Android app for tracking Mpesa expenses.
The app supports devices running Android 7.1+, and is optimized for phones and tablets of all shapes and sizes.
You need Java 11 on you PC to be able to run the project on your local environment.
If you have multiple installations of Java make sure to set Java 11 as your preferred version to run the project.
- Jetpack Compose
- Coroutines - For Concurrency and Asynchronous tasks
- Retrofit - For network requests
- Hilt - For Dependency Injection
- Coil - For Image Loading and Caching 6Lint Checks - Ktlint
The architecture is as follows;
This layer will include;
- Network Calls
- Caching
- The repository implementation
- The relevant data models
This layer will contain;
- The repository
- The relevant domain models.
- View
- ViewModels
- Relevant Models.
App will have the following features:
- Home / Dashboard
- Planning
- Statistics
This is the link to the app designs:
[Light Theme] (https://)
[Dark Theme] (https://)