- Maintain the sense of physics via momentum and "virtual" friction
- Makes interactions feel more natural (we intuitively understand the conservation of momentum)
- Spring values:
- Spring constant: affects the speed of the feedback (tension?)
- Damping: affects the size of the feedback (force?)
- You can slow things down with constant deceleration, or friction
- Humans are great at tracking linear motion, but terrible at tracking zoom
- Avoid linear translations if the performance is bad!
- Kubernetes Operator: an application-specific controller that extends the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage instances of complex stateful applications on behalf of a Kubernetes user
- Prometheus Operator provides easy monitoring for k8s services and deployments besides managing Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana configuration.
- ServiceMonitor
- A Custom Resource Definition
- Abstract how services are targetted by Prometheus, by defining custom rules (e.g. matching a label)
- AlertManager
- Handle incoming alerts (dedupe, group, etc.) and send them to receivers
- A repeated pattern of failure by being fooled by your subjective lack of comprehension (of a complex system) into making false simplifications, attempting to maximize "legibility"
- Maximizing "organization"
- E.g. applied to states trying to simplify taxation, control, identity, etc.
- What gets measured gets maximized
- Real societies look random, but are actually pseudorandom (e.g. random number vs. digits in pi)
- Sometimes replacing locally optimal solutions with globally optimal ones (e.g. standardization of time)
- Engineering a shift in optima and power
- The organization as:
- Machine
- Organism
- Brain
- Culture
- Political system
- Psychic prison
- System of change and flux
- Instrument of domination
- Aggregation Theory: describes how platforms (i.e. aggregators) come to dominate the industries in which they compete in a systematic and predictable way
- Value chain: supplier, distributor, consumer/user
- Outsized profits:
- Horizontally integrate in one segment
- Vertically integrate between two to gain UX advantage
- Outsized profits:
- Before internet, control depended on controlling the distributor
- Most integrated backwards into supply rather than forward into consumers: costly individual transactions means that controlling the smaller (and less chaotic) segment provides more leverage
- With internet, distribution is free, supply has grown, transaction costs minimized
- Allows companies to focus on the consumers with UX, and the supply will be attracted to those who have the most scale
- Must have three characteristics:
- Direct relationship with customers
- Zero marginal costs for additional customer
- Demand driven networks with decreasing acquisition costs (e.g. network effects)
- Abundance in supply; most value comes at discovery and curation
- Suppliers are drawn by more users; users are draw by more suppliers
- "New power operates like a current. It is made by many. It is open, participatory and peer-driven. Like water or electricity, it’s more forceful when it surges. The goal with new power is not to hoard it but to channel it."
- Find connected connectors
- Be frictionless; everyone else is also veying for attention and resource commitment
- Move people up the participation scale; keep them engaged
- Complying
- Consuming
- Sharing
- Affliating
- Adapting
- Funding
- Producing
- Shaping