba360f..0688737f4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build openbsd && riscv64 -// +build openbsd,riscv64 package unix @@ -585,6 +584,32 @@ var libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fcntlPtr(fd int, cmd int, arg unsafe.Pointer) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sigmask)), 0, 0) n = int(r0) @@ -2213,6 +2238,21 @@ var libc_munmap_trampoline_addr uintptr // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func getfsstat(stat *Statfs_t, bufsize uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(bufsize), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat getfsstat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -2229,3 +2269,33 @@ func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error var libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimensat utimensat "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pledge(promises *byte, execpromises *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_pledge_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(promises)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(execpromises)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_pledge_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pledge pledge "libc.so" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func unveil(path *byte, flags *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unveil_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_unveil_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unveil unveil "libc.so" + + diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_riscv64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_riscv64.s index 477a7d5b2..da115f9a4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_riscv64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_riscv64.s @@ -178,6 +178,11 @@ TEXT libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_fcntl(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_ppoll_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ppoll(SB) GLOBL ·libc_ppoll_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 @@ -668,7 +673,22 @@ TEXT libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 GLOBL ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB) +TEXT libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_getfsstat(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB) + TEXT libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_utimensat(SB) GLOBL ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 DATA ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_pledge(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pledge_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pledge_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_unveil(SB) +GLOBL ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unveil_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unveil_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go index b40189464..829b87feb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build solaris && amd64 -// +build solaris,amd64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_zos_s390x.go index 1d8fe1d4b..94f011238 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_zos_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_zos_s390x.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build zos && s390x -// +build zos,s390x package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go index 55e048471..3a58ae819 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && openbsd -// +build 386,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go index d2243cf83..dcb7a0eb7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && openbsd -// +build amd64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go index 82dc51bd8..db5a7bf13 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && openbsd -// +build arm,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go index cbdda1a4a..7be575a77 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && openbsd -// +build arm64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_mips64.go index f55eae1a8..d6e3174c6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64 && openbsd -// +build mips64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_ppc64.go index e44054470..ee97157d0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64 && openbsd -// +build ppc64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_riscv64.go index a0db82fce..35c3b91d0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && openbsd -// +build riscv64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_amd64.go index f8298ff9b..5edda7687 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && darwin -// +build amd64,darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm64.go index 5eb433bbf..0dc9e8b4d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && darwin -// +build arm64,darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_dragonfly_amd64.go index 703675c0c..308ddf3a1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && dragonfly -// +build amd64,dragonfly package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_386.go index 4e0d96107..418664e3d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && freebsd -// +build 386,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_amd64.go index 01636b838..34d0b86d7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && freebsd -// +build amd64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm.go index ad99bc106..b71cf45e2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && freebsd -// +build arm,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm64.go index 89dcc4274..e32df1c1e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && freebsd -// +build arm64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_riscv64.go index ee37aaa0c..15ad6111f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && freebsd -// +build riscv64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go index 9862853d3..fcf3ecbdd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && linux -// +build 386,linux package unix @@ -448,4 +447,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go index 8901f0f4e..f56dc2504 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && linux -// +build amd64,linux package unix @@ -370,4 +369,6 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 + SYS_MAP_SHADOW_STACK = 453 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go index 6902c37ee..974bf2467 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && linux -// +build arm,linux package unix @@ -412,4 +411,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go index a6d3dff81..39a2739e2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && linux -// +build arm64,linux package unix @@ -315,4 +314,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_loong64.go index b18f3f710..cf9c9d77e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_loong64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_loong64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build loong64 && linux -// +build loong64,linux package unix @@ -309,4 +308,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go index 0302e5e3d..10b7362ef 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips && linux -// +build mips,linux package unix @@ -432,4 +431,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 4449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 4450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 4451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 4452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go index 6693ba4a0..cd4d8b4fd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64 && linux -// +build mips64,linux package unix @@ -362,4 +361,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 5449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 5450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 5451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 5452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go index fd93f4987..2c0efca81 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64le && linux -// +build mips64le,linux package unix @@ -362,4 +361,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 5449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 5450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 5451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 5452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go index 760ddcadc..a72e31d39 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mipsle && linux -// +build mipsle,linux package unix @@ -432,4 +431,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 4449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 4450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 4451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 4452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go index cff2b2555..c7d1e3747 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc && linux -// +build ppc,linux package unix @@ -439,4 +438,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go index a4b2405d0..f4d4838c8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64 && linux -// +build ppc64,linux package unix @@ -411,4 +410,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go index aca54b4e3..b64f0e591 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64le && linux -// +build ppc64le,linux package unix @@ -411,4 +410,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go index 9d1738d64..95711195a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && linux -// +build riscv64,linux package unix @@ -316,4 +315,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go index 022878dc8..f94e943bc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build s390x && linux -// +build s390x,linux package unix @@ -377,4 +376,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go index 4100a761c..ba0c2bc51 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build sparc64 && linux -// +build sparc64,linux package unix @@ -390,4 +389,5 @@ const ( SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY_HOME_NODE = 450 SYS_CACHESTAT = 451 + SYS_FCHMODAT2 = 452 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_386.go index 3a6699eba..b2aa8cd49 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && netbsd -// +build 386,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_amd64.go index 5677cd4f1..524a1b1c9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && netbsd -// +build amd64,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm.go index e784cb6db..d59b943ac 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && netbsd -// +build arm,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm64.go index bd4952efa..31e771d53 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && netbsd -// +build arm64,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_386.go index 597733813..9fd77c6cb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && openbsd -// +build 386,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_amd64.go index 16af29189..af10af28c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && openbsd -// +build amd64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm.go index f59b18a97..cc2028af4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && openbsd -// +build arm,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go index 721ef5910..c06dd4415 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && openbsd -// +build arm64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_mips64.go index 01c43a01f..9ddbf3e08 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64 && openbsd -// +build mips64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_ppc64.go index f258cfa24..19a6ee413 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64 && openbsd -// +build ppc64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_riscv64.go index 07919e0ec..05192a782 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && openbsd -// +build riscv64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_zos_s390x.go index 073daad43..b2e308581 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_zos_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_zos_s390x.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build zos && s390x -// +build zos,s390x package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc.go index 7a8161c1d..3e6d57cae 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc && aix -// +build ppc,aix package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc64.go index 07ed733c5..3a219bdce 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64 && aix -// +build ppc64,aix package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go index 690cefc3d..091d107f3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && darwin -// +build amd64,darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go index 5bffc10ea..28ff4ef74 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && darwin -// +build arm64,darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go index d0ba8e9b8..30e405bb4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && dragonfly -// +build amd64,dragonfly package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_386.go index 29dc48337..6cbd094a3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && freebsd -// +build 386,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go index 0a89b2890..7c03b6ee7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && freebsd -// +build amd64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go index c8666bb15..422107ee8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && freebsd -// +build arm,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go index 88fb48a88..505a12acf 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && freebsd -// +build arm64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_riscv64.go index 698dc975e..cc986c790 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && freebsd -// +build riscv64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go index 18aa70b42..bbf8399ff 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by mkmerge; DO NOT EDIT. //go:build linux -// +build linux package unix @@ -2672,6 +2671,7 @@ const ( BPF_PROG_TYPE_LSM = 0x1d BPF_PROG_TYPE_SK_LOOKUP = 0x1e BPF_PROG_TYPE_SYSCALL = 0x1f + BPF_PROG_TYPE_NETFILTER = 0x20 BPF_CGROUP_INET_INGRESS = 0x0 BPF_CGROUP_INET_EGRESS = 0x1 BPF_CGROUP_INET_SOCK_CREATE = 0x2 @@ -2716,6 +2716,11 @@ const ( BPF_PERF_EVENT = 0x29 BPF_TRACE_KPROBE_MULTI = 0x2a BPF_LSM_CGROUP = 0x2b + BPF_STRUCT_OPS = 0x2c + BPF_NETFILTER = 0x2d + BPF_TCX_INGRESS = 0x2e + BPF_TCX_EGRESS = 0x2f + BPF_TRACE_UPROBE_MULTI = 0x30 BPF_LINK_TYPE_UNSPEC = 0x0 BPF_LINK_TYPE_RAW_TRACEPOINT = 0x1 BPF_LINK_TYPE_TRACING = 0x2 @@ -2726,6 +2731,18 @@ const ( BPF_LINK_TYPE_PERF_EVENT = 0x7 BPF_LINK_TYPE_KPROBE_MULTI = 0x8 BPF_LINK_TYPE_STRUCT_OPS = 0x9 + BPF_LINK_TYPE_NETFILTER = 0xa + BPF_LINK_TYPE_TCX = 0xb + BPF_LINK_TYPE_UPROBE_MULTI = 0xc + BPF_PERF_EVENT_UNSPEC = 0x0 + BPF_PERF_EVENT_UPROBE = 0x1 + BPF_PERF_EVENT_URETPROBE = 0x2 + BPF_PERF_EVENT_KPROBE = 0x3 + BPF_PERF_EVENT_KRETPROBE = 0x4 + BPF_PERF_EVENT_TRACEPOINT = 0x5 + BPF_PERF_EVENT_EVENT = 0x6 + BPF_F_KPROBE_MULTI_RETURN = 0x1 + BPF_F_UPROBE_MULTI_RETURN = 0x1 BPF_ANY = 0x0 BPF_NOEXIST = 0x1 BPF_EXIST = 0x2 @@ -2743,6 +2760,8 @@ const ( BPF_F_MMAPABLE = 0x400 BPF_F_PRESERVE_ELEMS = 0x800 BPF_F_INNER_MAP = 0x1000 + BPF_F_LINK = 0x2000 + BPF_F_PATH_FD = 0x4000 BPF_STATS_RUN_TIME = 0x0 BPF_STACK_BUILD_ID_EMPTY = 0x0 BPF_STACK_BUILD_ID_VALID = 0x1 @@ -2763,6 +2782,7 @@ const ( BPF_F_ZERO_CSUM_TX = 0x2 BPF_F_DONT_FRAGMENT = 0x4 BPF_F_SEQ_NUMBER = 0x8 + BPF_F_NO_TUNNEL_KEY = 0x10 BPF_F_TUNINFO_FLAGS = 0x10 BPF_F_INDEX_MASK = 0xffffffff BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU = 0xffffffff @@ -2779,6 +2799,8 @@ const ( BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L4_UDP = 0x10 BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_NO_CSUM_RESET = 0x20 BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_ETH = 0x40 + BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_DECAP_L3_IPV4 = 0x80 + BPF_F_ADJ_ROOM_DECAP_L3_IPV6 = 0x100 BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_MASK = 0xff BPF_ADJ_ROOM_ENCAP_L2_SHIFT = 0x38 BPF_F_SYSCTL_BASE_NAME = 0x1 @@ -2867,6 +2889,8 @@ const ( BPF_DEVCG_DEV_CHAR = 0x2 BPF_FIB_LOOKUP_DIRECT = 0x1 BPF_FIB_LOOKUP_OUTPUT = 0x2 + BPF_FIB_LOOKUP_SKIP_NEIGH = 0x4 + BPF_FIB_LOOKUP_TBID = 0x8 BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_SUCCESS = 0x0 BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_BLACKHOLE = 0x1 BPF_FIB_LKUP_RET_UNREACHABLE = 0x2 @@ -2902,6 +2926,7 @@ const ( BPF_CORE_ENUMVAL_EXISTS = 0xa BPF_CORE_ENUMVAL_VALUE = 0xb BPF_CORE_TYPE_MATCHES = 0xc + BPF_F_TIMER_ABS = 0x1 ) const ( @@ -2980,6 +3005,12 @@ type LoopInfo64 struct { Encrypt_key [32]uint8 Init [2]uint64 } +type LoopConfig struct { + Fd uint32 + Size uint32 + Info LoopInfo64 + _ [8]uint64 +} type TIPCSocketAddr struct { Ref uint32 @@ -5883,3 +5914,15 @@ type SchedAttr struct { } const SizeofSchedAttr = 0x38 + +type Cachestat_t struct { + Cache uint64 + Dirty uint64 + Writeback uint64 + Evicted uint64 + Recently_evicted uint64 +} +type CachestatRange struct { + Off uint64 + Len uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go index 6d8acbcc5..438a30aff 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && linux -// +build 386,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go index 59293c688..adceca355 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && linux -// +build amd64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go index 40cfa38c2..eeaa00a37 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && linux -// +build arm,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go index 055bc4216..6739aa91d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && linux -// +build arm64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_loong64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_loong64.go index f28affbc6..9920ef631 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_loong64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_loong64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build loong64 && linux -// +build loong64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go index 9d71e7ccd..2923b799a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips && linux -// +build mips,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go index fd5ccd332..ce2750ee4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64 && linux -// +build mips64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go index 7704de77a..3038811d7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64le && linux -// +build mips64le,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go index df00b8757..efc6fed18 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mipsle && linux -// +build mipsle,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go index 0942840db..9a654b75a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc && linux -// +build ppc,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go index 034874395..40d358e33 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64 && linux -// +build ppc64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go index bad067047..148c6ceb8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64le && linux -// +build ppc64le,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go index 1b4c97c32..72ba81543 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && linux -// +build riscv64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go index aa268d025..71e765508 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build s390x && linux -// +build s390x,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go index 444045b6c..4abbdb9de 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build sparc64 && linux -// +build sparc64,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_386.go index 9bc4c8f9d..f22e7947d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && netbsd -// +build 386,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_amd64.go index bb05f655d..066a7d83d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && netbsd -// +build amd64,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm.go index db40e3a19..439548ec9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && netbsd -// +build arm,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm64.go index 11121151c..16085d3bb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && netbsd -// +build arm64,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go index 26eba23b7..afd13a3af 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build 386 && openbsd -// +build 386,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go index 5a5479886..5d97f1f9b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && openbsd -// +build amd64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go index be58c4e1f..34871cdc1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm && openbsd -// +build arm,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go index 52338266c..5911bceb3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build arm64 && openbsd -// +build arm64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go index 605cfdb12..e4f24f3bc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build mips64 && openbsd -// +build mips64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_ppc64.go index d6724c010..ca50a7930 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_ppc64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build ppc64 && openbsd -// +build ppc64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_riscv64.go index ddfd27a43..d7d7f7902 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_riscv64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build riscv64 && openbsd -// +build riscv64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go index 0400747c6..14160576d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build amd64 && solaris -// +build amd64,solaris package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_zos_s390x.go index aec1efcb3..54f31be63 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_zos_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_zos_s390x.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build zos && s390x -// +build zos,s390x // Hand edited based on ztypes_linux_s390x.go // TODO: auto-generate. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/aliases.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/aliases.go index a20ebea63..ce2d713d6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/aliases.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/aliases.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build windows && go1.9 -// +build windows,go1.9 package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s index fdbbbcd31..ba64caca5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build !go1.12 -// +build !go1.12 // This file is here to allow bodyless functions with go:linkname for Go 1.11 // and earlier (see https://golang.org/issue/23311). diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/eventlog.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/eventlog.go index 2cd60645e..6c366955d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/eventlog.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/eventlog.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build windows -// +build windows package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go index 8563f79c5..dbcdb090c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build generate -// +build generate package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race.go index 9196b089c..0f1bdc386 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build windows && race -// +build windows,race package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race0.go index 7bae4817a..0c78da78b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race0.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build windows && !race -// +build windows,!race package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/service.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/service.go index c44a1b963..a9dc6308d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/service.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/service.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build windows -// +build windows package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/str.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/str.go index 4fc01434e..6a4f9ce6a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/str.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/str.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build windows -// +build windows package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall.go index 8732cdb95..e85ed6b9c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build windows -// +build windows // Package windows contains an interface to the low-level operating system // primitives. OS details vary depending on the underlying system, and diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go index 35cfc57ca..47dc57967 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go @@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys GetModuleFileName(module Handle, filename *uint16, size uint32) (n uint32, err error) = kernel32.GetModuleFileNameW //sys GetModuleHandleEx(flags uint32, moduleName *uint16, module *Handle) (err error) = kernel32.GetModuleHandleExW //sys SetDefaultDllDirectories(directoryFlags uint32) (err error) +//sys AddDllDirectory(path *uint16) (cookie uintptr, err error) = kernel32.AddDllDirectory +//sys RemoveDllDirectory(cookie uintptr) (err error) = kernel32.RemoveDllDirectory //sys SetDllDirectory(path string) (err error) = kernel32.SetDllDirectoryW //sys GetVersion() (ver uint32, err error) //sys FormatMessage(flags uint32, msgsrc uintptr, msgid uint32, langid uint32, buf []uint16, args *byte) (n uint32, err error) = FormatMessageW @@ -233,6 +235,7 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys CreateEnvironmentBlock(block **uint16, token Token, inheritExisting bool) (err error) = userenv.CreateEnvironmentBlock //sys DestroyEnvironmentBlock(block *uint16) (err error) = userenv.DestroyEnvironmentBlock //sys getTickCount64() (ms uint64) = kernel32.GetTickCount64 +//sys GetFileTime(handle Handle, ctime *Filetime, atime *Filetime, wtime *Filetime) (err error) //sys SetFileTime(handle Handle, ctime *Filetime, atime *Filetime, wtime *Filetime) (err error) //sys GetFileAttributes(name *uint16) (attrs uint32, err error) [failretval==INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES] = kernel32.GetFileAttributesW //sys SetFileAttributes(name *uint16, attrs uint32) (err error) = kernel32.SetFileAttributesW @@ -969,7 +972,8 @@ func (sa *SockaddrUnix) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, int32, error) { if n > 0 { sl += int32(n) + 1 } - if sa.raw.Path[0] == '@' { + if sa.raw.Path[0] == '@' || (sa.raw.Path[0] == 0 && sl > 3) { + // Check sl > 3 so we don't change unnamed socket behavior. sa.raw.Path[0] = 0 // Don't count trailing NUL for abstract address. sl-- diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go index b88dc7c85..359780f6a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go @@ -1094,7 +1094,33 @@ const ( SOMAXCONN = 0x7fffffff - TCP_NODELAY = 1 + TCP_NODELAY = 1 + TCP_EXPEDITED_1122 = 2 + TCP_KEEPALIVE = 3 + TCP_MAXSEG = 4 + TCP_MAXRT = 5 + TCP_STDURG = 6 + TCP_NOURG = 7 + TCP_ATMARK = 8 + TCP_NOSYNRETRIES = 9 + TCP_TIMESTAMPS = 10 + TCP_OFFLOAD_PREFERENCE = 11 + TCP_CONGESTION_ALGORITHM = 12 + TCP_DELAY_FIN_ACK = 13 + TCP_MAXRTMS = 14 + TCP_FASTOPEN = 15 + TCP_KEEPCNT = 16 + TCP_KEEPIDLE = TCP_KEEPALIVE + TCP_KEEPINTVL = 17 + TCP_FAIL_CONNECT_ON_ICMP_ERROR = 18 + TCP_ICMP_ERROR_INFO = 19 + + UDP_NOCHECKSUM = 1 + UDP_SEND_MSG_SIZE = 2 + UDP_RECV_MAX_COALESCED_SIZE = 3 + UDP_CHECKSUM_COVERAGE = 20 + + UDP_COALESCED_INFO = 3 SHUT_RD = 0 SHUT_WR = 1 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go index 8b1688de4..146a1f019 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/zsyscall_windows.go @@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ var ( procGetAdaptersInfo = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetAdaptersInfo") procGetBestInterfaceEx = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetBestInterfaceEx") procGetIfEntry = modiphlpapi.NewProc("GetIfEntry") + procAddDllDirectory = modkernel32.NewProc("AddDllDirectory") procAssignProcessToJobObject = modkernel32.NewProc("AssignProcessToJobObject") procCancelIo = modkernel32.NewProc("CancelIo") procCancelIoEx = modkernel32.NewProc("CancelIoEx") @@ -253,6 +254,7 @@ var ( procGetFileAttributesW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileAttributesW") procGetFileInformationByHandle = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileInformationByHandle") procGetFileInformationByHandleEx = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileInformationByHandleEx") + procGetFileTime = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileTime") procGetFileType = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileType") procGetFinalPathNameByHandleW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFinalPathNameByHandleW") procGetFullPathNameW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFullPathNameW") @@ -329,6 +331,7 @@ var ( procReadProcessMemory = modkernel32.NewProc("ReadProcessMemory") procReleaseMutex = modkernel32.NewProc("ReleaseMutex") procRemoveDirectoryW = modkernel32.NewProc("RemoveDirectoryW") + procRemoveDllDirectory = modkernel32.NewProc("RemoveDllDirectory") procResetEvent = modkernel32.NewProc("ResetEvent") procResizePseudoConsole = modkernel32.NewProc("ResizePseudoConsole") procResumeThread = modkernel32.NewProc("ResumeThread") @@ -1604,6 +1607,15 @@ func GetIfEntry(pIfRow *MibIfRow) (errcode error) { return } +func AddDllDirectory(path *uint16) (cookie uintptr, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procAddDllDirectory.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), 0, 0) + cookie = uintptr(r0) + if cookie == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func AssignProcessToJobObject(job Handle, process Handle) (err error) { r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procAssignProcessToJobObject.Addr(), 2, uintptr(job), uintptr(process), 0) if r1 == 0 { @@ -2185,6 +2197,14 @@ func GetFileInformationByHandleEx(handle Handle, class uint32, outBuffer *byte, return } +func GetFileTime(handle Handle, ctime *Filetime, atime *Filetime, wtime *Filetime) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetFileTime.Addr(), 4, uintptr(handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ctime)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(atime)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wtime)), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func GetFileType(filehandle Handle) (n uint32, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetFileType.Addr(), 1, uintptr(filehandle), 0, 0) n = uint32(r0) @@ -2870,6 +2890,14 @@ func RemoveDirectory(path *uint16) (err error) { return } +func RemoveDllDirectory(cookie uintptr) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procRemoveDllDirectory.Addr(), 1, uintptr(cookie), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func ResetEvent(event Handle) (err error) { r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procResetEvent.Addr(), 1, uintptr(event), 0, 0) if r1 == 0 { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule10.0.0.go index 8a7392c4a..784bb8808 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule10.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule10.0.0.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build go1.10 -// +build go1.10 package bidirule diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule9.0.0.go index bb0a92001..8e1e94395 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule9.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule/bidirule9.0.0.go @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build !go1.10 -// +build !go1.10 package bidirule diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go index 42fa8d72c..d2bd71181 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.10 && !go1.13 -// +build go1.10,!go1.13 package bidi diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables11.0.0.go index 56a0e1ea2..f76bdca27 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables11.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables11.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.13 && !go1.14 -// +build go1.13,!go1.14 package bidi diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables12.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables12.0.0.go index baacf32b4..3aa2c3bdf 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables12.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables12.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.14 && !go1.16 -// +build go1.14,!go1.16 package bidi diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables13.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables13.0.0.go index ffadb7beb..a71375790 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables13.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables13.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.16 && !go1.21 -// +build go1.16,!go1.21 package bidi diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables15.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables15.0.0.go index 92cce5802..f15746f7d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables15.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables15.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.21 -// +build go1.21 package bidi diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables9.0.0.go index f517fdb20..c164d3791 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables9.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables9.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build !go1.10 -// +build !go1.10 package bidi diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables10.0.0.go index f5a078827..1af161c75 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables10.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables10.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.10 && !go1.13 -// +build go1.10,!go1.13 package norm diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables11.0.0.go index cb7239c43..eb73ecc37 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables11.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables11.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.13 && !go1.14 -// +build go1.13,!go1.14 package norm diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables12.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables12.0.0.go index 11b273300..276cb8d8c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables12.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables12.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.14 && !go1.16 -// +build go1.14,!go1.16 package norm diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables13.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables13.0.0.go index f65785e8a..0cceffd73 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables13.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables13.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.16 && !go1.21 -// +build go1.16,!go1.21 package norm diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables15.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables15.0.0.go index e1858b879..b0819e42d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables15.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables15.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.21 -// +build go1.21 package norm diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables9.0.0.go index 0175eae50..bf65457d9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables9.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables9.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build !go1.10 -// +build !go1.10 package norm diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go index cd9d91caf..07c1cb17a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.10 && !go1.13 -// +build go1.10,!go1.13 package width diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go index 327eaef9b..89288b3da 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.13 && !go1.14 -// +build go1.13,!go1.14 package width diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables12.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables12.0.0.go index 5c14ade6d..755ee9122 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables12.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables12.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.14 && !go1.16 -// +build go1.14,!go1.16 package width diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables13.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables13.0.0.go index b1fcb522c..40c169edf 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables13.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables13.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.16 && !go1.21 -// +build go1.16,!go1.21 package width diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables15.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables15.0.0.go index 4b91e3384..2b8528967 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables15.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables15.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build go1.21 -// +build go1.21 package width diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables9.0.0.go index 6781f3d96..d981330a9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables9.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables9.0.0.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. //go:build !go1.10 -// +build !go1.10 package width diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 85f06c080..77e839569 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ github.com/go-kit/log/level # github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt v0.5.1 ## explicit; go 1.17 github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt -# github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.3 +# github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.4 ## explicit; go 1.16 github.com/go-logr/logr github.com/go-logr/logr/funcr @@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ github.com/shurcooL/httpfs/union # github.com/stretchr/objx v0.5.0 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/stretchr/objx -# github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.2 -## explicit; go 1.13 +# github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 +## explicit; go 1.20 github.com/stretchr/testify/assert github.com/stretchr/testify/mock github.com/stretchr/testify/require @@ -355,11 +355,12 @@ go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsonrw go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsontype go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/bsonx/bsoncore -# go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.36.4 -## explicit; go 1.18 +# go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.44.0 +## explicit; go 1.19 go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp -# go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.11.1 -## explicit; go 1.18 +go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp/internal/semconvutil +# go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.18.0 +## explicit; go 1.20 go.opentelemetry.io/otel go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute go.opentelemetry.io/otel/baggage @@ -369,21 +370,13 @@ go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/attribute go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/baggage go.opentelemetry.io/otel/internal/global go.opentelemetry.io/otel/propagation -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/internal -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.12.0 -# go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v0.33.0 -## explicit; go 1.18 +go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.17.0 +# go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.18.0 +## explicit; go 1.20 go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/global -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncfloat64 -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/asyncint64 -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncfloat64 -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/instrument/syncint64 -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/internal/global -go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/unit -# go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.11.1 -## explicit; go 1.18 +go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric/embedded +# go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.18.0 +## explicit; go 1.20 go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace # go.uber.org/atomic v1.10.0 ## explicit; go 1.18 @@ -403,8 +396,8 @@ go.uber.org/zap/internal/bufferpool go.uber.org/zap/internal/color go.uber.org/zap/internal/exit go.uber.org/zap/zapcore -# golang.org/x/crypto v0.14.0 -## explicit; go 1.17 +# golang.org/x/crypto v0.17.0 +## explicit; go 1.18 golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt golang.org/x/crypto/blowfish # golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20221031165847-c99f073a8326 @@ -430,12 +423,12 @@ golang.org/x/oauth2/internal # golang.org/x/sync v0.1.0 ## explicit golang.org/x/sync/errgroup -# golang.org/x/sys v0.13.0 -## explicit; go 1.17 +# golang.org/x/sys v0.15.0 +## explicit; go 1.18 golang.org/x/sys/unix golang.org/x/sys/windows -# golang.org/x/text v0.13.0 -## explicit; go 1.17 +# golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 +## explicit; go 1.18 golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule golang.org/x/text/transform golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi