- try to cross-over your talk across the knowledge space about the cloud.
business side
- talk about retail companies, security, ease of use, cost management and structure, flexibilty, hybrid/multi cloud solutions, performance
technical side
- networking, machine learning, VM's, kubernetes, compute, bigquery(unique product), migration
middle later
- security, DC footprint, open source use, Anthos(unique product)
- cloud framework--strategy for GCP, create a generic strategy for talking to CFO, CTO, keeping in mind to ask goals objectives, history, risk ability of the organization, budget, timeline, resources, scope and scale, who are the actual key stakeholders. customer based questions.
- industry of the customer; which model they use, utilization of the services, IAAS, FAAS, CAAS, PAAS, SaaS. It depends on the clients needs and current environment they use.
- Behavioural Answers--Infrastructure, networking, talk about the technical details--
- show great passion for the GCP to be number one. find facts.
- Urgency--talk to your recruiter and prepare the material
- ask questions
- 30-40 highlight - know the JOB, company
- know your client, internal/external, know the size of company, know what needs to be accomplished
- make connection with your client/interviewer
- ask questions with yes/no answers? preplan few questions to ask if faced with open-ended questions.