A Helm chart for Kubernetes to deploy LibreTranslate API
What's Changed
- Features: add renovate, use default api key, add docs, allow existing PVC, and more by @jessebot in #7
- Update actions/checkout action by @small-hack-renovate in #9
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v40.3.6 by @small-hack-renovate in #8
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v41 by @small-hack-renovate in #10
- clean up persistence handling (use existingClaim settings instead of checking accessMode) by @jessebot in #11
(btw there was no official 0.5.0
due to a previous bug in the release workflow)
New Contributors
- @small-hack-renovate made their first contribution in #9
Full Changelog: libretranslate-0.4.4...libretranslate-0.6.0