diff --git a/.github/workflows/on-demand-keeper-smoke-tests.yml b/.github/workflows/on-demand-keeper-smoke-tests.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6fee8bfc505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/on-demand-keeper-smoke-tests.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+name: On Demand Keeper Smoke Tests
+run-name: On Demand Keeper Smoke Tests ${{ inputs.distinct_run_name && inputs.distinct_run_name || '' }}
+  workflow_dispatch:
+    inputs:
+      distinct_run_name:
+        description: 'A unique identifier for this run, only use from other repos'
+        required: false
+        type: string
+# Only run 1 of this workflow at a time per PR
+  group: on-demand-keeper-smoke-tests-${{ github.ref }}-${{ inputs.distinct_run_name }}
+  cancel-in-progress: true
+  # for run-test variables and environment
+  ENV_JOB_IMAGE: ${{ secrets.QA_AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER }}.dkr.ecr.${{ secrets.QA_AWS_REGION }}.amazonaws.com/chainlink-tests:${{ inputs.evm-ref || github.sha }}
+  CHAINLINK_IMAGE: ${{ secrets.QA_AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER }}.dkr.ecr.${{ secrets.QA_AWS_REGION }}.amazonaws.com/chainlink
+  TEST_SUITE: smoke
+  TEST_ARGS: -test.timeout 12m
+  INTERNAL_DOCKER_REPO: ${{ secrets.QA_AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER }}.dkr.ecr.${{ secrets.QA_AWS_REGION }}.amazonaws.com
+  COLLECTION_ID: chainlink-e2e-tests
+  build-chainlink:
+    environment: integration
+    permissions:
+      id-token: write
+      contents: read
+    strategy:
+      matrix:
+        image:
+          - name: ""
+            dockerfile: core/chainlink.Dockerfile
+            tag-suffix: ""
+    name: Build Chainlink Image ${{ matrix.image.name }}
+    runs-on: ubuntu22.04-16cores-64GB
+    needs: [changes]
+    steps:
+      - name: Collect Metrics
+        id: collect-gha-metrics
+        uses: smartcontractkit/push-gha-metrics-action@dea9b546553cb4ca936607c2267a09c004e4ab3f # v3.0.0
+        with:
+          id: ${{ env.COLLECTION_ID }}-build-chainlink
+          org-id: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_TENANT_ID }}
+          basic-auth: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_BASIC_AUTH }}
+          hostname: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_HOST }}
+          this-job-name: Build Chainlink Image ${{ matrix.image.name }}
+        continue-on-error: true
+      - name: Checkout the repo
+        uses: actions/checkout@9bb56186c3b09b4f86b1c65136769dd318469633 # v4.1.2
+        with:
+          repository: smartcontractkit/chainlink
+          ref: ${{ inputs.cl_ref || github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.event.merge_group.head_sha }}
+      - name: Build Chainlink Image
+        uses: ./.github/actions/build-chainlink-image
+        with:
+          tag_suffix: ${{ matrix.image.tag-suffix }}
+          dockerfile: ${{ matrix.image.dockerfile }}
+          git_commit_sha: ${{ inputs.evm-ref || github.sha }}
+          AWS_REGION: ${{ secrets.QA_AWS_REGION }}
+          AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME: ${{ secrets.QA_AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME }}
+          dep_evm_sha: ${{ inputs.evm-ref }}
+  compare-tests:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    name: Build Automation Test List
+    outputs:
+      automation-matrix: ${{ env.AUTOMATION_JOB_MATRIX_JSON }}
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout the repo
+        uses: actions/checkout@9bb56186c3b09b4f86b1c65136769dd318469633 # v4.1.2
+        with:
+          repository: smartcontractkit/chainlink
+          ref: ${{ inputs.cl_ref }}
+      - name: Compare Test Lists
+        run: |
+          cd ./integration-tests
+          ./scripts/compareTestList.sh ./smoke/keeper_test.go
+      - name: Build Test Matrix Lists
+        id: build-test-matrix-list
+        run: |
+          cd ./integration-tests
+          KEEPER_JOB_MATRIX_JSON=$(./scripts/buildTestMatrixList.sh ./smoke/keeper_test.go keeper ubuntu-latest 1)
+  eth-smoke-tests-matrix-automation:
+    if: ${{ !contains(join(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, ' '), 'skip-smoke-tests') }}
+    environment: integration
+    permissions:
+      checks: write
+      pull-requests: write
+      id-token: write
+      contents: read
+    needs:
+      [build-chainlink, compare-tests]
+    env:
+      CHAINLINK_COMMIT_SHA: ${{ inputs.evm-ref || github.sha }}
+      CHAINLINK_ENV_USER: ${{ github.actor }}
+      TEST_LOG_LEVEL: debug
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        product: ${{fromJson(needs.compare-tests.outputs.automation-matrix)}}
+    runs-on: ${{ matrix.product.os }}
+    name: ETH Smoke Tests ${{ matrix.product.name }}
+    steps:
+      - name: Collect Metrics
+        id: collect-gha-metrics
+        uses: smartcontractkit/push-gha-metrics-action@dea9b546553cb4ca936607c2267a09c004e4ab3f # v3.0.0
+        with:
+          id: ${{ env.COLLECTION_ID }}-matrix-${{ matrix.product.name }}
+          basic-auth: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_BASIC_AUTH }}
+          hostname: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_HOST }}
+          org-id: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_TENANT_ID }}
+          this-job-name: ETH Smoke Tests ${{ matrix.product.name }}
+          test-results-file: '{"testType":"go","filePath":"/tmp/gotest.log"}'
+        continue-on-error: true
+      - name: Checkout the repo
+        uses: actions/checkout@9bb56186c3b09b4f86b1c65136769dd318469633 # v4.1.2
+        with:
+          repository: smartcontractkit/chainlink
+          ref: ${{ inputs.cl_ref || github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.event.merge_group.head_sha }}
+      - name: Build Go Test Command
+        id: build-go-test-command
+        run: |
+          # if the matrix.product.run is set, use it for a different command
+          if [ "${{ matrix.product.run }}" != "" ]; then
+            echo "run_command=${{ matrix.product.run }} ./smoke/${{ matrix.product.file }}_test.go" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+          else
+            echo "run_command=./smoke/${{ matrix.product.name }}_test.go" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+          fi
+      - name: Prepare Base64 TOML override
+        uses: ./.github/actions/setup-create-base64-config
+        with:
+          runId: ${{ github.run_id }}
+          testLogCollect: ${{ vars.TEST_LOG_COLLECT }}
+          selectedNetworks: ${{ env.SELECTED_NETWORKS }}
+          chainlinkImage: ${{ env.CHAINLINK_IMAGE }}
+          chainlinkVersion: ${{ inputs.evm-ref || github.sha }}
+          pyroscopeServer: ${{ matrix.product.pyroscope_env == '' && '' || !startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/') && '' || secrets.QA_PYROSCOPE_INSTANCE }} # Avoid sending blank envs https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/25725
+          pyroscopeEnvironment: ${{ matrix.product.pyroscope_env }}
+          pyroscopeKey: ${{ secrets.QA_PYROSCOPE_KEY }}
+          lokiEndpoint: https://${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_HOST }}/loki/api/v1/push
+          lokiTenantId: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_TENANT_ID }}
+          lokiBasicAuth: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_BASIC_AUTH }}
+          logstreamLogTargets: ${{ vars.LOGSTREAM_LOG_TARGETS }}
+          grafanaUrl: ${{ vars.GRAFANA_URL }}
+          grafanaDashboardUrl: "/d/ddf75041-1e39-42af-aa46-361fe4c36e9e/ci-e2e-tests-logs"
+      ## Run this step when changes that require tests to be run are made
+      - name: Run Tests
+        uses: smartcontractkit/chainlink-github-actions/chainlink-testing-framework/run-tests@519851800779323566b7b7c22cc21bff95dbb639
+        with:
+          test_command_to_run: cd ./integration-tests && go test -timeout 30m -count=1 -json -test.parallel=${{ matrix.product.nodes }} ${{ steps.build-go-test-command.outputs.run_command }} 2>&1 | tee /tmp/gotest.log | gotestloghelper -ci -singlepackage
+          test_download_vendor_packages_command: cd ./integration-tests && go mod download
+          cl_repo: ${{ env.CHAINLINK_IMAGE }}
+          cl_image_tag: ${{ inputs.evm-ref || github.sha }}
+          aws_registries: ${{ secrets.QA_AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER }}
+          artifacts_name: ${{ matrix.product.name }}-test-logs
+          artifacts_location: |
+            ./integration-tests/smoke/logs/
+            /tmp/gotest.log
+          publish_check_name: ${{ matrix.product.name }}
+          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+          go_mod_path: ./integration-tests/go.mod
+          cache_key_id: core-e2e-${{ env.MOD_CACHE_VERSION }}
+          cache_restore_only: "true"
+          QA_AWS_REGION: ${{ secrets.QA_AWS_REGION }}
+          QA_AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME: ${{ secrets.QA_AWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME }}
+          QA_KUBECONFIG: ""
+          should_tidy: "false"
+          go_coverage_src_dir: /var/tmp/go-coverage
+          go_coverage_dest_dir: ${{ github.workspace }}/.covdata
+      - name: Upload Coverage Data
+        uses: actions/upload-artifact@65462800fd760344b1a7b4382951275a0abb4808 # v4.3.3
+        with:
+          name: cl-node-coverage-data-${{ matrix.product.name }}
+          path: .covdata
+          retention-days: 1
+      - name: Print failed test summary
+        if: always()
+        uses: smartcontractkit/chainlink-github-actions/chainlink-testing-framework/show-test-summary@5dd916d08c03cb5f9a97304f4f174820421bb946 # v2.3.11
+  ### Used to check the required checks box when the matrix completes
+  eth-smoke-tests:
+    if: always()
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    name: ETH Smoke Tests
+    needs: [eth-smoke-tests-matrix-automation]
+    steps:
+      - name: Check smoke test matrix status
+        if:  needs.eth-smoke-tests-matrix-automation.result != 'success'
+        run: |
+          echo "Automation: ${{ needs.eth-smoke-tests-matrix-automation.result }}"
+          exit 1
+      - name: Collect Metrics
+        if: always()
+        id: collect-gha-metrics
+        uses: smartcontractkit/push-gha-metrics-action@dea9b546553cb4ca936607c2267a09c004e4ab3f # v3.0.0
+        with:
+          id: ${{ env.COLLECTION_ID }}-matrix-results
+          org-id: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_TENANT_ID }}
+          basic-auth: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_BASIC_AUTH }}
+          hostname: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_HOST }}
+          this-job-name: ETH Smoke Tests
+          matrix-aggregator-status: ${{ needs.eth-smoke-tests-matrix.result }}
+        continue-on-error: true
+  cleanup:
+    name: Clean up integration environment deployments
+    if: always()
+    needs: [eth-smoke-tests]
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout repo
+        if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
+        uses: actions/checkout@9bb56186c3b09b4f86b1c65136769dd318469633 # v4.1.2
+        with:
+          repository: smartcontractkit/chainlink
+          ref: ${{ inputs.cl_ref }}
+      - name: 🧼 Clean up Environment
+        if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
+        uses: ./.github/actions/delete-deployments
+        with:
+          environment: integration
+          ref: ${{ github.head_ref }} # See https://github.com/github/docs/issues/15319#issuecomment-1476705663
+      - name: Collect Metrics
+        if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
+        id: collect-gha-metrics
+        uses: smartcontractkit/push-gha-metrics-action@dea9b546553cb4ca936607c2267a09c004e4ab3f # v3.0.0
+        with:
+          id: ${{ env.COLLECTION_ID }}-env-cleanup
+          org-id: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_TENANT_ID }}
+          basic-auth: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_BASIC_AUTH }}
+          hostname: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_INTERNAL_HOST }}
+          this-job-name: Clean up integration environment deployments
+        continue-on-error: true
+  show-coverage:
+    name: Show Chainlink Node Go Coverage
+    if: always()
+    needs: [cleanup]
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout the repo
+        uses: actions/checkout@9bb56186c3b09b4f86b1c65136769dd318469633 # v4.1.2
+        with:
+          repository: smartcontractkit/chainlink
+          ref: ${{ inputs.cl_ref || github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.event.merge_group.head_sha }}
+      - name: Download All Artifacts
+        uses: actions/download-artifact@9c19ed7fe5d278cd354c7dfd5d3b88589c7e2395 # v4.1.6
+        with:
+          path: cl-node-coverage-data
+          pattern: cl-node-coverage-data-*
+          merge-multiple: true
+      - name: Show Coverage
+        run: go run ./integration-tests/scripts/show_coverage.go "${{ github.workspace }}/cl-node-coverage-data/*/merged"
+  # Run the setup if the matrix finishes but this time save the cache if we have a cache hit miss
+  # this will also only run if both of the matrix jobs pass
+  eth-smoke-go-mod-cache:
+    environment: integration
+    needs: [eth-smoke-tests]
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    name: ETH Smoke Tests Go Mod Cache
+    continue-on-error: true
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout the repo
+        uses: actions/checkout@9bb56186c3b09b4f86b1c65136769dd318469633 # v4.1.2
+        with:
+          repository: smartcontractkit/chainlink
+          ref: ${{ inputs.cl_ref || github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.event.merge_group.head_sha }}
+      - name: Run Setup
+        uses: smartcontractkit/chainlink-github-actions/chainlink-testing-framework/setup-go@5dd916d08c03cb5f9a97304f4f174820421bb946 # v2.3.11
+        with:
+          test_download_vendor_packages_command: |
+            cd ./integration-tests
+            go mod download
+            # force download of test dependencies
+            go test -run=NonExistentTest ./smoke/... || echo "ignore expected test failure"
+          go_mod_path: ./integration-tests/go.mod
+          cache_key_id: core-e2e-${{ env.MOD_CACHE_VERSION }}
+          cache_restore_only: "false"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/integration-tests/docker/test_env/test_env_builder.go b/integration-tests/docker/test_env/test_env_builder.go
index ebc8fb3f78e..ad3b75a3ca4 100644
--- a/integration-tests/docker/test_env/test_env_builder.go
+++ b/integration-tests/docker/test_env/test_env_builder.go
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ import (
-	evmcfg "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/v2/core/chains/evm/config/toml"
 	actions_seth "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/actions/seth"
+	"github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/utils"
 type CleanUpType string
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ type ChainlinkNodeLogScannerSettings struct {
 type CLTestEnvBuilder struct {
 	hasLogStream                    bool
 	hasKillgrave                    bool
-	hasForwarders                   bool
 	hasSeth                         bool
 	hasEVMClient                    bool
 	clNodeConfig                    *chainlink.Config
@@ -60,10 +59,9 @@ type CLTestEnvBuilder struct {
 	l                               zerolog.Logger
 	t                               *testing.T
 	te                              *CLClusterTestEnv
-	isNonEVM                        bool
+	isEVM                           bool
 	cleanUpType                     CleanUpType
 	cleanUpCustomFn                 func()
-	chainOptionsFn                  []ChainOption
 	evmNetworkOption                []EVMNetworkOption
 	privateEthereumNetworks         []*ctf_config.EthereumNetworkConfig
 	testConfig                      ctf_config.GlobalTestConfig
@@ -98,6 +96,7 @@ func NewCLTestEnvBuilder() *CLTestEnvBuilder {
 		l:                               log.Logger,
 		hasLogStream:                    true,
 		hasEVMClient:                    true,
+		isEVM:                           true,
 		chainlinkNodeLogScannerSettings: &DefaultChainlinkNodeLogScannerSettings,
@@ -171,11 +170,6 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithCLNodeOptions(opt ...ClNodeOption) *CLTestEnvBuil
 	return b
-func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithForwarders() *CLTestEnvBuilder {
-	b.hasForwarders = true
-	return b
 func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithFunding(eth *big.Float) *CLTestEnvBuilder {
 	b.ETHFunds = eth
 	return b
@@ -187,6 +181,12 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithSeth() *CLTestEnvBuilder {
 	return b
+func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithoutEvmClients() *CLTestEnvBuilder {
+	b.hasSeth = false
+	b.hasEVMClient = false
+	return b
 func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithPrivateEthereumNetwork(en ctf_config.EthereumNetworkConfig) *CLTestEnvBuilder {
 	b.privateEthereumNetworks = append(b.privateEthereumNetworks, &en)
 	return b
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithPrivateEthereumNetworks(ens []*ctf_config.Ethereu
 	return b
+// Deprecated: Use TOML instead
 func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithCLNodeConfig(cfg *chainlink.Config) *CLTestEnvBuilder {
 	b.clNodeConfig = cfg
 	return b
@@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithMockAdapter() *CLTestEnvBuilder {
 // WithNonEVM sets the test environment to not use EVM when built.
 func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithNonEVM() *CLTestEnvBuilder {
-	b.isNonEVM = true
+	b.isEVM = false
 	return b
@@ -234,18 +235,12 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithCustomCleanup(customFn func()) *CLTestEnvBuilder
 	return b
-type ChainOption = func(*evmcfg.Chain) *evmcfg.Chain
-func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithChainOptions(opts ...ChainOption) *CLTestEnvBuilder {
-	b.chainOptionsFn = make([]ChainOption, 0)
-	b.chainOptionsFn = append(b.chainOptionsFn, opts...)
-	return b
 type EVMNetworkOption = func(*blockchain.EVMNetwork) *blockchain.EVMNetwork
-func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) EVMNetworkOptions(opts ...EVMNetworkOption) *CLTestEnvBuilder {
+// WithEVMNetworkOptions sets the options for the EVM network. This is especially useful for simulated networks, which
+// by usually use default options, so if we want to change any of them before the configuration is passed to evm client
+// or Chainlnik node, we can do it here.
+func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) WithEVMNetworkOptions(opts ...EVMNetworkOption) *CLTestEnvBuilder {
 	b.evmNetworkOption = make([]EVMNetworkOption, 0)
 	b.evmNetworkOption = append(b.evmNetworkOption, opts...)
@@ -285,7 +280,7 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) Build() (*CLClusterTestEnv, error) {
 		// this clean up has to be added as the FIRST one, because cleanup functions are executed in reverse order (LIFO)
-		if b.t != nil {
+		if b.t != nil && b.cleanUpType == CleanUpTypeStandard {
 			b.t.Cleanup(func() {
 				b.l.Info().Msg("Shutting down LogStream")
 				logPath, err := osutil.GetAbsoluteFolderPath("logs")
@@ -344,6 +339,8 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) Build() (*CLClusterTestEnv, error) {
+		} else {
+			b.l.Warn().Msg("LogStream won't be cleaned up, because test instance is not set or cleanup type is not standard")
@@ -381,7 +378,7 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) Build() (*CLClusterTestEnv, error) {
 	if b.te.LogStream != nil {
-		// this is not the cleanest way to do this, but when we originally build ethereum networks, we don't have the logstream reference
+		// this is not the cleanest way to do this, but when we originally build ethereum networks, we don't have the logstream reference,
 		// so we need to rebuild them here and pass logstream to them
 		for i := range b.privateEthereumNetworks {
 			builder := test_env.NewEthereumNetworkBuilder()
@@ -431,9 +428,26 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) Build() (*CLClusterTestEnv, error) {
 			b.te.rpcProviders[networkConfig.ChainID] = &rpcProvider
 			b.te.EVMNetworks = append(b.te.EVMNetworks, &networkConfig)
+		}
+		dereferrencedEvms := make([]blockchain.EVMNetwork, 0)
+		for _, en := range b.te.EVMNetworks {
+			dereferrencedEvms = append(dereferrencedEvms, *en)
-		err = b.te.StartClCluster(b.clNodeConfig, b.clNodesCount, b.secretsConfig, b.testConfig, b.clNodesOpts...)
+		nodeConfigInToml := b.testConfig.GetNodeConfig()
+		nodeConfig, _, err := node.BuildChainlinkNodeConfig(
+			dereferrencedEvms,
+			nodeConfigInToml.BaseConfigTOML,
+			nodeConfigInToml.CommonChainConfigTOML,
+			nodeConfigInToml.ChainConfigTOMLByChainID,
+		)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		err = b.te.StartClCluster(nodeConfig, b.clNodesCount, b.secretsConfig, b.testConfig, b.clNodesOpts...)
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -473,18 +487,19 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) Build() (*CLClusterTestEnv, error) {
 			b.te.rpcProviders[networkConfig.ChainID] = &rpcProvider
 			b.te.isSimulatedNetwork = false
+		b.te.EVMNetworks = append(b.te.EVMNetworks, &networkConfig)
 	if !b.hasSeth && !b.hasEVMClient {
-		return nil, errors.New("you need to specify, which evm client to use: Seth or EVMClient")
+		log.Debug().Msg("No EVM client or SETH client specified, not starting any clients")
 	if b.hasSeth && b.hasEVMClient {
 		return nil, errors.New("you can't use both Seth and EMVClient at the same time")
-	if !b.isNonEVM {
+	if b.isEVM {
 		if b.evmNetworkOption != nil && len(b.evmNetworkOption) > 0 {
 			for _, fn := range b.evmNetworkOption {
@@ -514,12 +529,21 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) Build() (*CLClusterTestEnv, error) {
 		if b.hasSeth {
 			b.te.sethClients = make(map[int64]*seth.Client)
-			seth, err := actions_seth.GetChainClient(b.testConfig, networkConfig)
+			readSethCfg := b.testConfig.GetSethConfig()
+			sethCfg, err := utils.MergeSethAndEvmNetworkConfigs(networkConfig, *readSethCfg)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+			err = utils.ValidateSethNetworkConfig(sethCfg.Network)
+			if err != nil {
+				return nil, err
+			}
+			sethClient, err := actions_seth.GetChainClient(b.testConfig, networkConfig)
 			if err != nil {
 				return nil, err
-			b.te.sethClients[networkConfig.ChainID] = seth
+			b.te.sethClients[networkConfig.ChainID] = sethClient
@@ -527,44 +551,33 @@ func (b *CLTestEnvBuilder) Build() (*CLClusterTestEnv, error) {
 	// Start Chainlink Nodes
 	if b.clNodesCount > 0 {
-		var cfg *chainlink.Config
-		if b.clNodeConfig != nil {
-			cfg = b.clNodeConfig
-		} else {
-			cfg = node.NewConfig(node.NewBaseConfig(),
-				node.WithOCR1(),
-				node.WithP2Pv2(),
-			)
-		}
-		if !b.isNonEVM {
-			var httpUrls []string
-			var wsUrls []string
-			rpcProvider, ok := b.te.rpcProviders[networkConfig.ChainID]
-			if !ok {
-				return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc provider for chain %d not found", networkConfig.ChainID)
-			}
-			if networkConfig.Simulated {
-				httpUrls = rpcProvider.PrivateHttpUrls()
-				wsUrls = rpcProvider.PrivateWsUrsl()
-			} else {
-				httpUrls = networkConfig.HTTPURLs
-				wsUrls = networkConfig.URLs
+		dereferrencedEvms := make([]blockchain.EVMNetwork, 0)
+		for _, en := range b.te.EVMNetworks {
+			network := *en
+			if en.Simulated {
+				if rpcs, ok := b.te.rpcProviders[network.ChainID]; ok {
+					network.HTTPURLs = rpcs.PrivateHttpUrls()
+					network.URLs = rpcs.PrivateWsUrsl()
+				} else {
+					return nil, fmt.Errorf("rpc provider for chain %d not found", network.ChainID)
+				}
+			dereferrencedEvms = append(dereferrencedEvms, network)
+		}
-			node.SetChainConfig(cfg, wsUrls, httpUrls, networkConfig, b.hasForwarders)
+		nodeConfigInToml := b.testConfig.GetNodeConfig()
-			if b.chainOptionsFn != nil && len(b.chainOptionsFn) > 0 {
-				for _, fn := range b.chainOptionsFn {
-					for _, evmCfg := range cfg.EVM {
-						chainCfg := evmCfg.Chain
-						fn(&chainCfg)
-					}
-				}
-			}
+		nodeConfig, _, err := node.BuildChainlinkNodeConfig(
+			dereferrencedEvms,
+			nodeConfigInToml.BaseConfigTOML,
+			nodeConfigInToml.CommonChainConfigTOML,
+			nodeConfigInToml.ChainConfigTOMLByChainID,
+		)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
-		err := b.te.StartClCluster(cfg, b.clNodesCount, b.secretsConfig, b.testConfig, b.clNodesOpts...)
+		err = b.te.StartClCluster(nodeConfig, b.clNodesCount, b.secretsConfig, b.testConfig, b.clNodesOpts...)
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
diff --git a/integration-tests/smoke/automation_test.go b/integration-tests/smoke/automation_test.go
index 2c5295326bc..cafeea67c19 100644
--- a/integration-tests/smoke/automation_test.go
+++ b/integration-tests/smoke/automation_test.go
@@ -20,11 +20,9 @@ import (
 	ocr3 "github.com/smartcontractkit/libocr/offchainreporting2plus/ocr3confighelper"
 	ocr2keepers30config "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-automation/pkg/v3/config"
-	commonconfig "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-common/pkg/config"
 	ctfTestEnv "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-testing-framework/docker/test_env"
-	"github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-testing-framework/utils/ptr"
@@ -34,7 +32,6 @@ import (
 	tc "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/testconfig"
-	"github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/types/config/node"
 	ac "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/v2/core/gethwrappers/generated/automation_compatible_utils"
@@ -1353,17 +1350,6 @@ func setupAutomationTestDocker(
 	registryConfig.RegistryVersion = registryVersion
 	network := networks.MustGetSelectedNetworkConfig(automationTestConfig.GetNetworkConfig())[0]
-	// build the node config
-	clNodeConfig := node.NewConfig(node.NewBaseConfig())
-	syncInterval := *commonconfig.MustNewDuration(5 * time.Minute)
-	clNodeConfig.Feature.LogPoller = ptr.Ptr[bool](true)
-	clNodeConfig.OCR2.Enabled = ptr.Ptr[bool](true)
-	clNodeConfig.Keeper.TurnLookBack = ptr.Ptr[int64](int64(0))
-	clNodeConfig.Keeper.Registry.SyncInterval = &syncInterval
-	clNodeConfig.Keeper.Registry.PerformGasOverhead = ptr.Ptr[uint32](uint32(150000))
-	clNodeConfig.P2P.V2.AnnounceAddresses = &[]string{""}
-	clNodeConfig.P2P.V2.ListenAddresses = &[]string{""}
 	//launch the environment
 	var env *test_env.CLClusterTestEnv
 	var err error
@@ -1375,14 +1361,13 @@ func setupAutomationTestDocker(
 	require.NoError(t, err, "Error building ethereum network config")
 	if isMercuryV02 || isMercuryV03 {
-		env, err = test_env.NewCLTestEnvBuilder().
+		// start mock adapter only
+		mockAdapterEnv, err := test_env.NewCLTestEnvBuilder().
-			WithPrivateEthereumNetwork(privateNetwork.EthereumNetworkConfig).
-			WithFunding(big.NewFloat(*automationTestConfig.GetCommonConfig().ChainlinkNodeFunding)).
-			WithStandardCleanup().
-			WithSeth().
+			WithoutEvmClients().
+			WithoutCleanup().
 		require.NoError(t, err, "Error deploying test environment for Mercury")
@@ -1392,28 +1377,24 @@ func setupAutomationTestDocker(
 		URL = '%s'
 		Username = 'node'
 		Password = 'nodepass'`
-		secretsConfig = fmt.Sprintf(secretsConfig, env.MockAdapter.InternalEndpoint, env.MockAdapter.InternalEndpoint)
-		rpcProvider, err := env.GetRpcProvider(network.ChainID)
-		require.NoError(t, err, "Error getting rpc provider")
-		var httpUrls []string
-		var wsUrls []string
-		if network.Simulated {
-			httpUrls = []string{rpcProvider.PrivateHttpUrls()[0]}
-			wsUrls = []string{rpcProvider.PrivateWsUrsl()[0]}
-		} else {
-			httpUrls = network.HTTPURLs
-			wsUrls = network.URLs
-		}
+		secretsConfig = fmt.Sprintf(secretsConfig, mockAdapterEnv.MockAdapter.InternalEndpoint, mockAdapterEnv.MockAdapter.InternalEndpoint)
-		node.SetChainConfig(clNodeConfig, wsUrls, httpUrls, network, false)
+		builder, err := test_env.NewCLTestEnvBuilder().WithTestEnv(mockAdapterEnv)
+		require.NoError(t, err, "Error building test environment for Mercury")
-		err = env.StartClCluster(clNodeConfig, clNodesCount, secretsConfig, automationTestConfig)
-		require.NoError(t, err, "Error starting CL nodes test environment for Mercury")
-		err = env.FundChainlinkNodes(big.NewFloat(*automationTestConfig.GetCommonConfig().ChainlinkNodeFunding))
-		require.NoError(t, err, "Error funding CL nodes")
+		env, err = builder.
+			WithTestInstance(t).
+			WithTestConfig(automationTestConfig).
+			WithPrivateEthereumNetwork(privateNetwork.EthereumNetworkConfig).
+			WithSecretsConfig(secretsConfig).
+			WithCLNodes(clNodesCount).
+			WithFunding(big.NewFloat(*automationTestConfig.GetCommonConfig().ChainlinkNodeFunding)).
+			WithStandardCleanup().
+			WithSeth().
+			Build()
+		require.NoError(t, err, "Error deploying test environment for Mercury")
+		env.MockAdapter = mockAdapterEnv.MockAdapter
 	} else {
 		env, err = test_env.NewCLTestEnvBuilder().
@@ -1421,7 +1402,6 @@ func setupAutomationTestDocker(
-			WithCLNodeConfig(clNodeConfig).
diff --git a/integration-tests/smoke/forwarder_ocr_test.go b/integration-tests/smoke/forwarder_ocr_test.go
index 0446254362a..2cae2ec3f45 100644
--- a/integration-tests/smoke/forwarder_ocr_test.go
+++ b/integration-tests/smoke/forwarder_ocr_test.go
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ func TestForwarderOCRBasic(t *testing.T) {
-		WithForwarders().
diff --git a/integration-tests/smoke/forwarders_ocr2_test.go b/integration-tests/smoke/forwarders_ocr2_test.go
index 00fd3583ea6..a8d0e1987fe 100644
--- a/integration-tests/smoke/forwarders_ocr2_test.go
+++ b/integration-tests/smoke/forwarders_ocr2_test.go
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ import (
 	actions_seth "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/actions/seth"
-	"github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/types/config/node"
 	tc "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/testconfig"
@@ -40,11 +38,6 @@ func TestForwarderOCR2Basic(t *testing.T) {
-		WithCLNodeConfig(node.NewConfig(node.NewBaseConfig(),
-			node.WithOCR2(),
-			node.WithP2Pv2(),
-		)).
-		WithForwarders().
diff --git a/integration-tests/smoke/keeper_test.go b/integration-tests/smoke/keeper_test.go
index 00e45256cea..99817562c62 100644
--- a/integration-tests/smoke/keeper_test.go
+++ b/integration-tests/smoke/keeper_test.go
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import (
-	commonconfig "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-common/pkg/config"
@@ -25,8 +24,6 @@ import (
-	"github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/types/config/node"
 	tc "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/testconfig"
@@ -1231,14 +1228,6 @@ func setupKeeperTest(l zerolog.Logger, t *testing.T, config *tc.TestConfig) (
 ) {
-	clNodeConfig := node.NewConfig(node.NewBaseConfig(), node.WithP2Pv2())
-	turnLookBack := int64(0)
-	syncInterval := *commonconfig.MustNewDuration(5 * time.Second)
-	performGasOverhead := uint32(150000)
-	clNodeConfig.Keeper.TurnLookBack = &turnLookBack
-	clNodeConfig.Keeper.Registry.SyncInterval = &syncInterval
-	clNodeConfig.Keeper.Registry.PerformGasOverhead = &performGasOverhead
 	privateNetwork, err := actions.EthereumNetworkConfigFromConfig(l, config)
 	require.NoError(t, err, "Error building ethereum network config")
@@ -1247,7 +1236,6 @@ func setupKeeperTest(l zerolog.Logger, t *testing.T, config *tc.TestConfig) (
-		WithCLNodeConfig(clNodeConfig).
diff --git a/integration-tests/smoke/log_poller_test.go b/integration-tests/smoke/log_poller_test.go
index 04327471e7f..4ddffab30a6 100644
--- a/integration-tests/smoke/log_poller_test.go
+++ b/integration-tests/smoke/log_poller_test.go
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ func executeLogPollerReplay(t *testing.T, consistencyTimeout string) {
 	eb, err := sethClient.Client.BlockNumber(testcontext.Get(t))
 	require.NoError(t, err, "Error getting latest block number")
-	endBlock, err := logpoller.GetEndBlockToWaitFor(int64(eb), sethClient.ChainID, cfg)
+	endBlock, err := logpoller.GetEndBlockToWaitFor(int64(eb), network, cfg)
 	require.NoError(t, err, "Error getting end block to wait for")
 	l.Info().Int64("Ending Block", endBlock).Int("Total logs emitted", totalLogsEmitted).Int64("Expected total logs emitted", expectedLogsEmitted).Str("Duration", fmt.Sprintf("%d sec", duration)).Str("LPS", fmt.Sprintf("%d/sec", totalLogsEmitted/duration)).Msg("FINISHED EVENT EMISSION")
@@ -292,8 +292,6 @@ func prepareEnvironment(l zerolog.Logger, t *testing.T, testConfig *tc.TestConfi
-		cfg.General.LogPollInterval.Duration,
-		*cfg.General.BackupLogPollerBlockDelay,
diff --git a/integration-tests/smoke/ocr2_test.go b/integration-tests/smoke/ocr2_test.go
index ba9cb5f5775..0e1a5c96633 100644
--- a/integration-tests/smoke/ocr2_test.go
+++ b/integration-tests/smoke/ocr2_test.go
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import (
 	tc "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/testconfig"
-	"github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/types/config/node"
 type ocr2test struct {
@@ -154,13 +153,8 @@ func prepareORCv2SmokeTestEnv(t *testing.T, testData ocr2test, l zerolog.Logger,
-		WithCLNodeConfig(node.NewConfig(node.NewBaseConfig(),
-			node.WithOCR2(),
-			node.WithP2Pv2(),
-			node.WithTracing(),
-		)).
-		WithCLNodeOptions(test_env.WithNodeEnvVars(testData.env)).
+		WithCLNodeOptions(test_env.WithNodeEnvVars(testData.env)).
diff --git a/integration-tests/smoke/ocr2vrf_test.go b/integration-tests/smoke/ocr2vrf_test.go
index bf4f5804e99..83b96828444 100644
--- a/integration-tests/smoke/ocr2vrf_test.go
+++ b/integration-tests/smoke/ocr2vrf_test.go
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ var ocr2vrfSmokeConfig *testconfig.TestConfig
 func TestOCR2VRFRedeemModel(t *testing.T) {
+	// remember to add TOML config for Chainlink node before trying to run this test in future
 	t.Skip("VRFv3 is on pause, skipping")
 	l := logging.GetTestLogger(t)
 	config, err := testconfig.GetConfig("Smoke", testconfig.OCR2)
diff --git a/integration-tests/smoke/runlog_test.go b/integration-tests/smoke/runlog_test.go
index b01c5a019b1..3e806fc690b 100644
--- a/integration-tests/smoke/runlog_test.go
+++ b/integration-tests/smoke/runlog_test.go
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ func TestRunLogBasic(t *testing.T) {
-		WithFunding(big.NewFloat(.1)).
+		WithFunding(big.NewFloat(.5)).
diff --git a/integration-tests/smoke/vrf_test.go b/integration-tests/smoke/vrf_test.go
index 70911e8de66..1cc7bf73d69 100644
--- a/integration-tests/smoke/vrf_test.go
+++ b/integration-tests/smoke/vrf_test.go
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ func prepareVRFtestEnv(t *testing.T, l zerolog.Logger) (*test_env.CLClusterTestE
-		WithFunding(big.NewFloat(.1)).
+		WithFunding(big.NewFloat(.5)).
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/automation/automation.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/automation/automation.toml
index 4df2cbebc52..86eb279de39 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/automation/automation.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/automation/automation.toml
@@ -2,6 +2,51 @@
 chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+AnnounceAddresses = ['']
+DeltaDial = '500ms'
+DeltaReconcile = '5s'
 # smoke test specific overrodes
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/automation/example.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/automation/example.toml
index 7a3d33951ba..56d84cceeef 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/automation/example.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/automation/example.toml
@@ -69,6 +69,81 @@ chain_id=1337
 # list of addresses to be prefunded in genesis
+# hardforks to be applied (fork_name = epoch)
+# Chainlink node TOML config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+AnnounceAddresses = ['']
+DeltaDial = '500ms'
+DeltaReconcile = '5s'
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+# chainlink override config toml for EVMNode config specific to EVM chains with chain id as mentioned in the key
+# applicable for arbitrum-goerli chain
+421613 = """
+PriceMax = '400 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 100000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+BumpThreshold = 60
+BumpPercent = 20
+BumpMin = '100 gwei'
 # Common
 chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/default.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/default.toml
index 6ca5d4aec28..07017bc140d 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/default.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/default.toml
@@ -29,6 +29,64 @@ addresses_to_fund=["0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"]
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 0
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+AnnounceAddresses = ['']
+DeltaDial = '500ms'
+DeltaReconcile = '5s'
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
 # controls which transactions are decoded/traced. Possbile values are: none, all, reverted (default).
 # if transaction level doesn't match, then calling Decode() does nothing. It's advised to keep it set
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr/example.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr/example.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..469b765b1db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr/example.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Example of full config with all fields
+# General part
+# if set to true will save logs even if test did not fail
+# supported targets: file, loki, in-memory. if empty no logs will be persistet
+# context timeout for starting log producer and also time-frame for requesting logs
+# number of retries before log producer gives up and stops listening to logs
+# full URL of Loki ingest endpoint
+# currently only needed when using public instance
+# only needed for cloud grafana
+# LogStream will try to shorten Grafana URLs by default (if all 3 variables are set)
+# grafana url (trailing "/" will be stripped)
+# url of your grafana dashboard (prefix and suffix "/" are stirpped), example: /d/ad61652-2712-1722/my-dashboard
+# if you want to use polygon_mumbial
+polygon_mumbai = ["https://my-rpc-endpoint.io"]
+polygon_mumbai = ["https://my-rpc-endpoint.io"]
+polygon_mumbai = ["change-me-to-your-PK"]
+# pos or pow
+# only prysm supported currently
+# geth, besu, nethermind or erigon
+# if true after env started it will wait for at least 1 epoch to be finalised before continuing
+# duration of single slot, lower => faster block production, must be >= 4
+# numer of slots in epoch, lower => faster epoch finalisation, must be >= 4
+# extra genesis gelay, no need to modify, but it should be after all validators/beacon chain starts
+# number of validators in the network
+# list of addresses to be prefunded in genesis
+# hardforks to be applied (fork_name = epoch)
+# Chainlink node TOML config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 0
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+# chainlink override config toml for EVMNode config specific to EVM chains with chain id as mentioned in the key
+# applicable for arbitrum-goerli chain
+421613 = """
+PriceMax = '400 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 100000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+BumpThreshold = 60
+BumpPercent = 20
+BumpMin = '100 gwei'
+# load test specific configuration
+eth_funds = 3
+test_duration = "3m"
+rate_limit_unit_duration = "1m"
+rate = 3
+verification_interval = "5s"
+verification_timeout = "3m"
+ea_change_interval = "5s"
+# soak test specific configuration
+chainlink_node_funding = 100
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr/forwarder_ocr.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr/forwarder_ocr.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f38cb4f5c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr/forwarder_ocr.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 0
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+AnnounceAddresses = ['']
+DeltaDial = '500ms'
+DeltaReconcile = '5s'
+1337 = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+ForwardersEnabled = true
+ """
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr2/example.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr2/example.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2bd03827506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr2/example.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Example of full config with all fields
+# General part
+# if set to true will save logs even if test did not fail
+# supported targets: file, loki, in-memory. if empty no logs will be persistet
+# context timeout for starting log producer and also time-frame for requesting logs
+# number of retries before log producer gives up and stops listening to logs
+# full URL of Loki ingest endpoint
+# currently only needed when using public instance
+# only needed for cloud grafana
+# LogStream will try to shorten Grafana URLs by default (if all 3 variables are set)
+# grafana url (trailing "/" will be stripped)
+# url of your grafana dashboard (prefix and suffix "/" are stirpped), example: /d/ad61652-2712-1722/my-dashboard
+# if you want to use polygon_mumbial
+polygon_mumbai = ["https://my-rpc-endpoint.io"]
+polygon_mumbai = ["https://my-rpc-endpoint.io"]
+polygon_mumbai = ["change-me-to-your-PK"]
+# pos or pow
+# only prysm supported currently
+# geth, besu, nethermind or erigon
+# if true after env started it will wait for at least 1 epoch to be finalised before continuing
+# duration of single slot, lower => faster block production, must be >= 4
+# numer of slots in epoch, lower => faster epoch finalisation, must be >= 4
+# extra genesis gelay, no need to modify, but it should be after all validators/beacon chain starts
+# number of validators in the network
+# list of addresses to be prefunded in genesis
+# hardforks to be applied (fork_name = epoch)
+# Chainlink node TOML config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 0
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+# chainlink override config toml for EVMNode config specific to EVM chains with chain id as mentioned in the key
+# applicable for arbitrum-goerli chain
+421613 = """
+PriceMax = '400 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 100000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+BumpThreshold = 60
+BumpPercent = 20
+BumpMin = '100 gwei'
+# load test specific configuration
+eth_funds = 3
+test_duration = "3m"
+rate_limit_unit_duration = "1m"
+rate = 3
+verification_interval = "5s"
+verification_timeout = "3m"
+ea_change_interval = "5s"
+# soak test specific configuration
+chainlink_node_funding = 100
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr2/forwarder_ocr2.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr2/forwarder_ocr2.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ce658935f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/forwarder_ocr2/forwarder_ocr2.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+DefaultTransactionQueueDepth = 0
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+1337 = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+ForwardersEnabled = true
+ """
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/functions/example.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/functions/example.toml
index b96b39b0409..7cd875d4c8d 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/functions/example.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/functions/example.toml
@@ -69,6 +69,81 @@ chain_id=1337
 # list of addresses to be prefunded in genesis
+# hardforks to be applied (fork_name = epoch)
+# Chainlink node TOML config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+AnnounceAddresses = ['']
+DeltaDial = '500ms'
+DeltaReconcile = '5s'
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+# chainlink override config toml for EVMNode config specific to EVM chains with chain id as mentioned in the key
+# applicable for arbitrum-goerli chain
+421613 = """
+PriceMax = '400 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 100000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+BumpThreshold = 60
+BumpPercent = 20
+BumpMin = '100 gwei'
 # Common
 chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/keeper/example.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/keeper/example.toml
index 0bda9982988..87cf2045feb 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/keeper/example.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/keeper/example.toml
@@ -69,6 +69,73 @@ chain_id=1337
 # list of addresses to be prefunded in genesis
+# hardforks to be applied (fork_name = epoch)
+# Chainlink node TOML config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+TurnLookBack = 0
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+# chainlink override config toml for EVMNode config specific to EVM chains with chain id as mentioned in the key
+# applicable for arbitrum-goerli chain
+421613 = """
+PriceMax = '400 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 100000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+BumpThreshold = 60
+BumpPercent = 20
+BumpMin = '100 gwei'
 # Product part
 chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/keeper/keeper.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/keeper/keeper.toml
index 228ea077bd3..b3b0869e7c5 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/keeper/keeper.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/keeper/keeper.toml
@@ -2,6 +2,43 @@
 chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+TurnLookBack = 0
 registry_to_test = "2_1"
 number_of_registries = 1
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/config.go b/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/config.go
index 890c33f26c9..f6e3249432a 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/config.go
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/config.go
@@ -8,11 +8,6 @@ import (
-const (
-	ErrReadPerfConfig      = "failed to read TOML config for performance tests"
-	ErrUnmarshalPerfConfig = "failed to unmarshal TOML config for performance tests"
 type GeneratorType = string
 const (
@@ -90,13 +85,11 @@ func (l *LoopedConfig) Validate() error {
 type General struct {
-	Generator                 *string                 `toml:"generator"`
-	EventsToEmit              []abi.Event             `toml:"-"`
-	Contracts                 *int                    `toml:"contracts"`
-	EventsPerTx               *int                    `toml:"events_per_tx"`
-	UseFinalityTag            *bool                   `toml:"use_finality_tag"`
-	BackupLogPollerBlockDelay *uint64                 `toml:"backup_log_poller_block_delay"`
-	LogPollInterval           *blockchain.StrDuration `toml:"log_poll_interval"`
+	Generator      *string     `toml:"generator"`
+	EventsToEmit   []abi.Event `toml:"-"`
+	Contracts      *int        `toml:"contracts"`
+	EventsPerTx    *int        `toml:"events_per_tx"`
+	UseFinalityTag *bool       `toml:"use_finality_tag"`
 func (g *General) Validate() error {
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/example.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/example.toml
index 88922e3fedb..a41433b1d06 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/example.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/example.toml
@@ -69,6 +69,88 @@ chain_id=1337
 # list of addresses to be prefunded in genesis
+# hardforks to be applied (fork_name = epoch)
+# Chainlink node TOML config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+TurnLookBack = 0
+PerformGasOverhead = 150000
+SyncInterval = '5m0s'
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+AnnounceAddresses = ['']
+DeltaDial = '500ms'
+DeltaReconcile = '5s'
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+# chainlink override config toml for EVMNode config specific to EVM chains with chain id as mentioned in the key
+# applicable for arbitrum-goerli chain
+421613 = """
+PriceMax = '400 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 100000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+BumpThreshold = 60
+BumpPercent = 20
+BumpMin = '100 gwei'
 # Common
 chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/log_poller.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/log_poller.toml
index 0e87c0e1e01..2f34bf3863d 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/log_poller.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller/log_poller.toml
@@ -6,6 +6,68 @@ consensus_layer="prysm"
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+TurnLookBack = 0
+PerformGasOverhead = 150000
+SyncInterval = '5m0s'
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+AnnounceAddresses = ['']
+DeltaDial = '500ms'
+DeltaReconcile = '5s'
+# Chainlnk node settings that will be used by all tests
+# BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 0 disables the backup log poller
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+MinContractPayment = 0
+BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 0
+FinalityTagEnabled = true
 ephemeral_addresses_number = 50
@@ -16,9 +78,6 @@ generator = "looped"
 contracts = 2
 events_per_tx = 4
 use_finality_tag = true
-log_poll_interval = "500ms"
-# 0 disables backup poller
-backup_log_poller_block_delay = 0
 execution_count = 100
@@ -26,6 +85,15 @@ min_emit_wait_time_ms = 200
 max_emit_wait_time_ms = 500
 # test-specific
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+MinContractPayment = 0
+BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 0
+FinalityDepth = 10
+FinalityTagEnabled = false
 use_finality_tag = false
@@ -36,6 +104,16 @@ events_per_tx = 3
 execution_count = 30
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+MinContractPayment = 0
+BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 0
+FinalityDepth = 10
+FinalityTagEnabled = false
 use_finality_tag = false
 contracts = 300
@@ -50,6 +128,16 @@ execution_count = 30
 experiment_count = 4
 target_component = "chainlink"
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+MinContractPayment = 0
+BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 0
+FinalityDepth = 10
+FinalityTagEnabled = false
 execution_count = 30
 use_finality_tag = false
@@ -63,6 +151,16 @@ execution_count = 30
 experiment_count = 4
 target_component = "postgres"
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+MinContractPayment = 0
+BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 0
+FinalityDepth = 10
+FinalityTagEnabled = false
 execution_count = 30
 use_finality_tag = false
@@ -70,6 +168,15 @@ use_finality_tag = false
 experiment_count = 4
 target_component = "postgres"
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+MinContractPayment = 0
+BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = 0
+FinalityDepth = 10
+FinalityTagEnabled = false
 use_finality_tag = false
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr/example.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr/example.toml
index b8eb891ba33..3355ede75f7 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr/example.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr/example.toml
@@ -69,6 +69,77 @@ chain_id=1337
 # list of addresses to be prefunded in genesis
+# hardforks to be applied (fork_name = epoch)
+# Chainlink node TOML config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+# chainlink override config toml for EVMNode config specific to EVM chains with chain id as mentioned in the key
+# applicable for arbitrum-goerli chain
+421613 = """
+PriceMax = '400 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 100000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+BumpThreshold = 60
+BumpPercent = 20
+BumpMin = '100 gwei'
 # load test specific configuration
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr/ocr.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr/ocr.toml
index 67d7d4588a0..5bc9b975648 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr/ocr.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr/ocr.toml
@@ -2,6 +2,47 @@
 chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
 # load test specific configuration
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr2/example.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr2/example.toml
index b8eb891ba33..9f7fdc7ff92 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr2/example.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr2/example.toml
@@ -69,6 +69,77 @@ chain_id=1337
 # list of addresses to be prefunded in genesis
+# hardforks to be applied (fork_name = epoch)
+# Chainlink node TOML config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+# chainlink override config toml for EVMNode config specific to EVM chains with chain id as mentioned in the key
+# applicable for arbitrum-goerli chain
+421613 = """
+PriceMax = '400 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 100000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+BumpThreshold = 60
+BumpPercent = 20
+BumpMin = '100 gwei'
 # load test specific configuration
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr2/ocr2.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr2/ocr2.toml
index 8d3c73ca761..1d33cdc1ec4 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr2/ocr2.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/ocr2/ocr2.toml
@@ -2,6 +2,47 @@
 chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
 # load test specific configuration
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/testconfig.go b/integration-tests/testconfig/testconfig.go
index abeca8e6eb2..337c960204a 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/testconfig.go
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/testconfig.go
@@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ type Product string
 const (
 	Automation    Product = "automation"
 	Cron          Product = "cron"
-	DirectRequest Product = "direct_request"
 	Flux          Product = "flux"
 	ForwarderOcr  Product = "forwarder_ocr"
 	ForwarderOcr2 Product = "forwarder_ocr2"
@@ -248,8 +247,6 @@ const (
 	VRFv2Plus     Product = "vrfv2plus"
-var TestTypesWithLoki = []string{"Load", "Soak", "Stress", "Spike", "Volume"}
 const TestTypeEnvVarName = "TEST_TYPE"
 func GetConfigurationNameFromEnv() (string, error) {
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/vrf/vrf.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/vrf/vrf.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5282dae8910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/vrf/vrf.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2/example.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2/example.toml
index 8a8139b92d4..0351ae85142 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2/example.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2/example.toml
@@ -69,6 +69,77 @@ chain_id=1337
 # list of addresses to be prefunded in genesis
+# hardforks to be applied (fork_name = epoch)
+# Chainlink node TOML config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+# chainlink override config toml for EVMNode config specific to EVM chains with chain id as mentioned in the key
+# applicable for arbitrum-goerli chain
+421613 = """
+PriceMax = '400 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 100000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+BumpThreshold = 60
+BumpPercent = 20
+BumpMin = '100 gwei'
 # Common
 chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2/vrfv2.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2/vrfv2.toml
index 59affd85f5a..56257b9c1a6 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2/vrfv2.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2/vrfv2.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,47 @@
 # default config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
-chainlink_node_funding = 0.1
+chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2plus/example.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2plus/example.toml
index 76fe23a2e70..1aaf8951e20 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2plus/example.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2plus/example.toml
@@ -69,6 +69,77 @@ chain_id=1337
 # list of addresses to be prefunded in genesis
+# hardforks to be applied (fork_name = epoch)
+# Chainlink node TOML config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
+# override config toml related to EVMNode configs for chainlink nodes; applicable to all EVM node configs in chainlink toml
+CommonChainConfigTOML = """
+AutoCreateKey = true
+FinalityDepth = 1
+MinContractPayment = 0
+PriceMax = '200 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 6000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+# chainlink override config toml for EVMNode config specific to EVM chains with chain id as mentioned in the key
+# applicable for arbitrum-goerli chain
+421613 = """
+PriceMax = '400 gwei'
+LimitDefault = 100000000
+FeeCapDefault = '200 gwei'
+BumpThreshold = 60
+BumpPercent = 20
+BumpMin = '100 gwei'
 # Common
 chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
diff --git a/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2plus/vrfv2plus.toml b/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2plus/vrfv2plus.toml
index b420a1c1d88..e441e647949 100644
--- a/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2plus/vrfv2plus.toml
+++ b/integration-tests/testconfig/vrfv2plus/vrfv2plus.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,48 @@
 # default config
+BaseConfigTOML = """
+FeedsManager = true
+LogPoller = true
+UICSAKeys = true
+Level = 'debug'
+JSONConsole = true
+MaxSize = '0b'
+AllowOrigins = '*'
+HTTPPort = 6688
+SecureCookies = false
+HTTPWriteTimeout = '1m'
+SessionTimeout = '999h0m0s'
+Authenticated = 2000
+Unauthenticated = 1000
+HTTPSPort = 0
+MaxIdleConns = 20
+MaxOpenConns = 40
+MigrateOnStartup = true
+Enabled = true
+ListenAddresses = ['']
-chainlink_node_funding = 0.1
+chainlink_node_funding = 0.5
diff --git a/integration-tests/types/config/node/core.go b/integration-tests/types/config/node/core.go
index 23efdf13a8b..8c8d6d1c339 100644
--- a/integration-tests/types/config/node/core.go
+++ b/integration-tests/types/config/node/core.go
@@ -4,18 +4,19 @@ import (
-	"os"
+	"strconv"
-	commonassets "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-common/pkg/assets"
+	corechainlink "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/v2/core/services/chainlink"
 	commonconfig "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-common/pkg/config"
-	it_utils "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/utils"
+	itutils "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/utils"
 	evmcfg "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/v2/core/chains/evm/config/toml"
@@ -73,16 +74,9 @@ func NewConfig(baseConf *chainlink.Config, opts ...NodeConfigOpt) *chainlink.Con
 	return baseConf
-func NewConfigFromToml(tomlFile string, opts ...NodeConfigOpt) (*chainlink.Config, error) {
-	readFile, err := os.ReadFile(tomlFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
+func NewConfigFromToml(tomlConfig []byte, opts ...NodeConfigOpt) (*chainlink.Config, error) {
 	var cfg chainlink.Config
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	err = config.DecodeTOML(bytes.NewReader(readFile), &cfg)
+	err := config.DecodeTOML(bytes.NewReader(tomlConfig), &cfg)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
@@ -92,116 +86,37 @@ func NewConfigFromToml(tomlFile string, opts ...NodeConfigOpt) (*chainlink.Confi
 	return &cfg, nil
-func WithOCR1() NodeConfigOpt {
-	return func(c *chainlink.Config) {
-		c.OCR = toml.OCR{
-			Enabled: ptr.Ptr(true),
-		}
-	}
-func WithOCR2() NodeConfigOpt {
-	return func(c *chainlink.Config) {
-		c.OCR2 = toml.OCR2{
-			Enabled: ptr.Ptr(true),
-		}
-	}
-func WithP2Pv2() NodeConfigOpt {
-	return func(c *chainlink.Config) {
-		c.P2P.V2 = toml.P2PV2{
-			ListenAddresses: &[]string{""},
+func WithPrivateEVMs(networks []blockchain.EVMNetwork, commonChainConfig *evmcfg.Chain, chainSpecificConfig map[int64]evmcfg.Chain) NodeConfigOpt {
+	var evmConfigs []*evmcfg.EVMConfig
+	for _, network := range networks {
+		var evmNodes []*evmcfg.Node
+		for i := range network.URLs {
+			evmNodes = append(evmNodes, &evmcfg.Node{
+				Name:    ptr.Ptr(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", network.Name, i)),
+				WSURL:   itutils.MustURL(network.URLs[i]),
+				HTTPURL: itutils.MustURL(network.HTTPURLs[i]),
+			})
-	}
-func WithTracing() NodeConfigOpt {
-	return func(c *chainlink.Config) {
-		c.Tracing = toml.Tracing{
-			Enabled:         ptr.Ptr(true),
-			CollectorTarget: ptr.Ptr("otel-collector:4317"),
-			// ksortable unique id
-			NodeID:        ptr.Ptr(ksuid.New().String()),
-			SamplingRatio: ptr.Ptr(1.0),
-			Mode:          ptr.Ptr("unencrypted"),
-			Attributes: map[string]string{
-				"env": "smoke",
-			},
+		evmConfig := &evmcfg.EVMConfig{
+			ChainID: ubig.New(big.NewInt(network.ChainID)),
+			Nodes:   evmNodes,
+			Chain:   evmcfg.Chain{},
-	}
-func SetChainConfig(
-	cfg *chainlink.Config,
-	wsUrls,
-	httpUrls []string,
-	chain blockchain.EVMNetwork,
-	forwarders bool,
-) {
-	if cfg.EVM == nil {
-		var nodes []*evmcfg.Node
-		for i := range wsUrls {
-			node := evmcfg.Node{
-				Name:     ptr.Ptr(fmt.Sprintf("node_%d_%s", i, chain.Name)),
-				WSURL:    it_utils.MustURL(wsUrls[i]),
-				HTTPURL:  it_utils.MustURL(httpUrls[i]),
-				SendOnly: ptr.Ptr(false),
-			}
-			nodes = append(nodes, &node)
+		if commonChainConfig != nil {
+			evmConfig.Chain = *commonChainConfig
-		var chainConfig evmcfg.Chain
-		if chain.Simulated {
-			chainConfig = evmcfg.Chain{
-				AutoCreateKey:      ptr.Ptr(true),
-				FinalityDepth:      ptr.Ptr[uint32](1),
-				MinContractPayment: commonassets.NewLinkFromJuels(0),
+		if chainSpecificConfig != nil {
+			if overriddenChainCfg, ok := chainSpecificConfig[network.ChainID]; ok {
+				evmConfig.Chain = overriddenChainCfg
-		cfg.EVM = evmcfg.EVMConfigs{
-			{
-				ChainID: ubig.New(big.NewInt(chain.ChainID)),
-				Chain:   chainConfig,
-				Nodes:   nodes,
-			},
+		if evmConfig.Chain.FinalityDepth == nil && network.FinalityDepth > 0 {
+			evmConfig.Chain.FinalityDepth = ptr.Ptr(uint32(network.FinalityDepth))
-		if forwarders {
-			cfg.EVM[0].Transactions = evmcfg.Transactions{
-				ForwardersEnabled: ptr.Ptr(true),
-			}
+		if evmConfig.Chain.FinalityTagEnabled == nil && network.FinalityTag {
+			evmConfig.Chain.FinalityTagEnabled = ptr.Ptr(network.FinalityTag)
-	}
-func WithPrivateEVMs(networks []blockchain.EVMNetwork) NodeConfigOpt {
-	var evmConfigs []*evmcfg.EVMConfig
-	for _, network := range networks {
-		evmConfigs = append(evmConfigs, &evmcfg.EVMConfig{
-			ChainID: ubig.New(big.NewInt(network.ChainID)),
-			Chain: evmcfg.Chain{
-				AutoCreateKey:      ptr.Ptr(true),
-				FinalityDepth:      ptr.Ptr[uint32](50),
-				MinContractPayment: commonassets.NewLinkFromJuels(0),
-				LogPollInterval:    commonconfig.MustNewDuration(1 * time.Second),
-				HeadTracker: evmcfg.HeadTracker{
-					HistoryDepth: ptr.Ptr(uint32(100)),
-				},
-				GasEstimator: evmcfg.GasEstimator{
-					LimitDefault:  ptr.Ptr(uint64(6000000)),
-					PriceMax:      assets.GWei(200),
-					FeeCapDefault: assets.GWei(200),
-				},
-			},
-			Nodes: []*evmcfg.Node{
-				{
-					Name:     ptr.Ptr(network.Name),
-					WSURL:    it_utils.MustURL(network.URLs[0]),
-					HTTPURL:  it_utils.MustURL(network.HTTPURLs[0]),
-					SendOnly: ptr.Ptr(false),
-				},
-			},
-		})
+		evmConfigs = append(evmConfigs, evmConfig)
 	return func(c *chainlink.Config) {
 		c.EVM = evmConfigs
@@ -237,3 +152,46 @@ func WithLogPollInterval(interval time.Duration) NodeConfigOpt {
 		c.EVM[0].Chain.LogPollInterval = commonconfig.MustNewDuration(interval)
+func BuildChainlinkNodeConfig(nets []blockchain.EVMNetwork, nodeConfig, commonChain string, configByChain map[string]string) (*corechainlink.Config, string, error) {
+	var tomlCfg *corechainlink.Config
+	var err error
+	var commonChainConfig *evmcfg.Chain
+	if commonChain != "" {
+		err = config.DecodeTOML(bytes.NewReader([]byte(commonChain)), &commonChainConfig)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, "", err
+		}
+	}
+	configByChainMap := make(map[int64]evmcfg.Chain)
+	for k, v := range configByChain {
+		var chain evmcfg.Chain
+		err = config.DecodeTOML(bytes.NewReader([]byte(v)), &chain)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, "", err
+		}
+		chainId, err := strconv.ParseInt(k, 10, 64)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, "", err
+		}
+		configByChainMap[chainId] = chain
+	}
+	if nodeConfig == "" {
+		tomlCfg = NewConfig(
+			NewBaseConfig(),
+			WithPrivateEVMs(nets, commonChainConfig, configByChainMap))
+	} else {
+		tomlCfg, err = NewConfigFromToml([]byte(nodeConfig), WithPrivateEVMs(nets, commonChainConfig, configByChainMap))
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, "", err
+		}
+	}
+	// we need unique id for each node for OTEL tracing
+	if tomlCfg.Tracing.Enabled != nil && *tomlCfg.Tracing.Enabled {
+		tomlCfg.Tracing.NodeID = ptr.Ptr(ksuid.New().String())
+	}
+	tomlStr, err := tomlCfg.TOMLString()
+	return tomlCfg, tomlStr, err
diff --git a/integration-tests/universal/log_poller/helpers.go b/integration-tests/universal/log_poller/helpers.go
index d732ad4af5d..9de11c439c8 100644
--- a/integration-tests/universal/log_poller/helpers.go
+++ b/integration-tests/universal/log_poller/helpers.go
@@ -25,12 +25,10 @@ import (
-	commonconfig "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-common/pkg/config"
 	ctf_test_env "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-testing-framework/docker/test_env"
-	"github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink-testing-framework/utils/ptr"
 	actions_seth "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/actions/seth"
@@ -40,8 +38,6 @@ import (
 	tc "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/testconfig"
 	lp_config "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/testconfig/log_poller"
-	"github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/integration-tests/types/config/node"
-	evmcfg "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/v2/core/chains/evm/config/toml"
 	cltypes "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/v2/core/chains/evm/types"
 	ac "github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/v2/core/gethwrappers/generated/automation_compatible_utils"
@@ -1046,46 +1042,17 @@ func ExecuteChaosExperiment(l zerolog.Logger, testEnv *test_env.CLClusterTestEnv
-// GetFinalityDepth returns the finality depth for the provided chain ID
-func GetFinalityDepth(chainId int64) (int64, error) {
-	var finalityDepth int64
-	switch chainId {
-	// Ethereum Sepolia
-	case 11155111:
-		finalityDepth = 50
-	// Polygon Mumbai
-	case 80001:
-		finalityDepth = 500
-	// Simulated network
-	case 1337:
-		finalityDepth = 10
-	default:
-		return 0, fmt.Errorf("no known finality depth for chain %d", chainId)
-	}
-	return finalityDepth, nil
 // GetEndBlockToWaitFor returns the end block to wait for based on chain id and finality tag provided in config
-func GetEndBlockToWaitFor(endBlock, chainId int64, cfg *lp_config.Config) (int64, error) {
+func GetEndBlockToWaitFor(endBlock int64, network blockchain.EVMNetwork, cfg *lp_config.Config) (int64, error) {
 	if *cfg.General.UseFinalityTag {
 		return endBlock + 1, nil
-	finalityDepth, err := GetFinalityDepth(chainId)
-	if err != nil {
-		return 0, err
-	}
-	return endBlock + finalityDepth, nil
+	return endBlock + int64(network.FinalityDepth), nil
 const (
-	automationDefaultUpkeepGasLimit  = uint32(2500000)
-	automationDefaultLinkFunds       = int64(9e18)
-	automationDefaultUpkeepsToDeploy = 10
-	automationExpectedData           = "abcdef"
-	defaultAmountOfUpkeeps           = 2
+	defaultAmountOfUpkeeps = 2
 var (
@@ -1111,8 +1078,6 @@ func SetupLogPollerTestDocker(
 	registryVersion ethereum.KeeperRegistryVersion,
 	registryConfig contracts.KeeperRegistrySettings,
 	upkeepsNeeded int,
-	lpPollingInterval time.Duration,
-	backupPollingInterval uint64,
 	finalityTagEnabled bool,
 	testConfig *tc.TestConfig,
 	logScannerSettings test_env.ChainlinkNodeLogScannerSettings,
@@ -1131,43 +1096,21 @@ func SetupLogPollerTestDocker(
 	registryConfig.RegistryVersion = registryVersion
 	network := networks.MustGetSelectedNetworkConfig(testConfig.Network)[0]
-	finalityDepth, err := GetFinalityDepth(network.ChainID)
-	require.NoError(t, err, "Error getting finality depth")
-	// build the node config
-	clNodeConfig := node.NewConfig(node.NewBaseConfig())
-	syncInterval := *commonconfig.MustNewDuration(5 * time.Minute)
-	clNodeConfig.Feature.LogPoller = ptr.Ptr[bool](true)
-	clNodeConfig.OCR2.Enabled = ptr.Ptr[bool](true)
-	clNodeConfig.Keeper.TurnLookBack = ptr.Ptr[int64](int64(0))
-	clNodeConfig.Keeper.Registry.SyncInterval = &syncInterval
-	clNodeConfig.Keeper.Registry.PerformGasOverhead = ptr.Ptr[uint32](uint32(150000))
-	clNodeConfig.P2P.V2.Enabled = ptr.Ptr[bool](true)
-	clNodeConfig.P2P.V2.AnnounceAddresses = &[]string{""}
-	clNodeConfig.P2P.V2.ListenAddresses = &[]string{""}
 	//launch the environment
 	var env *test_env.CLClusterTestEnv
 	chainlinkNodeFunding := 0.5
 	l.Debug().Msgf("Funding amount: %f", chainlinkNodeFunding)
 	clNodesCount := 5
-	var logPolllerSettingsFn = func(chain *evmcfg.Chain) *evmcfg.Chain {
-		chain.LogPollInterval = commonconfig.MustNewDuration(lpPollingInterval)
-		chain.FinalityDepth = ptr.Ptr[uint32](uint32(finalityDepth))
-		chain.FinalityTagEnabled = ptr.Ptr[bool](finalityTagEnabled)
-		chain.BackupLogPollerBlockDelay = ptr.Ptr[uint64](backupPollingInterval)
-		return chain
-	}
-	var evmNetworkSettingsFn = func(network *blockchain.EVMNetwork) *blockchain.EVMNetwork {
-		network.FinalityDepth = uint64(finalityDepth)
+	var evmNetworkExtraSettingsFn = func(network *blockchain.EVMNetwork) *blockchain.EVMNetwork {
+		// we need it, because by default finality depth is 0 for our simulated network
+		if network.Simulated && !finalityTagEnabled {
+			network.FinalityDepth = 10
+		}
 		network.FinalityTag = finalityTagEnabled
 		return network
-	evmNetworkSettingsFn(&network)
 	privateNetwork, err := actions.EthereumNetworkConfigFromConfig(l, testConfig)
 	require.NoError(t, err, "Error building ethereum network config")
@@ -1176,10 +1119,8 @@ func SetupLogPollerTestDocker(
-		WithCLNodeConfig(clNodeConfig).
-		WithChainOptions(logPolllerSettingsFn).
-		EVMNetworkOptions(evmNetworkSettingsFn).
+		WithEVMNetworkOptions(evmNetworkExtraSettingsFn).