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161 lines (110 loc) · 5.75 KB

File metadata and controls

161 lines (110 loc) · 5.75 KB

How to develop

We are using auto-it for releases so use conventional commits commit message convention.

Install dependencies

# install dependencies
npm install


npm run build

Environment variable AE_MANIFEST_VERSION expects value 2 or 3 and changes output manifest.json file version.


npm run release
  • have GH_TOKEN set in .env file (with repo scope)
  • version is computed from last tag and commits since last tag


npm start

and point your browser to dist folder

There are start:manifest3 and start:manifest2 scripts to run selected manifest version

Hacky pre

Nahradzujeme dsigner nasim adapterom ktory preklada volania na Autogram

Entry points

entrypoint description
inject.ts inject into running page using content script and <script>
content.ts content script
background.ts background script


There are multiple environments in which extension runs

  • page context (inject.ts)
  • extension content script (content.ts)
  • extension background script (background.ts)

Communication between page context and content script is implemented using CustomEvent. Communication between content script and background script is using messaging and storage.local .


Options are saved into


CSS is implemented using CSS modules inserted directly into page.

D.Signer / D.Bridge JS rozhranie

Communication with Autogram

We are using @octosign/client as base, but it was missing some types so we don't use theirs.

(Because it was out-of-date on npm, you have to git clone next to this repo and build it npm install && npm run build)

Browser support

Right now we are using webextension-polyfill, so extension should run in all browsers. Because we want to support Firefox we need to use manifest version 2. If situation arises we can create builds for every browser individually, but right now I don't see reason to do that.


Safari needs xcode project and associated app. We generate such app using

npm run xcode-generate-safari-web-extension

Run project, it opens app, has button to open Safari settings where you can enable the extension. After you open supported page ( extension icon shows next to url bar, if you click on Safari asks you for permission.

Otazky a odpovede

Ako funguje extension

  • Nahradzame globalny ditec objekt (javascript)
  • Weby FS/UPVS volaju metody na ditec objekte, ktore my mockujeme
  • Po zavolani metody rozsirenie zabezpeci aby autogram mal podobne spravanie ako by mal dsigner

Ako funguje dsigner/dbridge

Web (UPVS/FS) -(js call)-> dbridge -(websocket)-> dsigner

ked pouzijeme rozsirenie tak

Web (UPVS/FS) -(js call)-> fake dbridge / rozsirenie -(http)-> autogram

API dbridge_js funguje nasledovne:

  • deploy - pripravi kniznicu na platformu na ktorej je spustena (zmaze tie casti ktore na danej platforme nemozu bezat)
  • launch/initialize - spusti server
  • addXY - prida objekt (file) do serveru
  • sign - vyvola podpisovanie - podpisany dokument nie je rovno odosielany do browseru
  • getABC - vypyta si od serveru data ktore potrebuje - tu sa urcuje typ vystupu

Štruktúra codebase

  • src samotná aplikácia
    • autogram-api - klientska kniznica pre komunikaciu s Autogramom (Desktop)
    • avm-api - klientska kniznica pre komunikaciu s Autogram v Mobile (AVM)
    • dbridge_js - "hlavná časť"
      • inject-ditec.ts - samotne vkladanie objektu
      • proxy.ts - debugovacie interceptovanie/nahravanie pri pouzivani (WIP) (napr. na vyrabanie testov)
      • ditecx -
        • ditecx.ts - samotny objekt ktory nahradza window.ditec
        • filetype-strategy - rozne typy suborov maju rozne data ktore treba premapovat na format pre Autogram
        • dsig-*-adapter.ts - adaptery simulujuce spravania ditec implementacii
        • ...
    • entrypoint - vstupné skripty pre rôzne kontexty v ktorých beží extension
      • content.ts - časť spúšťajúca sa nad stránkou, vkladá inject.ts
      • inject.ts - časť spúšťaná vnútri stránky, injectuje samotnú funkcionalitu
      • popup.ts - správanie popup-u
      • ...
    • injected-ui - UI komponenty vkladané do stránky
    • img - zdrojové obrázky na distribuciu (do store-u)
    • options - funkcionalita nastaveni ktora je zdielana medzi roznymi entrypointami
    • static - staticke subory vkladane do buildu (obrazky, podstranky)
  • example-usage - sample aplikacia pouzivajuca dbrige_js (dsigner), kde sa da vyskusat funkcionalita extension-u
  • scripts - pomocné skripty
  • webpack - konfigurácie webpacku pre rôzne prostredia