From 0c24e0e463421067ffb7223ab907ee7a21dcc4d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew D Smith <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2019 19:21:42 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Updating the README ahead of release

--- | 204 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 150 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index e3ffe8d..35520e0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,58 +1,159 @@
 The MethPipe software package is a computational pipeline for
-analyzing bisulfite sequencing data (WGBS and RRBS). MethPipe
-provides tools for mapping bisulfite sequencing read and estimating
-methylation levels at individual cytosine sites. Additionally,
-MethPipe also includes tools for identifying higher-level methylation
-features, such as hypo-methylated regions (HMR), partially methylated
-domains (PMD), hyper-methylated regions (HyperMR), and allele-specific
-methylated regions (AMR).
-Building and Installing 
-You may download the latest stable release from  
-This software package has been designed to operate in a UNIX-like environment.
-It has been tested on MacOS X Snow Leopard and Linux. 
+analyzing bisulfite sequencing data (WGBS and RRBS). MethPipe provides
+tools methylation-specific technical evaluation of sequencing data,
+and for estimating methylation levels at individual cytosines.
+Additionally, MethPipe includes tools for identifying higher-level
+methylation features, such as hypo-methylated regions (HMR), partially
+methylated domains (PMD), hyper-methylated regions (HyperMR), and
+allele-specific methylated regions (AMR).
+Major release 4.0.0
+This release may be unstable. Much has changed in 4.0.0 compared with
+earlier releases. The main new functionality is the capacity for
+reading most (large) input files in gzip format. Installing version
+4.0.0 may be less convenient. It requires building and installing the
+`smithlab_cpp` library first. The instructions for installing earlier
+releases are below.
+## Installing release 4.0.0
+### Required libraries
+* The GNU Scientific Library: this has always been required. It can be
+  installed using `apt` on Linux, using `brew` on macOS, or from
+  source available [here](
+* The Zlib compression library. Most likely you already have this
+  installed on your system. If not, it can be installed using `apt`
+  on Linux through the package `zlib1g-dev`. On macOS, Zlib can be
+  installed with `brew`.
+* The `smithlab_cpp` library. We suggest you install a release, and do
+  not attempt to simply clone the source and build the library unless
+  you know what you are doing. Currently the best way to install the
+  `smithlab_cpp` library is using `./configure && make && make
+  install` but please see the instructions
+  [here](
+* Optional: The HTSlib library, which can be installed through `brew`
+  on macOS, through `apt` on Linux, or from source downloadable
+  [here]( This is only required
+  for using the `to-mr` tool, but it you plan to build `methpipe` with
+  HTSlib support, then make sure you also build `smithlab_cpp` with
+  HTSlib support.
+### Configuration
+1. Dowload methpipe-4.0.0.tar.gz [here](
+2. Unpack the archive:
+$ tar -zxvf methpipe-4.0.0.tar.gz
+3. Move into the methpipe directory and create a build directory:
+$ cd methpipe-4.0.0
+$ mkdir build
+$ cd build
+4. Run the configuration script:
+$ ../configure
+If you do not want to install the methpipe system-wide, or if you do
+not have admin privileges, specify a prefix directory:
+$ ../configure --prefix=/some/reasonable/place
+If you are specifying a particular location for installing `methpipe`
+then you likely did the same thing when installing `smithlab_cpp`. If
+so, you must configure as follows:
+$ ../configure --prefix=/some/reasonable/place \
+    CPPFLAGS='-I /path/to/smithlab_cpp/headers' \
+    LDFLAGS='-L/path/to/smithlab_cpp/lib'
+Notice that the argment to `LDFLAGS` does not have a space after the
+`-L`. This next argument is not required, but will make the code run
+slightly faster:
+$ ../configure CXXFLAGS='-O3 -Wall'
+Finally, if you want to build with HTSlib support (for the `to-mr`
+program) then you need to specify the following:
+$ ../configure --enable-hts
+And if you installed HTSlib yourself in some non-standard directory,
+you must specify the location like this:
+$ ../configure --enable-hts CPPFLAGS='-I /path/to/htslib/headers' \
+    LDFLAGS='-L/path/to/htslib/lib'
+If you need to specify locations for both HTSlib and `smithlab_cpp`,
+then they must be in the same sets of quotes, separated by spaces.
+Hopefully this process will be easier soon.
+### Building and installing the tools
+If you are still in the `build` directory, run `make` to compile the
+tools, and then `make install` to install them. If your HTSlib is not
+installed system-wide, then you might need to udpate your library
+$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/path/to/htslib/lib
+Previous releases of Methpipe
+Building and Installing
+You may download the latest stable release from
+ This software package
+has been designed to operate in a UNIX-like environment.  It has been
+tested on MacOS X Snow Leopard and Linux.
 * Step 0
-  This software package requires a functioning installation of the GNU 
-  Scientific Library (GSL). If you don't already have this installed, you 
-  will need to download and install it from
-  If gsl is not installed in the default path, 
+  This software package requires a functioning installation of the GNU
+  Scientific Library (GSL). If you don't already have this installed,
+  you will need to download and install it from
+  If gsl is not installed in the default path,
   export CPATH=/path_to_my_gsl/include
   export LIBRARY_PATH=/path_to_my_gsl/lib
-  will add search paths for compiling and linking. 
+  will add search paths for compiling and linking.
 * Step 1
   To build the binaries, type the following, where '>' is your prompt and the
   CWD is the root of the distribution:
       > make all
 * Step 2
   To install the binaries, type the following, where '>' is your prompt and the
   CWD is the root of the distribution:
       > make install
   This will place the binaries in the bin directory under the package root.
   They can be used directly from there without any additional steps. You can
-  add that directory to your PATH environment variable to avoid having to 
+  add that directory to your PATH environment variable to avoid having to
   specify their full paths, or you can copy the binaries to another directory
-  of your choice in your PATH 
-For advanced users who are interested in the newest features, you may obtain the 
-latest source code by cloning the MethPipe repository:
+  of your choice in your PATH
-    > git clone --recursive
-After you clone the latest source code, follow the above steps for installation.
+For advanced users who are interested in the newest features, you may
+obtain the latest source code by cloning the MethPipe repository:
+> git clone --recursive
+After you clone the latest source code, follow the above steps for
@@ -68,9 +169,12 @@
 Ben Decato
+Meng Zhou
 MethPipe and MethBase Users' Mailinglist
 Copyright and License Information
@@ -78,23 +182,15 @@ Copyright and License Information
 Copyright (C) 2018-2020
 University of Southern California,
 Andrew D. Smith
-Current Authors:  Andrew D. Smith, Ben Decato, Meng Zhou, Liz Ji, Jenny Qu, Egor Dolzhenko
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Genome Research Ltd.
-SamTools software is free software distributed under the MIT License.
-Refer to the COPYING file in src/samtoos/ for further information.
+Current Authors: Andrew D. Smith, Ben Decato, Meng Zhou, Liz Ji, Jenny Qu, Egor Dolzhenko
+This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+option) any later version.
+This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.