All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.34.8 (2024-11-21)
1.34.7 (2024-11-21)
1.34.6 (2024-11-18)
1.34.5 (2024-11-03)
- CapsLockX: windowmanager in side monitor (d0bfe2c)
1.34.4 (2024-11-02)
1.34.3 (2024-08-22)
- brainstorm: remember lastquestion (4aaf3d0)
- capslockx: add todo (3fd14ca)
- CapsLockX: supress brainstorm error, fix turno (35d6de1)
- Modules: remove sleep (f8ea129)
1.34.2 (2024-05-29)
1.34.1 (2024-05-29)
1.34.0 (2024-05-24)
- CapsLockX: virtual desktop for win11 (75f2cde)
- 91-english-version: en readme (fa8862b)
- 91-english-version: stage (36e8243)
- 93-issue: add vars (7ea6450)
- brainstorm: heat up (a04a0cf)
- CapsLockX: brainstorm logic (b58d0fd)
- capslockx: cfg dir (5bb72c1)
- capslockx: docsmouse (e45b9c1)
- capslockx: en (ba858c5)
- CapsLockX: en module help (32ab8bd)
- CapsLockX: format (b37401d)
- capslockx: i18n setup (5ac5047)
- capslockx: initial locales (68b61e8)
- capslockx: initial-langs (38335b9)
- capslockx: lang codes (bb79216)
- capslockx: not default start (d538603)
- CapsLockX: remove pnpm (791262d)
- capslockx: tr error (c70b891)
- capslockx: xflymsg (6052549)
- ifly: click pos (ce71b54)
- main: echo off in startup (2f60891)
- main: qinjinwei (112d671)
- main: update readme (ce5169a)
- Modules: example lang (0ef49e2)
1.33.2 (2024-01-06)
- workflows: v4 checkout (57ca621)
1.33.1 (2024-01-06)
- capslockx: remove keysender (0988dfe)
1.33.0 (2024-01-06)
- Modules: Brainstorm (b5320bf)
- capslockx: pnpm publish (6631cc9)
1.32.5 (2024-01-04)
- anki control update (6e67e85)
- capslockx: brainstorm (eb3cf50)
- capslockx: readme (5ae1b1c)
- Core: reduce file changes (e9d6140)
- docs: contri (76ff39b)
- docs: donate update (c1d1e49)
- Modules: brainstorm (3153210)
- remove chat.ts (32bbed4)
- settings reload (1e2c347)
- Update CLX-WindowManager hotkeys and comments (631c0f5)
1.32.4 (2023-11-26)
- Modules: ifly update (3b37021)
1.32.3 (2023-11-23)
- capslockx: chat upgrae (484dc9f)
- capslockx: dep (13db936)
- capslockx: scroll horizonal (560481b)
- DevTools: chat api (e4310d0)
- DevTools: chat base (ec83723)
- DevTools: update openai (8819b8f)
- docs: en (26cc65e)
- Modules: en (37b4711)
- Modules: en (30e4101)
- workflows: choco install (266cabc)
1.32.2 (2023-08-26)
1.32.1 (2023-08-16)
- capslockx: chat (576ac79)
- capslockx: clean log (2521c02)
- capslockx: home (04fd255)
- capslockx: log (6dbb118)
- capslockx: test (59c8b52)
- chats: ref (9209c63)
- clx: docs init (33d467e)
- Core: br (bff06d5)
- DevTools: reacttester (f7d030b)
- Modules: node (591a612)
- Modules: xunfei (d2dfc10)
1.32.0 (2023-06-05)
- window: skip topmost win while arrange (f4f2879)
- go: push (38d3145)
1.31.0 (2023-05-29)
- mac: go (0d4259e)
1.30.5 (2023-04-16)
1.30.4 (2023-04-16)
- capslockx: change reload key (7a8d365)
- capslockx: semantic release (faee9ce)
- capslockx: tabnpm (182ef61)
- docs: nodeeval rename (816bc4f)
- ignores (48c0f23)
- Modules: clx+np as tab (85ac58b)
- Modules: format (5d3a508)
- nodeeval: module (f74e614)
- Tools: rename full all screens (b3a6ff5)
- workflows: comment (a68325e)
- workflows: wf (c5e6088)
1.30.3 (2023-01-07)
1.30.2 (2023-01-05)
- capslockx: workdir (b2a590e)
- Core: fix workdir (2f6b9ee)
- Modules: element (442ef4c)
- Modules: figma (50cf711)
- Modules: figma inbrowser (131d276)
- Modules: japanese style password (like .... incantations? (78f125e)
- Modules: remove figma msgbox (fc9bbb8)
1.30.1 (2023-01-04)
- Modules: DPW, QPW, UUID (f665811)
1.30.0 (2022-12-28)
- capslockx: branches and file renames (456e384)
- capslockx: move tab with clx+c\v and clx+n\m for windows manage (990c1b7)
- capslockx: format (65db913)
- capslockx: format (09174e7)
- capslockx: renames.. (66c4600)
- capslockx: update lint-staged (39ce1d4)
- edit-enhanced: reverse by shift key pressed (3e57d4e)
- go: go (d2ef990)
- go: golang stage (3a67fe9)
- go: stash (8970c12)
- Modules: onenote date 曜日 (46fd3d8)
1.29.1 (2022-12-07)
1.29.0 (2022-12-07)
- edit-enhance: CLX+N/M to control tab (7a677f7)
1.28.7 (2022-11-19)
- capslockx: on a{End} (761210a)
- edit-enhance: dead loop (3342d9b)
- Modules: onenote toggle todo without table conflict (8fa0766)
- Modules: pomodoro enable (7c3c838)
1.28.4 (2022-09-03)
1.28.3 (2022-08-26)
1.28.2 (2022-08-26)
- anki 631 (483687a)
1.28.1 (2022-07-17)
1.28.0 (2022-07-17)
- search today (dcf4f86)
1.27.0 (2022-07-03)
- quickinput: ISODateStringGenerate (d321b99)
1.26.1 (2022-06-28)
- onenote: !r:: altSend(wi2) ; 视图 - 缩放到页面宽度 (7185268)
1.26.0 (2022-06-26)
- virtualdesktop: EnsureCurrentEnviromentRule (3618182)
1.25.10 (2022-05-11)
1.25.9 (2022-05-01)
1.25.8 (2022-04-20)
1.25.7 (2022-04-20)
1.25.6 (2022-04-20)
1.25.5 (2022-04-11)
1.25.4 (2022-04-08)
- mouse: reduce speed with shift (29f1363)
1.25.3 (2022-03-16)
- 用 SendEvent 防止把 hl 按出来 (b67c601)
1.25.2 (2022-03-16)
1.25.1 (2022-03-13)
1.25.0 (2022-03-13)
- |
CapsLockX + ad
| 将 WASD 切换到滚轮模式(上下左右滚动) | (5dc5a1d)
- add keywords (cc7ed6e)
- config: show keyboard (7c2742d)
- fix licenseUrl (107e693)
- publish only in snolab (d7311a2)
- 改为 | 全局 |
CapsLockX + ad
| 将 HJKL 键切换到滚轮模式(上下左右滚动) | (21ca801)
1.24.2 (2022-03-11)
1.24.1 (2022-02-27)
1.24.0 (2022-02-27)
- emoji-search-in-english (5ef8280)
1.23.2 (2022-02-24)
1.23.1 (2022-02-24)
- BlenderEnhanced (345a9b6)
- long-press to lock in CLX mode (e9884da)
- QuickTips (f5985c7)
- Win + Shift + hjkl | 在窗口之间按方向切换焦点 | (4d7d6c0)
- 不折行回车 (ab7e53b)
- 优化提权询问流程、增加配置保存自动重载功能 (25c3c63)
- 在托盘图标或任务栏任务上,选择退出按钮 (4e4da34)
- 增加功能 | 双击左边 Shift+Ctrl+Alt | 最小化当前窗口(可穿透远程桌面与虚拟机) | (6c32ac7)
- 增加定时任务 (26e729e)
- 增加模块禁用配置功能于配置文件[ModuleDisable]分区 (68a0d5c), closes #27
- 增加鼠标位置记忆、增加 ralt as capslockx (4c645c9)
- 展开当前关键词的相关页面链接 (96cfa00)
- 快速窗口热键编辑 (3836564)
- 滚轮自动滚动 (5fbbc38)
- 自动更新模块原型完成、大面积重构、配置文档优化、 (415e7ac)
- 重写时基加速模型,优化流畅度和运动帧数,实现变频稳定算法 (3baecc9)
- 鼠标模拟性能提升、引导键触发 up 问题修复 (aecba3e)
- || (ee2687a)
- acrobat 增强文档 (dab9e76)
- ActivateLastFlashWindow 键位修改 (922664f)
- add version name (01feb10)
- alt+tab modify volume (0136195)
- AltTab 时,按数字键让窗口在虚拟桌面间转移 (27e3b2e)
- arrow speed up (09ece0b)
- auto commit versioning (ac60cb4)
- auto commit versioning (861c901)
- auto reload improved (00da365)
- auto reload when config changed (e8b1840)
- CapsLockX + Ctrl + Alt + r f | 垂直滚轮自动滚动(上 下) (8b32921)
- CapsLockX + h + t | 移位后删,大部分情况可代替退格键 (a3f0358)
- CapsLockX_更新记录 (09f9e1d)
- CapsLockX 定时任务提高时间精度 (c969651)
- change icon url to CDN due to chocolatey requests (5415a2a)
- changelog (99328b1)
- choco-pack (46f079a)
- config reload pass (f6ea88c)
- config ui fix (5a24293)
- date time input (a53c4c5)
- delay shorten (08b2add)
- delete unused modules (73770bb)
- disable gitee and gitlab 仓库包 (f5f4023)
- dont save user script (f61702c)
- enhance switch to desktop by hotkey for win11 (c7f47ae)
- first time notice in tomato life (38903d8)
- fix config ahk path (011fb71)
- fix config gui 更新配置修改界面 (4678b3d)
- fix config lock 修复配置锁定 (187939a)
- fix LICENCE.txt duplicate (c58ac38)
- fix modules loader (4355668)
- fix npx capslockx could not find capslockx-config.ahk (b27c0d6)
- format (a907ad0)
- git add versioning files (63f2ed7)
- github aactions (321e2a6)
- gitpush (1897e09)
- gitsync (274fd57)
- hide updating msg (cc22943)
- i18n (127be0f)
- icon url (d40fbd6)
- ignore pacakge-lock (b97028d)
- ignore update conflit (504c6be)
- ignore user/ (4209631)
- improve slower mouse with shift keys (2bfb46a)
- KeyWait 错误处理 (29e5449)
- let lmb & rmb keywait forever (655b695)
- lights updateing (6eb16c2)
- lights updating (52a12a0)
- LKF 模块任务管理器热键兼容性修复 (77607b9)
- make sure startup (e4d0125)
- npm ignores for unacceptable content (553ad94)
- OneNote 2016 外链功能排序增强 (534cc45)
- OneNote2016 按回车后 1 秒内,如果出现了安全警告窗口,则自动按 Yes (f581142)
- OneNote2016_Win11_Detect (79413be)
- onenote2016 链接 expand 细节调整,帮助文件自动生成方法思考 (fe11157)
- overwrite user module (5795a3b)
- publish tool dir (6ea169b)
- quick input (4fc85fb)
- regular fix (a85a8f8)
- reload (065130b)
- reload #IF (4273755)
- remove ] & [:: LWin (1e0cedf)
- remove core ahk exe (9306c11)
- remove default task (f0cb7ce)
- remove longpress to help (a994731)
- rename npm run gitpush (fa89220)
- show png format icons for chocolatey (97e8711)
- SwitchToDesktopByHotkey enhanced for win11 (0e33d25)
- tasks bar jumping improve (8088ed4)
- todo fix sendinput (e96b4e8)
- TransColor for iflywnd (b26da9e)
- tray version number (495d217)
- update helps description 更新帮助模块描述 (5fefadf)
- update ignores (5a65b45)
- update tomato life and fix reload (cccfcc2)
- update 用 ConfigGet 防止触发自动重载 (aaaa851)
- versioning (94a4fe5)
- versioning (83cce83)
- virtual desktop with win11 (bffab64)
- virtual desktop with win11 (fb7e0f7)
- win11 兼容增强与配置修复 (df3df37)
- working dir (e4333ab)
- 交换删除键 (e51ca0a)
- 优化后置远程桌面窗口的逻辑 (7832d67)
- 优化帮助界面 (16cdab2)
- 优化快速窗口热键编辑流程和文件 qktqqktq (c18f35b)
- 优化滚动、清除标签 (e83ec2a)
- 优化编辑增强选中行 (53985d5)
- 使普通的按方向窗口切换的热键与 CapsLockXMode 互不干扰 (a2d6d7e)
- 使用进程名 AHK (d348514)
- 修复 ignores 文件并加入 synergyd.exe (a1c4676)
- 修复 T_使用番茄报时 选项 (d0c176c)
- 修复会清掉配置的 bug (790d5b4)
- 修复定时任务时间间隔 (a09030a)
- 修复帮助文件加载时编码报错问题 (e1f00c7)
- 修复根目录 readme 图片显示问题 (523b861)
- 修复止动 bug (3558950)
- 修复版本比较 (0f31b8b)
- 修复鼠标按键加 ctrl (4a145b1)
- 修改 CapsLockX_更新提示 (e366247)
- 修改热键 CLX+B 为定位到任务栏、虚拟桌面整体迁移功能修复、普通用户权限重载代码优化 (b27b24a)
- 删掉意外出现的配置文件 (b51e79d)
- 删除转屏模块 (e4793e7)
- 前删,后删逻辑优化 (0c1a58b)
- 加一个换行 (9f2bd7b)
- 加入更新提示 (1a25dc2)
- 加速模型优化 (2a39820)
- 升级 git push 方式:合并 remote (c8c40a8)
- 双击 Ctrl+Alt+Shift 后置当前窗口时,自动激活任务栏。 (8feea0d)
- 取消讯飞半透明 (c78ad40)
- 后置当前窗口,用于远程桌面与虚拟机,使其可与本机桌面窗口同时显示 (ca74fd9)
- 启用 docsify (7c81c0b)
- 在 OneNote 笔记内部直接 SendEvent 上下方向键无反应, 故使用 ControlSend (6b1db7e)
- 增加右手 Win 键模拟 (ca1adb6)
- 完善配置锁 (654d201)
- 定时任务默认禁用 [有一个难以复现的 bug・Issue #17・snolab/CapsLockX](#17) (181dd03)
- 尝试修复滚轮不停问题 (2b066ed)
- 尝试重置滚动不停问题 (5b69426)
- 帮助生成格式化尝试 (2cefccb)
- 平移导航 旋转导航 (52c90db)
- 开机运行模块提取 (163809f)
- 异常退出处理 (9fef53d)
- 快捷输入文档更新、随机数各类增加 (c1ea9c9)
- 快速窗口热键编辑用户模块路径 (c1ebc5c)
- 把远程桌面增强合并到窗口增强模块 (d92df0a)
- 按住其它键的时候 不触发 CapsLockX 避免影响打字 (3daab90)
- 提供 EvalJS 端口配置选项 (cdacfbb)
- 改进帮助界面 (6ac26e7)
- 时间戳指令标准化 (3cdfedc)
- 暂时隐藏更新提示 (c27649b)
- 更新包脚本(暂存) (a4a7ef9)
- 更新屏幕旋转组件,增加兼容性 (d9c9e55)
- 桌面 QQ 增强 更换条件函数 (f5b7983)
- 模块加载 robust 增强 (fa8d84d)
- 模拟中键将暂停滚动 (3e1fe75)
- 模拟鼠标加入强动标记 (06fb362)
- 止动函数提前 (b54a54e)
- 添加 github publish 工作流 (10b4e22)
- 添加脚本描述 (8bad5b1)
- 清理旧代码、分离开发工具目录、修复第一次重载失效的问题、清理发布包中的开发文件 (244d08a)
- 清除不必要的 keywait (b9b8975)
- 滚动模拟鲁棒性增强、调整滚动热键冲突、简化中键触发逻辑 (29a72bb)
- 用 ConfigGet 防止触发自动重载 (1b0585e)
- 番茄报时配置修复 (542e3af)
- 番茄时钟正名 (3fbee99)
- 移除无更新提示 (9cbbc27)
- 空格键长按还原输出空格功能 (91cef7f)
- 窗口切换优化 (f2d90c9)
- 窗口排序优化,同名进程放一起 (7c6afcf)
- 自动更新完善 (04f6f69)
- 自动更新防多开 (a14e339)
- 观察到 r up 和 f Up 偶尔其中一个会随机失效,原因不明,尝试修复 (d092f5e)
- 解决配置文件编码问题 (90af027)
- 解决配置文件编码问题,使用 UTF-16 编码编写 ini (fe3bf32)
- 讯飞语音输入法切换路径读取和窗口点击切换修复 (759748e)
- 调整鼠标模拟速度默认配置 (26b8cf4)
- 退出 CLX 模式/进入 CLX 模式 的悬浮小提示自动消失 (2f40c35)
- 配置刷新 (83f578e)
- 配置文件编码清洗优化 (71c79d1)
- 配置文件编辑 CapsLockXMode (e8b2a82)
- 配置项优化 (91ee1df)
- 重载权限优化 (40107c1)
- 锁屏息屏优化 (5fc30d9)
- 附件增加 .nupkg (628f808)
- 雪星并击: 代码格式修复 (73326d3)
- 鼠标模拟速度调整 (76e06fd)
- 鼠标速度调整 (a1e1201)
1.22.0 (2022-02-17)
- fix config gui 更新配置修改界面 (4678b3d)
- fix config lock 修复配置锁定 (187939a)
- update helps description 更新帮助模块描述 (5fefadf)
- 快捷输入文档更新、随机数各类增加 (c1ea9c9)
- 桌面 QQ 增强 更换条件函数 (f5b7983)
- 添加脚本描述 (8bad5b1)
- 雪星并击: 代码格式修复 (73326d3)
1.21.21 (2022-01-21)
1.21.20 (2022-01-20)
1.21.19 (2022-01-20)
1.21.18 (2022-01-20)
1.21.17 (2022-01-20)
1.21.16 (2022-01-20)
1.21.15 (2022-01-20)
- 附件增加 .nupkg (628f808)
1.21.14 (2022-01-20)
- git add versioning files (63f2ed7)
1.21.13 (2022-01-20)
- versioning (94a4fe5)
1.21.12 (2022-01-20)
1.21.11 (2022-01-20)
1.21.10 (2022-01-20)
1.21.9 (2022-01-20)
1.21.8 (2022-01-20)
1.21.7 (2022-01-20)
1.21.6 (2022-01-20)
- ignore pacakge-lock (b97028d)
- todo fix sendinput (e96b4e8)
- virtual desktop with win11 (bffab64)
- virtual desktop with win11 (fb7e0f7)
1.21.5 (2022-01-11)
- choco-pack (46f079a)
1.21.4 (2022-01-10)
- arrow speed up (09ece0b)
- enhance switch to desktop by hotkey for win11 (c7f47ae)
- format (a907ad0)
- OneNote2016_Win11_Detect (79413be)
- SwitchToDesktopByHotkey enhanced for win11 (0e33d25)
1.21.3 (2022-01-06)
- add version name (01feb10)
- CapsLockX_更新记录 (09f9e1d)
- config reload pass (f6ea88c)
- config ui fix (5a24293)
- delay shorten (08b2add)
- dont save user script (f61702c)
- fix config ahk path (011fb71)
- fix modules loader (4355668)
- fix npx capslockx could not find capslockx-config.ahk (b27c0d6)
- github aactions (321e2a6)
- hide updating msg (cc22943)
- improve slower mouse with shift keys (2bfb46a)
- lights updateing (6eb16c2)
- lights updating (52a12a0)
- LKF 模块任务管理器热键兼容性修复 (77607b9)
- make sure startup (e4d0125)
- quick input (4fc85fb)
- win11 兼容增强与配置修复 (df3df37)
- 增加右手 Win 键模拟 (ca1adb6)
- 平移导航 旋转导航 (52c90db)
- 番茄时钟正名 (3fbee99)
- 窗口切换优化 (f2d90c9)
- 窗口排序优化,同名进程放一起 (7c6afcf)
- 鼠标模拟速度调整 (76e06fd)
- 鼠标速度调整 (a1e1201)
- QuickTips (f5985c7)
1.21.2 (2021-11-24)
1.21.1 (2021-10-31)
1.21.0 (2021-10-18)
- BlenderEnhanced (345a9b6)
1.20.2 (2021-10-15)
1.20.1 (2021-09-14)
- 修复止动 bug (3558950)
1.20.0 (2021-09-12)
- auto reload improved (00da365)
- 重写时基加速模型,优化流畅度和运动帧数,实现变频稳定算法 (3baecc9)
1.19.7 (2021-09-11)
- icon url (d40fbd6)
1.19.6 (2021-09-11)
- change icon url to CDN due to chocolatey requests (5415a2a)
- show png format icons for chocolatey (97e8711)
1.19.5 (2021-09-02)
- 取消讯飞半透明 (c78ad40)
1.19.4 (2021-08-26)
1.19.3 (2021-08-26)
- CapsLockX + Ctrl + Alt + r f | 垂直滚轮自动滚动(上 下) (8b32921)
- CapsLockX + h + t | 移位后删,大部分情况可代替退格键 (a3f0358)
1.19.2 (2021-08-21)
1.19.1 (2021-08-17)
1.19.0 (2021-08-17)
- alt+tab modify volume (0136195)
- long-press to lock in CLX mode (e9884da)
1.18.11 (2021-08-01)
- TransColor for iflywnd (b26da9e)
1.18.10 (2021-07-26)
- first time notice in tomato life (38903d8)
1.18.9 (2021-07-26)
1.18.8 (2021-06-16)
1.18.7 (2021-06-09)
- regular fix (a85a8f8)
1.18.6 (2021-05-08)
1.18.5 (2021-05-08)
- remove core ahk exe (9306c11)
1.18.4 (2021-05-08)
1.18.3 (2021-05-08)
1.18.2 (2021-05-07)
- 修复 ignores 文件并加入 synergyd.exe (a1c4676)
1.18.1 (2021-05-04)
1.18.0 (2021-05-03)
- Win + Shift + hjkl | 在窗口之间按方向切换焦点 | (4d7d6c0)
1.17.2 (2021-04-28)
1.17.1 (2021-04-26)
1.17.0 (2021-04-26)
- 在托盘图标或任务栏任务上,选择退出按钮 (4e4da34)
1.16.6 (2021-04-22)
- 清理旧代码、分离开发工具目录、修复第一次重载失效的问题、清理发布包中的开发文件 (244d08a)
1.16.5 (2021-04-21)
1.16.4 (2021-04-18)
- date time input (a53c4c5)
- delete unused modules (73770bb)
- overwrite user module (5795a3b)
- update 用 ConfigGet 防止触发自动重载 (aaaa851)
- 前删,后删逻辑优化 (0c1a58b)
- 启用 docsify (7c81c0b)
- 时间戳指令标准化 (3cdfedc)
- 用 ConfigGet 防止触发自动重载 (1b0585e)
- 重载权限优化 (40107c1)
1.16.3 (2021-04-17)
- auto reload when config changed (e8b1840)
1.16.2 (2021-04-17)
- working dir (e4333ab)
1.16.1 (2021-04-17)
1.16.0 (2021-04-17)
- 优化提权询问流程、增加配置保存自动重载功能 (25c3c63)
- chore:versioning (91d2697)
- chore: build patch (6bf7b68)
- chore: modified start and build (d07c75b)
- chore: remove cleanup (f0f4dbe)
- doc: 定时任务 (00c2ea5)
- fix: 定时任务默认禁用 有一个难以复现的 bug・Issue #17・snolab/CapsLockX, closes #17
- chore:versioning (bfe606f)
- doc (e4092c2)
- doc (662180b)
- doc (2d6cca9)
- readme 补充 (ca0217e)
- stage (431b59c)
- update ahk (705b20b)
- UPDATE CORE and add btt (7889362)
- doc: X 关掉窗口 (22ba6fb)
- doc: 太长不看 (0359a0d)
- doc: 简介 (6c5a1d5)
- fix: 优化帮助界面 (16cdab2)
- fix: 移除无更新提示 (9cbbc27)
- fix: 讯飞语音输入法切换路径读取和窗口点击切换修复 (759748e)
- fix: 配置文件编辑 CapsLockXMode (e8b2a82)
- chore: clean (705becf)
- chore:versioning (a71d8b6)
- format (c5319b7)
- doc: update github link (4e03eae)
- doc: 滚轮自动滚动 (5f2aae0)
- feat: 滚轮自动滚动 (5fbbc38)
- chore:versioning (275ce7d)
- chore:versioning (f16488f)
- doc (9cc8bff)
- sync docs (3e9b9b7)
- chore: disable unreachable gitee (7424e9f)
- chore: fix copy as (2992e3b)
- chore: seperate workflows (89240f2)
- chore:versioning (eb304a4)
- doc (0f8e292)
- doc (6ac326c)
- doc (c29fc58)
- docs (36bbce9)
- chore: CI_TEST (539ae48)
- chore: publish as (3b397b2)
- chore: remove snomiao/CapsLockX.git (d693ddf)
- fix: 双击 Ctrl+Alt+Shift 后置当前窗口时,自动激活任务栏。 (8feea0d)
- fix: 观察到 r up 和 f Up 偶尔其中一个会随机失效,原因不明,尝试修复 (d092f5e)
- chore:versioning (dd151fa)
- debug-done (377ff04)
- fix npm ignore (5f8d832)
- ignore tgz (a2eed8e)
- chore: add VERIFICATION for chocolatey (835b932)
- chore: package-test (c066895)
- doc: 安装方式 (971522a)
- chore:versioning (7617e98)
- chore: debug name workflow (bf771d6)
- chore: enable_jekyll: true (1346b00)
- chore: workflow debug (1815aab)
- chore:versioning (ecb403d)
- chore: fix: The workflow is not valid. Job chocolatey depends on unknown job release. (30241fe)
- chore:versioning (6dd21c7)
- fix typo (13318e9)
- fix: npm ignores for unacceptable content (553ad94)
- chore: seprate github-publish (1f47ce3)
- chore:versioning (8b1acdb)
- chore: remove branches trigger (921798f)
- chore: Upload binaries to release (b837a4f)
- chore:versioning (a35ee10)
- chore: ci for zip (d91e945)
- chore: fix choco (ebe3ce7)
- chore: publish workflow for master (e7d542e)
- chore: remove git sync (6fec6b5)
- chore:versioning (b80eff9)
- chore:versioning (ec07fa8)
- chore:versioning (635817a)
- chore:versioning (fa1f1a6)
- chore:versioning (717f2f1)
- fix: (4630ce4)
- refactor (26b7836)
- versioning (f3ae941)
- versioning (20345d7)
- chore: delay changelog (e36a2ea)
- chore: fix: npm run version:changelog (87677b3)
- chore: package chore (e1d7ff3)
- chore: version sync and commit (8e34c73)
- chore: versioning (5ec7479)
- chore: 简化 github actions (bce999b)
- fix: remove default task (f0cb7ce)
- chore: package chore (e1d7ff3)
- chore: 简化 github actions (bce999b)
- fix: (4630ce4)
- refactor (26b7836)
- versioning (f3ae941)
- versioning (20345d7)
- fix: remove default task (f0cb7ce)
1.14.10 (2021-04-11)
- 升级 git push 方式:合并 remote (c8c40a8)
1.14.9 (2021-04-11)
1.14.8 (2021-04-10)
- changelog (99328b1)
- OneNote2016 按回车后 1 秒内,如果出现了安全警告窗口,则自动按 Yes (f581142)
- 优化滚动、清除标签 (e83ec2a)
- 修复定时任务时间间隔 (a09030a)
- 修复鼠标按键加 ctrl (4a145b1)
- 在 OneNote 笔记内部直接 SendEvent 上下方向键无反应, 故使用 ControlSend (6b1db7e)
- 模拟中键将暂停滚动 (3e1fe75)
- 滚动模拟鲁棒性增强、调整滚动热键冲突、简化中键触发逻辑 (29a72bb)
- 调整鼠标模拟速度默认配置 (26b8cf4)
- 锁屏息屏优化 (5fc30d9)
1.14.7 (2021-04-07)
1.14.5 (2021-04-03)
- CapsLockX 定时任务提高时间精度 (c969651)
- KeyWait 错误处理 (29e5449)
- OneNote 2016 外链功能排序增强 (534cc45)
- 优化后置远程桌面窗口的逻辑 (7832d67)
- 修复版本比较 (0f31b8b)
- 自动更新完善 (04f6f69)
- 自动更新防多开 (a14e339)
- 解决配置文件编码问题 (90af027)
- 解决配置文件编码问题,使用 UTF-16 编码编写 ini (fe3bf32)
1.14.4 (2021-03-31)
- 修复 T_使用番茄报时 选项 (d0c176c)
- 修改 CapsLockX_更新提示 (e366247)
- 删掉意外出现的配置文件 (b51e79d)
- 按住其它键的时候 不触发 CapsLockX 避免影响打字 (3daab90)
1.14.3 (2021-03-28)
- 添加 github publish 工作流 (10b4e22)
1.14.2 (2021-03-28)
- gitsync (274fd57)
1.14.1 (2021-03-28)
- gitpush (1897e09)
1.14.0 (2021-03-28)
- ActivateLastFlashWindow 键位修改 (922664f)
- rename npm run gitpush (fa89220)
- 修复根目录 readme 图片显示问题 (523b861)
- 模块加载 robust 增强 (fa8d84d)
1.13.1 (2021-03-26)
- 展开当前关键词的相关页面链接 (96cfa00)