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What is it?

  1. Region-Hierarchical is a baseline deep learning method for image paragraph captioning task.

    Krause, Jonathan, et al. "A hierarchical approach for generating descriptive image paragraphs." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2017.

  2. Image paragraph captioning aims to generate a diverse and coherent paragraph to describe the given image. It is much more challenge than classic image captioning.
  3. This implementation is not the official one.


  • python 3.7
  • pytorch 1.3.1
  • torchvision 0.4.2
  • tensorboard 2.0.1
  • h5py
  • tqdm
  • spacy (We use it to pre-process original data)
  • Prefetch version of DataLoader: IgorSusmelj/pytorch-styleguide#5

Data Processing

Prepare Original Dataset

  1. Download Stanford Paragraph Dataset Here

    • paragraph annotation file: paragraphs_v1.json
    • dataset splitting file: train_split.json / test_split.json / val_split.json
  2. Download images by url in paragraphs_v1.json. Here is an example.

       "url": "",
       "image_id": 2388350,
       "paragraph": "On a white plastic cutting board is a bunch of chopped vegetables. On one side are chopped mushrooms they are a white color. On the other side are some bright green chopped broccoli. In the middle are bright orange chopped carrots."
  3. Create a new folder ./data/stanfordParagraph to store all unprocessed original data

        ├── images
        └── paragraphs

Extract Image Features

Do It Yourself

There are two widely adopted image encoders for paragraph captioning: DenseCap and BottomUp. They are responsible for detecting region of interests and encode them into dense vectors.

Download extracted ones

For convenience, we share the extracted features and its correspond bounding boxes at OneDrive:

  • DenseCap features are wrapped in
    • im2p_xxx_output.h5 contains bounding box feature and coordinates.
    • imgs_xxx_path.txt are the mappings between images and .h5 file.
  • BottomUP features have two versions:
    • : 10 to 100 features per image (adaptive)
    • features per image (fixed)
    • We adopt the scripts/ provided by ruotianluo/ ImageCaptioning.pytorch to transform tsv into npy. Specifically, change the infiles at line 27 will work fine.

Pre-process Image & Text Input

All pre-process functions are provided in Note that the annotations in Stanford Paragraph Dataset are not as clean as the ones in MSCOCO. Please follow the orders below to generate processed files (See for more details):

  1. Create a new folder cleaned under ./data
  2. Create preprocessed paragraph file
  3. Create mappings
  4. Create vocab file
  5. Encode paragraphs
  6. Map densecap features

Also for convenience, we share the generated files except step 6 at OneDrive.



A Hierarchical Approach for Generating Descriptive Image Paragraphs


The model contains three parts:

  • A region detector (we have done this by pre-extracting features)

  • An encoder to project and pooling regional features: ./model/

  • A hierarchical decoder with a Sentence-level RNN and a Word-level RNN: ./model/

Difference between our implementation and the original paper:

We observe gradient vanishing problem during training the hierarchical RNN, we introduced the following techniques to mitigate it:

  • Use Highway Network to replace simple MLP + ReLU.
  • Adopt Merge strategy in Word-level RNN suggested in this paper.



  1. mkdir model_params
  2. python

Note that

  • Change settings by set_args() and global variables.
  • Suppose the MODEL_NAME = 'debug'.
    ├── debug.pth.tar
    └── debug
        └── config.json
  • If you adopt BottomUp features, please manually switch CaptionDataset to the correspond one in the ./utils/



  • We utilize Illuminati91/pycocoevalcap to evaluate the model. It is a python 3.x version of the widely used coco-eval. Corresponding code is organized in folder ./pycocoevalcap and ./utils/

  • To obtain COCO format ground truth file, we adopt the script ./utils/ from lukemelas/image-paragraph-captioning. And put files into folder ./data/coco_gt .

  • To evaluate a trained paragraph model

    python --model_name debug --model_check_point debug.pth.tar
  • Generated paragraphs will be store in a coco format json file under the folder ./model_params/debug.


Here we report a baseline we trained from scratch on DenseCap features with our implementation.


input_size     4096
output_size     1024
f_max     50
feat_size     1024
emb_size     512
srnn_hidden_size     1024
srnn_num_layers     1
wrnn_hidden_size     512
wrnn_num_layers     2
emb_dropout     0.5
fc_dropout     0.5
s_min     3
s_max     6
w_min     2
w_max     33
visual_features_path     ./data/cleaned/densecap_image_features_f_max_50_f_size_4096.h5
encoded_paragraphs_path     ./data/cleaned/encoded_paragraphs_s_3_6_w_2_33.h5
mapping_file_path     ./data/cleaned/mappings.pkl
word2idx_path     ./data/cleaned/word2idx_s_min_3_w_min_2.pkl
vocab_size     6730
sent_weight     5.0
word_weight     1.0
lr     0.0005
batch_size     16
is_grad_clip     True
grad_clip     5.0
modified_after_epochs     5
modified_lr_ratio     0.8

Quantitative Results

  • On test set, [6 sents] denotes we force the model to generate 6 sentences.
decode Bleu-1 Bleu-2 Bleu-3 Bleu-4 METEOR CIDEr
Original Paper 41.90 24.11 14.23 8.69 15.95 13.52
Ours greedy 36.78 20.65 11.67 6.50 14.28 15.00
greedy + RP 37.15 21.02 11.95 6.66 14.47 15.16
beam 2 35.81 20.46 11.80 6.75 14.08 14.84
Ours [6 sents] greedy 40.34 22.70 12.85 7.17 15.24 15.57
greedy + RP 40.80 23.14 13.19 7.37 15.46 16.26
beam 2 39.54 22.66 13.10 7.51 15.06 15.13

Qualitative Results


# greedy or beam_size=1
{"image_id": 2357356, "caption": "a bus is parked outside . the bus is parked on the side of the road . the bus is parked in the rear of the road . the bus is white with a yellow line . the bus is a light brown color . the sky is blue with white clouds .", "id": 2317}

# greedy + trigram repetition penalty
{"image_id": 2357356, "caption": "a bus is parked outside . the bus is large and black . the bus has the sun shining through the windows . the bus is white with a yellow line . the bus has a large white door and a black roof . the sky is blue with white clouds .", "id": 2317}

# beam_size = 2
{"image_id": 2357356, "caption": "a large bus is parked on the road . the bus is parked on the side of the road . the bus is parked in the rear of the road . the bus has two large windows on the side of it . the bus is a light brown color . the sky is a bright blue .", "id": 2317}


# greedy or beam_size=1
{"image_id": 2383807, "caption": "there is a city street . there are several cars parked on the street in a city . there is a white car parked on the street . there is a black car driving down the street . there is a street light on the left side of the street . there is a street light on a pole next to the street .", "id": 1118}

# greedy + trigram repetition penalty
{"image_id": 2383807, "caption": "there is a city street . there are several cars parked on the street in a city . there is a white car parked on the street . there is a black car driving down the street . there is an empty street light on the left side of the street . there is a street light on a pole next to the street .", "id": 1118}

# beam_size = 2
{"image_id": 2383807, "caption": "there is a city street . there is a street light in the corner of a street . there is a white car on the street . there is a black car driving down the street . there are cars parked on the street in front of the person . there is a street light on a pole next to the street .", "id": 1118}


Q: Why there is a performance gap between this implementation and the original paper?

A: Here are some possible reasons: (1) In the original paper, the authors use a pre-trained word-level language decoder initiated from dense captioning. However, we train our model from scratch. (2) In the original paper, you can observe that more than 6 sentences are generated in a paragraph. However we set our model to generate at most 6 sentences in a paragraph. As shown in the table above, more sentences could lead to better metrics. Note that, smaller sentence loss weight (eg. 1.0 instead of 5.0) and dropout rate (around 0.3 instead of 0.5) might lead to higher metrics. Moreover, switch to ButtomUp features can also boost performance. If you can achieve better result, please let me know!

Q: Why beam search is not working?

A: If no bug left unfounded (I have tried my best), this could because beam search may generate better single sentence caption but can be more likely to generate redundant phrases.

The End

Special thanks to all the papers and code that mentioned above.