This is the multi-cluster setup we will be utilizing.
- 1.1 Source Selector
- 1.1.1 Labels
- 1.1.2 Namespace / Clusters
- 1.2 Destination Selector
- 1.2.1 kubeServiceMatcher
- 1.2.2 kubeServiceRefs
- 1.2.3 virtualDestinationMatcher
- 1.2.4 virtualDestinationRefs
- 1.2.5 externalServiceMatcher -
- 1.2.6 externalServiceRefs -
- 3.1 URI
- 3.1.1 Exact match
- 3.1.2 Prefix match
- 3.1.3 Regex match
- 3.1.4 Ignore case match
- 3.2 Header-based matching
- 3.2.1 Name match
- 3.2.2 Name/Value match
- 3.2.3 Name/Regex match
- 3.2.4 Invert match
- 3.3 Query parameter matching
- 3.3.1 Key/Value match
- 3.3.2 Regex match
- 3.4 HTTP method matching
- 4.1 HTTP
- 4.1.1 http1MaxPendingRequests
- 4.1.2 http2MaxRequests
- 4.1.3 maxRequestsPerConnection
- 4.1.4 maxRetries
- 4.1.5 idleTimeout
- 4.1.6 h2UpgradePolicyH2UpgradePolicy
- 4.1.7 useClientProtocol
- 4.2 TCP
- 4.2.1 maxConnections
- 4.2.2 connectTimeout
- 4.2.3 tcpKeepalive
- 5.1 Weighted destination
- 6.1 Delaying requests
- 6.2 Aborting requests
- 6.3 Faults for percentage of traffic
- 7.1 Timeouts
- 7.2 Retries
- 8.1 Setting allowed origins
- 8.2 Allowed methods & headers
- 8.3 Exposed headers
- 8.4 Preflight request caching
- 8.5 Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
- 9.1 Send percentage of traffic to mirrored destination (kubeService only)
- 10.1 Request headers
- 10.1.1 Add request header
- 10.1.2 Remove request header
- 10.2 Response headers
- 10.2.1 Add response header
- 10.2.2 Remove response header
- 11.1 Outlier Detection for failover routing to a global destination
- 12.1 Setting mTLS settings per destination
- 13.1 Setting CSRF policy
- 13.2 Setting CSRF policy
- 14.1 Using raw Rate Limit definition
- 14.2 Rate Limit on source cluster (TODO does this make sense)
- 14.3 Rate Limit on destination cluster (TODO use istio cluster name?)
- 14.4 Rate Limit on request headers
- 14.5 Rate Limit on remote address
- 14.6 Rate Limit on generic key
- 14.7 Rate Limit on the existence of a requst header
- 14.8 Rate Limit on metadata
- 14.9 Using separate Rate Limit config
- 15.1 Using a custom auth server
- 15.2 OIDC with AuthConfig
- 15.2 Using an API token
- 1.1 Custom hostname
- 1.2 Override kube service
- 2.1 Custom port
- 3.1 Single mesh
- 3.2 Multi-Mesh
- 4.1 Static destinations
- 5.1 Outlier detection
- 5.2 Failover
- 1.1 kubeIdentityMatcher
- 1.2 kubeServiceAccountRefs
- 1.3 requestIdentityMatcher
- 1.3.1 requestPrincipals
- 1.3.2 notRequestPrincipals
- 2.1 kubeServiceMatcher
- 2.2 kubeServiceRefs
- 2.3 externalServiceMatcher
- 2.4 externalServiceRefs
- 3.1 Paths
- 3.2 Methods
- 3.3 Ports
- 1.1 Namespace selection
- 1.2 Cluster selection
- 1.3 Label selectors