This is a list of items that are in need of doing!
- Outline book, find what can, should, and will be included OUTSIDE of the book
- The idea behind this is to prompt the user with a few different open ended questions or ideas. This will allow them to write in their own words what they believe was imporant, interesting, etc.
- Need to find specifics of what quotes or ideas should be included in each prompt
- These will need to be stored locally. This app should currently have no need for an internet connection post download. (Maybe require PDF download once app is downloaded to make app size smaller on app store)
- Once the user finishes the book this will become availible.
- The idea behind this is allow the user access to specifics when they are having trouble remembering why they quit.
- Ideas: Show "motivators" photos, specific imporant things they have wrote, specifics quotes from the Hacknotes.
- The idea behind this is allowing the user to store images or text that are their "motivators"
- For example, storing a picture of a loved on, an animal, or a specific quote they find they ahear with.
- This will obviously be stored locally as there will be absolutlely no data harvested from any user.
- I do like the idea of it being very positive, something along the lines of "Im so happy youre here :)"
- The only problem with this is making the app speak in first person could be bad for parasocial reseasons.