title | author | date | output | ||||
DSP anal |
Wills |
paste0("July, 2018 - updated:" , 29 October, 2018) |
General Anlysis of DSP master data
Data import and prep
this stuff can probably be standardized Create standardized properties when multiple methods are used, such as bulk density -change rank of methods to alter the way multiple methods are analyzed -for this example core bulk density was favored because it was done on nearly all samples
DSP %>%
gather(key = "Property", value = "Value", -c(Name:Moist), Comp_layer) %>%
dsp_labels %>% mutate(Property = Anal) %>% select(Property, Simple_explanation, Label)
) %>%
filter(!is.na(Value)) %>%
select(Property) %>%
filter(grepl("^BD", Property)) %>%
group_by(Property) %>%
## Joining, by = "Property"
## Warning: package 'bindrcpp' was built under R version 3.4.4
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## # Groups: Property [10]
## Property n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 BD_clod_13 437
## 2 BD_clod_od 437
## 3 BD_compcav 376
## 4 BD_core_fld 1520
## 5 BD_fieldcore 101
## 6 BD_recon_moist 679
## 7 BD_recon_od 679
## 8 BD_recon13 679
## 9 BD_whole_moist 906
## 10 BD_wholesoil 80
#Order of bulk density selection - change order if desired
bd_1 <- "BD_core_fld"
bd_2 <- "BD_fieldcore"
bd_3 <- "BD_clod_13"
bd_4 <- "BD_compcav"
bd_5 <- "BD_recon13"
bd_6 <- "BD_recon_moist"
bd_7 <- "BD_whole_moist"
#Currently the columns are ID'd directly - eventually these should be changeable
# # #check that BD assignments are correct
# # str(c(dsp[, bd_1], dsp[, bd_2],dsp[, bd_3],dsp[, bd_4],dsp[, bd_5],dsp[, bd_6], dsp[, bd_7]))
# #
# dspB <- dsp %>%
# select_(bd_1, bd_2, bd_3, bd_4, bd_5, bd_6, bd_7)
# #create new data element that combines all bulk density methods
# dspB <- dspB %>%
# # mutate_(BulkDensity = if_else(!is.na( print(bd_1, quote=FALSE)),
# # print(bd_1, quote=FALSE),
# # if_else(!is.na(print(bd_2, quote=FALSE)),
# # print(bd_2, quote=FALSE),
# # if_else(!is.na(print(bd_3, quote=FALSE)),
# # print(bd_3, quote=FALSE),
# # if_else(!is.na( print(bd_4, quote=FALSE)),
# # print(bd_4, quote=FALSE),
# # if_else(is.na(print(bd_5, quote=FALSE)),
# # print(bd_5, quote=FALSE),
# # if_else(!is.na(print(bd_6, quote=FALSE)),
# # print(bd_6, quote=FALSE),
# # print(bd_7, quote=FALSE))
# # )))))
# # )
# mutate(bd_source = if_else(!is.na(BD_core_fld), 'BD_core_fld',
# if_else(!is.na(BD_fieldcore), 'BD_fieldcore',
# if_else(!is.na(BD_clod_13), 'BD_clod_13',
# if_else(!is.na(BD_compcav), 'BD_compcav',
# if_else(is.na(BD_recon13), 'BD_recon13',
# if_else(!is.na(BD_recon_moist),'BD_recon_moist',
# 'BD_whole_moist')
# )))))) %>%
# mutate_(BulkDensity = if_else(!is.na(dsp$BD_core_fld), dsp$BD_core_fld,
# if_else(!is.na(dsp$BD_fieldcore), dsp$BD_fieldcore,
# if_else(!is.na(dsp$BD_clod_13), dsp$BD_clod_13,
# if_else(!is.na(dsp$BD_compcav), dsp$BD_compcav,
# if_else(is.na(dsp$BD_recon13), dsp$BD_recon13, if_else(!is.na(dsp$BD_recon_moist),dsp$BD_recon_moist,
# dsp$BD_whole_moist)
# ))))))
# %>%
# mutate_(BulkDensity = if_else(!is.na(bd_1), bd_1,
# if_else(!is.na(bd_2), bd_2,
# if_else(!is.na(bd_3), bd_3,
# if_else(!is.na(bd_4), bd_4,
# if_else(is.na(bd_5),bd_5,
# if_else(!is.na(bd_6), bd_6,
# bd_7) )))))
# )
dsp <- data.frame(DSP)
dsp$BulkDensity <- ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_1]), dsp[,bd_1],
ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_2]), dsp[,bd_2],
ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_3]), dsp[,bd_3],
ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_4]), dsp[,bd_4],
ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_5]), dsp[,bd_5],
ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_6]), dsp[,bd_6],
dsp$bd_source <- ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_1]), bd_1,
ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_2]), bd_2,
ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_3]), bd_3,
ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_4]), bd_4,
ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_5]), bd_5,
ifelse(!is.na(dsp[,bd_6]), bd_6,
## BD_clod_13 BD_compcav BD_core_fld BD_fieldcore BD_recon13
## 274 324 1520 101 72
## BD_whole_moist
## 949
## num [1:3240] 1.27 1.46 1.36 1.44 1.46 ...
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
## 0.0232 1.0059 1.2960 1.1387 1.4564 8.1020 931
#change na's to zero for Calcium carbonate
dsp$CaCarb[is.na(dsp$CaCarb)]<- 0
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -1.2589 0.0000 0.0000 1.3208 0.1462 83.1183
dsp$SOC <- dsp$Tot_C - 0.12*dsp$CaCarb
##List of available DSP project names ####Select the project you want this needs to be interactive
## CA_prune GA_Tifton ID_Threebear KS_Keith MI_org
## 55 331 354 50 364
## MN_CLO_catena MO_Tonti NE_DSP_McD NE_Geary NE_Kennebeck
## 133 154 130 46 220
## NE_MNAcatena NE_Richfield OK_Kirkland SD_multi SD_SQ-Old
## 86 34 227 472 86
## TN_sh TX_Amarillo TX_BigBend UT_Begay
## 34 293 28 143
#Alter this statement to select the project of interest "alter project code inside quotations"
dsp <- dsp %>%
filter(Name == PROJECT)
####Fields used for comparison and data analysis
- typically test for mgmt or condition effect (typically MGMT)
- account for sampling scheme (plots)
#column used to compare conditions within each project
#label for comparison made - usually management system or state phase or condition
x_label <- "Management System"
#stratify data by spatial collection distribution (use unique plot id)
#Plot numbers - plot numbers, are not unique across COND; but are shorter labels
PLOT_NO <- "Plot"
###Comparable Layers It is helpful to group horizons into similar layers for analysis. Look at the dsp_data file, you may want relabel the comp_layer for your project. Adjust the REGEX rules to seperate other horizons, parent materials etc.
would like to be able to make this interactive somehow - look at all possible options and assign a ghl/comparable layer - this may be the toughest part
# Based on generalized horizon labels
## 2BCk 2Bk1 2Bk2 2Bk3 2Bkg 2Bkyg 2C 2Cg A A/Bw A1 A2
## 2 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 3 3
## A3 AB Abk ABk ABk1 ABky Ak Akb Akp Akp1 Akp2 Akyb
## 1 9 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 3 4 1
## Ap Ap1 Ap2 Ap3 Apk1 Apk2 Apy Bg1 Bg2 Bk1 Bkg Bkyg
## 21 13 11 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 3
## Bkyg1 Bkyg2 Cg Oi
## 1 1 1 2
#Assign desired comparable layers (group horizons for comparisons and statistical analysis) #most horizons are covered by this list, but not all
cl <- c("O horizons",
"L horizons",
"A horizons",
"E horizons",
"Bk horizons",
"Bt horizons",
"Other B horizons",
"C horizons",
'Cr and R horizons')
# use REGEX rules to find matching horizons to assign to comparable layers
#adjust as needed
# the $ sign signifies that any character is acceptable in that position
cl_hor <- c('O|$O$|O$|$O' ,
'L|$L$|L$|$L' ,
'A|$A$|A$|$A' ,
'E|$E$|E$|$E' ,
'Bk|$Bk$|Bk$|$Bk' ,
'Bt|$Bt$|Bt$|$Bt' ,
'B|$B$|B$|$B' ,
'C|$C$|C$|$C' ,
'Cr|$Cr$|Cr$|$Cr|R|$R$|R$|$R' ,
dsp$Comp_layer <- generalize.hz(dsp$hor_desg, cl, cl_hor)
# For current project view all possible entries of horizon designations
#written for MN_CLO_catena uncomment to use
#Assign desired comparable layers (group horizons for comparisons and statistical analysis) #most horizons are covered by this list, but not all
## 2BCk 2Bk1 2Bk2 2Bk3 2Bkg 2Bkyg 2C 2Cg A A/Bw A1 A2
## 2 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 3 3
## A3 AB Abk ABk ABk1 ABky Ak Akb Akp Akp1 Akp2 Akyb
## 1 9 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 3 4 1
## Ap Ap1 Ap2 Ap3 Apk1 Apk2 Apy Bg1 Bg2 Bk1 Bkg Bkyg
## 21 13 11 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 3
## Bkyg1 Bkyg2 Cg Oi
## 1 1 1 2
# cl <- c("O horizons",
# "Ap horizons",
# "A horizons",
# "E horizons",
# "Bg horizons",
# "Bk horizons",
# "Other B horizons",
# "C horizons",
# 'Cr and R horizons')
# # use REGEX rules to find matching horizons to assign to comparable layers
# #adjust as needed
# # the $ sign signifies that any character is acceptable in that position
# cl_hor <- c('O|$O$|O$|$O' ,
# 'Ap|$Ap$|Ap$|$Ap' ,
# 'A|$A$|A$|$A' ,
# 'E|$E$|E$|$E' ,
# 'Bg|$Bg$|Bg$|$Bg|B$g|B$g$' ,
# 'Bt|$Bt$|Bt$|$Bt' ,
# 'B|$B$|B$|$B' ,
# 'C|$C$|C$|$C' ,
# 'Cr|$Cr$|Cr$|$Cr|R|$R$|R$|$R' ,
# '$Cr$|$R$')
# dsp$Comp_layer <- generalize.hz(dsp$hor_desg, cl, cl_hor)
# cross-tabulate original horizon designations and comparable layer
#kable(addmargins(table(dsp$genhz, dsp$hor_desg)))
k <- dsp %>%
select(Soil, hor_desg,Comp_layer) %>%
group_by(Soil, hor_desg, Comp_layer) %>%
k %>%
filter (Comp_layer == "not-used")
## # A tibble: 0 x 4
## # Groups: Soil, hor_desg [0]
## # ... with 4 variables: Soil <chr>, hor_desg <chr>, Comp_layer <fct>,
## # n <int>
tab <- table(dsp$Comp_layer, dsp$hor_desg)
## 2BCk 2Bk1 2Bk2 2Bk3 2Bkg 2Bkyg 2C 2Cg A A/Bw A1
## O horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## L horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## A horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 3
## E horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Bk horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Bt horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Other B horizons 0 6 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 0
## C horizons 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
## Cr and R horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## not-used 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Sum 2 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 3
## A2 A3 AB Abk ABk ABk1 ABky Ak Akb Akp Akp1 Akp2
## O horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## L horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## A horizons 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 9 1 1 3 4
## E horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Bk horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Bt horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Other B horizons 0 0 9 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
## C horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Cr and R horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## not-used 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Sum 3 1 9 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 3 4
## Akyb Ap Ap1 Ap2 Ap3 Apk1 Apk2 Apy Bg1 Bg2 Bk1 Bkg
## O horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## L horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## A horizons 1 21 13 11 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
## E horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Bk horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Bt horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Other B horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 2
## C horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Cr and R horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## not-used 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Sum 1 21 13 11 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2
## Bkyg Bkyg1 Bkyg2 Cg Oi Sum
## O horizons 0 0 0 0 2 2
## L horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0
## A horizons 0 0 0 0 0 84
## E horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Bk horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Bt horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Other B horizons 3 1 1 0 0 42
## C horizons 0 0 0 1 0 5
## Cr and R horizons 0 0 0 0 0 0
## not-used 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Sum 3 1 1 1 2 133
m <- genhzTableToAdjMat(tab)
# plot using a function from the sharpshootR package
plotSoilRelationGraph(m, graph.mode = 'directed', edge.arrow.size=0.5)
This will change the graphs and tests you see immediately. Output for all tests will be exported to the designated output location.
#properties of interest (use anal code from dsp labels, between " ")
#select primary analysis field using dsp_labels
## [1] "Name" "DSP_Project" "KSSL_Project"
## [4] "Date" "Collectors" "UserPedonID"
## [7] "labsampno" "Layer_sequ" "layerID"
## [10] "dsp_limslayer_ID" "Region.strata" "Soil"
## [13] "Comparison" "COND" "Plot"
## [16] "Pedon" "PlotID" "Crop"
## [19] "AgronFeat" "Pedon_ID" "Hor_sequ"
## [22] "Hor_ID" "Comp_layer" "hor_desg"
## [25] "hor_top" "hor_bot" "hor_thick"
## [28] "Moist" "AggStab" "Bgluc"
## [31] "Pom_C" "Pom_N" "Pom_S"
## [34] "POX_C" "CaCarb" "Ca_amextr"
## [37] "CEC_ph7" "Mg_amextr" "K_amextr"
## [40] "Na_extr" "BD_core_fld" "FM_core"
## [43] "BD_recon13" "BD_recon_od" "BD_recon_moist"
## [46] "Mehlich_P" "Bray1_P" "Olsen_P"
## [49] "NZ_P" "Water_P" "MjElm_P"
## [52] "Tot_C" "Tot_N" "Est_OC"
## [55] "Est_tot" "Tot_S" "ph_h20"
## [58] "ph_Cacl2" "EC_test" "Clay"
## [61] "Sand" "Silt" "CF_labvol"
## [64] "Sum_bases" "BS_NH4OAc" "BS_sumBase"
## [67] "CEC_sumcation" "Eff_CEC" "Surf_Stab"
## [70] "sub2.5_Stab" "sand_coarse" "sand_fine"
## [73] "sand_medium" "sand_vfine" "sand_vcoarse"
## [76] "silt_fine" "BD_whole_moist" "BD_compcav"
## [79] "FM_compcav" "BD_fieldcore" "FM_fieldcore"
## [82] "BD_clod_13" "BD_clod_od" "extr_acid"
## [85] "wd_clay" "wd_claycarb" "wd_sandco"
## [88] "wd_fs" "wd_ms" "wd_vcos"
## [91] "wd_vfs" "wd_fsi" "water_bulk"
## [94] "Total_C" "Total_N" "BD_wholesoil"
## [97] "BulkDensity" "bd_source" "SOC"
## [1] "Anal" "LIMS_Table" "Simple"
## [4] "Simple_explanation" "Label"
#change from wide to long format
#and join labels to each property
dsp <- dsp %>%
gather(key = "Property", value = "Value", -c(Name:Moist, bd_source)) %>%
left_join(dsp_labels %>% mutate(Property = Anal) %>% select(Property, Simple_explanation, Label)
## Joining, by = "Property"
#alter column attributes
dsp$Value <- as.numeric(dsp$Value)
dsp$Property <- as.factor(dsp$Property)
dsp$bd_source <- ifelse(grepl("^BD", dsp$Property),dsp$bd_source,"")
##SUMMARY PLOTS properties should be selectable via dropdown menu maybe grouping elements are also selectable
#check labels
dsp %>% filter(is.na(Label) & !is.na(Value)) %>% select(Property) %>% group_by(Property) %>% count()
## # A tibble: 0 x 2
## # Groups: Property [0]
## # ... with 2 variables: Property <fct>, n <int>
n <- dsp %>% filter(!is.na(Value)) %>% select(Property) %>% group_by(Property) %>% count()
### create summary plots
#Select properties that you want to be evaluated
prop <- c('AggStab', 'SOC', 'BulkDensity', 'Bgluc')
#Depth plot
d <- dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Value, y = hor_top, color=COND)) + geom_point()+ scale_y_reverse() +
geom_step(aes(group = UserPedonID, color = COND)) +
facet_grid(Label~Soil, scales = "free", label_value(labels,multi_line = TRUE))
## Warning: Removed 98 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
## Warning: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (geom_path).
#not working
# dsp_depth <- dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop) %>%
# split(.$Property) %>%
# map2(seq_along(.),
# ggplot(data = ., aes(x = Value, y = hor_top, color=COND)) +
# geom_point() + scale_y_reverse() +
# facet_wrap(~Soil)
# )
dd <- dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop) %>%
group_by(Property) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Value, y = hor_top, color=COND)) + geom_point()+ scale_y_reverse() +
dd <- ggplot(data=dsp, aes(x = Value, y = hor_top, color=COND)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~Soil)
## Warning: Removed 3417 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
#this isn't going to the MD file
plots2<- dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop)%>% group_by(Property) %>%
do(plots = dd %+% .) %>%
rowwise() %>%
do(x=.$plots + ggtitle(.$Label))
## Source: local data frame [4 x 1]
## Groups: <by row>
## # A tibble: 4 x 1
## x
## * <list>
## 1 <S3: gg>
## 2 <S3: gg>
## 3 <S3: gg>
## 4 <S3: gg>
#map2(paste0(plots$Property, ".pdf"), plots$plot, ggsave)
#loop through properties
#for (Prop in unique(dsp$Property)) {
# dsp_depth <- %>%
# ggplot(aes(x = Prop, y = hor_top, color=COND) + geom_step() + geom_smooth(alpha= 0.5) + scale_y_continuous(reverse = T) +
#need to work our how to loop through properties
dsp_box <- dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop) %>%
group_by(Pedon, Comp_layer ) %>%
ggplot(aes( y = Value, x = Comp_layer, color = COND)) + geom_boxplot() + facet_wrap(~Soil + Property) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
## Warning: Removed 98 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
#how can I make depth plots with ggplot
# http://www.brodrigues.co/blog/2017-03-29-make-ggplot2-purrr/
# l1 <- iris %>%
# split(.$Species) %>%
# map2( seq_along(.), ~
# ggplot(data=., aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Sepal.Width))+
# geom_point()+
# labs(x=paste(round(new[.y],2),'% explained variance', sep=''))
#trying to figure out how to do this without aqp
ped <- dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop) %>%
group_by(Pedon_ID, PlotID, Region.strata, Property, Comparison, COND, Soil, AgronFeat) %>%
rename(MapUnit= Region.strata, Season = AgronFeat,Field = Comparison) %>%
wt.avg = weighted.mean(Value, hor_thick, na.rm = TRUE)
#add quantiles
plot <- ped %>% filter(Property %in% prop) %>%
group_by(PlotID, MapUnit, Property, Field, COND, Soil, Season) %>%
Plot.min = min(wt.avg, na.rm = TRUE),
Plot.mean = mean(wt.avg, na.rm = TRUE),
Plot.max = max(wt.avg, na.rm = TRUE)
#add quantiles?
PLOT.mean <- plot %>%
select(PlotID, MapUnit, Property, Field, COND, Soil, Season, Plot.mean) %>%
spread(Property, Plot.mean) %>%
mutate(OM = SOC*1.72)
PLOT.min <- plot %>%
select (PlotID, MapUnit, Property, Field, COND, Soil, Season, Plot.min) %>%
spread(Property, Plot.min)%>%
mutate(OM = SOC*1.72)
PLOT.max <- plot %>%
select (PlotID, MapUnit, Property, Field, COND, Soil, Season, Plot.max) %>%
spread(Property, Plot.max)%>%
mutate(OM = SOC*1.72)
kable(PLOT.mean, digits = 2, caption = "Average Pedon Value for each Plot")
PlotID | MapUnit | Field | COND | Soil | Season | AggStab | Bgluc | BulkDensity | SOC | OM |
CT1 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Crooksford | NA | 21.68 | 96.11 | 1.47 | 1.62 | 2.79 |
CT2 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Leen | NA | 15.52 | 71.46 | 1.44 | 2.32 | 4.00 |
CT2 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Okoboji | NA | 26.00 | 245.00 | 0.81 | 5.52 | 9.50 |
CT3 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Okoboji | NA | 17.94 | 98.45 | 1.35 | 3.11 | 5.36 |
GR1 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Leen | NA | 39.99 | 68.25 | 1.29 | 2.38 | 4.09 |
GR1 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Okoboji | NA | 39.67 | Inf | 1.55 | Inf | Inf |
GR2 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Leen | NA | 52.69 | 70.49 | 1.25 | 3.26 | 5.61 |
GR3 | h | Restored grass | GR | Crooksford | NA | NaN | NaN | 1.14 | NaN | NaN |
GR3 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Crooksford | NA | 60.88 | 80.16 | 1.41 | 1.79 | 3.08 |
RT1 | NA | Ridge Till | RT | Leen | NA | 14.15 | 73.97 | 1.32 | 2.62 | 4.51 |
kable(PLOT.min, digits = 2, caption = "Pedon Minimum Value for each Plot")
PlotID | MapUnit | Field | COND | Soil | Season | AggStab | Bgluc | BulkDensity | SOC | OM |
CT1 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Crooksford | NA | 12.50 | 84.28 | 1.35 | 0.88 | 1.51 |
CT2 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Leen | NA | 13.15 | 45.60 | 1.35 | 0.87 | 1.49 |
CT2 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Okoboji | NA | 26.00 | 245.00 | 0.81 | 5.52 | 9.50 |
CT3 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Okoboji | NA | 17.94 | 84.03 | 1.24 | 1.73 | 2.98 |
GR1 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Leen | NA | 38.32 | 65.22 | 1.19 | 2.28 | 3.92 |
GR1 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Okoboji | NA | 23.36 | 53.81 | 1.49 | 2.64 | 4.54 |
GR2 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Leen | NA | 35.24 | 59.01 | 1.11 | 2.04 | 3.52 |
GR3 | h | Restored grass | GR | Crooksford | NA | Inf | Inf | 1.14 | Inf | Inf |
GR3 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Crooksford | NA | 35.87 | 42.77 | 1.16 | 0.97 | 1.66 |
RT1 | NA | Ridge Till | RT | Leen | NA | 6.85 | 56.27 | 1.27 | 2.12 | 3.64 |
kable(PLOT.max, digits = 2, caption = "Pedon Maximum Value for each Plot")
PlotID | MapUnit | Field | COND | Soil | Season | AggStab | Bgluc | BulkDensity | SOC | OM |
CT1 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Crooksford | NA | 28.87 | 117.85 | 1.61 | 2.45 | 4.21 |
CT2 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Leen | NA | 17.30 | 100.12 | 1.57 | 3.31 | 5.69 |
CT2 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Okoboji | NA | 26.00 | 245.00 | 0.81 | 5.52 | 9.50 |
CT3 | NA | Conventional Tillage | CT/CS | Okoboji | NA | 17.94 | 107.66 | 1.49 | 3.93 | 6.76 |
GR1 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Leen | NA | 43.24 | 70.06 | 1.35 | 2.48 | 4.26 |
GR1 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Okoboji | NA | 69.44 | Inf | 1.58 | Inf | Inf |
GR2 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Leen | NA | 77.25 | 89.53 | 1.35 | 3.93 | 6.76 |
GR3 | h | Restored grass | GR | Crooksford | NA | -Inf | -Inf | 1.14 | -Inf | -Inf |
GR3 | NA | Restored grass | GR | Crooksford | NA | 77.58 | 147.16 | 1.55 | 3.18 | 5.47 |
RT1 | NA | Ridge Till | RT | Leen | NA | 27.11 | 89.91 | 1.39 | 3.34 | 5.74 |
###Future work Not sure this is worth messing with now.
- we may want to think about summraies and graphs by depth increments
- we may want to build multi-level charts
- we may want to semi-automate tests of differences?
# ## function to create boxplots by subset
# #########################
# #########################
# # for sd initial
# # all horizons
# filename <-paste0(out.loc,"comparable", PROJECT,"_new.pdf")
# pdf(filename)
# for(i in 29:ln){
# ln <- length(names(dsp_proj))-3
# y <- names(dsp_proj)[i]
# namey <- as.character(dsp_labels[grepl(y, dsp_labels$Anal), "Label"])
# proj <- as.character(dsp_proj[1,"Anal"])
# #col_b <- c("#FEE08B", "#FDAE61","#F46D43" , "#D73027", "#A50026", "#D9EF8B", "#A6D96A", "#66BD63",
# #"#1A9850", "#006837", "#C6DBEF", "#9ECAE1", "#6BAED6", "#3182BD", "#08519C")
# #col_S <- scale_fill_manual(values = col_b)
# Qcomp <- ggplot(data=dsp_proj, aes_string(x="MGMT", y=names(dsp_proj)[i])) + ylab(namey) + xlab(" All Horizons") + ggtitle(paste0(proj, " All Horizons"))+
# geom_boxplot()
# Qcomp
# Qc<- Qcomp +geom_jitter(aes_string(x="MGMT", y=y, colour= "PedonID"), show_guide=F)
# Qf <- Qc + facet_wrap(~comp_label)
# Q <- Qf
# print(Q)
# }
# dev.off()
# ###########
# #aggregate over plots
# numcomp <- sapply(dsp_proj, is.numeric)
# datacomp<-data.frame(dsp_proj[,numcomp])
# mean_ped_comp <-aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE], plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT], Pedon_ID = dsp_proj$PedonID), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_ped_comp <-aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT], Pedon_ID = dsp_proj$PedonID), sd, na.rm=T)
# mean_ped_comp$stat <- "pedmean"
# sd_ped_comp$stat <- "pedsd"
# dsp_ped_comp <- rbind( mean_ped_comp, sd_ped_comp[-1,])
# colout <- "Hor_sequ"
# dsp_ped_compl <- join(dsp_ped_comp, comp_label, by="Comp_layer")
# up <- data.frame( UserPedonID = dsp_proj$UserPedonID, Pedon_ID= dsp_proj$PedonID)
# dsp_ped_compu <- join(dsp_ped_compl, up, by="Pedon_ID")
# write.csv(dsp_ped_compl[,!(names(dsp_ped_compl) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_comp-layer_byPED.csv"), row.names=F)
# numcompl <- sapply(dsp_ped_compu, is.numeric)
# mean_plot_comp <- aggregate(x = mean_ped_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = mean_ped_comp$comp_layer, COND = mean_ped_comp$COND, plot_id = mean_ped_comp$plot_id), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_comp <-aggregate(x = sd_ped_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = sd_ped_comp$comp_layer, COND = sd_ped_comp$COND,plot_id = sd_ped_comp$plot_id), sd, na.rm=T)
# mean_plot_comp$stat <- "plotmean"
# sd_plot_comp$stat <- "plotsd"
# dsp_plot_comp <- rbind( mean_plot_comp, sd_plot_comp[-1,])
# colout <- c("Plot", "Pedon", "Hor_sequ")
# dsp_plot_compl <- join(dsp_plot_comp, comp_label, by="Comp_layer")
# write.csv(dsp_plot_compl[,!(names(dsp_plot_compl) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_comp-layer_byPLOT.csv"), row.names=F)
# ##ped averages
# # for sd initial
# filename <-paste0(out.loc,"comp_ped_new", PROJECT,"new.pdf")
# pdf(filename)
# for(i in 12:ln){
# m <- subset(dsp_ped_compl, stat=="pedmean")
# ln <- length(names(m))-3
# y <- names(m)[i]
# namey <- as.character(dsp_labels[grepl(y, dsp_labels$Anal), "Label"])
# proj <- as.character(dsp_proj[1,"Name"])
# Qcomp <- ggplot(data=m, aes_string(x="COND", y=y)) + ylab(namey)+
# xlab(" All Horizons") + ggtitle(paste0(proj, " by Pedon"))+ geom_boxplot()
# Qcomp
# Qc<- Qcomp +geom_jitter(aes_string(x="COND", y=y, colour="Pedon_ID"), show_guide=F)
# Qf <- Qc + facet_wrap(~comp_label)
# Q <- Qf
# print(Q)
# }
# dev.off()
# #exploratory plots
# A<-"Tot_C"
# B<-"Clay"
# C<-"BD_core"
# D<-"Bgluc"
# # #density plot of mgmt systems
# filename <-paste0(out.loc,"DensityPlots_", PROJECT,"_more.pdf")
# pdf(filename)
# # #################could loop across columns
# qplot(Tot_C, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
# qplot(Clay, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
# qplot(BD_core, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
# qplot(Bgluc, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
# qplot(AggStab, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
# qplot(Pom_C, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
# # #density plot by comparable layer
# qplot(Tot_C, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# qplot(Bgluc, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# qplot(BD_core, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# qplot(AggStab, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# qplot(Pom_C, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# qplot(Clay, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# #density plot by Soil
# qplot(Tot_C, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# qplot(Clay, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# qplot(BD_core, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# qplot(Bgluc, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# qplot(AggStab, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# qplot(Pom_C, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# # #################management by soil
# qplot(Tot_C, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = comp_label ~ Soil)
# qplot(Clay, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = comp_label ~ Soil)
# qplot(BD_core, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = comp_label ~ Soil)
# qplot(Bgluc, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = comp_label ~ Soil)
# qplot(AggStab, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = .~ Soil)
# qplot(Pom_C, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ Soil)
# dev.off()
# ```
# ```{r}
# ######DATA ANAL###
# ##ANal for surface horizon
# #flag numberic data columns into seperate dataframe
# nums <- sapply(dsp_1, is.numeric)
# data1<-data.frame(dsp_1[,nums])
# #overall by plot - mean, sd, max and min
# min_plot_1 <- aggregate(x=data1, by = list(COND = dsp_1[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_1[,PLOT]), min, na.rm=T)
# max_plot_1 <- aggregate(x = data1, by = list(COND = dsp_1[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_1[,PLOT]), max, na.rm=T)
# mean_plot_1 <-aggregate(x = data1, by = list(COND = dsp_1[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_1[,PLOT]), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_1 <-aggregate(x = data1, by = list(COND = dsp_1[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_1[,PLOT]), sd, na.rm=T)
# #add label column - within plot variables
# min_plot_1$stat <- "pedmin"
# max_plot_1$stat <- "pedmax"
# mean_plot_1$stat <- "plotmean"
# sd_plot_1$stat <- "plotsd"
# dsp_plot_surf <- rbind(min_plot_1, max_plot_1[-1,], mean_plot_1[-1,], sd_plot_1[-1,])
# #get rid of columns that no longer make sense
# colout <- c("Plot", "Pedon", "pedonID", "Hor_sequ")
# #write table to a csv, that can be opened by excel, in designated output folder
# write.csv(dsp_plot_surf[,!(names(dsp_plot_surf) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_surface_byPLOT.csv"), row.names=F)
# #summary for cond (mgmt systems or state phases)
# # get numeric columns for plot data
# numstat <- sapply(dsp_plot_surf, is.numeric)
# #Get min for the lowest pedon value (min_indivped) and the lowest plot avg (min_plot_avg)
# min_cond_1 <- aggregate(x=min_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = min_plot_1$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# min_plotavg_1 <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = mean_plot_1$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# min_cond_1$stat <- "min_indivped"
# min_plotavg_1$stat<- "min_plotavg"
# max_cond_1 <- aggregate(x=max_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = max_plot_1$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# max_plotavg_1 <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = mean_plot_1$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# max_cond_1$stat <- "max_indivped"
# max_plotavg_1$stat<- "max_plotavg"
# mean_cond_1 <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = mean_plot_1$COND), mean, na.rm=T)
# mean_cond_1$stat <- "cond_mean"
# sd_plot_mean1 <- aggregate(x=sd_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = sd_plot_1$COND), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_min1 <- aggregate(x=sd_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = sd_plot_1$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_max1 <- aggregate(x=sd_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = sd_plot_1$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_mean1$stat <- "sd_plot_mean"
# sd_plot_min1$stat <- "sd_plot_min"
# sd_plot_max1$stat <- "sd_plot_max"
# sd_cond_1 <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = mean_plot_1$COND), sd, na.rm=T)
# sd_cond_1$stat <- "cond_sd"
# dsp_cond_surf <- rbind(min_cond_1, min_plotavg_1[-1,], max_cond_1[-1,], max_plotavg_1[-1,], mean_cond_1[-1,],
# sd_plot_mean1[-1,], sd_plot_min1[-1,], sd_plot_max1[-1,], sd_cond_1[-1,])
# #write table to a csv, that can be opened by excel, in designated output folder
# write.csv(dsp_cond_surf[,!(names(dsp_cond_surf) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_surface_byCOND.csv"), row.names=F)
# ```
# ```{r}
# ##ANal by Comparable Layers
# #flag numberic data columns into seperate dataframe
# numcomp <- sapply(dsp_proj, is.numeric)
# datacomp<-data.frame(dsp_proj[,numcomp])
# #overall by plot - mean, sd, max and min
# min_plot_comp <- aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT]), min, na.rm=T)
# max_plot_comp <- aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT]), max, na.rm=T)
# mean_plot_comp <-aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT]), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_comp <-aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT]), sd, na.rm=T)
# #add label column - within plot variables
# min_plot_comp$stat <- "pedmin"
# max_plot_comp$stat <- "pedmax"
# mean_plot_comp$stat <- "plotmean"
# sd_plot_comp$stat <- "plotsd"
# dsp_plot_comp <- rbind(min_plot_comp, max_plot_comp[-1,], mean_plot_comp[-1,], sd_plot_comp[-1,])
# #get rid of columns that no longer make sense
# colout <- c("Plot", "Pedon", "pedonID", "Hor_sequ")
# #put comparable layer labels back on
# dsp_plot_compl <- join(dsp_plot_comp, comp_label, by="Comp_layer")
# #write table to a csv, that can be opened by excel, in designated output folder
# write.csv(dsp_plot_compl[,!(names(dsp_plot_compl) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_comp-layer_byPLOT.csv"), row.names=F)
# #summary for cond (mgmt systems or state phases)
# # get numeric columns for plot data
# numcompl <- sapply(dsp_plot_compl, is.numeric)
# #Get min for the lowest pedon value (min_indivped) and the lowest plot avg (min_plot_avg)
# min_cond_comp <- aggregate(x=min_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = min_plot_comp$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# min_plotavg_comp <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = mean_plot_comp$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# min_cond_comp$stat <- "min_indivped"
# min_plotavg_comp$stat<- "min_plotavg"
# max_cond_comp <- aggregate(x=max_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = max_plot_comp$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# max_plotavg_comp <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = mean_plot_comp$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# max_cond_comp$stat <- "max_indivped"
# max_plotavg_comp$stat<- "max_plotavg"
# mean_cond_comp <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = mean_plot_comp$COND), mean, na.rm=T)
# mean_cond_comp$stat <- "cond_mean"
# sd_plot_meancomp <- aggregate(x=sd_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = sd_plot_comp$COND), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_mincomp <- aggregate(x=sd_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = sd_plot_comp$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_maxcomp <- aggregate(x=sd_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = sd_plot_comp$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_meancomp$stat <- "sd_plot_mean"
# sd_plot_mincomp$stat <- "sd_plot_min"
# sd_plot_maxcomp$stat <- "sd_plot_max"
# sd_cond_comp <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = mean_plot_comp$COND), sd, na.rm=T)
# sd_cond_comp$stat <- "cond_sd"
# dsp_cond_comp <- rbind(min_cond_comp, min_plotavg_comp[-1,], max_cond_comp[-1,], max_plotavg_comp[-1,], mean_cond_comp[-1,],
# sd_plot_meancomp[-1,], sd_plot_mincomp[-1,], sd_plot_maxcomp[-1,], sd_cond_comp[-1,])
# dsp_cond_compl <- join(dsp_plot_comp, comp_label, by="Comp_layer")
# colout <- c("Plot", "Pedon", "pedonID", "Hor_sequ")
# #write table to a csv, that can be opened by excel, in designated output folder
# write.csv(dsp_cond_compl[,!(names(dsp_cond_compl) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_comp-layer_byCOND.csv"), row.names=F)
# # dcc<- dsp_cond_compl[,!(names(dsp_cond_compl) %in% colout)]
# # write.csv(dcc, file= "~/DSP/DSP_example/dcc.csv")
# #### test for the effect of conditions on soil properties
# require(lme4)
# #function to test COMPARE condition - uses mixed model to fit two models one with and without COMPARE
# #then uses anova to test for difference between models
# cond_test <- function(df=dsp_1, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, LABELS=dsp_labels, start_col=29){
# require(lme4)
# C <- factor(df[,COMPARE])
# P <- factor(df[,PLOT])
# prop <- as.character(labels[grepl(names(df)[start_col], labels[,"Anal"]), "Label"]
# xx <- df[,start_col]
# fit_cond_i <- lmer(xx ~ C + (1|P) , data=df, REML= F)
# fit_r_i <- lmer(df[,start_col] ~ (1|P), data=df, REML=F)
# a_i <- anova(fit_r_i, fit_cond_i)
# p <- as.numeric(a_i[2,8])
# pl_i <- cbind(prop, p)
# pl_i
# }
# #test function
# cond_test(df=dsp_proj, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, LABELS=dsp_labels, start_col=29)
# #This creates a csv file with an F test for the statistical difference between levels of COMPARE (mgmt system or condition)
# for(i in 29:ln){
# ln <- length(names(dsp_1))-1
# pl_i <- tryCatch(cond_test(df=dsp_1, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, LABELS=dsp_labels, start_col=i), error=function(e) NULL)
# if (i ==29)
# {
# write.table(pl_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_surface_ftest.csv"), sep = ",", col.names = c("Property", "p value"), row.names=F )
# } else
# {
# write.table(pl_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_surface_ftest.csv"), sep = ",", append = T, row.names = F, col.names=F);
# }
# }
# # do by COND for each comparable layer
# # #Comparable layers
# #uncomment c3 and c4 if there are more than 2 comparable layers
# for(i in 25:ln){
# ln <- length(names(dsp_c1))-1
# #comparable layer 1 and 2
# t1 <- tryCatch(cond_test(df=dsp_c1, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=i), error=function(e) NULL)
# t2 <- tryCatch(cond_test(df=dsp_c2, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=i), error=function(e) NULL)
# pl_c1 <- if (!is.null(t1))
# {cbind(as.character(comp_1),t1)
# } else
# { cbind(as.character(comp_1),as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL") }
# pl_c2 <- if (!is.null(t2)){
# cbind(as.character(comp_2),t2)
# } else
# {cbind(as.character(comp_2), as.character(dsp_labels[i, "Label"]), "NULL")}
# d1<- data.frame(pl_c1)
# names(d1) <- c("Comparable Layer", "Property", "p-value")
# d2<- data.frame(pl_c2)
# names(d2) <- c("Comparable Layer", "Property", "p-value")
# pl_i <- rbind.fill(d1, d2)
# #
# #
# # #comparable layer 3 and 4 - you can uncomment to include
# # # if one of these is blank - it will create many extra rows in the final tabel (with blanks for comparable layer)
# # # t3 <- fs_cond_test(df=test_proj_c3, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, dsp_labels=dsp_labels, start_col=i)
# # # t4 <- fs_cond_test(df=test_proj_c4, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, dsp_labels=dsp_labels, start_col=i)
# # #
# # # pl_c3 <- if (!is.null(t3)){
# # # cbind(as.character(comp_label[1,3]),t3)
# # # } else
# # # {cbind(as.character(comp_3),as.character(dsp_labels[i, "Label"]),"NULL" ) }
# # # pl_c4 <- if (!is.null(t4)){
# # # cbind(as.character(comp_4),t4)
# # # } else
# # # {cbind(as.character(comp_4), as.character(dsp_labels[i, "Label"]), "NULL")}
# # #
# # # d3<- data.frame(pl_c3)
# # # names(d3) <- c("Comparable Layer", "Property", "p-value")
# # # d4<- data.frame(pl_c4)
# # # names(d4) <- c("Comparable Layer", "Property", "p-value")
# # #
# # #
# # # pl_i <- rbind.fill(d1, d2, d3, d4)
# #
# #
# if (i ==29)
# {
# write.table(pl_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_comp_ftest.csv"), sep = ",", col.names = c("Comparable Layer", "Property", "p value"), row.names=F)
# } else
# {
# write.table(pl_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_comp_ftest.csv"), sep = ",", append = T, row.names = F, col.names=F)
# }
# }
# #
# #
# #
# #
# # # get covariance estimates
# get_cov <- function(df=dsp_1, PL=PLOT, start_col=29, labels=dsp_labels){
# prop1<- as.character(labels[grepl(names(df)[start_col], labels[,"Anal"]), "Label"])
# P <- factor(df[,PL])
# fit_cov <- lmer(df[,start_col] ~ (1|P), data=df, REML=T)
# cov <- as.data.frame(VarCorr(fit_cov))
# COV1 <- cbind(prop1, ex$vcov[1],ex$vcov[2])
# COV1
# }
# #test_covariance output
# covs <- get_cov()
# covs_i <- by(data=dsp_1, factor(dsp_1[,COMPARE]), get_cov, start_col=39)
# v1 <- data.frame(cbind(names(covs_i)[[1]],covs_i[[1]]))
# v2 <- cbind(names(covs_i)[[2]],covs_i[[2]])
# tab_i <- rbind(v1,v2)
# #
# #
# covs_by <- function(sc=30){
# cb <- by(data=test_1, factor(test_1$COMPARE), get_cov, start_col=sc)
# # trying to make more general
# # cb<- by(data=d, factor(print(ind)), get_cov, df=d, start_col=sc)
# cb
# }
# # try_cb <- tryCatch(covs_by(sc=31), error = fuction(e) e, NULL)
# #
# # fw_covs <- failwith(NULL, covs_by)
# #
# # if(inherits(try_cb, "error"){
# # message("Caught error:", try_cb$message)
# # ## error reading..
# # } else{
# # covs_i
# # }
# #
# #
# # start_col <- 31
# # prop<- as.character(labels[start_col, "Label"])
# # prop
# for(i in 25:ln){
# ln <- length(names(test_1))-3
# t <- aggregate(test_1[,i]~test_1$COMPARE, data=test_1, mean)
# if ((t[1,2]==0) & (t[2,2]==0)){
# v1 <- cbind(paste(t[1,1]),as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL")
# v2 <- cbind(paste(t[2,1]),as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL")
# } else
# if(t[1,2]==0){
# v1 <- cbind(paste(t[1,1]),as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL")
# covs_i <- get_cov(start_col=i)
# v2 <- cbind(paste(t[2,1]),covs_i)
# } else
# if(t[2,2]==0){
# covs_i <- get_cov(start_col=i)
# v1 <- cbind(paste(t[1,1]), covs_i)
# v2 <- cbind(paste(t[2,1]),as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL")
# } else {
# covs_i <- covs_by(sc=i)
# v1 <- cbind(names(covs_i)[[1]],covs_i[[1]])
# v2 <- cbind(names(covs_i)[[2]],covs_i[[2]])
# }
# tab_i <- rbind(v1,v2)
# ## handling for more than two conditions needs to be added
# if (i==29)
# {
# write.table(tab_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_surface_covariance.csv"), sep = ",", col.names = c(COMPARE, "Property", "Plot var", "Residual var"), row.names=F )
# } else
# {
# write.table(tab_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_surface_covariance.csv"), sep = ",", append = T, row.names = F, col.names=F)
# }
# }
# # #############old stuff
# #
# # v1 <-
# # if (!is.null(covs_i[[1]]))
# # {cbind(names(covs_i)[[1]],covs_i[[1]])
# # } else
# # {cbind(names(covs_i)[[1]],as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL") }
# #
# # v2 <-
# # if (!is.null(covs_i[[2]]))
# # {cbind(names(covs_i)[[2]],covs_i[[2]])
# # } else
# # { cbind(names(covs_i)[[2]],as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL") }
# ###test - use this cntrl-shift-C to uncomment following lines
# #change s if something other than comparable layer is used for subsetting
# #
# # dsp_comp_box<- function(df=dsp_proj, start_col=25, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label",xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels){
# #
# # require(RColorBrewer)
# # require(ggplot2)
# #
# # ln <- length(names(df))
# # dfy <- df[,start_col]
# # dfx <- factor(df[,compare])
# #
# # y2 <- names(df)[start_col]
# # x2 <- COMPARE
# #
# # c<-factor(df[,p])
# # nc<-nlevels(c)
# # num <- max(df[,PLOT_NO])
# #
# # proj <- as.character(df[1,"Name"])
# # # namey <- as.character(labels[start_col, "Label"])
# # namey <- as.character(labels[grepl(names(df)[start_col], labels[,"Anal"]), "Label"])
# #
# # # #ggplot should work with strings, but that does not seem to be working, so these are leftover dummie variables
# # # dfxx <- paste(compare)
# #
# # # cc <- paste(p)
# # # ncc <- nlevels(paste0("df$",p))
# #
# #
# # all_col <- brewer.pal(11, "RdYlGn")
# # col1 <- all_col[1:num]
# # col2 <- all_col[(11-num):11]
# # extra_col <- brewer.pal((num+1), "Blues")
# #
# # col3 <- extra_col[num:(num+1)]
# #
# # cols <- c(col1,col2,col3)
# #
# # myColors <- brewer.pal(nc,"Spectral")
# # names(myColors) <- levels(c)
# # colScale <- scale_colour_manual(name =p,values = myColors)
# #
# # col_b <- c("#FEE08B", "#FDAE61","#F46D43" , "#D73027", "#A50026", "#D9EF8B", "#A6D96A", "#66BD63",
# # "#1A9850", "#006837", "#C6DBEF", "#9ECAE1", "#6BAED6", "#3182BD", "#08519C")
# # col_S <- scale_fill_manual(values = col_b)
# #
# # Qbox <- ggplot(data=df, aes_string(x=x2, y=y2)) + ylab(namey) + xlab(x_label) + ggtitle(proj)+
# # geom_boxplot(outlier.size=0, alpha=0.95) +
# # geom_boxplot(aes_string(fill = p), alpha= 0.5, outlier.size =0)
# #
# # Qc<- Qbox + geom_jitter(aes_string(x=x2, y=y2, colour= p), show_guide=F) + scale_colour_manual(values = col_b)
# # Qf <- Qc + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste0("~", s)))
# # Qcf <- Qf + col_S
# #
# # print(Qcf)
# #
# #
# # }
# # #test
# # #dsp_comp_box<- function(df=dsp_proj, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s=label, xlab=x_label, lookup=dsp_labels, start_column=25){
# #
# # dsp_comp_box(df=dsp_proj, start_col=30, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels)
# #
# # #loop function over relevent columns for each subset
# # #### Comparable Layer
# # #### or all layers
# # filename <-paste0(out.loc,"avg_", PROJECT,".pdf")
# # pdf(filename)
# # for(i in 25:ln){
# # ln <- length(names(dsp_proj))-3
# # dsp_comp_box(df=dsp_proj, start_col=i, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels)
# # }
# # dev.off()
# #
# # file <-paste0(out.loc,"avg_interest_", PROJECT,".pdf")
# # pdf(file)
# # propA_surf_box<- dsp_comp_box(dsp_proj, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=fmatch(A,names(dsp_proj)))
# # propB_surf_box<- dsp_comp_box(dsp_proj, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=fmatch(B,names(dsp_proj)))
# # propC_surf_box<- dsp_comp_box(dsp_proj, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=fmatch(C,names(dsp_proj)))
# # propD_surf_box<- dsp_comp_box(dsp_proj, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=fmatch(D,names(dsp_proj)))
# # dev.off()
# #