The Unik daemon provides a RESTful interface.
Get all compilers available to the targeted unik backend.
Returns a list with the names of all compilers.
Describes a compiler identified by provider, base and language.
The fallowing query parameters are available to specify the compiler:
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
provider | The (cloud/hypervisor) provider the image should be built for. Supported providers depend on the unikernel base. | yes |
base | The Unikernel Base to build the image on. These include different unikernel implementations, such as rumprun, IncludeOS, etc. | yes |
lang | The language/runtime the image should be built with. E.g. for a golang project, specify go . Languages supported depend on the unikernel base. |
yes |
A string describing the compiler is returned, or <missing compiler description>
if no description is available.
Get all providers available to the targeted unik backend.
Returns a list with the names of all providers.
Lists all available unikernel images across providers. Includes important information for running and managing instances, including the required mount points for the image.
Returns a JSON list of objects, describing all images. See description of the request for a single image for more details about the object.
Describe one image identified by its name.
A JSON of the following format is returned, describing the image:
"Id": string,
"Name": string,
"SizeMb": number,
"Infrastructure": string,
"Created": string,
"StageSpec": {
"ImageFormat": string,
"XenVirtualizationType": string
"RunSpec": {
"DeviceMappings": [
"MountPoint": string,
"DeviceName": string
"DefaultInstanceMemory": number,
"MinInstanceDiskMB": number,
"StorageDriver": string,
"VsphereNetworkType": string,
"Compiler": string
Builds new image on the targeted unik backend, with the specified name.
The body must be of the type multipart/form-data
with the fallowing values:
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
tarfile | A file of the type tar.gz containing the application source. | yes |
provider | The (cloud/hypervisor) provider the image should be built for. Supported providers depend on the unikernel base. | yes |
base | The Unikernel Base to build the image on. These include different unikernel implementations, such as rumprun, IncludeOS, etc. | yes |
lang | The language/runtime the image should be built with. E.g. for a golang project, specify go . Languages supported depend on the unikernel base. |
yes |
force | If set to true, the image creation is inforced | no |
no_cleanup | If set to true, the files send to the server will not be removed after the image is created | no |
mounts | A comma separated list of mountpoint where on runtime a volume is expected to be mounted | no |
args | A list of arguments to be passed to the application at runtime | no |
Returns a JSON object, describing the newly created image. See description of the request for a single image for more details about the object.
Deletes an image identified by its name.
The fallowing query parameters are available:
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
force | If set to true, the image removal is enforced | no |
Returns HTTP Status 204
on success.
Pushes an image from the server to the specified hub.
The body must be of the type application/json
with the fallowing format:
It describes the Hub configuration, which is the url and credentials for an AWS S3 instance.
Returns HTTP Status 202
on success.
Pulls an image from the specified hub to the server.
The fallowing query parameters are available:
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
provider | The (cloud/hypervisor) provider the image should be built for. Supported providers depend on the unikernel base. | yes |
force | If set to true, a locally existing image might get overwritten | no |
The body must contain the description of the Hub, for more details see.
Returns HTTP Status 202
on success.
Deletes an image from the specified hub.
The body must contain the description of the Hub, for more details see.
Returns HTTP Status 202
on success.
Lists all available unikernel instances across providers. Includes important information about the state of the instances.
Returns a JSON list of objects, describing all instances. See description of the request for a single instance for more details about the object.
Describe an instance identified by its ID or name.
A JSON of the following format is returned, describing the instance:
Deletes an instance identified by its ID or name.
The fallowing query parameters are available:
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
force | If set to true, the instance removal is enforced | no |
Returns HTTP Status 204
on success.
Retrieves logs from a running unikernel instance. Cannot be used on an instance in powered-off state.
The fallowing query parameters are available:
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
fallow | If set to true, the logs will be continuously streamed to the client | no |
delete | Only valid with fallow=true. If set to true, the instance will be removed as soon as the connection is terminated | no |
Returns a string containing all available logs, or a stream if fallow=true.
Deploys a running instance from a unik-compiled unikernel disk image. The instance will be deployed on the provider the image was compiled for. e.g. if the image was compiled for virtualbox, unik will attempt to deploy the image on the configured virtualbox environment.
As body a JSON of the fallowing format is expected:
"InstanceName": string,
"ImageName": string,
"Mounts": {
"Env": {
"MemoryMb": number,
"NoCleanup": boolean,
"DebugMode": boolean
Returns a JSON object describing the newly created instance. See description of the request for a single instance for more details about the object.
Powers on an existing instance identified by its name.
Returns HTTP Status 200
on success.
Powers of an instance identified by its name.
Returns HTTP Status 200
on success.
Lists all available unik-managed volumes across providers.
Returns a JSON list of objects, describing all volumes. See description of the request for a single volume for more details about the object.
Describes a volume identified by its name.
A JSON of the following format is returned, describing the volume:
"Attachment":string, //instanceId
Creates a data volume which can be attached to and detached from unik-managed instances.
Every request must contain at least the fallowing form value in its body:
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
type | A docker image used for the creation of the volume (?) | true |
If data for the volume is already send with the request, the body must be of the type multipart/form-data
and must contain the rest of the parameters as well.
If no data is send with the request, the body can be simple url encoded and the rest of the parameters must be send as query parameters.
Parameter | Description | In Body | In Query |
tarfile | The data added initially to the volume | yes | no |
provider | The (cloud/hypervisor) provider the volume should be built for. | yes | yes |
raw | If true, the data is send as raw bytes, otherwise as tar.gz | optional | no |
no_cleanup | If set to true, the files send to the server will not be removed after the volume is created | optional | optional |
size | The size of the volume in MB | no | yes |
The size, unlike the other parameters, must be always send as query parameter.
Returns a JSON describing the newly created volume. See description of the request for a single volume for more details about the object.
Deletes a volume identified by its name.
The fallowing query parameters are available:
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
force | If set to true, the volume removal is enforced | no |
Returns HTTP Status 204
on success.
Attaches an existing volume, identified by its name, to a running instance, identified by its id.
The fallowing query parameters are available:
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
mount | The mount point of the instance for the volume | true |
Returns the name of the attached volume.
Detaches a volume from its instance.
Returns the name of the detached volume.