MIT License
Credits Part 6 font: WTE
- greetz
- vylepsit google font - pixel-detail
- dir art
- dlouhe video s titulky pro loadovani
topaz boozeline success epic ghoul trance cartel zdravime pinu control hysteric the force jam trinomic rebels enduro explora death the cult sao blaze origo asphyxia vagabonds astral special hi to tommi salo
honza -main coder
dan -writer,little coder
artcore -little gfx
make diska
make diskb
Directory design has to be done as last.
-autostartprgmode 1 -autostart ${kickassembler:buildFilename} -moncommands ${kickassembler:viceSymbolsFilename}
generates long code in fm_lookups.asm. Take output and paste it to fm_lookups
on line 106-361.
- must be max 40 characters wide. Then, processed by results-text.ipynb
Will be popping up with delays, like a loading web page.
Results font edited in Select Chars from left menu. From main screen, select Export and then "Export to .64C file format". Rename to search-font.bin
. Copy to data
folder. Next, use ghex
app to change first 2 bytes of the binary. The size of the file needs to be 2048 then. Change them to $00 $20 in order to load the data to $2000.
- Open with KDEnLive
- Project > Project settings > Custom 15fps 320x200
- Effects > Saturation = 0
- Project > Render > Image Sequence > GIF
Continue with video-bond.ipynb
Continue with hires-to-font.ipynb, as last cell use the Bond one for saving c64 files.
Rename to bond-font.bin
. Copy to datab
folder. Next, use ghex
app to insert 2 bytes to the binary. The size of the file needs to be 2050 then. Change them to $00 $40 in order to load the data to $4000.
Video (26seconds) has 5 parts, 5.5 sec each. Each part has 37 frames. Next video part is loaded during title screen. 6 title screens in total.
Title font starts at $8800 and only uses first $0400 bytes (128 chars) because screen for titles starts at $8c00. Font is using big chars 2x2 charset.
The part will start with screen off, loading part 1 video.
Then loop:
- play video till end frame
- display title screen
- copy end screen to 8c00
- copy titles somewhere to $8c00-$8fe8
- split screen in IRQ to make a raster as top bar line and switch to font at $8800
- set next irq to make a raster as bottom bar line and switch to font at $8000
- load next video part
cw_rounded font, 2x2.
There will be following files visible on the disk
- the first program that will be loaded and autostartedkeyb.prg
- the main program, call it rather "START ME PLEASE PRG" Remaining data will be stored as sectors and will not be visible from BAM
See memory.ods
Will bootstrap first code
- from 0700 where there are $20 and petsci screen 0798-07e8 load_screen1.bin
- from 0800 keyb (prg)
As a starting part it will also have basic SYS command in case autostart will not work. This consists of keyb code and its texts. The load size has to be small, to execute initial part and install loader.
- 0800-0bfff keyb code with fastloader
- 9000-91fff fastloader, Fastload routine that will be copied to $9000 for reuse in other parts. Execution point is $0810 Will load font_matrix (prg)
- 1000 - 1bfff music
- ????0800 - 0dff lookups (6 pages) !!!! has to play with previous part
- 4000 - 4c8f font (12 pages)
- code (4 pages)
- 9000-91ff fastloader
Can further load during run of the part: - 0800 - 0dff lookups
transition to the next part will be with blank screen and music playing
In tools/krill194/loader/src, enter make prg INSTALL=0e00 RESIDENT=9000 ZP=90
Possible SID locations: $1000 - $1bff
Possible code locations: $1c00 - $1fff, $9200 - $9fff
Possible screen memory locations: (Bank1 3+6, Bank2 14, Bank3 2+8, Bank4 0), 5+28 usable frames $0400 fryba 1 $0800 fryba 2 $0c00 fryba 3 SID $1000-$1bff Code $1c00-$1fff Font $2000-$27ff $2800 a $2c00 b $3000 c $3400 d $3800 e $3c00 f
$4000 - $47ff font $4800, each $0400
$8000 - $87ff font $8800 2 fryba 4 $8c00 3 fryba 5 Unusefull font shadow $9000-$9fff, to be used for loader code $a000 8 $a400 9 $a800 a $ac00 b $b000 c $b400 d $b800 e $bc00 f
Whole bank4 is beeter to use for something else than frames $c000 - $c7ff decided not to use $c800 possible frame, does not make sense $cc00 possible frame, does not make sense $d000 - $dfff completely unusable $e000 ? kernal kernal cannot be disabled unless interrupts are disabled $e400 ? kernal $e800 ? kernal $ec00 ? kernal
Out of which there are following video frame blocks: $0400 - $0fff 3 frames Fryba1 $2800 - $3fff 6 frames block a1 $4800 - $7fff 14frames block b ($8800 - $8fff 2 frames Fryba2) $a000 - $bfff 8 frames block a2
While loading blocks a1+a2 and b will alternate. Sequence of playback: Fryba looping until a1+a2 loaded a1+a2 playing while b loading b loading while a1+a2 playing repeat
/* Demo loading and progress strategy:
Autostart fastloader.prg > load start $182 it will contain blocks: Load keyb.prg at $0810 - $09d0 (2 sectors), jmp $0810 Load font_matrix.prg at $0a00 - $0c00 (1 sector) Load music at 1000 Load font at 2000-27ff Load installer at 2800 - 3b63 Load Krills loader 3c00 - 3dff jmp $0a00
- reloacate Krills loader to 9000
- run Krills install routine at $37A6
- disable basic, kernal Load video code at 9200
// Compile all parts to a single file
// Memory map // PART 1 // Default-segment: // $0801-$080c Basic // $080e-$080d Basic End // $0810-$09c4 Part1_code // PART 2 // Default-segment: // $0a00-$0f7f Part2_lookups // $1000-$1fcf Part2_music // $2000-$3fff screen data // $4000-$4bff Part2_font // $4c00-$4dc7 Part2_code
#define RUNNING_COMPLETE #import "fm_const.asm"
#import "keyb.asm" #import "font_matrix.asm"