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ReactiveAPI Carthage compatible

Reactive API library allows you to write clean, concise and declarative network code, with the power of RxSwift and URLSession!

Deployment Target

iOS 10.3

Setup in projects

Carthage is the dependency manager used. Add the following to your Cartfile:

github "sky-uk/ReactiveAPI" ~> version

where version is one of the released versions (e.g. 1.0.0). Check releases

Unauthenticated API Demo

To see ReactiveAPI in action we created a complete client.

Clone this repository, open ReactiveAPIDemo directory from your terminal and run:

carthage bootstrap --platform ios

After that completes, simply open ReactiveAPIDemo project from Xcode and hit Run.


Token Authenticated API Demo

Most of today REST APIs have a token authentication mechanism. We created a dedicated demo app, with a standalone node.js server to demostrate all the power of ReactiveAPI authentication handling. Check it here.

What your network code will look like with ReactiveAPI

We highly suggest to create a Network group with two child groups: APIs and Models.

Example taken from ReactiveAPIDemo:

 |--> APIs
   |--> StarWarsAPI.swift
 |--> Models
   |--> Film.swift
   |--> PagedResponse.swift
   |--> Person.swift
   |--> Root.swift
   |--> Planet.swift
   |--> Specie.swift
   |--> Vehicle.swift
   |--> Starship.swift

Every API will look like StarWarsAPI.swift (except the method parameters, which are specific to every API)

class StarWarsAPI: JSONReactiveAPI {

    func getRoot() -> Single<Root> {
        return request(url: absoluteURL(""))

    func getPeople(url: URL) -> Single<PagedResponse<Person>> {
        return request(url: url)

    func getFilms(url: URL) -> Single<PagedResponse<Film>> {
        return request(url: url)

    func getPlanets(url: URL) -> Single<PagedResponse<Planet>> {
        return request(url: url)

    func getSpecies(url: URL) -> Single<PagedResponse<Specie>> {
        return request(url: url)

    func getVehicles(url: URL) -> Single<PagedResponse<Vehicle>> {
        return request(url: url)

    func getStarships(url: URL) -> Single<PagedResponse<Starship>> {
        return request(url: url)

All the models, which represents the response payloads are Codable and Hashable structs, like Film.swift:

struct Film: Codable, Hashable {
    let title: String
    let episode_id: Int
    let opening_crawl: String
    let director: String
    let producer: String
    let release_date: String
    let species: [URL]
    let starships: [URL]
    let vehicles: [URL]
    let characters: [URL]
    let planets: [URL]
    let url: URL

This is how we suggest you to initialize an API you implemented using ReactiveAPI:

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    private static let baseURL = URL(string: "")!

    var window: UIWindow?
    var client: StarWarsAPI!

    func setupReactiveAPI() {
        let appVersion = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as! String

        let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.default
        sessionConfig.httpAdditionalHeaders = ["User-Agent": "ReactiveAPIDemo/\(appVersion)"]

        client = StarWarsAPI(session: URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig).rx,
                             decoder: JSONDecoder(),
                             baseUrl: AppDelegate.baseURL)

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {


        //your other initialization code. Simply inject client where you need it

A call to an API (with an example data transformation) looks like this:

    .map { root in
        return [
            ViewModelData(title: "Films", subtitle: "All the films in the saga", url: root.films),
            ViewModelData(title: "People", subtitle: "Meet the characters", url: root.people),
            ViewModelData(title: "Planets", subtitle: "Discover new worlds", url: root.planets),
            ViewModelData(title: "Species", subtitle: "Extend your imagination", url: root.species),
            ViewModelData(title: "Vehicles", subtitle: "Take a ride", url: root.vehicles),
            ViewModelData(title: "Starships", subtitle: "Reach distant places fast", url: root.starships)
    .asDriver(onErrorRecover: { error in
        print("Something bad happened: \(error)")
        return Driver.empty()
    .drive(onNext: { data in
        // populate UI with the data
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

This is just a basic proof of concept of what you get. Of course, the library is capable of much more than this.