🛠 A Go SDK for building applications on top of Uniswap V3
go get github.com/slingshot-finance/uniswapv3-sdk
The following example shows how to create a pool, and get the inputAmount
package main
import (
core "github.com/daoleno/uniswap-sdk-core/entities"
var (
USDC = core.NewToken(1, common.HexToAddress("0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"), 6, "USDC", "USD Coin")
DAI = core.NewToken(1, common.HexToAddress("0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F"), 18, "DAI", "Dai Stablecoin")
OneEther = big.NewInt(1e18)
func main() {
// create demo ticks
ticks := []entities.Tick{
Index: entities.NearestUsableTick(utils.MinTick, constants.TickSpacings[constants.FeeLow]),
LiquidityNet: OneEther,
LiquidityGross: OneEther,
Index: entities.NearestUsableTick(utils.MaxTick, constants.TickSpacings[constants.FeeLow]),
LiquidityNet: new(big.Int).Mul(OneEther, constants.NegativeOne),
LiquidityGross: OneEther,
// create tick data provider
p, err := entities.NewTickListDataProvider(ticks, constants.TickSpacings[constants.FeeLow])
if err != nil {
// new pool
pool, err := entities.NewPool(USDC, DAI, constants.FeeLow, utils.EncodeSqrtRatioX96(constants.One, constants.One), OneEther, 0, p)
if err != nil {
// USDC -> DAI
outputAmount := core.FromRawAmount(DAI, big.NewInt(98))
inputAmount, _, err := pool.GetInputAmount(outputAmount, nil)
if err != nil {