Unless otherwise specified, these scenarios will assume the typical 3-cluster setup (mgmt, cluster1, cluster2) so that it will work in any environment. This also assumes the following pre-requisites:
- Gloo Mesh Management Plane is installed
- Remote Clusters are registered
- Istio is installed with at least version 1.10
If there are any deviations from the above, then a README should be supplied along with scripts to take care of the changes.
A majority of the tests will utilize this simple setup of a frontend
application running in the app
- The
application can be reached via
This is the multi-cluster setup we will be utilizing.
- 1.1 Basic Application Ingress for Single Cluster
- 1.2 Single Virtual Gateway attached to multiple Ingress Gateways
- 1.3 Multi-cluster Virtual Gateway
- 1.4 Gateway not in istio-system namespace
- 2.1 Protocol Selection
- 2.2 Virtual Gateway TLS termination
- 2.3 HTTPS Redirect
- 2.4 Restricting Envoy filters
- 2.5 SNI matching
- 2.6 Wildcard domains
- 2.7 Proxy Protocol
- 4.1 Path-based matching
- 4.1.1 Prefix
- 4.1.2 Exact
- 4.1.3 Regex
- 4.1.4 Suffix
- 4.1.5 Prefix Ignore Case
- 4.2 Header-based matching
- 4.2.1 Name Match
- 4.2.2 Name/Value Match
- 4.2.3 Name/Regex Match
- 4.2.4 Invert Match
- 4.3 Query parameter matching
- 4.3.1 Key/Value match
- 4.3.2 Regex Match
- 4.4 HTTP method matching
- 5.1 Single destination
- 5.2 Weighted destination
- 5.3 Routing to service with multiple ports (kubeService only)
- 5.4 Multi-cluster routing (kubeService only)
- 5.5 Using cluster_header
- 5.6 Subset routing
- 5.7 Route to VirtualDestination
- 5.8 Route to Static Destination
- 5.9 Per Destination Request Headers
- 5.9.1 Add Request Header
- 5.9.2 Remove Request Header
- 5.10 Per Destination Response Headers
- 5.10.1 Add Response Header
- 5.10.2 Remove Response Header
- 5.11 Per Route Request Headers
- 5.11.1 Add Request Header
- 5.11.2 Remove Request Header
- 5.12 Per Route Response Headers
- 5.12.1 Add Response Header
- 5.12.2 Remove Response Header
- 5.13 Path rewrite
- 6.1 Host Redirect
- 6.2 Path Redirect
- 6.3 Rewrite Path Prefix
- 6.4 Modifying the response code
- 6.5 HTTP to HTTPS redirect
- 6.6 Strip query
- 8.1 Select RouteTable by name/namespace
- 8.2 Select RouteTable by selector
- 8.3 Sort RouteTables by weight
- 8.4 Sort RouteTables by specificity
- 10.1 Delaying requests
- 10.1.1 Route delay
- 10.1.2 Host delay
- 10.2 Aborting requests
- 10.1.2 Route abort
- 10.2.2 Host abort
- 10.3 Faults for percentage of traffic
- 10.3.1 Route abort by percentage
- 10.3.2 Host abort by percentage
- 11.1 Setting timeouts
- 11.1.1 Route timeout
- 11.1.2 Host timeout
- 11.2 Adding retries
- 11.2.1 Route retries
- 11.2.2 Host retries
- 12.1 Setting allowed origins
- 12.2 Allowed methods
- 12.3 Exposed
- 12.4 Preflight request caching
- 12.5 Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
- 13.1 Send percentage of traffic to mirrored destination (kubeService only)
- 16.1 Setting CSRF Policy
- 16.2 Setting CSRF Policy
- 17.1 Using raw Rate Limit definition
- 17.2 Rate Limit on source cluster (TODO does this make sense)
- 17.3 Rate Limit on destination cluster (TODO use istio cluster name?)
- 17.4 Rate Limit on request headers
- 17.5 Rate Limit on remote address
- 17.6 Rate Limit on generic key
- 17.7 Rate Limit on the existence of a requst header
- 17.8 Rate Limit on metadata
- 17.9 Using separate Rate Limit config
- 18.1 Using a custom auth server
- 18.2 OIDC with AuthConfig
- 18.3 Using an API token
- 19.1 Specifying route labels for a TrafficPolicy
- 20.1 Using raw Rate Limit definition
- 20.2 Rate Limit on source cluster
- 20.3 Rate Limit on destination cluster
- 20.4 Rate Limit on request headers
- 20.5 Rate Limit on remote address
- 20.6 Rate Limit on generic key
- 20.7 Rate Limit on the existence of a requst header
- 20.8 Rate Limit on metadata
- 20.9 Using separate Rate Limit config
- 21.1 Using a custom auth server
- 21.2 OIDC with AuthConfig
- 21.3 Using an API token
- 22.1 Setting CSRF Policy
- 22.2 Setting CSRF Policy
- 23.1 Configuring a static TCP Destination
- 23.2 Configuring a virtual TCP Destination
- 23.3 Configuring a kube TCP Destination
- 23.4 Forwarding SNI
- 23.5 Weighted routing
- 24.1 Setting max connection attempts
- 24.2 Setting idle timeout
- 24.3 Using a TCP tunnel
- 25.1 Setting a limit on connection buffers
- 25.2 Setting the bind address