On planet Shadokus, a year has 5 months, each month has 4 days, each day has 3 hours and each hour has 2 minutes. A calendar date is therefore defined as the record type date
of the given prelude.
- A date is well-formed if its year index is
>= 1
, its month index is>= 1
and<= 5
, its day index is>= 1
and<= 4
, its hour index is>= 0
and<= 2
, and its minute index is>= 0
and<= 1
. The start of year12
would be:
{ year = 12; month = 1; day = 1; hour = 0; minute = 0 }
The end of year 12
would be:
{ year = 12; month = 5; day = 4; hour = 2; minute = 1 }
Write a function wellformed : date -> bool
which checks that the input date is well formed.
On planet Shadokus, the origin of time is the discovery of the Big-Lambda-Machine, a magical computer that evaluates the infinite lambda-term of time. It is defined by value
of the given prelude. Write a functionnext : date -> date
which computes the date which comes one minute after the input date. -
In this computer, the time is represented by an integer that counts the number of minutes since
1/1/1 0:0
(the origin of time). Write a functionof_int : int -> date
that converts such an integer into adate
type date =
{ year : int; month : int; day : int;
hour : int; minute : int }
let the_origin_of_time =
{ year = 1; month = 1; day = 1;
hour = 0; minute = 0 }
let wellformed date =
"Replace this string with your implementation." ;;
let next date =
"Replace this string with your implementation." ;;
let of_int minutes =
"Replace this string with your implementation." ;;