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1752 lines (1612 loc) · 65.9 KB
title author date output
DSP anal
paste0("July, 2018 - updated:" , 29 October, 2018)

General Anlysis of DSP master data

Data import and prep


this stuff can probably be standardized Create standardized properties when multiple methods are used, such as bulk density -change rank of methods to alter the way multiple methods are analyzed -for this example core bulk density was favored because it was done on nearly all samples

DSP %>%
  gather(key = "Property", value = "Value", -c(Name:Moist), Comp_layer) %>%
              dsp_labels %>% mutate(Property = Anal) %>% select(Property, Simple_explanation, Label) 
            ) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  select(Property) %>%
  filter(grepl("^BD", Property)) %>%
  group_by(Property) %>%
## Joining, by = "Property"
## Warning: package 'bindrcpp' was built under R version 3.4.4
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## # Groups:   Property [10]
##    Property           n
##    <chr>          <int>
##  1 BD_clod_13       437
##  2 BD_clod_od       437
##  3 BD_compcav       376
##  4 BD_core_fld     1520
##  5 BD_fieldcore     101
##  6 BD_recon_moist   679
##  7 BD_recon_od      679
##  8 BD_recon13       679
##  9 BD_whole_moist   906
## 10 BD_wholesoil      80
#Order of bulk density selection - change order if desired
bd_1 <- "BD_core_fld"
bd_2 <- "BD_fieldcore"
bd_3 <- "BD_clod_13"
bd_4 <- "BD_compcav"
bd_5 <- "BD_recon13"
bd_6 <- "BD_recon_moist"
bd_7 <- "BD_whole_moist"

####Data Prep

#Currently the columns are ID'd directly - eventually these should be changeable

# # #check that BD assignments are correct
# # str(c(dsp[, bd_1], dsp[, bd_2],dsp[, bd_3],dsp[, bd_4],dsp[, bd_5],dsp[, bd_6], dsp[, bd_7]))
# # 
#   dspB <- dsp %>%
#     select_(bd_1,  bd_2, bd_3, bd_4, bd_5, bd_6, bd_7)
#  #create new data element that combines all bulk density methods
#   dspB <- dspB %>%
#          # mutate_(BulkDensity = if_else(! print(bd_1, quote=FALSE)), 
#          #                               print(bd_1, quote=FALSE),
#          #                       if_else(!, quote=FALSE)),  
#          #                               print(bd_2, quote=FALSE),
#          #                           if_else(!, quote=FALSE)),  
#          #                                   print(bd_3, quote=FALSE),
#          #                           if_else(! print(bd_4, quote=FALSE)),  
#          #                                   print(bd_4, quote=FALSE),
#          #                              if_else(, quote=FALSE)), 
#          #                                      print(bd_5, quote=FALSE),
#          #                                if_else(!, quote=FALSE)),
#          #                                        print(bd_6, quote=FALSE),
#          #                                   print(bd_7, quote=FALSE))
#          #                            )))))
#          # )
#        mutate(bd_source = if_else(!, 'BD_core_fld',
#                               if_else(!, 'BD_fieldcore',
#                                  if_else(!,  'BD_clod_13',
#                                        if_else(!,  'BD_compcav',
#                                                if_else(, 'BD_recon13',
#                                                  if_else(!,'BD_recon_moist',
#                                                                 'BD_whole_moist')
#                                   ))))))       %>%
#       mutate_(BulkDensity = if_else(!$BD_core_fld), dsp$BD_core_fld,
#                                if_else(!$BD_fieldcore), dsp$BD_fieldcore,
#                                   if_else(!$BD_clod_13),  dsp$BD_clod_13,
#                                         if_else(!$BD_compcav),  dsp$BD_compcav,
#                                                 if_else($BD_recon13), dsp$BD_recon13,                                                  if_else(!$BD_recon_moist),dsp$BD_recon_moist,
#                                                                  dsp$BD_whole_moist)
#                                    ))))))
#    %>%
#    mutate_(BulkDensity = if_else(!, bd_1,
#                               if_else(!, bd_2,
#                                      if_else(!, bd_3,
#                                            if_else(!, bd_4,
#                                                    if_else(,bd_5,
#                                                        if_else(!, bd_6,
#                                                                 bd_7)                                   )))))
#    )

dsp <- data.frame(DSP)
dsp$BulkDensity <- ifelse(![,bd_1]), dsp[,bd_1],
                          ifelse(![,bd_2]), dsp[,bd_2],
                                 ifelse(![,bd_3]), dsp[,bd_3],
                                        ifelse(![,bd_4]), dsp[,bd_4], 
                                               ifelse(![,bd_5]), dsp[,bd_5],
                                                      ifelse(![,bd_6]), dsp[,bd_6],

dsp$bd_source <-  ifelse(![,bd_1]), bd_1, 
    ifelse(![,bd_2]), bd_2,
      ifelse(![,bd_3]), bd_3,
          ifelse(![,bd_4]), bd_4,
             ifelse(![,bd_5]), bd_5,
               ifelse(![,bd_6]), bd_6,

##     BD_clod_13     BD_compcav    BD_core_fld   BD_fieldcore     BD_recon13 
##            274            324           1520            101             72 
## BD_whole_moist 
##            949
##  num [1:3240] 1.27 1.46 1.36 1.44 1.46 ...
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##  0.0232  1.0059  1.2960  1.1387  1.4564  8.1020     931
#change na's to zero for Calcium carbonate
dsp$CaCarb[$CaCarb)]<- 0

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## -1.2589  0.0000  0.0000  1.3208  0.1462 83.1183
dsp$SOC <- dsp$Tot_C - 0.12*dsp$CaCarb


##List of available DSP project names ####Select the project you want this needs to be interactive

##      CA_prune     GA_Tifton  ID_Threebear      KS_Keith        MI_org 
##            55           331           354            50           364 
## MN_CLO_catena      MO_Tonti    NE_DSP_McD      NE_Geary  NE_Kennebeck 
##           133           154           130            46           220 
##  NE_MNAcatena  NE_Richfield   OK_Kirkland      SD_multi     SD_SQ-Old 
##            86            34           227           472            86 
##         TN_sh   TX_Amarillo    TX_BigBend      UT_Begay 
##            34           293            28           143
#Alter this statement to select the project of interest "alter project code inside quotations"


dsp <- dsp %>%
  filter(Name == PROJECT)

####Fields used for comparison and data analysis

  • typically test for mgmt or condition effect (typically MGMT)
  • account for sampling scheme (plots)
#column used to compare conditions within each project

#label for comparison made - usually management system or state phase or condition
x_label <- "Management System"

#stratify data by spatial collection distribution (use unique plot id)

#Plot numbers - plot numbers, are not unique across COND; but are shorter labels
PLOT_NO <- "Plot"

###Comparable Layers It is helpful to group horizons into similar layers for analysis. Look at the dsp_data file, you may want relabel the comp_layer for your project. Adjust the REGEX rules to seperate other horizons, parent materials etc.

would like to be able to make this interactive somehow - look at all possible options and assign a ghl/comparable layer - this may be the toughest part

# Based on generalized horizon labels
##  2BCk  2Bk1  2Bk2  2Bk3  2Bkg 2Bkyg    2C   2Cg     A  A/Bw    A1    A2 
##     2     6     4     1     1     1     1     1     8     3     3     3 
##    A3    AB   Abk   ABk  ABk1  ABky    Ak   Akb   Akp  Akp1  Akp2  Akyb 
##     1     9     1     1     1     1     9     1     1     3     4     1 
##    Ap   Ap1   Ap2   Ap3  Apk1  Apk2   Apy   Bg1   Bg2   Bk1   Bkg  Bkyg 
##    21    13    11     1     1     1     1     2     2     3     2     3 
## Bkyg1 Bkyg2    Cg    Oi 
##     1     1     1     2
#Assign desired comparable layers (group horizons for comparisons and statistical analysis) #most horizons are covered by this list, but not all
cl <- c("O horizons",
        "L horizons",
        "A horizons", 
       "E horizons",
       "Bk horizons",
       "Bt horizons",
       "Other B horizons",
       "C horizons",
       'Cr and R horizons')

# use REGEX rules to find matching horizons to assign to comparable layers
#adjust as needed
# the $ sign signifies that any character is acceptable in that position
cl_hor <- c('O|$O$|O$|$O' ,
            'L|$L$|L$|$L' ,
            'A|$A$|A$|$A' ,
            'E|$E$|E$|$E' ,
            'Bk|$Bk$|Bk$|$Bk' ,
            'Bt|$Bt$|Bt$|$Bt' ,
            'B|$B$|B$|$B' ,
            'C|$C$|C$|$C' ,
            'Cr|$Cr$|Cr$|$Cr|R|$R$|R$|$R' ,

dsp$Comp_layer <- generalize.hz(dsp$hor_desg, cl, cl_hor)

# For current project view all possible entries of horizon designations
#written for MN_CLO_catena uncomment to use
#Assign desired comparable layers (group horizons for comparisons and statistical analysis) #most horizons are covered by this list, but not all

##  2BCk  2Bk1  2Bk2  2Bk3  2Bkg 2Bkyg    2C   2Cg     A  A/Bw    A1    A2 
##     2     6     4     1     1     1     1     1     8     3     3     3 
##    A3    AB   Abk   ABk  ABk1  ABky    Ak   Akb   Akp  Akp1  Akp2  Akyb 
##     1     9     1     1     1     1     9     1     1     3     4     1 
##    Ap   Ap1   Ap2   Ap3  Apk1  Apk2   Apy   Bg1   Bg2   Bk1   Bkg  Bkyg 
##    21    13    11     1     1     1     1     2     2     3     2     3 
## Bkyg1 Bkyg2    Cg    Oi 
##     1     1     1     2
# cl <- c("O horizons",
#         "Ap horizons",
#         "A horizons", 
#        "E horizons",
#        "Bg horizons",
#        "Bk horizons",
#        "Other B horizons",
#        "C horizons",
#        'Cr and R horizons')
# # use REGEX rules to find matching horizons to assign to comparable layers
# #adjust as needed
# # the $ sign signifies that any character is acceptable in that position
# cl_hor <- c('O|$O$|O$|$O' ,
#             'Ap|$Ap$|Ap$|$Ap' ,
#             'A|$A$|A$|$A' ,
#             'E|$E$|E$|$E' ,
#             'Bg|$Bg$|Bg$|$Bg|B$g|B$g$' ,
#             'Bt|$Bt$|Bt$|$Bt' ,
#             'B|$B$|B$|$B' ,
#             'C|$C$|C$|$C' ,
#             'Cr|$Cr$|Cr$|$Cr|R|$R$|R$|$R' ,
#        '$Cr$|$R$')
# dsp$Comp_layer <- generalize.hz(dsp$hor_desg, cl, cl_hor)
# cross-tabulate original horizon designations and comparable layer
#kable(addmargins(table(dsp$genhz, dsp$hor_desg)))

k <- dsp %>%
  select(Soil, hor_desg,Comp_layer) %>%
  group_by(Soil, hor_desg, Comp_layer) %>%

k %>%
  filter (Comp_layer == "not-used")
## # A tibble: 0 x 4
## # Groups:   Soil, hor_desg [0]
## # ... with 4 variables: Soil <chr>, hor_desg <chr>, Comp_layer <fct>,
## #   n <int>
tab <- table(dsp$Comp_layer, dsp$hor_desg)
##                     2BCk 2Bk1 2Bk2 2Bk3 2Bkg 2Bkyg  2C 2Cg   A A/Bw  A1
##   O horizons           0    0    0    0    0     0   0   0   0    0   0
##   L horizons           0    0    0    0    0     0   0   0   0    0   0
##   A horizons           0    0    0    0    0     0   0   0   8    0   3
##   E horizons           0    0    0    0    0     0   0   0   0    0   0
##   Bk horizons          0    0    0    0    0     0   0   0   0    0   0
##   Bt horizons          0    0    0    0    0     0   0   0   0    0   0
##   Other B horizons     0    6    4    1    1     1   0   0   0    3   0
##   C horizons           2    0    0    0    0     0   1   1   0    0   0
##   Cr and R horizons    0    0    0    0    0     0   0   0   0    0   0
##   not-used             0    0    0    0    0     0   0   0   0    0   0
##   Sum                  2    6    4    1    1     1   1   1   8    3   3
##                      A2  A3  AB Abk ABk ABk1 ABky  Ak Akb Akp Akp1 Akp2
##   O horizons          0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0    0    0
##   L horizons          0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0    0    0
##   A horizons          3   1   0   1   0    0    0   9   1   1    3    4
##   E horizons          0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0    0    0
##   Bk horizons         0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0    0    0
##   Bt horizons         0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0    0    0
##   Other B horizons    0   0   9   0   1    1    1   0   0   0    0    0
##   C horizons          0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0    0    0
##   Cr and R horizons   0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0    0    0
##   not-used            0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0    0    0
##   Sum                 3   1   9   1   1    1    1   9   1   1    3    4
##                     Akyb  Ap Ap1 Ap2 Ap3 Apk1 Apk2 Apy Bg1 Bg2 Bk1 Bkg
##   O horizons           0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0   0   0
##   L horizons           0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0   0   0
##   A horizons           1  21  13  11   1    1    1   1   0   0   0   0
##   E horizons           0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0   0   0
##   Bk horizons          0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0   0   0
##   Bt horizons          0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0   0   0
##   Other B horizons     0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   2   2   3   2
##   C horizons           0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0   0   0
##   Cr and R horizons    0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0   0   0
##   not-used             0   0   0   0   0    0    0   0   0   0   0   0
##   Sum                  1  21  13  11   1    1    1   1   2   2   3   2
##                     Bkyg Bkyg1 Bkyg2  Cg  Oi Sum
##   O horizons           0     0     0   0   2   2
##   L horizons           0     0     0   0   0   0
##   A horizons           0     0     0   0   0  84
##   E horizons           0     0     0   0   0   0
##   Bk horizons          0     0     0   0   0   0
##   Bt horizons          0     0     0   0   0   0
##   Other B horizons     3     1     1   0   0  42
##   C horizons           0     0     0   1   0   5
##   Cr and R horizons    0     0     0   0   0   0
##   not-used             0     0     0   0   0   0
##   Sum                  3     1     1   1   2 133
m <- genhzTableToAdjMat(tab)
# plot using a function from the sharpshootR package
plotSoilRelationGraph(m, graph.mode = 'directed', edge.arrow.size=0.5)

####Properties of Interest

This will change the graphs and tests you see immediately. Output for all tests will be exported to the designated output location.

#properties of interest (use anal code from dsp labels, between " ")

#select primary analysis field using dsp_labels

##  [1] "Name"             "DSP_Project"      "KSSL_Project"    
##  [4] "Date"             "Collectors"       "UserPedonID"     
##  [7] "labsampno"        "Layer_sequ"       "layerID"         
## [10] "dsp_limslayer_ID" "Region.strata"    "Soil"            
## [13] "Comparison"       "COND"             "Plot"            
## [16] "Pedon"            "PlotID"           "Crop"            
## [19] "AgronFeat"        "Pedon_ID"         "Hor_sequ"        
## [22] "Hor_ID"           "Comp_layer"       "hor_desg"        
## [25] "hor_top"          "hor_bot"          "hor_thick"       
## [28] "Moist"            "AggStab"          "Bgluc"           
## [31] "Pom_C"            "Pom_N"            "Pom_S"           
## [34] "POX_C"            "CaCarb"           "Ca_amextr"       
## [37] "CEC_ph7"          "Mg_amextr"        "K_amextr"        
## [40] "Na_extr"          "BD_core_fld"      "FM_core"         
## [43] "BD_recon13"       "BD_recon_od"      "BD_recon_moist"  
## [46] "Mehlich_P"        "Bray1_P"          "Olsen_P"         
## [49] "NZ_P"             "Water_P"          "MjElm_P"         
## [52] "Tot_C"            "Tot_N"            "Est_OC"          
## [55] "Est_tot"          "Tot_S"            "ph_h20"          
## [58] "ph_Cacl2"         "EC_test"          "Clay"            
## [61] "Sand"             "Silt"             "CF_labvol"       
## [64] "Sum_bases"        "BS_NH4OAc"        "BS_sumBase"      
## [67] "CEC_sumcation"    "Eff_CEC"          "Surf_Stab"       
## [70] "sub2.5_Stab"      "sand_coarse"      "sand_fine"       
## [73] "sand_medium"      "sand_vfine"       "sand_vcoarse"    
## [76] "silt_fine"        "BD_whole_moist"   "BD_compcav"      
## [79] "FM_compcav"       "BD_fieldcore"     "FM_fieldcore"    
## [82] "BD_clod_13"       "BD_clod_od"       "extr_acid"       
## [85] "wd_clay"          "wd_claycarb"      "wd_sandco"       
## [88] "wd_fs"            "wd_ms"            "wd_vcos"         
## [91] "wd_vfs"           "wd_fsi"           "water_bulk"      
## [94] "Total_C"          "Total_N"          "BD_wholesoil"    
## [97] "BulkDensity"      "bd_source"        "SOC"
## [1] "Anal"               "LIMS_Table"         "Simple"            
## [4] "Simple_explanation" "Label"
#change from wide to long format
#and join labels to each property
dsp <- dsp %>%
  gather(key = "Property", value = "Value", -c(Name:Moist, bd_source)) %>%
  left_join(dsp_labels %>% mutate(Property = Anal) %>% select(Property, Simple_explanation, Label)
## Joining, by = "Property"
#alter column attributes
dsp$Value <- as.numeric(dsp$Value)
dsp$Property <- as.factor(dsp$Property)

dsp$bd_source <- ifelse(grepl("^BD", dsp$Property),dsp$bd_source,"")

##SUMMARY PLOTS properties should be selectable via dropdown menu maybe grouping elements are also selectable

#check labels
dsp %>% filter( & ! %>% select(Property) %>% group_by(Property) %>% count()
## # A tibble: 0 x 2
## # Groups:   Property [0]
## # ... with 2 variables: Property <fct>, n <int>
 n <- dsp %>% filter(! %>% select(Property) %>% group_by(Property) %>% count()

### create summary plots
#Select properties that you want to be evaluated

prop <- c('AggStab', 'SOC', 'BulkDensity', 'Bgluc')

#Depth plot
d <- dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop)  %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Value, y = hor_top, color=COND)) +   geom_point()+ scale_y_reverse() +
                geom_step(aes(group = UserPedonID, color = COND)) +
                 facet_grid(Label~Soil, scales = "free", label_value(labels,multi_line = TRUE))

## Warning: Removed 98 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
## Warning: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (geom_path).

#not working
# dsp_depth <- dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop)  %>%
#   split(.$Property) %>%
#     map2(seq_along(.),
#         ggplot(data = ., aes(x = Value, y = hor_top, color=COND)) +  
#                  geom_point() + scale_y_reverse() +
#                  facet_wrap(~Soil)
#     )    

dd <- dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop)  %>%
  group_by(Property) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Value, y = hor_top, color=COND)) + geom_point()+ scale_y_reverse() +


dd <- ggplot(data=dsp, aes(x = Value, y = hor_top, color=COND)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~Soil)
## Warning: Removed 3417 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

#this isn't going to the MD file
plots2<-  dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop)%>% group_by(Property) %>%
  do(plots = dd %+% .) %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  do(x=.$plots + ggtitle(.$Label))
## Source: local data frame [4 x 1]
## Groups: <by row>
## # A tibble: 4 x 1
##   x       
## * <list>  
## 1 <S3: gg>
## 2 <S3: gg>
## 3 <S3: gg>
## 4 <S3: gg>
#map2(paste0(plots$Property, ".pdf"), plots$plot, ggsave)

#loop through properties
#for (Prop in unique(dsp$Property)) {
# dsp_depth <- %>%
#   ggplot(aes(x = Prop, y = hor_top, color=COND) + geom_step() + geom_smooth(alpha= 0.5) + scale_y_continuous(reverse = T) +

#need to work our how to loop through properties

dsp_box <- dsp %>% filter(Property %in% prop) %>%
  group_by(Pedon, Comp_layer ) %>%
  ggplot(aes( y = Value, x = Comp_layer, color = COND)) + geom_boxplot() + facet_wrap(~Soil + Property) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
## Warning: Removed 98 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).

#how can I make depth plots with ggplot 

# l1 <- iris %>% 
#         split(.$Species) %>% 
#         map2( seq_along(.), ~ 
#              ggplot(data=., aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Sepal.Width))+
#                 geom_point()+
#                 labs(x=paste(round(new[.y],2),'% explained variance', sep=''))

#trying to figure out how to do this without aqp
ped <- dsp %>%  filter(Property %in% prop) %>%
    group_by(Pedon_ID, PlotID, Region.strata,  Property, Comparison, COND, Soil, AgronFeat) %>%
    rename(MapUnit= Region.strata, Season = AgronFeat,Field = Comparison) %>%
      wt.avg = weighted.mean(Value, hor_thick, na.rm = TRUE)
    #add quantiles 

plot <- ped %>%  filter(Property %in% prop) %>%
    group_by(PlotID, MapUnit,  Property, Field, COND, Soil, Season) %>%
      Plot.min = min(wt.avg, na.rm = TRUE),
      Plot.mean = mean(wt.avg, na.rm = TRUE),
      Plot.max = max(wt.avg, na.rm = TRUE)
    #add quantiles? 
PLOT.mean <- plot %>%
  select(PlotID, MapUnit,  Property, Field, COND, Soil, Season, Plot.mean) %>%
  spread(Property, Plot.mean) %>%
  mutate(OM = SOC*1.72)

PLOT.min <- plot %>%
  select (PlotID, MapUnit,  Property, Field, COND, Soil, Season, Plot.min) %>%
  spread(Property, Plot.min)%>%
  mutate(OM = SOC*1.72)

PLOT.max <- plot %>%
  select (PlotID, MapUnit,  Property, Field,  COND, Soil, Season, Plot.max) %>%
  spread(Property, Plot.max)%>%
  mutate(OM = SOC*1.72)

kable(PLOT.mean, digits = 2, caption = "Average Pedon Value for each Plot")
Average Pedon Value for each Plot
PlotID MapUnit Field COND Soil Season AggStab Bgluc BulkDensity SOC OM
CT1 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Crooksford NA 21.68 96.11 1.47 1.62 2.79
CT2 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Leen NA 15.52 71.46 1.44 2.32 4.00
CT2 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Okoboji NA 26.00 245.00 0.81 5.52 9.50
CT3 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Okoboji NA 17.94 98.45 1.35 3.11 5.36
GR1 NA Restored grass GR Leen NA 39.99 68.25 1.29 2.38 4.09
GR1 NA Restored grass GR Okoboji NA 39.67 Inf 1.55 Inf Inf
GR2 NA Restored grass GR Leen NA 52.69 70.49 1.25 3.26 5.61
GR3 h Restored grass GR Crooksford NA NaN NaN 1.14 NaN NaN
GR3 NA Restored grass GR Crooksford NA 60.88 80.16 1.41 1.79 3.08
RT1 NA Ridge Till RT Leen NA 14.15 73.97 1.32 2.62 4.51
kable(PLOT.min, digits = 2, caption = "Pedon Minimum Value for each Plot")
Pedon Minimum Value for each Plot
PlotID MapUnit Field COND Soil Season AggStab Bgluc BulkDensity SOC OM
CT1 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Crooksford NA 12.50 84.28 1.35 0.88 1.51
CT2 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Leen NA 13.15 45.60 1.35 0.87 1.49
CT2 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Okoboji NA 26.00 245.00 0.81 5.52 9.50
CT3 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Okoboji NA 17.94 84.03 1.24 1.73 2.98
GR1 NA Restored grass GR Leen NA 38.32 65.22 1.19 2.28 3.92
GR1 NA Restored grass GR Okoboji NA 23.36 53.81 1.49 2.64 4.54
GR2 NA Restored grass GR Leen NA 35.24 59.01 1.11 2.04 3.52
GR3 h Restored grass GR Crooksford NA Inf Inf 1.14 Inf Inf
GR3 NA Restored grass GR Crooksford NA 35.87 42.77 1.16 0.97 1.66
RT1 NA Ridge Till RT Leen NA 6.85 56.27 1.27 2.12 3.64
kable(PLOT.max, digits = 2, caption = "Pedon Maximum Value for each Plot")
Pedon Maximum Value for each Plot
PlotID MapUnit Field COND Soil Season AggStab Bgluc BulkDensity SOC OM
CT1 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Crooksford NA 28.87 117.85 1.61 2.45 4.21
CT2 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Leen NA 17.30 100.12 1.57 3.31 5.69
CT2 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Okoboji NA 26.00 245.00 0.81 5.52 9.50
CT3 NA Conventional Tillage CT/CS Okoboji NA 17.94 107.66 1.49 3.93 6.76
GR1 NA Restored grass GR Leen NA 43.24 70.06 1.35 2.48 4.26
GR1 NA Restored grass GR Okoboji NA 69.44 Inf 1.58 Inf Inf
GR2 NA Restored grass GR Leen NA 77.25 89.53 1.35 3.93 6.76
GR3 h Restored grass GR Crooksford NA -Inf -Inf 1.14 -Inf -Inf
GR3 NA Restored grass GR Crooksford NA 77.58 147.16 1.55 3.18 5.47
RT1 NA Ridge Till RT Leen NA 27.11 89.91 1.39 3.34 5.74

###Future work Not sure this is worth messing with now.

  • we may want to think about summraies and graphs by depth increments
  • we may want to build multi-level charts
  • we may want to semi-automate tests of differences?
# ## function to create boxplots by subset
# #########################
# #########################
# # for sd initial
# # all horizons
# filename <-paste0(out.loc,"comparable", PROJECT,"_new.pdf")
# pdf(filename)
# for(i in 29:ln){
#   ln <- length(names(dsp_proj))-3
#   y <- names(dsp_proj)[i]
#   namey <- as.character(dsp_labels[grepl(y, dsp_labels$Anal), "Label"])
#     proj <- as.character(dsp_proj[1,"Anal"])
#   #col_b <- c("#FEE08B", "#FDAE61","#F46D43" , "#D73027", "#A50026", "#D9EF8B", "#A6D96A", "#66BD63",
#              #"#1A9850", "#006837", "#C6DBEF", "#9ECAE1", "#6BAED6", "#3182BD", "#08519C")
#   #col_S <- scale_fill_manual(values = col_b)
#     Qcomp <- ggplot(data=dsp_proj, aes_string(x="MGMT", y=names(dsp_proj)[i])) + ylab(namey) + xlab(" All Horizons") + ggtitle(paste0(proj, " All Horizons"))+
#       geom_boxplot() 
# Qcomp
#     Qc<- Qcomp +geom_jitter(aes_string(x="MGMT", y=y, colour= "PedonID"), show_guide=F)
#     Qf <- Qc + facet_wrap(~comp_label)
#     Q <- Qf 
#   print(Q)
# }
# ###########
# #aggregate over plots
# numcomp <- sapply(dsp_proj, is.numeric)
# datacomp<-data.frame(dsp_proj[,numcomp])
# mean_ped_comp <-aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE], plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT], Pedon_ID = dsp_proj$PedonID), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_ped_comp <-aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT], Pedon_ID = dsp_proj$PedonID), sd, na.rm=T)
# mean_ped_comp$stat <- "pedmean"
# sd_ped_comp$stat <- "pedsd"
# dsp_ped_comp <- rbind( mean_ped_comp, sd_ped_comp[-1,])
# colout <- "Hor_sequ"
# dsp_ped_compl <- join(dsp_ped_comp, comp_label, by="Comp_layer")
# up <- data.frame( UserPedonID = dsp_proj$UserPedonID, Pedon_ID= dsp_proj$PedonID)
# dsp_ped_compu <- join(dsp_ped_compl, up, by="Pedon_ID")
# write.csv(dsp_ped_compl[,!(names(dsp_ped_compl) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_comp-layer_byPED.csv"), row.names=F)
# numcompl <- sapply(dsp_ped_compu, is.numeric)
# mean_plot_comp <- aggregate(x = mean_ped_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = mean_ped_comp$comp_layer, COND = mean_ped_comp$COND, plot_id = mean_ped_comp$plot_id), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_comp <-aggregate(x = sd_ped_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = sd_ped_comp$comp_layer, COND = sd_ped_comp$COND,plot_id = sd_ped_comp$plot_id), sd, na.rm=T)
# mean_plot_comp$stat <- "plotmean"
# sd_plot_comp$stat <- "plotsd" 
# dsp_plot_comp <- rbind( mean_plot_comp, sd_plot_comp[-1,])
# colout <- c("Plot", "Pedon", "Hor_sequ")
# dsp_plot_compl <- join(dsp_plot_comp, comp_label, by="Comp_layer")
# write.csv(dsp_plot_compl[,!(names(dsp_plot_compl) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_comp-layer_byPLOT.csv"), row.names=F)
# ##ped averages
# # for sd initial
# filename <-paste0(out.loc,"comp_ped_new", PROJECT,"new.pdf")
# pdf(filename)
# for(i in 12:ln){
#   m <- subset(dsp_ped_compl, stat=="pedmean")
#   ln <- length(names(m))-3
#     y <- names(m)[i]
#     namey <- as.character(dsp_labels[grepl(y, dsp_labels$Anal), "Label"])
#     proj <- as.character(dsp_proj[1,"Name"])
#   Qcomp <- ggplot(data=m, aes_string(x="COND", y=y)) + ylab(namey)+ 
#     xlab(" All Horizons") + ggtitle(paste0(proj, " by Pedon"))+ geom_boxplot() 
# Qcomp
#     Qc<- Qcomp +geom_jitter(aes_string(x="COND", y=y, colour="Pedon_ID"), show_guide=F) 
#     Qf <- Qc + facet_wrap(~comp_label)
#     Q <- Qf 
#   print(Q)
# }
# #exploratory plots
# A<-"Tot_C"
# B<-"Clay"
# C<-"BD_core"
# D<-"Bgluc"
# # #density plot of mgmt systems
# filename <-paste0(out.loc,"DensityPlots_", PROJECT,"_more.pdf")
# pdf(filename)
# # #################could loop across columns
#   qplot(Tot_C, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
#   qplot(Clay, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
#   qplot(BD_core, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
#   qplot(Bgluc, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
#   qplot(AggStab, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
# qplot(Pom_C, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25))
# # #density plot by comparable layer
# qplot(Tot_C, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# qplot(Bgluc, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# qplot(BD_core, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# qplot(AggStab, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# qplot(Pom_C, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# qplot(Clay, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=comp_label, alpha=I(.5))
# #density plot by Soil
# qplot(Tot_C, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# qplot(Clay, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# qplot(BD_core, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# qplot(Bgluc, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# qplot(AggStab, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# qplot(Pom_C, data=dsp_1, geom="density", fill=Soil, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ MGMT)
# # #################management by soil
# qplot(Tot_C, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = comp_label ~ Soil)
# qplot(Clay, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = comp_label ~ Soil)
# qplot(BD_core, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = comp_label ~ Soil)
# qplot(Bgluc, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = comp_label ~ Soil)
# qplot(AggStab, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = .~ Soil)
# qplot(Pom_C, data=dsp_proj, geom="density", fill=MGMT, alpha=I(.25), facets = . ~ Soil)
# ```
# ```{r}
# ######DATA ANAL###
# ##ANal for surface horizon
# #flag numberic data columns into seperate dataframe
# nums <- sapply(dsp_1, is.numeric)
# data1<-data.frame(dsp_1[,nums])
# #overall by plot -  mean, sd, max and min
# min_plot_1 <- aggregate(x=data1, by = list(COND = dsp_1[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_1[,PLOT]), min, na.rm=T)
# max_plot_1 <- aggregate(x = data1, by = list(COND = dsp_1[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_1[,PLOT]), max, na.rm=T)
# mean_plot_1 <-aggregate(x = data1, by = list(COND = dsp_1[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_1[,PLOT]), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_1 <-aggregate(x = data1, by = list(COND = dsp_1[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_1[,PLOT]), sd, na.rm=T)
# #add label column - within plot variables
# min_plot_1$stat <- "pedmin"
# max_plot_1$stat <- "pedmax"
# mean_plot_1$stat <- "plotmean"
# sd_plot_1$stat <- "plotsd"
# dsp_plot_surf <- rbind(min_plot_1, max_plot_1[-1,], mean_plot_1[-1,], sd_plot_1[-1,])
# #get rid of columns that no longer make sense
# colout <- c("Plot", "Pedon", "pedonID", "Hor_sequ")
# #write table to a csv, that can be opened by excel, in designated output folder
# write.csv(dsp_plot_surf[,!(names(dsp_plot_surf) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_surface_byPLOT.csv"), row.names=F)
# #summary for cond (mgmt systems or state phases)
# # get numeric columns for plot data
# numstat <- sapply(dsp_plot_surf, is.numeric)
# #Get min for the lowest pedon value (min_indivped) and the lowest plot avg (min_plot_avg)
# min_cond_1 <- aggregate(x=min_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = min_plot_1$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# min_plotavg_1 <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = mean_plot_1$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# min_cond_1$stat <- "min_indivped"
# min_plotavg_1$stat<- "min_plotavg"
# max_cond_1 <-  aggregate(x=max_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = max_plot_1$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# max_plotavg_1 <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = mean_plot_1$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# max_cond_1$stat <- "max_indivped"
# max_plotavg_1$stat<- "max_plotavg"
# mean_cond_1 <-  aggregate(x=mean_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = mean_plot_1$COND), mean, na.rm=T)
# mean_cond_1$stat <- "cond_mean"
# sd_plot_mean1 <-  aggregate(x=sd_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = sd_plot_1$COND), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_min1 <-  aggregate(x=sd_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = sd_plot_1$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_max1 <- aggregate(x=sd_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = sd_plot_1$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_mean1$stat <- "sd_plot_mean"
# sd_plot_min1$stat <- "sd_plot_min"
# sd_plot_max1$stat <- "sd_plot_max"
# sd_cond_1 <-  aggregate(x=mean_plot_1[,numstat], by = list(COND = mean_plot_1$COND), sd, na.rm=T)
# sd_cond_1$stat <- "cond_sd"
# dsp_cond_surf <-  rbind(min_cond_1, min_plotavg_1[-1,], max_cond_1[-1,], max_plotavg_1[-1,], mean_cond_1[-1,],
#                         sd_plot_mean1[-1,], sd_plot_min1[-1,], sd_plot_max1[-1,], sd_cond_1[-1,])
# #write table to a csv, that can be opened by excel, in designated output folder
# write.csv(dsp_cond_surf[,!(names(dsp_cond_surf) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_surface_byCOND.csv"), row.names=F)
# ```
# ```{r}
# ##ANal by Comparable Layers
# #flag numberic data columns into seperate dataframe
# numcomp <- sapply(dsp_proj, is.numeric)
# datacomp<-data.frame(dsp_proj[,numcomp])
# #overall by plot -  mean, sd, max and min
# min_plot_comp <- aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT]), min, na.rm=T)
# max_plot_comp <- aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT]), max, na.rm=T)
# mean_plot_comp <-aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT]), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_comp <-aggregate(x = datacomp, by = list(comp_layer = dsp_proj$Comp_layer, COND = dsp_proj[,COMPARE],plot_id = dsp_proj[,PLOT]), sd, na.rm=T)
# #add label column - within plot variables
# min_plot_comp$stat <- "pedmin"
# max_plot_comp$stat <- "pedmax"
# mean_plot_comp$stat <- "plotmean"
# sd_plot_comp$stat <- "plotsd"
# dsp_plot_comp <- rbind(min_plot_comp, max_plot_comp[-1,], mean_plot_comp[-1,], sd_plot_comp[-1,])
# #get rid of columns that no longer make sense
# colout <- c("Plot", "Pedon", "pedonID", "Hor_sequ")
# #put comparable layer labels back on
# dsp_plot_compl <- join(dsp_plot_comp, comp_label, by="Comp_layer")
# #write table to a csv, that can be opened by excel, in designated output folder
# write.csv(dsp_plot_compl[,!(names(dsp_plot_compl) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_comp-layer_byPLOT.csv"), row.names=F)
# #summary for cond (mgmt systems or state phases)
# # get numeric columns for plot data
# numcompl <- sapply(dsp_plot_compl, is.numeric)
# #Get min for the lowest pedon value (min_indivped) and the lowest plot avg (min_plot_avg)
# min_cond_comp <- aggregate(x=min_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = min_plot_comp$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# min_plotavg_comp <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = mean_plot_comp$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# min_cond_comp$stat <- "min_indivped"
# min_plotavg_comp$stat<- "min_plotavg"
# max_cond_comp <-  aggregate(x=max_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = max_plot_comp$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# max_plotavg_comp <- aggregate(x=mean_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = mean_plot_comp$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# max_cond_comp$stat <- "max_indivped"
# max_plotavg_comp$stat<- "max_plotavg"
# mean_cond_comp <-  aggregate(x=mean_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = mean_plot_comp$COND), mean, na.rm=T)
# mean_cond_comp$stat <- "cond_mean"
# sd_plot_meancomp <-  aggregate(x=sd_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = sd_plot_comp$COND), mean, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_mincomp <-  aggregate(x=sd_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = sd_plot_comp$COND), min, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_maxcomp <- aggregate(x=sd_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = sd_plot_comp$COND), max, na.rm=T)
# sd_plot_meancomp$stat <- "sd_plot_mean"
# sd_plot_mincomp$stat <- "sd_plot_min"
# sd_plot_maxcomp$stat <- "sd_plot_max"
# sd_cond_comp <-  aggregate(x=mean_plot_comp[,numcompl], by = list(comp_layer = min_plot_comp$comp_layer, COND = mean_plot_comp$COND), sd, na.rm=T)
# sd_cond_comp$stat <- "cond_sd"
# dsp_cond_comp <-  rbind(min_cond_comp, min_plotavg_comp[-1,], max_cond_comp[-1,], max_plotavg_comp[-1,], mean_cond_comp[-1,],
#                         sd_plot_meancomp[-1,], sd_plot_mincomp[-1,], sd_plot_maxcomp[-1,], sd_cond_comp[-1,])
# dsp_cond_compl <- join(dsp_plot_comp, comp_label, by="Comp_layer")
# colout <- c("Plot", "Pedon", "pedonID", "Hor_sequ")
# #write table to a csv, that can be opened by excel, in designated output folder
# write.csv(dsp_cond_compl[,!(names(dsp_cond_compl) %in% colout)], file = paste0(out.loc,PROJECT, "_comp-layer_byCOND.csv"), row.names=F)
# # dcc<- dsp_cond_compl[,!(names(dsp_cond_compl) %in% colout)]
# # write.csv(dcc, file= "~/DSP/DSP_example/dcc.csv")
# #### test for the effect of conditions on soil properties
# require(lme4)
# #function to test COMPARE condition - uses mixed model to fit two models one with and without COMPARE
# #then uses anova to test for difference between models
# cond_test <- function(df=dsp_1, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, LABELS=dsp_labels, start_col=29){
#   require(lme4)
#   C <- factor(df[,COMPARE])
#   P <- factor(df[,PLOT])
#   prop <- as.character(labels[grepl(names(df)[start_col], labels[,"Anal"]), "Label"]
#   xx <- df[,start_col]
#   fit_cond_i <- lmer(xx ~  C + (1|P) , data=df, REML= F)
#   fit_r_i <- lmer(df[,start_col] ~ (1|P), data=df, REML=F)
#   a_i <- anova(fit_r_i, fit_cond_i)
#   p <- as.numeric(a_i[2,8])
#   pl_i <- cbind(prop, p)
#   pl_i
# }
# #test function
# cond_test(df=dsp_proj, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, LABELS=dsp_labels, start_col=29)
# #This creates a csv file with an F test for the statistical difference between levels of COMPARE (mgmt system or condition)
# for(i in 29:ln){
#   ln <- length(names(dsp_1))-1
#   pl_i <- tryCatch(cond_test(df=dsp_1, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, LABELS=dsp_labels, start_col=i), error=function(e) NULL) 
#     if (i ==29)
#   {
#     write.table(pl_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_surface_ftest.csv"), sep = ",", col.names = c("Property", "p value"), row.names=F )
#   } else
#   {
#     write.table(pl_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_surface_ftest.csv"), sep = ",", append = T, row.names = F, col.names=F);
#   }
# }
# # do by COND for each comparable layer
# # #Comparable layers
# #uncomment c3 and c4 if there are more than 2 comparable layers
# for(i in 25:ln){
#   ln <- length(names(dsp_c1))-1
#   #comparable layer 1 and 2
#   t1 <- tryCatch(cond_test(df=dsp_c1, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=i), error=function(e) NULL) 
#   t2 <- tryCatch(cond_test(df=dsp_c2, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=i), error=function(e) NULL)
#   pl_c1 <- if (!is.null(t1))
#   {cbind(as.character(comp_1),t1)
#   } else
#   { cbind(as.character(comp_1),as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL") }
#   pl_c2 <- if (!is.null(t2)){
#     cbind(as.character(comp_2),t2)
#   } else
#   {cbind(as.character(comp_2), as.character(dsp_labels[i, "Label"]), "NULL")}
#   d1<- data.frame(pl_c1)
#   names(d1) <-  c("Comparable Layer", "Property", "p-value")
#   d2<- data.frame(pl_c2)
#   names(d2) <-  c("Comparable Layer", "Property", "p-value") 
#   pl_i <- rbind.fill(d1, d2)  
# #   
# #   
# #   #comparable layer 3 and 4 - you can uncomment to include
# #   # if one of these is blank - it will create many extra rows in the final tabel (with blanks for comparable layer)
# #   #    t3 <- fs_cond_test(df=test_proj_c3, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, dsp_labels=dsp_labels, start_col=i)
# #   #    t4 <- fs_cond_test(df=test_proj_c4, COMPARE=COMPARE, PLOT=PLOT, dsp_labels=dsp_labels, start_col=i)
# #   #   
# #   #    pl_c3 <- if (!is.null(t3)){
# #   #       cbind(as.character(comp_label[1,3]),t3)
# #   #       } else
# #   #         {cbind(as.character(comp_3),as.character(dsp_labels[i, "Label"]),"NULL" ) }
# #   #    pl_c4 <- if (!is.null(t4)){
# #   #      cbind(as.character(comp_4),t4)
# #   #    } else
# #   #         {cbind(as.character(comp_4), as.character(dsp_labels[i, "Label"]), "NULL")}
# #   #   
# #   #       d3<- data.frame(pl_c3)
# #   #       names(d3) <-  c("Comparable Layer", "Property", "p-value")
# #   #       d4<- data.frame(pl_c4)
# #   #       names(d4) <-  c("Comparable Layer", "Property", "p-value")  
# #   #   
# #   #   
# #   #    pl_i <- rbind.fill(d1, d2, d3, d4)  
# #   
# #   
#   if (i ==29)
#   {
#     write.table(pl_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_comp_ftest.csv"), sep = ",", col.names = c("Comparable Layer", "Property", "p value"), row.names=F)
#   } else
#   {
#     write.table(pl_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_comp_ftest.csv"), sep = ",", append = T, row.names = F, col.names=F)
#   }
# }
# # 
# # 
# #
# # 
# # # get covariance estimates
# get_cov <- function(df=dsp_1, PL=PLOT, start_col=29, labels=dsp_labels){
#   prop1<- as.character(labels[grepl(names(df)[start_col], labels[,"Anal"]), "Label"])
#   P <- factor(df[,PL])
#   fit_cov <- lmer(df[,start_col] ~ (1|P), data=df, REML=T)
#   cov <-
#   COV1 <- cbind(prop1, ex$vcov[1],ex$vcov[2])
#   COV1
# }
# #test_covariance output
# covs <- get_cov()
# covs_i <- by(data=dsp_1, factor(dsp_1[,COMPARE]), get_cov, start_col=39)
# v1 <- data.frame(cbind(names(covs_i)[[1]],covs_i[[1]]))
# v2 <- cbind(names(covs_i)[[2]],covs_i[[2]])
# tab_i <- rbind(v1,v2)
# #
# #
# covs_by <- function(sc=30){
#   cb <-  by(data=test_1, factor(test_1$COMPARE), get_cov, start_col=sc)
#   # trying to make more general
#   # cb<- by(data=d, factor(print(ind)), get_cov, df=d, start_col=sc)
#   cb
# }
# # try_cb <- tryCatch(covs_by(sc=31), error = fuction(e) e, NULL)
# #
# # fw_covs <- failwith(NULL, covs_by)        
# #
# # if(inherits(try_cb, "error"){
# #                    message("Caught error:", try_cb$message)           
# #                      ## error reading..
# #                    } else{
# #                      covs_i
# #                    }
# #  
# #
# # start_col <- 31
# # prop<- as.character(labels[start_col, "Label"])
# # prop
# for(i in 25:ln){
#   ln <- length(names(test_1))-3
#   t <- aggregate(test_1[,i]~test_1$COMPARE, data=test_1, mean)
#   if ((t[1,2]==0) & (t[2,2]==0)){
#     v1 <- cbind(paste(t[1,1]),as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL")
#     v2 <- cbind(paste(t[2,1]),as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL")
#   } else
#     if(t[1,2]==0){
#       v1 <- cbind(paste(t[1,1]),as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL")
#       covs_i <- get_cov(start_col=i)
#       v2 <- cbind(paste(t[2,1]),covs_i)
#     } else
#       if(t[2,2]==0){
#         covs_i <- get_cov(start_col=i)
#         v1 <- cbind(paste(t[1,1]), covs_i)
#         v2 <- cbind(paste(t[2,1]),as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL")
#       } else {
#         covs_i <- covs_by(sc=i)
#         v1 <- cbind(names(covs_i)[[1]],covs_i[[1]])
#         v2 <- cbind(names(covs_i)[[2]],covs_i[[2]])
#       }
#   tab_i <- rbind(v1,v2)
#   ## handling for more than two conditions needs to be added
#   if (i==29)
#   {
#     write.table(tab_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_surface_covariance.csv"), sep = ",", col.names = c(COMPARE, "Property", "Plot var", "Residual var"), row.names=F )
#   } else
#   {
#     write.table(tab_i, file = paste0(out.loc, PROJECT,"_surface_covariance.csv"), sep = ",", append = T, row.names = F, col.names=F)
#   }
# }
# # #############old stuff
# #  
# #    v1 <-  
# #    if (!is.null(covs_i[[1]]))
# #      {cbind(names(covs_i)[[1]],covs_i[[1]])
# #       } else
# #         {cbind(names(covs_i)[[1]],as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL") }
# #   
# #     v2 <-  
# #    if (!is.null(covs_i[[2]]))
# #      {cbind(names(covs_i)[[2]],covs_i[[2]])
# #       } else
# #         { cbind(names(covs_i)[[2]],as.character(dsp_labels[i,"Label"]),"NULL", "NULL") }
# ###test - use this cntrl-shift-C to uncomment following lines
# #change s if something other than comparable layer is used for subsetting
# # 
# # dsp_comp_box<- function(df=dsp_proj, start_col=25, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label",xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels){
# #   
# #   require(RColorBrewer)
# #   require(ggplot2)
# #   
# #   ln <- length(names(df))
# #   dfy <- df[,start_col]
# #   dfx <- factor(df[,compare])
# #   
# #   y2 <- names(df)[start_col]
# #   x2 <- COMPARE
# #   
# #   c<-factor(df[,p])
# #   nc<-nlevels(c)
# #   num <- max(df[,PLOT_NO])
# #   
# #   proj <- as.character(df[1,"Name"])
# #   # namey <- as.character(labels[start_col, "Label"])
# #   namey <- as.character(labels[grepl(names(df)[start_col], labels[,"Anal"]), "Label"])
# #   
# #   #   #ggplot should work with strings, but that does not seem to be working, so these are leftover dummie variables
# #   #   dfxx <- paste(compare)
# #   
# #   #   cc <- paste(p)
# #   #   ncc <- nlevels(paste0("df$",p))   
# #   
# #   
# #   all_col <- brewer.pal(11, "RdYlGn")
# #   col1 <- all_col[1:num]
# #   col2 <- all_col[(11-num):11] 
# #   extra_col <- brewer.pal((num+1), "Blues")
# #   
# #   col3 <- extra_col[num:(num+1)]
# #   
# #   cols <- c(col1,col2,col3)
# #   
# #   myColors <- brewer.pal(nc,"Spectral")
# #   names(myColors) <- levels(c)
# #   colScale <- scale_colour_manual(name =p,values = myColors)
# #   
# #   col_b <- c("#FEE08B", "#FDAE61","#F46D43" , "#D73027", "#A50026", "#D9EF8B", "#A6D96A", "#66BD63",
# #              "#1A9850", "#006837", "#C6DBEF", "#9ECAE1", "#6BAED6", "#3182BD", "#08519C")
# #   col_S <- scale_fill_manual(values = col_b)
# #   
# #   Qbox <- ggplot(data=df, aes_string(x=x2, y=y2)) + ylab(namey) + xlab(x_label) + ggtitle(proj)+
# #     geom_boxplot(outlier.size=0,  alpha=0.95) +
# #     geom_boxplot(aes_string(fill = p), alpha= 0.5, outlier.size =0)
# #   
# #   Qc<- Qbox +  geom_jitter(aes_string(x=x2, y=y2, colour= p), show_guide=F) + scale_colour_manual(values = col_b)
# #   Qf <- Qc + facet_wrap(as.formula(paste0("~", s)))
# #   Qcf <- Qf + col_S
# #   
# #   print(Qcf)
# #   
# #   
# # }
# # #test
# # #dsp_comp_box<- function(df=dsp_proj, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s=label, xlab=x_label, lookup=dsp_labels, start_column=25){
# # 
# # dsp_comp_box(df=dsp_proj, start_col=30, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels)
# # 
# # #loop function over relevent columns for each subset
# # #### Comparable Layer
# # #### or all layers
# # filename <-paste0(out.loc,"avg_", PROJECT,".pdf")
# # pdf(filename)
# # for(i in 25:ln){
# #   ln <- length(names(dsp_proj))-3
# #   dsp_comp_box(df=dsp_proj, start_col=i, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels)
# # }
# #
# # 
# # file <-paste0(out.loc,"avg_interest_", PROJECT,".pdf")
# # pdf(file)
# # propA_surf_box<- dsp_comp_box(dsp_proj, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=fmatch(A,names(dsp_proj)))
# # propB_surf_box<- dsp_comp_box(dsp_proj, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=fmatch(B,names(dsp_proj)))
# # propC_surf_box<- dsp_comp_box(dsp_proj, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=fmatch(C,names(dsp_proj)))
# # propD_surf_box<- dsp_comp_box(dsp_proj, compare=COMPARE, p=PLOT, n=PLOT_NO, s="comp_label", xlab=x_label, labels=dsp_labels, start_col=fmatch(D,names(dsp_proj)))
# #
# #