v1.1.0 (2023-02-09)
Closed issues:
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #57
- Prepare Solidus Volume Pricing for Solidus 3.0 #53
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #52
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #51
- Role base volume pricing not working #47
- Dependabot couldn't find a Gemfile-local for this project #44
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #42
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #41
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #40
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #39
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #38
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #37
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #36
- Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files #35
- Can we get a new release? #29
Merged pull requests:
- Update supported ruby version #66 (mcrisologo)
- Bump version to 1.1.0 #65 (mcrisologo)
- Update to use forked solidus_frontend when needed #64 (waiting-for-dev)
- Configure autoloader to ignore decorators #61 (pelargir)
- Updating gemspec for Ruby 3 support #60 (embold-given)
- Solidus 3 preparation #59 (cpfergus1)
- Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot #58 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Relax solidus_support dependency #50 (kennyadsl)
- Fix Dependabot looking for Gemfile-local #48 (aldesantis)
- Fix role discounts #46 (hrdchz)
- Rerun dev tools extension update command to improve the structure #45 (blocknotes)
- Upgrade the extension using solidus_dev_support #43 (blocknotes)
v1.0.0 (2019-11-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Replace
in views #22
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Replace I18n.t with t in views #34 (aldesantis)
- Reformat readme #33 (aldesantis)
- Adopt solidus_extension_dev_tools #32 (aldesantis)
- Switch to sassc/rails #30 (pelargir)
- Update pg requirement from ~> 0.21 to ~> 1.1 #27 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Update coffee-rails requirement from ~> 4.0 to ~> 5.0 #26 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Adopt CircleCI instead of Travis #23 (aldesantis)
- Solidus 2.4 UI updates #21 (tvdeyen)
- Test suite maintenance #20 (aitbw)
- Remove 2.2 from CI (EOL) #19 (jacobherrington)
- Remove versions past EOL from .travis.yml #17 (jacobherrington)
- Add Solidus 2.1-2.7 to .travis.yml #16 (jacobherrington)
- Remove deprecated icon option from button #12 (pelargir)
- V2.1 #11 (seand7565)
- Role fix #9 (Senjai)
- 1.0 fixes #7 (tvdeyen)
- Add pricers to calculate volume prices #4 (tvdeyen)
- Remove String monkey patch #3 (tvdeyen)
- Solidus 1.3 #2 (tvdeyen)
- Rename to solidus #1 (tvdeyen)
v0.2.1 (2017-01-20)
v0.1.1 (2017-01-20)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator