You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 48
- [upper-camel-case] UpperCamelCase naming
- [lower-camel-case] lowerCamelCase naming
- [constant-naming] Constant naming
- [constant-k-prefix] Flag "k-prefixed" constants
- [arrow-whitespace] Flag arrows that are not space delimited
- [colon-whitespace] Flag incorrect whitespace around colons
- [comma-whitespace] Flag commas that are not left associated
- [operator-whitespace] Flag operators that are not space delimited (only in operator declarations)
- [leading-whitespace] Flag leading whitespace in a file
- [terminating-newline] Single newline at end of source file
- [trailing-whitespace] Flag trailing whitespace
- [comment-whitespace] Comment whitespace checks
- [function-whitespace] Blank lines around functions
- Restrict number of lines per file and construct body
- Restrict number of characters per line and construct name
- [redundant-parentheses] Flag redundant parentheses
- [brace-style] One true brace style
- [forced-type-cast] Flag force casts
- [multiple-imports] One import per line
- [terminating-semicolon] Flag semicolon terminated statements
- [todo-syntax] Verify TODO syntax
Total: 26
, enum
, enum value, struct
, and protocol
names should follow UpperCamelCase naming convention : several words are joined together, and the first letter of every word is capitalized.
class SomeClass {
// class definition goes here
class SomeClass : SomeSuperClass {
// class definition goes here
Not Preferred
class invalidClassName {
// class definition goes here
class inval1dCla$$Name : SomeSuperClass {
// class definition goes here
enum SomeEnumeration {
// enumeration definition goes here
Not Preferred
enum S0me_Enumer4t!on {
// enumeration definition goes here
enum CompassPoint {
case North
case South
case East
case West
Not Preferred
enum CompassPoint {
case N0rth
case Sou-th
case EAST
case We_$t
struct SomeStructure {
// structure definition goes here
Not Preferred
struct Some-Structure {
// structure definition goes here
protocol SomeProtocol {
// protocol definition goes here
Not Preferred
protocol someprotocol {
// protocol definition goes here
and var
names should follow lowerCamelCase naming convention: first letter of the entire word is lowercase, but subsequent first letters are uppercase.
func someMethod() {
// method definition goes here
Not Preferred
func some-method() {
// method definition goes here
var someVariable = someValue
Not Preferred
var Some_Var1able = someValue
Global constants should follow either UpperCamelCase or lowerCamelCase naming conventions. Local constants should follow lowerCamelCase naming conventions.
let MaxHeight = 42
let maxHeight = 42
Not Preferred
let max_height = 42
Flag "k-prefixed" constants.
let maxHeight = 42
let MaxHeight = 42
Not Preferred
let kMaxHeight = 42
Prefer a single space before and after '->'.
func onePlusTwo() -> Int {
return 1 + 2
names.map() {
(name) -> Int in
return 1
Not Preferred
func onePlusTwo()->Int {
return 1 + 2
names.map() {
(name) -> Int in
return 1
class SomeClass: SomeSuperClass{
struct TimesTable {
let multiplier: Int
subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
return multiplier * index
Not Preferred
struct TimesTable {
let multiplier: Int
subscript(index: Int)-> Int {
return multiplier * index
struct SomeStruct : SomeParentStruct {
func something() -> (Int, Int) -> (Int) {
// do something
Not Preferred
func something() -> (Int, Int)-> (Int) {
// do something
func something() -> (Int, Int) -> (Int){
// do something
There should be no whitespace preceding the colon, exactly one whitespace after the colon for:
, andtuple
declarations -
literals and types -
However, for conditional expressions there should be a single whitespace before and after the colon.
var x: Int = 2
Not Preferred
var x : Int
var y: String
var x = [ 'key1': 1, 'key2': 2 ]
var y: [ Int: String ]
Not Preferred
var x = [ 'key1' : 1, 'key2': 3]
var y: [ Int : String ]
switch character {
case "a": doSomething(a);
default: alert();
Not Preferred
switch character {
case "a" : doSomething(a);
default: alert();
class ClassName: BaseClass {
struct StructName: BaseStruct {
protocol ProtocolName: AnotherProtocol {
extension TypeName: ProtocolName {
Not Preferred
class ClassName : BaseClass {
struct StructName: BaseStruct {
protocol ProtocolName:AnotherProtocol {
extension TypeName : ProtocolName {
var y = (key: 1, value: 2)
Not Preferred
var y = (key:1, value : 2)
func someFunction<T: SomeClass, U: SomeProtocol>(someT: T, someU: U) {
Not Preferred
func someFunction<T : SomeClass, U:SomeProtocol>(someT: T, someU: U) {
var x = condition ? a : b
Not Preferred
var x = condition ? a: b
var x = condition ? a : b
Prefer no spaces before and exactly one space after a comma (',') in the following structures:
- Generics
- Type Inheritance Clauses
func someFunction<T: SomeClass, U: SomeProtocol>(someT: T, someU: U) {
// function body goes here
func someFunction<T: SomeClass, U: SomeProtocol,
V: AnotherClass>(someT: T, someU: U) {
// function body goes here
Not Preferred
func someFunction<T: SomeClass,U: SomeProtocol>(someT: T, someU: U) {
// function body goes here
func someFunction<T: SomeClass , U: SomeProtocol>(someT: T, someU: U) {
// function body goes here
class Bicycle: Vehicle, TwoWheeler {
var hasBasket = false
Not Preferred
class Bicycle: Vehicle, TwoWheeler {
var hasBasket = false
Prefer single space around operator in operator declarations.
infix operator -+* { precedence 70 associativity right }
Not Preferred
infix operator-+* { precedence 70 associativity right }
infix operator -+* { precedence 70 associativity right }
infix operator -+*{ precedence 70 associativity right }
infix operator -+* { precedence 70 associativity right }
Verify that source files begin with a non-whitespace character.
1 import Foundation
Not Preferred
1 ¬
2 import Foundation
1 ••import Foundation
Verify that source files terminate with exactly one \n
character. This ensures that the last line of the file is valid according to the POSIX standard. Also see No Newline at End of File for more information.
Swift source files should terminate with exactly 1 \n
character, not 0 nor more than 1.
let myConstant = 42¬
Not Preferred
let myConstant = 42<EOF>
let myConstant = 42¬
Flag whitespace after the last non-whitespace character on each line until the newline.
let number = 42¬
Not Preferred
let number = 42••¬
Prefer at least one whitespace character after a comment opening symbol (//
, ///
, /*
, or /**
) and at least one whitespace character before a comment closing symbol (*/
// This is a comment
/// This is a documentation comment
/* This is a
multi-line comment */
/* This is a
multi-line comment
/** This is a
documentation multi-line
Not Preferred
//This is a comment
///This is a documentation comment
/*This is a
multi-line comment*/
/**This is a multi-line
documentation comment */
Every function and method declaration should have one blank line before and after itself. An exception to this rule are functions that are declared at the start of a file (only need one blank line after their declaration) or at the end of a file (only need one blank line before their declaration). Comments immediately before a function declaration (no blank lines between them and the function) are considered to be part of the declaration.
func function1() {
var text = 1
var text = 2
// a comment
func function2() {
// something goes here
struct SomeStruct {
func function3() {
// something goes here
func function4() {
// something else goes here
func function5() {
// something goes here
Not Preferred
func function1() {
var text = 1
var text = 2
// a comment
func function2() {
// something goes here
struct SomeStruct {
func function3() {
// something goes here
func function4() {
// something else goes here
func function5() {
// something goes here
Enforce a line limit on the lengths of class bodies.
tailor [--max-class-length <x>]
For example, limiting classes to 2 lines would trigger a violation for the following 3 line class:
1 class ThreeLineClass {
2 // This class spans from lines 1-4.
4 }
Enforce a line limit on the lengths of closure bodies.
tailor [--max-closure-length <x>]
For example, limiting closures to 2 lines would trigger a violation for the following 3 line closure:
1 reversed = names.sort({ (s1: String, s2: String) -> Bool in
2 // This closure spans from lines 1-4.
3 return s1 > s2
4 })
Enforce a line limit on the length of each file.
tailor [--max-file-length <x>]
For example, limiting files to 2 lines would trigger a violation for the following 3 line file:
1 let myHello = "Hello,"
2 let myWorld = " world!"
3 println(myHello + myWorld)
Enforce a line limit on the lengths of function bodies.
tailor [--max-function-length <x>]
For example, limiting functions to 2 lines would trigger a violation for the following 3 line function:
1 func helloWorld() {
2 // This function spans from lines 1-4.
3 println("Hello, world!")
4 }
Enforce a line limit on the lengths of struct bodies.
tailor [--max-struct-length <x>]
For example, limiting structs to 2 lines would trigger a violation for the following 3 line struct:
1 struct ThreeLineStruct {
2 // This struct spans from lines 1-4.
4 }
Enforce a character limit on the length of each line.
tailor [-l <x>|--max-line-length <x>]
For example, limiting lines to 10 characters would trigger a violation for the following 14 character line:
let hello = 42
Enforce a character limit on the maximum length of each construct name for classes, enums, enumcases, structs, protocols, elements, functions, labels, setters, typealiases, types, variables, and constants.
tailor [--max-name-length <x>]
For example, limiting names to 10 characters would trigger a violation for the following 12 character constant name:
let my12CharName = 42
Enforce a character limit on the minimum length of each construct name for classes, enums, enumcases, structs, protocols, elements, functions, labels, setters, typealiases, types, variables, and constants.
tailor [--min-name-length <x>]
For example, limiting names to at least 3 characters would trigger a violation for the following single character constant name:
let a = 42
Control flow constructs (if
, else if
, switch
, for
, while
, repeat-while
, and guard
statements), Exception handling constructs (throw
, and do/catch
statements), and Initializers (array
, dictionary
, initializer patterns
) should not be enclosed in parentheses.
- if, else if statement
if SomeCondition {
} else if SomeOtherCondition {
Not Preferred
if (SomeCondition) {
} else if (SomeOtherCondition) {
- switch statement
switch SomeData {
Not Preferred
switch (SomeData) {
- for loop
for var i = 0; i < 10; i+=1 {
Not Preferred
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i+=1) {
- while loop
while SomeCondition {
Not Preferred
while (SomeCondition) {
- repeat-while loop
repeat {
} while SomeCondition
Not Preferred
repeat {
} while (SomeCondition)
- guard clause
guard true else { }
Not Preferred
guard (true) else { }
- do/catch statement
do {
} catch SomeException {
Not Preferred
do {
} catch (SomeException) {
- throw statement
throw SomeException
Not Preferred
throw (SomeException)
- array items
var shoppingList: [String] = ["Eggs", "Milk"]
Not Preferred
var shoppingList: [String] = [("Eggs"), ("Milk")]
- dictionary items
var airports: [String: String] = ["YYZ": "Toronto Pearson", "DUB": "Dublin"]
Not Preferred
var airports: [String: String] = [("YYZ"): ("Toronto Pearson"), ("DUB"): ("Dublin")]
- initializer patterns
var x: Int = 2
var y: String = "Sleekbyte"
var x = 2
Not Preferred
var x: Int = (2)
var y: String = ("Sleekbyte")
var x = (2)
Definitions of
Control flow constructs (
,else if
) init
Getters and Setters (
) extension
should follow the One True Brace Style (1TBS): each construct has its opening brace one the same line along with the same indentation level as its header, the statements within the braces are indented, and the closing brace at the end is on the same indentation level as the header of the function at a line of its own. Braces are not omitted for a control statement with only a single statement in its scope. Every opening brace must also have one space preceding it.
class SomeClass {
class SomeClass: SomeSuperClass {
Not Preferred
class SomeClass
class SomeClass: SomeSuperClass{
struct SomeStruct {
struct SomeStruct : SomeParentStruct {
Not Preferred
struct SomeStruct
struct SomeStruct : SomeParentStruct {
func someMethod() {
func someOtherFunction () -> () {
Not Preferred
func someMethod()
func someOtherFunction () -> ()
- if, else if, and else statement
if SomeCondition {
} else if someOtherCondition {
} else {
Not Preferred
if SomeCondition
else if someOtherCondition
- switch statement
switch SomeData {
Not Preferred
switch SomeData
- for loop
for var i = 0; i < 10; i+=1 {
Not Preferred
for var i = 0; i < 10; i+=1
- while loop
while SomeCondition {
Not Preferred
while SomeCondition
- repeat-while loop
repeat {
} while SomeCondition
Not Preferred
} while SomeCondition
init(someParameter:Double, someOtherParameter:Double) {
self.someMember = someParameter
self.someOtherMember = someOtherParameter
Not Preferred
init(someParameter:Double, someOtherParameter:Double)
self.someMember = someParameter
self.someOtherMember = someOtherParameter
protocol SomeProtocol {
protocol SomeOtherProtocol : X {
Not Preferred
protocol SomeProtocol
protocol SomeOtherProtocol : X
enum SomeEnum {
case A, B, C, D
enum SomeEnum {
case A
case B
case C
case D
enum SomeEnum: Int {
case A, B, C = 5, D
Not Preferred
enum SomeEnum
case A, B, C, D
enum SomeEnum
case A
case B
case C
case D
enum SomeEnum: Int
case A, B, C = 5, D
func someFunction () -> () {
// closure
Not Preferred
func someFunction () -> ()
// closure
- set
set {
oldValue = newValue / 2
Not Preferred
oldValue = newValue / 2
- get
get {
return value * 2
Not Preferred
return value * 2
extension someExtension {
Not Preferred
extension someExtension
Avoid using the forced form of the type cast operator (as!
) because Swift is not able to determine at compile time if the type conversion will succeed. In the event of an unsuccessful conversion, a runtime error will be triggered. The conditional form of the type cast operator (as?
) is safer and should be used when possible.
if let movie = item as? Movie {
print("Movie: '\(movie.name)', dir. \(movie.director)")
Not Preferred
let movie = item as! Movie
print("Movie: '\(movie.name)', dir. \(movie.director)")
Multiple import
statements should not be defined on a single line.
import Foundation
import Cocoa
Not Preferred
import Foundation; import Cocoa
Swift does not require a semicolon after each statement in your code unless you wish to combine multiple statements on a single line. Do not write multiple statements on a single line separated with semicolons.
import Foundation
Not Preferred
import Foundation;
enum CompassPoint {
case North
case South
case East
case West
Not Preferred
enum CompassPoint {
case North;
case South;
case East;
case West;
protocol SomeProtocol {
var SomeMethod: String { get }
func SomeMethod()
func SomeMethod(f: Int)
func SomeMethod(bar: String, baz: Double)
Not Preferred
protocol SomeProtocol {
var SomeMethod: String { get };
func SomeMethod();
func SomeMethod(f: Int);
func SomeMethod(bar: String, baz: Double);
extension SomeType {
Not Preferred
extension SomeType {
struct DemoStruct {
var x: String // variables
Not Preferred
struct DemoStruct {
var x: String // variables
class SomeClass {
let b = 2 // constants
Not Preferred
class SomeClass {
let b = 2 // constants
// while loop
while true {
// for loop
for ; ; {
// repeat while
repeat {
} while true
Not Preferred
// while loop
while true {
// for loop
for ; ; {
// repeat while
repeat {
} while true;
TODO comments should be defined separately using non-nested single line comments. They should adhere to the <TODO: description>
or <TODO(developer-name): description>
syntax. Empty TODO comments will be flagged.
// TODO: <insert mandatory todo comment>
// TODO(dev-name): <insert mandatory todo comment>
Not Preferred
// TODO:
/// TODO: Documentation comments should not have TODOs
//// TODO: Nested comments should not have TODOs
// //TODO: Nested comments should not have TODOs
// TODO: Nested comments should not have TODOs // some comment
//// TODO: Nested comments should not have TODOs
Questions or need help? Get in touch via email or open an Issue!