Have a look at the documentation of module Hashtbl
- Implement a module
, compatible with theHashedType
signature, wheretype t = char
. - Use the module defined in the previous question to instantiate the
functor as a moduleCharHashtbl
. - Reimplement the data structure of
from a previous exercise, so that a hash table is used to represent the association between characters and children. To do so, complete the definition of moduleTrie
, so that it is compatible with the given signatureGenericTrie
, whose'a table
type is instanciated tochar
indexed hash tables. Be careful, a hash table is not a purely functional data structure. Therefore, it must be copied when necessary! Note: you must neither change the signature nor the types of moduleTrie
or the tests will fail.
module type GenericTrie = sig
type 'a char_table
type 'a trie = Trie of 'a option * 'a trie char_table
val empty : unit -> 'a trie
val insert : 'a trie -> string -> 'a -> 'a trie
val lookup : 'a trie -> string -> 'a option
module CharHashedType =
struct (* replace this structure with your implementation *) end
module CharHashtbl =
struct (* replace this structure with your implementation *) end
module Trie : GenericTrie
with type 'a char_table = 'a CharHashtbl.t =
type 'a char_table = 'a CharHashtbl.t
type 'a trie = Trie of 'a option * 'a trie char_table
let empty () =
"Replace this string with your implementation." ;;
let lookup trie w =
"Replace this string with your implementation." ;;
let insert trie w v =
"Replace this string with your implementation." ;;