diff --git a/R/behavioral_data_preprocessing.R b/R/behavioral_data_preprocessing.R index ba10814..4c435d4 100644 --- a/R/behavioral_data_preprocessing.R +++ b/R/behavioral_data_preprocessing.R @@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ get_all_hits_with_reaction_times <- function(participants, combined_df) { signals %>% mutate( hit_time = get_hit_times(signals$signal_time, responses$resp_time), - reaction_time = hit_time - signal_time + reaction_time = hit_time - signal_time, + is_hit = as.integer(!is.na(hit_time)) ) }) } diff --git a/notebooks/behavioral_data_preprocessing.html b/notebooks/behavioral_data_preprocessing.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1fc3916..0000000 --- a/notebooks/behavioral_data_preprocessing.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,876 +0,0 @@ - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ari Dyckovsky
-Construct a list of the extracted behavioral CSV file targets by participant.
-extracted_behavioral_csv_files <- participants %>%
- unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
- map(~ str_c("extracted_behavioral_csv_file_", .x))
Read CSVs into dataframe combined_df
after using tar_read_raw
to get the file path for participants from targets. Will include all participants and include an id
column to identify the participant individually.
withr::with_dir(here::here(), {
- combined_df <- extracted_behavioral_csv_files %>%
- map_df(~ read_csv(tar_read_raw(.)))
-# Transform step and response types to 0 or 1 integer values to simulate boolean behavior.
-combined_df <- combined_df %>%
- mutate(
- is_signal = as.integer(step_type > 1),
- is_response = as.integer(resp_type)
- ) %>%
- select(-c(resp_type, step_type))
Count of participants by unique id.
- -## [1] 50
-combined_df %>%
- select(trial, id, is_response, is_signal, resp_time, step_time) %>%
- group_by(id) %>%
- tally(is_response) %>%
- summarise(mean(n), sd(n), min(n), max(n))
## # A tibble: 1 x 4
-## `mean(n)` `sd(n)` `min(n)` `max(n)`
-## <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>
-## 1 37.3 32.9 4 170
-The function to get each participant’s hit times vector is itrackvalr::get_hit_times
, and the function to get a dataframe of all participants’ hits is itrackvalr::get_all_hits_with_reaction_times
, including each hit time and reaction time between that hit time and the nearest signal prompting a response within a fixed interval.
Get the combined hits using the function:
- -trial | -id | -image_index | -signal_time | -hit_time | -reaction_time | -
81 | -CSN001 | -801 | -80.0604399294 | -NA | -NA | -
117 | -CSN001 | -941 | -116.0665163944 | -116.984091845 | -0.917575450165 | -
119 | -CSN001 | -3131 | -118.0679634164 | -NA | -NA | -
211 | -CSN001 | -1325 | -210.0571848214 | -NA | -NA | -
235 | -CSN001 | -752 | -234.0716901990 | -NA | -NA | -
361 | -CSN001 | -103 | -360.0647047530 | -NA | -NA | -
461 | -CSN001 | -2804 | -460.0590288559 | -NA | -NA | -
591 | -CSN001 | -28 | -590.0714484362 | -NA | -NA | -
823 | -CSN001 | -929 | -822.0630183384 | -822.772524834 | -0.709506495599 | -
845 | -CSN001 | -517 | -844.0589960678 | -845.923186561 | -1.864190493347 | -
- combined_hits_df %>%
- drop_na() %>%
- group_by(id) %>%
- summarise(
- reaction_time_mean = mean(reaction_time),
- reaction_time_min = min(reaction_time),
- reaction_time_max = max(reaction_time),
- reaction_time_sd = sd(reaction_time)
- ),
- 10
id | -reaction_time_mean | -reaction_time_min | -reaction_time_max | -reaction_time_sd | -
CSN001 | -1.71981596174 | -0.030177300678 | -4.73494848317 | -1.185127808038 | -
CSN002 | -1.99359213268 | -0.439399655617 | -7.77171126677 | -1.727003771770 | -
CSN004 | -1.70646593409 | -0.996316162899 | -2.84090208776 | -0.543133623999 | -
CSN005 | -3.06080474118 | -1.533621048930 | -7.64323121076 | -2.120246304387 | -
CSN006 | -1.47237477858 | -0.093593949678 | -7.99434786988 | -1.763412125625 | -
CSN007 | -1.79454994735 | -0.759996981775 | -3.99019392886 | -0.965011326176 | -
CSN008 | -3.09417513841 | -0.850421200456 | -7.92466269398 | -1.627078951623 | -
CSN009 | -1.31759492969 | -0.599157401573 | -2.19912816937 | -0.469031982754 | -
CSN010 | -2.15590923006 | -0.246194777312 | -7.99283455560 | -2.249618738692 | -
CSN011 | -1.36405598454 | -0.692828005016 | -3.64924517583 | -0.651777575973 | -
Note the 1.000s to 1.100s gap where hits were not recorded.
-combined_hits_df %>%
- drop_na() %>%
- ggplot(aes(x = signal_time, y = reaction_time)) +
- geom_point(color = 'orange') +
- geom_smooth(method=lm) +
- theme_classic()
combined_hits_df %>%
- drop_na() %>%
- arrange(reaction_time) %>%
- ggplot(aes(x = reorder(id, reaction_time, FUN = median), y = reaction_time)) +
- geom_point(alpha = 0.8, size = 0.7, color = 'darkblue', position = 'jitter') +
- geom_boxplot(alpha = 0) +
- geom_hline(yintercept = 1, color = 'coral') +
- theme_minimal() +
- theme(
- aspect.ratio = 1,
- text = element_text(size = 15),
- plot.margin = margin(18, 18, 18, 18, 'pt')
- ) +
- labs(
- title = 'Reaction times of participants by id',
- subtitle = 'Boxplot per participant anchored at median of reaction time',
- y = 'Reaction time for HIT after double-tick signal',
- x = 'Participant'
- ) +
- coord_flip()